2023-01-20 10:29:35 +01:00

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/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
| ========= | |
| \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox |
| \\ / O peration | Version: 2.4.x |
| \\ / A nd | Web: www.OpenFOAM.org |
| \\/ M anipulation | |
// ************************************************************************* //
zMax 15; // maximum z-extent of domain (m).
// Initial values for the variables.
p0 0.0; // initial pressure (normalized by density) (m^2/s^2).
nut0 0.0; // initial turbulent viscosity (m^2/s).
nuTilda0 0.0; // initial value for nuTilda (m^2/s).
k0 0.24; // initial turbulent kinetic energy (m^2/s^2).
epsilon0 14.855; // initial turbulent dissipation energy (m^2/s^2).
omega0 440.15; // initial value for omega (s^-1).
// General conditions and parameters for flow.
nu 1.134e-5;// continuous phase field-kinetic viscosity (m^2/s).
rho 1.41034; // continuous phase field density (kg/m3).
// General parameters for the Lagrangian particles (cfr kinematicCloudProperties).
rhoPar 900; // particle density (kg m-3)
dm 0.0002; // mean particle diameter (m)
ds 0.00005; // std deviation of particle diameter (m)
d_max 0.0005; // maximum particle diameter (m)
d_min 5e-5; // minimum particle diameter (m)
pppMax 1000; // number of particles per parcel (splash entrainment)
pppMin 100; // number of particles per parcel (aerodynamic entrainment)
// General parameters for fluid forcing.
vKC 0.41; // von Kármán constant (-)
Z0 0.00001; // aerodynamic surface roughness (m)
Ustar 0.314; // friction velocity (m s-1)
flowDirection (0 1 0); // direction vector of friction velocity, (x y z) with x+y+z=1
H $zMax; // vertical height for the fluid component (m)
noiseFactor 0.0; // create artificial turbulence (noise factor)
// ************************************************************************* //