status(); $exception['headers'] = $response->headers(); $exception['body'] = $response->body(); $exceptionJSON = json_encode($exception); Exception::create([ 'exception' => $exceptionJSON, 'type' => $type, 'entity_id' => $entityId ]); } /** * Get seed urls. * Get all seed urls (seeds.uris) in random order. * @return Collection with seed urls. **/ public static function getAllSeeds() { return Seed::select('id','uri')->inRandomOrder()->get(); } /** * Get property ids. * Get all ids (properties.property_platform_id) in random order. * @return Collection with property id **/ public static function getAllProperties() { // get all properties from model in random order. return Property::select('id','property_platform_id')->inRandomOrder()->get(); } /** * Scrape for properties. * Scrapes for properties form seed url and save them to the database. * @param $seed Seed **/ public static function scrapeProperty($seed) { $response = Http::get($seed->uri); if($response->successful()){ $json = $response->json(); /** Check if offers are findable in response */ if(!$json['offers']){ Exception::create([ 'exception' => 'No offers found for'.$seed->uri, 'entity_type' => 'property', 'entity_id' => $property->id ]); return; } /** Iterate offers */ foreach($json['offers'] as $offer){ /** * Check if property with same id is already present in database. * If already present check if the geoLocation was the same as the first time when found. * Otherwise add property to database. **/ $property = Property::firstWhere('property_platform_id', $offer['id']); $geoLocation = implode(',', $offer['geoLocation']); if($property){ /** Update last found attribute */ $property->last_found = now(); $property->save(); /** check if geoLocation is the same as at creation time and save exception if not */ if($property->check_data !== $geoLocation){ Exception::create([ 'exception' => 'geoLocation was different: '.$geoLocation, 'entity_type' => 'property', 'entity_id' => $property->id ]); } }else{ Property::create([ 'property_platform_id' => $offer['id'], 'seed_id' => $seed->id, 'check_data' => $geoLocation, 'last_found' => now() ]); } } return count($json['offers']); }else{ /** Save Exception if document could not be found */ self::saveHttpException($response,'property', $seed->id); return 0; } } /** * Extract details from property. * Scrapes for offer, price and calendar details from property and save the to extractions table (or exceptions when not found). * @param $property Id of property (properties.property_platform_id) **/ public static function scrapePropertyData($property){ $result = []; /** scrape offer details such as name, ammeneties, etc. */ $offer = Http::get(''.$property->property_platform_id); if($offer->successful()){ Extraction::create([ 'property_id' => $property->id, 'type' => 'offer', 'body' => $offer->body(), 'header' => json_encode($offer->headers()) ]); }else{ self::saveHttpException($offer,'offer',$property->id); } $result['offer'] = $offer->body(); /** scrape for price details */ $price = Http::get(''.$property->property_platform_id); if($price->successful()){ Extraction::create([ 'property_id' => $property->id, 'type' => 'price', 'body' => $price->body(), 'header' => json_encode($price->headers()) ]); }else{ self::saveHttpException($price,'price',$property->id); } $result['price'] = $price->body(); /** scrape for calendar details */ $calendar = Http::get(''.$property->property_platform_id, [ 'year' => date("Y"), 'month' => date("m") ]); if($calendar->successful()){ Extraction::create([ 'property_id' => $property->id, 'type' => 'calendar', 'body' => $calendar->body(), 'header' => json_encode($calendar->headers()) ]); }else{ self::saveHttpException($calendar,'calendar',$property->id); } $result['calendar'] = $calendar->body(); return json_encode($result); } /** * Dispatch property jobs. * Creates jobs for scraping new for properties **/ public static function dispatchPropertyJobs() { $seeds = self::getAllSeeds(); foreach($seeds as $seed){ ScrapeProperty::dispatch($seed); } } /** * Dispatch property data jobs. * Creates jobs for scraping new for property detail data. **/ public static function dispatchPropertyDataJobs() { $properties = self::getAllProperties(); foreach($properties as $property){ ScrapePropertyData::dispatch($property); } } }