2024-11-18 22:45:18 +01:00
function y6 ( r , e ) { return function ( ) { return r . apply ( e , arguments ) } } const { toString : QY } = Object . prototype , { getPrototypeOf : dC } = Object , g _ = ( r => e => { const t = QY . call ( e ) ; return r [ t ] || ( r [ t ] = t . slice ( 8 , - 1 ) . toLowerCase ( ) ) } ) ( Object . create ( null ) ) , ba = r => ( r = r . toLowerCase ( ) , e => g _ ( e ) === r ) , m _ = r => e => typeof e === r , { isArray : mf } = Array , Hp = m _ ( "undefined" ) ; function JY ( r ) { return r !== null && ! Hp ( r ) && r . constructor !== null && ! Hp ( r . constructor ) && dn ( r . constructor . isBuffer ) && r . constructor . isBuffer ( r ) } const _6 = ba ( "ArrayBuffer" ) ; function eK ( r ) { let e ; return typeof ArrayBuffer < "u" && ArrayBuffer . isView ? e = ArrayBuffer . isView ( r ) : e = r && r . buffer && _6 ( r . buffer ) , e } const tK = m _ ( "string" ) , dn = m _ ( "function" ) , b6 = m _ ( "number" ) , y _ = r => r !== null && typeof r == "object" , rK = r => r === ! 0 || r === ! 1 , r0 = r => { if ( g _ ( r ) !== "object" ) return ! 1 ; const e = dC ( r ) ; return ( e === null || e === Object . prototype || Object . getPrototypeOf ( e ) === null ) && ! ( Symbol . toStringTag in r ) && ! ( Symbol . iterator in r ) } , iK = ba ( "Date" ) , nK = ba ( "File" ) , aK = ba ( "Blob" ) , sK = ba ( "FileList" ) , oK = r => y _ ( r ) && dn ( r . pipe ) , lK = r => { let e ; return r && ( typeof FormData == "function" && r instanceof FormData || dn ( r . append ) && ( ( e = g _ ( r ) ) === "formdata" || e === "object" && dn ( r . toString ) && r . toString ( ) === "[object FormData]" ) ) } , uK = ba ( "URLSearchParams" ) , [ cK , hK , fK , dK ] = [ "ReadableStream" , "Request" , "Response" , "Headers" ] . map ( ba ) , pK = r => r . trim ? r . trim ( ) : r . replace ( /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g , "" ) ; function Ov ( r , e , { allOwnKeys : t = ! 1 } = { } ) { if ( r === null || typeof r > "u" ) return ; let i , n ; if ( typeof r != "object" && ( r = [ r ] ) , mf ( r ) ) for ( i = 0 , n = r . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) e . call ( null , r [ i ] , i , r ) ; else { const a = t ? Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( r ) : Object . keys ( r ) , s = a . length ; let o ; for ( i = 0 ; i < s ; i ++ ) o = a [ i ] , e . call ( null , r [ o ] , o , r ) } } function T6 ( r , e ) { e = e . toLowerCase ( ) ; const t = Object . keys ( r ) ; let i = t . length , n ; for ( ; i -- > 0 ; ) if ( n = t [ i ] , e === n . toLowerCase ( ) ) return n ; return null } const fu = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof self < "u" ? self : typeof window < "u" ? window : global , S6 = r => ! Hp ( r ) && r !== fu ; function mS ( ) { const { caseless : r } = S6 ( this ) && this || { } , e = { } , t = ( i , n ) => { const a = r && T6 ( e , n ) || n ; r0 ( e [ a ] ) && r0 ( i ) ? e [ a ] = mS ( e [ a ] , i ) : r0 ( i ) ? e [ a ] = mS ( { } , i ) : mf ( i ) ? e [ a ] = i . slice ( ) : e [ a ] = i } ; for ( let i = 0 , n = arguments . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) arguments [ i ] && Ov ( arguments [ i ] , t ) ; return e } const vK = ( r , e , t , { allOwnKeys : i } = { } ) => ( Ov ( e , ( n , a ) => { t && dn ( n ) ? r [ a ] = y6 ( n , t ) : r [ a ] = n } , { allOwnKeys : i } ) , r ) , gK = r => ( r . charCodeAt ( 0 ) === 65279 && ( r = r . slice ( 1 ) ) , r ) , mK = ( r , e , t , i ) => { r . prototype = Object . create ( e . prototype , i ) , r . prototype . constructor = r , Object . defineProperty ( r , "super" , { value : e . prototype } ) , t && Object . assign ( r . prototype , t ) } , yK = ( r , e , t , i ) => { let n , a , s ; const o = { } ; if ( e = e || { } , r == null ) return e ; do { for ( n = Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( r ) , a = n . length ; a -- > 0 ; ) s = n [ a ] , ( ! i || i ( s , r , e ) ) && ! o [ s ] && ( e [ s ] = r [ s ] , o [ s ] = ! 0 ) ; r = t !== ! 1 && dC ( r ) } while ( r && ( ! t || t ( r , e ) ) && r !== Object . prototype ) ; return e } , _K = ( r , e , t ) => { r = String ( r ) , ( t === void 0 || t > r . length ) && ( t = r . length ) , t -= e . length ; const i = r . indexOf ( e , t ) ; return i !== - 1 && i === t } , bK = r => { if ( ! r ) return null ; if ( mf ( r ) ) return r ; let e = r . length ; if ( ! b6 ( e ) ) return null ; const t = new Array ( e ) ; for ( ; e -- > 0 ; ) t [ e ] = r [ e ] ; return t } , TK = ( r => e => r && e instanceof r ) ( typeof Uint8Array < "u" && dC ( Uint8Array ) ) , SK = ( r , e ) => { const i = ( r && r [ Symbol . iterator ] ) . call ( r ) ; let n ; for ( ; ( n = i . next ( ) ) && ! n . done ; ) { const a = n . value ; e . call ( r , a [ 0 ] , a [ 1 ] ) } } , xK = ( r , e ) => { let t ; const i = [ ] ; for ( ; ( t = r . exec ( e ) ) !== null ; ) i . push ( t ) ; return i } , wK = ba ( "HTMLFormElement" ) , CK = r => r . toLowerCase ( ) . replace ( /[-_\s]([a-z\d])(\w*)/g , function ( t , i , n ) { return i . toUpperCase ( ) + n } ) , U3 = ( ( { hasOwnProperty : r } ) => ( e , t ) => r . call ( e , t ) ) ( Object . prototype ) , AK = ba ( "RegExp" ) , x6 = ( r , e ) => { const t = Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptors ( r ) , i = { } ; Ov ( t , ( n , a ) => { let s ; ( s = e ( n , a , r ) ) !== ! 1 && ( i [ a ] = s || n ) } ) , Object . defineProperties ( r , i ) } , DK = r => { x6 ( r , ( e , t ) => { if ( dn ( r ) && [ "arguments" , "caller" , "callee" ] . indexOf ( t ) !== - 1 ) return ! 1 ; const i = r [ t ] ; if ( dn ( i ) ) { if ( e . enumerable = ! 1 , "writable" in e ) { e . writable = ! 1 ; return } e . set || ( e . set = ( ) => { throw Error ( "Can not rewrite read-only method '" + t + "'" ) } ) } } ) } , EK = ( r , e ) => { const t = { } , i = n => { n . forEach ( a => { t [ a ] = ! 0 } ) } ; return mf ( r ) ? i ( r ) : i ( String ( r ) . split ( e ) ) , t } , IK = ( ) => { } , PK = ( r , e ) => r != null && Number . isFinite ( r = + r ) ? r : e , r2 = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" , V3 = "0123456789" , w6 = { DIGIT : V3 , ALPHA : r2 , ALPHA _DIGIT : r2 + r2 . toUpperCase ( ) + V3 } , MK = ( r = 16 , e = w6 . ALPHA _DIGIT ) => { let
` ).forEach(function(s){n=s.indexOf(":"),t=s.substring(0,n).trim().toLowerCase(),i=s.substring(n+1).trim(),!(!t||e[t]&&JK[t])&&(t==="set-cookie"?e[t]?e[t].push(i):e[t]=[i]:e[t]=e[t]?e[t]+", "+i:i)}),e}, $ 3=Symbol("internals");function id(r){return r&&String(r).trim().toLowerCase()}function i0(r){return r===!1||r==null?r:ne.isArray(r)?r.map(i0):String(r)}function tZ(r){const e=Object.create(null),t=/([^ \s ,;=]+) \s *(?:= \s *([^,;]+))?/g;let i;for(;i=t.exec(r);)e[i[1]]=i[2];return e}const rZ=r=>/^[-_a-zA-Z0-9^ ` | ~ , ! # $ % & ' * + . ] + $ / . test ( r . trim ( ) ) ; function i2 ( r , e , t , i , n ) { if ( ne . isFunction ( i ) ) return i . call ( this , e , t ) ; if ( n && ( e = t ) , ! ! ne . isString ( e ) ) { if ( ne . isString ( i ) ) return e . indexOf ( i ) !== - 1 ; if ( ne . isRegExp ( i ) ) return i . test ( e ) } } function iZ ( r ) { return r . trim ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . replace ( /([a-z\d])(\w*)/g , ( e , t , i ) => t . toUpperCase ( ) + i ) } function nZ ( r , e ) { const t = ne . toCamelCase ( " " + e ) ; [ "get" , "set" , "has" ] . forEach ( i => { Object . defineProperty ( r , i + t , { value : function ( n , a , s ) { return this [ i ] . call ( this , e , n , a , s ) } , configurable : ! 0 } ) } ) } class Hi { constructor ( e ) { e && this . set ( e ) } set ( e , t , i ) { const n = this ; function a ( o , l , u ) { const c = id ( l ) ; if ( ! c ) throw new Error ( "header name must be a non-empty string" ) ; const h = ne . findKey ( n , c ) ; ( ! h || n [ h ] === void 0 || u === ! 0 || u === void 0 && n [ h ] !== ! 1 ) && ( n [ h || l ] = i0 ( o ) ) } const s = ( o , l ) => ne . forEach ( o , ( u , c ) => a ( u , c , l ) ) ; if ( ne . isPlainObject ( e ) || e instanceof this . constructor ) s ( e , t ) ; else if ( ne . isString ( e ) && ( e = e . trim ( ) ) && ! rZ ( e ) ) s ( eZ ( e ) , t ) ; else if ( ne . isHeaders ( e ) ) for ( const [ o , l ] of e . entries ( ) ) a ( l , o , i ) ; else e != null && a ( t , e , i ) ; return this } get ( e , t ) { if ( e = id ( e ) , e ) { const i = ne . findKey ( this , e ) ; if ( i ) { const n = this [ i ] ; if ( ! t ) return n ; if ( t === ! 0 ) return tZ ( n ) ; if ( ne . isFunction ( t ) ) return t . call ( this , n , i ) ; if ( ne . isRegExp ( t ) ) return t . exec ( n ) ; throw new TypeError ( "parser must be boolean|regexp|function" ) } } } has ( e , t ) { if ( e = id ( e ) , e ) { const i = ne . findKey ( this , e ) ; return ! ! ( i && this [ i ] !== void 0 && ( ! t || i2 ( this , this [ i ] , i , t ) ) ) } return ! 1 } delete ( e , t ) { const i = this ; let n = ! 1 ; function a ( s ) { if ( s = id ( s ) , s ) { const o = ne . findKey ( i , s ) ; o && ( ! t || i2 ( i , i [ o ] , o , t ) ) && ( delete i [ o ] , n = ! 0 ) } } return ne . isArray ( e ) ? e . forEach ( a ) : a ( e ) , n } clear ( e ) { const t = Object . keys ( this ) ; let i = t . length , n = ! 1 ; for ( ; i -- ; ) { const a = t [ i ] ; ( ! e || i2 ( this , this [ a ] , a , e , ! 0 ) ) && ( delete this [ a ] , n = ! 0 ) } return n } normalize ( e ) { const t = this , i = { } ; return ne . forEach ( this , ( n , a ) => { const s = ne . findKey ( i , a ) ; if ( s ) { t [ s ] = i0 ( n ) , delete t [ a ] ; return } const o = e ? iZ ( a ) : String ( a ) . trim ( ) ; o !== a && delete t [ a ] , t [ o ] = i0 ( n ) , i [ o ] = ! 0 } ) , this } concat ( ... e ) { return this . constructor . concat ( this , ... e ) } toJSON ( e ) { const t = Object . create ( null ) ; return ne . forEach ( this , ( i , n ) => { i != null && i !== ! 1 && ( t [ n ] = e && ne . isArray ( i ) ? i . join ( ", " ) : i ) } ) , t } [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) { return Object . entries ( this . toJSON ( ) ) [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) } toString ( ) { return Object . entries ( this . toJSON ( ) ) . map ( ( [ e , t ] ) => e + ": " + t ) . join ( `
` )}get[Symbol.toStringTag](){return"AxiosHeaders"}static from(e){return e instanceof this?e:new this(e)}static concat(e,...t){const i=new this(e);return t.forEach(n=>i.set(n)),i}static accessor(e){const i=(this[ $ 3]=this[ $ 3]={accessors:{}}).accessors,n=this.prototype;function a(s){const o=id(s);i[o]||(nZ(n,s),i[o]=!0)}return ne.isArray(e)?e.forEach(a):a(e),this}}Hi.accessor(["Content-Type","Content-Length","Accept","Accept-Encoding","User-Agent","Authorization"]);ne.reduceDescriptors(Hi.prototype,({value:r},e)=>{let t=e[0].toUpperCase()+e.slice(1);return{get:()=>r,set(i){this[t]=i}}});ne.freezeMethods(Hi);function n2(r,e){const t=this||Nv,i=e||t,n=Hi.from(i.headers);let a=i.data;return ne.forEach(r,function(o){a=o.call(t,a,n.normalize(),e?e.status:void 0)}),n.normalize(),a}function k6(r){return!!(r&&r.__CANCEL__)}function yf(r,e,t){at.call(this,r??"canceled",at.ERR_CANCELED,e,t),this.name="CanceledError"}ne.inherits(yf,at,{__CANCEL__:!0});function R6(r,e,t){const i=t.config.validateStatus;!t.status||!i||i(t.status)?r(t):e(new at("Request failed with status code "+t.status,[at.ERR_BAD_REQUEST,at.ERR_BAD_RESPONSE][Math.floor(t.status/100)-4],t.config,t.request,t))}function aZ(r){const e=/^([-+ \w ]{1,25})(:? \/ \/ |:)/.exec(r);return e&&e[1]||""}function sZ(r,e){r=r||10;const t=new Array(r),i=new Array(r);let n=0,a=0,s;return e=e!==void 0?e:1e3,function(l){const u=Date.now(),c=i[a];s||(s=u),t[n]=l,i[n]=u;let h=a,d=0;for(;h!==n;)d+=t[h++],h=h%r;if(n=(n+1)%r,n===a&&(a=(a+1)%r),u-s<e)return;const f=c&&u-c;return f?Math.round(d*1e3/f):void 0}}function oZ(r,e){let t=0,i=1e3/e,n,a;const s=(u,c=Date.now())=>{t=c,n=null,a&&(clearTimeout(a),a=null),r.apply(null,u)};return[(...u)=>{const c=Date.now(),h=c-t;h>=i?s(u,c):(n=u,a||(a=setTimeout(()=>{a=null,s(n)},i-h)))},()=>n&&s(n)]}const O0=(r,e,t=3)=>{let i=0;const n=sZ(50,250);return oZ(a=>{const s=a.loaded,o=a.lengthComputable?a.total:void 0,l=s-i,u=n(l),c=s<=o;i=s;const h={loaded:s,total:o,progress:o?s/o:void 0,bytes:l,rate:u||void 0,estimated:u&&o&&c?(o-s)/u:void 0,event:a,lengthComputable:o!=null,[e?"download":"upload"]:!0};r(h)},t)},W3=(r,e)=>{const t=r!=null;return[i=>e[0]({lengthComputable:t,total:r,loaded:i}),e[1]]},q3=r=>(...e)=>ne.asap(()=>r(...e)),lZ=Gi.hasStandardBrowserEnv?function(){const e=Gi.navigator&&/(msie|trident)/i.test(Gi.navigator.userAgent),t=document.createElement("a");let i;function n(a){let s=a;return e&&(t.setAttribute("href",s),s=t.href),t.setAttribute("href",s),{href:t.href,protocol:t.protocol?t.protocol.replace(/: $ /,""):"",host:t.host,search:t.search?t.search.replace(/^ \? /,""):"",hash:t.hash?t.hash.replace(/^#/,""):"",hostname:t.hostname,port:t.port,pathname:t.pathname.charAt(0)==="/"?t.pathname:"/"+t.pathname}}return i=n(window.location.href),function(s){const o=ne.isString(s)?n(s):s;return o.protocol===i.protocol&&o.host===i.host}}():function(){return function(){return!0}}(),uZ=Gi.hasStandardBrowserEnv?{write(r,e,t,i,n,a){const s=[r+"="+encodeURIComponent(e)];ne.isNumber(t)&&s.push("expires="+new Date(t).toGMTString()),ne.isString(i)&&s.push("path="+i),ne.isString(n)&&s.push("domain="+n),a===!0&&s.push("secure"),document.cookie=s.join("; ")},read(r){const e=document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(^|; \\ s*)("+r+")=([^;]*)"));return e?decodeURIComponent(e[3]):null},remove(r){this.write(r,"",Date.now()-864e5)}}:{write(){},read(){return null},remove(){}};function cZ(r){return/^([a-z][a-z \d + \- .]*:)? \/ \/ /i.test(r)}function hZ(r,e){return e?r.replace(/ \/ ? \/ $ /,"")+"/"+e.replace(/^ \/ +/,""):r}function O6(r,e){return r&&!cZ(e)?hZ(r,e):e}const j3=r=>r instanceof Hi?{...r}:r;function qu(r,e){e=e||{};const t={};function i(u,c,h){return ne.isPlainObject(u)&&ne.isPlainObject(c)?ne.merge.call({caseless:h},u,c):ne.isPlainObject(c)?ne.merge({},c):ne.isArray(c)?c.slice():c}function n(u,c,h){if(ne.isUndefined(c)){if(!ne.isUndefined(u))return i(void 0,u,h)}else return i(u,c,h)}function a(u,c){if(!ne.isUndefined(c))return i(void 0,c)}function s(u,c){if(ne.isUndefined(c)){if(!ne.isUndefined(u))return i(void 0,u)}else return i(void 0,c)}function o(u,c,h){if(h in e)return i(u,c);if(h in r
` +a.map(K3).join( `
` ):" "+K3(a[0]):"as no adapter specified";throw new at("There is no suitable adapter to dispatch the request "+s,"ERR_NOT_SUPPORT")}return i},adapters:TS};function a2(r){if(r.cancelToken&&r.cancelToken.throwIfRequested(),r.signal&&r.signal.aborted)throw new yf(null,r)}function Z3(r){return a2(r),r.headers=Hi.from(r.headers),r.data=n2.call(r,r.transformRequest),["post","put","patch"].indexOf(r.method)!==-1&&r.headers.setContentType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded",!1),U6.getAdapter(r.adapter||Nv.adapter)(r).then(function(i){return a2(r),i.data=n2.call(r,r.transformResponse,i),i.headers=Hi.from(i.headers),i},function(i){return k6(i)||(a2(r),i&&i.response&&(i.response.data=n2.call(r,r.transformResponse,i.response),i.response.headers=Hi.from(i.response.headers))),Promise.reject(i)})}const V6="1.7.7",gC={};["object","boolean","number","function","string","symbol"].forEach((r,e)=>{gC[r]=function(i){return typeof i===r||"a"+(e<1?"n ":" ")+r}});const Q3={};gC.transitional=function(e,t,i){function n(a,s){return"[Axios v"+V6+"] Transitional option '"+a+"'"+s+(i?". "+i:"")}return(a,s,o)=>{if(e===!1)throw new at(n(s," has been removed"+(t?" in "+t:"")),at.ERR_DEPRECATED);return t&&!Q3[s]&&(Q3[s]=!0,console.warn(n(s," has been deprecated since v"+t+" and will be removed in the near future"))),e?e(a,s,o):!0}};function wZ(r,e,t){if(typeof r!="object")throw new at("options must be an object",at.ERR_BAD_OPTION_VALUE);const i=Object.keys(r);let n=i.length;for(;n-- >0;){const a=i[n],s=e[a];if(s){const o=r[a],l=o===void 0||s(o,a,r);if(l!==!0)throw new at("option "+a+" must be "+l,at.ERR_BAD_OPTION_VALUE);continue}if(t!==!0)throw new at("Unknown option "+a,at.ERR_BAD_OPTION)}}const SS={assertOptions:wZ,validators:gC},so=SS.validators;class wu{constructor(e){this.defaults=e,this.interceptors={request:new H3,response:new H3}}async request(e,t){try{return await this._request(e,t)}catch(i){if(i instanceof Error){let n;Error.captureStackTrace?Error.captureStackTrace(n={}):n=new Error;const a=n.stack?n.stack.replace(/^.+ \n /,""):"";try{i.stack?a&&!String(i.stack).endsWith(a.replace(/^.+ \n .+ \n /,""))&&(i.stack+= `
` +a):i.stack=a}catch{}}throw i}}_request(e,t){typeof e=="string"?(t=t||{},t.url=e):t=e||{},t=qu(this.defaults,t);const{transitional:i,paramsSerializer:n,headers:a}=t;i!==void 0&&SS.assertOptions(i,{silentJSONParsing:so.transitional(so.boolean),forcedJSONParsing:so.transitional(so.boolean),clarifyTimeoutError:so.transitional(so.boolean)},!1),n!=null&&(ne.isFunction(n)?t.paramsSerializer={serialize:n}:SS.assertOptions(n,{encode:so.function,serialize:so.function},!0)),t.method=(t.method||this.defaults.method||"get").toLowerCase();let s=a&&ne.merge(a.common,a[t.method]);a&&ne.forEach(["delete","get","head","post","put","patch","common"],p=>{delete a[p]}),t.headers=Hi.concat(s,a);const o=[];let l=!0;this.interceptors.request.forEach(function(v){typeof v.runWhen=="function"&&v.runWhen(t)===!1||(l=l&&v.synchronous,o.unshift(v.fulfilled,v.rejected))});const u=[];this.interceptors.response.forEach(function(v){u.push(v.fulfilled,v.rejected)});let c,h=0,d;if(!l){const p=[Z3.bind(this),void 0];for(p.unshift.apply(p,o),p.push.apply(p,u),d=p.length,c=Promise.resolve(t);h<d;)c=c.then(p[h++],p[h++]);return c}d=o.length;let f=t;for(h=0;h<d;){const p=o[h++],v=o[h++];try{f=p(f)}catch(g){v.call(this,g);break}}try{c=Z3.call(this,f)}catch(p){return Promise.reject(p)}for(h=0,d=u.length;h<d;)c=c.then(u[h++],u[h++]);return c}getUri(e){e=qu(this.defaults,e);const t=O6(e.baseURL,e.url);return P6(t,e.params,e.paramsSerializer)}}ne.forEach(["delete","get","head","options"],function(e){wu.prototype[e]=function(t,i){return this.request(qu(i||{},{method:e,url:t,data:(i||{}).data}))}});ne.forEach(["post","put","patch"],function(e){function t(i){return function(a,s,o){return this.request(qu(o||{},{method:e,headers:i?{"Content-Type":"multipart/form-data"}:{},url:a,data:s}))}}wu.prototype[e]=t(),wu.prototype[e+"Form"]=t(!0)});class mC{constructor(e){if(typeof e!="function")throw new TypeError("executor must be a function.");let t;this.promise=new Promise(function(a){t=a});const i=this;this.promise.then(n=>{if(!i._listeners)return;let a=i._listeners.length;for(;a-- >0;)i._listeners[a](n);i._listeners=null}),this.promise.then=n=>{let a;const s=new Promise(o=>{i.subscribe(o),a=o}).then(n);return s.cancel=function(){i.unsubscribe(a)},s},e(function(a,s,o){i.reason||(i.reason=new yf(a,s,o),t(i.reason))})}throwIfRequested(){if(this.reason)throw this.reason}subscribe(e){if(this.reason){e(this.reason);return}this._listeners?this._listeners.push(e):this._listeners=[e]}unsubscribe(e){if(!this._listeners)return;const t=this._listeners.indexOf(e);t!==-1&&this._listeners.splice(t,1)}toAbortSignal(){const e=new AbortController,t=i=>{e.abort(i)};return this.subscribe(t),e.signal.unsubscribe=()=>this.unsubscribe(t),e.signal}static source(){let e;return{token:new mC(function(n){e=n}),cancel:e}}}function CZ(r){return function(t){return r.apply(null,t)}}function AZ(r){return ne.isObject(r)&&r.isAxiosError===!0}const xS={Continue:100,SwitchingProtocols:101,Processing:102,EarlyHints:103,Ok:200,Created:201,Accepted:202,NonAuthoritativeInformation:203,NoContent:204,ResetContent:205,PartialContent:206,MultiStatus:207,AlreadyReported:208,ImUsed:226,MultipleChoices:300,MovedPermanently:301,Found:302,SeeOther:303,NotModified:304,UseProxy:305,Unused:306,TemporaryRedirect:307,PermanentRedirect:308,BadRequest:400,Unauthorized:401,PaymentRequired:402,Forbidden:403,NotFound:404,MethodNotAllowed:405,NotAcceptable:406,ProxyAuthenticationRequired:407,RequestTimeout:408,Conflict:409,Gone:410,LengthRequired:411,PreconditionFailed:412,PayloadTooLarge:413,UriTooLong:414,UnsupportedMediaType:415,RangeNotSatisfiable:416,ExpectationFailed:417,ImATeapot:418,MisdirectedRequest:421,UnprocessableEntity:422,Locked:423,FailedDependency:424,TooEarly:425,UpgradeRequired:426,PreconditionRequired:428,TooManyRequests:429,RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge:431,UnavailableForLegalReasons:451,InternalServerError:500,NotImplemented:501,BadGateway:502,ServiceUnavailable:503,GatewayTimeout:504,HttpVersionNotSupported:505,VariantAlsoNegotiates:506,InsufficientStorage:507,LoopDetected:508,NotExtended:510,NetworkAuthenticat
In order to be iterable , non - array objects must have a [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) method . ` )}function BZ(r,e){if(r){if(typeof r=="string")return eI(r,e);var t=Object.prototype.toString.call(r).slice(8,-1);if(t==="Object"&&r.constructor&&(t=r.constructor.name),t==="Map"||t==="Set")return Array.from(r);if(t==="Arguments"||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array $ /.test(t))return eI(r,e)}}function eI(r,e){(e==null||e>r.length)&&(e=r.length);for(var t=0,i=new Array(e);t<e;t++)i[t]=r[t];return i}var FZ=function(){function r(){this.typeToInterceptorsMap_=new Map,this.enabled_=!1}var e=r.prototype;return e.getIsEnabled=function(){return this.enabled_},e.enable=function(){this.enabled_=!0},e.disable=function(){this.enabled_=!1},e.reset=function(){this.typeToInterceptorsMap_=new Map,this.enabled_=!1},e.addInterceptor=function(i,n){this.typeToInterceptorsMap_.has(i)||this.typeToInterceptorsMap_.set(i,new Set);var a=this.typeToInterceptorsMap_.get(i);return a.has(n)?!1:(a.add(n),!0)},e.removeInterceptor=function(i,n){var a=this.typeToInterceptorsMap_.get(i);return a&&a.has(n)?(a.delete(n),!0):!1},e.clearInterceptorsByType=function(i){var n=this.typeToInterceptorsMap_.get(i);return n?(this.typeToInterceptorsMap_.delete(i),this.typeToInterceptorsMap_.set(i,new Set),!0):!1},e.clear=function(){return this.typeToInterceptorsMap_.size?(this.typeToInterceptorsMap_=new Map,!0):!1},e.getForType=function(i){return this.typeToInterceptorsMap_.get(i)||new Set},e.execute=function(i,n){for(var a=this.getForType(i),s=NZ(a),o;!(o=s()).done;){var l=o.value;try{n=l(n)}catch{}}return n},r}(),UZ=FZ,VZ=function(){function r(){this.maxAttempts_=1,this.delayFactor_=.1,this.fuzzFactor_=.1,this.initialDelay_=1e3,this.enabled_=!1}var e=r.prototype;return e.getIsEnabled=function(){return this.enabled_},e.enable=function(){this.enabled_=!0},e.disable=function(){this.enabled_=!1},e.reset=function(){this.maxAttempts_=1,this.delayFactor_=.1,this.fuzzFactor_=.1,this.initialDelay_=1e3,this.enabled_=!1},e.getMaxAttempts=function(){return this.maxAttempts_},e.setMaxAttempts=function(i){this.maxAttempts_=i},e.getDelayFactor=function(){return this.delayFactor_},e.setDelayFactor=function(i){this.delayFactor_=i},e.getFuzzFactor=function(){return this.fuzzFactor_},e.setFuzzFactor=function(i){this.fuzzFactor_=i},e.getInitialDelay=function(){return this.initialDelay_},e.setInitialDelay=function(i){this.initialDelay_=i},e.createRetry=function(i){var n=i===void 0?{}:i,a=n.maxAttempts,s=n.delayFactor,o=n.fuzzFactor,l=n.initialDelay;return new zZ({maxAttempts:a||this.maxAttempts_,delayFactor:s||this.delayFactor_,fuzzFactor:o||this.fuzzFactor_,initialDelay:l||this.initialDelay_})},r}(),zZ=function(){function r(t){this.maxAttempts_=t.maxAttempts,this.delayFactor_=t.delayFactor,this.fuzzFactor_=t.fuzzFactor,this.currentDelay_=t.initialDelay,this.currentAttempt_=1}var e=r.prototype;return e.moveToNextAttempt=function(){this.currentAttempt_++;var i=this.currentDelay_*this.delayFactor_;this.currentDelay_=this.currentDelay_+i},e.shouldRetry=function(){return this.currentAttempt_<this.maxAttempts_},e.getCurrentDelay=function(){return this.currentDelay_},e.getCurrentMinPossibleDelay=function(){return(1-this.fuzzFactor_)*this.currentDelay_},e.getCurrentMaxPossibleDelay=function(){return(1+this.fuzzFactor_)*this.currentDelay_},e.getCurrentFuzzedDelay=function(){var i=this.getCurrentMinPossibleDelay(),n=this.getCurrentMaxPossibleDelay();return i+Math.random()*(n-i)},r}(),GZ=VZ,HZ=T_, $ Z=function(e,t){return t===void 0&&(t=!1),function(i,n,a){if(i){e(i);return}if(n.statusCode>=400&&n.statusCode<=599){var s=a;if(t)if(HZ.TextDecoder){var o=WZ(n.headers&&n.headers["content-type"]);try{s=new TextDecoder(o).decode(a)}catch{}}else s=String.fromCharCode.apply(null,new Uint8Array(a));e({cause:s});return}e(null,a)}};function WZ(r){return r===void 0&&(r=""),r.toLowerCase().split(";").reduce(function(e,t){var i=t.split("="),n=i[0],a=i[1];return n.trim()==="charset"?a.trim():e},"utf-8")}var qZ= $ Z, $ 6=T_,jZ=LZ,XZ=kZ,W6=UZ,YZ=GZ;dr.httpHandler=qZ;dr.requestInterceptorsStorage=new W6;dr.responseInterceptorsStorag
2024-11-01 15:26:36 +01:00
* @ license
* slighly modified parse - headers 2.0 . 2 < https : //github.com/kesla/parse-headers/>
* Copyright ( c ) 2014 David Björklund
* Available under the MIT license
* < https : //github.com/kesla/parse-headers/blob/master/LICENCE>
2024-11-18 22:45:18 +01:00
* / v a r K Z = f u n c t i o n ( e ) { v a r t = { } ; r e t u r n e & & e . t r i m ( ) . s p l i t ( `
` ).forEach(function(i){var n=i.indexOf(":"),a=i.slice(0,n).trim().toLowerCase(),s=i.slice(n+1).trim();typeof t[a]>"u"?t[a]=s:Array.isArray(t[a])?t[a].push(s):t[a]=[t[a],s]}),t};yC.exports=dr;yC.exports.default=dr;dr.XMLHttpRequest= $ 6.XMLHttpRequest||eQ;dr.XDomainRequest="withCredentials"in new dr.XMLHttpRequest?dr.XMLHttpRequest: $ 6.XDomainRequest;ZZ(["get","put","post","patch","head","delete"],function(r){dr[r==="delete"?"del":r]=function(e,t,i){return t=q6(e,t,i),t.method=r.toUpperCase(),_C(t)}});function ZZ(r,e){for(var t=0;t<r.length;t++)e(r[t])}function QZ(r){for(var e in r)if(r.hasOwnProperty(e))return!1;return!0}function q6(r,e,t){var i=r;return XZ(e)?(t=e,typeof r=="string"&&(i={uri:r})):i=jZ({},e,{uri:r}),i.callback=t,i}function dr(r,e,t){return e=q6(r,e,t),_C(e)}function _C(r){if(typeof r.callback>"u")throw new Error("callback argument missing");if(r.requestType&&dr.requestInterceptorsStorage.getIsEnabled()){var e={uri:r.uri||r.url,headers:r.headers||{},body:r.body,metadata:r.metadata||{},retry:r.retry,timeout:r.timeout},t=dr.requestInterceptorsStorage.execute(r.requestType,e);r.uri=t.uri,r.headers=t.headers,r.body=t.body,r.metadata=t.metadata,r.retry=t.retry,r.timeout=t.timeout}var i=!1,n=function(S,x,C){i||(i=!0,r.callback(S,x,C))};function a(){u.readyState===4&&!dr.responseInterceptorsStorage.getIsEnabled()&&setTimeout(l,0)}function s(){var b=void 0;if(u.response?b=u.response:b=u.responseText||JZ(u),m)try{b=JSON.parse(b)}catch{}return b}function o(b){if(clearTimeout(y),clearTimeout(r.retryTimeout),b instanceof Error||(b=new Error(""+(b||"Unknown XMLHttpRequest Error"))),b.statusCode=0,!h&&dr.retryManager.getIsEnabled()&&r.retry&&r.retry.shouldRetry()){r.retryTimeout=setTimeout(function(){r.retry.moveToNextAttempt(),r.xhr=u,_C(r)},r.retry.getCurrentFuzzedDelay());return}if(r.requestType&&dr.responseInterceptorsStorage.getIsEnabled()){var S={headers:_.headers||{},body:_.body,responseUrl:u.responseURL,responseType:u.responseType},x=dr.responseInterceptorsStorage.execute(r.requestType,S);_.body=x.body,_.headers=x.headers}return n(b,_)}function l(){if(!h){var b;clearTimeout(y),clearTimeout(r.retryTimeout),r.useXDR&&u.status===void 0?b=200:b=u.status===1223?204:u.status;var S=_,x=null;if(b!==0?(S={body:s(),statusCode:b,method:f,headers:{},url:d,rawRequest:u},u.getAllResponseHeaders&&(S.headers=KZ(u.getAllResponseHeaders()))):x=new Error("Internal XMLHttpRequest Error"),r.requestType&&dr.responseInterceptorsStorage.getIsEnabled()){var C={headers:S.headers||{},body:S.body,responseUrl:u.responseURL,responseType:u.responseType},D=dr.responseInterceptorsStorage.execute(r.requestType,C);S.body=D.body,S.headers=D.headers}return n(x,S,S.body)}}var u=r.xhr||null;u||(r.cors||r.useXDR?u=new dr.XDomainRequest:u=new dr.XMLHttpRequest);var c,h,d=u.url=r.uri||r.url,f=u.method=r.method||"GET",p=r.body||r.data,v=u.headers=r.headers||{},g=!!r.sync,m=!1,y,_={body:void 0,headers:{},statusCode:0,method:f,url:d,rawRequest:u};if("json"in r&&r.json!==!1&&(m=!0,v.accept||v.Accept||(v.Accept="application/json"),f!=="GET"&&f!=="HEAD"&&(v["content-type"]||v["Content-Type"]||(v["Content-Type"]="application/json"),p=JSON.stringify(r.json===!0?p:r.json))),u.onreadystatechange=a,u.onload=l,u.onerror=o,u.onprogress=function(){},u.onabort=function(){h=!0,clearTimeout(r.retryTimeout)},u.ontimeout=o,u.open(f,d,!g,r.username,r.password),g||(u.withCredentials=!!r.withCredentials),!g&&r.timeout>0&&(y=setTimeout(function(){if(!h){h=!0,u.abort("timeout");var b=new Error("XMLHttpRequest timeout");b.code="ETIMEDOUT",o(b)}},r.timeout)),u.setRequestHeader)for(c in v)v.hasOwnProperty(c)&&u.setRequestHeader(c,v[c]);else if(r.headers&&!QZ(r.headers))throw new Error("Headers cannot be set on an XDomainRequest object");return"responseType"in r&&(u.responseType=r.responseType),"beforeSend"in r&&typeof r.beforeSend=="function"&&r.beforeSend(u),u.send(p||null),u}function JZ(r){try{if(r.responseType==="document")return r.responseXML;var e=r.responseXML&&r.responseXML.documentElement.nodeName==="parsererror";if(r.responseType===""&&!e)return r.responseXML}catch{}retur
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` ;)++h;var d=c.substr(0,h);return c[h]===" \r "&&++h,c[h]=== `
2024-11-18 22:45:18 +01:00
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2024-11-01 15:26:36 +01:00
` ),e.cue.text+=s.replace(/ \u 2028/g, `
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2024-11-18 22:45:18 +01:00
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2024-11-01 15:26:36 +01:00
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2024-11-18 22:45:18 +01:00
* / v a r P S = " 8 . 1 8 . 1 " ; c o n s t C s = { } , Y o = f u n c t i o n ( r , e ) { r e t u r n C s [ r ] = C s [ r ] | | [ ] , e & & ( C s [ r ] = C s [ r ] . c o n c a t ( e ) ) , C s [ r ] } , R e e = f u n c t i o n ( r , e ) { Y o ( r , e ) } , H O = f u n c t i o n ( r , e ) { c o n s t t = Y o ( r ) . i n d e x O f ( e ) ; r e t u r n t < = - 1 ? ! 1 : ( C s [ r ] = C s [ r ] . s l i c e ( ) , C s [ r ] . s p l i c e ( t , 1 ) , ! 0 ) } , O e e = f u n c t i o n ( r , e ) { Y o ( r , [ ] . c o n c a t ( e ) . m a p ( t = > { c o n s t i = ( . . . n ) = > ( H O ( r , i ) , t ( . . . n ) ) ; r e t u r n i } ) ) } , $ 0 = { p r e f i x e d : ! 0 } , n 0 = [ [ " r e q u e s t F u l l s c r e e n " , " e x i t F u l l s c r e e n " , " f u l l s c r e e n E l e m e n t " , " f u l l s c r e e n E n a b l e d " , " f u l l s c r e e n c h a n g e " , " f u l l s c r e e n e r r o r " , " f u l l s c r e e n " ] , [ " w e b k i t R e q u e s t F u l l s c r e e n " , " w e b k i t E x i t F u l l s c r e e n " , " w e b k i t F u l l s c r e e n E l e m e n t " , " w e b k i t F u l l s c r e e n E n a b l e d " , " w e b k i t f u l l s c r e e n c h a n g e " , " w e b k i t f u l l s c r e e n e r r o r " , " - w e b k i t - f u l l - s c r e e n " ] ] , O I = n 0 [ 0 ] ; l e t q d ; f o r ( l e t r = 0 ; r < n 0 . l e n g t h ; r + + ) i f ( n 0 [ r ] [ 1 ] i n d e ) { q d = n 0 [ r ] ; b r e a k } i f ( q d ) { f o r ( l e t r = 0 ; r < q d . l e n g t h ; r + + ) $ 0 [ O I [ r ] ] = q d [ r ] ; $ 0 . p r e f i x e d = q d [ 0 ] ! = = O I [ 0 ] } l e t R i = [ ] ; c o n s t N e e = ( r , e , t ) = > ( i , n , a ) = > { c o n s t s = e . l e v e l s [ n ] , o = n e w R e g E x p ( ` ^ ( $ { s } ) $ ` ) ; l e t l = r ; i f ( i ! = = " l o g " & & a . u n s h i f t ( i . t o U p p e r C a s e ( ) + " : " ) , t & & ( l = ` % c $ { r } ` , a . u n s h i f t ( t ) ) , a . u n s h i f t ( l + " : " ) , R i ) { R i . p u s h ( [ ] . c o n c a t ( a ) ) ; c o n s t c = R i . l e n g t h - 1 e 3 ; R i . s p l i c e ( 0 , c > 0 ? c : 0 ) } i f ( ! H . c o n s o l e ) r e t u r n ; l e t u = H . c o n s o l e [ i ] ; ! u & & i = = = " d e b u g " & & ( u = H . c o n s o l e . i n f o | | H . c o n s o l e . l o g ) , ! ( ! u | | ! s | | ! o . t e s t ( i ) ) & & u [ A r r a y . i s A r r a y ( a ) ? " a p p l y " : " c a l l " ] ( H . c o n s o l e , a ) } ; f u n c t i o n M S ( r , e = " : " , t = " " ) { l e t i = " i n f o " , n ; f u n c t i o n a ( . . . s ) { n ( " l o g " , i , s ) } r e t u r n n = N e e ( r , a , t ) , a . c r e a t e L o g g e r = ( s , o , l ) = > { c o n s t u = o ! = = v o i d 0 ? o : e , c = l ! = = v o i d 0 ? l : t , h = ` $ { r } $ { u } $ { s } ` ; r e t u r n M S ( h , u , c ) } , a . c r e a t e N e w L o g g e r = ( s , o , l ) = > M S ( s , o , l ) , a . l e v e l s = { a l l : " d e b u g | l o g | w a r n | e r r o r " , o f f : " " , d e b u g : " d e b u g | l o g | w a r n | e r r o r " , i n f o : " l o g | w a r n | e r r o r " , w a r n : " w a r n | e r r o r " , e r r o r : " e r r o r " , D E F A U L T : i } , a . l e v e l = s = > { i f ( t y p e o f s = = " s t r i n g " ) { i f ( ! a . l e v e l s . h a s O w n P r o p e r t y ( s ) ) t h r o w n e w E r r o r ( ` " $ { s } " i n n o t a v a l i d l o g l e v e l ` ) ; i = s } r e t u r n i } , a . h i s t o r y = ( ) = > R i ? [ ] . c o n c a t ( R i ) : [ ] , a . h i s t o r y . f i l t e r = s = > ( R i | | [ ] ) . f i l t e r ( o = > n e w R e g E x p ( ` . * $ { s } . * ` ) . t e s t ( o [ 0 ] ) ) , a . h i s t o r y . c l e a r = ( ) = > { R i & & ( R i . l e n g t h = 0 ) } , a . h i s t o r y . d i s a b l e = ( ) = > { R i ! = = n u l l & & ( R i . l e n g t h = 0 , R i = n u l l ) } , a . h i s t o r y . e n a b l e = ( ) = > { R i = = = n u l l & & ( R i = [ ] ) } , a . e r r o r = ( . . . s ) = > n ( " e r r o r " , i , s ) , a . w a r n = ( . . . s ) = > n ( " w a r n " , i , s ) , a . d e b u g = ( . . . s ) = > n ( " d e b u g " , i , s ) , a } c o n s t p t = M S ( " V I D E O J S " ) , $ O = p t . c r e a t e L o g g e r , B e e = O b j e c t . p r o t o t y p e . t o S t r i n g , W O = f u n c t i o n ( r ) { r e t u r n e s ( r ) ? O b j e c t . k e y s ( r ) : [ ] } ; f u n c t i o n b h ( r , e ) { W O ( r ) . f o r E a c h ( t = > e ( r [ t ] , t ) ) } f u n c t i o n q O ( r , e , t = 0 ) { r e t u r n W O ( r ) . r e d u c e ( ( i , n ) = > e ( i , r [ n ] , n ) , t ) } f u n c t i o n e s ( r ) { r e t u r n ! ! r & & t y p e o f r = = " o b j e c t " } f u n c t i o n q h ( r ) { r e t u r n e s ( r ) & & B e e . c a l l ( r ) = = = " [ o b j e c t O b j e c t ] " & & r . c o n s t r u c t o r = = = O b j e c t } f u n c t i o n U t ( . . . r ) { c o n s t e = { } ; r e t u r n r . f o r E a c h ( t = > { t & & b h ( t , ( i , n ) = > { i f ( ! q h ( i ) ) { e [ n ] = i ; r e t u r n } q h ( e [ n ] ) | | ( e [ n ] = { } ) , e [ n ] = U t ( e [ n ] , i ) } ) } ) , e } f u n c t i o n j O ( r = { } ) { c o n s t e = [ ] ; f o r ( c o n s t t i n r ) i f ( r . h a s O w n P r o p e r t y ( t ) ) { c o n s t i = r [ t ] ; e . p u s h ( i ) } r e t u r n e } f u n c t i o n P _ ( r , e , t , i = ! 0 ) { c o n s t n = s = > O b j e c t . d e f i n e P r o p e r t y ( r , e , { v a l u e : s , e n u m e r a b l e : ! 0 , w r i t a b l e : ! 0 } ) , a = { c o n f i g u r a b l e : ! 0 , e n u m e r a b l e : ! 0 , g e t ( ) { c o n s t s = t ( ) ; r e t u r n n ( s ) , s } } ; r e t u r n i & & ( a . s e t = n ) , O b j e c t . d e f i n e P r o p e r t y ( r , e , a ) } v a r F e e = O b j e c t . f r e e z e ( { _ _ p r o t o _ _ : n u l l , e a c h : b h , r e d u c e : q O , i s O b j e c t : e s , i s P l a i n : q h , m e r g e : U t , v a l u e s : j O , d e f i n e L a z y P r o p e r t y : P _ } ) ; l e t G C = ! 1 , X O = n u l l , t s = ! 1 , Y O , K O = ! 1 , T h = ! 1 , S h = ! 1 , r s = ! 1 , H C = n u l l , M _ = n u l l ; c o n s t U e e = ! ! ( H . c a s t & & H . c a s t . f r a m e w o r k & & H . c a s t . f r a m e w o r k . C a s t R e c e i v e r C o n t e x t ) ; l e t Z O = n u l l , W 0 = ! 1 , L _ = ! 1 , q 0 = ! 1 , k _ = ! 1 , j 0 = ! 1 , X 0 = ! 1 , Y 0 = ! 1 ; c o n s t X p = ! ! ( b f ( ) & & ( " o n t o u c h s t a r t " i n H | | H . n a v i g a t o r . m a x T o u c h P o i n t s | | H . D o c u m e n t T o u c h & & H . d o c u m e n t i n s t a n c e o f H . D o c u m e n t T o u c h ) ) , u o = H . n a v i g a t o r & & H . n a v i g a t o r . u s e r A g e n t D a t a ; u o & & u o . p l a t f o r m & & u o . b r a n d s & & ( t s = u o . p l a t f o r m = = = " A n d r o i d " , T h = ! ! u o . b r a n d s . f i n d ( r = > r . b r a n d = = = " M i c r o s o f t E d g e " ) , S h = ! ! u o . b r a n d s . f i n d ( r = > r . b r a n d = = = " C h r o m i u m " ) , r s = ! T h & & S h , H C = M _ = ( u o . b r a n d s . f i n d ( r = > r . b r a n d = = = " C h r o m i u m " ) | | { } ) . v e r s i o n | | n u l l , L _ = u o . p l a t f o r m = = = " W i n d o w s " ) ; i f ( ! S h ) { c o n s t r = H . n a v i g a t o r & & H . n a v i g a t o r . u s e r A g e n t | | " " ; G C = / i P o d / i . t e s t ( r ) , X O = f u n c t i o n ( ) { c o n s t e = r . m a t c h ( / O S ( \ d + ) _ / i ) ; r e t u r n e & & e [ 1 ] ? e [ 1 ] : n u l l } ( ) , t s = / A n d r o i d / i . t e s t ( r ) , Y O = f u n c t i o n ( ) { c o n s t e = r . m a t c h ( / A n d r o i d ( \ d + ) ( ? : \ . ( \ d + ) ) ? ( ? : \ . ( \ d + ) ) * / i ) ; i f ( ! e ) r e t u r n n u l l ; c o n s t t = e [ 1 ] & & p a r s e F l o a t ( e [ 1 ] ) , i = e [ 2 ] & & p a r s e F l o a t ( e [ 2 ] ) ; r e t u r n t & & i ? p a r s e F l o a t ( e [ 1 ] + " . " + e [ 2 ] ) : t | | n u l l } ( ) , K O = / F i r e f o x / i . t e s t ( r ) , T h = / E d g / i . t e s t ( r ) , S h = / C h r o m e / i . t e s t ( r ) | | / C r i O S / i . t e s t ( r ) , r s = ! T h & & S h , H C = M _ = f u n c t i o n ( ) { c o n s t e = r . m a t c h ( / (
2024-11-01 15:26:36 +01:00
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2024-11-18 22:45:18 +01:00
< / s v g > ` ; c o n s t q I = j 0 ? 1 0 0 0 9 : X 0 ? 4 6 1 : 8 , I c = { c o d e s : { p l a y : 4 1 5 , p a u s e : 1 9 , f f : 4 1 7 , r w : 4 1 2 , b a c k : q I } , n a m e s : { 4 1 5 : " p l a y " , 1 9 : " p a u s e " , 4 1 7 : " f f " , 4 1 2 : " r w " , [ q I ] : " b a c k " } , i s E v e n t K e y ( r , e ) { r e t u r n e = e . t o L o w e r C a s e ( ) , ! ! ( t h i s . n a m e s [ r . k e y C o d e ] & & t h i s . n a m e s [ r . k e y C o d e ] = = = e ) } , g e t E v e n t N a m e ( r ) { i f ( t h i s . n a m e s [ r . k e y C o d e ] ) r e t u r n t h i s . n a m e s [ r . k e y C o d e ] ; i f ( t h i s . c o d e s [ r . c o d e ] ) { c o n s t e = t h i s . c o d e s [ r . c o d e ] ; r e t u r n t h i s . n a m e s [ e ] } r e t u r n n u l l } } , j I = 5 ; c l a s s x t e e x t e n d s b n { c o n s t r u c t o r ( e ) { s u p e r ( ) , t h i s . p l a y e r _ = e , t h i s . f o c u s a b l e C o m p o n e n t s = [ ] , t h i s . i s L i s t e n i n g _ = ! 1 , t h i s . i s P a u s e d _ = ! 1 , t h i s . o n K e y D o w n _ = t h i s . o n K e y D o w n _ . b i n d ( t h i s ) , t h i s . l a s t F o c u s e d C o m p o n e n t _ = n u l l } s t a r t ( ) { t h i s . i s L i s t e n i n g _ | | ( t h i s . p l a y e r _ . o n ( " k e y d o w n " , t h i s . o n K e y D o w n _ ) , t h i s . p l a y e r _ . o n ( " m o d a l K e y d o w n " , t h i s . o n K e y D o w n _ ) , t h i s . p l a y e r _ . o n ( " l o a d e d m e t a d a t a " , ( ) = > { t h i s . f o c u s ( t h i s . u p d a t e F o c u s a b l e C o m p o n e n t s ( ) [ 0 ] ) } ) , t h i s . p l a y e r _ . o n ( " m o d a l c l o s e " , ( ) = > { t h i s . r e f o c u s C o m p o n e n t ( ) } ) , t h i s . p l a y e r _ . o n ( " f o c u s i n " , t h i s . h a n d l e P l a y e r F o c u s _ . b i n d ( t h i s ) ) , t h i s . p l a y e r _ . o n ( " f o c u s o u t " , t h i s . h a n d l e P l a y e r B l u r _ . b i n d ( t h i s ) ) , t h i s . i s L i s t e n i n g _ = ! 0 , t h i s . p l a y e r _ . e r r o r D i s p l a y & & t h i s . p l a y e r _ . e r r o r D i s p l a y . o n ( " a f t e r m o d a l f i l l " , ( ) = > { t h i s . u p d a t e F o c u s a b l e C o m p o n e n t s ( ) , t h i s . f o c u s a b l e C o m p o n e n t s . l e n g t h & & ( t h i s . f o c u s a b l e C o m p o n e n t s . l e n g t h > 1 ? t h i s . f o c u s a b l e C o m p o n e n t s [ 1 ] . f o c u s ( ) : t h i s . f o c u s a b l e C o m p o n e n t s [ 0 ] . f o c u s ( ) ) } ) ) } s t o p ( ) { t h i s . p l a y e r _ . o f f ( " k e y d o w n " , t h i s . o n K e y D o w n _ ) , t h i s . i s L i s t e n i n g _ = ! 1 } o n K e y D o w n _ ( e ) { c o n s t t = e . o r i g i n a l E v e n t ? e . o r i g i n a l E v e n t : e ; i f ( [ " A r r o w L e f t " , " A r r o w R i g h t " , " A r r o w U p " , " A r r o w D o w n " ] . i n c l u d e s ( t . k e y ) ) { i f ( t h i s . i s P a u s e d _ ) r e t u r n ; t . p r e v e n t D e f a u l t ( ) ; c o n s t i = t . k e y . s u b s t r i n g ( 5 ) . t o L o w e r C a s e ( ) ; t h i s . m o v e ( i ) } e l s e i f ( I c . i s E v e n t K e y ( t , " p l a y " ) | | I c . i s E v e n t K e y ( t , " p a u s e " ) | | I c . i s E v e n t K e y ( t , " f f " ) | | I c . i s E v e n t K e y ( t , " r w " ) ) { t . p r e v e n t D e f a u l t ( ) ; c o n s t i = I c . g e t E v e n t N a m e ( t ) ; t h i s . p e r f o r m M e d i a A c t i o n _ ( i ) } e l s e I c . i s E v e n t K e y ( t , " B a c k " ) & & e . t a r g e t & & t y p e o f e . t a r g e t . c l o s e a b l e = = " f u n c t i o n " & & e . t a r g e t . c l o s e a b l e ( ) & & ( t . p r e v e n t D e f a u l t ( ) , e . t a r g e t . c l o s e ( ) ) } p e r f o r m M e d i a A c t i o n _ ( e ) { i f ( t h i s . p l a y e r _ ) s w i t c h ( e ) { c a s e " p l a y " : t h i s . p l a y e r _ . p a u s e d ( ) & & t h i s . p l a y e r _ . p l a y ( ) ; b r e a k ; c a s e " p a u s e " : t h i s . p l a y e r _ . p a u s e d ( ) | | t h i s . p l a y e r _ . p a u s e ( ) ; b r e a k ; c a s e " f f " : t h i s . u s e r S e e k _ ( t h i s . p l a y e r _ . c u r r e n t T i m e ( ) + j I ) ; b r e a k ; c a s e " r w " : t h i s . u s e r S e e k _ ( t h i s . p l a y e r _ . c u r r e n t T i m e ( ) - j I ) ; b r e a k } } u s e r S e e k _ ( e ) { t h i s . p l a y e r _ . l i v e T r a c k e r & & t h i s . p l a y e r _ . l i v e T r a c k e r . i s L i v e ( ) & & t h i s . p l a y e r _ . l i v e T r a c k e r . n e x t S e e k e d F r o m U s e r ( ) , t h i s . p l a y e r _ . c u r r e n t T i m e ( e ) } p a u s e ( ) { t h i s . i s P a u s e d _ = ! 0 } r e s u m e ( ) { t h i s . i s P a u s e d _ = ! 1 } h a n d l e P l a y e r B l u r _ ( e ) { c o n s t t = e . r e l a t e d T a r g e t ; l e t i = n u l l ; c o n s t n = t h i s . g e t C u r r e n t C o m p o n e n t ( e . t a r g e t ) ; t & & ( i = ! ! t . c l o s e s t ( " . v i d e o - j s " ) , t . c l a s s L i s t . c o n t a i n s ( " v j s - t e x t - t r a c k - s e t t i n g s " ) & & ! t h i s . i s P a u s e d _ & & t h i s . s e a r c h F o r T r a c k S e l e c t _ ( ) ) , ( ! e . c u r r e n t T a r g e t . c o n t a i n s ( e . r e l a t e d T a r g e t ) & & ! i | | ! t ) & & ( n & & n . n a m e ( ) = = = " C l o s e B u t t o n " ? t h i s . r e f o c u s C o m p o n e n t ( ) : ( t h i s . p a u s e ( ) , n & & n . e l ( ) & & ( t h i s . l a s t F o c u s e d C o m p o n e n t _ = n ) ) ) } h a n d l e P l a y e r F o c u s _ ( ) { t h i s . g e t C u r r e n t C o m p o n e n t ( ) & & t h i s . g e t C u r r e n t C o m p o n e n t ( ) . g e t I s F o c u s a b l e ( ) & & t h i s . r e s u m e ( ) } u p d a t e F o c u s a b l e C o m p o n e n t s ( ) { c o n s t e = t h i s . p l a y e r _ , t = [ ] ; f u n c t i o n i ( n ) { f o r ( c o n s t a o f n ) a . h a s O w n P r o p e r t y ( " e l _ " ) & & a . g e t I s F o c u s a b l e ( ) & & a . g e t I s A v a i l a b l e T o B e F o c u s e d ( a . e l ( ) ) & & t . p u s h ( a ) , a . h a s O w n P r o p e r t y ( " c h i l d r e n _ " ) & & a . c h i l d r e n _ . l e n g t h > 0 & & i ( a . c h i l d r e n _ ) } r e t u r n e . c h i l d r e n _ . f o r E a c h ( n = > { i f ( n . h a s O w n P r o p e r t y ( " e l _ " ) ) i f ( n . g e t I s F o c u s a b l e & & n . g e t I s A v a i l a b l e T o B e F o c u s e d & & n . g e t I s F o c u s a b l e ( ) & & n . g e t I s A v a i l a b l e T o B e F o c u s e d ( n . e l ( ) ) ) { t . p u s h ( n ) ; r e t u r n } e l s e n . h a s O w n P r o p e r t y ( " c h i l d r e n _ " ) & & n . c h i l d r e n _ . l e n g t h > 0 ? i ( n . c h i l d r e n _ ) : n . h a s O w n P r o p e r t y ( " i t e m s " ) & & n . i t e m s . l e n g t h > 0 ? i ( n . i t e m s ) : t h i s . f i n d S u i t a b l e D O M C h i l d ( n ) & & t . p u s h ( n ) ; i f ( n . n a m e _ = = = " E r r o r D i s p l a y " & & n . o p e n e d _ ) { c o n s t a = n . e l _ . q u e r y S e l e c t o r ( " . v j s - e r r o r s - o k - b u t t o n - c o n t a i n e r " ) ; a & & a . q u e r y S e l e c t o r A l l ( " b u t t o n " ) . f o r E a c h ( ( o , l ) = > { t . p u s h ( { n a m e : ( ) = > " M o d a l B u t t o n " + ( l + 1 ) , e l : ( ) = > o , g e t P o s i t i o n s : ( ) = > { c o n s t u = o . g e t B o u n d i n g C l i e n t R e c t ( ) , c = { x : u . x , y : u . y , w i d t h : u . w i d t h , h e i g h t : u . h e i g h t , t o p : u . t o p , r i g h t : u . r i g h t , b o t t o m : u . b o t t o m , l e f t : u . l e f t } , h = { x : u . l e f t + u . w i d t h / 2 , y : u . t o p + u . h e i g h t / 2 , w i d t h : 0 , h e i g h t : 0 , t o p : u . t o p + u . h e i g h t / 2 , r i g h t : u . l e f t + u . w i d t h / 2 , b o t t o m : u . t o p + u . h e i g h t / 2 , l e f t : u . l e f t + u . w i d t h / 2 } ; r e t u r n { b o u n d i n g C l i e n t R e c t : c , c e n t e r : h } } , g e t I s A v a i l a b l e T o B e F o c u s e d : ( ) = > ! 0 , g e t I s F o c u s a b l e : u = > ! 0 , f o c u s : ( ) = > o . f o c u s ( ) } ) } ) } } ) , t h i s . f o c
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2024-11-01 15:26:36 +01:00
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height : $ { t } px ;
. $ { n } . vjs - fluid : not ( . vjs - audio - only - mode ) {
padding - top : $ { s * 100 } % ;
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` )}loadTech_(e,t){this.tech_&&this.unloadTech_();const i=nr(e),n=e.charAt(0).toLowerCase()+e.slice(1);i!=="Html5"&&this.tag&&(it.getTech("Html5").disposeMediaElement(this.tag),this.tag.player=null,this.tag=null),this.techName_=i,this.isReady_=!1;let a=this.autoplay();(typeof this.autoplay()=="string"||this.autoplay()===!0&&this.options_.normalizeAutoplay)&&(a=!1);const s={source:t,autoplay:a,nativeControlsForTouch:this.options_.nativeControlsForTouch,playerId:this.id(),techId: ` $ { this . id ( ) } _$ { n } _api ` ,playsinline:this.options_.playsinline,preload:this.options_.preload,loop:this.options_.loop,disablePictureInPicture:this.options_.disablePictureInPicture,muted:this.options_.muted,poster:this.poster(),language:this.language(),playerElIngest:this.playerElIngest_||!1,"vtt.js":this.options_["vtt.js"],canOverridePoster:!!this.options_.techCanOverridePoster,enableSourceset:this.options_.enableSourceset};_i.names.forEach(l=>{const u=_i[l];s[u.getterName]=this[u.privateName]}),Object.assign(s,this.options_[i]),Object.assign(s,this.options_[n]),Object.assign(s,this.options_[e.toLowerCase()]),this.tag&&(s.tag=this.tag),t&&t.src===this.cache_.src&&this.cache_.currentTime>0&&(s.startTime=this.cache_.currentTime);const o=it.getTech(e);if(!o)throw new Error( ` No Tech named '${i}' exists ! '${i}' should be registered using videojs . registerTech ( ) '`);this.tech_=new o(s),this.tech_.ready(Ht(this,this.handleTechReady_),!0),UI.jsonToTextTracks(this.textTracksJson_||[],this.tech_),n9.forEach(l=>{this.on(this.tech_,l,u=>this[`handleTech${nr(l)}_`](u))}),Object.keys(x2).forEach(l=>{this.on(this.tech_,l,u=>{if(this.tech_.playbackRate()===0&&this.tech_.seeking()){this.queuedCallbacks_.push({callback:this[`handleTech${x2[l]}_`].bind(this),event:u});return}this[`handleTech${x2[l]}_`](u)})}),this.on(this.tech_,"loadstart",l=>this.handleTechLoadStart_(l)),this.on(this.tech_,"sourceset",l=>this.handleTechSourceset_(l)),this.on(this.tech_,"waiting",l=>this.handleTechWaiting_(l)),this.on(this.tech_,"ended",l=>this.handleTechEnded_(l)),this.on(this.tech_,"seeking",l=>this.handleTechSeeking_(l)),this.on(this.tech_,"play",l=>this.handleTechPlay_(l)),this.on(this.tech_,"pause",l=>this.handleTechPause_(l)),this.on(this.tech_,"durationchange",l=>this.handleTechDurationChange_(l)),this.on(this.tech_,"fullscreenchange",(l,u)=>this.handleTechFullscreenChange_(l,u)),this.on(this.tech_,"fullscreenerror",(l,u)=>this.handleTechFullscreenError_(l,u)),this.on(this.tech_,"enterpictureinpicture",l=>this.handleTechEnterPictureInPicture_(l)),this.on(this.tech_,"leavepictureinpicture",l=>this.handleTechLeavePictureInPicture_(l)),this.on(this.tech_,"error",l=>this.handleTechError_(l)),this.on(this.tech_,"posterchange",l=>this.handleTechPosterChange_(l)),this.on(this.tech_,"textdata",l=>this.handleTechTextData_(l)),this.on(this.tech_,"ratechange",l=>this.handleTechRateChange_(l)),this.on(this.tech_,"loadedmetadata",this.boundUpdateStyleEl_),this.usingNativeControls(this.techGet_("controls")),this.controls()&&!this.usingNativeControls()&&this.addTechControlsListeners_(),this.tech_.el().parentNode!==this.el()&&(i!=="Html5"||!this.tag)&&LS(this.tech_.el(),this.el()),this.tag&&(this.tag.player=null,this.tag=null)}unloadTech_(){_i.names.forEach(e=>{const t=_i[e];this[t.privateName]=this[t.getterName]()}),this.textTracksJson_=UI.textTracksToJson(this.tech_),this.isReady_=!1,this.tech_.dispose(),this.tech_=!1,this.isPosterFromTech_&&(this.poster_="",this.trigger("posterchange")),this.isPosterFromTech_=!1}tech(e){return e===void 0&&pt.warn(`Using the tech directly can be dangerous. I hope you know what you' re doing .
2024-11-01 15:26:36 +01:00
See https : //github.com/videojs/video.js/issues/2617 for more info.
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2024-11-01 15:26:36 +01:00
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height : 150 px ;
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padding - top : 56.25 %
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2024-11-01 15:26:36 +01:00
` ;for(let t=0;t<r.length;t++){const i=r.start(t),n=r.end(t);e+= ` $ { i } -- > $ { n } . Duration ( $ { n - i } )
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` }return e}const za=1/30,Ga=za*3,u9=function(r,e){const t=[];let i;if(r&&r.length)for(i=0;i<r.length;i++)e(r.start(i),r.end(i))&&t.push([r.start(i),r.end(i)]);return Kr(t)},hh=function(r,e){return u9(r,function(t,i){return t-Ga<=e&&i+Ga>=e})}, $ g=function(r,e){return u9(r,function(t){return t-za>=e})},sre=function(r){if(r.length<2)return Kr();const e=[];for(let t=1;t<r.length;t++){const i=r.end(t-1),n=r.start(t);e.push([i,n])}return Kr(e)},ore=function(r,e){let t=null,i=null,n=0;const a=[],s=[];if(!r||!r.length||!e||!e.length)return Kr();let o=r.length;for(;o--;)a.push({time:r.start(o),type:"start"}),a.push({time:r.end(o),type:"end"});for(o=e.length;o--;)a.push({time:e.start(o),type:"start"}),a.push({time:e.end(o),type:"end"});for(a.sort(function(l,u){return l.time-u.time}),o=0;o<a.length;o++)a[o].type==="start"?(n++,n===2&&(t=a[o].time)):a[o].type==="end"&&(n--,n===1&&(i=a[o].time)),t!==null&&i!==null&&(s.push([t,i]),t=null,i=null);return Kr(s)},c9=r=>{const e=[];if(!r||!r.length)return"";for(let t=0;t<r.length;t++)e.push(r.start(t)+" => "+r.end(t));return e.join(", ")},lre=function(r,e,t=1){return((r.length?r.end(r.length-1):0)-e)/t},pu=r=>{const e=[];for(let t=0;t<r.length;t++)e.push({start:r.start(t),end:r.end(t)});return e},ure=function(r,e){if(r===e)return!1;if(!r&&e||!e&&r||r.length!==e.length)return!0;for(let t=0;t<r.length;t++)if(r.start(t)!==e.start(t)||r.end(t)!==e.end(t))return!0;return!1},w2=function(r){if(!(!r||!r.length||!r.end))return r.end(r.length-1)},pA=function(r,e){let t=0;if(!r||!r.length)return t;for(let i=0;i<r.length;i++){const n=r.start(i),a=r.end(i);if(!(e>a)){if(e>n&&e<=a){t+=a-e;continue}t+=a-n}}return t},vA=(r,e)=>{if(!e.preload)return e.duration;let t=0;return(e.parts||[]).forEach(function(i){t+=i.duration}),(e.preloadHints||[]).forEach(function(i){i.type==="PART"&&(t+=r.partTargetDuration)}),t},zS=r=>(r.segments||[]).reduce((e,t,i)=>(t.parts?t.parts.forEach(function(n,a){e.push({duration:n.duration,segmentIndex:i,partIndex:a,part:n,segment:t})}):e.push({duration:t.duration,segmentIndex:i,partIndex:null,segment:t,part:null}),e),[]),h9=r=>{const e=r.segments&&r.segments.length&&r.segments[r.segments.length-1];return e&&e.parts||[]},f9=({preloadSegment:r})=>{if(!r)return;const{parts:e,preloadHints:t}=r;let i=(t||[]).reduce((n,a)=>n+(a.type==="PART"?1:0),0);return i+=e&&e.length?e.length:0,i},d9=(r,e)=>{if(e.endList)return 0;if(r&&r.suggestedPresentationDelay)return r.suggestedPresentationDelay;const t=h9(e).length>0;return t&&e.serverControl&&e.serverControl.partHoldBack?e.serverControl.partHoldBack:t&&e.partTargetDuration?e.partTargetDuration*3:e.serverControl&&e.serverControl.holdBack?e.serverControl.holdBack:e.targetDuration?e.targetDuration*3:0},cre=function(r,e){let t=0,i=e-r.mediaSequence,n=r.segments[i];if(n){if(typeof n.start<"u")return{result:n.start,precise:!0};if(typeof n.end<"u")return{result:n.end-n.duration,precise:!0}}for(;i--;){if(n=r.segments[i],typeof n.end<"u")return{result:t+n.end,precise:!0};if(t+=vA(r,n),typeof n.start<"u")return{result:t+n.start,precise:!0}}return{result:t,precise:!1}},hre=function(r,e){let t=0,i,n=e-r.mediaSequence;for(;n<r.segments.length;n++){if(i=r.segments[n],typeof i.start<"u")return{result:i.start-t,precise:!0};if(t+=vA(r,i),typeof i.end<"u")return{result:i.end-t,precise:!0}}return{result:-1,precise:!1}},p9=function(r,e,t){if(typeof e>"u"&&(e=r.mediaSequence+r.segments.length),e<r.mediaSequence)return 0;const i=cre(r,e);if(i.precise)return i.result;const n=hre(r,e);return n.precise?n.result:i.result+t},v9=function(r,e,t){if(!r)return 0;if(typeof t!="number"&&(t=0),typeof e>"u"){if(r.totalDuration)return r.totalDuration;if(!r.endList)return H.Infinity}return p9(r,e,t)},yp=function({defaultDuration:r,durationList:e,startIndex:t,endIndex:i}){let n=0;if(t>i&&([t,i]=[i,t]),t<0){for(let a=t;a<Math.min(0,i);a++)n+=r;t=0}for(let a=t;a<i;a++)n+=e[a].duration;return n},g9=function(r,e,t,i){if(!r||!r.segments)return null;if(r.endList)return v9(r);if(e===null)return null;e=e||0;let n=p9(r,r.mediaSequence+r.segments.length,e);return t&&(i=typeof i=="number"?i
` ;return i},Mre=({bytes:r})=>P9(r),Lre=r=>{let e="",t;for(t=0;t<r.length;t++)e+=Ere(r,t)+" ";return e};var kre=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,createTransferableMessage:E9,initSegmentId:sy,segmentKeyId:I9,hexDump:P9,tagDump:Mre,textRanges:Lre});const M9=.25,Rre=(r,e)=>{if(!e.dateTimeObject)return null;const t=e.videoTimingInfo.transmuxerPrependedSeconds,n=e.videoTimingInfo.transmuxedPresentationStart+t,a=r-n;return new Date(e.dateTimeObject.getTime()+a*1e3)},Ore=r=>r.transmuxedPresentationEnd-r.transmuxedPresentationStart-r.transmuxerPrependedSeconds,Nre=(r,e)=>{let t;try{t=new Date(r)}catch{return null}if(!e||!e.segments||e.segments.length===0)return null;let i=e.segments[0];if(t<new Date(i.dateTimeObject))return null;for(let l=0;l<e.segments.length-1;l++){i=e.segments[l];const u=new Date(e.segments[l+1].dateTimeObject);if(t<u)break}const n=e.segments[e.segments.length-1],a=n.dateTimeObject,s=n.videoTimingInfo?Ore(n.videoTimingInfo):n.duration+n.duration*M9,o=new Date(a.getTime()+s*1e3);return t>o?null:(t>new Date(a)&&(i=n),{segment:i,estimatedStart:i.videoTimingInfo?i.videoTimingInfo.transmuxedPresentationStart:Vi.duration(e,e.mediaSequence+e.segments.indexOf(i)),type:i.videoTimingInfo?"accurate":"estimate"})},Bre=(r,e)=>{if(!e||!e.segments||e.segments.length===0)return null;let t=0,i;for(let a=0;a<e.segments.length&&(i=e.segments[a],t=i.videoTimingInfo?i.videoTimingInfo.transmuxedPresentationEnd:t+i.duration,!(r<=t));a++);const n=e.segments[e.segments.length-1];if(n.videoTimingInfo&&n.videoTimingInfo.transmuxedPresentationEnd<r)return null;if(r>t){if(r>t+n.duration*M9)return null;i=n}return{segment:i,estimatedStart:i.videoTimingInfo?i.videoTimingInfo.transmuxedPresentationStart:t-i.duration,type:i.videoTimingInfo?"accurate":"estimate"}},Fre=(r,e)=>{let t,i;try{t=new Date(r),i=new Date(e)}catch{}const n=t.getTime();return(i.getTime()-n)/1e3},Ure=r=>{if(!r.segments||r.segments.length===0)return!1;for(let e=0;e<r.segments.length;e++)if(!r.segments[e].dateTimeObject)return!1;return!0},Vre=({playlist:r,time:e=void 0,callback:t})=>{if(!t)throw new Error("getProgramTime: callback must be provided");if(!r||e===void 0)return t({message:"getProgramTime: playlist and time must be provided"});const i=Bre(e,r);if(!i)return t({message:"valid programTime was not found"});if(i.type==="estimate")return t({message:"Accurate programTime could not be determined. Please seek to e.seekTime and try again",seekTime:i.estimatedStart});const n={mediaSeconds:e},a=Rre(e,i.segment);return a&&(n.programDateTime=a.toISOString()),t(null,n)},L9=({programTime:r,playlist:e,retryCount:t=2,seekTo:i,pauseAfterSeek:n=!0,tech:a,callback:s})=>{if(!s)throw new Error("seekToProgramTime: callback must be provided");if(typeof r>"u"||!e||!i)return s({message:"seekToProgramTime: programTime, seekTo and playlist must be provided"});if(!e.endList&&!a.hasStarted_)return s({message:"player must be playing a live stream to start buffering"});if(!Ure(e))return s({message:"programDateTime tags must be provided in the manifest "+e.resolvedUri});const o=Nre(r,e);if(!o)return s({message: ` $ { r } was not found in the stream ` });const l=o.segment,u=Fre(l.dateTimeObject,r);if(o.type==="estimate"){if(t===0)return s({message: ` $ { r } is not buffered yet . Try again ` });i(o.estimatedStart+u),a.one("seeked",()=>{L9({programTime:r,playlist:e,retryCount:t-1,seekTo:i,pauseAfterSeek:n,tech:a,callback:s})});return}const c=l.start+u,h=()=>s(null,a.currentTime());a.one("seeked",h),n&&a.pause(),i(c)},C2=(r,e)=>{if(r.readyState===4)return e()},zre=(r,e,t,i)=>{let n=[],a,s=!1;const o=function(h,d,f,p){return d.abort(),s=!0,t(h,d,f,p)},l=function(h,d){if(s)return;if(h)return h.metadata=Iu({requestType:i,request:d,error:h}),o(h,d,"",n);const f=d.responseText.substring(n&&n.byteLength||0,d.responseText.length);if(n=WQ(n,rO(f,!0)),a=a||Wd(n),n.length<10||a&&n.length<a+2)return C2(d,()=>o(h,d,"",n));const p=BC(n);return p==="ts"&&n.length<188?C2(d,()=>o(h,d,"",n)):!p&&n.length<376?C2(d,()=>o(h,d,"",n)):o(null,d,p,n)},c=e({uri:r,beforeSend(h){h.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined"),h.addEv
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browserWorkerPolyFill ( self ) ;
2024-11-18 22:45:18 +01:00
` +r},N9=function(r){return r.toString().replace(/^function.+?{/,"").slice(0,-1)},Zre=O9(N9(function(){var r=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:typeof window<"u"?window:typeof global<"u"?global:typeof self<"u"?self:{},e=function(){this.init=function(){var T={};this.on=function(w,E){T[w]||(T[w]=[]),T[w]=T[w].concat(E)},this.off=function(w,E){var A;return T[w]?(A=T[w].indexOf(E),T[w]=T[w].slice(),T[w].splice(A,1),A>-1):!1},this.trigger=function(w){var E,A,P,k;if(E=T[w],!!E)if(arguments.length===2)for(P=E.length,A=0;A<P;++A)E[A].call(this,arguments[1]);else{for(k=[],A=arguments.length,A=1;A<arguments.length;++A)k.push(arguments[A]);for(P=E.length,A=0;A<P;++A)E[A].apply(this,k)}},this.dispose=function(){T={}}}};e.prototype.pipe=function(T){return this.on("data",function(w){T.push(w)}),this.on("done",function(w){T.flush(w)}),this.on("partialdone",function(w){T.partialFlush(w)}),this.on("endedtimeline",function(w){T.endTimeline(w)}),this.on("reset",function(w){T.reset(w)}),T},e.prototype.push=function(T){this.trigger("data",T)},e.prototype.flush=function(T){this.trigger("done",T)},e.prototype.partialFlush=function(T){this.trigger("partialdone",T)},e.prototype.endTimeline=function(T){this.trigger("endedtimeline",T)},e.prototype.reset=function(T){this.trigger("reset",T)};var t=e,i=Math.pow(2,32),n=function(T){var w=new DataView(T.buffer,T.byteOffset,T.byteLength),E;return w.getBigUint64?(E=w.getBigUint64(0),E<Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER?Number(E):E):w.getUint32(0)*i+w.getUint32(4)},a={getUint64:n,MAX_UINT32:i},s=a.MAX_UINT32,o,l,u,c,h,d,f,p,v,g,m,y,_,b,S,x,C,D,I,M,L,N,O,B,F,U, $ ,q,Z,te,Q,se,he,ue,Ie,Oe;(function(){var T;if(O={avc1:[],avcC:[],btrt:[],dinf:[],dref:[],esds:[],ftyp:[],hdlr:[],mdat:[],mdhd:[],mdia:[],mfhd:[],minf:[],moof:[],moov:[],mp4a:[],mvex:[],mvhd:[],pasp:[],sdtp:[],smhd:[],stbl:[],stco:[],stsc:[],stsd:[],stsz:[],stts:[],styp:[],tfdt:[],tfhd:[],traf:[],trak:[],trun:[],trex:[],tkhd:[],vmhd:[]},!(typeof Uint8Array>"u")){for(T in O)O.hasOwnProperty(T)&&(O[T]=[T.charCodeAt(0),T.charCodeAt(1),T.charCodeAt(2),T.charCodeAt(3)]);B=new Uint8Array([105,115,111,109]),U=new Uint8Array([97,118,99,49]),F=new Uint8Array([0,0,0,1]), $ =new Uint8Array([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,118,105,100,101,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,86,105,100,101,111,72,97,110,100,108,101,114,0]),q=new Uint8Array([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,115,111,117,110,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,83,111,117,110,100,72,97,110,100,108,101,114,0]),Z={video: $ ,audio:q},se=new Uint8Array([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,12,117,114,108,32,0,0,0,1]),Q=new Uint8Array([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]),he=new Uint8Array([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]),ue=he,Ie=new Uint8Array([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]),Oe=he,te=new Uint8Array([0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0])}})(),o=function(T){var w=[],E=0,A,P,k;for(A=1;A<arguments.length;A++)w.push(arguments[A]);for(A=w.length;A--;)E+=w[A].byteLength;for(P=new Uint8Array(E+8),k=new DataView(P.buffer,P.byteOffset,P.byteLength),k.setUint32(0,P.byteLength),P.set(T,4),A=0,E=8;A<w.length;A++)P.set(w[A],E),E+=w[A].byteLength;return P},l=function(){return o(O.dinf,o(O.dref,se))},u=function(T){return o(O.esds,new Uint8Array([0,0,0,0,3,25,0,0,0,4,17,64,21,0,6,0,0,0,218,192,0,0,218,192,5,2,T.audioobjecttype<<3|T.samplingfrequencyindex>>>1,T.samplingfrequencyindex<<7|T.channelcount<<3,6,1,2]))},c=function(){return o(O.ftyp,B,F,B,U)},x=function(T){return o(O.hdlr,Z[T])},h=function(T){return o(O.mdat,T)},S=function(T){var w=new Uint8Array([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,3,0,1,95,144,T.duration>>>24&255,T.duration>>>16&255,T.duration>>>8&255,T.duration&255,85,196,0,0]);return T.samplerate&&(w[12]=T.samplerate>>>24&255,w[13]=T.samplerate>>>16&255,w[14]=T.samplerate>>>8&255,w[15]=T.samplerate&255),o(O.mdhd,w)},b=function(T){return o(O.mdia,S(T),x(T.type),f(T))},d=function(T){return o(O.mfhd,new Uint8Array([0,0,0,0,(T&4278190080)>>24,(T&16711680)>>16,(T&65280)>>8,T&255]))},f=function(T){return o(O.minf,T.type==="video"?o(O.vmhd,te):o(O.smhd,Q),l(),D(T))},p=function(T,w){for(var E=[],A=w.length;A--;)E[A]=M(w[A]);return o.apply(null,[O.moof,d(T)].concat(E))},v=function(T){for(var w=T.length,E=[];w--;)E[w]=y(T[w]);return o.apply(null,[O.moov,m(4294967295)
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` )},Dr.prototype.clearText=function(){this.rows=[""],this.rowIdx=0},Dr.prototype.newLine=function(T){for(this.rows.length>=this.virtualRowCount&&typeof this.beforeRowOverflow=="function"&&this.beforeRowOverflow(T),this.rows.length>0&&(this.rows.push(""),this.rowIdx++);this.rows.length>this.virtualRowCount;)this.rows.shift(),this.rowIdx--},Dr.prototype.isEmpty=function(){return this.rows.length===0?!0:this.rows.length===1?this.rows[0]==="":!1},Dr.prototype.addText=function(T){this.rows[this.rowIdx]+=T},Dr.prototype.backspace=function(){if(!this.isEmpty()){var T=this.rows[this.rowIdx];this.rows[this.rowIdx]=T.substr(0,T.length-1)}};var qr=function(T,w,E){this.serviceNum=T,this.text="",this.currentWindow=new Dr(-1),this.windows=[],this.stream=E,typeof w=="string"&&this.createTextDecoder(w)};qr.prototype.init=function(T,w){this.startPts=T;for(var E=0;E<8;E++)this.windows[E]=new Dr(E),typeof w=="function"&&(this.windows[E].beforeRowOverflow=w)},qr.prototype.setCurrentWindow=function(T){this.currentWindow=this.windows[T]},qr.prototype.createTextDecoder=function(T){if(typeof TextDecoder>"u")this.stream.trigger("log",{level:"warn",message:"The ` encoding ` option is unsupported without TextDecoder support"});else try{this.textDecoder_=new TextDecoder(T)}catch(w){this.stream.trigger("log",{level:"warn",message:"TextDecoder could not be created with "+T+" encoding. "+w})}};var ft=function(T){T=T||{},ft.prototype.init.call(this);var w=this,E=T.captionServices||{},A={},P;Object.keys(E).forEach(k=>{P=E[k],/^SERVICE/.test(k)&&(A[k]=P.encoding)}),this.serviceEncodings=A,this.current708Packet=null,this.services={},this.push=function(k){k.type===3?(w.new708Packet(),w.add708Bytes(k)):(w.current708Packet===null&&w.new708Packet(),w.add708Bytes(k))}};ft.prototype=new Ne,ft.prototype.new708Packet=function(){this.current708Packet!==null&&this.push708Packet(),this.current708Packet={data:[],ptsVals:[]}},ft.prototype.add708Bytes=function(T){var w=T.ccData,E=w>>>8,A=w&255;this.current708Packet.ptsVals.push(T.pts),this.current708Packet.data.push(E),this.current708Packet.data.push(A)},ft.prototype.push708Packet=function(){var T=this.current708Packet,w=T.data,E=null,A=null,P=0,k=w[P++];for(T.seq=k>>6,T.sizeCode=k&63;P<w.length;P++)k=w[P++],E=k>>5,A=k&31,E===7&&A>0&&(k=w[P++],E=k),this.pushServiceBlock(E,P,A),A>0&&(P+=A-1)},ft.prototype.pushServiceBlock=function(T,w,E){var A,P=w,k=this.current708Packet.data,V=this.services[T];for(V||(V=this.initService(T,P));P<w+E&&P<k.length;P++)A=k[P],ur(A)?P=this.handleText(P,V):A===24?P=this.multiByteCharacter(P,V):A===16?P=this.extendedCommands(P,V):128<=A&&A<=135?P=this.setCurrentWindow(P,V):152<=A&&A<=159?P=this.defineWindow(P,V):A===136?P=this.clearWindows(P,V):A===140?P=this.deleteWindows(P,V):A===137?P=this.displayWindows(P,V):A===138?P=this.hideWindows(P,V):A===139?P=this.toggleWindows(P,V):A===151?P=this.setWindowAttributes(P,V):A===144?P=this.setPenAttributes(P,V):A===145?P=this.setPenColor(P,V):A===146?P=this.setPenLocation(P,V):A===143?V=this.reset(P,V):A===8?V.currentWindow.backspace():A===12?V.currentWindow.clearText():A===13?V.currentWindow.pendingNewLine=!0:A===14?V.currentWindow.clearText():A===141&&P++},ft.prototype.extendedCommands=function(T,w){var E=this.current708Packet.data,A=E[++T];return ur(A)&&(T=this.handleText(T,w,{isExtended:!0})),T},ft.prototype.getPts=function(T){return this.current708Packet.ptsVals[Math.floor(T/2)]},ft.prototype.initService=function(T,w){var A="SERVICE"+T,E=this,A,P;return A in this.serviceEncodings&&(P=this.serviceEncodings[A]),this.services[T]=new qr(T,P,E),this.services[T].init(this.getPts(w),function(k){E.flushDisplayed(k,E.services[T])}),this.services[T]},ft.prototype.handleText=function(T,w,E){var A=E&&E.isExtended,P=E&&E.isMultiByte,k=this.current708Packet.data,V=A?4096:0,z=k[T],G=k[T+1],W=w.currentWindow,Y,ee;function Se(le){return le.map(je=>("0"+(je&255).toString(16)).slice(-2)).join("")}if(P?(ee=[z,G],T++):ee=[z],w.textDecoder_&&!A)Y=w.textDecoder_.decode(new Uint8Array(ee));else if(P){const le=Se(ee);Y=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(le,16))}else Y=Kt(V|z);re
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2024-11-18 22:45:18 +01:00
` ),this.pushCaption(w),w.startPts=T},ft.prototype.pushCaption=function(T){T.text!==""&&(this.trigger("data",{startPts:T.startPts,endPts:T.endPts,text:T.text,stream:"cc708_"+T.serviceNum}),T.text="",T.startPts=T.endPts)},ft.prototype.displayWindows=function(T,w){var E=this.current708Packet.data,A=E[++T],P=this.getPts(T);this.flushDisplayed(P,w);for(var k=0;k<8;k++)A&1<<k&&(w.windows[k].visible=1);return T},ft.prototype.hideWindows=function(T,w){var E=this.current708Packet.data,A=E[++T],P=this.getPts(T);this.flushDisplayed(P,w);for(var k=0;k<8;k++)A&1<<k&&(w.windows[k].visible=0);return T},ft.prototype.toggleWindows=function(T,w){var E=this.current708Packet.data,A=E[++T],P=this.getPts(T);this.flushDisplayed(P,w);for(var k=0;k<8;k++)A&1<<k&&(w.windows[k].visible^=1);return T},ft.prototype.clearWindows=function(T,w){var E=this.current708Packet.data,A=E[++T],P=this.getPts(T);this.flushDisplayed(P,w);for(var k=0;k<8;k++)A&1<<k&&w.windows[k].clearText();return T},ft.prototype.deleteWindows=function(T,w){var E=this.current708Packet.data,A=E[++T],P=this.getPts(T);this.flushDisplayed(P,w);for(var k=0;k<8;k++)A&1<<k&&w.windows[k].reset();return T},ft.prototype.setPenAttributes=function(T,w){var E=this.current708Packet.data,A=E[T],P=w.currentWindow.penAttr;return A=E[++T],P.textTag=(A&240)>>4,P.offset=(A&12)>>2,P.penSize=A&3,A=E[++T],P.italics=(A&128)>>7,P.underline=(A&64)>>6,P.edgeType=(A&56)>>3,P.fontStyle=A&7,T},ft.prototype.setPenColor=function(T,w){var E=this.current708Packet.data,A=E[T],P=w.currentWindow.penColor;return A=E[++T],P.fgOpacity=(A&192)>>6,P.fgRed=(A&48)>>4,P.fgGreen=(A&12)>>2,P.fgBlue=A&3,A=E[++T],P.bgOpacity=(A&192)>>6,P.bgRed=(A&48)>>4,P.bgGreen=(A&12)>>2,P.bgBlue=A&3,A=E[++T],P.edgeRed=(A&48)>>4,P.edgeGreen=(A&12)>>2,P.edgeBlue=A&3,T},ft.prototype.setPenLocation=function(T,w){var E=this.current708Packet.data,A=E[T],P=w.currentWindow.penLoc;return w.currentWindow.pendingNewLine=!0,A=E[++T],P.row=A&15,A=E[++T],P.column=A&63,T},ft.prototype.reset=function(T,w){var E=this.getPts(T);return this.flushDisplayed(E,w),this.initService(w.serviceNum,T)};var Er={42:225,92:233,94:237,95:243,96:250,123:231,124:247,125:209,126:241,127:9608,304:174,305:176,306:189,307:191,308:8482,309:162,310:163,311:9834,312:224,313:160,314:232,315:226,316:234,317:238,318:244,319:251,544:193,545:201,546:211,547:218,548:220,549:252,550:8216,551:161,552:42,553:39,554:8212,555:169,556:8480,557:8226,558:8220,559:8221,560:192,561:194,562:199,563:200,564:202,565:203,566:235,567:206,568:207,569:239,570:212,571:217,572:249,573:219,574:171,575:187,800:195,801:227,802:205,803:204,804:236,805:210,806:242,807:213,808:245,809:123,810:125,811:92,812:94,813:95,814:124,815:126,816:196,817:228,818:214,819:246,820:223,821:165,822:164,823:9474,824:197,825:229,826:216,827:248,828:9484,829:9488,830:9492,831:9496},zt=function(T){return T===null?"":(T=Er[T]||T,String.fromCharCode(T))},no=14,tn=[4352,4384,4608,4640,5376,5408,5632,5664,5888,5920,4096,4864,4896,5120,5152],ml=function(){for(var T=[],w=no+1;w--;)T.push({text:"",indent:0,offset:0});return T},Wt=function(T,w){Wt.prototype.init.call(this),this.field_=T||0,this.dataChannel_=w||0,this.name_="CC"+((this.field_<<1|this.dataChannel_)+1),this.setConstants(),this.reset(),this.push=function(E){var A,P,k,V,z;if(A=E.ccData&32639,A===this.lastControlCode_){this.lastControlCode_=null;return}if((A&61440)===4096?this.lastControlCode_=A:A!==this.PADDING_&&(this.lastControlCode_=null),k=A>>>8,V=A&255,A!==this.PADDING_)if(A===this.RESUME_CAPTION_LOADING_)this.mode_="popOn";else if(A===this.END_OF_CAPTION_)this.mode_="popOn",this.clearFormatting(E.pts),this.flushDisplayed(E.pts),P=this.displayed_,this.displayed_=this.nonDisplayed_,this.nonDisplayed_=P,this.startPts_=E.pts;else if(A===this.ROLL_UP_2_ROWS_)this.rollUpRows_=2,this.setRollUp(E.pts);else if(A===this.ROLL_UP_3_ROWS_)this.rollUpRows_=3,this.setRollUp(E.pts);else if(A===this.ROLL_UP_4_ROWS_)this.rollUpRows_=4,this.setRollUp(E.pts);else if(A===this.CARRIAGE_RETURN_)this.clearFormatting(E.pts),this.flushDisplayed(E.pts),this.shiftRowsUp_(),this.startPts_=E.pts;else
2024-11-01 15:26:36 +01:00
currentTime : $ { this . currentTime _ ( ) }
2024-11-18 22:45:18 +01:00
bufferedEnd : $ { w2 ( this . buffered _ ( ) ) }
` ,this.mediaSequenceSync_.diagnostics)),this.trigger("syncinfoupdate"),this.state==="INIT"&&this.couldBeginLoading_())return this.init_();if(!i||i.uri!==e.uri){this.mediaIndex!==null&&(!e.endList&&typeof e.partTargetDuration=="number"?this.resetLoader():this.resyncLoader()),this.currentMediaInfo_=void 0,this.trigger("playlistupdate");return}const s=e.mediaSequence-i.mediaSequence;if(this.logger_( ` live window shift [ $ { s } ] ` ),this.mediaIndex!==null)if(this.mediaIndex-=s,this.mediaIndex<0)this.mediaIndex=null,this.partIndex=null;else{const o=this.playlist_.segments[this.mediaIndex];if(this.partIndex&&(!o.parts||!o.parts.length||!o.parts[this.partIndex])){const l=this.mediaIndex;this.logger_( ` currently processing part ( index $ { this . partIndex } ) no longer exists . ` ),this.resetLoader(),this.mediaIndex=l}}n&&(n.mediaIndex-=s,n.mediaIndex<0?(n.mediaIndex=null,n.partIndex=null):(n.mediaIndex>=0&&(n.segment=e.segments[n.mediaIndex]),n.partIndex>=0&&n.segment.parts&&(n.part=n.segment.parts[n.partIndex]))),this.syncController_.saveExpiredSegmentInfo(i,e)}pause(){this.checkBufferTimeout_&&(H.clearTimeout(this.checkBufferTimeout_),this.checkBufferTimeout_=null)}paused(){return this.checkBufferTimeout_===null}resetEverything(e){this.ended_=!1,this.activeInitSegmentId_=null,this.appendInitSegment_={audio:!0,video:!0},this.resetLoader(),this.remove(0,1/0,e),this.transmuxer_&&(this.transmuxer_.postMessage({action:"clearAllMp4Captions"}),this.transmuxer_.postMessage({action:"reset"}))}resetLoader(){this.fetchAtBuffer_=!1,this.mediaSequenceSync_&&this.mediaSequenceSync_.resetAppendedStatus(),this.resyncLoader()}resyncLoader(){this.transmuxer_&&A2.reset(this.transmuxer_),this.mediaIndex=null,this.partIndex=null,this.syncPoint_=null,this.isPendingTimestampOffset_=!1;const e=this.currentMediaInfo_&&this.currentMediaInfo_.isFmp4;this.sourceType_==="hls"&&!e&&(this.shouldForceTimestampOffsetAfterResync_=!0),this.callQueue_=[],this.loadQueue_=[],this.metadataQueue_.id3=[],this.metadataQueue_.caption=[],this.abort(),this.transmuxer_&&this.transmuxer_.postMessage({action:"clearParsedMp4Captions"})}remove(e,t,i=()=>{},n=!1){if(t===1/0&&(t=this.duration_()),t<=e){this.logger_("skipping remove because end ${ end } is <= start ${ start } ");return}if(!this.sourceUpdater_||!this.getMediaInfo_()){this.logger_("skipping remove because no source updater or starting media info");return}let a=1;const s=()=>{a--,a===0&&i()};(n||!this.audioDisabled_)&&(a++,this.sourceUpdater_.removeAudio(e,t,s)),(n||this.loaderType_==="main")&&(this.gopBuffer_=kie(this.gopBuffer_,e,t,this.timeMapping_),a++,this.sourceUpdater_.removeVideo(e,t,s));for(const o in this.inbandTextTracks_)jd(e,t,this.inbandTextTracks_[o]);jd(e,t,this.segmentMetadataTrack_),s()}monitorBuffer_(){this.checkBufferTimeout_&&H.clearTimeout(this.checkBufferTimeout_),this.checkBufferTimeout_=H.setTimeout(this.monitorBufferTick_.bind(this),1)}monitorBufferTick_(){this.state==="READY"&&this.fillBuffer_(),this.checkBufferTimeout_&&H.clearTimeout(this.checkBufferTimeout_),this.checkBufferTimeout_=H.setTimeout(this.monitorBufferTick_.bind(this),Nie)}fillBuffer_(){if(this.sourceUpdater_.updating())return;const e=this.chooseNextRequest_();if(!e)return;const t={segmentInfo:au({type:this.loaderType_,segment:e})};this.trigger({type:"segmentselected",metadata:t}),typeof e.timestampOffset=="number"&&(this.isPendingTimestampOffset_=!1,this.timelineChangeController_.pendingTimelineChange({type:this.loaderType_,from:this.currentTimeline_,to:e.timeline})),this.loadSegment_(e)}isEndOfStream_(e=this.mediaIndex,t=this.playlist_,i=this.partIndex){if(!t||!this.mediaSource_)return!1;const n=typeof e=="number"&&t.segments[e],a=e+1===t.segments.length,s=!n||!n.parts||i+1===n.parts.length;return t.endList&&this.mediaSource_.readyState==="open"&&a&&s}chooseNextRequest_(){const e=this.buffered_(),t=w2(e)||0,i=pA(e,this.currentTime_()),n=!this.hasPlayed_()&&i>=1,a=i>=this.goalBufferLength_(),s=this.playlist_.segments;if(!s.length||n||a)return null;this.syncPoint_=this.syncPoint_||this.syncController_.getSyncPoint(this.playlist_,this.duration
2024-11-01 15:26:36 +01:00
For TargetTime : $ { v } .
CurrentTime : $ { this . currentTime _ ( ) }
BufferedEnd : $ { t }
Fetch At Buffer : $ { this . fetchAtBuffer _ }
2024-11-18 22:45:18 +01:00
` ,this.mediaSequenceSync_.diagnostics),this.mediaSequenceSync_&&this.mediaSequenceSync_.isReliable){const g=this.getSyncInfoFromMediaSequenceSync_(v);if(!g){const m="No sync info found while using media sequence sync";return this.error({message:m,metadata:{errorType:K.Error.StreamingFailedToSelectNextSegment,error:new Error(m)}}),this.logger_("chooseNextRequest_ - no sync info found using media sequence sync"),null}this.logger_( ` chooseNextRequest _ mediaSequence syncInfo ( $ { g . start } -- > $ { g . end } ) ` ),d=g.segmentIndex,f=g.partIndex,p=g.start}else{this.logger_("chooseNextRequest_ - fallback to a regular segment selection algorithm, based on a syncPoint.");const g=Vi.getMediaInfoForTime({exactManifestTimings:this.exactManifestTimings,playlist:this.playlist_,currentTime:v,startingPartIndex:this.syncPoint_.partIndex,startingSegmentIndex:this.syncPoint_.segmentIndex,startTime:this.syncPoint_.time});d=g.segmentIndex,f=g.partIndex,p=g.startTime}o.getMediaInfoForTime=this.fetchAtBuffer_? ` bufferedEnd $ { v } ` : ` currentTime $ { v } ` ,o.mediaIndex=d,o.startOfSegment=p,o.partIndex=f,this.logger_( ` choose next request . Playlist switched and we have a sync point . Media Index : $ { o . mediaIndex } ` )}const l=s[o.mediaIndex];let u=l&&typeof o.partIndex=="number"&&l.parts&&l.parts[o.partIndex];if(!l||typeof o.partIndex=="number"&&!u)return null;typeof o.partIndex!="number"&&l.parts&&(o.partIndex=0,u=l.parts[0]);const c=this.vhs_.playlists&&this.vhs_.playlists.main&&this.vhs_.playlists.main.independentSegments||this.playlist_.independentSegments;if(!i&&u&&!c&&!u.independent)if(o.partIndex===0){const d=s[o.mediaIndex-1],f=d.parts&&d.parts.length&&d.parts[d.parts.length-1];f&&f.independent&&(o.mediaIndex-=1,o.partIndex=d.parts.length-1,o.independent="previous segment")}else l.parts[o.partIndex-1].independent&&(o.partIndex-=1,o.independent="previous part");const h=this.mediaSource_&&this.mediaSource_.readyState==="ended";return o.mediaIndex>=s.length-1&&h&&!this.seeking_()?null:(this.shouldForceTimestampOffsetAfterResync_&&(this.shouldForceTimestampOffsetAfterResync_=!1,o.forceTimestampOffset=!0,this.logger_("choose next request. Force timestamp offset after loader resync")),this.generateSegmentInfo_(o))}getSyncInfoFromMediaSequenceSync_(e){if(!this.mediaSequenceSync_)return null;const t=Math.max(e,this.mediaSequenceSync_.start);e!==t&&this.logger_( ` getSyncInfoFromMediaSequenceSync _ . Pulled target time from $ { e } to $ { t } ` );const i=this.mediaSequenceSync_.getSyncInfoForTime(t);if(!i)return null;if(!i.isAppended)return i;const n=this.mediaSequenceSync_.getSyncInfoForTime(i.end);return n?(n.isAppended&&this.logger_("getSyncInfoFromMediaSequenceSync_: We encounter unexpected scenario where next media sequence sync info is also appended!"),n):null}generateSegmentInfo_(e){const{independent:t,playlist:i,mediaIndex:n,startOfSegment:a,isSyncRequest:s,partIndex:o,forceTimestampOffset:l,getMediaInfoForTime:u}=e,c=i.segments[n],h=typeof o=="number"&&c.parts[o],d={requestId:"segment-loader-"+Math.random(),uri:h&&h.resolvedUri||c.resolvedUri,mediaIndex:n,partIndex:h?o:null,isSyncRequest:s,startOfSegment:a,playlist:i,bytes:null,encryptedBytes:null,timestampOffset:null,timeline:c.timeline,duration:h&&h.duration||c.duration,segment:c,part:h,byteLength:0,transmuxer:this.transmuxer_,getMediaInfoForTime:u,independent:t},f=typeof l<"u"?l:this.isPendingTimestampOffset_;d.timestampOffset=this.timestampOffsetForSegment_({segmentTimeline:c.timeline,currentTimeline:this.currentTimeline_,startOfSegment:a,buffered:this.buffered_(),overrideCheck:f});const p=w2(this.sourceUpdater_.audioBuffered());return typeof p=="number"&&(d.audioAppendStart=p-this.sourceUpdater_.audioTimestampOffset()),this.sourceUpdater_.videoBuffered().length&&(d.gopsToAlignWith=Mie(this.gopBuffer_,this.currentTime_()-this.sourceUpdater_.videoTimestampOffset(),this.timeMapping_)),d}timestampOffsetForSegment_(e){return Uie(e)}earlyAbortWhenNeeded_(e){if(this.vhs_.tech_.paused()||!this.xhrOptions_.timeout||!this.playlist_.attributes.BANDWIDTH||Date.now()-(e.firstBytesReceivedAt||Date.now())<1e3)return;const t=this.curr
$ { q9 ( e . uri ) }
$ { Pc ( e ) } ` ),t.map&&!t.map.bytes&&(this.logger_("going to request init segment."),this.appendInitSegment_={video:!0,audio:!0}),e.abortRequests=pie({xhr:this.vhs_.xhr,xhrOptions:this.xhrOptions_,decryptionWorker:this.decrypter_,segment:t,abortFn:this.handleAbort_.bind(this,e),progressFn:this.handleProgress_.bind(this),trackInfoFn:this.handleTrackInfo_.bind(this),timingInfoFn:this.handleTimingInfo_.bind(this),videoSegmentTimingInfoFn:this.handleSegmentTimingInfo_.bind(this,"video",e.requestId),audioSegmentTimingInfoFn:this.handleSegmentTimingInfo_.bind(this,"audio",e.requestId),captionsFn:this.handleCaptions_.bind(this),isEndOfTimeline:s,endedTimelineFn:()=>{this.logger_("received endedtimeline callback")},id3Fn:this.handleId3_.bind(this),dataFn:this.handleData_.bind(this),doneFn:this.segmentRequestFinished_.bind(this),onTransmuxerLog:({message:o,level:l,stream:u})=>{this.logger_( ` $ { Pc ( e ) } logged from transmuxer stream $ { u } as a $ { l } : $ { o } ` )},triggerSegmentEventFn:({type:o,segment:l,keyInfo:u,trackInfo:c,timingInfo:h})=>{const f={segmentInfo:au({segment:l})};u&&(f.keyInfo=u),c&&(f.trackInfo=c),h&&(f.timingInfo=h),this.trigger({type:o,metadata:f})}})}trimBackBuffer_(e){const t=Fie(this.seekable_(),this.currentTime_(),this.playlist_.targetDuration||10);t>0&&this.remove(0,t)}createSimplifiedSegmentObj_(e){const t=e.segment,i=e.part,n=e.segment.key||e.segment.map&&e.segment.map.key,a=e.segment.map&&!e.segment.map.bytes,s={resolvedUri:i?i.resolvedUri:t.resolvedUri,byterange:i?i.byterange:t.byterange,requestId:e.requestId,transmuxer:e.transmuxer,audioAppendStart:e.audioAppendStart,gopsToAlignWith:e.gopsToAlignWith,part:e.part,type:this.loaderType_,start:e.startOfSegment,duration:e.duration,isEncrypted:n,isMediaInitialization:a},o=e.playlist.segments[e.mediaIndex-1];if(o&&o.timeline===t.timeline&&(o.videoTimingInfo?s.baseStartTime=o.videoTimingInfo.transmuxedDecodeEnd:o.audioTimingInfo&&(s.baseStartTime=o.audioTimingInfo.transmuxedDecodeEnd)),t.key){const l=t.key.iv||new Uint32Array([0,0,0,e.mediaIndex+e.playlist.mediaSequence]);s.key=this.segmentKey(t.key),s.key.iv=l}return t.map&&(s.map=this.initSegmentForMap(t.map)),s}saveTransferStats_(e){this.mediaRequests+=1,e&&(this.mediaBytesTransferred+=e.bytesReceived,this.mediaTransferDuration+=e.roundTripTime)}saveBandwidthRelatedStats_(e,t){if(this.pendingSegment_.byteLength=t.bytesReceived,e<qg){this.logger_( ` Ignoring segment ' s bandwidth because its duration of $ { e } is less than the min to record $ { qg } ` );return}const i={bandwidthInfo:{from:this.bandwidth,to:t.bandwidth}};this.trigger({type:"bandwidthupdated",metadata:i}),this.bandwidth=t.bandwidth,this.roundTrip=t.roundTripTime}handleTimeout_(){this.mediaRequestsTimedout+=1,this.bandwidth=1,this.roundTrip=NaN,this.trigger("bandwidthupdate"),this.trigger("timeout")}segmentRequestFinished_(e,t,i){if(this.callQueue_.length){this.callQueue_.push(this.segmentRequestFinished_.bind(this,e,t,i));return}if(this.saveTransferStats_(t.stats),!this.pendingSegment_||t.requestId!==this.pendingSegment_.requestId)return;if(e){if(this.pendingSegment_=null,this.state="READY",e.code===Ha.ABORTED)return;if(this.pause(),e.code===Ha.TIMEOUT){this.handleTimeout_();return}this.mediaRequestsErrored+=1,this.error(e),this.trigger("error");return}const n=this.pendingSegment_;this.saveBandwidthRelatedStats_(n.duration,t.stats),n.endOfAllRequests=t.endOfAllRequests,i.gopInfo&&(this.gopBuffer_=Lie(this.gopBuffer_,i.gopInfo,this.safeAppend_)),this.state="APPENDING",this.trigger("appending"),this.waitForAppendsToComplete_(n)}setTimeMapping_(e){const t=this.syncController_.mappingForTimeline(e);t!==null&&(this.timeMapping_=t)}updateMediaSecondsLoaded_(e){typeof e.start=="number"&&typeof e.end=="number"?this.mediaSecondsLoaded+=e.end-e.start:this.mediaSecondsLoaded+=e.duration}shouldUpdateTransmuxerTimestampOffset_(e){return e===null?!1:this.loaderType_==="main"&&e!==this.sourceUpdater_.videoTimestampOffset()||!this.audioDisabled_&&e!==this.sourceUpdater_.audioTimestampOffset()}trueSegmentStart_({currentStart:e,playlist:t,mediaIndex:i,firstVideoFrameTimeForData:n,curre
2024-11-01 15:26:36 +01:00
2024-11-18 22:45:18 +01:00
` .split("").map(r=>r.charCodeAt(0)));class Xie extends Error{constructor(){super("Trying to parse received VTT cues, but there is no WebVTT. Make sure vtt.js is loaded.")}}class Yie extends KS{constructor(e,t={}){super(e,t),this.mediaSource_=null,this.subtitlesTrack_=null,this.featuresNativeTextTracks_=e.featuresNativeTextTracks,this.loadVttJs=e.loadVttJs,this.shouldSaveSegmentTimingInfo_=!1}createTransmuxer_(){return null}buffered_(){if(!this.subtitlesTrack_||!this.subtitlesTrack_.cues||!this.subtitlesTrack_.cues.length)return Kr();const e=this.subtitlesTrack_.cues,t=e[0].startTime,i=e[e.length-1].startTime;return Kr([[t,i]])}initSegmentForMap(e,t=!1){if(!e)return null;const i=sy(e);let n=this.initSegments_[i];if(t&&!n&&e.bytes){const a=w4.byteLength+e.bytes.byteLength,s=new Uint8Array(a);s.set(e.bytes),s.set(w4,e.bytes.byteLength),this.initSegments_[i]=n={resolvedUri:e.resolvedUri,byterange:e.byterange,bytes:s}}return n||e}couldBeginLoading_(){return this.playlist_&&this.subtitlesTrack_&&!this.paused()}init_(){return this.state="READY",this.resetEverything(),this.monitorBuffer_()}track(e){return typeof e>"u"?this.subtitlesTrack_:(this.subtitlesTrack_=e,this.state==="INIT"&&this.couldBeginLoading_()&&this.init_(),this.subtitlesTrack_)}remove(e,t){jd(e,t,this.subtitlesTrack_)}fillBuffer_(){const e=this.chooseNextRequest_();if(e){if(this.syncController_.timestampOffsetForTimeline(e.timeline)===null){const t=()=>{this.state="READY",this.paused()||this.monitorBuffer_()};this.syncController_.one("timestampoffset",t),this.state="WAITING_ON_TIMELINE";return}this.loadSegment_(e)}}timestampOffsetForSegment_(){return null}chooseNextRequest_(){return this.skipEmptySegments_(super.chooseNextRequest_())}skipEmptySegments_(e){for(;e&&e.segment.empty;){if(e.mediaIndex+1>=e.playlist.segments.length){e=null;break}e=this.generateSegmentInfo_({playlist:e.playlist,mediaIndex:e.mediaIndex+1,startOfSegment:e.startOfSegment+e.duration,isSyncRequest:e.isSyncRequest})}return e}stopForError(e){this.error(e),this.state="READY",this.pause(),this.trigger("error")}segmentRequestFinished_(e,t,i){if(!this.subtitlesTrack_){this.state="READY";return}if(this.saveTransferStats_(t.stats),!this.pendingSegment_){this.state="READY",this.mediaRequestsAborted+=1;return}if(e){e.code===Ha.TIMEOUT&&this.handleTimeout_(),e.code===Ha.ABORTED?this.mediaRequestsAborted+=1:this.mediaRequestsErrored+=1,this.stopForError(e);return}const n=this.pendingSegment_;this.saveBandwidthRelatedStats_(n.duration,t.stats),t.key&&this.segmentKey(t.key,!0),this.state="APPENDING",this.trigger("appending");const a=n.segment;if(a.map&&(a.map.bytes=t.map.bytes),n.bytes=t.bytes,typeof H.WebVTT!="function"&&typeof this.loadVttJs=="function"){this.state="WAITING_ON_VTTJS",this.loadVttJs().then(()=>this.segmentRequestFinished_(e,t,i),()=>this.stopForError({message:"Error loading vtt.js"}));return}a.requested=!0;try{this.parseVTTCues_(n)}catch(s){this.stopForError({message:s.message,metadata:{errorType:K.Error.StreamingVttParserError,error:s}});return}if(this.updateTimeMapping_(n,this.syncController_.timelines[n.timeline],this.playlist_),n.cues.length?n.timingInfo={start:n.cues[0].startTime,end:n.cues[n.cues.length-1].endTime}:n.timingInfo={start:n.startOfSegment,end:n.startOfSegment+n.duration},n.isSyncRequest){this.trigger("syncinfoupdate"),this.pendingSegment_=null,this.state="READY";return}n.byteLength=n.bytes.byteLength,this.mediaSecondsLoaded+=a.duration,n.cues.forEach(s=>{this.subtitlesTrack_.addCue(this.featuresNativeTextTracks_?new H.VTTCue(s.startTime,s.endTime,s.text):s)}),Pie(this.subtitlesTrack_),this.handleAppendsDone_()}handleData_(){}updateTimingInfoEnd_(){}parseVTTCues_(e){let t,i=!1;if(typeof H.WebVTT!="function")throw new Xie;typeof H.TextDecoder=="function"?t=new H.TextDecoder("utf8"):(t=H.WebVTT.StringDecoder(),i=!0);const n=new H.WebVTT.Parser(H,H.vttjs,t);if(e.cues=[],e.timestampmap={MPEGTS:0,LOCAL:0},n.oncue=e.cues.push.bind(e.cues),n.ontimestampmap=s=>{e.timestampmap=s},n.onparsingerror=s=>{K.log.warn("Error encountered when parsing cues: "+s.message)},e.segment.map){
` ,s=i,o=t;this.start_=s,e.forEach((l,u)=>{const c=this.storage_.get(o),h=s,d=h+l.duration,f=!!(c&&c.segmentSyncInfo&&c.segmentSyncInfo.isAppended),p=new C4({start:h,end:d,appended:f,segmentIndex:u});l.syncInfo=p;let v=s;const g=(l.parts||[]).map((m,y)=>{const _=v,b=v+m.duration,S=!!(c&&c.partsSyncInfo&&c.partsSyncInfo[y]&&c.partsSyncInfo[y].isAppended),x=new C4({start:_,end:b,appended:S,segmentIndex:u,partIndex:y});return v=b,a+= ` Media Sequence : $ { o } . $ { y } | Range : $ { _ } -- > $ { b } | Appended : $ { S }
` ,m.syncInfo=x,x});n.set(o,new Qie(p,g)),a+= ` $ { q9 ( l . resolvedUri ) } | Media Sequence : $ { o } | Range : $ { h } -- > $ { d } | Appended : $ { f }
` ,o++,s=d}),this.end_=s,this.storage_=n,this.diagnostics_=a}calculateBaseTime_(e,t){return this.storage_.size?this.storage_.has(e)?this.storage_.get(e).segmentSyncInfo.start:t:0}isReliablePlaylist_(e,t){return e!=null&&Array.isArray(t)&&t.length}}class A4 extends K9{constructor(e){super(),this.parent_=e}calculateBaseTime_(e,t){if(!this.storage_.size){const i=this.parent_.getSyncInfoForMediaSequence(e);return i?i.segmentSyncInfo.start:0}return super.calculateBaseTime_(e,t)}}const Jie=86400,D2=[{name:"VOD",run:(r,e,t,i,n)=>t!==1/0?{time:0,segmentIndex:0,partIndex:null}:null},{name:"MediaSequence",run:(r,e,t,i,n,a)=>{const s=r.getMediaSequenceSync(a);if(!s||!s.isReliable)return null;const o=s.getSyncInfoForTime(n);return o?{time:o.start,partIndex:o.partIndex,segmentIndex:o.segmentIndex}:null}},{name:"ProgramDateTime",run:(r,e,t,i,n)=>{if(!Object.keys(r.timelineToDatetimeMappings).length)return null;let a=null,s=null;const o=zS(e);n=n||0;for(let l=0;l<o.length;l++){const u=e.endList||n===0?l:o.length-(l+1),c=o[u],h=c.segment,d=r.timelineToDatetimeMappings[h.timeline];if(!d||!h.dateTimeObject)continue;let p=h.dateTimeObject.getTime()/1e3+d;if(h.parts&&typeof c.partIndex=="number")for(let g=0;g<c.partIndex;g++)p+=h.parts[g].duration;const v=Math.abs(n-p);if(s!==null&&(v===0||s<v))break;s=v,a={time:p,segmentIndex:c.segmentIndex,partIndex:c.partIndex}}return a}},{name:"Segment",run:(r,e,t,i,n)=>{let a=null,s=null;n=n||0;const o=zS(e);for(let l=0;l<o.length;l++){const u=e.endList||n===0?l:o.length-(l+1),c=o[u],h=c.segment,d=c.part&&c.part.start||h&&h.start;if(h.timeline===i&&typeof d<"u"){const f=Math.abs(n-d);if(s!==null&&s<f)break;(!a||s===null||s>=f)&&(s=f,a={time:d,segmentIndex:c.segmentIndex,partIndex:c.partIndex})}}return a}},{name:"Discontinuity",run:(r,e,t,i,n)=>{let a=null;if(n=n||0,e.discontinuityStarts&&e.discontinuityStarts.length){let s=null;for(let o=0;o<e.discontinuityStarts.length;o++){const l=e.discontinuityStarts[o],u=e.discontinuitySequence+o+1,c=r.discontinuities[u];if(c){const h=Math.abs(n-c.time);if(s!==null&&s<h)break;(!a||s===null||s>=h)&&(s=h,a={time:c.time,segmentIndex:l,partIndex:null})}}}return a}},{name:"Playlist",run:(r,e,t,i,n)=>e.syncInfo?{time:e.syncInfo.time,segmentIndex:e.syncInfo.mediaSequence-e.mediaSequence,partIndex:null}:null}];class ene extends K.EventTarget{constructor(e={}){super(),this.timelines=[],this.discontinuities=[],this.timelineToDatetimeMappings={};const t=new K9,i=new A4(t),n=new A4(t);this.mediaSequenceStorage_={main:t,audio:i,vtt:n},this.logger_=Kn("SyncController")}getMediaSequenceSync(e){return this.mediaSequenceStorage_[e]||null}getSyncPoint(e,t,i,n,a){if(t!==1/0)return D2.find(({name:l})=>l==="VOD").run(this,e,t);const s=this.runStrategies_(e,t,i,n,a);if(!s.length)return null;for(const o of s){const{syncPoint:l,strategy:u}=o,{segmentIndex:c,time:h}=l;if(c<0)continue;const d=e.segments[c],f=h,p=f+d.duration;if(this.logger_( ` Strategy : $ { u } . Current time : $ { n } . selected segment : $ { c } . Time : [ $ { f } - > $ { p } ] } ` ),n>=f&&n<p)return this.logger_("Found sync point with exact match: ",l),l}return this.selectSyncPoint_(s,{key:"time",value:n})}getExpiredTime(e,t){if(!e||!e.segments)return null;const i=this.runStrategies_(e,t,e.discontinuitySequence,0);if(!i.length)return null;const n=this.selectSyncPoint_(i,{key:"segmentIndex",value:0});return n.segmentIndex>0&&(n.time*=-1),Math.abs(n.time+yp({defaultDuration:e.targetDuration,durationList:e.segments,startIndex:n.segmentIndex,endIndex:0}))}runStrategies_(e,t,i,n,a){const s=[];for(let o=0;o<D2.length;o++){const l=D2[o],u=l.run(this,e,t,i,n,a);u&&(u.strategy=l.name,s.push({strategy:l.name,syncPoint:u}))}return s}selectSyncPoint_(e,t){let i=e[0].syncPoint,n=Math.abs(e[0].syncPoint[t.key]-t.value),a=e[0].strategy;for(let s=1;s<e.length;s++){const o=Math.abs(e[s].syncPoint[t.key]-t.value);o<n&&(n=o,i=e[s].syncPoint,a=e[s].strategy)}return this.logger_( ` syncPoint for [ $ { t . key } : $ { t . value } ] chosen with strategy [ $ { a } ] : [ time : $ { i . time } , segmentIndex : $ { i . segmentIndex } ` +(typeof i.partIndex=="number"? ` , partIndex : $ { i . partIndex } ` :"")+"]"),i}saveExpi
2024-11-01 15:26:36 +01:00
* GSAP 3.12 . 5
* https : //gsap.com
* @ license Copyright 2008 - 2024 , GreenSock . All rights reserved .
* Subject to the terms at https : //gsap.com/standard-license or for
* Club GSAP members , the agreement issued with that membership .
* @ author : Jack Doyle , jack @ greensock . com
2024-11-18 22:45:18 +01:00
* / v a r p n = { a u t o S l e e p : 1 2 0 , f o r c e 3 D : " a u t o " , n u l l T a r g e t W a r n : 1 , u n i t s : { l i n e H e i g h t : " " } } , J h = { d u r a t i o n : . 5 , o v e r w r i t e : ! 1 , d e l a y : 0 } , S A , s i , X t , z n = 1 e 8 , G t = 1 / z n , J S = M a t h . P I * 2 , W a e = J S / 4 , q a e = 0 , w V = M a t h . s q r t , j a e = M a t h . c o s , X a e = M a t h . s i n , $ r = f u n c t i o n ( e ) { r e t u r n t y p e o f e = = " s t r i n g " } , o r = f u n c t i o n ( e ) { r e t u r n t y p e o f e = = " f u n c t i o n " } , G s = f u n c t i o n ( e ) { r e t u r n t y p e o f e = = " n u m b e r " } , x A = f u n c t i o n ( e ) { r e t u r n t y p e o f e > " u " } , n s = f u n c t i o n ( e ) { r e t u r n t y p e o f e = = " o b j e c t " } , W i = f u n c t i o n ( e ) { r e t u r n e ! = = ! 1 } , w A = f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n t y p e o f w i n d o w < " u " } , K g = f u n c t i o n ( e ) { r e t u r n o r ( e ) | | $ r ( e ) } , C V = t y p e o f A r r a y B u f f e r = = " f u n c t i o n " & & A r r a y B u f f e r . i s V i e w | | f u n c t i o n ( ) { } , o i = A r r a y . i s A r r a y , e x = / ( ? : - ? \ . ? \ d | \ . ) + / g i , A V = / [ - + = . ] * \ d + [ . e \ - + ] * \ d * [ e \ - + ] * \ d * / g , p h = / [ - + = . ] * \ d + [ . e - ] * \ d * [ a - z % ] * / g , M 2 = / [ - + = . ] * \ d + \ . ? \ d * ( ? : e - | e \ + ) ? \ d * / g i , D V = / [ + - ] = - ? [ . \ d ] + / , E V = / [ ^ , ' " \ [ \ ] \ s ] + / g i , Y a e = / ^ [ + \ - = e \ s \ d ] * \ d + [ . \ d ] * ( [ a - z ] * | % ) \ s * $ / i , Z t , R a , t x , C A , T n = { } , f y = { } , I V , P V = f u n c t i o n ( e ) { r e t u r n ( f y = Y u ( e , T n ) ) & & Y i } , A A = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { r e t u r n c o n s o l e . w a r n ( " I n v a l i d p r o p e r t y " , e , " s e t t o " , t , " M i s s i n g p l u g i n ? g s a p . r e g i s t e r P l u g i n ( ) " ) } , Q p = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { r e t u r n ! t & & c o n s o l e . w a r n ( e ) } , M V = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { r e t u r n e & & ( T n [ e ] = t ) & & f y & & ( f y [ e ] = t ) | | T n } , J p = f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n 0 } , K a e = { s u p p r e s s E v e n t s : ! 0 , i s S t a r t : ! 0 , k i l l : ! 1 } , o 0 = { s u p p r e s s E v e n t s : ! 0 , k i l l : ! 1 } , Z a e = { s u p p r e s s E v e n t s : ! 0 } , D A = { } , H o = [ ] , r x = { } , L V , s n = { } , L 2 = { } , H 4 = 3 0 , l 0 = [ ] , E A = " " , I A = f u n c t i o n ( e ) { v a r t = e [ 0 ] , i , n ; i f ( n s ( t ) | | o r ( t ) | | ( e = [ e ] ) , ! ( i = ( t . _ g s a p | | { } ) . h a r n e s s ) ) { f o r ( n = l 0 . l e n g t h ; n - - & & ! l 0 [ n ] . t a r g e t T e s t ( t ) ; ) ; i = l 0 [ n ] } f o r ( n = e . l e n g t h ; n - - ; ) e [ n ] & & ( e [ n ] . _ g s a p | | ( e [ n ] . _ g s a p = n e w r z ( e [ n ] , i ) ) ) | | e . s p l i c e ( n , 1 ) ; r e t u r n e } , M u = f u n c t i o n ( e ) { r e t u r n e . _ g s a p | | I A ( G n ( e ) ) [ 0 ] . _ g s a p } , k V = f u n c t i o n ( e , t , i ) { r e t u r n ( i = e [ t ] ) & & o r ( i ) ? e [ t ] ( ) : x A ( i ) & & e . g e t A t t r i b u t e & & e . g e t A t t r i b u t e ( t ) | | i } , q i = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { r e t u r n ( e = e . s p l i t ( " , " ) ) . f o r E a c h ( t ) | | e } , v r = f u n c t i o n ( e ) { r e t u r n M a t h . r o u n d ( e * 1 e 5 ) / 1 e 5 | | 0 } , V r = f u n c t i o n ( e ) { r e t u r n M a t h . r o u n d ( e * 1 e 7 ) / 1 e 7 | | 0 } , D h = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { v a r i = t . c h a r A t ( 0 ) , n = p a r s e F l o a t ( t . s u b s t r ( 2 ) ) ; r e t u r n e = p a r s e F l o a t ( e ) , i = = = " + " ? e + n : i = = = " - " ? e - n : i = = = " * " ? e * n : e / n } , Q a e = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { f o r ( v a r i = t . l e n g t h , n = 0 ; e . i n d e x O f ( t [ n ] ) < 0 & & + + n < i ; ) ; r e t u r n n < i } , d y = f u n c t i o n ( ) { v a r e = H o . l e n g t h , t = H o . s l i c e ( 0 ) , i , n ; f o r ( r x = { } , H o . l e n g t h = 0 , i = 0 ; i < e ; i + + ) n = t [ i ] , n & & n . _ l a z y & & ( n . r e n d e r ( n . _ l a z y [ 0 ] , n . _ l a z y [ 1 ] , ! 0 ) . _ l a z y = 0 ) } , R V = f u n c t i o n ( e , t , i , n ) { H o . l e n g t h & & ! s i & & d y ( ) , e . r e n d e r ( t , i , s i & & t < 0 & & ( e . _ i n i t t e d | | e . _ s t a r t A t ) ) , H o . l e n g t h & & ! s i & & d y ( ) } , O V = f u n c t i o n ( e ) { v a r t = p a r s e F l o a t ( e ) ; r e t u r n ( t | | t = = = 0 ) & & ( e + " " ) . m a t c h ( E V ) . l e n g t h < 2 ? t : $ r ( e ) ? e . t r i m ( ) : e } , N V = f u n c t i o n ( e ) { r e t u r n e } , X n = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { f o r ( v a r i i n t ) i i n e | | ( e [ i ] = t [ i ] ) ; r e t u r n e } , J a e = f u n c t i o n ( e ) { r e t u r n f u n c t i o n ( t , i ) { f o r ( v a r n i n i ) n i n t | | n = = = " d u r a t i o n " & & e | | n = = = " e a s e " | | ( t [ n ] = i [ n ] ) } } , Y u = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { f o r ( v a r i i n t ) e [ i ] = t [ i ] ; r e t u r n e } , $ 4 = f u n c t i o n r ( e , t ) { f o r ( v a r i i n t ) i ! = = " _ _ p r o t o _ _ " & & i ! = = " c o n s t r u c t o r " & & i ! = = " p r o t o t y p e " & & ( e [ i ] = n s ( t [ i ] ) ? r ( e [ i ] | | ( e [ i ] = { } ) , t [ i ] ) : t [ i ] ) ; r e t u r n e } , p y = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { v a r i = { } , n ; f o r ( n i n e ) n i n t | | ( i [ n ] = e [ n ] ) ; r e t u r n i } , T p = f u n c t i o n ( e ) { v a r t = e . p a r e n t | | Z t , i = e . k e y f r a m e s ? J a e ( o i ( e . k e y f r a m e s ) ) : X n ; i f ( W i ( e . i n h e r i t ) ) f o r ( ; t ; ) i ( e , t . v a r s . d e f a u l t s ) , t = t . p a r e n t | | t . _ d p ; r e t u r n e } , e s e = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { f o r ( v a r i = e . l e n g t h , n = i = = = t . l e n g t h ; n & & i - - & & e [ i ] = = = t [ i ] ; ) ; r e t u r n i < 0 } , B V = f u n c t i o n ( e , t , i , n , a ) { v a r s = e [ n ] , o ; i f ( a ) f o r ( o = t [ a ] ; s & & s [ a ] > o ; ) s = s . _ p r e v ; r e t u r n s ? ( t . _ n e x t = s . _ n e x t , s . _ n e x t = t ) : ( t . _ n e x t = e [ i ] , e [ i ] = t ) , t . _ n e x t ? t . _ n e x t . _ p r e v = t : e [ n ] = t , t . _ p r e v = s , t . p a r e n t = t . _ d p = e , t } , j _ = f u n c t i o n ( e , t , i , n ) { i = = = v o i d 0 & & ( i = " _ f i r s t " ) , n = = = v o i d 0 & & ( n = " _ l a s t " ) ; v a r a = t . _ p r e v , s = t . _ n e x t ; a ? a . _ n e x t = s : e [ i ] = = = t & & ( e [ i ] = s ) , s ? s . _ p r e v = a : e [ n ] = = = t & & ( e [ n ] = a ) , t . _ n e x t = t . _ p r e v = t . p a r e n t = n u l l } , Z o = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { e . p a r e n t & & ( ! t | | e . p a r e n t . a u t o R e m o v e C h i l d r e n ) & & e . p a r e n t . r e m o v e & & e . p a r e n t . r e m o v e ( e ) , e . _ a c t = 0 } , L u = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { i f ( e & & ( ! t | | t . _ e n d > e . _ d u r | | t . _ s t a r t < 0 ) ) f o r ( v a r i = e ; i ; ) i . _ d i r t y = 1 , i = i . p a r e n t ; r e t u r n e } , t s e = f u n c t i o n ( e ) { f o r ( v a r t = e . p a r e n t ; t & & t . p a r e n t ; ) t . _ d i r t y = 1 , t . t o t a l D u r a t i o n ( ) , t = t . p a r e n t ; r e t u r n e } , i x = f u n c t i o n ( e , t , i , n ) { r e t u r n e . _ s t a r t A t & & ( s i ? e . _ s t a r t A t . r e v e r t ( o 0 ) : e . v a r s . i m m e d i a t e R e n d e r & & ! e . v a r s . a u t o R e v e r t | | e . _ s t a r t A t . r e n d e r ( t , ! 0 , n ) ) } , r s e = f u n c t i o n r ( e ) { r e t u r n ! e | | e . _ t s & & r ( e . p a r e n t ) } , W 4 = f u n c t i o n ( e ) { r e t u r n e . _ r e p e a t ? e f ( e . _ t T i m e , e = e . d u r a t i o n ( ) + e . _ r D e l a y ) * e : 0 } , e f = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { v a r i = M a t h . f l o o r ( e / = t ) ; r e t u r n e & & i = = = e ? i - 1 : i } , v y = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { r e t u r n ( e - t . _ s t a r t ) * t
2024-11-01 15:26:36 +01:00
* CSSPlugin 3.12 . 5
* https : //gsap.com
* Copyright 2008 - 2024 , GreenSock . All rights reserved .
* Subject to the terms at https : //gsap.com/standard-license or for
* Club GSAP members , the agreement issued with that membership .
* @ author : Jack Doyle , jack @ greensock . com
2024-11-18 22:45:18 +01:00
* / v a r K 4 , M o , E h , O A , v u , Z 4 , N A , B s e = f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n t y p e o f w i n d o w < " u " } , H s = { } , Q l = 1 8 0 / M a t h . P I , I h = M a t h . P I / 1 8 0 , L c = M a t h . a t a n 2 , Q 4 = 1 e 8 , B A = / ( [ A - Z ] ) / g , F s e = / ( l e f t | r i g h t | w i d t h | m a r g i n | p a d d i n g | x ) / i , U s e = / [ \ s , \ ( ] \ S / , $ a = { a u t o A l p h a : " o p a c i t y , v i s i b i l i t y " , s c a l e : " s c a l e X , s c a l e Y " , a l p h a : " o p a c i t y " } , c x = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { r e t u r n t . s e t ( t . t , t . p , M a t h . r o u n d ( ( t . s + t . c * e ) * 1 e 4 ) / 1 e 4 + t . u , t ) } , V s e = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { r e t u r n t . s e t ( t . t , t . p , e = = = 1 ? t . e : M a t h . r o u n d ( ( t . s + t . c * e ) * 1 e 4 ) / 1 e 4 + t . u , t ) } , z s e = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { r e t u r n t . s e t ( t . t , t . p , e ? M a t h . r o u n d ( ( t . s + t . c * e ) * 1 e 4 ) / 1 e 4 + t . u : t . b , t ) } , G s e = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { v a r i = t . s + t . c * e ; t . s e t ( t . t , t . p , ~ ~ ( i + ( i < 0 ? - . 5 : . 5 ) ) + t . u , t ) } , h z = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { r e t u r n t . s e t ( t . t , t . p , e ? t . e : t . b , t ) } , f z = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { r e t u r n t . s e t ( t . t , t . p , e ! = = 1 ? t . b : t . e , t ) } , H s e = f u n c t i o n ( e , t , i ) { r e t u r n e . s t y l e [ t ] = i } , $ s e = f u n c t i o n ( e , t , i ) { r e t u r n e . s t y l e . s e t P r o p e r t y ( t , i ) } , W s e = f u n c t i o n ( e , t , i ) { r e t u r n e . _ g s a p [ t ] = i } , q s e = f u n c t i o n ( e , t , i ) { r e t u r n e . _ g s a p . s c a l e X = e . _ g s a p . s c a l e Y = i } , j s e = f u n c t i o n ( e , t , i , n , a ) { v a r s = e . _ g s a p ; s . s c a l e X = s . s c a l e Y = i , s . r e n d e r T r a n s f o r m ( a , s ) } , X s e = f u n c t i o n ( e , t , i , n , a ) { v a r s = e . _ g s a p ; s [ t ] = i , s . r e n d e r T r a n s f o r m ( a , s ) } , Q t = " t r a n s f o r m " , X i = Q t + " O r i g i n " , Y s e = f u n c t i o n r ( e , t ) { v a r i = t h i s , n = t h i s . t a r g e t , a = n . s t y l e , s = n . _ g s a p ; i f ( e i n H s & & a ) { i f ( t h i s . t f m = t h i s . t f m | | { } , e ! = = " t r a n s f o r m " ) e = $ a [ e ] | | e , ~ e . i n d e x O f ( " , " ) ? e . s p l i t ( " , " ) . f o r E a c h ( f u n c t i o n ( o ) { r e t u r n i . t f m [ o ] = x s ( n , o ) } ) : t h i s . t f m [ e ] = s . x ? s [ e ] : x s ( n , e ) , e = = = X i & & ( t h i s . t f m . z O r i g i n = s . z O r i g i n ) ; e l s e r e t u r n $ a . t r a n s f o r m . s p l i t ( " , " ) . f o r E a c h ( f u n c t i o n ( o ) { r e t u r n r . c a l l ( i , o , t ) } ) ; i f ( t h i s . p r o p s . i n d e x O f ( Q t ) > = 0 ) r e t u r n ; s . s v g & & ( t h i s . s v g o = n . g e t A t t r i b u t e ( " d a t a - s v g - o r i g i n " ) , t h i s . p r o p s . p u s h ( X i , t , " " ) ) , e = Q t } ( a | | t ) & & t h i s . p r o p s . p u s h ( e , t , a [ e ] ) } , d z = f u n c t i o n ( e ) { e . t r a n s l a t e & & ( e . r e m o v e P r o p e r t y ( " t r a n s l a t e " ) , e . r e m o v e P r o p e r t y ( " s c a l e " ) , e . r e m o v e P r o p e r t y ( " r o t a t e " ) ) } , K s e = f u n c t i o n ( ) { v a r e = t h i s . p r o p s , t = t h i s . t a r g e t , i = t . s t y l e , n = t . _ g s a p , a , s ; f o r ( a = 0 ; a < e . l e n g t h ; a + = 3 ) e [ a + 1 ] ? t [ e [ a ] ] = e [ a + 2 ] : e [ a + 2 ] ? i [ e [ a ] ] = e [ a + 2 ] : i . r e m o v e P r o p e r t y ( e [ a ] . s u b s t r ( 0 , 2 ) = = = " - - " ? e [ a ] : e [ a ] . r e p l a c e ( B A , " - $ 1 " ) . t o L o w e r C a s e ( ) ) ; i f ( t h i s . t f m ) { f o r ( s i n t h i s . t f m ) n [ s ] = t h i s . t f m [ s ] ; n . s v g & & ( n . r e n d e r T r a n s f o r m ( ) , t . s e t A t t r i b u t e ( " d a t a - s v g - o r i g i n " , t h i s . s v g o | | " " ) ) , a = N A ( ) , ( ! a | | ! a . i s S t a r t ) & & ! i [ Q t ] & & ( d z ( i ) , n . z O r i g i n & & i [ X i ] & & ( i [ X i ] + = " " + n . z O r i g i n + " p x " , n . z O r i g i n = 0 , n . r e n d e r T r a n s f o r m ( ) ) , n . u n c a c h e = 1 ) } } , p z = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { v a r i = { t a r g e t : e , p r o p s : [ ] , r e v e r t : K s e , s a v e : Y s e } ; r e t u r n e . _ g s a p | | Y i . c o r e . g e t C a c h e ( e ) , t & & t . s p l i t ( " , " ) . f o r E a c h ( f u n c t i o n ( n ) { r e t u r n i . s a v e ( n ) } ) , i } , v z , h x = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { v a r i = M o . c r e a t e E l e m e n t N S ? M o . c r e a t e E l e m e n t N S ( ( t | | " h t t p : / / w w w . w 3 . o r g / 1 9 9 9 / x h t m l " ) . r e p l a c e ( / ^ h t t p s / , " h t t p " ) , e ) : M o . c r e a t e E l e m e n t ( e ) ; r e t u r n i & & i . s t y l e ? i : M o . c r e a t e E l e m e n t ( e ) } , Z a = f u n c t i o n r ( e , t , i ) { v a r n = g e t C o m p u t e d S t y l e ( e ) ; r e t u r n n [ t ] | | n . g e t P r o p e r t y V a l u e ( t . r e p l a c e ( B A , " - $ 1 " ) . t o L o w e r C a s e ( ) ) | | n . g e t P r o p e r t y V a l u e ( t ) | | ! i & & r ( e , n f ( t ) | | t , 1 ) | | " " } , J 4 = " O , M o z , m s , M s , W e b k i t " . s p l i t ( " , " ) , n f = f u n c t i o n ( e , t , i ) { v a r n = t | | v u , a = n . s t y l e , s = 5 ; i f ( e i n a & & ! i ) r e t u r n e ; f o r ( e = e . c h a r A t ( 0 ) . t o U p p e r C a s e ( ) + e . s u b s t r ( 1 ) ; s - - & & ! ( J 4 [ s ] + e i n a ) ; ) ; r e t u r n s < 0 ? n u l l : ( s = = = 3 ? " m s " : s > = 0 ? J 4 [ s ] : " " ) + e } , f x = f u n c t i o n ( ) { B s e ( ) & & w i n d o w . d o c u m e n t & & ( K 4 = w i n d o w , M o = K 4 . d o c u m e n t , E h = M o . d o c u m e n t E l e m e n t , v u = h x ( " d i v " ) | | { s t y l e : { } } , h x ( " d i v " ) , Q t = n f ( Q t ) , X i = Q t + " O r i g i n " , v u . s t y l e . c s s T e x t = " b o r d e r - w i d t h : 0 ; l i n e - h e i g h t : 0 ; p o s i t i o n : a b s o l u t e ; p a d d i n g : 0 " , v z = ! ! n f ( " p e r s p e c t i v e " ) , N A = Y i . c o r e . r e v e r t i n g , O A = 1 ) } , F 2 = f u n c t i o n r ( e ) { v a r t = h x ( " s v g " , t h i s . o w n e r S V G E l e m e n t & & t h i s . o w n e r S V G E l e m e n t . g e t A t t r i b u t e ( " x m l n s " ) | | " h t t p : / / w w w . w 3 . o r g / 2 0 0 0 / s v g " ) , i = t h i s . p a r e n t N o d e , n = t h i s . n e x t S i b l i n g , a = t h i s . s t y l e . c s s T e x t , s ; i f ( E h . a p p e n d C h i l d ( t ) , t . a p p e n d C h i l d ( t h i s ) , t h i s . s t y l e . d i s p l a y = " b l o c k " , e ) t r y { s = t h i s . g e t B B o x ( ) , t h i s . _ g s a p B B o x = t h i s . g e t B B o x , t h i s . g e t B B o x = r } c a t c h { } e l s e t h i s . _ g s a p B B o x & & ( s = t h i s . _ g s a p B B o x ( ) ) ; r e t u r n i & & ( n ? i . i n s e r t B e f o r e ( t h i s , n ) : i . a p p e n d C h i l d ( t h i s ) ) , E h . r e m o v e C h i l d ( t ) , t h i s . s t y l e . c s s T e x t = a , s } , e P = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { f o r ( v a r i = t . l e n g t h ; i - - ; ) i f ( e . h a s A t t r i b u t e ( t [ i ] ) ) r e t u r n e . g e t A t t r i b u t e ( t [ i ] ) } , g z = f u n c t i o n ( e ) { v a r t ; t r y { t = e . g e t B B o x ( ) } c a t c h { t = F 2 . c a l l ( e , ! 0 ) } r e t u r n t & & ( t . w i d t h | | t . h e i g h t ) | | e . g e t B B o x = = = F 2 | | ( t = F 2 . c a l l ( e , ! 0 ) ) , t & & ! t . w i d t h & & ! t . x & & ! t . y ? { x : + e P ( e , [ " x " , " c x " , " x 1 " ] ) | | 0 , y : + e P ( e , [ " y " , " c y " , " y 1 " ] ) | | 0 , w i d t h : 0 , h e i g h t : 0 } : t } , m z = f u n c t i o n ( e ) { r e t u r n ! ! ( e . g e t C T M & & ( ! e . p a r e n t N o d e | | e . o w n e r S V G E l e m e n t ) & & g z ( e ) ) } , K u = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { i f ( t ) { v a r i = e . s t y l e , n ; t i n
2024-11-01 15:26:36 +01:00
* matrix 3.12 . 5
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* @ author : Jack Doyle , jack @ greensock . com
2024-11-18 22:45:18 +01:00
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2024-11-01 15:26:36 +01:00
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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * / v a r b x = f u n c t i o n ( r , e ) { r e t u r n b x = O b j e c t . s e t P r o t o t y p e O f | | { _ _ p r o t o _ _ : [ ] } i n s t a n c e o f A r r a y & & f u n c t i o n ( t , i ) { t . _ _ p r o t o _ _ = i } | | f u n c t i o n ( t , i ) { f o r ( v a r n i n i ) O b j e c t . p r o t o t y p e . h a s O w n P r o p e r t y . c a l l ( i , n ) & & ( t [ n ] = i [ n ] ) } , b x ( r , e ) } ; f u n c t i o n j ( r , e ) { i f ( t y p e o f e ! = " f u n c t i o n " & & e ! = = n u l l ) t h r o w n e w T y p e E r r o r ( " C l a s s e x t e n d s v a l u e " + S t r i n g ( e ) + " i s n o t a c o n s t r u c t o r o r n u l l " ) ; b x ( r , e ) ; f u n c t i o n t ( ) { t h i s . c o n s t r u c t o r = r } r . p r o t o t y p e = e = = = n u l l ? O b j e c t . c r e a t e ( e ) : ( t . p r o t o t y p e = e . p r o t o t y p e , n e w t ) } v a r A o e = f u n c t i o n ( ) { f u n c t i o n r ( ) { t h i s . f i r e f o x = ! 1 , t h i s . i e = ! 1 , t h i s . e d g e = ! 1 , t h i s . n e w E d g e = ! 1 , t h i s . w e C h a t = ! 1 } r e t u r n r } ( ) , D o e = f u n c t i o n ( ) { f u n c t i o n r ( ) { t h i s . b r o w s e r = n e w A o e , t h i s . n o d e = ! 1 , t h i s . w x a = ! 1 , t h i s . w o r k e r = ! 1 , t h i s . s v g S u p p o r t e d = ! 1 , t h i s . t o u c h E v e n t s S u p p o r t e d = ! 1 , t h i s . p o i n t e r E v e n t s S u p p o r t e d = ! 1 , t h i s . d o m S u p p o r t e d = ! 1 , t h i s . t r a n s f o r m S u p p o r t e d = ! 1 , t h i s . t r a n s f o r m 3 d S u p p o r t e d = ! 1 , t h i s . h a s G l o b a l W i n d o w = t y p e o f w i n d o w < " u " } r e t u r n r } ( ) , e t = n e w D o e ; t y p e o f w x = = " o b j e c t " & & t y p e o f w x . g e t S y s t e m I n f o S y n c = = " f u n c t i o n " ? ( e t . w x a = ! 0 , e t . t o u c h E v e n t s S u p p o r t e d = ! 0 ) : t y p e o f d o c u m e n t > " u " & & t y p e o f s e l f < " u " ? e t . w o r k e r = ! 0 : t y p e o f n a v i g a t o r > " u " | | n a v i g a t o r . u s e r A g e n t . i n d e x O f ( " N o d e . j s " ) = = = 0 ? ( e t . n o d e = ! 0 , e t . s v g S u p p o r t e d = ! 0 ) : E o e ( n a v i g a t o r . u s e r A g e n t , e t ) ; f u n c t i o n E o e ( r , e ) { v a r t = e . b r o w s e r , i = r . m a t c h ( / F i r e f o x \ / ( [ \ d . ] + ) / ) , n = r . m a t c h ( / M S I E \ s ( [ \ d . ] + ) / ) | | r . m a t c h ( / T r i d e n t \ / . + ? r v : ( ( [ \ d . ] + ) ) / ) , a = r . m a t c h ( / E d g e ? \ / ( [ \ d . ] + ) / ) , s = / m i c r o m e s s e n g e r / i . t e s t ( r ) ; i & & ( t . f i r e f o x = ! 0 , t . v e r s i o n = i [ 1 ] ) , n & & ( t . i e = ! 0 , t . v e r s i o n = n [ 1 ] ) , a & & ( t . e d g e = ! 0 , t . v e r s i o n = a [ 1 ] , t . n e w E d g e = + a [ 1 ] . s p l i t ( " . " ) [ 0 ] > 1 8 ) , s & & ( t . w e C h a t = ! 0 ) , e . s v g S u p p o r t e d = t y p e o f S V G R e c t < " u " , e . t o u c h E v e n t s S u p p o r t e d = " o n t o u c h s t a r t " i n w i n d o w & & ! t . i e & & ! t . e d g e , e . p o i n t e r E v e n t s S u p p o r t e d = " o n p o i n t e r d o w n " i n w i n d o w & & ( t . e d g e | | t . i e & & + t . v e r s i o n > = 1 1 ) , e . d o m S u p p o r t e d = t y p e o f d o c u m e n t < " u " ; v a r o = d o c u m e n t . d o c u m e n t E l e m e n t . s t y l e ; e . t r a n s f o r m 3 d S u p p o r t e d = ( t . i e & & " t r a n s i t i o n " i n o | | t . e d g e | | " W e b K i t C S S M a t r i x " i n w i n d o w & & " m 1 1 " i n n e w W e b K i t C S S M a t r i x | | " M o z P e r s p e c t i v e " i n o ) & & ! ( " O T r a n s i t i o n " i n o ) , e . t r a n s f o r m S u p p o r t e d = e . t r a n s f o r m 3 d S u p p o r t e d | | t . i e & & + t . v e r s i o n > = 9 } v a r H A = 1 2 , k z = " s a n s - s e r i f " , J o = H A + " p x " + k z , I o e = 2 0 , P o e = 1 0 0 , M o e = " 0 0 7 L L m W ' 5 5 ; N 0 5 0 0 L L L L L L L L L L 0 0 N N N L z W W \ \ \ \ W Q b \ \ 0 F W L g \ \ b W b \ \ W Q \ \ W r W W Q 0 0 0 C L 5 L L F L L 0 L L * * F * g L L L L 5 F 0 L F \ \ F F F 5 . 5 N " ; f u n c t i o n L o e ( r ) { v a r e = { } ; i f ( t y p e o f J S O N > " u " ) r e t u r n e ; f o r ( v a r t = 0 ; t < r . l e n g t h ; t + + ) { v a r i = S t r i n g . f r o m C h a r C o d e ( t + 3 2 ) , n = ( r . c h a r C o d e A t ( t ) - I o e ) / P o e ; e [ i ] = n } r e t u r n e } v a r k o e = L o e ( M o e ) , e l = { c r e a t e C a n v a s : f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n t y p e o f d o c u m e n t < " u " & & d o c u m e n t . c r e a t e E l e m e n t ( " c a n v a s " ) } , m e a s u r e T e x t : f u n c t i o n ( ) { v a r r , e ; r e t u r n f u n c t i o n ( t , i ) { i f ( ! r ) { v a r n = e l . c r e a t e C a n v a s ( ) ; r = n & & n . g e t C o n t e x t ( " 2 d " ) } i f ( r ) r e t u r n e ! = = i & & ( e = r . f o n t = i | | J o ) , r . m e a s u r e T e x t ( t ) ; t = t | | " " , i = i | | J o ; v a r a = / ( ( ? : \ d + ) ? \ . ? \ d * ) p x / . e x e c ( i ) , s = a & & + a [ 1 ] | | H A , o = 0 ; i f ( i . i n d e x O f ( " m o n o " ) > = 0 ) o = s * t . l e n g t h ; e l s e f o r ( v a r l = 0 ; l < t . l e n g t h ; l + + ) { v a r u = k o e [ t [ l ] ] ; o + = u = = n u l l ? s : u * s } r e t u r n { w i d t h : o } } } ( ) , l o a d I m a g e : f u n c t i o n ( r , e , t ) { v a r i = n e w I m a g e ; r e t u r n i . o n l o a d = e , i . o n e r r o r = t , i . s r c = r , i } } , R z = a s ( [ " F u n c t i o n " , " R e g E x p " , " D a t e " , " E r r o r " , " C a n v a s G r a d i e n t " , " C a n v a s P a t t e r n " , " I m a g e " , " C a n v a s " ] , f u n c t i o n ( r , e ) { r e t u r n r [ " [ o b j e c t " + e + " ] " ] = ! 0 , r } , { } ) , O z = a s ( [ " I n t 8 " , " U i n t 8 " , " U i n t 8 C l a m p e d " , " I n t 1 6 " , " U i n t 1 6 " , " I n t 3 2 " , " U i n t 3 2 " , " F l o a t 3 2 " , " F l o a t 6 4 " ] , f u n c t i o n ( r , e ) { r e t u r n r [ " [ o b j e c t " + e + " A r r a y ] " ] = ! 0 , r } , { } ) , D f = O b j e c t . p r o t o t y p e . t o S t r i n g , Z _ = A r r a y . p r o t o t y p e , R o e = Z _ . f o r E a c h , O o e = Z _ . f i l t e r , $ A = Z _ . s l i c e , N o e = Z _ . m a p , g P = ( f u n c t i o n ( ) { } ) . c o n s t r u c t o r , J g = g P ? g P . p r o t o t y p e : n u l l , W A = " _ _ p r o t o _ _ " , B o e = 2 3 1 1 ; f u n c t i o n N z ( ) { r e t u r n B o e + + } f u n c t i o n q A ( ) { f o r ( v a r r = [ ] , e = 0 ; e < a r g u m e n t s . l e n g t h ; e + + ) r [ e ] = a r g u m e n t s [ e ] ; t y p e o f c o n s o l e < " u " & & c o n s o l e . e r r o r . a p p l y ( c o n s o l e , r ) } f u n c t i o n E e ( r ) { i f ( r = = n u l l | | t y p e o f r ! = " o b j e c t " ) r e t u r n r ; v a r e = r , t = D f . c a l l ( r ) ; i f ( t = = = " [ o b j e c t A r r a y ] " ) { i f ( ! D p ( r ) ) { e = [ ] ; f o r ( v a r i = 0 , n = r . l e n g t h ; i < n ; i + + ) e [ i ] = E e ( r [ i ] ) } } e l s e i f ( O z [ t ] ) { i f ( ! D p ( r ) ) { v a r a = r . c o n s t r u c t o r ; i f ( a . f r o m ) e = a . f r o m ( r ) ; e l s e { e = n e w a ( r . l e n g t h ) ; f o r ( v a r i = 0 , n = r . l e n g t h ; i < n ; i + + ) e [ i ] = r [ i ] } } } e l s e i f ( ! R z [ t ] & & ! D p ( r ) & & ! s f ( r ) ) { e = { } ; f o r ( v a r s i n r ) r . h a s O w n P r o p e r t y ( s ) & & s ! = = W A & & ( e [ s ] = E e ( r [ s ] ) ) } r e t u r n e } f u n c t i o n W e ( r , e , t ) { i f ( ! D e ( e ) | | ! D e ( r ) ) r e t u r n t ? E e ( e ) : r ; f o r ( v a r i i n e ) i f ( e . h a s O w n P r o p e r t y ( i ) & & i ! = = W A ) { v a r n = r [ i ] , a = e [ i ] ; D e ( a ) & & D e ( n ) & & ! i e ( a ) & & ! i e ( n ) & & ! s f ( a ) & & ! s f ( n ) & & ! m P (
` ),a=n.length;if(a===1)return HP(n[0],e,t,i);for(var s=new qe(0,0,0,0),o=0;o<n.length;o++){var l=HP(n[o],e,t,i);o===0?s.copy(l):s.union(l)}return s}function ip(r,e,t){return t==="right"?r-=e:t==="center"&&(r-=e/2),r}function ah(r,e,t){return t==="middle"?r-=e/2:t==="bottom"&&(r-=e),r}function r1(r){return mn("国",r)}function ya(r,e){return typeof r=="string"?r.lastIndexOf("%")>=0?parseFloat(r)/100*e:parseFloat(r):r}function Py(r,e,t){var i=e.position||"inside",n=e.distance!=null?e.distance:5,a=t.height,s=t.width,o=a/2,l=t.x,u=t.y,c="left",h="top";if(i instanceof Array)l+=ya(i[0],t.width),u+=ya(i[1],t.height),c=null,h=null;else switch(i){case"left":l-=n,u+=o,c="right",h="middle";break;case"right":l+=n+s,u+=o,h="middle";break;case"top":l+=s/2,u-=n,c="center",h="bottom";break;case"bottom":l+=s/2,u+=a+n,c="center";break;case"inside":l+=s/2,u+=o,c="center",h="middle";break;case"insideLeft":l+=n,u+=o,h="middle";break;case"insideRight":l+=s-n,u+=o,c="right",h="middle";break;case"insideTop":l+=s/2,u+=n,c="center";break;case"insideBottom":l+=s/2,u+=a-n,c="center",h="bottom";break;case"insideTopLeft":l+=n,u+=n;break;case"insideTopRight":l+=s-n,u+=n,c="right";break;case"insideBottomLeft":l+=n,u+=a-n,h="bottom";break;case"insideBottomRight":l+=s-n,u+=a-n,c="right",h="bottom";break}return r=r||{},r.x=l,r.y=u,r.align=c,r.verticalAlign=h,r}var cb="__zr_normal__",hb=os.concat(["ignore"]),Xle=as(os,function(r,e){return r[e]=!0,r},{ignore:!1}),Fc={},Yle=new qe(0,0,0,0),i1=function(){function r(e){this.id=Nz(),this.animators=[],this.currentStates=[],this.states={},this._init(e)}return r.prototype._init=function(e){this.attr(e)},r.prototype.drift=function(e,t,i){switch(this.draggable){case"horizontal":t=0;break;case"vertical":e=0;break}var n=this.transform;n||(n=this.transform=[1,0,0,1,0,0]),n[4]+=e,n[5]+=t,this.decomposeTransform(),this.markRedraw()},r.prototype.beforeUpdate=function(){},r.prototype.afterUpdate=function(){},r.prototype.update=function(){this.updateTransform(),this.__dirty&&this.updateInnerText()},r.prototype.updateInnerText=function(e){var t=this._textContent;if(t&&(!t.ignore||e)){this.textConfig||(this.textConfig={});var i=this.textConfig,n=i.local,a=t.innerTransformable,s=void 0,o=void 0,l=!1;a.parent=n?this:null;var u=!1;if(a.copyTransform(t),i.position!=null){var c=Yle;i.layoutRect?c.copy(i.layoutRect):c.copy(this.getBoundingRect()),n||c.applyTransform(this.transform),this.calculateTextPosition?this.calculateTextPosition(Fc,i,c):Py(Fc,i,c),a.x=Fc.x,a.y=Fc.y,s=Fc.align,o=Fc.verticalAlign;var h=i.origin;if(h&&i.rotation!=null){var d=void 0,f=void 0;h==="center"?(d=c.width*.5,f=c.height*.5):(d=ya(h[0],c.width),f=ya(h[1],c.height)),u=!0,a.originX=-a.x+d+(n?0:c.x),a.originY=-a.y+f+(n?0:c.y)}}i.rotation!=null&&(a.rotation=i.rotation);var p=i.offset;p&&(a.x+=p[0],a.y+=p[1],u||(a.originX=-p[0],a.originY=-p[1]));var v=i.inside==null?typeof i.position=="string"&&i.position.indexOf("inside")>=0:i.inside,g=this._innerTextDefaultStyle||(this._innerTextDefaultStyle={}),m=void 0,y=void 0,_=void 0;v&&this.canBeInsideText()?(m=i.insideFill,y=i.insideStroke,(m==null||m==="auto")&&(m=this.getInsideTextFill()),(y==null||y==="auto")&&(y=this.getInsideTextStroke(m),_=!0)):(m=i.outsideFill,y=i.outsideStroke,(m==null||m==="auto")&&(m=this.getOutsideFill()),(y==null||y==="auto")&&(y=this.getOutsideStroke(m),_=!0)),m=m||"#000",(m!==g.fill||y!==g.stroke||_!==g.autoStroke||s!==g.align||o!==g.verticalAlign)&&(l=!0,g.fill=m,g.stroke=y,g.autoStroke=_,g.align=s,g.verticalAlign=o,t.setDefaultTextStyle(g)),t.__dirty|=cn,l&&t.dirtyStyle(!0)}},r.prototype.canBeInsideText=function(){return!0},r.prototype.getInsideTextFill=function(){return"#fff"},r.prototype.getInsideTextStroke=function(e){return"#000"},r.prototype.getOutsideFill=function(){return this.__zr&&this.__zr.isDarkMode()?Hx:Gx},r.prototype.getOutsideStroke=function(e){var t=this.__zr&&this.__zr.getBackgroundColor(),i=typeof t=="string"&&gn(t);i||(i=[255,255,255,1]);for(var n=i[3],a=this.__zr.isDarkMode(),s=0;s<3;s++)i[s]=i[s]*n+(a?0:255)*(1-n);return i[3]=1,Os(i,"rgba")},r.prototype.traverse=f
2024-11-01 15:26:36 +01:00
* ZRender , a high performance 2 d drawing library .
* Copyright ( c ) 2013 , Baidu Inc .
* All rights reserved .
* https : //github.com/ecomfe/zrender/blob/master/LICENSE.txt
2024-11-18 22:45:18 +01:00
* /var b0={},cG={};function eue(r){delete cG[r]}function tue(r){if(!r)return!1;if(typeof r=="string")return Dy(r,1)<zx;if(r.colorStops){for(var e=r.colorStops,t=0,i=e.length,n=0;n<i;n++)t+=Dy(e[n].color,1);return t/ = i , t < zx } return ! 1 } var rue = function ( ) { function r ( e , t , i ) { var n = this ; this . _sleepAfterStill = 10 , this . _stillFrameAccum = 0 , this . _needsRefresh = ! 0 , this . _needsRefreshHover = ! 0 , this . _darkMode = ! 1 , i = i || { } , this . dom = t , this . id = e ; var a = new mle , s = i . renderer || "canvas" ; b0 [ s ] || ( s = rt ( b0 ) [ 0 ] ) , i . useDirtyRect = i . useDirtyRect == null ? ! 1 : i . useDirtyRect ; var o = new b0 [ s ] ( t , a , i , e ) , l = i . ssr || o . ssrOnly ; this . storage = a , this . painter = o ; var u = ! et . node && ! et . worker && ! l ? new qle ( o . getViewportRoot ( ) , o . root ) : null , c = i . useCoarsePointer , h = c == null || c === "auto" ? et . touchEventsSupported : ! ! c , d = 44 , f ; h && ( f = Be ( i . pointerSize , d ) ) , this . handler = new Gz ( a , o , u , o . root , f ) , this . animation = new Ule ( { stage : { update : l ? null : function ( ) { return n . _flush ( ! 0 ) } } } ) , l || this . animation . start ( ) } return r . prototype . add = function ( e ) { this . _disposed || ! e || ( this . storage . addRoot ( e ) , e . addSelfToZr ( this ) , this . refresh ( ) ) } , r . prototype . remove = function ( e ) { this . _disposed || ! e || ( this . storage . delRoot ( e ) , e . removeSelfFromZr ( this ) , this . refresh ( ) ) } , r . prototype . configLayer = function ( e , t ) { this . _disposed || ( this . painter . configLayer && this . painter . configLayer ( e , t ) , this . refresh ( ) ) } , r . prototype . setBackgroundColor = function ( e ) { this . _disposed || ( this . painter . setBackgroundColor && this . painter . setBackgroundColor ( e ) , this . refresh ( ) , this . _backgroundColor = e , this . _darkMode = tue ( e ) ) } , r . prototype . getBackgroundColor = function ( ) { return this . _backgroundColor } , r . prototype . setDarkMode = function ( e ) { this . _darkMode = e } , r . prototype . isDarkMode = function ( ) { return this . _darkMode } , r . prototype . refreshImmediately = function ( e ) { this . _disposed || ( e || this . animation . update ( ! 0 ) , this . _needsRefresh = ! 1 , this . painter . refresh ( ) , this . _needsRefresh = ! 1 ) } , r . prototype . refresh = function ( ) { this . _disposed || ( this . _needsRefresh = ! 0 , this . animation . start ( ) ) } , r . prototype . flush = function ( ) { this . _disposed || this . _flush ( ! 1 ) } , r . prototype . _flush = function ( e ) { var t , i = gh ( ) ; this . _needsRefresh && ( t = ! 0 , this . refreshImmediately ( e ) ) , this . _needsRefreshHover && ( t = ! 0 , this . refreshHoverImmediately ( ) ) ; var n = gh ( ) ; t ? ( this . _stillFrameAccum = 0 , this . trigger ( "rendered" , { elapsedTime : n - i } ) ) : this . _sleepAfterStill > 0 && ( this . _stillFrameAccum ++ , this . _stillFrameAccum > this . _sleepAfterStill && this . animation . stop ( ) ) } , r . prototype . setSleepAfterStill = function ( e ) { this . _sleepAfterStill = e } , r . prototype . wakeUp = function ( ) { this . _disposed || ( this . animation . start ( ) , this . _stillFrameAccum = 0 ) } , r . prototype . refreshHover = function ( ) { this . _needsRefreshHover = ! 0 } , r . prototype . refreshHoverImmediately = function ( ) { this . _disposed || ( this . _needsRefreshHover = ! 1 , this . painter . refreshHover && this . painter . getType ( ) === "canvas" && this . painter . refreshHover ( ) ) } , r . prototype . resize = function ( e ) { this . _disposed || ( e = e || { } , this . painter . resize ( e . width , e . height ) , this . handler . resize ( ) ) } , r . prototype . clearAnimation = function ( ) { this . _disposed || this . animation . clear ( ) } , r . prototype . getWidth = function ( ) { if ( ! this . _disposed ) return this . painter . getWidth ( ) } , r . prototype . getHeight = function ( ) { if ( ! this . _disposed ) return this . painter . getHeight ( ) } , r . prototype . setCursorStyle = function ( e ) { this . _disposed || this . handler . setCursorStyle ( e ) } , r . prototype . findHover = function ( e , t ) { if ( ! this . _disposed ) return this . handler . findHover ( e , t ) } , r . prototype . on = function ( e , t , i ) { return this . _disposed || this . handler . on ( e , t , i ) , this } , r . prototype . off = function ( e , t ) { this . _disposed || this . handler . off ( e , t ) } , r . prototype . trigger = function ( e , t ) { this . _disposed || this . handler . trigger ( e , t ) } , r . prototype . clear = function ( ) { if ( ! this . _disposed ) { for ( var e = this . storage . getRoots ( ) , t = 0 ; t < e . length ; t ++ ) e [ t ] instanceof Le && e [ t ] . removeSelfFromZr ( this ) ; this . storage . delAllRoots ( ) , this . painter . clear ( ) } } , r . prototype . dispose = function ( ) { this . _disposed || ( this . animation . stop ( ) , this . clear ( ) , this . storage . dispose ( ) , this . painter . dispose ( ) , this . handler . dispose ( ) , this . animation = this . storage = this . painter = this . handler = null , this . _disposed = ! 0 , eue ( this . id ) ) } , r } ( ) ; function $P ( r , e ) { var t = new rue ( Nz ( ) , r , e ) ; return cG [ t . id ] = t , t } function iue ( r , e ) { b0 [ r ] = e } var $x ; function nue ( r ) { if ( typeof $x
` );n=AG(e,t,i,n);for(var s=0,o=a.length;s<o;s++)a[s]=DG(a[s],n);return a.join( `
` )}function AG(r,e,t,i){i=i||{};var n=J({},i);n.font=e,t=Be(t,"..."),n.maxIterations=Be(i.maxIterations,2);var a=n.minChar=Be(i.minChar,0);n.cnCharWidth=mn("国",e);var s=n.ascCharWidth=mn("a",e);n.placeholder=Be(i.placeholder,"");for(var o=r=Math.max(0,r-1),l=0;l<a&&o>=s;l++)o-=s;var u=mn(t,e);return u>o&&(t="",u=0),o=r-u,n.ellipsis=t,n.ellipsisWidth=u,n.contentWidth=o,n.containerWidth=r,n}function DG(r,e){var t=e.containerWidth,i=e.font,n=e.contentWidth;if(!t)return"";var a=mn(r,i);if(a<=t)return r;for(var s=0;;s++){if(a<=n||s>=e.maxIterations){r+=e.ellipsis;break}var o=s===0?Vue(r,n,e.ascCharWidth,e.cnCharWidth):a>0?Math.floor(r.length*n/a):0;r=r.substr(0,o),a=mn(r,i)}return r===""&&(r=e.placeholder),r}function Vue(r,e,t,i){for(var n=0,a=0,s=r.length;a<s&&n<e;a++){var o=r.charCodeAt(a);n+=0<=o&&o<=127?t:i}return a}function zue(r,e){r!=null&&(r+="");var t=e.overflow,i=e.padding,n=e.font,a=t==="truncate",s=r1(n),o=Be(e.lineHeight,s),l=!!e.backgroundColor,u=e.lineOverflow==="truncate",c=e.width,h;c!=null&&(t==="break"||t==="breakAll")?h=r?EG(r,e.font,c,t==="breakAll",0).lines:[]:h=r?r.split( `
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` , `
` , `
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` :"",n=" {"+i,a=i+"}",s=oe(rt(r),function(l){return l+n+oe(rt(r[l]),function(u){return u+":"+r[l][u]+";"}).join(i)+a}).join(i),o=oe(rt(e),function(l){return"@keyframes "+l+n+oe(rt(e[l]),function(u){return u+n+oe(rt(e[l][u]),function(c){var h=e[l][u][c];return c==="d"&&(h='path("'+h+'")'),c+":"+h+";"}).join(i)+a}).join(i)+a}).join(i);return!s&&!o?"":["<![CDATA[",s,o,"]]>"].join(i)}function Sw(r){return{zrId:r,shadowCache:{},patternCache:{},gradientCache:{},clipPathCache:{},defs:{},cssNodes:{},cssAnims:{},cssStyleCache:{},cssAnimIdx:0,shadowIdx:0,gradientIdx:0,patternIdx:0,clipPathIdx:0}}function iL(r,e,t,i){return Rr("svg","root",{width:r,height:e,xmlns:_W,"xmlns:xlink":bW,version:"1.1",baseProfile:"full",viewBox:i?"0 0 "+r+" "+e:!1},t)}var ege=0;function SW(){return ege++}var nL={cubicIn:"0.32,0,0.67,0",cubicOut:"0.33,1,0.68,1",cubicInOut:"0.65,0,0.35,1",quadraticIn:"0.11,0,0.5,0",quadraticOut:"0.5,1,0.89,1",quadraticInOut:"0.45,0,0.55,1",quarticIn:"0.5,0,0.75,0",quarticOut:"0.25,1,0.5,1",quarticInOut:"0.76,0,0.24,1",quinticIn:"0.64,0,0.78,0",quinticOut:"0.22,1,0.36,1",quinticInOut:"0.83,0,0.17,1",sinusoidalIn:"0.12,0,0.39,0",sinusoidalOut:"0.61,1,0.88,1",sinusoidalInOut:"0.37,0,0.63,1",exponentialIn:"0.7,0,0.84,0",exponentialOut:"0.16,1,0.3,1",exponentialInOut:"0.87,0,0.13,1",circularIn:"0.55,0,1,0.45",circularOut:"0,0.55,0.45,1",circularInOut:"0.85,0,0.15,1"},Jl="transform-origin";function tge(r,e,t){var i=J({},r.shape);J(i,e),r.buildPath(t,i);var n=new yW;return n.reset(iG(r)),t.rebuildPath(n,1),n.generateStr(),n.getStr()}function rge(r,e){var t=e.originX,i=e.originY;(t||i)&&(r[Jl]=t+"px "+i+"px")}var ige={fill:"fill",opacity:"opacity",lineWidth:"stroke-width",lineDashOffset:"stroke-dashoffset"};function xW(r,e){var t=e.zrId+"-ani-"+e.cssAnimIdx++;return e.cssAnims[t]=r,t}function nge(r,e,t){var i=r.shape.paths,n={},a,s;if(R(i,function(l){var u=Sw(t.zrId);u.animation=!0,P1(l,{},u,!0);var c=u.cssAnims,h=u.cssNodes,d=rt(c),f=d.length;if(f){s=d[f-1];var p=c[s];for(var v in p){var g=p[v];n[v]=n[v]||{d:""},n[v].d+=g.d||""}for(var m in h){var y=h[m].animation;y.indexOf(s)>=0&&(a=y)}}}),!!a){e.d=!1;var o=xW(n,t);return a.replace(s,o)}}function aL(r){return pe(r)?nL[r]?"cubic-bezier("+nL[r]+")":JA(r)?r:"":""}function P1(r,e,t,i){var n=r.animators,a=n.length,s=[];if(r instanceof pD){var o=nge(r,e,t);if(o)s.push(o);else if(!a)return}else if(!a)return;for(var l={},u=0;u<a;u++){var c=n[u],h=[c.getMaxTime()/1e3+"s"],d=aL(c.getClip().easing),f=c.getDelay();d?h.push(d):h.push("linear"),f&&h.push(f/1e3+"s"),c.getLoop()&&h.push("infinite");var p=h.join(" ");l[p]=l[p]||[p,[]],l[p][1].push(c)}function v(y){var _=y[1],b=_.length,S={},x={},C={},D="animation-timing-function";function I(me,ze,Pe){for(var ye=me.getTracks(),Me=me.getMaxTime(),_t=0;_t<ye.length;_t++){var Re=ye[_t];if(Re.needsAnimate()){var Ge=Re.keyframes,Pt=Re.propName;if(Pe&&(Pt=Pe(Pt)),Pt)for(var wt=0;wt<Ge.length;wt++){var At=Ge[wt],rr=Math.round(At.time/Me*100)+"%",ht=aL(At.easing),Ji=At.rawValue;(pe(Ji)||ut(Ji))&&(ze[rr]=ze[rr]||{},ze[rr][Pt]=At.rawValue,ht&&(ze[rr][D]=ht))}}}}for(var M=0;M<b;M++){var L=_[M],N=L.targetName;N?N==="shape"&&I(L,x):!i&&I(L,S)}for(var O in S){var B={};lG(B,r),J(B,S[O]);var F=nG(B),U=S[O][D];C[O]=F?{transform:F}:{},rge(C[O],B),U&&(C[O][D]=U)}var $ ,q=!0;for(var O in x){C[O]=C[O]||{};var Z=! $ ,U=x[O][D];Z&&( $ =new us);var te= $ .len(); $ .reset(),C[O].d=tge(r,x[O], $ );var Q= $ .len();if(!Z&&te!==Q){q=!1;break}U&&(C[O][D]=U)}if(!q)for(var O in C)delete C[O].d;if(!i)for(var M=0;M<b;M++){var L=_[M],N=L.targetName;N==="style"&&I(L,C,function(ye){return ige[ye]})}for(var se=rt(C),he=!0,ue,M=1;M<se.length;M++){var Ie=se[M-1],Oe=se[M];if(C[Ie][Jl]!==C[Oe][Jl]){he=!1;break}ue=C[Ie][Jl]}if(he&&ue){for(var O in C)C[O][Jl]&&delete C[O][Jl];e[Jl]=ue}if(St(se,function(me){return rt(C[me]).length>0}).length){var Fe=xW(C,t);return Fe+" "+y[0]+" both"}}for(var g in l){var o=v(l[g]);o&&s.push(o)}if(s.length){var m=t.zrId+"-cls-"+SW();t.cssNodes["."+m]={animation:s.join(",")},e.class=m}}function age(r,e,t){if(!r.ignore)if(r.isSilent()){var i={"pointer-events":"none"};sL(
` +g.message)}var n=new Le;n.add(i),n.isGeoSVGGraphicRoot=!0;var a=t.width,s=t.height,o=t.viewBoxRect,l=this._boundingRect;if(!l){var u=void 0,c=void 0,h=void 0,d=void 0;if(a!=null?(u=0,h=a):o&&(u=o.x,h=o.width),s!=null?(c=0,d=s):o&&(c=o.y,d=o.height),u==null||c==null){var f=i.getBoundingRect();u==null&&(u=f.x,h=f.width),c==null&&(c=f.y,d=f.height)}l=this._boundingRect=new qe(u,c,h,d)}if(o){var p=sq(o,l);i.scaleX=i.scaleY=p.scale,i.x=p.x,i.y=p.y}n.setClipPath(new st({shape:l.plain()}));var v=[];return R(t.named,function(g){T0e.get(g.svgNodeTagLower)!=null&&(v.push(g),x0e(g.el))}),{root:n,boundingRect:l,named:v}},r.prototype.useGraphic=function(e){var t=this._usedGraphicMap,i=t.get(e);return i||(i=this._freedGraphics.pop()||this._buildGraphic(this._parsedXML),t.set(e,i),i)},r.prototype.freeGraphic=function(e){var t=this._usedGraphicMap,i=t.get(e);i&&(t.removeKey(e),this._freedGraphics.push(i))},r}();function x0e(r){r.silent=!1,r.isGroup&&r.traverse(function(e){e.silent=!1})}function w0e(r){var e=[],t=be();return R(r,function(i){if(i.namedFrom==null){var n=new yve(i.name,i.el);e.push(n),t.set(i.name,n)}}),{regions:e,regionsMap:t}}var Pw=[126,25],ak="南海诸岛",eu=[[[0,3.5],[7,11.2],[15,11.9],[30,7],[42,.7],[52,.7],[56,7.7],[59,.7],[64,.7],[64,0],[5,0],[0,3.5]],[[13,16.1],[19,14.7],[16,21.7],[11,23.1],[13,16.1]],[[12,32.2],[14,38.5],[15,38.5],[13,32.2],[12,32.2]],[[16,47.6],[12,53.2],[13,53.2],[18,47.6],[16,47.6]],[[6,64.4],[8,70],[9,70],[8,64.4],[6,64.4]],[[23,82.6],[29,79.8],[30,79.8],[25,82.6],[23,82.6]],[[37,70.7],[43,62.3],[44,62.3],[39,70.7],[37,70.7]],[[48,51.1],[51,45.5],[53,45.5],[50,51.1],[48,51.1]],[[51,35],[51,28.7],[53,28.7],[53,35],[51,35]],[[52,22.4],[55,17.5],[56,17.5],[53,22.4],[52,22.4]],[[58,12.6],[62,7],[63,7],[60,12.6],[58,12.6]],[[0,3.5],[0,93.1],[64,93.1],[64,0],[63,0],[63,92.4],[1,92.4],[1,3.5],[0,3.5]]];for(var Kl=0;Kl<eu.length;Kl++)for(var jc=0;jc<eu[Kl].length;jc++)eu[Kl][jc][0]/=10.5,eu[Kl][jc][1]/=-10.5/.75,eu[Kl][jc][0]+=Pw[0],eu[Kl][jc][1]+=Pw[1];function C0e(r,e){if(r==="china"){for(var t=0;t<e.length;t++)if(e[t].name===ak)return;e.push(new rW(ak,oe(eu,function(i){return{type:"polygon",exterior:i}}),Pw))}}var A0e={南海诸岛:[32,80],广东:[0,-10],香港:[10,5],澳门:[-10,10],天津:[5,5]};function D0e(r,e){if(r==="china"){var t=A0e[e.name];if(t){var i=e.getCenter();i[0]+=t[0]/10.5,i[1]+=-t[1]/(10.5/.75),e.setCenter(i)}}}var E0e=[[[123.45165252685547,25.73527164402261],[123.49731445312499,25.73527164402261],[123.49731445312499,25.750734064600884],[123.45165252685547,25.750734064600884],[123.45165252685547,25.73527164402261]]];function I0e(r,e){r==="china"&&e.name==="台湾"&&e.geometries.push({type:"polygon",exterior:E0e[0]})}var P0e="name",M0e=function(){function r(e,t,i){this.type="geoJSON",this._parsedMap=be(),this._mapName=e,this._specialAreas=i,this._geoJSON=k0e(t)}return r.prototype.load=function(e,t){t=t||P0e;var i=this._parsedMap.get(t);if(!i){var n=this._parseToRegions(t);i=this._parsedMap.set(t,{regions:n,boundingRect:L0e(n)})}var a=be(),s=[];return R(i.regions,function(o){var l=o.name;e&&_e(e,l)&&(o=o.cloneShallow(l=e[l])),s.push(o),a.set(l,o)}),{regions:s,boundingRect:i.boundingRect||new qe(0,0,0,0),regionsMap:a}},r.prototype._parseToRegions=function(e){var t=this._mapName,i=this._geoJSON,n;try{n=i?bve(i,e):[]}catch(a){throw new Error( ` Invalid geoJson format
` +a.message)}return C0e(t,n),R(n,function(a){var s=a.name;D0e(t,a),I0e(t,a);var o=this._specialAreas&&this._specialAreas[s];o&&a.transformTo(o.left,o.top,o.width,o.height)},this),n},r.prototype.getMapForUser=function(){return{geoJson:this._geoJSON,geoJSON:this._geoJSON,specialAreas:this._specialAreas}},r}();function L0e(r){for(var e,t=0;t<r.length;t++){var i=r[t].getBoundingRect();e=e||i.clone(),e.union(i)}return e}function k0e(r){return pe(r)?typeof JSON<"u"&&JSON.parse?JSON.parse(r):new Function("return ("+r+");")():r}var kd=be();const Ks={registerMap:function(r,e,t){if(e.svg){var i=new S0e(r,e.svg);kd.set(r,i)}else{var n=e.geoJson||e.geoJSON;n&&!e.features?t=e.specialAreas:n=e;var i=new M0e(r,n,t);kd.set(r,i)}},getGeoResource:function(r){return kd.get(r)},getMapForUser:function(r){var e=kd.get(r);return e&&e.type==="geoJSON"&&e.getMapForUser()},load:function(r,e,t){var i=kd.get(r);if(i)return i.load(e,t)}};var aE=["rect","circle","line","ellipse","polygon","polyline","path"],R0e=be(aE),O0e=be(aE.concat(["g"])),N0e=be(aE.concat(["g"])),oq=ot();function Vm(r){var e=r.getItemStyle(),t=r.get("areaColor");return t!=null&&(e.fill=t),e}function sk(r){var e=r.style;e&&(e.stroke=e.stroke||e.fill,e.fill=null)}var lq=function(){function r(e){var t=new Le;this.uid=Of("ec_map_draw"),this._controller=new pg(e.getZr()),this._controllerHost={target:t},this.group=t,t.add(this._regionsGroup=new Le),t.add(this._svgGroup=new Le)}return r.prototype.draw=function(e,t,i,n,a){var s=e.mainType==="geo",o=e.getData&&e.getData();s&&t.eachComponent({mainType:"series",subType:"map"},function(m){!o&&m.getHostGeoModel()===e&&(o=m.getData())});var l=e.coordinateSystem,u=this._regionsGroup,c=this.group,h=l.getTransformInfo(),d=h.raw,f=h.roam,p=!u.childAt(0)||a;p?(c.x=f.x,c.y=f.y,c.scaleX=f.scaleX,c.scaleY=f.scaleY,c.dirty()):ct(c,f,e);var v=o&&o.getVisual("visualMeta")&&o.getVisual("visualMeta").length>0,g={api:i,geo:l,mapOrGeoModel:e,data:o,isVisualEncodedByVisualMap:v,isGeo:s,transformInfoRaw:d};l.resourceType==="geoJSON"?this._buildGeoJSON(g):l.resourceType==="geoSVG"&&this._buildSVG(g),this._updateController(e,t,i),this._updateMapSelectHandler(e,u,i,n)},r.prototype._buildGeoJSON=function(e){var t=this._regionsGroupByName=be(),i=be(),n=this._regionsGroup,a=e.transformInfoRaw,s=e.mapOrGeoModel,o=e.data,l=e.geo.projection,u=l&&l.stream;function c(f,p){return p&&(f=p(f)),f&&[f[0]*a.scaleX+a.x,f[1]*a.scaleY+a.y]}function h(f){for(var p=[],v=!u&&l&&l.project,g=0;g<f.length;++g){var m=c(f[g],v);m&&p.push(m)}return p}function d(f){return{shape:{points:h(f)}}}n.removeAll(),R(e.geo.regions,function(f){var p=f.name,v=t.get(p),g=i.get(p)||{},m=g.dataIdx,y=g.regionModel;v||(v=t.set(p,new Le),n.add(v),m=o?o.indexOfName(p):null,y=e.isGeo?s.getRegionModel(p):o?o.getItemModel(m):null,i.set(p,{dataIdx:m,regionModel:y}));var _=[],b=[];R(f.geometries,function(C){if(C.type==="polygon"){var D=[C.exterior].concat(C.interiors||[]);u&&(D=fk(D,u)),R(D,function(M){_.push(new Ii(d(M)))})}else{var I=C.points;u&&(I=fk(I,u,!0)),R(I,function(M){b.push(new Pi(d(M)))})}});var S=c(f.getCenter(),l&&l.project);function x(C,D){if(C.length){var I=new pD({culling:!0,segmentIgnoreThreshold:1,shape:{paths:C}});v.add(I),ok(e,I,m,y),lk(e,I,p,y,s,m,S),D&&(sk(I),R(I.states,sk))}}x(_),x(b,!0)}),t.each(function(f,p){var v=i.get(p),g=v.dataIdx,m=v.regionModel;uk(e,f,p,m,s,g),ck(e,f,p,m,s),hk(e,f,p,m,s)},this)},r.prototype._buildSVG=function(e){var t=e.geo.map,i=e.transformInfoRaw;this._svgGroup.x=i.x,this._svgGroup.y=i.y,this._svgGroup.scaleX=i.scaleX,this._svgGroup.scaleY=i.scaleY,this._svgResourceChanged(t)&&(this._freeSVG(),this._useSVG(t));var n=this._svgDispatcherMap=be(),a=!1;R(this._svgGraphicRecord.named,function(s){var o=s.name,l=e.mapOrGeoModel,u=e.data,c=s.svgNodeTagLower,h=s.el,d=u?u.indexOfName(o):null,f=l.getRegionModel(o);if(R0e.get(c)!=null&&h instanceof Yn&&ok(e,h,d,f),h instanceof Yn&&(h.culling=!0),h.z2EmphasisLift=0,!s.namedFrom&&(N0e.get(c)!=null&&lk(e,h,o,f,l,d,null),uk(e,h,o,f,l,d),ck(e,h,o,f,l),O0e.get(c)!=null)){var p=hk(e,h,o,f,l);p==="self"&&(a=!0);var v=n.get(o)||n.s
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` ))}),e.join( `
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` +B1+ `
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2024-11-18 22:45:18 +01:00
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` )}).join( `
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