Florence Clavaud (Archives nationales de France), member of EGAD and lead of EGAD RiC-O team from 2012 Regine I. Heberlein (University of Princeton, USA), member of EGAD and EGAD RiC-O team from 2023 Miia Herrala (National Archives of Finland), member of EGAD and EGAD RiC-O team from 2016 to 2022 Jan Krause-Bilvin (docuteam, Switzerland), member of EGAD and EGAD RiC-O team from 2023 Daniel Pitti (University of Virginia, USA), chair of EGAD from 2012 Aaron Rubinstein (University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA), member of EGAD and EGAD RiC-O team from 2012 to 2022 Tobias Wildi (docuteam, Switzerland), member of EGAD and EGAD RiC-O team from 2019 Richard David Williamson (National Archives of Norway), member of EGAD and of EGAD RiC-O team from 2024 Ivo Zandhuis (Consultant Digital Cultural Heritage, The Netherlands), member of EGAD and EGAD RiC-O team from 2023 International Council on Archives Expert Group on Archival Description (ICA EGAD) International Council on Archives Copyright 2019-, International Council on Archives (ICA) RiC-O (Records in Contexts-Ontology) is an OWL ontology for describing archival record resources. As the third part of Records in Contexts standard, it is a formal representation of Records in Contexts Conceptual Model (RiC-CM). The current version is v1.0.2; it is compliant with RiC-CM 1.0, which was published by EGAD on November 30, 2023. Version 1.0.2 follows the release of RiC-O 1.0.1, dated May 2024, which modified a few details in the introduction, fixed a few typos in the documentation of RiC-O 1.0, and brought one change only, fixing the IRI of 'hasOrHadSomeMemberswithDocumentaryFormType' object property (changed to rico:hasOrHadSomeMembersWithDocumentaryFormType). Version 1.0.2 fixes an inconsistency bug in RiC-O 1.0, removing global reflexivity from the 48 rolification object properties. It also fixes the French labels of six object properties. Finally, a version IRI (owl:versionIRI) has been added to this 1.0.2 version, in order to make RiC-O compliant with the OWL 2 specification as concerns ontology documents. RiC-O provides a generic vocabulary and formal rules for creating RDF datasets to describe any kind of archival record resource, whether natively or by transforming existing metadata (or generating them from existing archival metadata). It supports publishing RDF datasets as Linked Data, querying them using SPARQL, and making inferences. Introduction RiC-O (Records in Contexts-Ontology) is an OWL ontology for describing archival record resources. As the third part of Records in Contexts standard, it is a formal representation of Records in Contexts Conceptual Model (RiC-CM). This version, which is v1.0.2, is the latest official release. It is compliant with RiC-CM v1.0. The following diagram shows the main RiC-CM 1.0 entities and a few relations between them: RiC-O design principles The following design principles were followed when developing RiC-O. 1. RiC-O is a domain and reference ontology. RiC-O provides a generic vocabulary and formal rules for creating RDF datasets (or generating them from existing archival metadata) that describe in a consistent way any kind of archival record resource. It supports publishing RDF datasets as Linked Data, querying them using SPARQL, and making inferences using the logic of the ontology. While some projects have built some specific ontologies for describing archives, in 2013 no generic domain ontology existed for the specific needs of the archival community. This is why EGAD decided to develop RiC-O as a part of RiC standard. Apart from this first, main target, RiC-O, as a technical implementation of RiC-CM that also extends and refines it and that includes formal logic, can guide or inspire, in many ways, the development of any tool or system that manages (i.e. stores, enables to edit or processes) and publishes descriptive archival metadata.. Of course, other technical implementations of RiC-CM may be developed later on. Also, the current technical implementations of the former ICA standards, e.g. EAD and EAC-CPF XML schemas, should be made closer to RiC-CM in the future; on this topic, see the news and announcements of the Technical Subcommittee on Encoded Archival Standards (TS-EAS) of the Society of American Archivists. As RiC-O is a generic, domain ontology, it does not address by itself every specific need or expectation that may occur in every archival institution or project. It is rather a high level framework and an institution or project implementing RiC-O can apply only such a subset of properties as meets their needs, or extend the specification according to their particular requirements, or do both. As a domain ontology, RiC-O, at this stage, does not borrow from other existing ontologies (such as the cultural heritage models – IFLA-LRM and CIDOC-CRM, PREMIS, or PROV-O). It should therefore be easier, for an archival institution or archival project, to understand, implement and maintain RiC-O within its system. Alignment with those and other models, where possible, will be undertaken in a future revision cycle to support the interconnected nature of resource description across the domains. This is of course essential for interconnecting RDF datasets conforming to RiC-O with other datasets, or for using parts of RiC-O in other contexts than the archival or records management realm. 2. RiC-O is immediately usable. This is a key feature. Metadata conforming to superseded ICA standards can be transformed to RiC-O successfully. Converting existing archival metadata created or generated in current information systems and compliant with ICA standards to RDF/RiC-O is possible without losing data or structure. During the ongoing development process of RiC-O, intensive conversion testing, either by hand or using scripts, was conducted on XML/EAD finding aids and XML/EAC-CPF authority records to ensure that RiC-O is usable with existing descriptive metadata. An open source conversion software was also developed and made available in April 2020. While some existing metadata sets may have a very fine level of granularity and accuracy, already using, for example, controlled vocabularies, or describing curation events separately, often these metadata don’t have the very precise structure that RiC-CM recommends. Even then, such a conversion process remains possible. In order to allow this, RiC-O sometimes provides several methods for representing information (as described below). From this point of view, RiC-O v1.0 may be considered a transitional ontology, in which some components may be deprecated later on. The usability of a model also depends on its documentation. RiC-O is documented extensively. The documentation will be reviewed and updated on a continuing basis. 3. RiC-O provides a flexible framework. This is a very important principle too. It is related with the usability principle quoted above. Moreover, archival description is flexible by essence. It is quite commonly noted that today the level of granularity of information varies from one finding aid to another (or from one authority record to another), or even within the same finding aid. Some series or agents are described summarily because little is known about them and there is little time for extensive research, while other series, even records, or agents are described in detail; some relations (e.g. that relating to provenance) may be described without any detail while others may be thoroughly documented, as ISAAR(CPF) and EAC-CPF allow it. Being generally flexible, for an OWL ontology, depends first on the polyhierarchical systems of classes and properties it provides. A superproperty or superclass, more general or generic than its subproperties or subclasses, must exist and be available for handling information, while at the same time more accurate subcomponents must be there for handling more accurate description. Also, RiC-O provides methods for describing relations as full entities, as well as direct and short paths between entities. 4. RiC-O opens new potential for archival description. Linked Data tools and interfaces enable end users to go through RDF/RiC-O graphs, query them using SPARQL, and make inferences. This means a completely new way of consulting archival metadata and their multiple contexts. An end user should be able to ask of any given data set, for example, “What are (according to your dataset) the corporate bodies that succeeded a given entity from its end of existence to now (as concerns this given activity)?”, or “what instantiations of this photograph exist?”, or “what are the existing copies of this original charter?”, and get a list of these entities. This means that institutions or projects that invest in the implementation of RiC-O will be able to query their data in ways not possible with the previous ICA standards, and will get new insight into the content and context of their archives that wasn’t visible with the existing ICA-standards. What is more, repositories using RiC-O may infer new assertions from the RDF datasets and link them to other resources outside their institution, thereby amplifying the query and inferencing possibilities manifold. 5. RiC-O is extensible. Institutions with descriptive needs beyond what RiC-O provides out-of-the-box have the option of extending the ontology by adding new subclasses or subproperties as needed. Also, the concepts defined in existing SKOS vocabularies (e.g. a list of documentary form types) can also be connected to RiC-O based graphs (using the *Type classes, and properties which are in the domain or range of these classes). RiC-O has also the potential to be usable in other contexts than purely archival ones. It can be used to “hook” archival description to descriptive metadata in other domains (e.g. bibliographic or museum metadata). As said above, alignment with other models will be undertaken by EGAD in a future revision cycle, facilitating such connections. Understanding RiC-O: a quick overview of some features From RiC-CM to RiC-O 1. From RiC-CM components to RiC-O classes Each RiC-CM entity has a corresponding class in RiC-O. These classes are organized according to the same hierarchy as in RiC-CM. Some projects may need very few of them (e.g. Agent, Record Resource and Activity only), while others may need more (e.g. Corporate Body and Person; Record; Place; Organic Provenance Relation). Many classes only exist in RiC-O and not in RiC-CM. These additional classes address special needs: some correspond to RiC-CM attributes, when it may be considered necessary to handle them as full entities. This is the case for Type and its subclasses, that correspond to RiC-CM attributes that contain controlled values, and that can help to articulate RiC-O with external RDF resources like SKOS vocabularies; and also for Language, Name and Identifier, that can be considered as full entities and as key linking nodes in a RDF graph. All these classes have been grouped under a Concept class. some classes have been added in order to provide a more accurate definition and model for some entities. Place thus comes along with a Physical Location class, and with a Coordinates class. A Place is considered both a geographical and historical entity. As a historical entity, among other features, it has a history, and may be preceded or succeeded by other Places. A Place also may have zero to many Physical Location through time (for instance, its boundaries, if it is an administrative area or a country, may change). Each Physical Location may be connected to zero to many Coordinates. This model is quite close to the Linked Places Format (https://github.com/LinkedPasts/linked-places). Another example of such an addition is the Proxy class, that represents (stands for) a Record Resource as it exists in a specific Record Set. finally, a system of n-ary classes helps to implement the Relations section of RiC-CM. While these relations also are represented as simple, binary object properties (e.g. hasOrganicProvenance that corresponds to RiC-R026 relation), you may need to assign different attributes to a relation, e.g. a date, certainty or description, as it is already possible, and quite often done, in a XML/EAC-CPF file. One of the standard available methods for representing such a documented relation in RDF for now is to use a class. The RDF-star specification, which is being developed by the W3C RDF-DEV Community Group, provides a far simpler method (allowing to consider a triple as the subject or object of another triple; see https://w3c.github.io/rdf-star/) and is already being used by some tools; however it is not yet a complete W3C standard. Thus, for example, in RiC-O a OrganicProvenanceRelation class exists. This class may connect one to many Agents to one to many created or accumulated Record Resources or Instantiations, and has some specific object properties (certainty, date, description, source). Back to the hasOrganicProvenance object property, let us add that it is formally defined in RiC-O, using OWL 2 property chain axiom (see https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-new-features/#F8:_Property_Chain_Inclusion), as a ‘shortcut’ for the longer path ‘thingIsSourceOfRelation/organicProvenanceRelation_role/relationHasTarget’, where the intermediate node is an instance of OrganicProvenanceRelation: A triplestore, with the appropriate configuration, may thus infer the direct ‘hasOrganicProvenance’ assertion from this long path. 2. About RiC-O datatype properties (relations whose object is a litteral) Most of the datatype properties in RiC-O correspond to RiC-CM attributes that contain free, plain text. See for example rico:generalDescription, rico:history and rico:scopeAndContent. In many simple usecases it’s sufficent to just use the rico:identifier or rico:name datatype properties. However, in addition to these datatype properties, the Name and Identifier RiC-CM attributes also have corresponding classes (subclasses of rico:Appellation). A resource may have several Identifiers (e.g. archival reference code, system number, digital object identifier) or Names and each comes with different attributes; in this case instances of classes are needed. The Location RiC-CM attribute also has a rico:PhysicalLocation corresponding class (for users who want to use Place, Physical Location and Coordinates for handling places). As already said too, every RiC-CM attribute that has ‘controlled value’ or ‘rule-based’ as a schema value, has a class as corresponding component in RiC-O. However, for these CM attributes that correspond to a RiC-O class, as it is necessary to provide an immediately usable ontology, two supplementary datatype properties exist that allow not to use the classes, at least for a while, if you want to implement RiC-O and create RiC-O/RDF datasets from existing archival metadata without being able to handle URIs for the information you have. For example, you may not be able to handle and maintain URIs for some controlled values you use in EAD finding aids for carrier types: maybe your information system does not use a vocabulary for this, and you cannot for a while consider these carrier types as full entities. Nevertheless you want to produce RiC-O datasets where every piece of information is kept, and you want to avoid blank nodes. If RiC-O would only provide the Carrier Type class, it would be an issue for you. So RiC-O provides a rico:type datatype property, with range rdfs:literal, which allows you to move forward. For RiC-CM Coordinates attribute, you also have the rico:geographicalCoordinates datatype property. These datatype properties have a skos:scopeNote which says (for example) "Provided for usability reasons. May be made deprecated or removed later on. Use only if you don’t use Physical Location and Coordinates classes with Place." The same key design principle (RiC-O must be immediately usable) led us to define some datatype properties that would enable users to use RiC-O in simple usecases where they do not want to consider dates and rules as full entities. Thus, there of course is Date and Rule classes in RiC-O (since there are Date and Rule entities in RiC-CM). And you also have a rico:date datatype property, which has several subproperties; plus a rico:ruleFollowed datatype property. The same analysis led us to keep the rico:history datatype property in RiC-O (same as RiC-CM history attribute), while RiC-CM and RiC-O also provide the Event class, and using a series of Events may of course be a better method, easier to query, link and display, than simply using a history prose discourse. The two methods may be used in parallel within the same dataset by an institution that, for example, would decide to emphasize only the accession, appraisal and description events among the whole history of Record Resources. These datatype properties have the same kind of skos:scopeNote as above. Finally, we have introduced a few datatype properties that do not correspond to any RiC-CM attribute. Some are superproperties, and thus group datatype properties: rico:physicalOrLogicalExtent, with rico:carrierExtent, rico:instantiationExtent and rico:recordResourceExtent as subproperties; rico:textualValue, with rico:expressedDate, rico:normalizedValue and rico:quantity as subproperties; rico:measure; rico:referenceSystem. Some are simply more specific properties: rico:accrualsStatus; rico:recordResourceStructure and rico:instantiationStructure, subproperties of rico:structure; rico:title (subproperty of rico:name); rico:altitude, rico:height, rico:latitude, rico:length, rico:longitude, rico:width (subproperties of rico:measure), rico:geodesicSystem and rico:altimetricSystem (subproperties of rico:referenceSystem). 3. About RiC-O object properties (relations between two entities) In order to connect all the classes created, a significant number of object properties have been defined, in addition to the 85 relations defined in RiC-CM 1.0. While the 'flat' list of object properties is a long one, the object properties are grouped hierarchically, so that one can use the upper to intermediate level ones for simplicity sake, or choose the most accurate and expressive ones, or extend the system adding a subproperty easily. It is expected that, in most use cases, a subset of these properties only will be needed. Below we just give a few details on certain specific sets of properties. While in RiC-CM it was not possible to achieve such a level of precision with simple attributes, RiC-O includes object properties to assert that a rico:RecordSet has or had members (either all of them, or some of them) that share some characteristics, i.e. Language, ContentType, DocumentaryFormType, LegalStatus, or RecordState. See for example rico:hasOrHadAllMembersWithCategory, and its subproperties. Some of the object properties are formally defined as shortcuts: they can be inferred if you create triples that include instances of the Relation classes. See the example explained above in the section dedicated to classes. Many properties, new in RiC-O 1.0, are transitive, as explained in the history note above. 4. Named Individuals RiC-O adds six individuals to address current and frequent needs: FindingAid and AuthorityRecord, which are instances of both RiC-O Documentary Form Type and SKOS Concept. They can be used for categorizing Records, finding aids and authority records being considered as Records. For example, a Record with Documentary Form Type ‘Finding Aid’ may be connected to one to many Record Resources using the 'rico:describes’ object property. Fonds, Series, File, and Collection are instances of both Record Set Type class and skos:Concept. Their definition is taken from the ISAD(G) glossary. They can be used for categorizing Record Sets. We expect other categories to be defined by the archival community as RiC-O matures, forming rich, hopefully multilingual, SKOS vocabularies that support rich description (for example, allowing an instance of the Documentary Form Type class to have a history and temporal relations to other documentary form types). RiC-O documentation and annotation properties Each class or property has an English, a French and a Spanish label (rdfs:label), and a description (rdfs:comment). Some also have a skos:scopeNote or a skos:example. When a RiC-O class or property corresponds to a RiC-CM component in any way, its description and scope note are either the same as or derived from their RiC-CM definition and scope note. RiC-O provides two annotation properties (subproperties of rdfs:comment) for handling: information about the corresponding RiC-CM component when applicable (rico:RiCCMCorrespondingComponent). Various phrasings are used in this property depending on the rule applied for defining the RiC-CM component. information about possible mappings with other models or ontologies (rico:closeTo, rarely used in this 1.0.2 version)). Any change in the definition of a class or property made since December 2019 is documented using a skos:changeNote. Next steps The following is a non exhaustive list of known issues, topics or tasks on which EGAD has begun to work and will continue to work in the next months. articulate the Event and Activity classes, and the Relation system of classes add suggestions of mappings (in rico:closeTo) and OWL equivalences between some classes or properties and components in other models (among which - this is not an exhaustive list- PREMIS, Schema.org, PROV-O, IFLA-LRM and RDA, CIDOC-CRM), or document how these models can be used together. International Council on Archives Records in Contexts Ontology (ICA RiC-O) version 1.0.2 rico https://www.ica.org/standards/RiC/ontology# International Council on Archives Records in Contexts Ontology (ICA RiC-O) version 1.0.2 Version 1.0.2 - 2024-09-04. History note A first beta version of RiC-O was developed in 2017 and used by the National Archives of France for building a proof of concept (https://piaaf.demo.logilab.fr). EGAD continued to develop the ontology, and this process entered a very active period in 2019, while RiC-CM v0.2 was being designed and edited. From December 2018 to November 2019, about 65 persons that responded to a call for reviewers, received successive beta versions of RiC-O and sent a few first comments. While EGAD RiC-O team could not answer to each of these comments, each was taken into account. RiC-O v0.1 was released on December 2019, at the same time as RiC-CM v0.2 preview. The Git repository that is used for handling RiC-O was made public in March 2020 (see https://github.com/ICA-EGAD/RiC-O). In 2020, RiC-CM v0.2 preview was significantly updated: the textual definitions of many entities were changed, as well as the specifications of many attributes; and the IRIs of lot of relations were changed, in order to take into account past situations and to adopt some simple naming rules. As a consequence, RiC-O had to be updated in order to remain compliant with RiC-CM. These changes could not be made before the end of 2020, when RiC-CM could be considered stable. EGAD also decided to make other changes in RiC-O, among which the most important are mentioned in bold in the following list. RiC-O 0.2 results from these updates and changes. It was released in February 2021, and is fully compliant with RiC-CM 0.2, which was released in July 2021. At the end of 2022, while the EGAD group, as part of the development of version 1.0 of RiC-CM, was working on analyzing and taking into account the very numerous comments relating to RiC-CM 0.2 received, a new active phase of development started for RiC-O. A team of no longer three, but six people prepared this version. It was then absolutely not a question of breaking with the principles and methods already used; the work was a continuation of what had already been done. It was a matter of improving what had already been done, by simplifying wherever possible the specifications, by adding some properties and taking into account the needs that a growing community of users was expressing. On the other hand, it was obviously a question of making RiC-O 1.0 compliant with RiC-CM 1.0. As the result of this work, RiC-O 1.0.2 defines: 105 classes, one less than in v0.2. As in RiC-CM 1.0, the modeling of dates has been modified, this led to the removal of the three subclasses of rico:Date. It was necessary to add a rico:MandateType class, corresponding to the new RiC-A44 Mandate Type attribute of RiC-CM 1.0. A generic rico:OrganicOrFunctionalProvenanceRelation class was also added. 61 datatype properties, one less than in v0.2. Several properties were renamed, to make the ontology compliant with RiC-CM 1.0 (so rico:descriptiveNote has become rico:generalDescription, whose definition is a little different). A rico:length property was added; rico:calendar and rico:dateStandard were removed. The hierarchy of rico:date subproperties was revised. Some properties were made subproperties of others (like rico:scopeAndContent, now a subproperty of rico:generalDescription). 400 object properties, compared to 423 in RiC-O 0.2. This simple count poorly accounts for the significant modifications that were made to the object properties of RiC-O 0.2. On the one hand, a certain number of properties were added to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 1.0: addition of properties whose domain or range are rico:Date or rico:Event; addition of rico:hasOrHadMandateType and rico:isOrWasMandateTypeOf, properties related to the new rico:MandateType class. On the other hand, to meet the needs expressed by RiC-O users, other properties were added: rico:isAgentAssociatedWithPlace, rico:isOrWasEmployerOf, rico:wasMergedInto, rico:wasSplitInto, rico:hasDeathPlace, rico:hasBirthPlace, rico:hasOrHadAnalogueInstantiation, rico:hasOrHadDigitalInstantiation, and their inverse properties. Furthermore, a significant number of properties were added to allow the expression of indirect relationships. Thus, it is now possible, for instance, to specify that a rico:Record is included indirectly in a rico:RecordSet such as a fonds, using rico:isIncludedInTransitive, or to infer this relation, which is the super property of the new rico:isDirectlyIncludedIn property. The addition of such transitive properties concerned partitive (sub-properties of rico:hasOrHadPart), sequential (sub-properties of rico:precedesOrPreceded) and authority (sub-properties of rico:hasOrHadSubordinate) relations, and the inverse properties. It was accompanied by the creation of properties specifying past relations. Finally, in order to simplify their maintenance, the n-ary Relation classes were rolified. 48 new object properties were created to do this, such as for example rico:leadershipRelation_role; the definition of n-ary Relation classes (such as rico:LeadershipRelation) was revised to introduce an equivalence with these properties when they have the same source and the same target, and the property chain axioms of the corresponding binary properties (such as rico:hasOrHadLeader) were revised. 166 object properties, which existed in RiC-O 0.2 and were specific to each of the n-ary relations, could then be deleted. A full accounting of the rolification of n-ary relations may be found at https://github.com/ICA-EGAD/RiC-O/issues/67). RiC-O 1.0.2 therefore presents itself as an ontology that is more compact than RiC-O 0.2, while being richer, technically opening up new possibilities (with transitive relations) and preserving the semantics defined previously. Besides, an effort has been made regarding the documentation of the ontology. In particular, the labels of each class and property (rdfs:label annotations) are now available in French and Spanish as well as in English. We would like to thank our French-speaking and Spanish-speaking colleagues, members or not of the ICA/EGAD group, who contributed to this translation work. Various bugs have been fixed and the OWL file has been systematically reread many times. A running list of changes since v0.1 may be found in Appendix I. Note that from October 2020 any change on a component is described and dated in the specification of this component, using skos:changeNote. Appendix I: list of the changes made since the release of RiC-O v0.1 The following is a list of the changes made to RiC-O since the release of RiC-O v0.1 in December 2019. The most important changes are mentioned in bold. Note that from October 2020 any change on a component is described and dated in the specification of this component, using skos:changeNote. Fixed a bug in the documentation of rico:PerformanceRelation and its object properties. Renamed the file and updated the ontology metadata. OccupationType made a subclass of ActivityType. Changed the domain and range of rico:hasOriginal and rico:hasDraft (it is now Record or Record Part); same for their inverse properties. Fixed a bug in the definition of rico:provenanceRelationHasTarget (removed the owl:propertyChainAxiom). Changed the name of rico:leadBy object property (grammatical mistake) to rico:ledBy. 2020, October 19: Added a vann:preferredNamespaceUri and vann:preferredNamespacePrefix property to the ontology metadata 2020, October 19 : created RuleType and IdentifierType classes, along with the associated object properties. 2020, October 23: updated the text definition and/or scope note of 33 classes, that correspond to RiC-CM entities or attributes, in order to make them compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. Added a few owl:disjointWith properties. 2020, November 1: updated the text definition and/or scope note of, and/or added examples for, 27 datatype properties, that correspond to RiC-CM attributes, in order to make them compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. 2020, November 20: created new classes and properties for handling an accurate description of instantation and record resource extent: Extent, Carrier Extent, Instantiation Extent, Record Resource Extent, Unit of measurement, Extent Type classes; unit of measurement and quantity datatype properties; has Extent, is Extent Of, has Extent Type, is Extent Type Of, has Unit Of Measurement, is Unit of Measurement Of, object properties. 2020, December 28: changed the IRIs and definition of RecordResourceState class and of the associated object properties; changed the domain or ranges and textual definitions of properties associated with Language, LegalStatus, ContentType, DocumentaryFormType; added new object properties for handling the description of some or all members of Record Set. Added the corresponding change notes. 2020, December 29: deleted the isSuperiorTo and isInferiorTo object properties, as well as the AgentSubordinationRelation and its object properties (as the RiC-R043 relation has been removed from RiC-CM 0.2). Added the hasAuthor/isAuthorOf object properties, plus an AuthorshipRelation class and its specific object properties (as the RiC-R079 relation has been added to RiC-CM 0.2). Added the corresponding change notes. 2021, January 22: changed the IRI, label, and/or superproperties or inverse property IRI, and/or textual definition, and/or domain or range, of 152 object properties. Among them, changed the IRI of 119 object properties; 85 correspond to RiC-CM relations whose name has been changed in RiC-CM 0.2. Added the corresponding change notes. 2021, January 27: added an rdfs:isDefinedBy to the specification of each RiC-O class and property and made the last changes to the ontology metadata (mainly in the history note). 2021, February 1: last small changes in the ontology metadata (mainly in the abstract). 2021, February 1: 'hasOrHadPhysicalLocation' made a subproperty of 'isPlaceAssociatedWith'; 'isOrWasPhysicalLocationOf' made a subproperty of 'isAssociatedWithPlace'. 2021, February 1: reordered everything with Protégé without changing the content 2021, February 4: checked and fixed the language of the examples. 2021, February 8: removed a few Restriction classes (rdfs:subClassOf/owl:Restriction) in the definition of classes; completed the textual definition and scope note of the Relation class. 2021, February 9: added a link to RiC-CM 0.2 diagram overview in the introduction; fixed some typos. 2021, February 11: added an @xml:lang='en' on a few labels; updated the definition (rdfs:comment) and scope note of the Rule class, as they were recently changed in RiC-CM 0.2 full draft. 2023, April 17: renamed the file (moving to RiC-O 1.0) and started to update the ontology metadata. 2023, April 19: removed the unnecessary restrictions specified for a significant number of classes, among which most of the subclasses of Type, plus Activity, AgentTemporalRelation, Coordinates, CreationRelation, Event, Identifier, Instantiation, MandateRelation, Person, PhysicalLocation, Place, RecordResource, RecordSet, Rule. 2023, April 21: removed an unnecessary restriction that remained on Mandate class. 2023, end of May-June 5: fixed some typos in the introduction and definition of entities, including the use of "data property" term instead of the correct "datatype property" one. 2023, June 5: made includesOrIncluded object property a subproperty of hasOrHadPart in addition to isRecordResourceAssociatedToRecordResource. 2023, June 21: added two object properties, sub-properties of hasSuccessor: wasMergedInto and wasSplitInto, with Corporate Body as domain and range, and their inverse ones. 2023, July 25: adjusted definition of hasOrHadLanguage 2023, August 25: added French labels to the descriptions of classes and of datatype properties 2023, August 28: added French labels to the descriptions of 250 object properties; added an xml:lang attribute with value 'en' on rdfs:comment when it was missing. Also added French labels to the two RiC-O annotation properties and to the few named individuals already defined. 2023, August 28: changed the domain of hasExtent (from Instantiation or RecordResource to Thing), same for the range of isExtentOf; added a length datatype property under measure. 2023, August 29: updated hasInstantiation and hasDerivedInstantiation, and the inverse properties (changed their IRIs, labels, definitions, inverse properties, according to RiC-CM 1.0). As a consequence, also updated the superproperties of migratedInto and migratedFrom. Created four new object properties: hasOrHadDigitalInstantiation, hasOrHadAnalogueInstantiation, and the inverse ones. 2023, August 29: fixed some typos in the English labels of a few object properties and added the past tense to the English label of hasOrHadCoordinates. 2023, September 13: added 54 new object properties under 'hasorhadpart', in order to extend the following nine existing properties: 'containsOrContained', 'hasOrHadComponent', 'hasOrHadConstituent', 'includesOrIncluded', 'hasOrHadSubdivision', 'hasOrHadSubevent'. Also did the same for 'followsInTime', 'followsOrFollowed', 'isOrWasSubordinateto'. For each listed property, one was added to express past partitive relations, and 2 other ones for present partitive relations, the first one being transitive and the superproperty of the second one. Added the inverse properties as well. Made 'hasDescendant' and 'hasAncestor' transitive. 2023, September 20: began to review and adjust the object properties added on September 13, starting with the properties under hasOrHadPart, and under the inverse isOrWasPartOf property. Among the changes made: adjusted the change notes, added a few 'this is a transitive relation' when missing in the rdfs:comment, and fixed the hierarchy of the properties. Also, every past relation (e.g. contained) also made a subproperty of hadPart. Every current transitive relation (e.g. containsTransitive) made a subproperty of hasPartTransitive. Every current direct relation (e.g. directlyContains) made a subproperty of hasDirectPart. Fixed a syntaxic bug on the ontology history note. 2023, September 22: finished to check and fix the object properties added on September 13, working on hasOrHadSubordinate/isOrWasSubordinateTo subproperties and on precedesOrPreceded/followsOrFollowed subproperties. 2023, September 22: removed DateSingle, DateRange, DateSet and added datatype and properties for dates. 2023, October 10: began to complete the updates made for date and its properties. work done for Date Type, hasDateType, is dateTypeOf, expressedDate, normalizedDateValue and dateQualifier. Also made isCreationDateOfMostMembersOf a subproperty of isCreationDateOfSomeMembersOf; same for the inverse object properties. 2023, October 12: finished to complete the updates made for date and its properties. updated isCreationDateOf, isCreationDateOfSomeMembersOf, isCreationDateOfMostMembersOf, isCreationDateOfAllMembersOf, isPublicationDateOf and the inverse properties. Also, renamed isDeletionDateOf into isDestructionDateOf, and applied the same change to hasDeletiondate. Created isOccurrenceOf, isWithin, intersects ant the inverse properties. 2023, October 13: adjusted a few details on date object properties (renamed some of them to correct the spelling or take past members of record sets into account; added a few subPropertyOf; adjusted the annotations accordingly). Fixed a syntax problem on the history note of the ontology. 2023, October 14: reintroduced the certainty datatype property with domain Event and Relation. Adjusted a few details in the annotations of the date properties. 2023, October 16: fixed several bugs while resolving conflicts before merging, including bad IRIs. 2023, October 17: made occurredAtDate and isDateOfOccurenceof subproperties of isEventAssociatedWith and isAssociatedWithEvent 2023, October 19: made rico:wasUsedFromDate and rico:wasUsedToDate (and its inverses) sub-properties of rico:hasBeginningDate and rico:hasEndDate (and its inverses) respectively 2023, October 19: added RecordPart to domain of hasOrHadConstituent and to the range of the inverse property as well. 2023, October 20: created the following new properties isAgentAssociatedWithPlace, hasDeathPlace, hasBirthPlace, agentHasOrHadLocation, hasOrHadEmployer and their inverse properties as well. 2023, October 26: added Record Part to the domain of hadOrhadConstituent subproperties, and RecordPart to the range of the inverse ones. Changed the definitions of these properties accordingly. Fixed a bug in the history note of the ontology. Regenerated the inverse properties. 2023, October 26: changed the domain and range of 'is or was employer of', removed 'has or had member' super-property of the propertyn added an rdfs:comment to it. Same for the inverse property. 2023, October 26: added rdfs:comments, fixed one IRI, French labels, some domains and range, to the recently added isPlaceAssociatedWithAgent, isBirthPlaceOf, isDeathPlaceOf, isOrWasLocationOfAgent, and their inverse properties. Fixed a bug in the history note of the ontology. Regenerated the inverse properties. 2023, November 2: added Spanish labels to 59 datatype properties, 103 classes and 277 object properties. 2023, November 7: added property chain axioms that were missing, in order to define the following properties as shortcuts: isChildOf, hasOrHadPosition, isOrWasAppellationOf, isOrWasDerivedFromInstantiation, hasOrHadWorkRelationWith and hasGeneticLinkToRecordResource. 2023, November 7: added a hasOrganicOrFunctionalProvenance property, superproperty of documents and of hasOrganicProvenance (new name of hasProvenance); added the shortcut. Same for the inverse property. Added a OrganicAndFunctionalProvenanceRelation, superclass of OrganicProvenanceRelation (new name of AgentOriginationRelation) and ActivityDocumentationRelation; created the needed object properties. Adjusted the names of the properties of OrganicProvenanceRelation. 2023, November 8: rolifying the Relation classes, step 1: created 48 reflexive object properties that rolify the classes; modified the specifications of the Relation classes; modified the property chain axioms of the corresponding shortcuts. Fixed the range of isExtentOf. 2023, November 8, later: rolifying the Relation classes, step 2: deleted 166 object properties that had become unnecessary. 2023, November 12: updated the datatype properties in order to make them compliant with RiC-CM 1.0 attributes. Changed the IRIS of accrual (to accruals), accrualStatus (to accrualsStatus), descriptiveNote (to generalDescription), integrity (to integrityNote), physicalCharacteristics (to physicalCharacteristicsNote), qualityOfRepresentation (to qualityOfRepresentationNote). Made scopeAndContent a subproperty of generalDescription, and expressedDate a subproperty of name. Updated or added a few domains and many rdfs:comment, skos:scopeNote, skos:example. Also made usedFromDate a subproperty of beginningDate, and usedToDate a subproperty of endDate. 2023, November 12: updated the classes in order to make them compliant with RiC-CM 1.0 entities and attributes. Updated or added many rdfs:comment and skos:scopeNote, taking into account, as concerns the Relation classes, the fact that they are n-ary. Created a new MandateType class, corresponding to RiC-A44 attribute in RiC-CM 1.0. Also added a rdfs:isDefinedBy to skos:Concept, skos:ConceptScheme and voaf:Vocabulary. 2023, November 12 and 13: updated 35 object properties in order to make them compliant with RiC-CM 1.0 relations. Added labels or modified rdfs:comment of 65 other object properties. Added hasOrHadMandateType and isOrWasMandateType of. 2023, November 13: added or modified a few French or Spanish labels. 2023, November 13: updated the ontology metadata. 2023, November 14: fixed some typos in the ontology metadata. 2023, November 24: started to work on v1.0, after releasing v 1.0-beta: renamed the file and updated a few metadata. 2023, November 25: fixed three French labels; added Spanish labels to the annotation properties and named individuals. 2023, November 27: added Spanish labels to the 93 object properties which were missing one. 2023, December 6: improved the description (rdfs:comment) of the 48 n-ary Relation classes by clearly specifying how they are directed. 2023, December 13: Completed the metadata of the vocabulary: added dc:language, a history note and a scope note. 2023, December 21: revised and updated the ontology metadata and introduction, and the HTML view.. 2023, December 27: in order to make the ontology clearer and more consistent, renamed the certainty and source datatype properties to relationCertainty and relationSource and reduced their domain to Relation. Renamed the 'hasSource' object property to 'isEvidencedBy' and reduced its domain to Relation and range to RecordResource; same for the inverse property, 'isSourceOf', renamed to 'evidences'. Updated the specifications of these properties accordingly. 2023, December 27: added rdfs:isDefinedBy to all the properties not defined in RiC-O itself. 2023, December 28: made a few changes in the ontology introduction (dcterms:description) and metadata. 2023, December 29: Added the property chain axiom on 'hasCreator'. 2023, December 30: Fixed a typo in five French labels. 2024, February 21: Fixed a typo in the rdfs:comment of rico:RoleType class. 2024, April 10: Fixed the IRI of 'hasOrHadSomeMemberswithDocumentaryFormType' object property (changed to 'hasOrHadSomeMembersWithDocumentaryFormType') and corrected several typos. 2024, April 12: Replaced the code illustrating the shortcut by an image, change the headers of the subsections in 'From RiC-CM to RiC-O'; added a few details to an sentence in the section on Ric-O properties; adjusted the metadata, mainly moved to v1.0.1. 2024, May 2: Added Richard David Williamson to the list of contributors and set the date of v1.0.1 to May 2, 2024. 2024, May 13: Added Richard Williamson's ORCID number, changed the affiliation of T. Wildi and J. Krause-Bilvin, and set the date of v1.0.1 to May 13, 2024. 2024, August 2: Removed global reflexivity from the object properties that rolify the Relation classes, to fix a source of inconsistency (they still satisfy local reflexivity, i.e. reflexivity for each of these object properties can be inferred for all individuals in their domain). 2024, September 2: Fixed the French label (rdfs:label) of the following object properties: rico:isOrWasEnforcedBy; rico:isOrWasResponsibleForEnforcing; rico:hasOrHadIntellectualPropertyRightsHolder; rico:hasOrHadController; rico:isOrWasControllerOf; rico:isOrWasJurisdictionOf. 2024, September 2: Moved to v1.0.2: updated the metadata, and added a owl:versionIRI to this new version. Moved v1.0.1 to the previous-versions subfolder. 2024, September 2: Fixed a typo in two of the EDTF examples for rico:normalizedDateValue. 2024, September 4: Fixed a few typos in Appendix 1 and in a change note. Changed the date of the release (it is 2024 September 4th now). When it exists, specifies the identifier and name of RiC-CM component that corresponds to the annotated class or property. RiC-CM corresponding component composant correspondant dans RiC-CM componente correspondiente en RiC-CM 2023-11-25 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. An annotation property for recording a possible mapping to a component in another model or ontology close to proche de cerca de 2023-11-25 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Connects an AccumulationRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Accumulation Relation a le rôle de la Relation d’accumulation desempeña el papel de la Relación de Acumulación 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the AccumulationRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the AccumulationRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the AccumulationRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects an ActivityDocumentationRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Activity Documentation Relation a le rôle de la Relation entre activités et ressources archivistiques desempeña el papel de la Relación de procedencia funcional 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the ActivityDocumentationRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the ActivityDocumentationRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the ActivityDocumentationRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects an Activity to an Agent Temporal Relation (when the Activity is transferred from an Agent to another one) or a Mandate Relation (the Mandate assigns the Activity to the Agent or defines it). activity is context of relation activité est le contexte de la relation actividad es contexto de relación 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Connects an Event to a Thing on which the Event has or had some significant impact. affects or affected affecte ou a affecté afecta o afectaba a 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition and corresponding CM component (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "affects"). RiC-R059 ('affects or affected' relation) Connects an AgentControlRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Agent Control Relation a le rôle de la Relation de contrôle entre agents desempeña el papel de la Relación de control entre agentes 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the AgentControlRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the AgentControlRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the AgentControlRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Inverse of 'is or was location of agent' object property. agent has or had location agent a ou a eu pour localisation agente tiene o tenía como localización 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-26 Added a rdfs:comment. 2023-10-20 Property created for RiC-0 1.0. Connects an AgentHierarchicalRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Agent Hierarchical Relation a le rôle de la Relation hiérarchique entre agents desempeña el papel de la Relación jerárquica entre agentes 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the AgentHierarchicalRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the AgentHierarchicalRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the AgentHierarchicalRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects an AgentTemporalRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Agent Temporal Relation a le rôle de la Relation temporelle entre agents desempeña el papel de la Relación temporal entre agentes 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the AgentTemporalRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the AgentTemporalRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the AgentTemporalRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects an AgentToAgentRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Agent Relation a le rôle de la Relation entre agents desempeña el papel de la Relación entre agentes 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the AgentToAgentRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the AgentToAgentRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the AgentToAgentRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects an AppellationRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Appellation Relation a le rôle de la Relation d’appellation desempeña el papel de la Relación de denominación 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the AppellationRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the AppellationRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the AppellationRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects an Agent Temporal Relation or Mandate Relation, to an Activity that is, either transferred from an Agent to another one, or assigned by a Mandate to an Agent. as concerns activity en ce qui concerne l’activité en cuanto a actividad 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Connects an AuthorityRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Authority Relation a le rôle de la Relation d’autorité desempeña el papel de la Relación de control por parte de agentes 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the AuthorityRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the AuthorityRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the AuthorityRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Inverse of 'authorizes' object property authorized by autorisé par controlado por 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new mandateRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. RiC-R067i ('authorizedBy' relation) Connects a Mandate to the Agent that the Mandate gives the authority or competencies to act. authorizes autorise controla 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new mandateRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 fixed the CM corresponding component name. RiC-R067 ('authorizes' relation) Connects a Mandate Relation to an Agent that assigns the Mandate. authorizing agent autorisation donnée par l’agent autorización dada por el agente 2023-11-13 Fixed the rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Connects an AuthorshipRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Authorship Relation a le rôle de la Relation de responsabilité intellectuelle desempeña el papel de la Relación de autoría 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the AuthorshipRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the AuthorshipRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the AuthorshipRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a ChildRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Child Relation a le rôle de la Relation de filiation desempeña el papel de la Relación de filiación 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the ChildRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the ChildRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the ChildRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a Place to a Place that it contained in the past. contained a contenu contenía 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels, description (rdfs:comment). 2023-09-05 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express past partitive relations between places (the current partitive relations being also added, including a transitive one). Connects a Place to a region that is or was within it. contains or contained contient ou a contenu contiene o contenía 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, corresponding CM component name ; added a scope note (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "contains"). Use for connecting two geographical or administrative regions. RiC-R007 ('contains or contained' relation) Connects a Place to a Place that it contains, directly or indirectly. This is a transitive relation. contains transitive contient transitif contiene transitivo 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the description (rdfs:comment) and labels. 2023-09-05 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current partitive relations between places (the past partitive relation also being added). Connects a CorrespondenceRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Correspondence Relation a le rôle de la Relation épistolaire desempeña el papel de la Relación entre personas por correspondencia 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the CorrespondenceRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the CorrespondenceRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the CorrespondenceRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a CreationRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Creation Relation a le rôle de la Relation de création desempeña el papel de la Relación de creación 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the CreationRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the CreationRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the CreationRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a Creation Relation to the Role Type that the creator Agent(s) has in the creation process creation with role création avec pour rôle creación con el rol de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Connects a DerivationRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Derivation Relation a le rôle de la Relation de dérivation desempeña el papel de la Relación de derivación 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the DerivationRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the DerivationRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the DerivationRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a DescendanceRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Descendance Relation a le rôle de la Relation de descendance desempeña el papel de la Relación de descendencia 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the DescendanceRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the DescendanceRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the DescendanceRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a Record Resource to a Thing that it describes or described. describes or described décrit ou a décrit describe o describía 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "describes"). Can be used, among other situations, for specifying that some finding aid (a Record that has Documentary Form Type Finding Aid) describes some Record Set. RiC-R021 ('describes or described' relation) Connects a Place to another Place that it directly contains. contains directly contient directement contiene directamente 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the description (rdfs:comment) and labels. 2023-09-05 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current, direct, partitive relations between places (the possibly indirect, transitive relation, superproperty of this one, being also added). Connects a Thing to a Thing that it follows directly in some non chronological sequence. directly follows in sequence suit directement dans la séquence sigue directamente en la secuencia 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the description (rdfs:comment) and labels. 2023-09-22 Renamed the property and modified its definition (rdfs:comment) in order to better distinguish it from followsInTime. 2023-09-08 Added transitive super-property and both present direct and past sequential relations as well as their respective inverse relations. Connects a Record Set to a Record or Record Set which it includes directly. directly includes inclut directement incluye directamente 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels, description (rdfs:comment). 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current, direct, partitive relations between Record Sets and their members (the possibly indirect, transitive relation, superproperty of this one, being also added). Connects a Thing to a Thing that it precedes directly in some non chronological sequence. directly precedes in sequence précède directement dans la séquence precede directamente en la secuencia 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the description (rdfs:comment) and labels. 2023-09-22 Renamed the property and modified its definition (rdfs:comment) in order to better distinguish it from precedesInTime. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current, direct, sequential relations between things (the possibly indirect, transitive relation, superproperty of this one, being also added). Inverse of 'documents' object property. documented by est documenté par se documenta en 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new activityDocumentationRelation_role object property. 2023-11-07 Made this property a subproperty of the new isOrganicOrFunctionalProvenanceOf property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the inverse property IRI, the superproperty IRI and the corresponding CML component name RiC-R033i ('documented by' relation) Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to the Activity that generates the Record Resource or Instantiation. documents documente documenta 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new activityDocumentationRelation_role object property. 2023-11-07 Made this property a subproperty of the new hasOrganicOrFunctionalProvenance property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, superproperty IRI, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isDocumentationOf"). To be used to describe the functional provenance of a Record Resource or Instantiation. RiC-R033 ('documents' relation) Connects an EventRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Event Relation a le rôle de la Relation impliquant un événement desempeña el papel de la Relación con un evento 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the EventRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the EventRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the EventRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a Record Resource to a Relation, when the first is used for proving the existence of the second one, or for describing it. evidences atteste de evidencia 2023-12-27 Renamed the object property (was 'is source of') and reduced its domain to Record Resource (the domain was the union of Record Resource and Agent) and its range to Relation (the range was the union of Record Resource and Relation). Consequently updated the superproperty, the labels, and added a rico:RiCCMCorrespondingComponent. Same for the inverse object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Inverse of 'is evidenced by' object property. Connects a Position to a Group in which that Position exists or existed, or that is defined by that Group's organizational structure. exists or existed in existe ou a existé dans existe o existía en 2024-03-15 Corrected unparseable symbol in rdfs:comment 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new positionToGroupRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "existsIn"). RiC-R056 ('exists or existed in' relation) Inverse of 'is or was expressed by' object property. expresses or expressed exprime ou a exprimé expresa o expresaba 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "expresses"). RiC-R064i ('expresses or expressed' relation) Connects a FamilyRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Family Relation a le rôle de la Relation familiale desempeña el papel de la Relación familiar 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2024-03-15 Corrected unparseable symbol in rdfs:comment 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the FamilyRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the FamilyRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the FamilyRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a Thing to a Thing that it followed in some non chronological sequence in the past. followed in sequence a suivi dans la séquence seguía en la secuencia transitivo 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the description (rdfs:comment) and labels. 2023-09-22 Renamed the property and modified its definition (rdfs:comment) in order to better distinguish it from followsInTime. 2023-09-08 Added transitive super-property and both present direct and past sequential relations as well as their respective inverse relations. Connects a Thing to a Thing that it directly or indirectly follows in some non chronological sequence. follows in sequence transitive suit dans la séquence transitif sigue en la secuencia transitivo 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the description (rdfs:comment) and labels. 2023-09-22 Renamed the property and modified its definition (rdfs:comment) in order to better distinguish it from followsInTime. 2023-09-08 Added transitive super-property and both present direct and past sequential relations as well as their respective inverse relations. Inverse of 'precedes in time' object property. This is a transitive relation. follows in time suit dans le temps sigue en el tiempo a 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new temporalRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-09-22 Property made transitive. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the superproperty IRI. RiC-R009i ('follows in time' relation) Inverse of 'precedesOrPreceded' object property. follows or followed suit ou a suivi sigue o seguía a 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new sequentialRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "follows"). RiC-R008i ('follows or followed' relation) Connects a FunctionalEquivalenceRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Functional Equivalence Relation a le rôle de la Relation d’équivalence fonctionnelle desempeña el papel de la Relación de equivalencia funcional 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the FunctionalEquivalenceRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the FunctionalEquivalenceRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the FunctionalEquivalenceRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a GroupSubdivisionRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Group Subdivision Relation a le rôle de la Relation de subdivision entre groupes d’agents desempeña el papel de la Relación de subdivisión entre grupos de agentes 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the GroupSubdivisionRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the GroupSubdivisionRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the GroupSubdivisionRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects an Instantiation to another Instantiation that was its component in the past. had component a eu pour composant tenía como componente 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the description (rdfs:comment) and labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express past partitive relations between instantiations (the current partitive relations being also added, including a transitive one). Connects a Record or Record Part to another Record or Record Part that was its constituent in the past. had constituent a eu pour constituant tenía como elemento constitutivo 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-10-26 Added RecordPart to the domain. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express past partitive relations between Record and Record or Record Part (the current partitive relations being also added, including a transitive one). Connects a Thing to a Thing that was a constitutive or component part of that Thing in the past. had part a eu pour partie tenía como parte 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-07-12 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express past partitive relations between things (the current partitive relations being also added, including a transitive one). Connects a Group to one of its past subdivisions. had subdivision a eu pour subdivision tenía como subdivisión 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express past partitive relations between groups (the current partitive relations being also added, including a transitive one). Connects a past Event to one of a series of past Events that constituted that original, broader, past Event. had subevent a été constitué de l’événement tenía como parte de evento 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express partitive relations between past Events (the partitive relations between ongoing events being also added, including a transitive one). Connects an Agent to an Agent that was hierarchically inferior in the past. had subordinate a eu pour subalterne tenía como subordinado o subordinada a 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express past subordination relations between Agents (the current subordination relations being also added, including a transitive one). Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to the Agent that accumulates it, be it intentionally (collecting) or not (receiving in the course of its activities). has accumulator est accumulé par tiene como acumulador a 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new accumulationRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition and corresponding CM component (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "accumulatedBy"). RiC-R028 ('has accumulator' relation) Connects an Activity to an Activity Type that categorizes it. has activity type a pour type d’activité tiene como tipo de actividad a 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the superproperty IRI. Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to the Agent that it is addressed to. has addressee a pour destinataire se dirige a 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 added a scope note The identity of the addressee is (usually) evidenced by the Record Resource or Instantiation itself. RiC-R032 ('has addressee' relation) Inverse of 'has descendant' object property. This is a transitive relation. has ancestor a pour ancêtre tiene como ancestro a 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new descendanceRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-09-08 made property transitive 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the superproperty IRIs. RiC-R017i (has ancestor relation) Connects a Record to the Group, Person or Position that is responsible for conceiving and formulating the information contained in the Record. has author a pour responsable intellectuel tiene como autor a 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new authorshipRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-29 Created following the addition of RiC-R079 relation in RiC-CM 0.2 To be used for a Person, Group or Position that makes any contribution to the content of a record. Includes the Person, Group or Position in whose name or by whose command the content may have been formulated and first instantiated (for example the Person who signed the Record). RiC-R079 ('has author' relation) Inverse of 'is beginning date of' object property has beginning date a pour date de début tiene como fecha de inicio 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. RiC-R069i ('has beginning date' relation) Inverse of 'is birth date of' object property has birth date a pour date de naissance tiene como fecha de nacimiento 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. RiC-R070i ('has birth date' relation) Inverse of 'is birth place of' object property has birth place a pour lieu de naissance tiene como lugar de nacimiento 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-10-26 Fixed the domain of the property. 2023-10-19 Added for RiC-O 1.0. Connects an Instantiation to a Carrier Type which categorizes its carrier. has carrier type a pour type de support tiene como tipo de soporte 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the superproperty IRI. Connects a Person to one of their children. has child a pour enfant tiene como hijo o hija a 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new childRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the inverse property IRI. RiC-R018 ('has child' relation) Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to the Agent that collects it intentionally, i.e., the Agent is a collector. has collector est collecté par tiene como coleccionista a 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property and super property IRI, text definition, domain (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "collectedBy"). RiC-R030 ('has collector' relation) Connects an Instantiation to another Instantiation that is, directly or indirectly, a component of that Instantiation. This is a transitive relation. has component transitive a pour composant transitif tiene como componente transitivo 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the description (rdfs:comment) and labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current partitive relations between instantiations (the past partitive relation also being added). Connects a Record or Record Part to another Record or Record Part that is its constituent, directly or indirectly. This is a transitive relation. has constituent transitive a pour constituant transitif tiene como elemento constitutivo transitivo 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the description (rdfs:comment) and labels. 2023-10-26 Added RecordPart to the domain. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current partitive relations between records and other records or record parts (the past partitive relation also being added). Connects a Record or a Record Part to a Content Type which categorizes its content. has content of type a pour type de contenu tiene como tipo de contenido 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the text definition and superproperty IRI. Connects a Record Resource to a copy of that Record Resource. has copy a pour copie tiene como copia 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Is both a temporal and genetic relation between the two Record Resources. RiC-R012 ('has copy' relation) Inverse of 'is creation date of' object property has creation date a pour date de création tiene como fecha de creación 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-09-22 Added in RiC-O 1.0. RiC-R080i ('has creation date' relation) Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to an Agent that is either responsible for all or some of the content of the Record Resource or is a contributor to the genesis or production of an Instantiation. has creator a pour créateur tiene como creador a 2023-12-29 Added the property chain axiom, that had been forgotten. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI and label (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "createdBy"). Covers the definition of author in diplomatics, and any contribution to the intellectual content of a Record Resource. RiC-R027 ('has creator' relation) Connects a Date to its Date Type. has date type a pour type de date tiene como tipo de fecha 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-10 Added a rdfs:comment and a French rdfs:label. 2023-09-22 Added in RiC-O 1.0. Inverse of 'is death date of' object property has death date a pour date de décès tiene como fecha de muerte 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. RiC-R072i ('has death date' relation) Inverse of 'is death place of' object property has death place a pour lieu de décès tiene como lugar de muerte 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-13 Added a rdfs:comment. 2023-10-26 Fixed the domain of the property. 2023-10-19 Added for RiC-O v1.0. Connects a Person to one of their descendants. This is a transitive relation. has descendant a pour descendant tiene como descendiente a 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new descendanceRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-09-08 made property transitive 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the superproperties IRIs. There may be zero to many intermediate persons, ignored or unknown, between the two connected persons. RiC-R017 ('has descendant' relation) Inverse of 'is destruction date of' object property. has destruction date a pour date de destruction tiene como fecha de destrucción 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-14 Added a rdfs:comment; same to the inverse property. 2023-10-12 Renamed deletion into destruction 2023-09-22 Added in RiC-O 1.0. Connects an Instantiation to another Instantiation that is its direct component. has direct component a directement pour composant tiene directamente como componente 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current, direct, partitive relations between instantiations (the possibly indirect, transitive relation, superproperty of this one, being also added). Connects a Record to another Record or Record Part that is its direct constituent. has direct constituent a directement pour constituant tiene directamente como elemento constitutivo 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-10-26 Added RecordPart to the domain. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current, direct, partitive relations between records and other records or record parts (the possibly indirect, transitive relation, superproperty of this one, being also added). Connects a Thing to a Thing that is a direct constitutive or component part of that Thing. has direct part a directement pour partie tiene directamente como parte 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-07-12 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current, direct, partitive relations between things (the possibly indirect, transitive relation, superproperty of this one, being also added). To be used only when the current partitive relation is direct, without any intermediate node between the related things. Connects a Group to one of its direct subdivisions. has direct subdivision a directement pour subdivision tiene directamente como subdivisión 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current, direct, partitive relations between groups (the possibly indirect, transitive relation, superproperty of this one, being also added). Connects an ongoing Event to one of a series of Events that directly constitute that broader, ongoing Event. has direct subevent est directement constitué de l’événement tiene directamente como parte de evento 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current, direct, partitive relations between ongoing events (the possibly indirect, transitive relation, superproperty of this one, being also added). Connects an Agent to an Agent that is its direct subordinate. has direct subordinate a directement pour subalterne tiene directamente como subordinado o subordinada a 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current, direct, subordination relations between agents (the possibly indirect, transitive relation, superproperty of this one, being also added). Connects a Record or Record Part to its Documentary Form Type. has documentary form type a pour type d’objet informationnel tiene como tipo documental 2023-12-30 Fixed a typo in the French label. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the superproperty IRI. Inverse of 'is draft of' object property. has draft a pour ébauche tiene como borrador 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. RiC-011i ('has draft' relation) Inverse of 'is end date of' object property. has end date a pour date de fin tiene como fecha final 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. RiC-R071i ('has end date' relation) Connects an Event to an Event Type which categorizes it. has event type a pour type d’événement tiene como tipo de evento 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the superproperty IRI. Connects a Record Resource or Instantiation to an Extent has extent a pour mesure tiene como extensión 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Changed the domain (was Instantiation or RecordResource) to Thing; changed the definition accordingly. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French; added an xml:lang attribute to the rdfs:comment. 2020-10-28 Object property created along with the Extent class and its subclasses, in order to provide methods for handling extent accurately. Connects an Extent to an Extent Type that categorizes what is being measured. has extent type a pour type de mesure tiene como tipo de extensión 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French; added an xml:lang attribute to the rdfs:comment. 2020-11-01 Object property added along with the Extent Type class. Connects two Persons that have some type of family link, i.e. belong to the same family. This relation is symmetric. has family association with a une relation familiale avec tiene asociación familiar con 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new familyRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, textual definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasFamilyLinkWith"). Use hasOrHadMember for connecting a Family and a Person. RiC-R047 ('has family association with' relation) Connects a Family to a Family Type that categorizes it. has family type a pour type de famille tiene como tipo de familia 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the superproperty IRI. Connects two Record Resources when there is a genetic link between them. Genetic in this sense is as defined by diplomatics, i.e. the process by which a Record Resource is developed. This relation is symmetric. has genetic link to record resource a une relation génétique avec la ressource archivistique tiene vínculo de origen con recurso documental 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new recordResourceGeneticRelation_role object property. 2023-11-07 Added the property chain axiom so that this property is formally defined as a shortcut. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Use to connect two Record Resources only if it is not possible to use a narrower, more specific, asymmetric Record Resource to Record Resource relation, for example is original of. RiC-R023 ('has genetic link to record resource' relation) Connects an Identifier and an Identifier Type that categorizes it. has identifier type a pour type d’identifiant tiene como tipo de identificador 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the superproperty IRI. 2020-10-19 Object property added along with IdentifierType class and isIdentifierTypeOf object property. Inverse of 'is modification date of' object property. has modification date a pour date de modification tiene como fecha de modificación 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. RiC-R073i ('has modification date' relation) Connects an Agent and (one of) its present or past Agent Name. has or had agent name a ou a eu pour nom d’agent tiene o tenía como nombre de agente 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasAgentName"). Connects a Record Set and a Category (Type) to which all the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set belong. has or had all members with category inclut ou a inclus des membres ayant tous pour catégorie tienen o tenían todos sus miembros como categoría 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 Object property added for handling the case where a Record Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part attributes). Connects a Record Set and a Content Type that categorizes all the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set. has or had all members with content type inclut ou a inclus des membres ayant tous pour type de contenu tienen o tenían todos sus miembros como tipo de contenido 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 Object property added for handling the case where a Record Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part attributes). Inverse of 'is or was creation date of all members of' object property has or had all members with creation date inclut ou a inclus des membres ayant tous pour date de création tienen o tenían todos sus miembros como fecha de creación 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-13 Renamed the property in order to take the past members of the record set into account. Adjusted the annotations accordingly. 2023-10-12 Added the French label 2023-09-22 Added in RiC-O 1.0. RiC-R081i ('has or had all members with creation date' relation) Connects a Record Set and a Documentary Form Type that categorizes all the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set. has or had all members with documentary form type inclut ou a inclus des membres ayant tous pour type tienen o tenían todos sus miembros como tipo documental 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 Object property added for handling the case where a Record Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part attributes). Connects a Record Set and a Language used by all the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set. has or had all members with language inclut ou a inclus des membres ayant tous pour langue tienen o tenían todos sus miembros como lengua 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 Object property added for handling the case where a Record Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part attributes). Connects a Record Set and a Legal Status that categorizes all the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set. has or had all members with legal status inclut ou a inclus des membres ayant tous pour statut légal tienen o tenían todos sus miembros como status jurídico 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 Object property added for handling the case where a Record Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part attributes). Connects a Record Set and a Record State that categorizes all the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set. has or had all members with record state inclut ou a inclus des membres ayant tous pour état tiene o tenían todos sus miembros como estado de documento 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 Object property added for handling the case where a Record Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part attributes). Connects a record resource to one of its analogue instantiations, whether it exists or has been lost or destroyed. has or had analogue instantiation a ou a eu pour instanciation analogique tiene o tenía como instanciación analogica 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-29 Added the property. In some situations, it may be useful or necessary to connect a record resource to an analogue instantiation that no longer exists or has been lost. Connects a Thing to an Appellation that is or was used for designating it. has or had appellation a ou a eu pour appellation tiene o tenía como denominación 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new appellationRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasAppellation"). Connects an Agent to a Thing over which the Agent has or had some kind of authority. has or had authority over a ou a eu autorité sur tiene o tenía control sobre 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new authorityRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasAuthorityOver"). Use only if it is not possible to specify a narrower authority relation, for example is or was owner of. RiC-R036 ('has or had authority over' relation) Connects a Thing to a Type that categorizes or categorized it. has or had category a ou a eu pour catégorie tiene o tenía como categoría 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new typeRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "belongsToCategory"). Connects an Instantiation to one of its present or past component instantiations. has or had component a ou a eu pour composant tiene o tenía como componente 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasComponent"). RiC-R004 ('has or had component' relation) Connects a Record or Record Part to a Record or Record part that is or was a constituent of that Record or Record Part. has or had constituent a ou a eu pour constituant tiene o tenía como elemento constitutivo 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-19 Added Record Part to the domain. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasConstituent"). RiC-R003 ('has or had constituent' relation) Inverse of 'is or was controller of' object property. has or had controller est ou a été contrôlé par tiene o tenía como controlador 2024-09-02 Fixed the French label. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new agentControlRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "controlledBy"). RiC-R041i ('has or had controller' relation) Connects a Physical Location to its past or present coordinates in a reference system. has or had coordinates a ou a eu pour coordonnées tiene como coordenadas de lugar 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-29 fixed the English label (added the past tense.) 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasCoordinates"). Connects a Corporate Body to a Corporate Body Type which categorizes or categorized it. has or had corporate body type a ou a eu pour type de collectivité tiene o tenía como tipo de institucion 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasCorporateBodyType"). Connects two Persons that correspond or have corresponded with each other. This relation is symmetric. has or had correspondent a ou a eu pour correspondant tiene o tenía como correspondiente 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new correspondenceRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, textual definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasCorrespondent"). RiC-R052 ('has or had correspondent' relation) Connects a Person or a Group to a Demographic Group to which it belongs or belonged. has or had demographic group a ou a eu pour catégorie démographique tiene o tenía como categoría demográfica 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, domain (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "belongsToDemographicGroup"). Connects an instantiation to an instantiation that is derived from it, whether it exists or has been lost or destroyed. has or had derived instantiation a ou a eu pour instanciation dérivée tiene o tenía como instanciación derivada 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new derivationRelation_role object property. 2023-08-29 Updated the IRI, inverse property, definition, labels and RiCMCorrespondingComponent, and added a skos:scopeNote; this in order to make the specification compliant with RiC-CM 1.0. The name of the property in RiC-O 0.2 was 'has derived instantiation'. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. In some situations, it may be useful or necessary to connect an instantiation to an instantiation that was derived from it but no longer exists or or has been lost. RiC-R014 ('has or had derived instantiation' relation) Connects a record resource to one of its digital instantiations, whether it exists or has been lost or destroyed. has or had digital instantiation a ou a eu pour instanciation numérique tiene o tenía como instanciación digital 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-29 Added the property. This property can be used, among other cases, when you want to convert findings aids encoded in EAD/XML and need a simple and accurate migration path to process dao or daogrp EAD elements. Also, in some situations, it may be useful or necessary to connect a record resource to a digital instantiation that no longer exists or or has been lost. Inverse of 'is or was employer of' object property. a ou a eu pour employeur has or had employer tiene o tenía como empleador 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-13 Fixed the lang of the French label. 2023-10-26 Changed the domain and range of the property. Added a rdfs:comment. Removed the isOrWasMemberOf super-property. 2023-10-19 Added for RiC-O 1.0. Inverse of 'is or was holder of' object property. has or had holder est ou a été détenu par tiene o tenía como conservador a 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new recordResourceHoldingRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, super property IRI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "heldBy"). RiC-R039i ('has or had holder' relation) Connects a Thing to one of its past or present Identifiers. has or had identifier a ou a eu pour identifiant tiene o tenía como identificador 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, super property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "identifiedBy"). Connects a Record Resource to an Instantiation, which either may exist or may have been lost or destroyed. has or had instantiation a ou a eu pour instanciation tiene o tenía como instanciación 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new recordResourceToInstantiationRelation_role object property. 2023-08-29 Updated the IRI, inverse property, definition, labels and RiCMCorrespondingComponent, and added a skos:scopeNote; this in order to make the specification compliant with RiC-CM 1.0. The name of the property in RiC-O 0.2 was 'has instantiation'. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the inverse property IRI. In some situations, it may be useful or necessary to connect a record resource to an instantiation that no longer exists or or has been lost, when some of its characteristics are known from some source, like an old finding aid. RiC-R025 ('has or had instantiation' relation) Inverse of 'is or was holder of intellectual property rights of' object property. has or had intellectual property rights holder a ou a eu comme détenteur des droits de propriété intellectuelle tiene o tenía como titular de derechos de propiedad intelectual a 2024-09-02 Fixed the French label. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new intellectualPropertyRightsRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "intellectualPropertyRightsHeldBy"). RiC-R040i ('has or had intellectual property rights holder ' relation) Inverse of 'is or was jurisdiction of' object property. has or had jurisdiction a ou a eu pour ressort tiene o tenía como jurisdicción 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-19 Made subproperty of new property isAgentAssociatedWithPlace instead of its parent isAssociatedWithPlace. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI and textual definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasJurisdiction"). RiC-R076i ('has or had jurisdiction' relation) Connects an Agent, Record or Record Part to a Language that uses or used it. has or had language a ou a eu pour langue tiene o tenía como lengua 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-07-25 changed the definition to be consistent with the inverse relation. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI and textual definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasLanguage"). Inverse of 'is or was leader of' object property. has or had leader a ou a eu pour dirigeant tiene o tenía como líder a 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new leadershipRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, super property IRI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "ledBy"). RiC-R042i ('has or had leader' relation) Connects an Agent or Record Resource to a Legal Status which categorized or categorizes it. has or had legal status a ou a eu pour statut légal tiene o tenía como status jurídico 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI and textual definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasLegalStatus"). Inverse of 'is or was location of' object property. has or had location a ou a eu pour localisation tiene o tenía como localización 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI and textual definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasLocation"). RiC-R075i ('has or had location' relation) Connects a Record Resource to a Thing that is or was its main subject. has or had main subject a ou a eu pour sujet principal tiene o tenía como matería principal 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI and textual definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasMainSubject"). Use for specifying, for example, that a Record Set of type personal file has main subject some person, which would help end users to retrieve the main archival resources about this person. RiC-R020 ('has or had main subject' relation) Inverse of 'is or was manager of' object property. has or had manager a ou a eu pour gestionnaire tiene o tenía como gestor a 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new managementRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, super property IRI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "managedBy"). RiC-R038i ('is or was managed by' relation) Connects a Mandate to a Mandate Type that categorized or categorizes it. has or had mandate type a ou a eu pour type de mandat tiene o tenía como tipo de norma 2023-11-13 Added the property, and its inverse one, following the creation of the MandateType class, that corresponds to the new Mandate Type attribute in RiC-CM 1.0. Connects a Group to a Person that is or was a member of that Group. has or had member a ou a eu pour membre tiene o tenía como miembro a 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new membershipRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI and textual definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasMember"). RiC-R055 ('has or had member' relation) Inverse of 'is or was creation date of most members of' object property has or had most members with creation date inclut ou a inclus des membres dont la plupart ont pour date de création tienen o tenían la mayoría de sus miembros como fecha de creación 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-13 Renamed the property in order to take the past members of the record set into account. Adjusted the annotations accordingly. 2023-10-12 Added the French label 2023-10-10 Made this property a subproperty of hasSomeMembersWithCreationDate. 2023-09-22 Added in RiC-O 1.0. RiC-R083i ('has or had most members with creation date' relation) Connects a Thing to one of its past or present Names. has or had name a ou a eu pour nom tiene o tenía como nombre 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual definition, super property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasName"). Connects a Person to an Occupation Type that categorized or categorizes his/her occupation (profession, trade or craft). has or had occupation of type a ou a eu pour type d’occupation tiene o tenía como tipo de ocupación 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual definition, super property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasOccupationOfType"). Inverse of 'is or was owner of' object property. has or had owner a ou a eu pour propriétaire tiene o tenía como poseedor a 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new ownershipRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, super property IRI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "ownedBy"). RiC-R037i ('has or had owner' relation) Connects a Thing to a constitutive or component part of that Thing. has or had part a ou a eu pour partie tiene o tenía como parte 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new wholePartRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasPart"). Use to connect a Thing to another Thing that is or was a part of the whole Thing only if it is not possible to use a narrower, more specific whole/part relation, for example has or had constituent. The end of existence of a whole/part relation may affect the integrity or nature of the domain entity. RiC-R002 ('has or had part' relation) Connects an Event to a Thing that is or was actively or passively involved in it. has or had participant a ou a eu pour participant tiene o tenía como participante 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "involves"). RiC-R058 ('has or had participant' relation) Connects a Place to one of its past or present Physical Location. has or had physical location a ou a eu pour localisation physique tiene o tenía como localización física 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-02-01 Property made a subproperty of 'isPlaceAssociatedWith". 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasPhysicalLocation"). Connects a Place to one of its past or present names. has or had place name a ou a eu pour nom de lieu tiene o tenía como nombre de lugar 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, super property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasPlaceName"). Connects a Place to a Place Type that categorized or categorizes it. has or had place type a ou a eu pour type de lieu tiene o tenía como tipo de lugar 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, super property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasPlaceType"). Inverse of 'exists or existed in' object property. has or had position occupe ou a occupé le poste tiene o tenía como puesto 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new positionToGroupRelation_role object property. 2023-11-07 Added the property chain axiom so that this property is formally defined as a shortcut (the inverse property already was). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasPosition"). RiC-R056i ('has or had position' relation) Connects a Rule to a Rule Type that categorized or categorizes it. has or had rule type a ou a eu pour type de règle tiene o tenía como tipo de regla 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, super property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasRuleType"). 2020-10-19 Object property added along with RuleType class and isRuleTypeOf object property. Connects a Record Set and a Category (Type) to which some of the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set belong. has or had some members with category inclut ou a inclus des membres ayant pour type tienen o tenían algunos de sus miembros como categoría 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 Object property added for handling the case where a Record Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part attributes). Connects a Record Set and a Content Type that categorizes some of the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set. has or had some members with content type inclut ou a inclus des membres ayant pour type de contenu tienen o tenían algunos de sus miembros como tipo de contenido 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 Object property added for handling the case where a Record Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part attributes). Inverse of 'is or was creation date of some members of' object property has or had some members with creation date inclut ou a inclus des membres ayant pour date de création tienen o tenían algunos de sus miembros como fecha de creación 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-13 Renamed the property in order to take the past members of the record set into account. Adjusted the annotations accordingly. 2023-10-12 Added the French label 2023-09-22 Added in RiC-O 1.0. RiC-R082i ('has or had some members with creation date' relation) Connects a Record Set and a Documentary Form Type that categorizes some of the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set. has or had some members with documentary form type inclut ou a inclus des membres ayant pour type de document tienen o tenía algunos de sus miembros como tipo documental 2024-03-15 Fixed a typo in IRI: changed 'with' to 'With'. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 Object property added for handling the case where a Record Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part attributes). Connects a Record Set and a Language used by some of the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set. has or had some members with language inclut ou a inclus des membres ayant pour langue tienen o tenían algunos de sus miembros como lengua 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 Object property added for handling the case where a Record Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part attributes). Connects a Record Set and a Legal Status that categorizes some of the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set. has or had some members with legal status inclut ou a inclus des membres ayant pour statut légal tienen o tenían algunos de sus miembros como status jurídico 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 Object property added for handling the case where a Record Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part attributes). Connects a Record Set and a Record State that categorizes some of the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set. has or had some members with record state inclut ou a inclus des membres ayant pour état tienen o tenía algunos de sus miembros como estado de documento 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 Object property added for handling the case where a Record Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part attributes). Connects two Persons who are or were married. This relation is symmetric. has or had spouse a ou a eu pour conjoint tiene o tenía como cónyuge a 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new spouseRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, super property IRI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasSpouse"). RiC-R049 ('has or had spouse' relation) Inverse of 'has or had teacher' object property. has or had student a ou a eu pour étudiant tiene o tenía como estudiante a 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new teachingRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasStudent"). RiC-R053i ('has or had student' relation) Connects a Group to one of its present or past subdivisions. has or had subdivision a ou a eu pour subdivision tiene o tenía como subdivisión 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new groupSubdivisionRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, super property IRIs (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasSubdivision"). RiC-R005 ('has or had subdivision' relation) Connects an Event to one of a series of Events that constitute the original, broader, past or ongoing Event. has or had subevent est ou a été constitué de l’événement tiene o tenía como parte de evento 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, super property IRI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasSubEvent"). Since an Activity is a kind of Event, this Relation can also be used for Activity. RiC-R006 ('has or had subevent' relation) Connects a Record Resource to a Thing that is or was its subject. has or had subject a ou a eu pour sujet tiene o tenía como materia 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasSubject"). The subject of a Record Set may be affected if the Record Set loses some of the Records. RiC-R019 ('has or had subject' relation) Connects an Agent to an Agent that is hierarchically inferior. has or had subordinate a ou a eu pour subalterne tiene o tenía como subordinado o subordinada a 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new agentHierarchicalRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isHierarchicallySuperiorTo"). The hierarchical relation can be an authority relation, or a whole/part relation between two Agents. RiC-R045 ('has or had subordinate ' relation) Connects a Person to another Person who is or was their teacher. has or had teacher a ou a eu pour enseignant tiene o tenía como profesor(a) a 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new teachingRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasTeacher"). RiC-R053 ('has or had teacher' relation) Connects a Record Resource, Instantiation or Rule to a title that is or was used for designating it. has or had title a ou a eu pour intitulé tiene o tenía como título 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, super property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasTitle"). Connects two Agents that have or had some type of work relation in the course of their activities. This relation is symmetric. has or had work relation with a ou a eu une relation professionnelle avec tiene o tenía relación profesional con 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new workRelation_role object property. 2023-11-07 Added the property chain axiom so that this property is formally defined as a shortcut. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, text definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasWorkRelationWith"). RiC-R046 ('has or had work relation with' relation) Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to an Agent that creates or accumulates it, receives it, or sends it, or to an Activity that generates it. has organic or functional provenance a pour provenance organique ou fonctionnelle tiene como procedencia orgánica o funcional 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new organicOrFunctionalProvenanceRelation_role object property. 2023-11-07 Property added as a superproperty of hasProvenance and documents, along with its inverse property. Shortcut also added. Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to an Agent that creates or accumulates the Record Resource, receives it, or sends it. has organic provenance a pour provenance organique tiene como procedencia orgánica 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new organicProvenanceRelation_role object property. 2023-11-07 Made this property a subproperty of the new hasOrganicOrFunctionalProvenance property. Renamed it to make things clearer. Adjusted its labels. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. This is the most general organic provenance relation. Use it to connect a Record Resource or Instantiation with an Agent only if it is not possible to use a narrower, more specific relation, for example has creator. RiC-R026 ('has provenance' relation) Inverse of 'is original of' object property. has original a pour original tiene como original 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. RiC-R010i ('is original of' relation) Connects a Thing to a Thing that is, directly or indirectly, a constitutive or component part of that Thing. This is a transitive relation. has part transitive a pour partie transitif tiene como parte transitivo 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-07-12 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current partitive relations between things (the past partitive relation also being added). To be used, either to infer, then query or browse, relations from existing direct 'hasDirectPart' relations between things, or to record a current partitive relation when you do not know if there are intermediate nodes between the related things. Connects an Instantiation to a Production Technique Type that categorizes its production technique. has production technique type a pour type de technique de production tiene como técnica de producción 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the super property IRI. Inverse of 'is publication date of' object property has publication date a pour date de publication tiene como fecha de publicación 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-12 Added the French label 2023-09-22 Added in RiC-O 1.0. Connects a Record resource to an Agent who published it. has publisher a pour éditeur tiene como editor(a) a 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "publishedBy"). Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to the Agent that receives it in the course of the Agent's activities. has receiver est reçu par tiene como receptor(a) a 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, super property IRI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "receivedBy"). RiC-R029 ('has receiver' relation) Connects a Record Set to a Record Set Type that categorizes it. has record set type a pour type d’ensemble d’objets informationnels tiene como tipo de agrupación documental 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the super property IRI. Connects a Record or Record Part to a Record State that categorizes its state. has record state a pour état tiene como estado de documento 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 Changed the IRI (hasRecordResourceState changed to hasRecordState), label, textual definition and domain (RecordResource replaced by Record or Record Part). Connects a Record Resource to a reply, usually in the form of correspondence. has reply a pour réponse tiene como contestación 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isRepliedToBy"). RiC-R013 ('has reply' relation) Connects an Instantiation to a Representation Type that categorizes its representation type. has representation type a pour type de représentation tiene como tipo de grabación 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the super property IRI. Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to the Agent that sends it has sender a pour expéditeur tiene como remitente a 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. The identity of the sender is (usually) evidenced by the Record Resource or Instantiation itself. RiC-R031 ('has sender' relation) Connects two Persons who are siblings. This relation is symmetric. has sibling a pour frère ou sœur tiene como hermano o hermana a 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new siblingRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the super property IRI. RiC-R048 ('has sibling' relation) Connects a Group to another Group that is one of its direct or indirect subdivisions. This is a transitive relation. has subdivision transitive a pour subdivision transitif tiene como subdivisión transitivo 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-25 Fixed the French label. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current partitive relations between groups (the past partitive relation also being added). Connects an ongoing Event to one of a series of Events that directly or indirectly constitute that broader, ongoing Event. This is a transitive relation. has subevent transitive est constitué de l’événement transitif como parte de evento transitivo 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express partitive relations between ongoing events (the past partitive relation also being added). Connects an Agent to an Agent that is directly or indirectly hierarchically inferior. This is a transitive relation. has subordinate transitive a pour subalterne transitif tiene como subordinado o subordinada a transitivo 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current subordination relations between agents (the past subordination relation also being added). Connects an Agent to another Agent that succeeds it chronologically. has successor a pour successeur tiene como sucesor(a) a 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new agentTemporalRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI and label (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isAntecedentOf"). There may be zero to many intermediate Agents, ignored or unknown, between the two connected Agents. Can be used when there is a transfer of function from the first Agent to the second Agent. RIC-R016 ('has successor' relation) Connects an Extent to a Unit Of Measurement has unit of measurement a pour unité de mesure tiene como unidad de medida 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French; added an xml:lang attribute to the rdfs:comment. 2020-10-28 Object property created along with Extent and UnitOfMeasurement classes, in order to provide methods for handling extent accurately. Inverse of 'is within' object property has within contient tiene dentro 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-13 made this property a subproperty of both isDateAssociatedWith and isAssociatedWithdate, and of hasOrHadPart. 2023-10-12 Added the property RiC-R085i ('has within' relation) Connects a Record Set to a Record or Record Set which it included in the past. included a inclus incluía 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-13 Added a French label. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express past partitive relations between Record Sets and their members (the current partitive relations being also added, including a transitive one). Connects a Record Set to a Record or Record Set it aggregates, or aggregated in the past. includes or included inclut ou a inclus incluye o incluía 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-06-05 Made this object property a subproperty of hasOrHadPart. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "includes"). A Record or Record Set can be aggregated in one or many Record Sets simultaneously or through time. RiC-R024 ('includes or included' relation) Connects a Record Set to a Record or Record Set which it includes directly or indirectly. This is a transitive relation. includes transitive inclut transitif incluye transitivo 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-13 Added two labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current partitive relations between Record Sets and their members (the past partitive relation also being added). Connects an InstantiationToInstantiationRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Instantiation to Instantiation Relation a le rôle de la Relation entre instanciations desempeña el papel de la Relación entre instanciaciones 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the InstantiationToInstantiationRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the InstantiationToInstantiationRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the InstantiationToInstantiationRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects an IntellectualPropertyRightsRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Intellectual Property Rights Relation a le rôle de la Relation de propriété intellectuelle desempeña el papel de la Relación de propiedad intelectual 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the IntellectualPropertyRightsRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the IntellectualPropertyRightsRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the IntellectualPropertyRightsRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects two Dates that overlap. This relation is symmetric. intersects intersecte cruza 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-13 made this property a subproperty of isAssociatedWithdate. 2023-10-12 Added the property RiC-R086 ('intersects' relation) Inverse of 'has accumulator' object property. is accumulator of accumule es acumulador(a) de 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new accumulationRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition and corresponding CM component (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "accumulates"). RiC-R028i ('is accumulator of' relation) Connects an Activity Type to an Activity that it categorizes. is activity type of est le type d’activité de es tipo de actividad de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the super property IRI. Inverse of 'has addressee' object property. is addressee of est le destinataire de es destino de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. RiC-032i ('is addressee of' relation) Connects two Agents. This object property is symmetric. is agent associated with agent est un agent associé à l’agent agente está asociado con agente 2023-11-25 Fixed the French label. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new agentToAgentRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Use only if it is not possible to specify a narrower Agent to Agent relation, for example has or had work relation with. RiC-R044 ('is agent associated with agent' relation) Inverse of 'is place associated with agent' object property. is agent associated with place est un agent associé au lieu agente está asociado con lugar 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-26 Added a rdfs:comment. 2023-10-19 Added for RiC-O v1.0. Inverse of 'is date associated with' object property. is associated with date est associé à la date está asociado con fecha 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. RiC-R068i ('is associated with date' relation) Inverse of 'is event associated with' object property. is associated with event est associé à l’événement está asociado con evento 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new eventRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. RiC-R057i ('is associated with event' relation) Inverse of 'is place associated with' object property. is associated with place est associé au lieu está asociado con lugar 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new placeRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. RiC-R074i ('is associated with place' relation) Inverse of 'is rule associated with' object property. is associated with rule est associé à la règle está asociado con regla 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new ruleRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. RiC-R062i ('is associated with rule' relation) Inverse of 'has author' object property. is author of est le responsable intellectuel de es autor(a) de 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new authorshipRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-29 Created following the addition of RiC-R079 relation in RiC-CM 0.2 RiC-R079i ('is author of' relation) Connects an Agent that assigns the Mandate, to a Mandate Relation. is authorizing agent in mandate relation est l’agent donnant l’autorisation dans la relation impliquant un mandat es el agente autorizador en la relación normativa 2023-11-13 Added a new rdfs:label in French and fixed the Spanish label. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. Connects a Date to a Thing that came into existence on that Date. is beginning date of est la date de début de es fecha de inicio de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. RiC-R069 ('is beginning date of' relation) Connects a Date to a Person that was born on that Date. is birth date of est la date de naissance de es fecha de nacimiento de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. RiC-R070 ('is birth date of' relation) Connects a Place to a Person who was born in that Place. is birth place of est le lieu de naissance de es lugar de nacimiento de 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-10-26 Fixed the range. 2023-10-19 Added for RiC-O v1.0. Connects a Carrier Type to an Instantiation whose carrier it categorizes. is carrier type of est le type de support de es tipo de soporte de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 Changed the super property IRI. Inverse of 'has child' object property. is child of est l’enfant de es hijo o hija de 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new childRelation_role object property. 2023-11-07 Added the property chain axiom so that this property is formally defined as a shortcut (the inverse property already was). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI and label (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasParent"). RiC-R018i ('is child of' relation) Inverse of 'has collector' object property. is collector of collecte es coleccionista de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property and super property IRI, text definition, domain (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "collects"). RiC-R030i ('is collector of' relation) Connects an Instantiation to another Instantiation of which it is, directly or indirectly, a component. This is a transitive relation. is component of transitive est un composant de transitif es componente de transitivo 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current partitive relations between instantiations (the past partitive relation also being added). Connects a Record or Record Part to another Record or Record Part of which it is a constituent, directly or indirectly. This is a transitive relation. is constituent of transitive est le constituant de transitif es elemento constitutivo de transitivo 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-10-26 Added RecordPart to the range. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current partitive relations between records and other records or record parts (the past partitive relation also being added). Connects a Place to a Place that is, directly or indirectly, contained by it. This is a transitive relation. is contained by transitive est contenu par transitif está contenido en transitivo 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current partitive relations between places (the past partitive relation also being added). Connects a Content Type to a Record or Record Part whose content it categorizes. is content type of est le type de contenu de es tipo de contenido de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the text definition and super property IRI. Inverse of 'has copy' object property. is copy of est la copie de es copia de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. RiC-R012i ('is copy of' relation) Connects a Date to a Record Resource or Instantiation that was created at this Date. is creation date of est la date de création de es fecha de creación de 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-10-12 Added the French label 2023-09-22 Added in RiC-O 1.0. When used for a Record Set (e.g. a file), it is the creation date of the Record Set itself rather than the creation date of the members of the Record Set. To record the creation date of members of the Record Set, use 'is or was creation date of all members of', 'is or was creation date of most members of’ or 'is or was creation date of some members of’. RiC-R080 ('is creation date of' relation) Inverse of 'has creator' object property. is creator of est le créateur de es creador(a) de 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new creationRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 change the inverse property IRI. RiC-R027i ('is creator of 'relation') Connects a Date to a Thing with whose existence and lifecycle the Date is associated. is date associated with est une date associée a es fecha asociada con 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Use to connect a date and an entity only if it is not possible to specify a narrower date relation, for example, is beginning date of. RiC-R068 ('is date associated with' relation) Connects a Date to an Event that occurred at this Date. An event or activity can be recurrent, which implies that one single event can be related to several dates. is date of occurrence of est la date d'occurrence de es fecha de ocurrencia de 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-17 Made this property a subproperty of isAssociatedWithEvent 2023-10-13 Renamed the property to correct a spelling mistake. Also corrected the annotations when necessary. 2023-10-12 Added the property RiC-R084 ('is date of occurrence of' relation) Connects a Date Type to a Date that it categorizes. is date type of est le type de date de es tipo de fecha de 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-10 Added a rdfs:comment and a French rdfs:label. 2023-09-22 Added in RiC-O 1.0. Connects a Date to a Person who died on that Date. is death date of est la date de décès de es fecha de muerte de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. RiC-R072 ('is death date of' relation) Connects a Place to a Person who died in that Place. is death place of est le lieu de décès de es lugar de muerte de 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-10-26 Fixed the range and the French label of the property. 2023-10-19 Property added to RiC-0 1.0 Connects a Date to a Thing that was destructed at that Date. is destruction date of est la date de destruction de es fecha de destrucción de 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-14 Added a rdfs:comment; same to the inverse property. 2023-10-12 Renamed deletion into destruction. 2023-09-22 Added in RiC-O 1.0. Connects an Instantiation to another Instantiation of which it is a direct component. is direct component of est le composant direct de es componente directo de 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current, direct, partitive relations between instantiations (the possibly indirect, transitive relation, superproperty of this one, being also added). Connects a Record or Record Part to another Record or Record Part of which it is a direct constituent. is direct constituent of est un constituant direct de es elemento constitutivo directo de 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-10-26 Added RecordPart to the range. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current, direct, partitive relations between records and other records or record parts (the possibly indirect, transitive relation, superproperty of this one, being also added). Connects a Thing to a Thing of which it is direct constitutive or component part. is direct part of fait directement partie de es parte directa de 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-07-12 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current, direct, partitive relations between things (the possibly indirect, transitive relation, superproperty of this one, being also added). To be used only when the current partitive relation is direct, without any intermediate node between the related things. Connects a Group to the Group it is a direct subdivision of. is direct subdivision of est la subdivision directe de es subdivisión directa de 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current, direct, partitive relations between groups (the possibly indirect, transitive relation, superproperty of this one, being also added). Connects an ongoing Event to the Event it is a direct part of. is direct subevent of est un événement constituant directement l’événement es parte directa de evento de 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current, direct, partitive relations between ongoing events (the possibly indirect, transitive relation, superproperty of this one, being also added). Connects an Agent to an Agent that is directly hierarchically superior. is direct subordinate to est directement subalterne de está directamente subordinado(a) a 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current, direct, subordination relations between agents (the possibly indirect, transitive relation, superproperty of this one, being also added). Connects a Place to a Place that directly contains it. is directly contained by est directement contenu par está directamente contenido en 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current, direct, partitive relations between places (the possibly indirect, transitive relation, superproperty of this one, being also added). Connects a Record to a Record or Record Set in which it is directly included. is directly included in est directement inclus dans está directamente incluido en 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current, direct, partitive relations between Record Sets and their members (the possibly indirect, transitive relation, superproperty of this one, being also added). Connects a Documentary Form Type to a Record or Record Part that it categorizes. is documentary form type of est le type de document de es tipo documental de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the superproperty IRI. Connects a draft to the final version of a Record. is draft of est l’ébauche de es borrador de 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. There may be zero to many intermediate records, ignored or unknown, between the two connected Records. RiC-R011 ('is draft of' relation) Connects a Date to a Thing whose existence ended on that Date. is end date of est la date de fin de es fecha final de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. RiC-R071 ('is end date of' relation) Connects two Things that are considered equivalent. is equivalent to est l’équivalent de equivale a 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Connects an Event to a Thing that is associated with the existence and lifecycle of the Event. is event associated with est un événement associé a es evento asociado con 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new eventRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Use to connect an Event and an entity only if it is not possible to specify a narrower Event relation, for example has or had participant. RiC-R057 ('is event associated with' relation) Connects an Event Type to an Event that it categorizes. is event type of est le type d’événement de es tipo de evento de 2024-03-15 Fixed typo in rdfs:comment 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the superproperty IRI. Connects a Relation to a Record Resource that is used for proving is existence or describing it. is evidenced by est attestée par se evidencia en 2023-12-27 Renamed the object property (was 'has source') and reduced its domain to Relation (the domain was the union of Record Resource and Relation) and its range to Record Resource (the range was the union of Agent and Record Resource). Consequently updated the superproperty, the labels, and added a rico:RiCCMCorrespondingComponent. Same for the inverse object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Object property implementation of RiC-RA05 (Source of Relation attribute). Connects an Extent to a Thing is extent of est la mesure de es extensión de 2023-11-08 Fixed the range. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French; added an xml:lang attribute to the rdfs:comment. 2023-08-28 Changed the range (was Instantiation or RecordResource) to Thing ; changed the definition accordingly 2020-10-28 Object property created along with the Extent class and its subclasses, in order to provide methods for handling extent accurately. Connects an Extent Type to an Extent that it categorizes. is extent type of est le type de mesure de es tipo de extensión de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-21 Added a rdfs:comment. 2020-11-01 Object property added along with the Extent Type class. Connects a Family Type to a Family that it categorizes. is family type of est le type de famille de es tipo de familia de 2024-03-15 Fixed typo in rdfs:comment 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the superproperty IRI. Connects a Date to an Appellation, when it is the date at which the Appellation was first used. is from use date of est la date à partir de laquelle est utilisé es fecha desde la que se usa de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-19 Made this property subPropertyOf isBeginningDateOf. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Connects two Instantiations which may be considered as equivalent. This relation is symmetric. is functionally equivalent to est fonctionnellement équivalente à equivale funcionalmente a 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new functionalEquivalenceRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the scope note. Two Instantiations, from some point of view, may be considered as equivalent. This equivalence is usually based upon the fact that the Instantiations have at least the same intellectual content (they instantiate the same Record Resource). RiC-R035 ('is functionally equivalent to' relation) Connects an Identifier Type and an Identifier that it categorizes. is identifier type of est le type d’identifiant de es tipo de identificador de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the superproperty IRI. 2020-10-19 Object property added along with IdentifierType class and hasIdentifierType object property. Connects a Record to a Record or Record Set in which it is directly or indirectly included. This is a transitive relation. is included in transitive est inclus dans transitif está incluido en transitivo 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-13 Added a French label. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current partitive relations between Record Sets and their members (the past partitive relation also being added). Connects two Instantiations. This relation is symmetric. is instantiation associated with instantiation est associée à l’instanciation se asocia con la instanciación 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new instantiationToInstantiationRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Use only if it is not possible to specify a narrower Instantiation to Instantiation relation, for example is functionally equivalent to. RiC-R034 ('is instantiation associated with instantiation' relation) Connects a Date and a Thing that was last modified at this Date. is last update date of est la date de dernière mise à jour de es fecha de última actualización de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Connects a Date to a Thing that was modified on that Date. is modification date of est une date de modification de es fecha de modificación de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. RiC-R073 ('is modification date of' relation) Connects two Places that are or were geographically adjacent. This relation is symmetric. is or was adjacent to est ou a été adjacent à es o era un lugar contiguo a 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, textual definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isAdjacentTo"). Use for connecting two adjacent geographical or administrative regions. RiC-R077 ('is or was adjacent to' relation) Inverse of 'affects or affected' object property. is or was affected by est ou a été affecté par es o era afectado por 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition and corresponding CM component (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "affectedBy"). RiC-R059i ('is or was affected by' relation) Connects an Agent Name to an Agent it designates or designated. is or was agent name of est ou a été le nom de es o era el nombre de agente de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isAgentNameOf"). Inverse of 'has or had analogue instantiation' object property. is or was analogue instantiation of est ou a été une instanciation analogique de es or era instanciación analogica de 2023-12-30 Fixed a typo in the French label. 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-29 Added the property. Connects an Appellation to a Thing that it designates or designated. is or was appellation of est ou a été l’appellation de es o era la denominación de 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new appellationRelation_role object property. 2023-11-07 Added the property chain axiom so that this property is formally defined as a shortcut (the inverse property already was). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isAppellationOf"). Connects a Type (a category) to a Thing that it categorizes or categorized. is or was category of est ou a été la catégorie de es o era la categoría de 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new typeRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isCategoryOf"). Connects a Category (Type) and a Record Set whose all present or past Record or Record Part members belong to that Category. is or was category of all members of est ou a été la catégorie de tous les membres de es o era la categoría de todos los miembros de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 Object property added for handling the case where a Record Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part attributes). Connects a Category (Type) and a Record Set whose some present or past Record or Record Part members belong to that Category. is or was category of some members of est ou a été la catégorie de certains membres de es o era la categoría de algunos miembros de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 Object property added for handling the case where a Record Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part attributes). Inverse of 'has or had component' object property. is or was component of est ou a été un composant de es o era componente de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isComponentOf"). RiC-R004i ('is or was component of' relation) Inverse of 'has or had constituent' object property. is or was constituent of est ou a été un constituant de es o era elemento constitutivo de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-26 Added RecordPart to the range. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isConstituentOf"). RiC-R003i ('is or was constituent of' relation) Inverse of 'contains or contained' object property. is or was contained by est ou a été contenu par está o estaba contenido en 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "containedBy"). RiC-R007i ('is or was contained by' relation) Connects a Content Type and a Record Set whose all past or present Record or Record Part members have that Content Type. is or was content type of all members of est ou a été le type de contenu de tous les membres de es o era tipo de contenido de todos los miembros de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 Object property added for handling the case where a Record Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part attributes). Connects a Content Type and a Record Set whose some past or present Record or Record Part members have that Content Type. is or was content type of some members of est ou a été le type de contenu de certains membres de es o era tipo de contenido de algunos miembros de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 Object property added for handling the case where a Record Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part attributes). Connects an Agent to another Agent it controls or controlled. is or was controller of contrôle ou a contrôlé es o era controlador de 2024-09-02 Fixed the French label. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new agentControlRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "controls"). RiC-R041 ('is or was controller of' relation) Connects an instance of Coordinates to a Physical Location it locates or located on earth, according to some reference system. is or was coordinates of ont ou ont été les coordonnées de son o eran coordenadas de lugar de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isCoordinatesOf"). Connects a Corporate Body Type to a Corporate Body that it categorizes or categorized. is or was corporate body type of est ou a été le type de collectivité de es o era tipo de institución de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isCorporateBodyTypeOf"). Connects a Date to a Record Set all of whose present or past members were created at this Date. is or was creation date of all members of est ou a été la date de création de tous les membres de es o era fecha de creación de todos los miembros de 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-13 renamed the property in order to take the past members of the record set into account. Adjusted the annotations accordingly. 2023-10-12 Added the French label 2023-09-22 Added in RiC-O 1.0. RiC-R081 ('is or was creation date of all members of' relation) Connects a Date to a Record Set most of whose present or past members were created at this Date. is or was creation date of most members of est ou a été la date de création de la plupart des membres de es o era fecha de creación de la mayoría de los miembros de 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-13 Renamed the property in order to take the past members of the record set into account. Adjusted the annotations accordingly. 2023-10-12 Added the French label 2023-10-10 Made this property a subproperty of isCreationDateOfSomeMembersOf. 2023-09-22 Added in RiC-O 1.0. To be used for specifying a bulk date, i.e. the predominant date of the members of the record set. RiC-R083 ('is or was creation date of most members of' relation) Connects a Date to a Record Set some of whose present or past members were created at this Date. is or was creation date of some members of est ou a été la date de création de certains membres de es o era fecha de creación de algunos miembros de 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-13 Renamed the property in order to take the past members of the record set into account. Adjusted the annotations accordingly. 2023-10-12 Added the French label and the rdfs:comment 2023-09-22 Added in RiC-O 1.0. RiC-R082 ('is or was creation date of some members of' relation) Connects a Demographic Group to a Person or Group which belongs or belonged to it. is or was demographic group of est ou a été la catégorie démographique de es o era grupo demográfico de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, range (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isDemographicGroupOf"). Inverse of 'has or had derived instantiation' object property. is or was derived from instantiation est ou a été une instanciation dérivée de es o era un derivado de instanciación 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new derivationRelation_role object property. 2023-11-07 Added the property chain axiom so that this property is formally defined as a shortcut (the inverse property already was). 2023-08-29 Updated the IRI, inverse property, definition, labels and RiCMCorrespondingComponent; this in order to make the specification compliant with RiC-CM 1.0. The name of the property in RiC-O 0.2 was 'is derived from instantiation'. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. RiC-R014i ('is or was derived from instantiation' relation) Inverse of 'describes or described' object property. is or was described by est ou a été décrit par es o fue descrito por 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "describedBy"). RiC-R021i ('is or was described by' relation) Inverse of 'has or had digital instantiation' object property. is or was digital instantiation of est ou a été une instanciation numérique de es o era instanciación digital de 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-29 Added the property. Connects a Documentary Form Type and a Record Set whose all past or present Record or Record Part members have that Documentary Form Type. is or was documentary form type of all members of est ou a été le type de document de tous les membres de es o era tipo documental de todos los miembros de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 Object property added for handling the case where a Record Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part attributes). Connects a Documentary Form Type and a Record Set whose some past or present Record or Record Part members have that Documentary Form Type. is or was documentary form type of some members of est ou a été le type de document de certains membres de es o era tipo documental de algunos miembros de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 Object property added for handling the case where a Record Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part attributes). Connects a Corporate Body or a Person to a Person who is or was their employee. is or was employer of a ou a été l'employeur de es o era empleador(a) de 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-26 Changed the domain and range of the property. Added a rdfs:comment. Removed the 'has or had member' super-property. 2023-10-19 Adder for RiC-O v1.0. Connects a Rule to an Agent that enforces or enforced the Rule. is or was enforced by est ou a été imposé par es o era una regla aplicada por 2024-09-02 Fixed the French label. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "enforcedBy"). RiC-R066 ('is or was enforced by' relation) Connects a Rule to a Record Resource that expresses or expressed the Rule. is or was expressed by est ou a été exprimé par es o era una regla expresada en 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "expressedBy"). RiC-R064 ('is or was expressed by' relation) Connects an Agent to a Record Resource or Instantiation that the Agent holds or held. is or was holder of détient ou a détenu es o era conservador de 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new recordResourceHoldingRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, super = property IRI and text definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isHolderOf"). RiC-R039 ('is or was holder of' relation) Connects an Agent to a Record Resource or Instantiation on which the Agent has or had some intellectual property rights. is or was holder of intellectual property rights of détient ou a détenu les droits de propriété intellectuelle sur es o era conservador de derechos de propiedad intelectual de 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new intellectualPropertyRightsRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI and textual definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasIntellectualPropertyRightsOn"). RiC-R040 ('is or was holder of intellectual property rights of' relation) Connects an Identifier to a Thing that it identified or identifies. is or was identifier of est ou a été l’identifiant de es o era identificador de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, super property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "identifies"). Inverse of 'includes or included' object property. is or was included in est ou a été inclus dans está o estaba incluido en 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-06-05 Made this object property a subproperty of isOrWasPartOf. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "includedIn"). RiC-R024i ('is or was included in' relation) Inverse of 'has or had instantiation' object property. is or was instantiation of est ou a été une instanciation de es o era instanciación de 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new recordResourceToInstantiationRelation_role object property. 2023-08-29 Updated the IRI, inverse property, definition, labels and RiCMCorrespondingComponent; this in order to make the specification compliant with RiC-CM 1.0. The name of the property in RiC-O 0.2 was 'is instantiation of'. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI and label (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "instantiates"). RiC-R025i ('is or was instantiation of' relation) Connects a Place to an Agent that has or had jurisdiction over the Place. is or was jurisdiction of est ou a été le ressort de es o era jurisdicción de 2024-09-02 Fixed the French label. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-19 Made subproperty of new property isPlaceAssociatedWithAgent instead of its parent isPlaceAssociatedWith. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isJurisdictionOf"). RiC-R076 ('is or was jurisdiction of' relation) Connects a Language to an Agent, Record or Record Part that uses or used it. is or was language of est ou a été la langue de es o era lengua de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isLanguageOf"). Connects a Language and a Record Set whose all present or past Record or Record Part members use that Language. is or was language of all members of est ou a été la langue de tous les membres de es o era lengua de todos los miembros de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 Object property added for handling the case where a Record Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part attributes). Connects a Language and a Record Set whose some present or past Record or Record Part members use that Language. is or was language of some members of est ou a été la langue de certains membres de es o era lengua de algunos miembros de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 Object property added for handling the case where a Record Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part attributes). Connects a Person to the Group that Person leads or led in the past. is or was leader of est ou a été le dirigeant de es o era líder de 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new leadershipRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, super property IRI, textual definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isLeaderOf"). RiC-R042 ('is or was leader of' relation) Connects a Legal Status to an Agent or Record Resource that it categorizes. is or was legal status of est ou a été le statut légal de es o era status jurídico de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isLegalStatusOf"). Connects a Legal Status to an Agent, Record or Record Part that it categorized or categorizes. Connects a Legal Status and a Record Set whose all past or present Record or Record Part members have that Legal Status. is or was legal status of all members of est ou a été le statut légal de tous les membres de es o era status jurídico de todos los miembros de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 Object property added for handling the case where a Record Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part attributes). Connects a Legal Status and a Record Set whose some past or present Record or Record Part members have that Legal Status. is or was legal status of some members of est ou a été le statut légal de certains membres de es o era status jurídico de algunos miembros de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 Object property added for handling the case where a Record Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part attributes). Connects a Place to a Thing that is or was located in the Place. is or was location of est ou a été la localisation de es o era localización de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isLocationOf"). RiC-R075 ('is or was location of' relation) Connects a Place to an Agent that is or was located in this Place. is or was location of agent est ou a été la localisation de l'agent es o era localización de agente 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-26 Renamed the property and added an rdfs:comment. 2023-10-20 Added for RiC-O 1.0. Inverse of 'has or had main subject' object property. is or was main subject of est ou a été le sujet principal de es o era la materia principal de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, super property IRI, textual definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isMainSubjectOf"). RiC-R020i ('is or was main subject of' relation) Connects an Agent to a Record Resource or Instantiation that the Agent managed or manages. is or was manager of est ou a été le gestionnaire de es o era gestor de 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new managementRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, super property IRI, textual definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isManagerOf"). RiC-R038 ('is or was manager of' relation) Connects a Mandate Type to a Mandate that it categorized or categorizes. is or was mandate type of est ou a été le type de mandat de es o era tipo de norma de 2024-03-15 Make capitalisation of rdfs:comment consistent. 2023-11-13 Added the property, and its inverse one, following the creation of the MandateType class, that corresponds to the new Mandate Type attribute in RiC-CM 1.0. Inverse of 'has or had member' object property. is or was member of est ou a été membre de es o era miembro de 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new membershipRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isMemberOf"). RiC-R055i ('is or was member of' relation) Connects a Name to a Thing that it designated or designates. is or was name of est ou a été le nom de es o era nombre de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual definition, super property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isNameOf"). Connects an Occupation Type to a Person whose occupation is or was categorized by it. is or was occupation type of est ou a été le type d’occupation de es o era tipo de ocupación de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual definition, super property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isOccupationTypeOf"). Inverse of 'occupies or occupied' object property. is or was occupied by est ou a été occupé par está o estaba ocupado por 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new positionHoldingRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "occupiedBy"). RiC-R054i ('is or was occupied by' relation) Connects a Group, Person or Position to a Thing that this Agent owns or owned. is or was owner of est ou a été propriétaire de es o era poseedor(a) de 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new ownershipRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual definition, super property IRI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isOwnerOf"). RiC-R037 ('is or was owner of' relation) Inverse of 'has or had part' relation. is or was part of est ou a été une partie de es o era parte de 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new wholePartRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isPartOf"). RiC-R002i ('is or was part of' relation) Inverse of 'has or had participant' object property. is or was participant in participe ou a participé à es o era participante de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "involvedIn"). RiC-R058i ('is or was participant in' relation) Connects an Activity to an Agent that performed or performs the Activity. is or was performed by est ou a été réalisée par es o fue desarrollado por 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new performanceRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, super property IRI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "performedBy"). RiC-R060 ('is or was performed by' relation) Connects a Physical Location to a Place, when it is or was its location. is or was physical location of a ou a été la localisation physique de es o era localización física de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-02-01 Property made a subproperty of 'isAssociatedWithPlace". 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isPhysicalLocationOf"). Connects a Place Name to a Place that was or is designated by it. is or was place name of a ou a été le nom de lieu de es o era nombre de lugar de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, super property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isPlaceNameOf"). Connects a Place Type to a Place that is or was categorized by it. is or was place type of a ou a été le type de lieu de es o era tipo de lugar de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, super property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isPlaceTypeOf"). Connects a Record State and a Record Set whose all past or present Record or Record Part members have that Record State. is or was record state of all members of a ou a été l’état de tous les membres de es o era estado de documento de todos los miembros de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 Object property added for handling the case where a Record Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part attributes). Connects a Record State and a Record Set whose some past or present Record or Record Part members have that Record State. is or was record state of some members of a ou a été l’état de certains membres de es o era estado de documento de algunos miembros de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 Object property added for handling the case where a Record Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part attributes). Inverse of the 'regulates or regulated' object property. is or was regulated by est ou a été régulé par está o estaba regulado por 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "regulatedBy"). RiC-R063i ('is or was regulated by' relation) Inverse of 'is or was enforced by' object property. is or was responsible for enforcing impose ou a imposé es o era responsable de aplicar 2024-09-02 Fixed the French label. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isResponsibleForEnforcing"). RiC-R066i ('is or was responsible for enforcing' relation) Connects a Rule Type to a Rule that it categorized or categorizes. is or was rule type of est ou a été le type de règle de es o era tipo de regla de 2024-03-15 Make capitalisation of rdfs:comment consistent. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, super property URI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isRuleTypeOf"). 2020-10-19 Object property added along with RuleType class and hasRuleType object property. Inverse of 'has or had subdivision' object property. is or was subdivision of est ou a été une subdivision de es o era subdivisión de 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new groupSubdivisionRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, super property IRIs (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isSubdivisionOf"). RiC-R005i ('is or was subdivision' relation) Inverse of 'has or had subevent' object property. is or was subevent of est ou a été un événement constituant de es o era parte de evento de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, super property URI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isSubEventOf"). RiC-R006i ('is or was subevent of' relation) Inverse of 'has or had subject' object property. is or was subject of est ou a été le sujet de es o era materia de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isSubjectOf"). RIc-R019i ('is or was subject of' relation) Inverse of 'has or had subordinate' object property. is or was subordinate to est ou a été le subalterne de está o estaba subordinado(a) a 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new agentHierarchicalRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isHierarchicallyInferiorTo"). RiC-R045i ('is or was subordinate to' relation) Connects a Title to a Record Resource, Instantiation or Rule that it designated or designates. is or was title of est ou a été l’intitulé de es o era título de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, super property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isTitleOf"). Inverse of 'has or had authority over' object property. is or was under authority of est ou a été sous l’autorité de está o estaba bajo control de 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new authorityRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isUnderAuthorityOf"). RiC-R036i ('is or was under authority of' relation) Inverse of 'has organic or functional provenance' object property. is organic or functional provenance of est la provenance organique ou fonctionnelle de es procedencia orgánica o funcional de 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new organicOrFunctionalProvenanceRelation_role object property. 2023-11-07 Property added as a superproperty of isProvenance and documentedBy, along with its inverse property. Shortcut also added. Inverse of 'has organic provenance' object property. is organic provenance of est la provenance organique de es procedencia orgánica de 2024-03-15 Make capitalisation of rdfs:comment consistent. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new organicProvenanceRelation_role object property. 2023-11-07 Made this property a subproperty of the new isOrganicOrFunctionalProvenanceOf property. Renamed it to make things clearer. Adjusted its labels. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. RiC-R026i ('is provenance of' relation) Connects the original version of a Record to a copy or a later version. is original of est l’original de es original de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. There may be zero to many intermediate Records, ignored or unknown, between the two connected Records RiC-R010 (is original of relation) Connects a Thing to a Thing of which it is a a constitutive or component part, directly or indirectly. This is a transitive relation. is part of transitive est une partie de transitif es parte de transitivo 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-13 Added a French label. 2023-07-12 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current partitive relations between things (the past partitive relation also being added). To be used, either to infer, then query or browse, relations from existing direct 'isDirectPartOf' relations between things, or to record a current partitive relation when you do not know if there are intermediate nodes between the related things. Connects a Place to a Thing with whose existence and lifecycle the Place is associated. is place associated with est un lieu associé à es lugar asociado con 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new placeRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Use to connect a Place to an entity only if it is not possible to specify a narrower spatial relation, for example, is or was location of. RiC-R074 ('is place associated with' relation) Connects a Place to an Agent which is related to that Place. is place associated with agent est un lieu associé à l'agent es lugar asociado con agente 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-26 fixed the domain and range, added a rdfs:comment and English and French labels. 2023-10-19 Added for RiC-O v1.0. Connects a Production Technique Type to an Instantiation whose production technique is categorized by it. is production technique type of est le type de technique de production de es tipo de técnica de producción de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the super property IRI. Connects a Date to a Record Resource that was made public at this Date. is publication date of est la date de publication de es fecha de publicación de 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-12 Added the French label 2023-09-22 Added in RiC-O 1.0. Connects an Agent to a Record Resource that it published. is publisher of est l’éditeur de es editor(a) de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "publishes"). Inverse of 'received by' object property. is receiver of reçoit es receptor(a) de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, super property IRI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "receives"). RiC-R029i ('is receiver of' relation) Connects two Record Resources. This relation is symmetric. is record resource associated with record resource est une ressource archivistique associée avec la ressource archivistique es recurso documental asociado con 2023-11-25 Fixed the French label. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new recordResourceToRecordResourceRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Use to connect two Record Resources only if it is not possible to use a narrower, more specific relation, for example has genetic link to. RiC-R022 ('is record resource associated with record resource' relation) Connects a Record Set Type to a Record Set that it categorizes. is record set type of est le type d’ensemble d’objets informationnels de es tipo de agrupación documental de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the super property IRI. Connects a Record State to a Record or Record Part whose state it categorizes. is record state of est l’état de es estado de documento de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 Changed the IRI, label, textual definition and range (Record Resource removed, replaced by Record or Record Part). The most generic relation, is related to, connects any Thing to any other Thing. This relation is symmetric. is related to est relié à está relacionado con 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-08 Added the property chain axiom in order to make this property a shortcut. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. RiC-R001 ('is related to' relation) Inverse of 'has reply' object property. is reply to est une réponse à es contestación de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "repliesTo"). RiC-R013i ('is reply to' relation) Connects a Representation Type to an Instantiation that it categorizes. is representation type of est le type de représentation de es tipo de grabación de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the super property IRI. Inverse of 'issued by' object property. is responsible for issuing est chargé de rendre publique es responsable de emisión de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. RiC-R065i ('is responsible for issuing' relation) Connects a Rule to a Thing that is associated with the Rule. is rule associated with est une règle associée à es regla asociada con 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new ruleRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Use only if it is not possible to specify a narrower Rule relation, for example, regulates or regulated. RiC-R062 ('is rule associated with' relation) Inverse of 'has sender' object property. is sender of est l’expéditeur de es remitente de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. RiC-R031i ('is sender of' relation) Connects a Group to the Group it is a direct or indirect subdivision of. This is a transitive relation. is subdivision of transitive est une subdivision de transitif es subdivisión de transitivo 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current partitive relations between groups (the past partitive relation also being added). Connects an ongoing Event to an Event of which it is a direct or indirect part. This is a transitive relation. is subevent of transitive est un événement constituant de transitif es elemento constitutivo de transitivo 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express partitive relations between ongoing events (the past partitive relation also being added). Connects an Agent to an Agent that is directly or indirectly hierarchically superior. This is a transitive relation. is subordinate to transitive est subalterne de transitif está subordinado(a) a transitivo 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current subordination relations between agents (the past subordination relation also being added). Inverse of 'has successor' object property. is successor of est le successeur de es sucesor(a) de 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new agentTemporalRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the inverse property IRI and the text definition. RiC-R016i ('is successor of' relation) Connects a Date to an Appellation, when it is the date till which the Appellation was used. is to use date of est la date jusqu’à laquelle est utilisé es fecha hasta la que se usa 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-19 Made this property a subPropertyOf isEndDateOf. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Inverse of 'has unit of measurement' object property is unit of measurement of est l’unité de mesure de es unidad de medida de 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French; added an xml:lang attribute to the rdfs:comment. 2020-10-28 Object property created along with Extent and UnitOfMeasurement classes, in order to provide methods for handling extent accurately. Connects a Date to a Date in which it is contained. is within est contenu dans está dentro 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-13 made this property a subproperty of both isDateAssociatedWith and isAssociatedWithdate, and of isOrWasPartOf. 2023-10-12 Added the property RiC-R085 ('is within' relation) Connects a Rule to the Agent that issued or published the Rule. issued by rendue publique par emitido por 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. RiC-R065 ('issued by' relation) Connects a KnowingOfRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Knowing Of Relation a le rôle de la Relation de connaissance à propos d’une personne desempeña el papel de la Relación de conocimieto indirecto entre personas 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the KnowingOfRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the KnowingOfRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the KnowingOfRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a KnowingRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Knowing Relation a le rôle de la Relation de connaissance entre personnes desempeña el papel de la Relación de conocimiento directo entre personas 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the KnowingRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the KnowingRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the KnowingRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Inverse of 'knows of' object property. known by est connue par conocido por 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new knowingOfRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. RiC-R050i ('known by' relation) Connects two Persons that directly know each other during their existence. This relation is symmetric. knows connaît conoce a 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new knowingRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. The relation implies that the two Persons met or at least corresponded with each other. RiC-R051 ('knows' relation) Connects a Person to another Person they have some knowledge of through time or space. knows of a connaissance de la personne conoce indirectamente a 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new knowingOfRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. RiC-R050 ('knows of' relation) Connects a LeadershipRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Leadership Relation a le rôle de la Relation de direction desempeña el papel de la Relación de liderazgo 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the LeadershipRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the LeadershipRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the LeadershipRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a Leadership Relation to the Position occupied by the leading Person. leadership with position relation de direction dans le cadre du poste liderazgo en puesto 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Connects a ManagementRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Management Relation a le rôle de la Relation de gestion desempeña el papel de la Relación de gestión 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the ManagementRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the ManagementRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the ManagementRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a MandateRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Mandate Relation a le rôle de la Relation impliquant un mandat desempeña el papel de la Relación normativa 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the MandateRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the MandateRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the MandateRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a MembershipRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Membership Relation a le rôle de la Relation d’appartenance desempeña el papel de la Relación de membresía 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the MembershipRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the MembershipRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the MembershipRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a Membership Relation to the Position occupied by the member Person(s). membership with position relation d’appartenance dans le cadre du poste membresía en puesto 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Inverse of 'migrated into' object property. migrated from a été produite par migration de migrado desde 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new migrationRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-29 Updated subpropertyOf; this in order to make the specification compliant with RiC-CM 1.0. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "createdByMigrationFromInstantiation"). RiC-R015i ('migrated from' relation) Connects an Instantiation to a version it has been migrated into. migrated into a été migrée vers migrado a 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new migrationRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-29 Updated subpropertyOf; this in order to make the specification compliant with RiC-CM 1.0. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label and inverse property IRI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isMigratedIntoInstantiation"). Use for digital instantiations. RiC-R015 ('migrated into' relation) Connects a MigrationRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Migration Relation a le rôle de la Relation de migration desempeña el papel de la Relación de migración entre instanciaciones 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the MigrationRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the MigrationRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the MigrationRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a Person to a Position they occupy or occupied. occupies or occupied occupe ou a occupé ocupa u ocupaba 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new positionHoldingRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "occupies"). RiC-R054 ('occupies or occupied' relation) Inverse of 'is date of occurrence of' object property occurred at date a pour date d'occurrence tiene como fecha de ocurrencia 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-17 Made this property a subproperty of isEventAssociatedWith 2023-10-13 Renamed the property to correct a spelling mistake. Also corrected the annotations when necessary. RiC-R084i ('occurred at date' relation) Connects an OrganicOrFunctionalProvenanceRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Organic or functional provenance Relation a le rôle de la Relation de provenance organique ou fonctionnelle desempeña el papel de la Relación de procedencia orgánica or funcional 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the OrganicOrFunctionalProvenanceRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the OrganicOrFunctionalProvenanceRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the OrganicOrFunctionalProvenanceRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects an OrganicProvenanceRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Organic Provenance Relation a le rôle de la Relation de provenance organique desempeña el papel de la Relación de procedencia orgánica 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the OrganicProvenanceRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the OrganicProvenanceRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the OrganicProvenanceRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects two Places that geographically overlap or overlapped. This relation is symmetric. overlaps or overlapped chevauche ou a chevauché se superpone o superponía con 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, text definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "overlaps"). RiC-R078 ('overlaps or overlapped' relation) Connects an OwnershipRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Ownership Relation a le rôle de la Relation de propriété desempeña el papel de la Relación de posesión 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the OwnershipRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the OwnershipRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the OwnershipRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a PerformanceRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Performance Relation a le rôle de la Relation entre activités et agents desempeña el papel de la Relación de desarrollo funcional 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the PerformanceRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the PerformanceRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the PerformanceRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Inverse of 'is or was performed by' object property. performs or performed exerce ou a exercé desarrolla o desarrollaba 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new performanceRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, super property IRI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "performs"). RiC-R060i ('performs or performed' relation) Connects a PlaceRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Place Relation a le rôle de la Relation impliquant un lieu desempeña el papel de la Relación con lugar 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the PlaceRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the PlaceRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the PlaceRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a PositionHoldingRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Position Holding Relation a le rôle de la Relation entre une personne et un poste desempeña el papel de la Relación de ocupación entre una persona y un puesto 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the PositionHoldingRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the PositionHoldingRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the PositionHoldingRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a Position to a Leadership Relation (the leading Person occupies that Position). position is context of leadership relation puesto es contexto de relación de liderazgo poste est le contexte de la relation de direction 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. Connects a Position to a Membership Relation (the member Person occupies that Position). position is context of membership relation puesto es contexto de relación de membresía poste est le contexte de la relation d'appartenance 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. Connects a PositionToGroupRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Position to Group Relation a le rôle de la Relation entre un poste et un groupe desempeña el papel de la Relación de ocupación entre un grupo y un puesto 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the PositionToGroupRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the PositionToGroupRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the PositionToGroupRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a Thing to a Thing that followed it in some non chronological sequence in the past. preceded in sequence a précédé dans la séquence precedía secuencialmente a 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-09-22 Renamed the property and modified its definition (rdfs:comment) in order to better distinguish it from precedesInTime. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express past sequential relations between things (the current sequential relations being also added, including a transitive one). Connects a Thing to a Thing that follows it directly or indirectly in some non chronological sequence. This is a transitive relation. precedes in sequence transitive précède dans la séquence transitif precede secuencialmente a transitivo 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-09-22 Renamed the property and modified its definition (rdfs:comment) in order to better distinguish it from precedesInTime. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express current, direct or indirect, sequential relations between things (the past sequential relation also being added). Connects a Thing to a Thing that follows it in chronological order. This is a transitive relation. precedes in time précède dans le temps precede en el tiempo a 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new temporalRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-09-21 Property made transitive. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the superproperty IRI There may actually be zero to many intermediate Entities, ignored or unknown, in the chronological sequence between the two connected Entities. RiC-R009 ('precedes in time' relation) Connects a Thing to a Thing that follows or followed it in some sequence. precedes or preceded précède ou a précédé precede o precedía secuencialmente a 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: modified the property chain axiom so that it now involves the new sequentialRelation_role object property. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "precedes"). The relation does not specify by itself what criteria are used for ordering the sequence. There may actually be zero to many intermediate Entities, ignored or unkown, in the sequence between the two connected Things. Can be used, for example, for specifying that some Record 'precedes' (has next) some Record within a Record Set. RiC-R008 ('precedes or preceded' relation) Connects a Proxy to the Record Resource it stands for in the specific context of a Record Set. proxy for proxy pour es proxy para 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Connects a Proxy to the Record Set in which it stands for (represents) another Record Resource. proxy in proxy dans es proxy en 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Connects a RecordResourceGeneticRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Record Resource Genetic Relation a le rôle de la Relation génétique entre des ressources archivistiques desempeña el papel de la Relación genética entre recursos documentales 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the RecordResourceGeneticRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the RecordResourceGeneticRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the RecordResourceGeneticRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a RecordResourceHoldingRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Record Resource Holding Relation a le rôle de la Relation entre agents et ressources archivistiques ou instanciations conservées desempeña el papel de la Relación entre agentes y recursos documentales que conservan 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-12-30 Fixed a typo in the French label. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the RecordResourceHoldingRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the RecordResourceHoldingRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the RecordResourceHoldingRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a RecordResourceToInstantiationRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Record Resource to Instantiation Relation a le rôle de la Relation d’instanciation desempeña el papel de la Relación de recurso documental a instanciación 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the RecordResourceToInstantiationRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the RecordResourceToInstantiationRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the RecordResourceToInstantiationRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a RecordResourceToRecordResourceRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Record Resource to Record Resource Relation a le rôle de la Relation entre ressources archivistiques desempeña el papel de la Relación entre recursos documentales 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the RecordResourceToRecordResourceRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the RecordResourceToRecordResourceRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the RecordResourceToRecordResourceRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a Rule to a Thing that it regulates or regulated. regulates or regulated régule ou a régulé regula o regulaba 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "regulates"). RiC-R063 ('regulates or regulated' relation) Connects an n-ary Relation to any of the Things involved. relation connects relation connecte relación conecta 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Connects an n-ary Relation to a Thing that is a secondary, contextual entity during the existence of the Relation. relation has context relation a pour contexte relación tiene como contexto 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. The secondary entity may be, for instance, a Position or a Role Type. Connects an n-ary Relation to a Thing that is its source. relation has source relation a pour source relación tiene como fuente 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Connects an n-ary Relation to a Thing that is its target. relation has target relation a pour cible relación tiene como objetivo 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Connects a Relation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Relation a le rôle de la Relation desempeña el papel de la Relación 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the Relation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. This property "rolifies" the generic Relation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of this Relation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Inverse of 'was merged into' object property. resulted from the merger of resultado de la fusión de résulte de la fusion de 2024-03-15 Make capitalisation of rdfs:comment consistent. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-06-21 Object property created in order to enable an accurate representation of mergers between corporate bodies. Inverse of 'was split into' object property. resulted from the split of resultado de la separación de résulte de la séparation de 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-06-21 Object property created in order to enable an accurate representation of the split of a corporate body into two or more new corporate bodies. Inverse of 'results or resulted in' object property. results or resulted from résulte ou a résulté de resulta o resultaba 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "resultsFrom"). RiC-R061i ('results or resulted from' relation) Connects an Event to a Thing that results or resulted from the Event. results or resulted in a ou a eu pour résultat tiene o tenía como resultado a 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-01-22 changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "resultsIn"). RiC-R061 ('results or resulted in' relation) Connects a Role Type to a Creation Relation (this Role Type being the specific role played by the creating Person in the context of this Relation). role is context of creation relation rôle est le contexte de la relation de création rol es contexto de relación de creación 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Connects a RuleRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Rule Relation a le rôle de la Relation impliquant une règle desempeña el papel de la Relación con regla 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the RuleRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the RuleRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the RuleRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a SequentialRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Sequential Relation a le rôle de la Relation séquentielle desempeña el papel de la Relación secuencial 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the SequentialRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the SequentialRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the SequentialRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a SiblingRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Sibling Relation a le rôle de la Relation de fratrie desempeña el papel de la Relación familiar entre hermanos 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the SiblingRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the SiblingRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the SiblingRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a SpouseRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Spouse Relation a le rôle de la Relation matrimoniale desempeña el papel de la Relación matrimonial entre personas 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the SpouseRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the SpouseRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the SpouseRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a TeachingRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Teaching Relation a le rôle de la Relation entre enseignants et étudiants desempeña el papel de la Relación académica entre profesor y alumno 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the TeachingRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the TeachingRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the TeachingRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a TemporalRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Temporal Relation a le rôle de la Relation temporelle desempeña el papel de la Relación temporal 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the TemporalRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the TemporalRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the TemporalRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a Thing to a n-ary Relation. thing is connected to relation cosa está conectada con relación chose est connectée à la relation 2023-12-30 Fixed a typo in the French label. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. Connects a Thing (that is a secondary, contextual entity during the existence of the Relation) to a n-ary Relation. thing is context of relation cosa es contexto de relación chose est le contexte de la relation 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. Connects a Thing (that is the source of a Relation) to a Relation. thing is source of relation chose est la source de la relation cosa es fuente de relación 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. Connects a Thing (that is the target of a Relation) to a n-ary Relation. thing is target of relation chose est la cible de la relation cosa es objetivo de relación 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the description (rdfs:comment) and labels. Connects a TypeRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Type Relation a le rôle de la Relation de catégorisation desempeña el papel de la Tipo de relación 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the TypeRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the TypeRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the TypeRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects an Instantiation to another Instantiation of which it was a component in the past. was component of a été le composant de era componente de 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the description (rdfs:comment) and labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express past partitive relations between instantiations (the current partitive relations being also added, including a transitive one). Connects a Record or Record Part to another Record or Record Part of which it was a constituent in the past. was constituent of a été un constituant de era elemento constitutivo de 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-10-26 Added RecordPart to the range. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express past partitive relations between Record and Record or Record Part (the current partitive relations being also added, including a transitive one). Connects a Place to a Place within which it was contained. was contained by a été contenu par estaba contenido en 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the description (rdfs:comment) and labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express past partitive relations between places (the current partitive relations being also added, including a transitive one). Connects a Record to a Record or Record Set in which it was included in the past. was included in a été inclus dans estaba incluido en 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express past partitive relations between Record Sets and their members (the current partitive relations being also added, including a transitive one). Connects a Thing to the Date when it was last modified. was last updated at date a pour date de dernière mise à jour fue actualizado por última vez en fecha 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Connects a Corporate Body to another Corporate Body that is the result of a merger of the previous one with one to many other corporate bodies. was merged into se fusionó en a été fusionné dans 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-06-21 Object property created in order to enable an accurate representation of mergers between corporate bodies. Connects a Thing to a Thing of which it was a constitutive or component part in the past. was part of a fait partie de era parte de 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-07-12 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express past partitive relations between things (the current partitive relations being also added, including a transitive one). Connects a Corporate Body to one of the Corporate Bodies that results from the split of the previous one into two to many corporate bodies. was split into se separó en a été séparé en 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-06-21 Object property created in order to enable an accurate representation of the split of a corporate body into two or more new corporate bodies. Connects a subdivision to the Group it was a part of in the past. was subdivision of a été une subdivision de era subdivisión de 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express past partitive relations between Groups (the current partitive relations being also added, including a transitive one). Connects a past Event to the broader Event of which it was a part. was subevent of a été un événement constitutif de l'événement era parte de evento de 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express partitive relations between past Events (the partitive relations between ongoing events being also added, including a transitive one). Connects an Agent to an Agent that was hierarchically superior in the past. was subordinate to a été subalterne de estaba subordinado(a) a 2023-11-27 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-11-12 Updated the labels. 2023-09-08 Object property added, along with its inverse property, in order to enable to express past subordination relations between Agents (the current subordination relations being also added, including a transitive one). Connects an Appellation to the Date from which it was used. was used from date a été utilisé à partir de la date fue usado desde 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-19 Made this property subPropertyOf hasBeginningDate. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Connects an Appellation to the Date till when it was used. was used to date a été utilisé jusqu’à la date fue usado hasta 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-19 Made this property subPropertyOf hasEndDate. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Connects a WholePartRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Whole Part Relation a le rôle de la Relation partitive desempeña el papel de la Relación entre todo y parte 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the WholePartRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the WholePartRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the WholePartRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Connects a WorkRelation to itself. It is a property that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph. has the role of the Work Relation a le rôle de la Relation de travail desempeña el papel de la Relación profesional 2024-08-02 Removed global reflexivity (leads to inconsistency). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: created the object property, with domain and range the WorkRelation rolified class. Declared it as reflexive. Declared it(s) superproperty(ies). This property "rolifies" the WorkRelation class. It should be used only when you have to manage instances of the WorkRelation class, to connect each instance to itself, in order to be able to infer, using OWL-RL and property paths, the two shortcuts corresponding to this n-ary class. Information on the anticipated accession(s) to the Record Set. accruals accroissements ingresos 2023-11-11 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the IRI, mapping to RiC-CM (rico:RiCCMCorrespondingComponent), labels, skos:scopeNote, examples (skos:example). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Accruing - there is an agreement with the creator that additional snapshots of their email directory will be accessioned at yearly intervals Non-accruing Unknown See also accrualsStatus corresponds to RiC-A01 (Accruals attribute) Information on the status of possible accruals accruals status statut des accroissements estado de los ingresos 2023-11-11 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the IRI, mapping to RiC-CM (rico:RiCCMCorrespondingComponent), labels, description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-01 scope note : updated. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. A text statement or single words such as “Closed” to indicate that no additional Record Resource will (or is anticipated to) be added to the Record Set; “Open” to indicate that additional records or record sets will (or are expected to) be added to the Record Set; or “Unknown” to indicate that this information is not available, for example. See also accruals specialization of RiC-A01 (Accruals attribute) Reference system used for altitude altimetric system système altimétrique sistema altimétrico 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. The height of a Place above a reference level, especially above sea level. altitude altitude altitud 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Property of the Coordinates class. If you don't use this class, use geographicalCoordinates property, a property of Place class. Description of the evidence that a Record Resource or Instantiation is what it purports to be, was created or sent by the said Agent at the said time, and has not been tampered with, corrupted, or forged. authenticity note note sur l’authenticité nota de autenticidad 2023-11-11 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote, examples (skos:example). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-01 examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. The letter is unsigned. The deed is digitally signed by the Notary. The electronic signature validity cannot be assessed, but the content was not modified from the moment of signing. The timestamp exists but cannot be verified. The record bears signatures. May be used in a Record Set description when its value is shared by some or all members of the Record Set. For digital records, it may include results from automated means of checking the validity of signatures and timestamp. In particular cases it may be contextually related to the state attribute, for example, a document can be an original or a copy, either of which can be authentic or a forgery. Corresponds to RiC-A03 (Authenticity Note attribute) Information on a Mandate that authorizes an Agent to perform an Activity. authorizing mandate mandat norma de control 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed later on. Use only if you don't use the Mandate class for handling mandates. Date at which something began. beginning date date de début fecha de inicio 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed later on. Use only if you don't use Date classes for handling dates. Datatype property specialized implementation of RiC-E18 (Date entity) Date at which a Person was born. birth date date de naissance fecha de nacimiento 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed later on. Use only if you don't use Date classes for handling dates. Datatype property specialized implementation of RiC-E18 (Date entity) Number of physical units and/or physical dimensions of the carrier of an Instantiation. In order to manage an Instantiation of a record resource it is necessary to note the extent of the carrier as well as that of the Instantiation itself. Whether it is necessary to note dimensions, the number of relevant units, or both, depends on the nature of the carrier and particular business needs. carrier extent mesure du support extensión del soporte 2023-11-11 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote, examples (skos:example). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-01 Text definition and scope note updated. Examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. 1 page 32.5 x 49 cm (piece of parchment) 3 GB (1 USB key) For digital resources, it may be used to indicate the size of storage capacity (disk, tape, film, etc.). Carrier extent should not be confused with instantiation extent or record resource extent. For a given Record Resource, the instantiation extent may vary, based on format, density of information on the carrier, etc. For example, a CD with a storage capacity of 700 MB (carrier extent) might hold a record of 1500 words (record resource extent) represented in two versions, one a Word document with an instantiation extent of 3 KB and the other a PDF file with an instantiation extent of 5 KB. Corresponds to RiC-A04 (Carrier Extent attribute) A term, number or alphanumeric string that is usually taken from an external classification vocabulary or scheme that qualifies a Record Resource. classification classification clasificación 2023-11-11 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote, examples (skos:example). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-01 Text definition and scope note updated. Examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. BUD-01-F002 (classification number from a corporate file plan) human resource management student registration financial affairs digitized items May be used in a Record Set description when its value is shared by some or all members of the record set. This datatype property is not to be confused with Identifier although, in some cases, the information may be the same. Corresponds to RiC-A07 (Classification attribute) Terms and circumstances affecting the availability of a Record Resource or an Instantiation for consultation. conditions of access conditions d’accès condiciones de acceso 2023-11-11 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote, examples (skos:example). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-01 Text definition and scope note updated. Examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. Open Closed under data protection legislation Closed as awaiting conservation treatment Acceso libre a través de los terminales de consulta The Archives cannot provide VHS reader to access the content of the tape Recognita software, min. version 3.0, is needed in order to open the file Closed for 30 years May be used in a Record Set description when its value is shared by some or all members of the Record Set. The attribute provides information about the accessibility of a Record Resource, as well as the physical, technical or legal limitations that exist for providing access to it. Corresponds to RiC-A08 (Conditions of Access attribute) Terms and circumstances affecting the use of a Record Resource or an Instantiation after access has been provided. Includes conditions governing reproduction of the Record Resource under applicable copyright (intellectual property) and/or property legislation or due to conservation status. conditions of use conditions d’utilisation condiciones de uso 2023-11-11 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote, examples (skos:example). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-01 Text definition updated. Examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. Permission of the copyright owner must be obtained before use Cannot be copied using warm light copying machines or photographed using flashlight May be used in a Record Set description when its value is shared by some or all members of the Record Set. Corresponds to RiC-A09 (Conditions of Use attribute) Date at which an entity was created. creation date date de création fecha de creación 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed later on. Use only if you don't use Date classes for handling dates. Datatype property specialized implementation of RiC-E18 (Date entity) Chronological information associated with an entity that contributes to its identification and contextualization. date date fecha 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Provided for usability reasons, like its subproperties. May be deprecated and removed later on. Use only if you don't use Date classes for handling dates. Datatype property implementation of RiC-E18 (Date entity) A human readable qualification of a Date to indicate the level of precision or certainty. date qualifier qualificatif de la date calificador de fecha 2023-11-11 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-10 Updated the rdfs:comment, skos:scopeNote and examples, in order to make this datatype property fully compliant with RiC-CM 1.0 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-01 examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. approximate circa end unknown Most often, this human readable expression of the accuracy of the date is used along with an ISO 8601 representation of the date. The qualifier can also be expressed as a machine-readable value, using the EDTF standard (thus, a specialization of the normalizedDateValue datatype property). Corresponds to RiC-A13 (Date Qualifier attribute) Date at which a Person died. death date date de décès fecha de muerte 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed later on. Use only if you don't use Date classes for handling dates. Datatype property specialized implementation of RiC-E18 (Date entity) General information about an entity. General description may be used to describe any entity. There are different appropriate uses for general description. First, while it is recommended that more specific properties be used in describing an entity, it may be desirable, for economic or other reasons, to describe two or more specific properties together. Second, general description may be used to describe one or more characteristics that are not otherwise accommodated in RiC-O. Third, it may be used to provide a succinct summary or abstract description in addition to more detailed specific description. general description description générale descripción general 2023-11-11 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the IRI, mapping to RiC-CM (rico:RiCCMCorrespondingComponent), labels, description (rdfs:comment), examples (skos:example). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Le massif du Mont-Blanc est un massif des Alpes partagé entre la France, l'Italie et la Suisse. Il abrite le mont Blanc, plus haut sommet d'Europe occidentale qui culmine à 4 809 mètres (altitude relevée en 2015). Il est traversé par le tunnel du Mont-Blanc, entre Chamonix dans la vallée de l'Arve et Courmayeur dans la vallée d'Aoste. Thomas Blaikie (1750-1838) est un botaniste et jardinier écossais. Il a dessiné notamment les jardins de Malmaison et Bagatelle. The Senate is the academic governing body of the University of Strathclyde and is responsible for all academic matters including academic standards and quality. Meetings of the Senate are chaired by the Principal and the membership is drawn entirely from within the University, comprising academic and research staff. (about a corporate body, University of Strathclyde Senate) This activity involves regulating the nursing profession by conducting examinations and on-going education for nurses, maintaining rolls of those qualified as enrolled or registered nurses, midwives, psychiatric, and other specialised nurses. It also covers hearing disciplinary charges against nurses (and where necessary, removing them temporarily or permanently from the registers), as well as promoting the nursing profession. (about an activity, Nursing Profession Regulation) Corresponds to RiC-A43 (General Description attribute) Date at which an entity was deleted. destruction date date de destruction fecha de destrucción 2023-11-12 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-12 Renamed deletion into destruction. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed later on. Use only if you don't use Date classes for handling dates. Datatype property specialized implementation of RiC-E18 (Date entity) Date at which something ended. end date date de fin fecha final 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed later on. Use only if you don't use Date classes for handling dates. Datatype property specialized implementation of RiC-E18 (Date entity) Natural language expression of a date. This property is a specialization of the name property. In order that the precise meaning of the date can be understood, information such as the calendar used or other specific context should be included. expressed date date en langage naturel fecha expresada 2023-11-11 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), examples (skos:example). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-10 Updated the rdfs:comment and skos:examples in order to make this property fully compliant with RiC-CM 1.0. Made it a subproperty of rico:name. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-01 examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. October 24, 1999 (month day, year) 1925-1966 (date range) 15 thermidor an IV (calendrier révolutionnaire français) 8 avril 1258 (a. st., style de Pâques) XVIIe siècle The Middle Ages Die jovis ultima mensis martii anno domini millesimo quingentesimo quadragesimo ante Pascha 1550-1553, 1555 (date range) One of the years 1550, 1551, 1553, 1555 All of the years 1550, 1551, 1553, 1555 The second semester of 1951 to 1952 (academic reference system) Corresponds to RiC-A19 (Expressed Date attribute) Reference system used for geographical coordinates. geodesic system système géodésique sistema geodésico 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Longitudinal and latitudinal information about a Place. geographical coordinates coordonnées géographiques coordenadas geográficas 2023-11-11 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), examples (skos:example). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-01 Text definition and scope note updated. Examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. Latitude 50°40′46,461″N, Longitude 95°48′26,533″W, Height 123,45m (ISO 6709/D) Latitude 35.89421911, Longitude 139.94637467 (ISO 6709/F) Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed later on. Use only if you don't use PhysicalLocation and Coordinates classes with Place. Coordinates may be based on ISO 6709 Standard representation of geographic point location by coordinates. Corresponds to RiC-A11 (Coordinates attribute) Vertical dimension of an entity. height hauteur altura 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Summary of the development of an entity throughout its existence. history histoire historia 2023-11-11 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote, domain, examples (skos:example). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-01 Domains updated. Examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. The manuscripts are part of the collections of Robert Harley (d 1724) and Edward Harley (d 1741), 1st and 2nd Earls of Oxford, that were brought by Parliament and transferred to the British Museum in 1753. Those materials were then separated into this collection and those for Harley Charters and Harley Rolls and became part of the collections of the British Library in 1972. (about a Record Set) Nacido en Barbastro en 1892, donde realizó sus primeros estudios con los escolapios. Licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad de Zaragoza, aprobó las oposiciones al cuerpo nacional de notarios… (sobre una persona) El primer sorteo de lotería se celebró el 13 de mayo de 1771, siendo desarrollado por la Real Lotería General de Nueva España… (sobre una actividad) For a record set, may be used to summarize the history of the Record Set itself, or additionally to summarize the history of some or all members of the Record Set. Should not be confused with the scope and content property. Corresponds to RiC-A21 (History attribute) A word, number, letter, symbol, or any combination of these used to uniquely identify or reference an individual instance of an entity within a specific information domain. Can include Global Persistent Identifiers (globally unique and persistently resolvable identifier for the entity) and/or Local Identifiers. Both the domain within which the identifier is unique, and the rules used in forming the identifier value should be provided with the identifier value. identifier identifiant identificador 2023-11-11 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote, examples (skos:example). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-01 Text definition and scope note updated. Examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6v1266v (example of an Archival Resource Key for a record) http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6tz44ht (example of an Archival Resource Key for a person) http://isni.org/0000000073572182 (example of a persistent International Standard Name Identifier for a person) BUD-01-F002 (example of a classification number from a corporate file plan) NAS1/A/1.1 (example of a local identifier for a record) F 1204 (example of a local identifier for a record set assigned by a repository) B-000091 (example of a unique identifier for an instantiation assigned by a repository) Use only if you don't use Identifier class for handling identifiers. Within a given domain (a closed system), identifiers are used to uniquely reference instances of an entity. Identifiers are instruments of control that facilitate management of the entities within the domain. The formulation of identifiers commonly is based on rules. In addition to an identifier needing to be unique within a domain, it is also highly desirable that it be persistent, that is, that the identifier uniquely identifies the entity over time. A variety of organizations provide rules for the formation of identifiers, and services designed to facilitate the persistence of identifiers. Such identifiers are commonly referred to as Persistent Identifiers (or PIDs). PIDs conform to RFC 3986, but impose additional rules. Common examples are Archival Resource Keys (ARKs) and Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs). Within the global environment of the Internet, there are special rules for the formation of identifiers to ensure that they are unique within the domain of the Internet. Such identifiers must conform to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Uniform Resource Identifier rules (RFC 3986). Corresponds to RiC-A22 (Identifier attribute) Countable characteristics of an Instantiation expressed as a quantity. Instantiation extent mesure de l’instanciation soporte de instanciación 2023-11-11 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote, examples (skos:example). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-01 Scope note updated. Examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. The register has 345 written folios Size of PDF file: 1.5 MB 234 linear metres Instantiation extent should not be confused with record resource extent or carrier extent. For a given Record Resource, the instantiation extent may vary, based on format, density of information on the carrier, etc. For example, a CD with a storage capacity of 700 MB (carrier extent) might hold a record of 1500 words (record resource extent) represented in two versions, one a Word document with an instantiation extent of 3 KB and the other a PDF file with an instantiation extent of 5 KB. Corresponds to RiC-A23 (Instantiation Extent attribute) Information about the physical arrangement and composition of an Instantiation. Instantiation structure structure de l’instanciation estructura de la instanciación 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-01 Text definition fixed. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. Specialization of RiC-A40 (Structure attribute) Information about the known intellectual completeness of a Record Resource. integrity note note sur l'intégrité nota de integridad 2023-11-11 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the IRI, mapping to RiC-CM (rico:RiCCMCorrespondingComponent), labels, description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote, domain, examples (skos:example). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-01 Scope note and examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. For record set: series of letters, one is missing so the integrity is compromised. A web page (HTML, 15 images, 2 CSS, 1 javascript), with 5 images missing. Part of the text is missing (because a corner on the instantiation was cut out, which is a physical characteristic). See also the examples of physicalCharacteristics. Line three of a hand-written letter was cut out and a replacement text was inserted by an unknown person. May be used in a Record Set description when its value is shared by some or all members of the Record Set. The information about integrity may be generated manually or automatically. Not to be confused with the physical completeness of the instantiation, which is covered by the physical characteristics note attribute. The integrity of a Record Resource and the physical characteristics note of an Instantiation may be complementary. This attribute also covers any additions to or removal of original information. Corresponds to RiC-A24 (Integrity Note attribute) Date at which an entity was last updated. last modification date date de dernière modification fecha de última modificación 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed later on. Use only if you don't use Date classes for handling dates. Datatype property specialized implementation of RiC-E18 (Date entity) Distance in degrees north or south of the equator. latitude latitude latitud 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Property of the Coordinates class. If you don't use this class, use geographicalCoordinates property, a property of Place class. Length of an entity. length longueur longitud 2023-11-12 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added for enabling to describe entities that have such a dimension. May be used, among other cases, for storing the length of some places like streets. A delimitation of the physical territory of a Place. Used to describe basic human-readable text such as an address, a cadastral reference, or less precise information found in a Record. location localisation localización 2023-11-11 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote, examples (skos:example). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-01 Text definition and scope note updated. Examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. 25 rue Saint-Denis à Paris Montreal (city in Canada) Use only if you don't use PhysicalLocation class with Place. Use the geographicalCoordinates property, or the Coordinates class, to record the geographical coordinates of the Place. Use the spatial relations (particularly 'has or had location') to capture a relation between two places. Corresponds to RiC-A27 (Location attribute) Distance in degrees east or west of a prime meridian. longitude longitude longitud 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Property of the Coordinates class. If you don't use this class, use geographicalCoordinates property, a property of Place class. The extent, quantity, amount, or degree of an entity, as determined by measurement or calculation. measure mesure medida 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Date of the modification of an entity. modification date date de modification fecha de modificación 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed later on. Use only if you don't use Date classes for handling dates. Datatype property specialized implementation of RiC-E18 (Date entity) A label, title or term designating an entity in order to make it distinguishable from other similar entities. name nom nombre 2023-11-11 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote, examples (skos:example). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-01 Text definition updated. Examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. The Letter of Neacsu from Campulung to the Mayor of Brasov (about a Record) Digital copy of the Pomarius archival inventory from 1575 (about an Instantiation) D-Day (about a Date or Event) Halloween 2016 (about a Date) Fundraising, University of Glasgow (about an Activity) Providing hearing services (about an Activity) Nelson Mandela (about a Person) Papers of the Earls of Liverpool (about a Record Set) Paris (about a Place) Prime Minister (about a Position) Sketch Map of the Qatar Peninsula (about a Record) Use only if you don't use Name class for handling names. Provides brief information about the content or other individual characteristics of the entity being described, necessary to distinguish it from other perhaps similar entities. Corrresponds to RiC-A28 (Name attribute) Machine readable representation of the date based on a public technical standard. normalized date value valeur normalisée de la date valor normalizado de fecha 2024-09-02 Fixed a typo in two of the EDTF examples. 2023-11-11 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the examples (skos:example). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-10 Updated the rdfs:comment and examples, and added a scopeNote, in order to make this property fully compliant with RiC-CM 1.0. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-01 Examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. 2012-02-14/2015-03-08 (an ISO 8601 form of a date range) 2012/2015-03 (an ISO 8601 form of a date range) 1948-03 (an ISO 8601 form of a single date) 1948-03-08 (an ISO 8601 form of a single date) 1948-03~ (a single date in ETDF, meaning March 1948 approximately) 1948/.. (an open date range in EDTF, starting in 1948) 1948/ (a date range in EDTF, starting in 1948, end unknown) 1550,1551,1553,1555 (a date set in EDTF, meaning one of the years 1550, 1551, 1553, 1555) {1550,1551,1553,1555} (a date set in EDTF, meaning all of the years 1550, 1551, 1553, 1555) {1805,1815..1820} (a date set in EDTF, meaning all of the years 1805, 1815, 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820) Used to represent the date in a standardized format that can be processed programmatically. The main standard used today is ISO 8601, which is based on the Gregorian calendar. See also the Extended Date Time Format (EDTF), which is an extension of ISO 8601, and enables, among other features, to represent a date set, and to indicate the date is approximate. Corresponds to RiC-A29 (Normalized Date attribute) Value representation based on a standard, preferably machine-readable. normalized value valeur normalisée valor normalizado 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Information about the physical features, completeness, or conservation status of an Instantiation. Includes information about the physical nature and condition such as conservation status or the deterioration of an Instantiation (for example its carrier) affecting the ability to recover information. physical characteristics note note sur les caractéristiques physiques nota sobre las características físicas 2023-11-11 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the IRI, mapping to RiC-CM (rico:RiCCMCorrespondingComponent), labels, description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote, examples (skos:example). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-01 Text definition updated. Examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. carrier heavily foxed some loss of text due to rodent damage The charter is missing the seal. Letter physical characteristics: corner without text missing – the carrier is damaged, but no information of the content is missing British Library binding Watermarked A web page (HTML, 15 images, 2 CSS, 1 JavaScript), with 1 CSS missing. For carrier: hard drives on which the author wrote physically (using a pen). Digital file format: JPEG-2000 Not to be confused with the intellectual completeness of a Record Resource and its sub-entities, which is covered by the Integrity attribute. May include digital file fixity. Corresponds to RiC-A31 (Physical Characteristics Note attribute) Countable characteristics of the content of an entity expressed as a quantity. physical or logical extent importance physique ou logique soporte físico o lógico 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Provided for usability reasons. Use only if you cannot use the subproperties (particularly if the same free text is being used in your current metadata for describing the record resource, carrier and instantiation extent). The method used in the representation of information on an Instantiation. production technique technique de production técnica de produccióon 2023-11-11 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-01 Examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. engraving handwriting magnetic recording optical recording Use only if you have free text or don't have a controlled vocabulary for production techniques (in this case, use the ProductionTechniqueType class) Corresponds to RiC-A33 (Production Technique attribute) Date of the publication of a Record Resource. publication date date de publication fecha de publicación 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed later on. Use only if you don't use Date classes for handling dates. Datatype property specialized implementation of RiC-E18 (Date entity) Characteristics of an Instantiation that affect the ability to recover the intellectual content. Such characteristics may be related to the methods used in creating the Instantiation or introduced subsequent to the creation through accident. quality of representation note note sur la qualité de la représentation nota sobre la calidad de representación 2023-11-11 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the IRI, mapping to RiC-CM (rico:RiCCMCorrespondingComponent), labels, description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote, rdfs:subpropertyOf. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-01 Text definition updated. Examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. Black and white digitization may have led to loss of some information. some loss of information due to poor quality of image capture some loss of text due to rodent damage Quality of representation note is a specialization of physical characteristics note. Quality of representation note should be used in conjunction with physical characteristics note when the physical characteristics impact the ability to recover the intellectual content. Corresponds to RiC-A34 (Quality of Representation Note attribute) Machine-readable quantity. quantity quantité cantidad 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added an xml:lang attribute to the rdfs:comment. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-21 Added a scope note. 2020-10-28 Datatype property created along with unitOfMeasurement, Extent and UnitOfMeasurement classes, in order to provide methods for handling extent accurately. Use if you use the Extent class and its properties for handling an accurate description of the extent of a resource. The quantity of information content, as human experienced, contained in a Record Resource. The method and precision of expressing the quantity of information represented in a Record Resource will vary according to the kind of Record Resource being described, processing economy constraints, etc. For record sets, quantity may be expressed as number of records, or, for analogue records in particular, by the physical storage dimensions of the members of the Record Set. For individual records or record parts, quantity may be expressed in more precise terms. Record Resource Extent mesure de la ressource archivistique soporte de recurso documental 2024-03-15 Fix capitalisation in English label. 2023-11-11 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote, examples (skos:example). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-21 Updated the scope note, as a RecordResourceExtent class has been created. 2020-11-01 Text definition and scope note updated. Examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. 3 minutes and 24 seconds 6 maps 6 photographs 2 films 1,500 words 2.065.735 characters Use if you don't use RecordResourceExtent class and its properties for handling such information. Record resource extent should not be confused with instantiation extent or carrier extent. The number, size or duration of the information content unit(s) remains the same even if the information is instantiated in various carriers. For example, a CD with a storage capacity of 700 MB (carrier extent) might hold a record of 1,500 words (record resource extent) represented in two versions, one a Word document with an instantiation extent of 3 KB and the other a PDF file with an instantiation extent of 5 KB. Corresponds to RiC-A35 (Record Resource Extent attribute) Information about the intellectual arrangement and composition of a Record Resource. For Record and Record Part, it encompasses information about the intellectual composition of the record, the presence of record parts and their functions. For Record Set, it encompasses information about the methodology or criteria used for arranging the Record Set members or Record members within the containing Record Set Record Resource structure structure de la ressource archivistique estructura de recurso documental 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-01 Text definition updated. Examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. Inside each file, the records are arranged chronologically. The database has 3 related tables: names, addresses, and passport numbers. The record has 2 appendixes, comprising a full account of the income from car taxes and real estate taxes. The series have the files arranged according to the alphabetical order of the places concerned. Specialization of RiC-A40 (Structure attribute) Framework or standard used to represent an information. reference system système de référence sistema de referencia 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Qualifies the level of certitude of the accuracy of a Relation. relation certainty degré de certitude de la relation certeza de la relación 2023-12-27 Renamed the datatype property (was 'certainty') and reduced its domain to Relation (the dmain was the union of Event and Relation). Consequently updated the labels. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-10-14 Reintroduced this datatype property, with the definition assigned to it in RiC-CM 1.0, apart from its domain that also includes Event. certain uncertain unknown Corresponds to RiC-RA01 (Certainty of Relation attribute) A source of information used for identifying and describing a Relation. relation source source de la relation fuente de la relación 2023-12-27 Renamed the datatype property (was 'source') and reduced its domain to Relation (the domain was the union of Record Resource and Relation). Consequently updated the rdfs:comment, labels and scope note. Added a rico:RiCCMCorrespondingComponent annotation. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Use only if you don't use the 'isEvidencedBy' object property. Corresponds to RiC-RA05 (Source of Relation attribute). Used to qualify the state of a Relation (e. g. present, past, ongoing, unknown). relation state statut de la relation estado de la relación 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. The rule or conditions that govern the existence or lifecycle of a Thing. rule followed règle suivie regla aplicada 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed later on. Use only if you don't use the Rule class for handling rules. Summary of the scope (such as time periods, geography) and content (such as subject matter, administrative processes) of a Record Resource. Provides a more complete summary of the informational content of the Record Resource highlighting the information conveyed in the Record Resource, why it was created, received, and/or maintained, and the agents connected to it. It may include description of relations with agents, activities, dates and places, or with other record resources. scope and content portée et contenu alcance y contenido 2023-11-11 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote, rdfs:subpropertyOf, examples (skos:example). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-01 Text definition updated. Examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. Includes a detailed list of the lands and villages given by the King to the Abbey. Among the witnesses, the Duke of Normandy. The author explains why he does not agree with the decision made and adds that it cannot be applied. Letter from Vlad the Impaler (Dracula) to the Council of Kronstadt asking them to send military support against the Ottomans, within the framework of their alliance treaty. Se hace referencia a construcción del Gran Hotel, iniciada en 1899 bajo el nombre de Casa Celestino. Tras su interrupción en 1902, continuó la obra ya con su nombre actual. Scope and content is a specialization of general description. For a Record Set, may be used to summarize the scope and content of the Record Set itself, or additionally to summarize the scope and content of some or all members of the Record Set. It is not to be confused with the history dataytpe property which focuses on the origination and subsequent changes to a Record Resource. Corresponds to RiC-A38 (Scope and Content attribute) Information about the intellectual arrangement and composition of a Record Resource or the physical arrangement and composition of an Instantiation. For Record and Record Part, it encompasses information about the intellectual composition of the record, the presence of record parts and their functions. For Record Set, it encompasses information about the methodology or criteria used for arranging the Record Set members or Record members within the containing Record Set. For Instantiation, it may comprise information about the composition of the physical elements of the instantiation structure structure estructura 2023-11-11 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote, examples (skos:example). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-01 Text definition updated. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. The record has two appendices, comprising a full account of the income from car taxes and real estate taxes The series have the files arranged according to the alphabetical order of the places concerned Inside each file, the records are arranged chronologically (about a record set) The database has three related tables: names, addresses, and passport numbers (about a record) Use only if you cannot use the subproperties (particularly if the same free text is being used in your current metadata for describing the record resource and the instantiation structure). For a Record Set, may be used to summarize the structure of the Record Set itself, or additionally to summarize the structure of some or all members of the Record Set. Should not be confused with the classification datatype property, which provides information about the category which the Record Set belongs to within a classification scheme. Corresponds to RiC-A40 (Structure attribute) Describes any relevant physical or software feature of any device involved in the creation or management of a Record Resource. technical characteristics caractéristiques techniques características técnicas 2023-11-11 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-01 Scope note and examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. Hubble Space Telescope had until 2002 a flawed mirror that introduced severe spherical aberration for the images. Does not include references to the workflow that the Mechanism is involved in, which is described under the Activity entity. It emphasizes those features that provide a better understanding of the impact of the Mechanism on the records. Corresponds to RiC-A41 (Technical Characteristics attribute) A textual expression of an Appellation or Date. textual value valeur textuelle valor textual 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. An identifying name of a Record Resource, Instantiation or Rule. title intitulé título 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Use only if you don't use Title class for handling titles. Specialization of RiC-A28 (Name attribute) A term used to characterize an entity. type type tipo 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed later on. Use only if you don't use Type subclasses for handling categories. A definite magnitude of a quantity, defined and adopted by convention or by law, that is used as a standard for measurement of the same kind of quantity. Can be spacial units (cm, m), weight (g, kg), time (s, h), storage (MB, TB) or more informal units used in the archival context like number of boxes, pages or words. unit of measurement unité de mesure unidad de medida 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added an xml:lang attribute to the rdfs:comment. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-21 Added a scope note. 2020-10-28 Datatype property created along with quantity, Extent and UnitOfMeasurement classes, in order to provide methods for handling extent accurately. Use if you do not use the UnitOfMeasurement class for handling units of measurement along with Extent. Date at which an Appellation was first used. used from date utilisé à partir de usado desde la fecha 2023-11-12 Made this property a subproperty of beginningDate. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed later on. Use only if you don't use Date classes for handling dates. Datatype property specialized implementation of RiC-E18 (Date entity) Date until an Appellation was used. used to date utilisé jusqu’à usado hasta la fecha 2023-11-12 Made this property a subproperty of endDate. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed later on. Use only if you don't use Date classes for handling dates. Datatype property specialized implementation of RiC-E18 (Date entity) Horizontal dimension of an entity. width largeur anchura 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. true 1 1 Connects at least one Record Resource or Instantiation to at least one Agent, when the Record Resource or Instantiation is or was accumulated by the Agent, be it intentionally (collecting it) or not (receiving it in the course of its activities). The Record Resource(s) or Instantiation(s) is the source of the Relation, and the Agent(s) is the target. Accumulation Relation Relation d’accumulation Relación de acumulación 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Class implementation of RiC-R028 and RiC-R028i relations The doing of something for some human purpose. Activity Activité Actividad 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed the 0.2 existing unnecessary restriction. 2020-10-23 Scope note: made separate paragraphs and updated. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. Activity is a kind of Event. Activity is specifically used to designate purposeful human activity. Activity may be understood from two perspectives. First it can be understood as leading to an end. The end is the purpose of the Activity, or why the Activity is performed. Second, it can be understood in terms of the processes that lead to achieving the end, how the end is realized through coordinated actions. Purpose and process are complementary understandings of Activity. Together the two perspectives address why the Activity is performed, the expected ends or outcomes; and how the Activity fulfills the purpose. While activity has an intended end, it also has unintended consequences and results, or side-effects. By and large, these may not be the focus of the description, but they are, unquestionably, context. |In a corporate or government context an Activity may also be called a 'function'. An Activity exists in a specific social and cultural context, and within that context is subject to change over time. An Activity may be composed of other Activities. Corresponds to RiC-E15 (Activity entity) true 1 1 Connects at least one Record Resource or Instantiation to at least one Activity, when the Record Resource or Instantiation results from the Activity. The Record Resource(s) or Instantiation(s) is the source of the Relation, and the Activity(-ies) is the target. Activity Documentation Relation Relation entre activités et ressources archivistiques Relación de procedencia funcional 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the . 2023-11-08 Made this relation a subclass of EventRelation. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Class implementation of RiC-R033 and RiC-R033 relations Categorization of an Activity. Activity Type Type d’activité Tipo de actividad 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed the 0.2 existing unnecessary restriction. 2020-10-23 Scope note: updated (different from RiC-CM scope note). Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. Can be extended with any number of subclasses, e.g. “function/action” and “activity domain”. This allows for a faceted approach that enables an Activity to be categorized using a combination of components, general or more specific. For example, “monitoring” can be used in combination with “election polls” or “water resources”. Corresponds to RiC-A02 (Activity Type attribute) A Person, or Group, or an entity created by a Person or Group (Mechanism), or a Position, that acts in the world. Agent Agent Agente 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-02-08 removed the Restrictions 2020-10-23 Comment: updated. Scope note: updated and made several paragraphs. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. An Agent may have one or more identities; an identity is a constellation of properties or relations that together “identify” the Agent. A Person or Group commonly has one identity, though each also may have one or more alternative identities. Such alternative identities may be shared by more than one Person or Group. Alternative identities include but are not limited to pseudonyms, heteronyms, DBA (Doing Business As), and trade identities. An alternative identity should not be confused with a Position in a Group, for example, presidents, prime ministers, governors, popes, royalty, or bishops. Nor should an alternative identity be confused with a variant name or identifier of the same identity. Agent also includes entities created by a Person or Group that act on behalf of the creating Agent in an autonomous or semi-autonomous manner. Examples of a Mechanism include software agents, robots, and space and underwater probes that generate data (records) in the course of Activity assigned to and in conformance with the instructions given to them by the creating Person or Group. Corresponds to RiC-E07 (Agent entity) true 1 1 Connects at least one Agent, to at least another Agent, when the first one(s) control(s) or controlled in a way the activities of the second one(s). The Relation is oriented from the controlling agent to the controlled one: the controlling Agent(s) is the source of the Relation, and the controlled Agent(s) is the target. Agent Control Relation Relation de contrôle entre agents Relación de control entre agentes 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Class implementation of RiC-R041 and RiC-R041i relations true 1 1 Connects at least one Agent to at least another Agent, when the first one is or was hierarchically superior to the second one. The Relation is oriented towards the 'bottom' of the hierarchical tree: the superior Agent(s) is the source of the Relation, and the inferior Agent(s) is the target. Agent Hierarchical Relation Relation hiérarchique entre agents Relación jerárquica entre agentes 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. The hierarchical relation can be an authority relation, or a whole/part relation between two agents. Class implementation of RiC-R045 and RiC-R045i relations A label, title or term designating an Agent in order to make it distinguishable from other similar entities. Agent Name Nom d’agent Nombre de Agente 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Class implementation of a specialization of RiC-A28 (Name attribute) true 1 1 Connects at least one Agent to at least another Agent that succeeds it chronologically for, for instance, fullfilling some functions or performing some activities. The Relation is oriented chronologically, from the predecessor to the successor: the predecessor Agent(s) is the source of the Relation, and the successor Agent(s) is the target. Agent Temporal Relation Relation temporelle entre agents Relación temporal entre agentes 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed the 0.2 existing unnecessary restriction. There may be zero to many intermediate agents, ignored or unknown, between the two connected agents. Can be used when there is a transfer of function from the first agent to the second agent. Class implementation of RiC-R016 and RiC-016i relations true 2 Connects at least two Agents. This Relation is a generic, not oriented one. Agent Relation Relation entre agents Relación entre agentes 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Use only if it is not possible to specify a narrower agent to agent relation, for example a WorkRelation. Class implementation of RiC-R044 and RiC-044i relations A concept of any kind that is used for designating an Entity and referring to it. Appellation Appellation Denominación 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. true 1 1 Connects an Appellation and at least one Thing that the Appellation designates or designated. The Appellation is the source of the Relation and the Thing(s) is the target. Appellation Relation Relation d’appellation Relación de denominación 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. true 1 1 Connects at least one Agent and at least one Thing over which the Agent has or had some authority. The Agent(s) is the source of the relation, and the Thing(s) is the target. Authority Relation Relation d’autorité Relación de control por parte de agentes 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Use only if it is not possible to specify a narrower authority relation, for example OwnershipRelation. Class implementation of RiC-R036 and RiC-R036i relations true 1 1 Connects at least one Record to at least one Person, Group or Position that is or was responsible for conceiving and formulating the information contained in the Record. The Record is the source of the Relation and the Person(s), Group(s) or Position(s) is the target. Authorship Relation Relation de responsabilité intellectuelle Relación de autoría 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-29 Created following the addition of RiC-R079 relation in RiC-CM 0.2 To be used for a person, group or position that makes any contribution to the content of a record. Includes the person, group or position in whose name or by whose command the content may have been formulated and first instantiated (for example the person who signed the record). Class implementation of RiC-R079 and RiC-R079i relations Number of physical units and/or physical dimensions of the carrier of an Instantiation. Carrier Extent Mesure d’un support Extensión del soporte 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-21 Changed a bit the definition and added change notes. 2020-10-28 Class added in order to handle an accurate description of a carrier extent In order to manage an instantiation of a record resource it is necessary to note the extent of the carrier as well as that of the instantiation itself. Whether it is necessary to note dimensions, the number of relevant units or both depends on the nature of the carrier and particular business needs. Class implementation of RiC-A04 (Carrier Extent) attribute Categorization of physical material on which information is represented. Carrier Type Type de support Tipo de soporte 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed the 0.2 existing unnecessary restriction. 2020-10-23 Scope note: updated (quite the same as RiC-CM definition). Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. In order to manage an instantiation of a record resource, it is necessary to note the type of carrier on which the record resource is instantiated as its nature will determine the environmental storage conditions and the prerequisites for and possible ways of accessing and using the record resource. Corresponds to RiC-A05 (Carrier Type attribute) true 1 1 Connects at least one Person to at least another Person, when the first has(ave) child(s) the second one(s). The Relation is oriented from the parent to the child: the parent is the source of the relation, and the child(ren) is the target. Child Relation Relation de filiation Relación de filiación 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Class implementation of RiC-R018 and RiC-R018i relations An idea, unit of thought, abstract cultural object or category Concept Concept Concepto 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. The fundamental form of communication in which a Record or Record Part is expressed. Content Type Type de contenu Tipo de contenido 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed the 0.2 existing unnecessary restriction. 2020-10-23 Scope note: added (quite the same as RiC-CM definition). Content Type should not be confused with Representation Type or Carrier Type that would concern a related Instantiation since the form of communication can be independent of the representation or carrier, for example a map (content type "cartographic image") may be represented as a sketch (representation type "visual") recorded as a physical document (carrier type "paper"). It also should not be confused with the Documentary Form Type of a Record, or Record Part, which describes a specific document form (for example a deed of sale). Corresponds to RiC-A10 (Content Type attribute) Longitudinal and latitudinal information about a Place. Coordinates Coordonnées géographiques Coordenadas de lugar 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed the 0.2 existing unnecessary restriction. 2021-02-08 Removed the cardinality Restrictions when the range is a datatype property Class implementation of RiC-A11 (Coordinates attribute) An organized group of persons that act together as an Agent, and that has a recognized legal or social status. Corporate Body Collectivité Institución 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-10-23 scope note: updated. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. Corporate body is a kind of Group (RiC-E09). By exception, within some legal contexts, a sole trader or sole proprietor may be recognized as a corporate body, even when the economic enterprise does not have additional members. Corporate bodies often have a mandate giving them the authority to act within their area(s) of competence. They will also usually act within a particular jurisdiction being governed by legal and other rule-based frameworks. A corporate body though may be constituted in a more informal manner and exist as an entity by virtue of its recognition as such by its members. Corresponds to RiC-E11 (Corporate Body entity) Categorization of a Corporate Body. Corporate Body Type Type de collectivité Tipo de institución 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed the 0.2 existing unnecessary restriction. Corresponds to RiC-A12 (Corporate Body Type attribute) true 2 Connects at least two Persons, when they correspond or corresponded to each other. This Relation is not oriented. Correspondence Relation Relation épistolaire Relación entre personas por correspondencia 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Class implementation of RiC-R052 and Ri052i relations true 1 1 Connects at least one Record Resource or Instantiation to at least one Agent, when the Agent is either responsible for all or some of the content of the Record Resource, or is a contributor to the genesis or production of the Instantiation. The Record Resource or Instantiation is the source of the Relation, and the Agent(s) is the target. Creation Relation Relation de création Relación de creación 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed a 0.2 existing unnecessary restriction. Covers the definition of "author" in diplomatics, and any agent that makes a contribution to the intellectual content of a record resource. Can also be used for any agent that was involved in the genesis (e.g. with the role of witness, representative of the author etc.) or in the production (e.g. with the role of scribe, secretary, notary, printer etc.) of the record resource or instantiation. Class implementation of RiC-R027 and RiC-R027i relations Chronological information associated with an entity that contributes to its identification and contextualization. Date Date Fecha 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-10-23 Scope note: made separate paragraphs. A Date may be represented in natural language, based on a digital standard, or both. Digital standard dates will typically be based on ISO 8601, or Extended Date-Time Format (EDTF) Corresponds to RiC-E18 (Date entity) Categorization of a Date. Date Type Type de date Tipo de fecha 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. Added a label in Spanish. 2023-10-10 Added the rdfs:comment, a French rdfs:label, and adjusted the rico:RiCCMCorrespondingComponent annotation. 2023-09-22 Added in RiC-O 1.0. May be used to categorize a Date as a single date, a date range or a date set or sub-categories of these broad types. This attribute should not be confused with the date relations defined to connect a Date entity and any other entity (such as RiC-R069 ‘is beginning date of’). Corresponds to RiC-A42 (Date Type attribute) (new in RiC-CM 1.0). Categorization of a Person or Group based on shared characteristics. Demographic Group Catégorie démographique Categoría demográfica 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-02-08 Removed the Restriction. 2020-10-23 Comment: updated. Scope note: updated and made several paragraphs. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. Can be extended with any number of specific subclasses. Among possible specific demographic groups are gender, (biological) sex, education, identity, place, ancestry, ethnic/cultural identification, and religion. Corresponds to RiC-A15 (Demographic Group attribute) true 1 1 Connects an Instantiation to at least one Instantiation that is derived from it, whether it exists or has been lost or destroyed. The Relation is oriented chronologically, from the first Instantiation in time to the derived Instantiation: the first Instantiation is the source of the Relation, and the derived Instantiation(s) is the target. Derivation Relation Relation de dérivation Relación de derivación 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. In some situations, it may be useful or necessary to connect an instantiation to an instantiation that was derived from it but no longer exists or has been lost. Class implementation of RiC-R014 and RiR014i relations true 1 1 Connects at least one Person to at least another Person, when the first has/have descendant the second one(s). The Relation is oriented from the ascendant to the descendant: the ascendant Person(s) is the source of the Relation, and the descendant Person(s) is the target. Descendance Relation Relation de descendance Relación de descendencia 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Class implementation of RiC-R017 and RiC-R017i relations Categorization of a Record or Record Part with respect to its extrinsic and intrinsic elements that together communicate its content, administrative and documentary context, and authority. Documentary Form Type Type de document Tipo documental 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed the 0.2 existing unnecessary restriction. 2020-10-23 Comment: updated. Scope note: made several paragraphs. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. Documentary Form Type plays an important role in determining the type of information a Record may comprise, its status of perfection, and its authenticity and reliability. Documentary form types exist in a specific social and cultural context, and within that context, are subject to change over time. Corresponds to RiC-A17 (Documentary Form Type attribute) Something that happens or occurs in time and space. Event Événement Evento 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed the 0.2 existing unnecessary restriction. 2020-10-23 Scope note: made separate paragraphs and some changes. An event may be caused by nature, an agent, or a combination of nature and agent. Events have temporal and spatial boundaries. An event may actively involve some agent(s) and affect any entity. An event may be discrete, happening at a specific moment in time, or may occur over an extended period of time. Events may have events as parts, and events may precede or follow one another. Multiple agents may participate in the same event, and in different roles. Corresponds to RiC-E14 (Event entity) LODE Event class (http://linkedevents.org/ontology/#Event) true 1 1 Connects at least one Event to at least one Thing, when the first is associated with the existence and lifecycle of the second one. The Event(s) is the source of the Relation, and the Thing(s) is the target. Event Relation Relation impliquant un événement Relación con un evento 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Use to connect an event and an entity only if it is not possible to specify a narrower event relation, for example a PerformanceRelation. Class implementation of RiC-R057 and RiC-R057i relations Categorization of an Event. Event Type Type d’événement Tipo de evento 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed the 0.2 existing unnecessary restriction. 2020-10-23 Scope note: updated and made several paragraphs. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. Events of all kinds can be categorized. Curation event types include creation; acquisition; transfer; arrangement; description; digitization, etc. Biographical event types include birth, marriage, death, etc. Corresponds to RiC-A18 (Event Type attribute) Countable characteristics of the content of an entity expressed as a quantity. Extent Mesure Extensión 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-10-28 Class added together with three subclasses and hasExtent and isExtentOf Object properties Physical or logical extent of a resource Categorization of the extent that is being measured. Extent Type Type de mesure Tipo de Extensión 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added an xml:lang attribute to the rdfs:comment. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-01 Added to specify the dimension that is being measured Two or more persons related by birth, or through marriage, adoption, civil union, or other social conventions that bind them together as a socially recognized familial group. Family Famille Familia 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-10-23 Scope note: made separate paragraphs and some changes. Family is a kind of Group. “Family” is used here as a general term that encompasses a wide variety of familial groups. Other types of familial groups include Dynasty, Clan, House, Tribe and others. Though family may be a recognized legal group in specific contexts, the term may also be used for groups that are socially recognized as families. A family may be a group of persons related either by consanguinity or affinity or cohabitation or other social conventions. In some context, a Family may be legally recognized as Corporate Body. For example, certain North American peoples (tribes) retain self-government rights and have jurisdiction over defined tribal lands. Corresponds to RiC-E10 (Family entity) true 2 Connects at least two Persons, when they have some family link, i.e. belong to the same family. This Relation is a generic, not oriented one. Family Relation Relation familiale Relación familiar 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Use the MembershipRelation class for connecting a family and a person. Class implementation of RiC-R047 and RiC-R047i relations Categorization of a Family. Family Type Type de famille Tipo de familia 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed the 0.2 existing unnecessary restriction. 2020-10-23 Comment: slighty changed. Encompasses a wide variety of familial groups related by consanguinity, affinity, cohabitation, or other social conventions. Corresponds to RiC-A20 (Family Type attribute) true 2 Connects at least two Instantiations which may be considered as equivalent. This Relation is not oriented. Functional Equivalence Relation Relation d’équivalence fonctionnelle Relación de equivalencia funcional 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Two instantiations, from some point of view, may be considered as equivalent. This equivalence is usually based upon the fact that the instantiations have at least the same intellectual content (they instantiate the same record resource). Class implementation of RiC-R035 and RiC-R035i relations Two or more Agents that act together as an Agent. Group Groupe d’agents Grupo de agentes 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-10-23 Scope note: made separate paragraphs plus very few changes. Disjoint with: enriched. Group is a kind of Agent. A Group has a socially recognized identity. Each member of the Group plays a particular role or roles (that is has a particular Position) in the coordinated activity of the Group. Corporate bodies and families are kinds of groups, though other kinds of groups are possible. For example, the “electorate” -- all of the voters in a given election. Complex, large groups may be subdivided into other groups. Corresponds to RiC-E09 (Group Entity) true 1 1 Connects a Group and at least another Group, when the first one has or had the second one(s) among its subdivisions. The Relation is oriented from the Group to its subdivision(s): the parent Group is the source and the subdivision Group(s) is the target. Group Subdivision Relation Relation de subdivision entre groupes d’agents Relación de subdivisión entre grupos de agentes 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Class implementation of RiC-R005 and RiC-R005i relations A word, number, letter, symbol, or any combination of these used to uniquely identify or reference an individual instance of an entity within a specific information domain. Identifier Identifiant Identificador 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed the 0.2 existing unnecessary restriction. Can include Global Persistent Identifiers (globally unique and persistently resolvable identifier for the entity) and/or Local Identifiers. Both the domain within which the identifier is unique, and the rules used in forming the identifier value should be provided with the identifier value. Class implementation of RiC-A22 (Identifier attribute) (see also the identifier datatype property) Categorization of an Identifier. Identifier Type Type d’identifiant Tipo de identificador 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed the 0.2 existing unnecessary restriction. 2020-10-19 Class added along with hasIdentifierType and isIdentifierTypeOf object properties. For example, 'old identifier' ; 'ISNI' (for a person or corporate body), etc. The inscription of information made by an Agent on a physical carrier in any persistent, recoverable form as a means of communicating information through time and space. Instantiation Instanciation Instanciación 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed the 0.2 existing unnecessary restrictions. 2020-10-23 Comment: updated. Scope note: updated and made several paragraphs. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. A Record or Record Part must have been instantiated at least once, though this instantiation may no longer exist at the moment of description. An instantiation might also exist at the moment of description, but be destroyed at a later moment in time, when, for example, a derived instantiation might become the only remaining instantiation. A Record Set may have an instantiation, which is to say that it is not a necessary condition. An Instantiation may be derived from another Instantiation. A Record Resource may have many Instantiations simultaneously (for instance, a record printed and saved in the same time as DOCX and PDF/A would have 3 concurrent instantiations) or through time (for example, copy of a record). Depending on the context, a new instantiation may be seen as a new or as the same record resource. During in the process of re-instantiation something is lost and something is preserved, but it is up to the context and the Agent that produces or uses that Instantiation to assess whether the two instantiations are functionally equivalent or not. For instance, a postcard representing a town map from 1874 (Instantiation 1) is digitized and kept as a JPEG file (Instantiation 2). The digital copy may be considered as instantiating the "same" Record by an Agent considering the information transmitted by the Record (e.g., the urban landscape displayed), but as a" different" Record by an antiquarian more focused on the materiality of the carrier. Successive instantiations may change the perceivable boundaries of a Record Resource. For instance, a case file comprising many records may be digitized and saved as one single PDF file, which, from management perspective, may be treated as one Record. Similarly, a large Record Set (a fonds or a series) may be maintained as one database. On the other hand, one record (main document and its annexes) may be digitized in separate files and each one may be managed as a discrete “physical” item. Instantiations may require mediation to communicate the information in the Record Resource. While a traditional Record on paper can simply be read by an Agent in order to understand the information, a vinyl recording, a video cassette or a digital file needs a device (mediator) to codify or decodify the information conveyed. This mediator may imply simple physical components (a turntable needle, for example), or a complex gallery of software and hardware elements. Instantiations are more than the mere informational content of Record Resource and may be the focus of preservation and physical management of records. The use of particular document types for records, such as a medieval charter, may have implications for the authenticity of the records. Hence, the way a Record Resource is instantiated contributes to the contextualizing of the content.record resource is instantiated contributes to the contextualizing the content. Distinguishing the message conveyed (Record Resource) and its physical representations (Instantiation) allows for the efficient management of their descriptions, and preserve information about a Record Resource even when no physical representation of it exists or is known to exist anymore. The relations between distinct instantiations can then be expressed wherever they coexist, and they can be related to the Record Resource they instantiate. Corresponds to RiC-E06 (Instantiation entity) PREMIS Representation Countable characteristics of an Instantiation expressed as a quantity. Instantiation Extent Mesure d’une instanciation Extensión de la instanciación 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-21 Changed a bit the definition and added change notes. 2020-10-28 Class added in order to handle an accurate description of an instantiation extent Class implementation of RiC-A23 (Instantiation Extent attribute) true 2 Connects at least two instantiations. This Relation is a generic, not oriented one. Instantiation to Instantiation Relation Relation entre instanciations Relación entre instanciaciones 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. true 1 1 Connects at least one Agent and one Record Resource or Instantiation on which the Agent has or had some intellectual property rights. The Agent(s) is the source of the Relation and the Record Resource(s) or Instantiation(s) is the target. Intellectual Property Rights Relation Relation de propriété intellectuelle Relación de propiedad intelectual 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Can be used, when the record resource is a work, for specifying the connection between the record resource and its author(s). Class implementation of RiC-R040 and RiC-R040i relations true 1 1 Connects at least one Person to at least another one, when the first one has some knowledge of the second one through time or space. The first Person is the source of the Relation, and the second one is the target. Knowing Of Relation Relation de connaissance à propos d’une personne Relación de conocimieto indirecto entre personas 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Class implementation of RiC-R050 and RiC-R050i relations true 2 Connects at least two Persons who directly know each other during their existence. This Relation is not oriented. Knowing Relation Relation de connaissance entre personnes Relación de conocimiento directo entre personas 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. The relation implies that the two persons met or at least corresponded with each other. Class implementation of RiC-R051 and RiC—R051i relations A spoken or written human language represented in a Record Resource or used by an Agent. Language Langue Lengua 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 Changed the definition (skos:comment annotation); so that it conforms to the RiC-CM one. 2020-10-23 Scope note from RiC-CM : deleted. Corresponds to RiC-A25 (Language attribute) true 1 1 1 Connects at least one Person and at least one Group, when the first one(s) lead(s) or led the second one(s). The Relation is oriented from the leading Person to the Group: the leading Person(s) is the source of the Relation, and the Group(s) is the target. Leadership Relation Relation de direction Relación de liderazgo 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Class implementation of RiC-R042 and RiC-R042i relations A status defined by law. Legal Status Statut légal Status jurídico 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Corresponds to RiC-A26 (Legal Status attribute) true 1 1 Connects at least one Agent and at least one Record Resource or Instantiation that the Agent manages or managed. The Agent(s) is the source of the Relation, and the Record Resource(s) or Instantiation(s) is the target. Management Relation Relation de gestion Relación de gestión 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Class implementation of RiC-R038 and RiC-R038i relations Delegation of responsibility or authority by an Agent to another Agent to perform an Activity. Mandate Mandat Norma 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-21 Removed the 0.2 existing unnecessary restriction. 2020-10-23 Scope note: made separate paragraphs and updated. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. Mandate is a kind of Rule. A mandate confers the responsibility or authority of an agent to perform a specified activity. In addition to assigning an activity and delegating responsibility or authority to perform the activity to an agent, a mandate commonly limits the place (jurisdiction) and date (time period) within which an agent may perform the activity (where and when). Mandates exist in a specific social and cultural context, and within that context are subject to change over time. While a mandate may be tacit, in whole or part, it may be explicitly expressed in a variety of documentary sources (for example, constitutions, legislation, (legal) acts, statutes, legal codes, ordinances, charges, charters, or mission statements). The evidence for identifying a mandate may be found in its entirety in one documentary source (for example, a law or regulation), or may be found in two or more sources. A mandate should not be confused with the one or more documentary sources that serve as evidence of its identity. A documentary source is a record. Corresponds to RiC-E17 (Mandate entity) true 1 1 1 Connects at least one Mandate and at least one Agent, when the first gives or gave the second one the authority or competencies to act. May also involve one to many Activities that the Mandate(s) assign(s) or assigned to the Agent(s). The Mandate(s) is the source of the Relation and the Agent(s) is the target. Mandate Relation Relation impliquant un mandat Relación normativa 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed a 0.2 existing unnecessary restriction. Class implementation of RiC-R067 and RiC-R067i relations Categorization of a Mandate. Mandate Type Type de mandat Tipo de norma 2023-11-12 Added in RiC-0 1.0 as it has been added to RiC-CM 1.0. For example : charter, treaty, contract, letter of appointment, papal mandate, episcopal mandate, ciurt mandate, election mandate, popular mandate, federal mandate, etc. Corresponds to RiC-A44 (Mandate Type attribute). A process or system created by a Person or Group that performs an Activity. Mechanism Système Mecanismo 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-10-23 scope note: made separate paragraphs. Disjoint with: enriched. Mechanism is a kind of Agent. A mechanism may have both mechanical and software components or may be exclusively software. A mechanism acts in the world producing physical or social effects and may generate or modify records. A mechanism performs activities based on rules determined by the agent that designed and created it. A mechanism has an essential, derivative relation with the designing and creating agent. Corresponds to RiC-E13 (Mechanism entity) true 1 1 1 Connects a Group and at least one Person, when the first one has or had the second one(s) among its members. The Relation is oriented from the Group to its members: the Group(s) is the source of the Relation, and the Person(s) is the target. Membership Relation Relation d’appartenance Relación de membresía 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Class implementation of RiC-R055 and RiC-R055i relations true 1 1 Connects an Instantiation and at least another Instantiation it has been migrated into. The Relation is oriented chronologically, from the first Instantiation in time (the migrated one) to the one which results from its migration: the first Instantiation in time is the source of the Relation, and the resulting Instantiation is the target. Migration Relation Relation de migration Relación de migración entre instanciaciones 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Use for digital instantiations. Class implementation of RiC-R015 and RiC-R015i relations A label, title or term designating an entity in order to make it distinguishable from other similar entities. Name Nom Nombre 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Provides brief information about the content or other individual characteristics of the entity being described, necessary to distinguish it from other perhaps similar entities. Class implementation of RiC-A28 (Name attribute) (see also the name datatype property) Categorization of a profession, trade, or craft pursued by a Person in fulfilment of an Activity. Occupation Type Type d’occupation Tipo de ocupación 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed the 0.2 existing unnecessary restriction. 2020-10-23 scope note: added. The pursuit of an occupation involves the performance of an Activity. Successful performance of the Activity is based on the ability to perform related competencies successfully. Such competencies may be acquired through education or experience, or a combination of both. The authority of the Person to pursue the occupation may be derived tacitly or explicitly from an external Agent, based on a demonstrated mastery of the competency. An occupation may be pursued independently by a Person or a Group, thereby contributing to the fulfilment of the function (activity) of the group. Should not be confused with Position where, for example, an agent with the occupation type "lawyer" holds the position of "legal counsel" in an agency. Related to but should not be confused with the domain or field of activity, such as an archivist who works in the domain of archival science. Corresponds to RiC-A30 (Occupation Type attribute) true 1 1 Connects at least one Record Resource or Instantiation to at least one Agent or Activity, when the Agent or Activity is the provenance of the Record Resource or Instantiation (i.e. when the Agent created, accumulated or maintained the Record Resource or Instantiation, or when the Activity resulted into them). The Record Resource(s) or Instantiation(s) is the source of the Relation, and the Agent(s) or Activity(-ies) is the target. Organic or functional provenance Relation Relation de provenance organique ou fonctionnelle Relación de procedencia orgánica or funcional 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-07 Renamed the relation (its name was ProvenanceRelation). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. This relation stands for organic and for functional provenance. true 1 1 Connects at least one Record Resource or an Instantiation to at least one Agent that creates or accumulates the Record Resource, receives it, or sends it. The Record Resource(s) or Instantiation(s) is the source of the Relation, and the Agent(s) is the target. Organic Provenance Relation Relation de provenance organique Relación de procedencia orgánica 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-07 Renamed the relation in order to make it clearer (its name was AgentOriginationRelation). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. This is the most general organic provenance relation. Use it to connect a record resource or instantiation with an agent only if it is not possible to use a narrower, more specific relation, for example Creation Relation. Class implementation of RiC-R026 and RiC-R026i relations true 1 1 Connects at least one Group, Person or Position and at least a Thing that these Agent(s) own(s) or owned. The Group(s), Person(s) or Position(s) is the source of the Relation, and the Agent(s) is the target. Ownership Relation Relation de propriété Relación de posesión 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Among other probably more rare use cases for archival description, can be used between agents (a person owns a corporate body, a corporate body owns a mechanism), or between agents and record resources. Class implementation of RiC-R037 and RiC-R037i relations true 1 1 Connects at least one Activity to at least one Agent that performs or performed the activity. The Activity(-ies) is the source of the Relation and the Agent(s) is the target. Performance Relation Relation entre activités et agents Relación de desarrollo funcional 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Class implementation of RiC-R060 and RiC-R060i relations An individual human being. Person Personne Persona 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed the 0.2 existing unnecessary restriction. 2021-02-08 Removed one Restriction. 2020-10-23 Scope note: made separate paragraphs and updated. Disjoint with: enriched. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. 2020-10-23 Scope note: made separate paragraphs and updated. Disjoint with: enriched. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. Person is a kind of Agent. Most commonly, a human being (biological person) has a single socially constructed identity or persona. Less common though not rare, one or more personae in addition to the original persona which emerges at or near birth may be associated with the human being over the course of that human being’s lifetime. Such "alternative personae" are most often created by the original person for specific purposes. The original persona may, in everyday discourse, be regarded as “the real person”. Under some circumstances, an alternative persona might eclipse or replace the original person (Mark Twain eclipsing Samuel Clemens; John Wayne eclipsing Marion Mitchell Morrison), that is, the alternative identity becomes the predominant identity. Less common is when two or more persons collaborate to create a shared persona. A persona shared by two or more persons constitutes a kind of group. Within the archival context, the description of a person commonly will focus on the original associated persona, with alternative personae noted. Exceptionally, an alternative persona may displace the original persona as the focus of the description. Under some circumstances, for example, when record resources are associated with two or more different personae of one person, describing the different personae as separate though related persons may be desirable. Alternatively, a person may change their identity over the course of their lifetime. Corresponds to RiC-E08 (Person entity) A delimitation of the physical territory of a Place. Physical Location Localisation physique Localización física de lugar 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed the two 0.2 existing unnecessary restrictions. Used to describe basic human-readable text such as an address, a cadastral reference, or less precise information found in a record. Use the coordinates datatype property, or the Coordinates class to capture the geographical coordinates of the Place. Use spatial relations (particularly 'has or had location') to capture a relation between two places. Class implementation of RiC-A27 (Location attribute) Bounded, named geographic area or region. Place Lieu Lugar 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed the 0.2 existing unnecessary restriction. 2020-10-23 Comment: updated. Scope note: updated and made several paragraphs. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. A jurisdiction is the bounded geographic area within which an Agent has the authority to perform specified activities constrained by rules. Jurisdictions, man-made structures, and natural features are historical entities. A Place thus may have a beginning date and ending date and changing boundaries that result from human or natural events. A Place may be systematically referenced to a location on the earth (geographic coordinates). Corresponds to RiC-E22 (Place entity) A label, title or term designating a Place in order to make it distinguishable from other similar entities. Place Name Nom de lieu Nombre de lugar 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Class implementation of a specialization of RiC-A28 (Name attribute) true 1 1 Connects a Place and at least one Thing when the first is associated with the existence and lifecycle of the second one. The Place is the source of the Relation and the Thing(s) is the target. Place Relation Relation impliquant un lieu Relación con lugar 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Class implementation of RiC-R074 and RiC-R074i relations Categorization of a Place. Place Type Type de lieu Tipo de lugar 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed the 0.2 existing unnecessary restriction. Broadly, a Place may be a member of three broad categories: jurisdiction, manmade structure, or a natural feature. Each of these three categories can subdivided into narrower categories. Corresponds to RiC-A32 (Place Type attribute) The functional role of a Person within a Group. Position Poste occupé Puesto 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-10-23 Scope note: made separate paragraphs and updated. Disjoint with: enriched. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. Position is a kind of Agent. Position is the intersection of a Person and a Group. Position exists independently of the Person that holds the Position within a Group. More than one Person may hold a Position. Position is commonly defined in a Mandate, often called a position description or job description. The Mandate may specify the work to be performed (Activity) as well as the competencies for performing the Activity. A Position is often given a Name. A Position may be tied to a project or to a set of tasks and thus have a defined duration. A Position may change over time, as the Group that establishes it changes over time. Position is not to be confused with Occupation or Activity. Within the records created by a Corporate Body, a Position may be used to identify the record sets resulting from activities performed by one or more persons holding the Position over time, without necessarily identifying or describing the Person or persons, or identifying which records were created by each Person. Corresponds to RiC-E12 (Position entity) true 1 1 Connects at least one Person and at least one Position that the Person(s) occupies or occupied. The Person is the source of the Relation and the Position is the target. Position Holding Relation Relation entre une personne et un poste Relación de ocupación entre una persona y un puesto 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Class implementation of RiC-R054 and RiC-R054i relations true 1 1 Connects at least one Position and a Group in which the position(s) exist(s) or existed, or that is (are) defined by that group's organizational structure. The Position(s) is the source of the Relation and the Group is the target. Position to Group Relation Relation entre un poste et un groupe Relación de ocupación entre un grupo y un puesto 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Class implementation of RiC-R056 and RiC-R056i relations The method used in the representation of information on an instantiation. Production Technique Type Type de technique de production Tipo de técnica de producción 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed the 0.2 existing unnecessary restriction. 2020-10-23 Comment: updated. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. Class implementation of RiC-A33 (Production Technique attribute) 1 1 A Proxy represents (stands for) a Record Resource as it exists in a specific Record Set. Proxy Proxy Proxy 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Useful for handling in RDF the sequencing of records or records sets in the context of a Record set. A Record Resource has only one Proxy in the context of one specific Record Set. It may have many Proxies simultaneously or through time. ORE Proxy (http://www.openarchives.org/ore/terms/Proxy) Discrete information content formed and inscribed, at least once, by any method on any carrier in any persistent, recoverable form by an Agent in the course of life or work activity. Record Objet informationnel Documento 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-02-08 Removed the Restriction. 2020-10-23 Scope note: updated and made several paragraphs. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. Record is a kind of Record Resource. A Record may itself contain one or more Records, or may consist of one or more Record Parts. A Record must have or have had at least one Instantiation. A Record may have more than one Instantiation. An Instantiation derived from another Instantiation of a Record may be considered the instantiation of the same Record or an instantiation of a new Record, depending on the context. A Record may serve a variety of purposes, though it always documents or is evidence of Activity. Corresponds to RiC-E04 (Record entity) Component of a Record with independent information content that contributes to the intellectual completeness of the Record. Record Part Partie d’objet informationnel Componente documental 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-02-08 Removed the Restriction. 2020-10-23 comment: updated. Scope note: made several paragraphs. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. Record Part is a kind of Record Resource. A Record Part may itself have Record Parts. Corresponds to RiC-E05 (Record Part entity) Information produced or acquired and retained by an Agent in the course of life or work activity. Record Resource Ressource archivistique Recurso documental 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed the 0.2 existing unnecessary restriction. 2021-02-08 Removed one Restriction. 2020-10-23 Scope note: made separate paragraphs plus very few changes. Record resource is a kind of Thing. Producing a record resource may imply either its initial creation or a reuse of previous existing information by combination, rearrangement, selecting, reformatting, etc. Record set, record, and record part are kinds of record resource. A record resource is evidence of the activity of an agent. More than one agent may be involved in the creation of a record resource. The role of the agent in creating the record resource may take different forms, for example, authoring of an individual record, accumulating a record set, or arranging a record set. Though a record, record set, and record part, under most circumstances, may be easily distinguished from one another, identifying the boundary of each may frequently present particular challenges. Documentary forms provide the rules governing the structure of many types of records, providing criteria for identifying a record's boundary, and identifying its essential parts. Many records, though, do not have well-established documentary forms, particularly in the case of digital records, where it may be difficult to determine whether individual elements represented in separate bitstreams are record parts, records, or record sets. For example, is photographic information represented independently in a bitstream embedded in a text document a record or a record part? Or is the same photographic information attached to an email that maintains its independent representation, a record or a record part? Information grouped for some purpose, for example, ZIP or TAR "file compression" for saving storage space, presents a further challenge. One file comprises multiple bitstreams subjected to techniques that remove bits that can be losslessly recovered when decompressed. Under what circumstances is such a compressed bitstream a record or a record set? Determining when an information object is a record, record set, or record part is based on perspective and judgement exercised in a particular context. In one context, the agent describing an information object may designate it a record, while another agent in a different context may designate it a record part. Both designations are supported by RiC-CM, and the significance of the difference for users of the records is ameliorated by the fact that all of the attributes and relations employed in describing record and record part are shared, as are many of the attributes and relations employed in describing a record set. Corresponds to RiC-E02 (Record Resource entity) The quantity of information content, as human experienced, contained in a Record Resource. Record Resource Extent Mesure d’une ressource archivistique Extensión de recurso documental 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-11-21 Changed a bit the definition and added change notes. 2020-10-28 Class added in order to handle an accurate description of a record resource extent The method and precision of expressing the quantity of information represented in a Record Resource will vary according to the kind of record resource being described, processing economy constraints, etc. For Record Sets, quantity may be expressed as number of records, or, for analogue records in particular, by the physical storage dimensions of the members of the Record Set. For individual Records or Record Parts, quantity may be expressed in more precise terms. Class implementation of RiC-A35 (Record Resource extent attribute) true 2 Connects two or more record resources when there is a genetic link between them. Genetic in this sense is as defined by diplomatics, i.e., the process by which a record resource is developed. This Relation is a generic, not oriented one. Record Resource Genetic Relation Relation génétique entre des ressources archivistiques Relación genética entre recursos documentales 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Class implementation of RiC-R023 and RiC-023i relations true 1 1 Connects at least one Agent and one or more Record Resource or Instantiation that the Agent(s) hold(s) or held. The Agent(s) is the source of the Relation and the Record Resource(s) or Instantiation is the target. Record Resource Holding Relation Relation entre agents et ressources archivistiques ou instanciations conservées Relación entre agentes y recursos documentales que conservan 2023-12-30 Fixed a typo in the French label. 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Class implementation of RiC-R039 and RiC-039i relations true 1 1 Connects a Record Resource to one or more Instantiations that instantiate it, and which either may exist or may have been lost or destroyed. The Record Resource is the source of the Relation and the Instantiation(s) is the target. Record Resource to Instantiation Relation Relation d’instanciation Relación de recurso documental a instanciación 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. In some situations, it may be useful or necessary to connect a record resource to an instantiation that no longer exists or has been lost, when some of its characteristics are known from a source, such as an old finding aid. Class implementation of RiC-R025 and RiC-R025i relations true 2 Connects at least two Record Resources. This Relation is a generic, not oriented one. Record Resource to Record Resource Relation Relation entre ressources archivistiques Relación entre recursos documentales 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Use to connect two record resources only if it is not possible to use a narrower, more specific relation, for example RecordResourceGeneticRelation. Class implementation of RiC-R022 and RiC-022i relations One or more records that are grouped together by an Agent based on the records sharing one or more attributes or relations. Record Set Ensemble d’objets informationnels Agrupación documental 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed the 0.2 existing unnecessary restriction. 2020-10-23 comment: updated. Scope note: updated and made several paragraphs. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. Record set is a kind of Record Resource. The member records in a Record Set may physically reside together, though physical proximity is not essential. In a particular context, an Agent (for example, administrator, records manager, archivist, end-user, etc.) may select the member records of a Record Set based on any shared attribute or attributes, or any shared relation or relations. The grouping of the records serves a purpose or purposes specific to the context of the Agent. For example, all member records of a Record Set have been accumulated by the same Agent; have the same Documentary Form Type; or are related to and document the same Activity. A Record Set may represent the act of classifying the records in accordance with a formal classification scheme that may be based on activity, subject, organizational structure, or other criteria; an act of archival arrangement (for example, based on common provenance); or some other selection and grouping that fulfils a particular purpose or purposes (for example, a classification that reflects or supports the purposes of a researcher). By exception, some records are brought together based on their not belonging in the context of selection to other designated groups: a 'Miscellaneous' series, for example. A Record Sset accumulated by an Agent in the course of life or work activity should be described in a manner that preserves context and evidential value. Record Sets may also contain other Record Sets. A Record Set or Record may simultaneously be a member of more than one Record Set, and over the course of its existence, a Record Set or Record may be a member of an indeterminate number of Record Sets in an indeterminate number of contexts. Record Sets and Records contained within a Record Set may be ordered into a sequence based on a common property or relation, or common properties or relations (for example, alphabetical by agent or related place); chronological order by creation date; or some other criterion (for example, an imposed order by relevance). Corresponds to RiC-E03 (Record Set entity) A broad categorization of the type of Record Set. Record Set Type Type d’ensemble d’objets informationnels Tipo de agrupación documental 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed the 0.2 existing unnecessary restriction. 2020-10-23 scope note: updated. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. Four instances of Record Set Type are included for now in RiC-O; they also are instances of skos:Concept and, as such, part of a SKOS vocabulary. Record Set Type may also be used (or extended) to categorize types of Record Set that have not traditionally been considered archival, e.g. search result list. Corresponds to RiC-A36 (Record Set Type attribute) Description of the production or reproduction status of a Record or Record Part. Record State État d’un objet informationnel Estado de documento 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-12-28 IRI and label changed (RecordResourceState to RecordState), as well as textual definition. 2020-10-23 scope note: updated. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. Can refer both to a record's stage of creation (for example "draft") and its form of transmission when the record was received (for example "copy"). Corresponds to RiC-A39 (State attribute) true The top level relation class. It connects at least two Things. An instance of a Relation may have some datatype and object properties: a general description (datatype property) like any Thing; a certainty (for 'certain', 'quite probable', 'uncertain','unknown'); a date (use either the date datatype property or the Date class and isAssociatedWithDate object property); a state (relationState); a location (use the Place class and isAssociatedWithPlace object property); a source of information that can be used as an evidence for it (use either source datatype property or hasSource object property). This Relation is the most generic one; it is not oriented. Relation Relation Relación 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-08 added the equivalence to relation_role. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2021-02-08 Removed the restrictions; completed the definition and scope note. Use when direct, binary object properties are not enough, e.g. when you need to record a date, a location or any other descriptive element for a relation (till RDF-Star becomes a W3C recommendation and provides a lighter method for doing so); or when the relation invloves more than two entities (n-ary relation). It is recommended to use the subclasses of the Relation class. Method of recording the content type of an Instantiation Representation Type Type de représentation Tipo de grabación 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed the 0.2 existing unnecessary restriction. 2020-10-23 Comment and scope note: updated. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. Can be unmediated (which allows humans to receive the message communicated without an intermediation of a device) and mediated (which needs a device to decode the message). A lot of contemporary mediated types are digital. Each representation type may present specific features: bit rate for audio, resolution for digital images, encoding format for video etc. Depending on the type, specific attributes may be added to describe their characteristics. Corresponds to RiC-A37 (Representation Type attribute) The role an Agent plays in some context (usually in some creation relation). Not to be confused with a Position (position of an agent in some group). For example, a Person who is the head of some Corporate Body may play the role of annotator (of a record) in a creation relation. Role Type Type de rôle Tipo de rol 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Conditions that govern the existence, responsibility, or authority of an Agent; or the performance of an Activity by an Agent; or that contribute to the distinct characteristics of things created or managed by an Agent. Rule Règle Regla 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed the 0.2 existing unnecessary restriction. 2021-02-11 Updated the definition (rdfs:comment) and scope note, as they were recently changed in RiC-CM 0.2 full draft. 2020-10-23 Scope note: made separate paragraphs and updated. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. Rule is a kind of Thing. Rule can be related directly to agent, activity, or anything created or managed by agents, such as a record resource or instantiation. A rule may be unwritten or written or otherwise documented. Unwritten rules may include though are not limited to the following: social mores, customs, or community expectations. Written rules may include though are not limited to the following: constitutions, legislation, acts (legal), statutes, legal codes, ordinances, charters, mission statements, regulations, policies, procedures, instructions, codes of conduct or ethics, professional standards, work assignments, or work plans. The source or sources of some rules governing the existence or activity of an agent may be external (for example, expressed in elections, social mores, customs, community expectations, laws, regulations, standards, and best practice codes), while others may be expressed within the immediate context of an agent (for example, policies, or written or verbal instructions). The evidence for identifying rules may be found in their entirety in one documentary source (for example, a law or regulation) or may be found in two or more sources. Rule should not be confused with the one or more documentary sources that serve as evidence of its identity. A documentary source is a record. Corresponds to RiC-E16 (Rule entity) true 1 1 Connects at least one Rule to at least one Thing when it is associated with existence and lifecycle of the Thing. The Rule(s) is the source of the Relation, and the Thing(s) is the target. Rule Relation Relation impliquant une règle Relación con regla 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Class implementation of RiC-R062 and RiC-R062i relations Categorization of a Rule. Rule Type Type de règle Tipo de regla 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: added a rico:RiCCMCorrespondingComponent. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2023-04-19 Removed the 0.2 existing unnecessary restriction. 2020-10-19 Class added along with hasRuleType and isRuleTypeOf object properties. For example, for rules that can be applied to record resources : access rule, use rule, etc. Corresponds to RiC-A45 (Rule Type attribute). true 1 1 Connects at least one Thing to at least one other Thing that follows or followed it in some sequence. The Relation is oriented from the first Thing(s) in the sequence to the following one(s): the first Thing(s) is the source, and the following Thing(s) is the target. Sequential Relation Relation séquentielle Relación secuencial 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment), skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. The relation does not specify the criteria used for ordering the sequence. There may be zero to many intermediate entities, ignored or unknown, in the sequence between the two connected things. Can be used, for example, for specifying that a record "has next" another record within a record set. Class implementation of RiC-R008 and RiC-R008i relations true 2 Connects at least two Persons, when they are siblings. This Relation is not oriented. Sibling Relation Relation de fratrie Relación familiar entre hermanos 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Class implementation of RiC-R048 and RiC-R048i relations true 2 Connects at least two Persons, when they are spouses. This Relation is not oriented. Spouse Relation Relation matrimoniale Relación matrimonial entre personas 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Class implementation of RiC-R049 and RiC-R049i relations true 1 1 Connects at least one Person to at least another Person who is or was their student. The Relation is oriented from the teacher(s) to the student(s): the teacher Person(s) is the source of the Relation, and the student Person(s) is the target. Teaching Relation Relation entre enseignants et étudiants Relación académica entre profesor y alumno 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Class implementation of RiC-R053 and RiC-R053i relations true 1 1 Connects at least one Thing to at least one other Thing that follows it in chronological order. The Relation is oriented chronologically: the preceding Thing(s) is the source of the Relation, the following Thing(s) is the target. Temporal Relation Relation temporelle Relación temporal 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the skos:scopeNote. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. There may be zero to many intermediate entities, ignored or unknown, in the chronological sequence between the connected entities. Class implementation of RiC-R009 and RiC-R009i relations Any idea, material thing, or event within the realm of human experience. Thing Chose Cosa 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-10-23 made separate paragraphs in the scope note. Includes all RiC entities as well as any concept, material thing, or event that may be the subject of a Record Resource or associated with an Activity. Examples of entities not explicitly addressed in RiC includes but is not limited to the following: abstract concepts; cultural movements, named periods and events; named things, objects and works; legendary, mythical or fictitious figures, characters or beings. Corresponds to RiC-E01 (Thing entity) A name that is used for a Record Resource or a Rule Title Intitulé Título 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Class implementation of a specialization of RiC-A28 (Name attribute) A superclass for any category of some thing. A type characterizes an entity. Type Type Tipo 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. true 1 1 Connects a category (a Type) and at least one Thing that belongs to this category. The Type(s) is the source of the Relation, and the Thing(s) is the target. Type Relation Relation de catégorisation Tipo de relación 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. may be useful at least for some types (e.g. demographic group) A definite magnitude of a quantity, defined and adopted by convention or by law, that is used as a standard for measurement of the same kind of quantity. Can be spacial units (cm, m), weight (g, kg), time (s, h), storage (MB, TB) or more informal units used in the archival context like number of boxes, pages or words. Unit Of Measurement Unité de mesure Unidad de medida 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added an xml:lang attribute to the rdfs:comment. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. 2020-10-28 Class added in order to be able to handle units of measurement as full entities. true 1 1 Connects a Thing to at least one other Thing that is or was a portion or division of the whole Thing. The Relation is oriented from the Thing to its part(s): the Thing is the source of the Relation, and the part Thing(s) is the target. Whole Part Relation Relation partitive Relación entre todo y parte 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Class implementation of RiC-R002 and RiC-R002i relations true 2 Connects at least two Agents that have or had some type of work relation in the course of their activities. This Relation is not oriented. Work Relation Relation de travail Relación profesional 2023-12-06 Improved the description of the Relation class (rdfs:comment) by clearly specifying how it is directed. 2023-11-12 Aligned with RiC-CM 1.0: updated the description (rdfs:comment). 2023-11-08 In order to get a system of rolified Relation classes: added an equivalentClass object property; replaced the specific object properties by the generic ones in the subClassOf declarations. 2023-11-02 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-25 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Class implementation of RiC-R046 and RiR046i relations International Coucil on Archives Expert Group on Archival Description (ICA EGAD) International Council on Archives Records in Contexts Vocabulary for Documentary Form Types Documentary Form Types Types de documents Tipos documentales en fr es 2023-12-13 Completed the metadata of the vocabulary: added dc:language, a history note and a scope note. 2023-11-25 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. A vocabulary that provides URIs for describing documentary form types of RiC Records and Record Parts. This vocabulary was created within the Records in Contexts Ontology. When the ICA/EGAD developed RiC-O 1.0, it was decided that two versions of RiC-O would be released. The first one, consisting of a unique large OWL file, would remain the reference one. RiC-0 1.0 would also be provided as a set of files, in order to address specific needs, e.g. using only the core of the ontology, or using only the individuals it defined and defining new individuals. So from December 2023, you can find the vocabulary on Documentary Form Types, either in the unique large OWL RiC-O file, or as a separate file. For now this vocabulary only defines two top concepts; it should hopefully be completed later. The concepts defined in this vocabulary can be used in combination with RiC-O classes and properties, whenever necessary and appropriate, to assign a documentary form type to a Record or a Record Part, using the rico:hasDocumentaryFormType object property, or its inverse one. They also can be used to specify that a rico:RecordSet included or includes members whose some (rico:hasOrHadSomeMembersWithDocumentaryFormType) or all (rico:hasOrHadAllMembersWithDocumentaryFormType) have some Documentary Form Type. Each concept is both defined as a skos:Concept and a rico:DocumentaryFormType, so that it is possible to extend the classic definition of such concepts using RiC-O properties. For example, you can use rico:history, rico:date, or rico:isAssociatedWithPlace, rico:precedesInTime, if you consider a documentary form type as being a historical entity, known and used in some known space or time region. International Coucil on Archives Expert Group on Archival Description (ICA EGAD) International Council on Archives Records in Contexts Vocabulary for Record Set Types Record Set Types Types d’ensembles d’objets informationnels Tipos de agrupación documental en fr es 2023-12-13 Completed the metadata of the vocabulary: added dc:language, a history note and a scope note. 2023-11-25 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. This vocabulary was created within the Records in Contexts Ontology. When the ICA/EGAD developed RiC-O 1.0, it was decided that two versions of RiC-O would be released. The first one, consisting of a unique large OWL file, would remain the reference one. RiC-0 1.0 would also be provided as a set of files, in order to address specific needs, e.g. using only the core of the ontology, or using only the individuals it defined and defining new individuals. So from December 2023, you can find the vocabulary on Record Set Types, either in the unique large OWL RiC-O file, or as a separate file. A vocabulary that provides URIs for describing types of RiC Record Sets. For now this vocabulary only defines four top concepts; it should hopefully be completed later. The concepts defined in this vocabulary can be used in combination with RiC-O classes and properties, whenever necessary and appropriate, to assign a record set type to a Record Set, using the rico:hasRecordSetType object property, or its inverse one. Each concept is both defined as a skos:Concept and a rico:RecordSetType, so that it is possible to extend the classic definition of such concepts using RiC-O properties. For example, you can use rico:history, rico:date, or rico:isAssociatedWithPlace, rico:precedesInTime, if you consider a record set type as being a historical entity, known and used in some known space or time region. authority record notice d’autorité registro de autoridad 2023-11-25 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. This category can be used for records that describe an entity. finding aid instrument de recherche instrumento de descripción 2023-11-25 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. This documentary form type can be used for records that aggregate and organizes metadata on some record(s) or record set(s). collection collection colección 2023-11-25 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. An artificial assemblage of documents accumulated on the basis of some common characteristic without regard to the provenance of those documents. Not to be confused with an archival fonds. (From ICA ISAD(G)) dossier file expediente 2023-11-25 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. An organized unit of documents grouped together either for current use by the creator or in the process of archival arrangement, because they relate to the same subject, activity, or transaction. A file is usually the basic unit within a record series. (From ICA ISAD(G)) fonds fonds fondo 2023-11-25 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. The whole of the records, regardless of form or medium, organically created and/or accumulated and used by a particular person, family, or corporate body in the course of that creator's activities and functions. (From ICA ISAD(G)) series série organique serie 2023-11-25 Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish. 2023-08-28 Added a new rdfs:label in French. Documents arranged in accordance with a filing system or maintained as a unit because they result from the same accumulation or filing process, or the same activity; have a particular form; or because of some other relationship arising out of their creation, receipt, or use. A series is also known as a records series. (From ICA ISAD(G))