The BIO vocabulary contains terms useful for finding out more about people and their backgrounds and has some cross-over into genealogical information. The approach taken is to describe a person's life as a series of interconnected key events, around which other information can be woven. This vocabulary defines the event framework and supplies a set of core event types that cover many use cases, but it is expected that it will be extended in other vocabularies to suit their needs. The intention of this vocabulary is to describe biographical events of people and this intention carries through to the definitions of the properties and classes which are person-centric rather than neutral. For example the Employment event puts the person being employed as the principal agent in the event rather than the employer.
The BIO vocabulary defines a number of core classes and properties for describing biographical information:
At its heart the BIO vocabulary is concerned with people, their relationships and the events in their lives. Together these can be used to build up a narrative of a person's life and their interactions with other people, organizations and the world around them. Events bound intervals of time that may be associated with particular relationships between people and groups or organisations. Many different types of life event are defined in this vocabulary including the obvious Birth, Marriage and Death but also Coronation, Performance and even Murder. These events are not intended to be fully comprehensive but are representative of the types of events associated with biographical material. Currently the relationship segment of the vocabulary is underspecified with only a generic Relationship class available. It is envisaged that many types of relationship such as families, employments and ownerships will be specified in the future.
The sequence of events and intervals build a timeline of history against which people and their relationships can be placed. The aim is to enable simple forms of genealogical reasoning such as determining whether a child was born out of wedlock or the location of a family given the fact one of their children was attending a particular school. Events are ordered in time by relating them to one another and to abstract intervals of time:
Please see for the master version of this vocabulary.
_:e a bio:Birth
; dc:date "1879-03-14"
; bio:principal <>
; bio:parent <>
; bio:parent <>
; bio:place <>
_:e a bio:Marriage
; dc:date "1903"
; bio:partner <>
; bio:partner <>
; bio:place <>
_:e a bio:Death
; dc:date "1955-04-18"
; bio:principal <>
; bio:place <,_New_Jersey>
_:e a bio:Divorce
; dc:date "1919-02-14"
; bio:partner <>
; bio:partner <>
; bio:place <>
_:e a bio:Cremation
; dc:date "1955-04-18"
; bio:principal <>
; bio:place <,_New_Jersey>
_:e a bio:Emigration
; dc:date "1940"
; bio:principal <>
; bio:state <>
_:e a bio:Emigration
; dc:date "1933"^^xsd:gYear
; bio:principal <>
; bio:state <>
_:e a bio:Graduation
; dc:date "1905"^^xsd:gYear
; bio:principal <>
; bio:organization <>
It is expected that the value of this property is either a literal formatted with HTML markup or a pointer to an HTML document.
The date should be formatted as specified in ISO8601. For example: 2003-03-15 corresponds to the 15th March 2003, and 2003-03-15T13:21-05:00 corresponds to 15th March 2003, 8:21 am, US Eastern Standard Time.
Based on information at Wikipedia and Hull University
@prefix foaf: .
@prefix rdfs: .
a foaf:Person
; foaf:name "Henry VIII, King of England"
; bio:father _:henryvii
; bio:mother _:elizplantagenet
; bio:child _:child1, _:child2, _:child3, _:child4, _:child5, _:child6, _:child7, _:child8
; bio:birth _:birth
; bio:death _:death
; bio:event _:burial, _:accession, _:coronation, _:marriage1
, _:marriage2, _:marriage3, _:marriage4, _:marriage5, _:marriage6
a foaf:Person
; foaf:name "Henry VII Tudor, King of England"
; bio:child _:henryviii
a foaf:Person
; foaf:name "Elizabeth of York"
; bio:child _:henryviii
a bio:Birth
; rdfs:label "The birth of Henry VIII to Henry VII and Elizabeth Plantagenet on 28 June 1491"
; bio:date "1491-06-28"
; bio:place
; bio:parent _:henryvii, _:elizplantagenet
; bio:principal _:henryviii
a bio:Death
; rdfs:label "The death of Henry VIII on 28 January 1547"
; bio:date "1547-01-28"
; bio:place
; bio:principal _:henryviii
a bio:Accession
; rdfs:label "The accession of Henry VIII to the throne of England on 21 April 1509"
; bio:date "1509-06-24"
; bio:principal _:henryviii
; bio:state
; bio:immediatelyPrecedingEvent [ a bio:Death
; rdfs:label "The death of Henry VII on 9 May 1509"
; bio:date "1509-05-09"
; bio:place
; bio:principal _:henryvii
a bio:Coronation
; rdfs:label "The coronation of Henry VIII as King of England on 24 June 1509"
; bio:date "1509-06-24"
; bio:place
; bio:principal _:henryviii
; bio:precedingEvent _:accession
a bio:Burial
; rdfs:label "The burial of Henry VII at St.George's Chapel, Windsor Castle,England"
; bio:place
; bio:principal _:henryviii
; bio:precedingEvent _:death
a bio:Marriage
; rdfs:label "The marriage of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon"
; bio:date "1509-06-11"
; bio:place
; bio:partner _:henryvii, _:catharagon
a bio:Annulment
; rdfs:label "The annulment of the marriage between Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon"
; bio:date "1533-05-23"
; bio:partner _:henryvii, _:catharagon
; bio:officiator
a foaf:Person
; foaf:name "Anne Boleyn"
; bio:child _:child1, _:child2, _:child3, _:child4, _:child5
; bio:event _:marriage1, _:annulment1
a foaf:Person
; rdfs:label "Unnamed daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon"
; bio:event [ a bio:Birth
; bio:date "1510-01-31"
; bio:principal _:child1
; bio:parent _:henryviii, _:catharagon
; bio:event [ a bio:Death
; bio:date "1510-02-02"
; bio:principal _:child1
a foaf:Person
; foaf:name "Henry"
; bio:event [ a bio:Birth
; bio:date "1511-01-01"
; bio:principal _:child2
; bio:parent _:henryviii, _:catharagon
; bio:event [ a bio:Death
; bio:date "1511-02-22"
; bio:principal _:child2
a foaf:Person
; foaf:name "Henry"
; bio:event [ a bio:Birth
; bio:date "1514-12"
; bio:principal _:child3
; bio:parent _:henryviii, _:catharagon
; bio:event [ a bio:Death
; bio:principal _:child3
a foaf:Person
; foaf:name "Mary"
; bio:event [ a bio:Birth
; bio:date "1516-02-18"
; bio:principal _:child4
; bio:parent _:henryviii, _:catharagon
; bio:event [ a bio:Death
; bio:date "1558-11-17"
; bio:principal _:child4
a foaf:Person
; rdfs:label "Unnamed daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon"
; bio:event [ a bio:Birth
; bio:date "1518-11"
; bio:principal _:child5
; bio:parent _:henryviii, _:catharagon
; bio:event [ a bio:Death
; bio:principal _:child5
a bio:Marriage
; rdfs:label "The marriage of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn"
; bio:date "1533-01-25"
; bio:partner _:henryvii, _:anneboleyn
; bio:place
a foaf:Person
; foaf:name "Anne Boleyn"
; bio:child _:child6
; bio:event _:marriage2, _:annulment2, _:anneboleyn-death
a bio:Annulment
; rdfs:label "The annulment of the marriage between Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn"
; bio:date "1536-05-17"
; bio:partner _:henryvii, _:anneboleyn
a bio:Execution
; rdfs:label "The beheading of Anne Boleyn"
; bio:date "1536-05-19"
; bio:place
; bio:principal _:anneboleyn
a foaf:Person
; foaf:name "Elizabeth"
; bio:event [ a bio:Birth
; bio:date "1533-09-07"
; bio:principal _:child6
; bio:parent _:henryviii, _:anneboleyn
; bio:event [ a bio:Death
; bio:date "1603-03-24"
; bio:principal _:child6
a bio:Marriage
; bio:date "1536-05-20"
; bio:partner _:henryviii, _:janeseymour
; bio:place
a foaf:Person
; foaf:name "Jane Seymour"
; bio:event _:marriage3, _:janeseymour-death
; bio:child _:child7
a bio:Death
; rdfs:label "The death of Jane Seymour on 24 October 1537"
; bio:date "1537-10-24"
; bio:principal _:janeseymour
; bio:place
a foaf:Person
; foaf:name "Edward"
; bio:event [ a bio:Birth
; bio:date "1537-10-12"
; bio:principal _:child7
; bio:parent _:henryviii, _:janeseymour
; bio:place
; bio:event [ a bio:Accession
; bio:immediatelyPrecedingEvent _:death
; bio:event [ a bio:Death
; bio:date "1553-07-06"
; bio:principal _:child7
; bio:place
a bio:Marriage
; bio:date "1540-01-06"
; bio:partner _:henryvii, _:annecleves
; bio:place
; bio:officiator
a bio:Annulment
; rdfs:label "The annulment of the marriage between Henry VIII and Anne of Cleves"
; bio:date "1540-07-09"
; bio:partner _:henryviii, _:annecleves
a foaf:Person
; foaf:name "Anne of Cleves"
; bio:event _:marriage4, _:annulment3
a bio:Marriage
; bio:date "1540-07-28"
; bio:partner _:henryviii, _:cathhoward
; bio:place
a foaf:Person
; foaf:name "Catherine Howard"
; bio:event _:marriage5, _:cathhoward-death
a bio:Execution
; rdfs:label "The beheading of Catherine Howard"
; bio:date "1542-02-13"
; bio:place
; bio:principal _:cathhoward
a bio:Marriage
; rdfs:label "The marriage between Henry VIII and Catherine Parr"
; bio:date "1543-07-12"
; bio:place
; bio:partner _:henryviii, _:cathparr
a foaf:Person
; foaf:name "Catherine Parr"
; bio:event _:marriage6
a foaf:Person
; foaf:name "Elizabeth Blount"
; bio:child _:child8
a foaf:Person
; foaf:name "Henry FitzRoy"
; foaf:mother _:elizblount
; foaf:father _:henryviii
; bio:event [ a bio:Birth
; bio:principal _:child8
; bio:date "1519-06-15"
; bio:parent _:henryviii, _:elizblount
; bio:place
a bio:Interval
; rdfs:label "The period of time during which Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon were married"
; bio:initiatingEvent _:marriage1
; bio:concludingEvent _:annulment1
a bio:Interval
; rdfs:label "The period of time during which Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn were married"
; bio:initiatingEvent _:marriage2
; bio:concludingEvent _:annulment2
a bio:Interval
; rdfs:label "The period of time during which Henry VIII and Jane Seymour were married"
; bio:initiatingEvent _:marriage3
; bio:concludingEvent _:janeseymour-death
a bio:Interval
; rdfs:label "The period of time during which Henry VIII and Anne of Cleves were married"
; bio:initiatingEvent _:marriage4
; bio:concludingEvent _:annulment3
a bio:Interval
; rdfs:label "The period of time during which Henry VIII and Catherine Howard were married"
; bio:initiatingEvent _:marriage5
; bio:terminatingEvent _:cathhoward-death
a bio:Interval
; rdfs:label "The period of time during which Henry VIII and Catherine Parr were married"
; bio:initiatingEvent _:marriage6
; bio:terminatingEvent _:henryviii-death