Merge branch 'marlon' into Noah

* marlon:
  final merged project marlon + chrigi working sweet and smooth <3
  backup before merge with chrigi
  final marlon scene before merge with christoph
  newest working version marlon 10.0 sheesh
  newest version marlon
  almost perfect version!

# Conflicts:
#	Assets/Assets/00_Shared/05_Scripts/SceneChanger.asset
#	Assets/Samples/XR Interaction Toolkit/2.0.3/Starter Assets/XRI Default Input Actions.inputactions
#	ProjectSettings/ProjectSettings.asset
#	ProjectSettings/TagManager.asset
nooahe 2023-01-19 09:28:04 +01:00
commit a42f89e1b7
403 changed files with 40180 additions and 2021 deletions

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

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View File

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View File

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m_Calls: []
m_ActionId: 21b75b25-12ad-410f-b4f8-a7745b7aca27
m_ActionName: XRI LeftHand Interaction/Rotate Anchor
- m_PersistentCalls:
m_Calls: []
m_ActionId: bfa204c7-3c92-4193-bad1-39eb71920042
m_ActionName: XRI LeftHand Interaction/Translate Anchor
- m_PersistentCalls:
m_Calls: []
m_ActionId: 723629f0-8d0c-48a4-9326-e1d075de54f7
m_ActionName: XRI LeftHand Interaction/pressedX
- m_PersistentCalls:
m_Calls: []
m_ActionId: cbeaf823-3b69-4004-8ec8-13ea2ca3fc31
m_ActionName: XRI LeftHand Locomotion/Teleport Select
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m_Calls: []
m_ActionId: a21db72c-4843-4839-b4d0-3ce8d287cb86
m_ActionName: XRI LeftHand Locomotion/Teleport Mode Activate
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m_ActionId: 89ce8348-6001-41a3-85b9-f8f2e2dcad7c
m_ActionName: XRI LeftHand Locomotion/Teleport Mode Cancel
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m_Calls: []
m_ActionId: 9164e093-ebd4-4923-af32-1b52f31c2d66
m_ActionName: XRI LeftHand Locomotion/Turn
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m_Calls: []
m_ActionId: 9693e25f-8a4f-4aed-842f-3961243c69a1
m_ActionName: XRI LeftHand Locomotion/Move
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m_Calls: []
m_ActionId: c4990d70-7b8a-4ce1-b03c-da86716b8352
m_ActionName: XRI RightHand/Position
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m_Calls: []
m_ActionId: ee6bf5bf-bb0a-4a50-8327-cb654b19e298
m_ActionName: XRI RightHand/Rotation
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m_Calls: []
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m_ActionName: XRI RightHand/Tracking State
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m_Calls: []
m_ActionId: 57b2a1b4-3290-46d6-ac07-4854ee8f91b1
m_ActionName: XRI RightHand/Haptic Device
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m_Calls: []
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m_ActionName: XRI RightHand Interaction/Select
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m_Calls: []
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m_ActionName: XRI RightHand Interaction/Select Value
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m_Calls: []
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m_ActionName: XRI RightHand Interaction/Activate
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m_Calls: []
m_ActionId: c3ca6ed7-3d25-44a2-b1d8-5be4eb699370
m_ActionName: XRI RightHand Interaction/Activate Value
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m_Calls: []
m_ActionId: 65174b45-c2ee-4f90-93bb-fb4084eaaab3
m_ActionName: XRI RightHand Interaction/UI Press
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m_Calls: []
m_ActionId: 962ac033-ec42-4981-88a4-551ad9be6ecb
m_ActionName: XRI RightHand Interaction/UI Press Value
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m_Calls: []
m_ActionId: 9b5d8312-f609-4895-b70f-81a722b2ae11
m_ActionName: XRI RightHand Interaction/Rotate Anchor
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m_Calls: []
m_ActionId: 6f7cf253-7062-443b-b10f-2be48a33f027
m_ActionName: XRI RightHand Interaction/Translate Anchor
- m_PersistentCalls:
m_Calls: []
m_ActionId: 02e43582-8973-4940-af06-dff6158e3df2
m_ActionName: XRI RightHand Locomotion/Teleport Select
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m_Calls: []
m_ActionId: a6c7231d-c55d-4dd4-9e87-877bb5522ef5
m_ActionName: XRI RightHand Locomotion/Teleport Mode Activate
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m_Calls: []
m_ActionId: d587b60c-39a0-4365-8075-477ce484ba0f
m_ActionName: XRI RightHand Locomotion/Teleport Mode Cancel
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m_Calls: []
m_ActionId: 9fb2eb2b-2fb6-4328-8167-10a1bf11b424
m_ActionName: XRI RightHand Locomotion/Turn
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m_ActionId: 00a4dc9f-1ee6-4349-b0e9-72d5dccaadd6
m_ActionName: XRI RightHand Locomotion/Move
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m_ActionName: XRI LeftHand Interaction/pressedA
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR;
using UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit;
using TMPro; // Add the TextMesh Pro namespace to access the various functions.
using System.Linq;
public class HandAnim : MonoBehaviour
private XRController controller = null;
public Animator m_animator = null;
public const string ANIM_LAYER_NAME_POINT = "Point Layer";
public const string ANIM_LAYER_NAME_THUMB = "Thumb Layer";
public const string ANIM_PARAM_NAME_FLEX = "Flex";
public const string ANIM_PARAM_NAME_POSE = "Pose";
private int m_animLayerIndexThumb = -1;
private int m_animLayerIndexPoint = -1;
private int m_animParamIndexFlex = -1;
private int m_animParamIndexPose = -1;
private Collider[] m_colliders = null;
public float anim_frames = 4f;
private float grip_state = 0f;
private float trigger_state = 0f;
private float triggerCap_state = 0f;
private float thumbCap_state = 0f;
private void Awake(){
// animator =
// controller = gameObject.GetComponentInParent<ActionBasedController>();
// Debug.Log(;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
m_colliders = this.GetComponentsInChildren<Collider>().Where(childCollider => !childCollider.isTrigger).ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < m_colliders.Length; ++i)
Collider collider = m_colliders[i];
// collider.transform.localScale = new Vector3(COLLIDER_SCALE_MIN, COLLIDER_SCALE_MIN, COLLIDER_SCALE_MIN);
collider.enabled = true;
m_animLayerIndexPoint = m_animator.GetLayerIndex(ANIM_LAYER_NAME_POINT);
m_animLayerIndexThumb = m_animator.GetLayerIndex(ANIM_LAYER_NAME_THUMB);
m_animParamIndexFlex = Animator.StringToHash(ANIM_PARAM_NAME_FLEX);
m_animParamIndexPose = Animator.StringToHash(ANIM_PARAM_NAME_POSE);
grip_state = 0;
trigger_state = 1;
triggerCap_state = 1;
thumbCap_state = 1;
m_animator.SetFloat(m_animParamIndexFlex, grip_state);
m_animator.SetFloat("Pinch", trigger_state);
m_animator.SetLayerWeight(m_animLayerIndexPoint, 1f-triggerCap_state);
m_animator.SetLayerWeight(m_animLayerIndexThumb, 1f-thumbCap_state);
// var inputDevices = new List<UnityEngine.XR.InputDevice>();
// UnityEngine.XR.InputDevices.GetDevices(inputDevices);
// foreach (var device in inputDevices)
// {
// Debug.Log(string.Format("Device found with name '{0}' and role '{1}'",, device.role.ToString()));
// solutionText.SetText(string.Format("Device found with name '{0}' and role '{1}'",, device.role.ToString()));
// }
public void normalPose(float value) {
grip_state = value-1;
trigger_state = value;
triggerCap_state = value;
thumbCap_state = value;
m_animator.SetFloat(m_animParamIndexFlex, grip_state);
m_animator.SetFloat("Pinch", trigger_state);
m_animator.SetLayerWeight(m_animLayerIndexPoint, 1f-triggerCap_state);
m_animator.SetLayerWeight(m_animLayerIndexThumb, 1f-thumbCap_state);
public void SetPose(float value)
grip_state = value;
trigger_state = 0;
triggerCap_state = 0;
thumbCap_state = value;
m_animator.SetFloat(m_animParamIndexFlex, grip_state);
m_animator.SetFloat("Pinch", trigger_state);
m_animator.SetLayerWeight(m_animLayerIndexPoint, 1f-triggerCap_state);
m_animator.SetLayerWeight(m_animLayerIndexThumb, 1f-thumbCap_state);
// Update is called once per frame
// void Update()
// {
if (controller.inputDevice.TryGetFeatureValue(CommonUsages.grip, out float gripTarget)){
// solutionText.SetText(gripValue.ToString());
float grip_state_delta = gripTarget - grip_state;
if (grip_state_delta > 0f){ grip_state = Mathf.Clamp(grip_state + 1/anim_frames, 0f, gripTarget);
}else if (grip_state_delta < 0f){grip_state = Mathf.Clamp(grip_state - 1/anim_frames, gripTarget, 1f);
}else{ grip_state = gripTarget;}
m_animator.SetFloat(m_animParamIndexFlex, grip_state);
if (controller.inputDevice.TryGetFeatureValue(CommonUsages.trigger, out float triggerTarget)){
float trigger_state_delta = triggerTarget - trigger_state;
if (trigger_state_delta > 0f){ trigger_state = Mathf.Clamp(trigger_state + 1/anim_frames, 0f, triggerTarget);
}else if (trigger_state_delta < 0f){trigger_state = Mathf.Clamp(trigger_state - 1/anim_frames, triggerTarget, 1f);
}else{ trigger_state = triggerTarget;}
m_animator.SetFloat("Pinch", trigger_state);
if (controller.inputDevice.TryGetFeatureValue(CommonUsages.indexTouch, out float triggerCapTarget)){
float triggerCap_state_delta = triggerCapTarget - triggerCap_state;
if (triggerCap_state_delta > 0f){ triggerCap_state = Mathf.Clamp(triggerCap_state + 1/anim_frames, 0f, triggerCapTarget);
}else if (triggerCap_state_delta < 0f){triggerCap_state = Mathf.Clamp(triggerCap_state - 1/anim_frames, triggerCapTarget, 1f);
}else{ triggerCap_state = triggerCapTarget;}
m_animator.SetLayerWeight(m_animLayerIndexPoint, 1f-triggerCap_state);
if (controller.inputDevice.TryGetFeatureValue(CommonUsages.thumbTouch, out float thumbCapTarget)){
float thumbCap_state_delta = thumbCapTarget - thumbCap_state;
if (thumbCap_state_delta > 0f){ thumbCap_state = Mathf.Clamp(thumbCap_state + 1/anim_frames, 0f, thumbCapTarget);
}else if (thumbCap_state_delta < 0f){thumbCap_state = Mathf.Clamp(thumbCap_state - 1/anim_frames, thumbCapTarget, 1f);
}else{ thumbCap_state = thumbCapTarget;}
m_animator.SetLayerWeight(m_animLayerIndexThumb, 1f-thumbCap_state);
// }

View File

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View File

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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit;
public class hapticInteractable : MonoBehaviour
public float intensity;
public float duration;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
public void TriggerHaptic(BaseInteractionEventArgs eventArgs)
if(eventArgs.interactorObject is XRBaseControllerInteractor controllerInteractor)
public void TriggerHaptic(XRBaseController controller)
controller.SendHapticImpulse(intensity, duration);
public void vibrate(float value)
Debug.Log("Wert: " + value);
gameObject.GetComponent<XRBaseController>().SendHapticImpulse(intensity, value);

View File

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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

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--- !u!1107 &3977783548785321338 --- !u!1107 &7677182732165434431
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--- !u!1101 &4718152045759152937
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View File

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