System.AddIn Identifies an object as an add-in. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name of the add-in. Gets or sets the description of an add-in. The current description of the add-in. Gets the name of the add-In. The name of the add-in. Gets or sets the publisher of the add-in. The publisher of the add-in. Gets or sets the software version of the add-in. The software version of the add-in. Provides access to an add-in for a variety of tasks. 2 Gets an object. An object that can be used to activate other add-ins in the same environment as the original add-in. 2 Gets the application domain that contains an add-in. The application domain of the add-in. 2 Obtains the controller for an add-in. The controller for the add-in. The host view of the add-in. 2 Disables an add-in. 2 Gets the token that represents the add-in. An object that represents the add-in. 2 Provides access to the application domain and process of an add-in. 2 Initializes a new instance of the class. The application domain that contains the add-in. 2 Gets the object that represents the process in which the add-in is running. The process in which the add-in is running. 2 Provides an external process for hosting add-ins. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a value indicating whether an object corresponds to the current process true if the object corresponds to the current process; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to keep the external process alive. true if the external process should be kept alive; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets the process ID of the external process. The process ID. Returns -1 if the external process has not started. Forcibly shuts down the external process. true if the external process was running and successfully shut down; false if there is no active process associated with the . Occurs when the process represented by the object is about to be shut down. Starts the external process. true if the process is successfully started; false if the process is already running. Specifies the trust level that is granted to the application domain that an add-in is loaded into. Use the Internet security level for add-ins that have a low trust level. Use the Intranet security level for add-ins that are located on a company's intranet. These add-ins can have a greater trust level because the servers and information are within a company's firewall. Use the full trust security level for add-ins that are allowed to read and write to the local file system, create network connections, and read from the registry. This security level grants full access to the add-in's code access security (CAS) by applying the field. Use the host security level to give the add-in the same permissions currently granted to the hosting code. The exception that is thrown when a segment directory is missing from the pipeline directory structure. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with serialization data. The object that holds the serialized object data. The contextual information about the source or destination object data. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified message. A message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. A message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Specifies the type of a pipeline segment. Specifies the host view of the add-in segment. Specifies a host-side adapter segment. Specifies a contract segment. Specifies an add-in-side adapter segment. Specifies an add-in view segment. Specifies an add-in segment. Provides methods to store and find information about available add-ins and pipeline segments. Finds a specific add-in. A collection of tokens that contains only the token representing the add-in that was found. The type that defines the host's view of the add-in. The path to the root of the pipeline directory structure. The path and file name of the add-in to find. The type name of the add-in. 2 Finds all add-ins for a specified host view of the add-in at a location specified by the enumeration value. A collection of tokens that represent the add-ins that were found. The type that defines the host's view of the add-in. The host application's base directory. There is an access violation to the pipeline directory structure. Finds all add-ins for a specified host view of the add-in at the location specified by a value and an optional add-ins folder. A collection of tokens that represent the add-ins that were found. The type that defines the host's view of the add-in. One of the enumeration values.Currently the only value in this enumeration is the directory specified by the property that was used to set up the host's application domain. (Optional). The path of the directory that contains one or more subdirectories of add-ins. Because this parameter takes an array of strings, you can specify more than one path.This parameter is not required if your add-ins are located in the pipeline directory structure under the AddIns folder. There is an access violation to the pipeline directory structure. Finds all add-ins for a specified host view of the add-in from a specified root directory. A collection of tokens that represent the add-ins that were found. The type that defines the host's view of the add-in. The path of the root of the pipeline directory structure. (Optional). The path of the directory that contains one or more subdirectories of add-ins. Because this parameter takes an array of strings, you can specify more than one path.This parameter is not required if your add-ins are located in the pipeline directory structure under the AddIns folder. There is an access violation to the pipeline directory structure. Rebuilds the pipeline segments cache and includes new segments at the location specified by a value. A collection of strings that describe warnings as the pipeline segments are evaluated. One of the enumeration values.Currently the only value in this enumeration is the directory specified by the property that was used to set up the host's application domain. A segment directory is missing from the pipeline directory structure. There is an access violation to the pipeline directory structure. Rebuilds the pipeline segments cache and includes new segments from a specified root directory. A collection of strings that describe warnings as the pipeline segments are evaluated. The path of the root of the pipeline directory structure. A segment directory is missing from the pipeline directory structure. There is an access violation to the pipeline directory structure. 2 Rebuilds the add-in cache and includes new add-ins from a specified root directory. A collection of strings that describe warnings as the pipeline segments are evaluated. The path of the directory that contains one or more subdirectories of add-ins. A segment directory is missing from the pipeline directory structure. There is an access violation to the pipeline directory structure. 2 Updates the pipeline segments cache with new segments at the location specified by a value. A collection of strings that describe warnings as the pipeline segments are evaluated. One of the enumeration values.Currently the only value in this enumeration is the directory as specified by the property that was used to set up the host's application domain. A segment directory is missing from the pipeline directory structure. There is an access violation to the pipeline directory structure. Updates the pipeline segments cache with new segments from a specified root directory. A collection of strings that describe warnings as the pipeline segments are evaluated. The path of the root of the pipeline directory structure. A segment directory is missing from the pipeline directory structure. There is an access violation to the pipeline directory structure. Updates the add-in cache and includes new add-ins at a specified location. A collection of strings that describe warnings as the pipeline segments are evaluated. The path of the directory that contains one or more subdirectories of add-ins. A segment directory is missing from the pipeline directory structure. There is an access violation to the pipeline directory structure. Represents an add-in that can be activated. Activates an add-in in the environment of another add-in. The host view of the add-in. The application domain and process that contains the original add-in. The interface or abstract base type that represents the host view of the add-in. 2 Activates an add-in in an external process, in a new application domain, and with a specified trust level. The host view of the add-in. The external process in which to activate the add-in. One of the enumeration values that specifies the trust level. The interface or abstract base type that represents the host view of the add-in. Activates an add-in in an external process, in a new application domain, and with a specified permission set. The host view of the add-in. The external process in which to activate the add-in. The required permission set granted for the add-in. The interface or abstract base type that represents the host view of the add-in. 2 Activates an add-in with a specified trust level in a new application domain. The host view of the add-in. One of the enumeration values that specifies the trust level. The interface or abstract base type that represents the host view of the add-in. Activates an add-in in a new application domain with a specified name and trust level. The host view of the add-in. One of the enumeration values that specifies the trust level. The friendly name to assign to the new application domain. The interface or abstract base type that represents the host view of the add-in. 2 Activates an add-in in an existing application domain. The host view of the add-in. The application domain that the add-in should be activated in. The interface or abstract base type that represents the host view of the add-in. 2 Activates an add-in with a specified permission set in a new application domain. The host view of the add-in. The permissions granted for the add-in. The interface or abstract base type that represents the host view of the add-in. 2 Gets the namespace and type of the add-in. The type of the add-in, fully qualified by its namespace. Gets the name of the assembly that contains the add-in. The name of the assembly. Gets the description of the add-in. A description of the add-in, or null if the description is not specified in the attribute. Gets and sets a value that indicates whether add-ins should be directly connected to their hosts when conditions permit. true if the add-in should be directly connected to the host; otherwise, false. The default is false. 2 Determines whether a specified object is equal to the current instance. true if the specified object and the current instance are equal; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current instance. Returns an enumerator for the qualification data of the pipeline segments that are associated with this token. An enumerator that can be used to iterate through the qualification data of the pipeline segments that are associated with the current token. 2 Serves as a hash function for a token. A hash code for the current token. Gets the name of the add-in. The name of the add-in. Gets the publisher of the add-in. The publisher of the add-in, or null if the publisher is not specified in the attribute. Gets a dictionary of data about the segments in the pipeline associated with the current token. A dictionary whose keys are pipeline segments and whose values are dictionaries of name/value pairs that represent qualification data for each segment. 2 Returns an enumerator for the qualification data of the pipeline segments that are associated with this token. An enumerator that can be used to iterate through the qualification data of the pipeline segments that are associated with the current token. Returns a string that represents the token. A string that represents the token. Gets the version of the add-in, as specified in the attribute. The version of the add-in, or null if the version number is not specified in the attribute. The exception that is thrown when a directory is not found and the user does not have permission to access the pipeline root path or an add-in path. 2 Initializes a new instance of the class. 2 Initializes a new instance of the class with serialization and streaming context information. The serialized object data. The contextual information about the source or destination object data. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified message. A description of the error. 2 Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. A description of the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. 2 Specifies alternative locations for a pipeline store instead of a path to a directory. The location specified by the property for setting up the application domain's host. Represents information supplied by the developer of a pipeline segment, for use by the host. 2 Determines whether a specified object is equal to the current qualification data item. true if is equal to the current instance; otherwise, false. The object to compare. Gets the hash code for this qualification data item. The hash code. Gets the name of the qualification data item. The name of the qualification data item. 2 Determines whether two structures are equal. true if and are equal; otherwise, false. The first to compare. The second to compare. Determines whether two structures are different. true if and are not equal; otherwise, false. The first to compare. The second to compare. Gets a value that identifies the pipeline segment the qualification data item was applied to. The kind of pipeline segment the data item was applied to. Gets the value of the qualification data item. The value of the item. 2 Identifies an object as an add-in-side adapter segment of the pipeline. Initializes a new instance of the class. Identifies an object as an add-in view segment of the pipeline. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets one or more add-in base types that a single add-in-side adapter can use to construct the pipeline. An array of add-in base types. Enables collections to be passed between an add-in and its host application. Converts the specified collection to an collection. The converted collection. The collection from the other side of the pipeline. The type of objects that are contained in the list. must be serializable. Converts a specified collection to an collection by using converter adapters. The converted collection. The collection to pass to the other side of the pipeline. A converter that adapts the data from the type defined in the contract to the type expected in the view. A converter that adapts the data from the type defined in the view to the type expected by the contract. The type that defines the contract for passing objects of type across the isolation boundary. The type that defines the view of the objects in the list. Converts a specified collection to an collection. The converted collection. The collection to convert. The type of objects that are contained in the list. must be serializable. Converts a specified collection to an collection by using converter adapters. The converted collection. The collection to convert. A converter that adapts the data from the type defined in the view to the type expected by the contract. A converter that adapts the data from the type defined in the contract to the type expected in the view. The type that defines the view of the objects in the list. The type that defines the contract for passing objects of type across the isolation boundary. Provides methods for sharing and readapting add-ins. 2 Obtains a host view of an add-in if a suitable host-side adapter is found at a location specified by a value from the enumeration. The host view of the add-in that is shared. A handle to the contract used by the add-in to be shared. The host's application base. The type that defines the host view of the add-in. Obtains a host view of an add-in if a suitable host-side adapter is found at a location specified by a path. The host view of the add-in that is shared. A handle to the contract used by the add-in to be shared. A path to the add-in store. The type that defines the host view of the add-in. 2 Gets the handle to the contract for a provided host view of an add-in. A handle to the contract. The host view of an add-in activated by the system from the current application domain. 2 Provides a default implementation of members. Initializes a new instance of the class. Obtains a lifetime token. A random number that identifies a token. 2 Gets the hash code for the current object. A hash code for the current object. 2 When overridden in an add-in-side adapter, releases native resources held by the adapter. Reflects over the instance of a contract and returns the this pointer if the current object implements that contract. The this pointer to an interface, or null if the contract is not implemented. The full name of the contract, including its assembly name. 2 Compares an object with a remote object for equality. true if the object is equal to the remote object; otherwise, false. The object to test for equality with the remote object. 2 Gets a string that identifies a remote object. A string that identifies the remote object. 2 Requests a sponsoring client to renew the lease for the specified object. The renewed lease. The lifetime lease object that is used by the remoting lifetime service. 2 Removes the specified token from the list of outstanding lifetime tokens. The token number. 2 Provides methods that control the lifetime of an add-in. Initializes a new instance of the class. The contract to use in the pipeline. Gets the instance of the add-in-side adapter when the application domain was created. An object that represents the owner of the application domain. The application domain to check. Gets the contract used by a pipeline. The contract, which is derived from . Determines whether an application domain is owned by the specified contract. true if the contract owns the application domain; otherwise, false. The contract to check. The application domain to check. 2 Revokes the lifetime token on a contract, regardless of input. 2 Revokes the lifetime token on the contract regardless of input and optionally releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Identifies an object as a host-side adapter segment of the pipeline. Initializes a new instance of the class.