System.Configuration Provides configuration system support for the appSettings configuration section. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a configuration file that provides additional settings or overrides the settings specified in the appSettings element. A configuration file that provides additional settings or overrides the settings specified in the appSettings element. Gets a object of key/value pairs that contain application settings. A that contains the application settings from the configuration file. Provides dynamic validation of an object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The type of object that will be validated. The used as the delegate. is null. Determines whether the type of the object can be validated. true if the type parameter matches the type used as the first parameter when creating an instance of ; otherwise, false. The type of object. Determines whether the value of an object is valid. The value of an object. Specifies a object to use for code validation. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the name of the callback method. The name of the method to call. Gets or sets the type of the validator. The of the current validator attribute instance. Gets the validator instance. The current instance. The value of the property is null. The property is not set to a public static void method with one object parameter. Represents a collection of string elements separated by commas. This class cannot be inherited. Creates a new instance of the class. Adds a string to the comma-delimited collection. A string value. Adds all the strings in a string array to the collection. An array of strings to add to the collection. Clears the collection. Creates a copy of the collection. A . Adds a string element to the collection at the specified index. The index in the collection at which the new element will be added. The value of the new element to add to the collection. Gets a value that specifies whether the collection has been modified. true if the has been modified; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether the collection object is read-only. true if the specified string element in the is read-only; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a string element in the collection based on the index. A string element in the collection. The index of the string element in the collection. Removes a string element from the collection. The string to remove. Sets the collection object to read-only. Returns a string representation of the object. A string representation of the object. Converts a comma-delimited string value to and from a object. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Converts a object to a object. A containing the converted value. The used for type conversions. The used during conversion. The comma-separated to convert. Converts a object to a object. The representing the converted parameter, which is a . The used for type conversions. The used during conversion. The value to convert. The conversion type. Represents a configuration file applicable to a particular computer, application, or resource. This class cannot be inherited. Gets the object configuration section that applies to this object. An object representing the appSettings configuration section that applies to this object. Gets a configuration-section object that applies to this object. A configuration-section object representing the connectionStrings configuration section that applies to this object. Gets the object for the object. The object for the object. Gets the physical path to the configuration file represented by this object. The physical path to the configuration file represented by this object. Returns the specified object. The specified object. The path to the section to be returned. Gets the specified object. The specified. The path name of the to return. Gets a value that indicates whether a file exists for the resource represented by this object. true if there is a configuration file; otherwise, false. Gets the locations defined within this object. A containing the locations defined within this object. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the configuration file has an XML namespace. true if the configuration file has an XML namespace; otherwise, false. Gets the root for this object. The root section group for this object. Writes the configuration settings contained within this object to the current XML configuration file. The configuration file could not be written to.- or -The configuration file has changed. Writes the configuration settings contained within this object to the current XML configuration file. A value that determines which property values to save. The configuration file could not be written to.- or -The configuration file has changed. Writes the configuration settings contained within this object to the current XML configuration file. A value that determines which property values to save. true to save even if the configuration was not modified; otherwise, false. The configuration file could not be written to.- or -The configuration file has changed. Writes the configuration settings contained within this object to the specified XML configuration file. The path and file name to save the configuration file to. The configuration file could not be written to.- or -The configuration file has changed. Writes the configuration settings contained within this object to the specified XML configuration file. The path and file name to save the configuration file to. A value that determines which property values to save. The configuration file could not be written to.- or -The configuration file has changed. Writes the configuration settings contained within this object to the specified XML configuration file. The path and file name to save the configuration file to. A value that determines which property values to save. true to save even if the configuration was not modified; otherwise, false. is null or an empty string (""). Gets a collection of the section groups defined by this configuration. A collection representing the collection of section groups for this object. Gets a collection of the sections defined by this object. A collection of the sections defined by this object. Specifies the locations within the configuration-file hierarchy that can set or override the properties contained within a object. The can be defined only in the Machine.config file. The can be defined in either the Machine.config file or the machine-level Web.config file found in the same directory as Machine.config, but not in application Web.config files. The can be defined in either the Machine.config file, the machine-level Web.config file found in the same directory as Machine.config, or the top-level application Web.config file found in the virtual-directory root, but not in subdirectories of a virtual root. The can be defined anywhere. Specifies the locations within the configuration-file hierarchy that can set or override the properties contained within a object. The can be defined only in the Machine.config file. The can be defined either in the Machine.config file or in the Exe.config file in the client application directory. This is the default value. The can be defined in the Machine.config file, in the Exe.config file in the client application directory, or in the User.config file in the roaming user directory. The can be defined in the Machine.config file, in the Exe.config file in the client application directory, in the User.config file in the roaming user directory, or in the User.config file in the local user directory. Declaratively instructs the .NET Framework to create an instance of a configuration element collection. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. The type of the property collection to create. is null. Gets or sets the name of the <add> configuration element. The name that substitutes the standard name "add" for the configuration item. Gets or sets the name for the <clear> configuration element. The name that replaces the standard name "clear" for the configuration item. Gets or sets the type of the attribute. The type of the . Gets the type of the collection element. The type of the collection element. Gets or sets the name for the <remove> configuration element. The name that replaces the standard name "remove" for the configuration element. The base class for the configuration converter types. Initializes a new instance of the class. Determines whether the conversion is allowed. true if the conversion is allowed; otherwise, false. The object used for type conversions. The to convert from. Determines whether the conversion is allowed. true if the conversion is allowed; otherwise, false. The object used for type conversion. The type to convert to. Represents a configuration element within a configuration file. Initializes a new instance of the class. Reads XML from the configuration file. The that reads from the configuration file. true to serialize only the collection key properties; otherwise, false. The element to read is locked.- or -An attribute of the current node is not recognized.- or -The lock status of the current node cannot be determined. Gets an object that contains the non-customizable information and functionality of the object. An that contains the non-customizable information and functionality of the . Gets the object that represents the object itself. The that represents the itself. Compares the current instance to the specified object. true if the object to compare with is equal to the current instance; otherwise, false. The default is false. The object to compare with. Gets the object for the object. The for the . The current element is not associated with a context. Gets a unique value representing the current instance. A unique value representing the current instance. Sets the object to its initial state. Used to initialize a default set of values for the object. Indicates whether this configuration element has been modified since it was last saved or loaded, when implemented in a derived class. true if the element has been modified; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether the object is read-only. true if the object is read-only; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a property or attribute of this configuration element. The specified property, attribute, or child element. The property to access. is null or does not exist within the element. is read only or locked. Gets or sets a property, attribute, or child element of this configuration element. The specified property, attribute, or child element The name of the to access. is read-only or locked. Adds the invalid-property errors in this object, and in all subelements, to the passed list. An object that implements the interface. Gets the collection of locked attributes. The of locked attributes (properties) for the element. Gets the collection of locked elements. The of locked elements. Gets the collection of locked attributes The of locked attributes (properties) for the element. Gets the collection of locked elements. The of locked elements. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the element is locked. true if the element is locked; otherwise, false. The default is false. The element has already been locked at a higher configuration level. Gets a value indicating whether an unknown attribute is encountered during deserialization. true when an unknown attribute is encountered while deserializing; otherwise, false. The name of the unrecognized attribute. The value of the unrecognized attribute. Gets a value indicating whether an unknown element is encountered during deserialization. true when an unknown element is encountered while deserializing; otherwise, false. The name of the unknown subelement. The being used for deserialization. The element identified by is locked.- or -One or more of the element's attributes is locked.- or - is unrecognized, or the element has an unrecognized attribute.- or -The element has a Boolean attribute with an invalid value.- or -An attempt was made to deserialize a property more than once.- or -An attempt was made to deserialize a property that is not a valid member of the element.- or -The element cannot contain a CDATA or text element. Throws an exception when a required property is not found. None. The name of the required attribute that was not found. In all cases. Called after deserialization. Called before serialization. The that will be used to serialize the . Gets the collection of properties. The of properties for the element. Resets the internal state of the object, including the locks and the properties collections. The parent node of the configuration element. Resets the value of the method to false when implemented in a derived class. Writes the contents of this configuration element to the configuration file when implemented in a derived class. true if any data was actually serialized; otherwise, false. The that writes to the configuration file. true to serialize only the collection key properties; otherwise, false. The current attribute is locked at a higher configuration level. Writes the outer tags of this configuration element to the configuration file when implemented in a derived class. true if writing was successful; otherwise, false. The that writes to the configuration file. The name of the to be written. The element has multiple child elements. Sets a property to the specified value. The element property to set. The value to assign to the property. true if the locks on the property should be ignored; otherwise, false. Occurs if the element is read-only or is true but the locks cannot be ignored. Sets the property for the object and all subelements. Modifies the object to remove all values that should not be saved. A at the current level containing a merged view of the properties. The parent , or null if this is the top level. A that determines which property values to include. Represents a configuration element containing a collection of child elements. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a new instance of the class. The comparer to use. is null. Gets or sets the name of the to associate with the add operation in the when overridden in a derived class. The name of the element. The selected value starts with the reserved prefix "config" or "lock". Adds a configuration element to the . The to add. Adds a configuration element to the configuration element collection. The to add. true to throw an exception if the specified is already contained in the ; otherwise, false. The to add already exists in the and the parameter is true. Adds a configuration element to the configuration element collection. The index location at which to add the specified . The to add. Removes all configuration element objects from the collection. The configuration is read-only.- or -A collection item has been locked in a higher-level configuration. Gets the configuration element at the specified index location. The at the specified index. The index location of the to return. is less than 0.- or -There is no at the specified . Returns the configuration element with the specified key. The with the specified key; otherwise, null. The key of the element to return. Returns an array of the keys for all of the configuration elements contained in the . An array that contains the keys for all of the objects contained in the . Gets the key for the at the specified index location. The key for the specified . The index location for the . is less than 0.- or -There is no at the specified . The index of the specified . The index of the specified ; otherwise, -1. The for the specified index location. Gets a value indicating whether the with the specified key has been removed from the . true if the with the specified key has been removed; otherwise, false. The default is false. The key of the element to check. Removes a from the collection. The key of the to remove. No with the specified key exists in the collection, the element has already been removed, or the element cannot be removed because the value of its is not . Removes the at the specified index location. The index location of the to remove. The configuration is read-only.- or - is less than 0 or greater than the number of objects in the collection.- or -The object has already been removed.- or -The value of the object has been locked at a higher level.- or -The object was inherited.- or -The value of the object's is not or . Gets or sets the name for the to associate with the clear operation in the when overridden in a derived class. The name of the element. The selected value starts with the reserved prefix "config" or "lock". Gets the type of the . The of this collection. Copies the contents of the to an array. Array to which to copy the contents of the . Index location at which to begin copying. Gets the number of elements in the collection. The number of elements in the collection. When overridden in a derived class, creates a new . A new . Creates a new when overridden in a derived class. A new . The name of the to create. Gets the name used to identify this collection of elements in the configuration file when overridden in a derived class. The name of the collection; otherwise, an empty string. The default is an empty string. Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the collection has been cleared. true if the collection has been cleared; otherwise, false. The default is false. The configuration is read-only. Compares the to the specified object. true if the object to compare with is equal to the current instance; otherwise, false. The default is false. The object to compare. Gets the element key for a specified configuration element when overridden in a derived class. An that acts as the key for the specified . The to return the key for. Gets an which is used to iterate through the . An which is used to iterate through the Gets a unique value representing the instance. A unique value representing the current instance. Indicates whether the specified exists in the . true if the element exists in the collection; otherwise, false. The default is false. The name of the element to verify. Gets a value indicating whether the specified can be removed from the . true if the specified can be removed from this ; otherwise, false. The default is true. The element to check. Indicates whether this has been modified since it was last saved or loaded when overridden in a derived class. true if any contained element has been modified; otherwise, false Gets a value indicating whether the object is read only. true if the object is read only; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread safe). true if access to the is synchronized; otherwise, false. Causes the configuration system to throw an exception. true if the unrecognized element was deserialized successfully; otherwise, false. The default is false. The name of the unrecognized element. An input stream that reads XML from the configuration file. The element specified in is the <clear> element. starts with the reserved prefix "config" or "lock". Gets or sets the name of the to associate with the remove operation in the when overridden in a derived class. The name of the element. The selected value starts with the reserved prefix "config" or "lock". Resets the to its unmodified state when overridden in a derived class. The representing the collection parent element, if any; otherwise, null. Resets the value of the property to false when overridden in a derived class. Writes the configuration data to an XML element in the configuration file when overridden in a derived class. true if the was written to the configuration file successfully. Output stream that writes XML to the configuration file. true to serialize the collection key; otherwise, false. One of the elements in the collection was added or replaced and starts with the reserved prefix "config" or "lock". Sets the property for the object and for all sub-elements. Gets an object used to synchronize access to the . An object used to synchronize access to the . Copies the to an array. Array to which to copy this . Index location at which to begin copying. Gets a value indicating whether an attempt to add a duplicate to the will cause an exception to be thrown. true if an attempt to add a duplicate to this will cause an exception to be thrown; otherwise, false. Reverses the effect of merging configuration information from different levels of the configuration hierarchy A object at the current level containing a merged view of the properties. The parent object of the current element, or null if this is the top level. A enumerated value that determines which property values to include. Specifies the type of a object. Collections of this type contain elements that apply to the level at which they are specified, and to all child levels. A child level cannot modify the properties specified by a parent element of this type. The default type of . Collections of this type contain elements that can be merged across a hierarchy of configuration files. At any particular level within such a hierarchy, add, remove, and clear directives are used to modify any inherited properties and specify new ones. Same as , except that this type causes the object to sort its contents such that inherited elements are listed last. Same as , except that this type causes the object to sort its contents such that inherited elements are listed last. Specifies the property of a configuration element. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class, based on a supplied parameter. A object. is null. Gets a object used to validate the object. A object. The current value is not one of the values. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The object that holds the information to deserialize. Contextual information about the source or destination. The current type is not a or a . Initializes a new instance of the class. A message that describes why this exception was thrown. Initializes a new instance of the class. A message that describes why this exception was thrown. The exception that caused this exception to be thrown. Initializes a new instance of a class. A message that describes why this exception was thrown. The inner exception that caused this exception to be thrown. The path to the configuration file that caused this exception to be thrown. The line number within the configuration file at which this exception was thrown. Initializes a new instance of the class. A message that describes why this exception was thrown. The inner exception that caused this exception to be thrown. The object that caused this exception to be thrown. Initializes a new instance of the class. A message that describes why this exception was thrown. The inner exception that caused this exception to be thrown. The object that caused this exception to be thrown. Initializes a new instance of the class. A message that describes why this exception was thrown. The path to the configuration file that caused this exception to be thrown. The line number within the configuration file at which this exception was thrown. Initializes a new instance of the class. A message that describes why this exception was thrown. The object that caused this exception to be thrown. Initializes a new instance of the class. A message that describes why this exception was thrown. The object that caused this exception to be thrown. Gets a description of why this configuration exception was thrown. A description of why this was thrown. Gets a collection of errors that detail the reasons this exception was thrown. An object that contains errors that identify the reasons this exception was thrown. Gets the path to the configuration file that caused this configuration exception to be thrown. The path to the configuration file that caused this to be thrown. Gets the path to the configuration file from which the internal object was loaded when this configuration exception was thrown. The path to the configuration file from which the internal object was loaded when this configuration exception was thrown. The object that caused this exception to be thrown. Gets the path to the configuration file that the internal was reading when this configuration exception was thrown. The path of the configuration file the internal object was accessing when the exception occurred. The object that caused this exception to be thrown. Gets the line number within the configuration file that the internal object represented when this configuration exception was thrown. The line number within the configuration file that contains the object being parsed when this configuration exception was thrown. The object that caused this exception to be thrown. Gets the line number within the configuration file that the internal object was processing when this configuration exception was thrown. The line number within the configuration file that the object was accessing when the exception occurred. The object that caused this exception to be thrown. Sets the object with the file name and line number at which this configuration exception occurred. The object that holds the information to be serialized. The contextual information about the source or destination. Gets the line number within the configuration file at which this configuration exception was thrown. The line number within the configuration file at which this exception was thrown. Gets an extended description of why this configuration exception was thrown. An extended description of why this exception was thrown. Defines the configuration file mapping for the machine configuration file. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class based on the supplied parameter. The name of the machine configuration file. Creates a copy of the existing object. A object. Gets or sets the name of the machine configuration file name. The machine configuration file name. Represents a location element within a configuration file. Creates an instance of a Configuration object. A Configuration object. Gets the relative path to the resource whose configuration settings are represented by this object. The relative path to the resource whose configuration settings are represented by this . Contains a collection of objects. Gets the object at the specified index. The at the specified index. The index location of the to return. Contains a collection of locked configuration objects. This class cannot be inherited. Locks a configuration object by adding it to the collection. The name of the configuration object. Occurs when the does not match an existing configuration object within the collection. Gets a list of configuration objects contained in the collection. A comma-delimited string that lists the lock configuration objects in the collection. Clears all configuration objects from the collection. Verifies whether a specific configuration object is locked. true if the contains the specified configuration object; otherwise, false. The name of the configuration object to verify. Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional , starting at the specified index of the target array. A one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from the . The must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in at which copying begins. Gets the number of locked configuration objects contained in the collection. The number of locked configuration objects contained in the collection. Gets an object, which is used to iterate through this collection. An object. Gets a value specifying whether the collection of locked objects has parent elements. true if the collection has parent elements; otherwise, false. Gets a value specifying whether the collection has been modified. true if the collection has been modified; otherwise, false. Verifies whether a specific configuration object is read-only. true if the specified configuration object in the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. The name of the configuration object to verify. The specified configuration object is not in the collection. Gets a value specifying whether the collection is synchronized. true if the collection is synchronized; otherwise, false. Removes a configuration object from the collection. The name of the configuration object. Occurs when the does not match an existing configuration object within the collection. Locks a set of configuration objects based on the supplied list. A comma-delimited string. Occurs when an item in the parameter is not a valid lockable configuration attribute. Gets an object used to synchronize access to this collection. An object used to synchronize access to this collection. Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional , starting at the specified index of the target array. A one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in at which copying begins. Provides access to configuration files for client applications. This class cannot be inherited. Gets the data for the current application's default configuration. Returns a object that contains the contents of the object for the current application's default configuration. Could not retrieve a object with the application settings data. Gets the data for the current application's default configuration. Returns a object that contains the contents of the object for the current application's default configuration. Could not retrieve a object. Retrieves a specified configuration section for the current application's default configuration. The specified object, or null if the section does not exist. The configuration section path and name. A configuration file could not be loaded. Opens the configuration file for the current application as a object. A object. The for which you are opening the configuration. A configuration file could not be loaded. Opens the specified client configuration file as a object. A object. The path of the executable (exe) file. A configuration file could not be loaded. Opens the machine configuration file on the current computer as a object. A object. A configuration file could not be loaded. Opens the specified client configuration file as a object that uses the specified file mapping and user level. A object. An object that references configuration file to use instead of the application default configuration file. The object for which you are opening the configuration. A configuration file could not be loaded. Opens the machine configuration file as a object that uses the specified file mapping. A object. An object that references configuration file to use instead of the application default configuration file. A configuration file could not be loaded. Refreshes the named section so the next time that it is retrieved it will be re-read from disk. The configuration section name or the configuration path and section name of the section to refresh. Provides a permission structure that allows methods or classes to access configuration files. Initializes a new instance of the class. The permission level to grant. The value of is neither nor . Returns a new object with the same permission level. A new with the same permission level. Reads the value of the permission state from XML. The configuration element from which the permission state is read. is null. The for the given does not equal "IPermission". The class attribute of the given equals null. The class attribute of the given is not the type name for . The version attribute for the given does not equal 1. The unrestricted attribute for the given is neither true nor false. Returns the logical intersection between the object and a given object that implements the interface. The logical intersection between the and a given object that implements . The object containing the permissions to perform the intersection with. is not typed as . Compares the object with an object implementing the interface. true if the permission state is equal; otherwise, false. The object to compare to. is not typed as . Indicates whether the permission state for the object is the value of the enumeration. true if the permission state for the is the value of ; otherwise, false. Returns a object with attribute values based on the current object. A with attribute values based on the current . Returns the logical union of the object and an object that implements the interface. The logical union of the and an object that implements . The object to perform the union with. is not typed as . Creates a object that either grants or denies the marked target permission to access sections of configuration files. Initializes a new instance of the class. The security action represented by an enumeration member of . Determines the permission state of the attribute. Creates and returns an object that implements the interface. Returns an object that implements . Represents an attribute or a child of a configuration element. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name of the configuration entity. The type of the configuration entity. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name of the configuration entity. The type of the configuration entity. The default value of the configuration entity. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name of the configuration entity. The type of the configuration entity. The default value of the configuration entity. The type of the converter to apply. The validator to use. One of the enumeration values. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name of the configuration entity. The type of the configuration entity. The default value of the configuration entity. The type of the converter to apply. The validator to use. One of the enumeration values. The description of the configuration entity. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name of the configuration entity. The type of the configuration entity. The default value of the configuration entity. One of the enumeration values. Gets the used to convert this into an XML representation for writing to the configuration file. A used to convert this into an XML representation for writing to the configuration file. This cannot be converted. Gets the default value for this property. An that can be cast to the type specified by the property. Gets the description associated with the . A string value that describes the property. Gets a value that indicates whether the property is the default collection of an element. true if the property is the default collection of an element; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this is the key for the containing object. true if this object is the key for the containing element; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets a value indicating whether this is required. true if the is required; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets the name of this . The name of the . Gets the type of this object. A representing the type of this object. Gets the , which is used to validate this object. The validator, which is used to validate this . Declaratively instructs the .NET Framework to instantiate a configuration property. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of class. Name of the object defined. Gets or sets the default value for the decorated property. The object representing the default value of the decorated configuration-element property. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is the default property collection for the decorated configuration property. true if the property represents the default collection of an element; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is a key property for the decorated element property. true if the property is a key property for an element of the collection; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the decorated element property is required. true if the property is required; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets the name of the decorated configuration-element property. The name of the decorated configuration-element property. Gets or sets the for the decorated configuration-element property. One of the enumeration values associated with the property. Represents a collection of configuration-element properties. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds a configuration property to the collection. The to add. Removes all configuration property objects from the collection. Specifies whether the configuration property is contained in this collection. true if the specified is contained in the collection; otherwise, false. An identifier for the to verify. Copies this ConfigurationPropertyCollection to an array. Array to which to copy. Index at which to begin copying. Gets the number of properties in the collection. The number of properties in the collection. Gets the object as it applies to the collection. The object as it applies to the collection Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread safe). true if access to the is synchronized; otherwise, false. Gets the collection item with the specified name. The with the specified . The to return. Removes a configuration property from the collection. true if the specified was removed; otherwise, false. The to remove. Gets the object to synchronize access to the collection. The object to synchronize access to the collection. Copies this collection to an array. The array to which to copy. The index location at which to begin copying. Specifies the options to apply to a property. Indicates that no option applies to the property. Indicates that the property is a default collection. Indicates that the property is required. Indicates that the property is a collection key. Determines which properties are written out to a configuration file. Causes only modified properties to be written to the configuration file, even when the value is the same as the inherited value. Causes only properties that differ from inherited values to be written to the configuration file. Causes all properties to be written to the configuration file. This is useful mostly for creating information configuration files or moving configuration values from one machine to another. Represents a section within a configuration file. Initializes a new instance of the class. Reads XML from the configuration file. The object, which reads from the configuration file. found no elements in the configuration file. Returns a custom object when overridden in a derived class. The object representing the section. Indicates whether this configuration element has been modified since it was last saved or loaded when implemented in a derived class. true if the element has been modified; otherwise, false. Resets the value of the method to false when implemented in a derived class. Gets a object that contains the non-customizable information and functionality of the object. A that contains the non-customizable information and functionality of the . Creates an XML string containing an unmerged view of the object as a single section to write to a file. An XML string containing an unmerged view of the object. The instance to use as the parent when performing the un-merge. The name of the section to create. The instance to use when writing to a string. Represents a collection of related sections within a configuration file. Adds a object to the object. The name of the section to be added. The section to be added. Clears this object. Copies this object to an array. The array to copy the object to. The index location at which to begin copying. is null. The length of is less than the value of plus . Gets the number of sections in this object. An integer that represents the number of sections in the collection. Gets the specified object contained in this object. The object at the specified index. The index of the object to be returned. Gets the specified object contained in this object. The object with the specified name. The name of the object to be returned. is null or an empty string (""). Gets an enumerator that can iterate through this object. An that can be used to iterate through this object. Gets the key of the specified object contained in this object. The key of the object at the specified index. The index of the object whose key is to be returned. Used by the system during serialization. The applicable object. The applicable object. Gets the specified object. The object at the specified index. The index of the object to be returned. Gets the specified object. The object with the specified name. The name of the object to be returned. Gets the keys to all objects contained in this object. A object that contains the keys of all sections in this collection. Removes the specified object from this object. The name of the section to be removed. Removes the specified object from this object. The index of the section to be removed. Represents a group of related sections within a configuration file. Initializes a new instance of the class. Forces the declaration for this object. Forces the declaration for this object. true if the object must be written to the file; otherwise, false. The object is the root section group.- or -The object has a location. Gets a value that indicates whether this object declaration is required. true if this declaration is required; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether this object is declared. true if this is declared; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets the name property of this object. The name property of this object. Gets the section group name associated with this . The section group name of this object. Gets a object that contains all the objects that are children of this object. A object that contains all the objects that are children of this object. Gets a object that contains all of objects within this object. A object that contains all the objects within this object. Gets or sets the type for this object. The type of this object. The object is the root section group.- or -The object has a location. The section or group is already defined at another level. Represents a collection of objects. Adds a object to this object. The name of the object to be added. The object to be added. Clears the collection. Copies this object to an array. The array to copy the object to. The index location at which to begin copying. is null. The length of is less than the value of plus . Gets the number of section groups in the collection. An integer that represents the number of section groups in the collection. Gets the specified object contained in the collection. The object at the specified index. The index of the object to be returned. Gets the specified object from the collection. The object with the specified name. The name of the object to be returned. is null or an empty string (""). Gets an enumerator that can iterate through the object. An that can be used to iterate through the object. Gets the key of the specified object contained in this object. The key of the object at the specified index. The index of the section group whose key is to be returned. Used by the system during serialization. The applicable object. The applicable object. Gets the object whose index is specified from the collection. The object at the specified index.In C#, this property is the indexer for the class. The index of the object to be returned. Gets the object whose name is specified from the collection. The object with the specified name.In C#, this property is the indexer for the class. The name of the object to be returned. Gets the keys to all objects contained in this object. A object that contains the names of all section groups in this collection. Removes the object whose name is specified from this object. The name of the section group to be removed. Removes the object whose index is specified from this object. The index of the section group to be removed. Used to specify which configuration file is to be represented by the Configuration object. Get the that applies to all users. Get the roaming that applies to the current user. Get the local that applies to the current user. Serves as the base class for the validator attribute types. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified validator type. The validator type to use when creating an instance of . is null. is not derived from . Gets the validator attribute instance. The current . Gets the type of the validator attribute. The of the current validator attribute instance. Acts as a base class for deriving a validation class so that a value of an object can be verified. Initializes an instance of the class. Determines whether an object can be validated based on type. true if the parameter value matches the expected type; otherwise, false. The object type. Determines whether the value of an object is valid. The object value. Represents a single, named connection string in the connection strings configuration file section. Initializes a new instance of a class. Initializes a new instance of a class. The name of the connection string. The connection string. Initializes a new instance of a object. The name of the connection string. The connection string. The name of the provider to use with the connection string. Gets or sets the connection string. The string value assigned to the property. Gets or sets the name. The string value assigned to the property. Gets or sets the provider name property. Gets or sets the property. Returns a string representation of the object. A string representation of the object. Contains a collection of objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds a object to the collection. A object to add to the collection. Removes all the objects from the collection. Returns the collection index of the passed object. The collection index of the specified object. A object in the collection. Gets or sets the connection string at the specified index in the collection. The object at the specified index. The index of a object in the collection. Gets or sets the object with the specified name in the collection. The object with the specified name; otherwise, null. The name of a object in the collection. Removes the specified object from the collection. A object in the collection. Removes the specified object from the collection. The name of a object in the collection. Removes the object at the specified index in the collection. The index of a object in the collection. Provides programmatic access to the connection strings configuration-file section. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a collection of objects. A collection of objects. Encapsulates the context information that is associated with a object. This class cannot be inherited. Provides an object containing configuration-section information based on the specified section name. An object containing the specified section within the configuration. The name of the configuration section. Gets the context of the environment where the configuration property is being evaluated. An object specifying the environment where the configuration property is being evaluated. Gets a value specifying whether the configuration property is being evaluated at the machine configuration level. true if the configuration property is being evaluated at the machine configuration level; otherwise, false. Represents a basic configuration-section handler that exposes the configuration section's XML for both read and write access. Initializes a new instance of the class. Provides validation of an object. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Determines whether an object can be validated, based on type. true for all types being validated. The object type. Determines whether the value of an object is valid. The object value. Provides a object that uses the Windows data protection API (DPAPI) to encrypt and decrypt configuration data. Initializes a new instance of the class using default settings. Decrypts the passed object. A decrypted object. The object to decrypt. does not have set to "EncryptedData" and set to .- or - does not have a child node named "CipherData" with a child node named "CipherValue".- or -The child node named "CipherData" is an empty node. Encrypts the passed object. An encrypted object. The object to encrypt. Initializes the provider with default settings. The provider name to use for the object. A collection of values to use when initializing the object. contains an unrecognized configuration setting. Gets a value that indicates whether the object is using machine-specific or user-account-specific protection. true if the is using machine-specific protection; false if it is using user-account-specific protection. Contains meta-information about an individual element within the configuration. This class cannot be inherited. Gets the errors for the associated element and subelements The collection containing the errors for the associated element and subelements Gets a value indicating whether the associated object is a collection. true if the associated object is a collection; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether the associated object cannot be modified. true if the associated object cannot be modified; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether the associated object is in the configuration file. true if the associated object is in the configuration file; otherwise, false. Gets the line number in the configuration file where the associated object is defined. The line number in the configuration file where the associated object is defined. Gets a collection of the properties in the associated object. A collection of the properties in the associated object. Gets the source file where the associated object originated. The source file where the associated object originated. Gets the type of the associated object. The type of the associated object. Gets the object used to validate the associated object. The object used to validate the associated object. Defines the configuration file mapping for an .exe application. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a copy of the existing object. An object. Gets or sets the name of the configuration file. The configuration file name. Gets or sets the name of the configuration file for the local user. The configuration file name. Gets or sets the name of the configuration file for the roaming user. The configuration file name. Manages the path context for the current application. This class cannot be inherited. Gets the current path for the application. A string value containing the current path. Gets an object representing the path level of the current application. A object representing the path level of the current application. Converts between a string and an enumeration type. Initializes a new instance of the class. The enumeration type to convert. is null. Converts a to an type. The type that represents the parameter. The object used for type conversions. The object used during conversion. The object to convert. is null or an empty string ("").- or - starts with a numeric character.- or - includes white space. Converts an type to a value. The that represents the parameter. The object used for type conversions. The object used during conversion. The value to convert to. The type to convert to. Provides a wrapper type definition for configuration sections that are not handled by the types. Initializes a new instance of the class. Converts between a string and the standard infinite or integer value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Converts a to an . The , if the parameter is the "infinite"; otherwise, the representing the parameter integer value. The object used for type conversions. The object used during conversion. The object to convert. Converts an .to a . The "infinite" if the is ; otherwise, the representing the parameter. The object used for type conversions. The object used during conversion. The value to convert to. The type to convert to. Converts between a string and the standard infinite value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Converts a to a . The , if the parameter is the infinite; otherwise, the representing the parameter in minutes. The object used for type conversions. The object used during conversion. The object to convert. Converts a to a . The "infinite", if the parameter is ; otherwise, the representing the parameter in minutes. The object used for type conversions. The used during object conversion. The value to convert. The conversion type. Provides validation of an value. Initializes a new instance of the class. An object that specifies the minimum value. An object that specifies the maximum value. Initializes a new instance of the class. An object that specifies the minimum value. An object that specifies the maximum value. true to specify that the validation range is exclusive. Inclusive means the value to be validated must be within the specified range; exclusive means that it must be below the minimum or above the maximum. Initializes a new instance of the class. An object that specifies the minimum length of the integer value. An object that specifies the maximum length of the integer value. A value that specifies whether the validation range is exclusive. An object that specifies a value that must be matched. is less than 0.- or - is greater than . Determines whether the type of the object can be validated. true if the parameter matches an value; otherwise, false. The type of the object. Determines whether the value of an object is valid. The value to be validated. Declaratively instructs the .NET Framework to perform integer validation on a configuration property. This class cannot be inherited. Creates a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to include or exclude the integers in the range defined by the and property values. true if the value must be excluded; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets the maximum value allowed for the property. An integer that indicates the allowed maximum value. The selected value is less than . Gets or sets the minimum value allowed for the property. An integer that indicates the allowed minimum value. The selected value is greater than . Gets an instance of the class. The validator instance. Contains a collection of objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds a object to the collection based on the supplied parameters. A . Adds a object to the collection based on the supplied parameters. A string specifying the key. A string specifying the value. Gets the keys to all items contained in the collection. A string array. Clears the collection. When overridden in a derived class, the method creates a new object. A new . Gets the element key for a specified configuration element when overridden in a derived class. An object that acts as the key for the specified . The to which the key should be returned. Gets the object based on the supplied parameter. A configuration element, or null if the key does not exist in the collection. The key of the contained in the collection. Gets a collection of configuration properties. A collection of configuration properties. Removes a object from the collection. A string specifying the . Gets a value indicating whether an attempt to add a duplicate object to the collection will cause an exception to be thrown. true if an attempt to add a duplicate to the will cause an exception to be thrown; otherwise, false. Represents a configuration element that contains a key/value pair. Initializes a new instance of the class based on the supplied parameters. The key of the . The value of the . Sets the object to its initial state. Gets the key of the object. The key of the . Gets the collection of properties. The of properties for the element. Gets or sets the value of the object. The value of the . Provides validation of an value. Initializes a new instance of the class. An value that specifies the minimum length of the long value. An value that specifies the maximum length of the long value. Initializes a new instance of the class. An value that specifies the minimum length of the long value. An value that specifies the maximum length of the long value. A value that specifies whether the validation range is exclusive. Initializes a new instance of the class. An value that specifies the minimum length of the long value. An value that specifies the maximum length of the long value. A value that specifies whether the validation range is exclusive. is equal to or less than 0.- or - is less than . Determines whether the type of the object can be validated. true if the parameter matches an value; otherwise, false. The type of object. Determines whether the value of an object is valid. The value of an object. Declaratively instructs the .NET Framework to perform long-integer validation on a configuration property. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to include or exclude the integers in the range defined by the and property values. true if the value must be excluded; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets the maximum value allowed for the property. A long integer that indicates the allowed maximum value. The selected value is less than . Gets or sets the minimum value allowed for the property. An integer that indicates the allowed minimum value. The selected value is greater than . Gets an instance of the class. The validator instance. Contains a collection of objects. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds a object to the collection. A object. Gets the keys to all items contained in the . A string array. Clears the . Gets or sets the object based on the supplied parameter. A object. The name of the contained in the collection. Removes a object from the collection based on the provided parameter. A object. Removes a object from the collection based on the provided parameter. The name of the object. A configuration element that contains a name and value. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class based on supplied parameters. The name of the object. The value of the object. Gets the name of the object. The name of the object. Gets or sets the value of the object. The value of the object. Provides validation of a object. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Determines whether the object type can be validated. true if the parameter matches a object; otherwise, false. The object type. Determines whether the value of an object is valid. The value of an object. is null. cannot be resolved as a positive value. Declaratively instructs the .NET Framework to perform time validation on a configuration property. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets an instance of the class. The validator instance. Contains meta-information on an individual property within the configuration. This type cannot be inherited. Gets the object related to the configuration attribute. A object. Gets an object containing the default value related to a configuration attribute. An object containing the default value of the configuration attribute. Gets the description of the object that corresponds to a configuration attribute. The description of the configuration attribute. Gets a value specifying whether the configuration attribute is a key. true if the configuration attribute is a key; otherwise, false. Gets a value specifying whether the configuration attribute is locked. true if the object is locked; otherwise, false. Gets a value specifying whether the configuration attribute has been modified. true if the object has been modified; otherwise, false. Gets a value specifying whether the configuration attribute is required. true if the object is required; otherwise, false. Gets the line number in the configuration file related to the configuration attribute. A line number of the configuration file. Gets the name of the object that corresponds to a configuration attribute. The name of the object. Gets the source file that corresponds to a configuration attribute. The source file of the object. Gets the of the object that corresponds to a configuration attribute. The of the object. Gets a object related to the configuration attribute. A object. Gets or sets an object containing the value related to a configuration attribute. An object containing the value for the object. Gets a object related to the configuration attribute. A object. Contains a collection of objects. This class cannot be inherited. Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional , starting at the specified index of the target array. A one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in at which copying begins. is null. The property of is less than + . Gets an object, which is used to iterate through this collection. An object, which is used to iterate through this . Populates a object with the data needed to serialize the instance. A object that contains the information required to serialize the instance. A object that contains the source and destination of the serialized stream associated with the instance. is null. Gets the object in the collection, based on the specified property name. A object. The name of the configuration attribute contained in the object. Specifies the level in the configuration hierarchy where a configuration property value originated. The configuration property value originates from the property. The configuration property value is inherited from a parent level in the configuration. The configuration property value is defined at the current level of the hierarchy. Provides access to the protected-configuration providers for the current application's configuration file. The name of the data protection provider. Gets the name of the default protected-configuration provider. The name of the default protected-configuration provider. The name of the protected data section. Gets a collection of the installed protected-configuration providers. A collection of installed objects. The name of the RSA provider. Is the base class to create providers for encrypting and decrypting protected-configuration data. Initializes a new instance of the class using default settings. Decrypts the passed object from a configuration file. The object containing decrypted data. The object to decrypt. Encrypts the passed object from a configuration file. The object containing encrypted data. The object to encrypt. Provides a collection of objects. Initializes a new instance of the class using default settings. Adds a object to the collection. A object to add to the collection. is null. is not a object. The object to add already exists in the collection.- or -The collection is read-only. Gets a object in the collection with the specified name. The object with the specified name, or null if there is no object with that name. The name of a object in the collection. Provides programmatic access to the configProtectedData configuration section. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class using default settings. Gets or sets the name of the default object in the collection property. The name of the default object in the collection property. Gets a collection of all the objects in all participating configuration files. A collection of all the objects in all participating configuration files. Represents a group of configuration elements that configure the providers for the <configProtectedData> configuration section. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a collection that represents the properties of the providers for the protected configuration data. A that represents the properties of the providers for the protected configuration data. Gets a collection of objects that represent the properties of the providers for the protected configuration data. A collection of objects that represent the properties of the providers for the protected configuration data. Represents the configuration elements associated with a provider. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name of the provider to configure settings for. The type of the provider to configure settings for. Gets or sets the name of the provider configured by this class. The name of the provider. Gets a collection of user-defined parameters for the provider. A of parameters for the provider. Gets or sets the type of the provider configured by this class. The fully qualified namespace and class name for the type of provider configured by this instance. Represents a collection of objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds a object to the collection. The object to add. Clears the collection. Gets or sets a value at the specified index in the collection. The specified . Gets an item from the collection. A object contained in the collection. A string reference to the object within the collection. Removes an element from the collection. The name of the object to remove. Provides validation of a string based on the rules provided by a regular expression. Initializes a new instance of the class. A string that specifies a regular expression. is null or an empty string (""). Determines whether the type of the object can be validated. true if the parameter matches a string; otherwise, false. The type of object. Determines whether the value of an object is valid. The value of an object. does not conform to the parameters of the class. Declaratively instructs the .NET Framework to perform string validation on a configuration property using a regular expression. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the object. The string to use for regular expression validation. Gets the string used to perform regular-expression validation. The string containing the regular expression used to filter the string assigned to the decorated configuration-element property. Gets an instance of the class. The validator instance. Provides a instance that uses RSA encryption to encrypt and decrypt configuration data. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds a key to the RSA key container. The size of the key to add. true to indicate that the key is exportable; otherwise, false. Gets the name of the Windows cryptography API (crypto API) cryptographic service provider (CSP). The name of the CryptoAPI cryptographic service provider. Decrypts the XML node passed to it. The object containing decrypted data. The to decrypt. Removes a key from the RSA key container. Encrypts the XML node passed to it. An encrypted object. The to encrypt. Exports an RSA key from the key container. The file name and path to export the key to. true to indicate that private parameters are exported; otherwise, false. is a zero-length string, contains only white space, or contains one or more invalid characters as defined by . is null. The specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must be less than 248 characters, and file names must be less than 260 characters. The specified path is invalid, such as being on an unmapped drive. An error occurred while opening the file. specified a file that is read-only.-or- This operation is not supported on the current platform.-or- specified a directory.-or- The caller does not have the required permission. The file specified in was not found. is in an invalid format. The caller does not have the required permission. Imports an RSA key into the key container. The file name and path to import the key from. true to indicate that the key is exportable; otherwise, false. is a zero-length string, contains only white space, or contains one or more invalid characters as defined by . is null. The specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must be less than 248 characters, and file names must be less than 260 characters. The specified path is invalid, such as being on an unmapped drive. An error occurred while opening the file. specified a file that is write-only.-or- This operation is not supported on the current platform.-or- specified a directory.-or- The caller does not have the required permission. The file specified in was not found. is in an invalid format. Initializes the provider with default settings. The provider name to use for the object. A collection of values to use when initializing the object. includes one or more unrecognized values. Gets the name of the key container. The name of the key container. Gets the public key used by the provider. An object that contains the public key used by the provider. Gets a value that indicates whether the object is using the machine key container. true if the object is using the machine key container; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether the provider is using Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP) key exchange data. true if the object is using Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP) key exchange data; otherwise, false. Contains metadata about an individual section within the configuration hierarchy. This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets a value that indicates where in the configuration file hierarchy the associated configuration section can be defined. A value that indicates where in the configuration file hierarchy the associated object can be declared. The selected value conflicts with a value that is already defined. Gets or sets a value that indicates where in the configuration file hierarchy the associated configuration section can be declared. A value that indicates where in the configuration file hierarchy the associated object can be declared for .exe files. The selected value conflicts with a value that is already defined. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the configuration section allows the location attribute. true if the location attribute is allowed; otherwise, false. The default is true. The selected value conflicts with a value that is already defined. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the associated configuration section can be overridden by lower-level configuration files. true if the section can be overridden; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets the name of the include file in which the associated configuration section is defined, if such a file exists. The name of the include file in which the associated is defined, if such a file exists; otherwise, an empty string (""). Forces the associated configuration section to appear in the configuration file. Forces the associated configuration section to appear in the configuration file, or removes an existing section from the configuration file. true if the associated section should be written in the configuration file; otherwise, false. is true and the associated section cannot be exported to the child configuration file, or it is undeclared. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the associated configuration section will be saved even if it has not been modified. true if the associated object will be saved even if it has not been modified; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets the configuration section that contains the configuration section associated with this object. The configuration section that contains the that is associated with this object. The method is invoked from a parent section. Returns an XML node object that represents the associated configuration-section object. The XML representation for this configuration section. This configuration object is locked and cannot be edited. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the settings that are specified in the associated configuration section are inherited by applications that reside in a subdirectory of the relevant application. true if the settings specified in this object are inherited by child applications; otherwise, false. The default is true. Gets a value that indicates whether the configuration section must be declared in the configuration file. true if the associated object must be declared in the configuration file; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether the associated configuration section is declared in the configuration file. true if this is declared in the configuration file; otherwise, false. The default is true. Gets a value that indicates whether the associated configuration section is locked. true if the section is locked; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether the associated configuration section is protected. true if this is protected; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets the name of the associated configuration section. The complete name of the configuration section. Gets the protected configuration provider for the associated configuration section. The protected configuration provider for this object. Marks a configuration section for protection. The name of the protection provider to use. The property is set to false.- or -The target section is already a protected data section. Gets a value that indicates whether the associated configuration section requires access permissions. true if the requirePermission attribute is set to true; otherwise, false. The default is true. The selected value conflicts with a value that is already defined. Gets or sets a value that specifies whether a change in an external configuration include file requires an application restart. true if a change in an external configuration include file requires an application restart; otherwise, false. The default is true. The selected value conflicts with a value that is already defined. Causes the associated configuration section to inherit all its values from the parent section. This method cannot be called outside editing mode. Gets the name of the associated configuration section. The name of the associated object. Sets the object to an XML representation of the associated configuration section within the configuration file. The XML to use. is null. Gets or sets the section class name. The name of the class that is associated with this section. The selected value is null or an empty string (""). The selected value conflicts with a value that is already defined. Removes the protected configuration encryption from the associated configuration section. Provides validation of a string. Initializes a new instance of the class, based on a supplied parameter. An integer that specifies the minimum length of the string value. Initializes a new instance of the class, based on supplied parameters. An integer that specifies the minimum length of the string value. An integer that specifies the maximum length of the string value. Initializes a new instance of the class, based on supplied parameters. An integer that specifies the minimum length of the string value. An integer that specifies the maximum length of the string value. A string that represents invalid characters. Determines whether an object can be validated based on type. true if the parameter matches a string; otherwise, false. The object type. Determines whether the value of an object is valid. The object value. is less than or greater than as defined in the constructor.- or - contains invalid characters. Declaratively instructs the .NET Framework to perform string validation on a configuration property. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the invalid characters for the property. The string that contains the set of characters that are not allowed for the property. Gets or sets the maximum length allowed for the string to assign to the property. An integer that indicates the maximum allowed length for the string to assign to the property. The selected value is less than . Gets or sets the minimum allowed value for the string to assign to the property. An integer that indicates the allowed minimum length for the string to assign to the property. The selected value is greater than . Gets an instance of the class. A current settings in a validator instance. Validates that an object is a derived class of a specified type. Initializes a new instance of the class. The base class to validate against. is null. Determines whether an object can be validated based on type. true if the parameter matches a type that can be validated; otherwise, false. The object type. Determines whether the value of an object is valid. The object value. is not of a that can be derived from as defined in the constructor. Declaratively instructs the .NET Framework to perform validation on a configuration property. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. The base class type. Gets the base type of the object being validated. The base type of the object being validated. Gets the validator attribute instance. The current instance. Converts a time span expressed in minutes. Initializes a new instance of the class. Converts a to a . The representing the parameter in minutes. The object used for type conversions. The object used during conversion. The object to convert. Converts a to a . The representing the parameter in minutes. The object used for type conversions. The object used during conversion. The value to convert to. The type to convert to. Converts a expressed in minutes or as a standard infinite time span. Initializes a new instance of the class. Converts a to a . The , if the parameter is the "infinite"; otherwise, the representing the parameter in minutes. The object used for type conversions. The object used during conversion. The object to convert. Converts a to a . The "infinite", if the parameter is ; otherwise, the representing the parameter in minutes. The object used for type conversions. The object used during conversion. The value to convert. The conversion type. Converts a time span expressed in seconds. Initializes a new instance of the class. Converts a to a . The representing the parameter in seconds. The object used for type conversions. The object used during conversion. The object to convert. cannot be parsed as an integer value. Converts a to a . The that represents the parameter in minutes. The object used for type conversions. The object used during conversion. The value to convert to. The type to convert to. Converts a expressed in seconds or as a standard infinite time span. Initializes a new instance of the class. Converts a to a . The , if the parameter is the "infinite"; otherwise, the representing the parameter in seconds. The object used for type conversions. The object used during conversion. The object to convert. Converts a to a. . The "infinite", if the parameter is ; otherwise, the representing the parameter in seconds. The object used for type conversions. The object used during conversion. The value to convert. The conversion type. Provides validation of a object. Initializes a new instance of the class, based on supplied parameters. A object that specifies the minimum time allowed to pass validation. A object that specifies the maximum time allowed to pass validation. Initializes a new instance of the class, based on supplied parameters. A object that specifies the minimum time allowed to pass validation. A object that specifies the maximum time allowed to pass validation. A value that specifies whether the validation range is exclusive. Initializes a new instance of the class, based on supplied parameters. A object that specifies the minimum time allowed to pass validation. A object that specifies the maximum time allowed to pass validation. A value that specifies whether the validation range is exclusive. An value that specifies a number of seconds. is less than 0.- or - is greater than . Determines whether the type of the object can be validated. true if the parameter matches a value; otherwise, false. Determines whether the value of an object is valid. The value of an object. Declaratively instructs the .NET Framework to perform time validation on a configuration property. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to include or exclude the integers in the range as defined by and . true if the value must be excluded; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets the absolute maximum value. The allowed maximum value. Gets or sets the relative maximum value. The allowed maximum value. The selected value represents less than . Gets the absolute minimum value. The allowed minimum value. Gets or sets the relative minimum value. The minimum allowed value. The selected value represents more than . Gets the absolute maximum value allowed. Gets the absolute minimum value allowed. Gets an instance of the class. The validator instance. Converts between type and string values. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Converts a object to a object. The that represents the parameter. The object used for type conversions. The object used during conversion. The object to convert. The value cannot be resolved. Converts a object to a object. The that represents the parameter. The object used for type conversions. The object used during conversion. The value to convert to. The type to convert to. Represents a method to be called after the validation of an object. The callback method. Converts a string to its canonical format. Initializes a new instance of the class. Converts a to canonical form. An object representing the converted value. The object used for type conversions. The object used during conversion. The object to convert. Converts a to canonical form. An object representing the converted value. The object used for type conversions. The object used during conversion. The value to convert to. The type to convert to. Specifies the override behavior of a configuration element for configuration elements in child directories. The configuration setting of the element or group will be overridden by configuration settings that are in child directories if explicitly allowed by a parent element of the current configuration element or group. Permission to override is specified by using the OverrideMode attribute. The configuration setting of the element or group can be overridden by configuration settings that are in child directories. The configuration setting of the element or group cannot be overridden by configuration settings that are in child directories. Gets or sets the enumeration value that specifies whether the associated configuration section can be overridden by child configuration files. One of the enumeration values. An attempt was made to change both the and properties, which is not supported for compatibility reasons. Gets or sets a value that specifies the default override behavior of a configuration section by child configuration files. One of the enumeration values. The override behavior is specified in a parent configuration section. Gets the override behavior of a configuration section that is in turn based on whether child configuration files can lock the configuration section. One of the enumeration values. Delegates all members of the interface to another instance of a host. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a new configuration context. A representing a new configuration context. A string representing the path to a configuration file. A string representing a location subpath. Creates a deprecated configuration context. A representing a deprecated configuration context. A string representing the path to a configuration file. Decrypts an encrypted configuration section. A string representing a decrypted configuration section. An encrypted section of a configuration file. A object. A object. Deletes the object performing I/O tasks on a configuration file. The name of a object performing I/O tasks on a configuration file. Encrypts a section of a configuration object. A string representing an encrypted section of the configuration object. A section of the configuration that is not encrypted. A object. A object. Returns a configuration path based on a location subpath. A string representing a configuration path. A string representing the path to a configuration file. A string representing a location subpath. Returns a representing the type of the configuration. A representing the type of the configuration. A string representing the configuration type. true if an exception should be thrown if an error is encountered; false if an exception should not be thrown if an error is encountered. Returns a string representing the type name of the configuration object. A string representing the type name of the configuration object. A object. Sets the specified permission set if available within the host object. An object. A object. true if the host has finished initialization; otherwise, false. Returns the name of a object performing I/O tasks on a configuration file. A string representing the name of a object performing I/O tasks on a configuration file. A string representing the path to a configuration file. Returns the name of a object performing I/O tasks on a configuration source. A string representing the name of a object performing I/O tasks on a configuration source. The name of a object performing I/O tasks on a configuration file. A string representing the configuration source. Returns a object representing the version of a object performing I/O tasks on a configuration file. A object representing the version of a object performing I/O tasks on a configuration file. The name of a object performing I/O tasks on a configuration file. Gets or sets the object. A object. Instructs the host to impersonate and returns an object required internally by the .NET Framework. An value. Initializes the configuration host. An object. A parameter object containing the values used for initializing the configuration host. Initializes the host for configuration. A string representing a location subpath (passed by reference). A string representing the path to a configuration file. The location configuration path. The configuration root element. A parameter object representing the parameters used to initialize the host. Returns a value indicating whether the configuration is above the application configuration in the configuration hierarchy. true if the configuration is above the application configuration in the configuration hierarchy; otherwise, false. A string representing the path to a configuration file. Returns a value indicating whether a configuration record is required for the host configuration initialization. true if a configuration record is required for the host configuration initialization; otherwise, false. A string representing the path to a configuration file. Restricts or allows definitions in the host configuration. true if the grant or restriction of definitions in the host configuration was successful; otherwise, false. A string representing the path to a configuration file. The object. The object. Returns a value indicating whether the file path used by a object to read a configuration file is a valid path. true if the path used by a object to read a configuration file is a valid path; otherwise, false. The name of a object performing I/O tasks on a configuration file. Returns a value indicating whether a configuration section requires a fully trusted code access security level and does not allow the attribute to disable implicit link demands. true if the configuration section requires a fully trusted code access security level and does not allow the attribute to disable implicit link demands; otherwise, false. The object. Returns a value indicating whether the initialization of a configuration object is considered delayed. true if the initialization of a configuration object is considered delayed; otherwise, false. The object. Returns a value indicating whether the configuration object supports a location tag. true if the configuration object supports a location tag; otherwise, false. A string representing the path to a configuration file. Gets a value indicating whether the configuration is remote. true if the configuration is remote; otherwise, false. Returns a value indicating whether a configuration path is to a configuration node whose contents should be treated as a root. true if the configuration path is to a configuration node whose contents should be treated as a root; otherwise, false. A string representing the path to a configuration file. Returns a value indicating whether the configuration path is trusted. true if the configuration path is trusted; otherwise, false. A string representing the path to a configuration file. Opens a object to read a configuration file. Returns the object specified by . The name of a object performing I/O tasks on a configuration file. Opens a object to read a configuration file. Returns the object specified by . The name of a object performing I/O tasks on a configuration file. true to assert permissions; otherwise, false. Opens a object for writing to a configuration file or for writing to a temporary file used to build a configuration file. Allows a object to be designated as a template for copying file attributes. A object. The name of a object performing I/O tasks on a configuration file. The name of a object from which file attributes are to be copied as a template. The write context of the object (passed by reference). Opens a object for writing to a configuration file. Allows a object to be designated as a template for copying file attributes. Returns the object specified by the parameter. The name of a object performing I/O tasks on a configuration file. The name of a object from which file attributes are to be copied as a template. The write context of the object performing I/O tasks on the configuration file (passed by reference). true to assert permissions; otherwise, false. Returns a value indicating whether the entire configuration file could be read by a designated object. true if the entire configuration file could be read by the object designated by ; otherwise, false. A string representing the path to a configuration file. The name of a object performing I/O tasks on a configuration file. Instructs the object to read a designated section of its associated configuration file. true if a section of the configuration file designated by the and parameters can be read by a object; otherwise, false. A string representing the name of a section group in the configuration file. A string representing the name of a section in the configuration file. Indicates that a new configuration record requires a complete initialization. An object. Instructs the host to monitor an associated object for changes in a configuration file. An instance containing changed configuration settings. The name of a object performing I/O tasks on a configuration file. A object to receive the returned data representing the changes in the configuration file. Instructs the host object to stop monitoring an associated object for changes in a configuration file. The name of a object performing I/O tasks on a configuration file. A object. Gets a value indicating whether the host configuration supports change notifications. true if the host supports change notifications; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether the host configuration supports location tags. true if the host supports location tags; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether the host configuration has path support. true if the host configuration has path support; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether the host configuration supports refresh. true if the host configuration supports refresh; otherwise, false. Verifies that a configuration definition is allowed for a configuration record. A string representing the path to a configuration file. An object. A object An object. Indicates that all writing to the configuration file has completed. The name of a object performing I/O tasks on a configuration file. true if writing to the configuration file completed successfully; otherwise, false. The write context of the object performing I/O tasks on the configuration file. Indicates that all writing to the configuration file has completed and specifies whether permissions should be asserted. The name of a object performing I/O tasks on a configuration file. true to indicate that writing was completed successfully; otherwise, false. The write context of the object performing I/O tasks on the configuration file. true to assert permissions; otherwise, false. Defines an interface used by the .NET Framework to support creating error configuration records. Gets a string specifying the file name related to the configuration details. A string specifying a filename. Gets an integer specifying the line number related to the configuration details. An integer specifying a line number. Defines an interface used by the .NET Framework to support the initialization of configuration properties. Gets the configuration host. An object that is used by the .NET Framework to initialize application configuration properties. Initializes a configuration object. The type of configuration host. An array of configuration host parameters. Gets the root of the configuration hierarchy. An object. Defines an interface used by the .NET Framework to support configuration management. Ensures that the networking configuration is loaded. Defines an interface used by the .NET Framework to initialize configuration properties. Gets the configuration file name related to the application path. A string value representing a configuration file name. Gets the local configuration directory of the application based on the entry assembly. A string representing the local configuration directory. Gets the local configuration path of the application based on the entry assembly. A string value representing the local configuration path of the application. Gets the product name of the application based on the entry assembly. A string value representing the product name of the application. Gets the product version of the application based on the entry assembly. A string value representing the product version of the application. Gets the roaming configuration directory of the application based on the entry assembly. A string value representing the roaming configuration directory of the application. Gets the roaming user's configuration path based on the application's entry assembly. A string value representing the roaming user's configuration path. Gets the configuration path for the Machine.config file. A string value representing the path of the Machine.config file. Gets a value representing the configuration system's status. true if the configuration system is in the process of being initialized; otherwise, false. Gets a value that specifies whether user configuration settings are supported. true if the configuration system supports user configuration settings; otherwise, false. Gets the name of the file used to store user configuration settings. A string specifying the name of the file used to store user configuration. Defines interfaces that allow the internal .NET Framework infrastructure to customize configuration. Returns the path to the application configuration file. A string representing the path to the application configuration file. Returns a string representing the path to the known local user configuration file. A string representing the path to the known local user configuration file. Returns a string representing the path to the known roaming user configuration file. A string representing the path to the known roaming user configuration file. Returns a value indicating whether a configuration file path is the same as a currently known application configuration file path. true if a string representing a configuration path is the same as a path to the application configuration file; false if a string representing a configuration path is not the same as a path to the application configuration file. A string representing the path to the application configuration file. Returns a value indicating whether a configuration file path is the same as the configuration file path for the currently known local user. true if a string representing a configuration path is the same as a path to a known local user configuration file; otherwise, false. A string representing the path to the application configuration file. Returns a value indicating whether a configuration file path is the same as the configuration file path for the currently known roaming user. true if a string representing a configuration path is the same as a path to a known roaming user configuration file; otherwise, false. A string representing the path to an application configuration file. Defines the interfaces used by the internal design time API to create a object. Creates and initializes a object. A object. The of the object to be created. A parameter array of that contains the parameters to be applied to the created object. Normalizes a location subpath of a path to a configuration file. A normalized subpath string. A string representing the path to the configuration file. An instance of or null. Defines interfaces used by internal .NET structures to initialize application configuration properties. Creates and returns a context object for a of an application configuration. A context object for a object of an application configuration. A string representing the path of the application configuration file. A string representing a subpath location of the configuration element. Creates and returns a deprecated context object of the application configuration. A deprecated context object of the application configuration. A string representing a path to an application configuration file. Decrypts an encrypted configuration section and returns it as a string. A decrypted configuration section as a string. An encrypted XML string representing a configuration section. The object. The object. Deletes the object performing I/O tasks on the application configuration file. A string representing the name of the object performing I/O tasks on the configuration file. Encrypts a configuration section and returns it as a string. An encrypted configuration section represented as a string. An XML string representing a configuration section to encrypt. The object. The object. Returns the complete path to an application configuration file based on the location subpath. A string representing the complete path to an application configuration file. A string representing the path of the application configuration file. The subpath location of the configuration file. Returns a object representing the type of the configuration object. A object representing the type of the configuration object. The type name true to throw an exception if an error occurs; otherwise, false Returns a string representing a type name from the object representing the type of the configuration. A string representing the type name from a object representing the type of the configuration. A object. Associates the configuration with a object. An object. The object to associate with the configuration. true to indicate the configuration host is has completed building associated permissions; otherwise, false. Returns a string representing the configuration file name associated with the object performing I/O tasks on the configuration file. A string representing the configuration file name associated with the I/O tasks on the configuration file. A string representing the path of the application configuration file. Returns a string representing the configuration file name associated with the object performing I/O tasks on a remote configuration file. A string representing the configuration file name associated with the object performing I/O tasks on the configuration file. A string representing the configuration file name associated with the object performing I/O tasks on the configuration file. A string representing a path to a remote configuration file. Returns the version of the object associated with configuration file. The version of the object associated with configuration file. A string representing the name of the object performing I/O tasks on the configuration file. Instructs the host to impersonate and returns an object required by the internal .NET structure. An value. Initializes a configuration host. The configuration root object. The parameter object containing the values used for initializing the configuration host. Initializes a configuration object. The subpath location of the configuration file. A string representing the path of the application configuration file. A string representing the location of a configuration path. The object. The parameter object containing the values used for initializing the configuration host. Returns a value indicating whether the configuration file is located at a higher level in the configuration hierarchy than the application configuration. true the configuration file is located at a higher level in the configuration hierarchy than the application configuration; otherwise, false. A string representing the path of the application configuration file. Returns a value indicating whether a child record is required for a child configuration path. true if child record is required for a child configuration path; otherwise, false. A string representing the path of the application configuration file. Determines if a different definition is allowable for an application configuration object. true if a different definition is allowable for an application configuration object; otherwise, false. A string representing the path of the application configuration file. A object. A object. Returns a value indicating whether the file path used by a object to read a configuration file is a valid path. true if the path used by a object to read a configuration file is a valid path; otherwise, false. A string representing the name of the object performing I/O tasks on the configuration file. Returns a value indicating whether a configuration section requires a fully trusted code access security level and does not allow the attribute to disable implicit link demands. true if the configuration section requires a fully trusted code access security level and does not allow the attribute to disable implicit link demands; otherwise, false. The object. Returns a value indicating whether the initialization of a configuration object is considered delayed. true if the initialization of a configuration object is considered delayed; otherwise, false. The object. Returns a value indicating whether the configuration object supports a location tag. true if the configuration object supports a location tag; otherwise, false. A string representing the path of the application configuration file. Returns a value indicating whether the configuration is remote. true if the configuration is remote; otherwise, false. Returns a value indicating whether a configuration path is to a configuration node whose contents should be treated as a root. true if the configuration path is to a configuration node whose contents should be treated as a root; otherwise, false. A string representing the path of the application configuration file. Returns a value indicating whether the configuration path is trusted. true if the configuration path is trusted; otherwise, false. A string representing the path of the application configuration file. Opens a to read a configuration file. A object. A string representing the name of the object performing I/O tasks on the configuration file. Opens a object to read a configuration file. Returns the object specified by . A string representing the name of the object performing I/O tasks on the configuration file. true to assert permissions; otherwise, false. Opens a object for writing to a configuration file or for writing to a temporary file used to build a configuration file. Allows a object to be designated as a template for copying file attributes. A object. A string representing the name of the object performing I/O tasks on the configuration file. The name of a object from which file attributes are to be copied as a template. The write context of the object. Opens a object for writing to a configuration file. Allows a object to be designated as a template for copying file attributes. Returns the object specified by . A string representing the name of the object performing I/O tasks on the configuration file. The name of a from which file attributes are to be copied as a template. The write context of the object performing I/O tasks on the configuration file. true to assert permissions; otherwise, false. Returns a value indicating whether the entire configuration file could be read by a designated object. true if the entire configuration file could be read by the object designated by ; otherwise, false. A string representing the path of the application configuration file. A string representing the name of the object performing I/O tasks on the configuration file. Instructs the object to read a designated section of its associated configuration file. true if a section of the configuration file designated by and could be read by a object; otherwise, false. A string representing the identifying name of a configuration file section group. A string representing the identifying name of a configuration file section. Indicates a new configuration record requires a complete initialization. An object. Instructs the object to monitor an associated object for changes in a configuration file. An containing changed configuration settings. A string representing the name of the object performing I/O tasks on the configuration file. A object to receive the returned data representing the changes in the configuration file. Instructs the object to stop monitoring an associated object for changes in a configuration file. A string representing the name of the object performing I/O tasks on the configuration file. A object. Returns a value indicating whether the host configuration supports change notification. true if the configuration supports change notification; otherwise, false. Returns a value indicating whether the host configuration supports location tags. true if the configuration supports location tags; otherwise, false. Returns a value indicating whether the host configuration supports path tags. true if the configuration supports path tags; otherwise, false. Returns a value indicating whether the host configuration supports configuration refresh. true if the configuration supports configuration refresh; otherwise, false. Verifies that a configuration definition is allowed for a configuration record. A string representing the path of the application configuration file. A object. A object An object. Indicates that all writing to the configuration file has completed. A string representing the name of the object performing I/O tasks on the configuration file. true if the write to the configuration file was completed successfully; otherwise, false. The write context of the object performing I/O tasks on the configuration file. Indicates that all writing to the configuration file has completed and specifies whether permissions should be asserted. A string representing the name of the object performing I/O tasks on the configuration file. true to indicate the write was completed successfully; otherwise, false. The write context of the object performing I/O tasks on the configuration file. true to assert permissions; otherwise, false. Defines interfaces used by internal .NET structures to support creation of new configuration records. Gets a string representing a configuration file path. A string representing a configuration file path. Returns an object representing a section of a configuration from the last-known-good (LKG) configuration. An instance representing the section of the last-known-good configuration specified by . A string representing a key to a configuration section. Returns an instance representing a section of a configuration file. An instance representing a section of a configuration file. A string representing a key to a configuration section. Returns a value indicating whether an error occurred during initialization of a configuration object. true if an error occurred during initialization of a configuration object; otherwise, false. Causes a specified section of the configuration object to be reinitialized. A string representing a key to a configuration section that is to be refreshed. Removes a configuration record. Returns the name of a object performing I/O tasks on the configuration file. A string representing the name of a object performing I/O tasks on the configuration file. Grants the configuration object the permission to throw an exception if an error occurs during initialization. Defines interfaces used by internal .NET structures to support a configuration root object. Represents the method that handles the event of an object. Represents the method that handles the event of a object. Returns an object representing a configuration specified by a configuration path. An object representing a configuration specified by . A string representing the path to a configuration file. Returns an representing the data in a section of a configuration file. An representing the data in a section of a configuration file. A string representing a section of a configuration file. A string representing the path to a configuration file. Returns a value representing the file path of the nearest configuration ancestor that has configuration data. Returns a string representing the file path of the nearest configuration ancestor that has configuration data. The path of configuration file. Returns an object representing a unique configuration record for given configuration path. An object representing a unique configuration record for a given configuration path. The path of the configuration file. Initializes a configuration object. An object. true if design time; false if run time. Returns a value indicating whether the configuration is a design-time configuration. true if the configuration is a design-time configuration; false if the configuration is not a design-time configuration. Finds and removes a configuration record and all its children for a given configuration path. The path of the configuration file. Defines an interface used by the configuration system to set the class. Indicates that initialization of the configuration system has completed. Provides hierarchical configuration settings and extensions specific to ASP.NET to the configuration system. An object used by the class. true if the initialization process of the configuration system is complete; otherwise, false. Defines an interface used by the .NET Framework to initialize application configuration properties. Returns the configuration object based on the specified key. A configuration object. The configuration key value. Refreshes the configuration system based on the specified section name. The name of the configuration section. Gets a value indicating whether the user configuration is supported. true if the user configuration is supported; otherwise, false. Defines a class that allows the .NET Framework infrastructure to specify event arguments for configuration events. Initializes a new instance of the class. A configuration path. Gets or sets the configuration path related to the object. A string value specifying the configuration path. Defines a class used by the .NET Framework infrastructure to support configuration events. The source object of the event. A configuration event argument. Represents a method for hosts to call when a monitored stream has changed. The name of the object performing I/O tasks on the configuration file. Provides a base implementation for the extensible provider model. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a brief, friendly description suitable for display in administrative tools or other user interfaces (UIs). A brief, friendly description suitable for display in administrative tools or other UIs. Initializes the provider. The friendly name of the provider. A collection of the name/value pairs representing the provider-specific attributes specified in the configuration for this provider. The name of the provider is null. The name of the provider has a length of zero. An attempt is made to call on a provider after the provider has already been initialized. Gets the friendly name used to refer to the provider during configuration. The friendly name used to refer to the provider during configuration. Represents a collection of provider objects that inherit from . Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds a provider to the collection. The provider to be added. The collection is read-only. is null. The of is null.- or -The length of the of is less than 1. Removes all items from the collection. The collection is set to read-only. Copies the contents of the collection to the given array starting at the specified index. The array to copy the elements of the collection to. The index of the collection item at which to start the copying process. Gets the number of providers in the collection. The number of providers in the collection. Returns an object that implements the interface to iterate through the collection. An object that implements to iterate through the collection. Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread safe). false in all cases. Gets the provider with the specified name. The provider with the specified name. The key by which the provider is identified. Removes a provider from the collection. The name of the provider to be removed. The collection has been set to read-only. Sets the collection to be read-only. Gets the current object. The current object. Copies the elements of the to an array, starting at a particular array index. The array to copy the elements of the collection to. The index of the array at which to start copying provider instances from the collection. The exception that is thrown when a configuration provider error has occurred. This exception class is also used by providers to throw exceptions when internal errors occur within the provider that do not map to other pre-existing exception classes. Creates a new instance of the class. Creates a new instance of the class. The object that holds the information to deserialize. Contextual information about the source or destination. Creates a new instance of the class. A message describing why this was thrown. Creates a new instance of the class. A message describing why this was thrown. The exception that caused this to be thrown.