System.Data.Entity Represents errors that occur during command compilation; when a command tree could not be produced to represent the command text. Initializes a new instance of . Initializes a new instance of . The message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of . The error message that explains the reason for the exception. The exception that caused the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Represents errors that occur when the underlying storage provider could not execute the specified command. This exception usually wraps a provider-specific exception. Initializes a new instance of . Initializes a new instance of . The message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of . The error message that explains the reason for the exception. The exception that caused the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Represents Entity Framework-related errors that occur in the EntityClient namespace. The EntityException is the base class for all Entity Framework exceptions thrown by the EntityClient. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the class. The error message that explains the reason for the exception. The exception that caused the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Provides a durable reference to an object that is an instance of an entity type. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with an entity set name and a generic collection. A that is the entity set name qualified by the entity container name. A generic collection.Each key/value pair has a property name as the key and the value of that property as the value. There should be one pair for each property that is part of the . The order of the key/value pairs is not important, but each key property should be included. The property names are simple names that are not qualified with an entity type name or the schema name. Initializes a new instance of the class with an entity set name and an collection of objects. A that is the entity set name qualified by the entity container name. An collection of objects with which to initialize the key. Initializes a new instance of the class with an entity set name and specific entity key pair. A that is the entity set name qualified by the entity container name. A that is the name of the key. An that is the key value. Gets or sets the name of the entity container. A value that is the name of the entity container for the entity to which the belongs. Gets or sets the key values associated with this . A of key values for this . A simple identifying an entity that resulted from a failed TREAT operation. Gets or sets the name of the entity set. A value that is the name of the entity set for the entity to which the belongs. Returns a value that indicates whether this instance is equal to a specified . true if this instance and have equal values; otherwise, false. An object to compare with this instance. Returns a value that indicates whether this instance is equal to a specified object. true if this instance and have equal values; otherwise, false. An to compare with this instance. Gets the entity set for this entity key from the given metadata workspace. The for the entity key. The metadata workspace that contains the entity. The entity set could not be located in the specified metadata workspace. Serves as a hash function for the current object. is suitable for hashing algorithms and data structures such as a hash table. A hash code for the current . Gets a value that indicates whether the is temporary. true if the is temporary; otherwise, false. A singleton by which a read-only entity is identified. Helper method that is used to deserialize an . Describes the source and destination of a given serialized stream and provides an additional caller-defined context. Helper method that is used to deserialize an . Describes the source and destination of a given serialized stream, and provides an additional caller-defined context. Compares two objects. true if the and values are equal; otherwise, false. A to compare. A to compare. Compares two objects. true if the and values are not equal; otherwise, false. A to compare. A to compare. Represents a key name and value pair that is part of an . Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified entity key pair. A that is the name of the key. An that is the key value. The name of the entity key. A that is the key name. Returns a string representation of the entity key. A . The value of the entity key. An that is the key value. Represents errors that occur when parsing Entity SQL command text. This exception is thrown when syntactic or semantic rules are violated. Initializes a new instance of . Initializes a new instance of with a specialized error message. The message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the class that uses a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The error message that explains the reason for the exception. The exception that caused the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Gets the approximate column number where the error occurred. An integer that describes the column number where the error occurred. Gets the approximate context where the error occurred, if available. A string that describes the approximate context where the error occurred, if available. Gets a description of the error. A string that describes the error. Sets the with information about the exception. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. The parameter is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). Gets the approximate line number where the error occurred. An integer that describes the line number where the error occurred. Gets the full error message. As available, the message contains the error description, context, line number, and column number. A string describing the full error message. As available, the message contains the error description, context, line number, and column number. The state of an entity object. The object exists but it is not being tracked by Object Services. An entity is in this state immediately after it has been created and before it is added to the object context. An entity is also in this state after it has been removed from the context by calling the method or if it is loaded using a . The object has not been modified since it was loaded into the context or since the last time that the method was called. The object is added to the object context and the method has not been called. Objects are added to the object context by calling the method. The object is deleted from the object context by using the method. The object is changed but the method has not been called. Provides access to the column values within each row of a for a . Gets for this . A object. Returns nested readers as objects. Nested readers as objects. The ordinal of the column. Gets a object with the specified index. A object. The index of the row. The exception that is thrown to indicate that a command tree is invalid. Initializes a new instance of the class with a default message. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified message. The exception message. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified message and inner exception. The exception message. The exception that is the cause of this . The exception that is thrown when mapping related service requests fail. Initializes a new instance of . Initializes a new instance of with a specialized error message. The message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of that uses a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. The exception that is thrown when metadata related service requests fails. Initializes a new instance of the class with a default message. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified message. The exception message. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified message and inner exception. The exception message. The exception that is the cause of this . Sets the with information about the exception. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. The exception that is thrown when an object is not present. Initializes a new instance of . Initializes a new instance of with a specialized error message. The message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of class that uses a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. The exception that is thrown when an optimistic concurrency violation occurs. Initializes a new instance of . Initializes a new instance of with a specialized error message. The message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of that uses a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Initializes a new instance of that uses a specified error message, a reference to the inner exception, and an enumerable collection of objects. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. The enumerable collection of objects. The exception that is thrown when the underlying data provider is incompatible with the Entity Framework. Initializes a new instance of . Initializes a new instance of with a specialized error message. The message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of that uses a specified error message. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. The exception that is thrown when modifications to object instances cannot be persisted to the data source. Initializes a new instance of . Initializes a new instance of with serialized data. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Initializes a new instance of with a specialized error message. The message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the class that uses a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The error message that explains the reason for the exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Initializes a new instance of the class that uses a specified error message, a reference to the inner exception, and an enumerable collection of objects. The error message that explains the reason for the exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. The collection of objects. Gets the objects for this . A collection of objects comprised of either a single entity and 0 or more relationships, or 0 entities and 1 or more relationships. Provides access to information about the structural type and column information for a . Initializes a new object for a specific type with an enumerable collection of data fields. The metadata for the type represented by this object, supplied by . An enumerable collection of objects that represent column information. Gets for this object. A object. Gets type info for this object as a object. A value. Defines a cacheable command plan. Initializes a new . Initializes a new using the supplied . The supplied . Creates and returns a object that can be executed. A . Represents a base class that can be used by the Entity Framework to obtain provider-specific information at runtime. Initializes a new instance of the class. Represents the string ConceptualSchemaDefinition. When overridden in a derived class, returns an XML reader that represents the storage provider-specific information. An object that represents the storage provider-specific information. The name of the information to be retrieved. Providers are required to support the following values: or . When overridden in a derived class, returns the best mapped equivalent EDM type for a specified storage type. The instance of that encapsulates both an EDM type and a set of facets for that type. The instance of the class that encapsulates both a storage type and a set of facets for that type. When overridden in a derived class, returns the list of facet descriptions for the specified Entity Data Model (EDM) type. A collection of type that contains the list of facet descriptions for the specified Entity Data Model (EDM) type. An for which the facet descriptions are to be retrieved. Returns an XML reader that represents the Entity Framework and storage provider-specific information. An object that represents the Entity Framework and storage provider-specific information. The name of the information to be retrieved. The ADO.NET Entity Framework defines the following values: or or . When overridden in a derived class, returns the list of provider-specific functions. A collection of type that contains the list of provider-specific functions. When overridden in a derived class, returns the best mapped equivalent storage type for a specified Entity Data Model (EDM) type. The instance of the class that encapsulates both a storage type and a set of facets for that type. The instance of the class that encapsulates both an EDM type and a set of facets for that type. When overridden in a derived class, returns the list of primitive types that are supported by the storage provider. A collection of type that contains the list of primitive types supported by the storage provider. When overridden in a derived class, gets the namespace name supported by this provider manifest. The namespace name supported by this provider manifest. Represents the string StoreSchemaDefinition. Represents the string StoreSchemaMapping. Represents a set of methods for creating correct command definition objects and accessing provider manifest information. Initializes a new instance of a class. Creates command definition from command tree. Command tree. Creates a that uses the specified . A object that represents the executable command definition object. A used to create the . Creates command definition from provider manifest and command tree. Provider manifest. Command tree. When overridden in a derived class, returns an instance of a class that derives from the . A object that represents the provider manifest. Returns provider manifest token given a connection. Connection to provider. Returns the provider manifest by using the specified version information. A object that represents the provider manifest. Returns provider manifest token. Connection to provider. Returns providers given a connection. Connection to provider. Represents a base class that implements the based on an XML definition. You can use the class to obtain provider-specific information at runtime. Initializes a new instance of the class. An object that provides access to the XML data in the provider manifest file. Returns the list of facet descriptions for the specified Entity Data Model (EDM) type. A collection of type that contains the list of facet descriptions for the specified EDM type. An for which the facet descriptions are to be retrieved. Returns the list of provider-supported functions. A collection of type that contains the list of provider-supported functions. Returns the list of primitive types supported by the storage provider. A collection of type that contains the list of primitive types supported by the storage provider. Gets the namespace name supported by this provider manifest. The namespace name supported by this provider manifest. Gets the best mapped equivalent Entity Data Model (EDM) type for a specified storage type name. The best mapped equivalent EDM type for a specified storage type name. Gets the best mapped equivalent storage primitive type for a specified storage type name. The best mapped equivalent storage primitive type for a specified storage type name. Provides access to entity metadata. Initializes a new object of a specific entity type with an enumerable collection of data fields and with specific key and entity set information. The of the entity represented by the described by this object. An enumerable collection of objects that represent column information. The that is the key for the entity. An object that is the entity set to which the entity belongs. Gets the for the entity. An . Provides access to field metadata for a object. Initializes a new object with the specified ordinal value and field type. An integer specified the location of the metadata. The field type. Gets the type of field for this object. Gets the ordinal for this object. An integer representing the ordinal value. Implements the basic functionality required by aggregates in a GroupBy clause. Gets the list of expressions that define the arguments to this . The list of expressions that define the arguments to this . Gets the result type of this . The result type of this . Represents the logical AND of two Boolean arguments. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by the . is null. Represents an apply operation, which is the invocation of the specified function for each element in the specified input set. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by the . is null. Gets the that specifies the function that is invoked for each element in the input set. The that specifies the function that is invoked for each element in the input set. Gets the that specifies the input set. The that specifies the input set. Represents an arithmetic operation applied to numeric arguments. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulo, and negation are arithmetic operations. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Gets the list of elements that define the current arguments. A fixed-size list of elements. Implements the basic functionality required by expressions that accept two expression operands. Gets or sets the that defines the left argument. The that defines the left argument. The expression is null. The expression is not associated with the command tree of the ,or its result type is not equal or promotable to the required type for the left argument. Gets or sets the that defines the right argument. The that defines the right argument. The expression is null. The expression is not associated with the command tree of the ,or its result type is not equal or promotable to the required type for the right argument. Represents the When, Then, and Else clauses of the . This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by is null. Gets or sets the Else clause of this . The Else clause of this . The expression is null. The expression is not associated with the command tree of the ,or its result type is not equal or promotable to the result type of the . Gets the Then clauses of this . The Then clauses of this . Gets the When clauses of this . The When clauses of this . Represents the type conversion of a single argument to the specified type. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by is null. Implements the basic functionality for the Query, Insert, Update, Delete, and function invocation command tree types. Gets the name and corresponding type of each parameter that can be referenced within this . The name and corresponding type of each parameter that can be referenced within this . Represents a comparison operation applied to two arguments. Equality, greater than, greater than or equal, less than, less than or equal, and inequality are comparison operations. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by is null. Represents different kinds of constants (literals). This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by is null. Gets the constant value. The constant value. Represents an unconditional join operation between the given collection arguments. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by is null. Gets a list that provides the input sets to the join. A list that provides the input sets to the join. Represents a single row delete operation expressed as a command tree. This class cannot be inherited. Gets an that specifies the predicate used to determine which members of the target collection should be deleted. An that specifies the predicate used to determine which members of the target collection should be deleted. Represents the an expression that retrieves an entity based on the specified reference. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by is null. Removes duplicate elements from the specified set argument. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by is null. Represents the conversion of the specified set argument to a singleton. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by is null. Represents an expression that extracts a reference from the underlying entity instance. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by is null. Represents the set subtraction operation between the left and right operands. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by is null. Implements the basic functionality required by expression types. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null). Gets the kind of the expression, which indicates the operation of this expression. The kind of the expression, which indicates the operation of this expression. Gets the type metadata for the result type of the expression. The type metadata for the result type of the expression. Represents an input set to relational expressions such as , , and . This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets the that defines the input set. The that defines the input set. The expression is null. The expression is not associated with the command tree of the binding, or its result type is not equal or promotable to the result type of the current value of the property. Gets the name assigned to the element variable. The name assigned to the element variable. Gets the type metadata of the element variable. The type metadata of the element variable. Contains values that each expression class uses to denote the operation it represents. The property of an can be retrieved to determine which operation that expression represents. true-for-all expressions. Logical AND expressions. true-for-any expressions. Conditional case statement expressions. Polymorphic type cast expressions. Constant value expressions. Cross apply expressions. Cross join expressions. Dereference expressions. Duplicate removal expressions. Division expressions. Set-to-singleton conversion expressions. Entity reference value retrieval expressions. Equality expressions. Set subtraction expressions. Restriction expressions. Full outer join expressions. Standalone function expressions. Greater than expressions. Greater than or equal expressions. Grouping expressions. Inner join expressions. Set intersection expressions. Empty set determination expressions. Null determination expressions. Type comparison (specified Type or Subtype) expressions. Type comparison (specified Type only) expressions. Left outer join expressions. Less than expressions. Less than or equal expressions. String comparison expressions. Result count restriction (TOP n). Subtraction expressions. Modulo expressions. Multiplication expressions. Instance, row, and set construction expressions. Logical NOT expressions. Inequality expressions. Null expressions. Set members by type (or subtype) expressions. Set members by exact type expressions. Logical OR expressions. Outer apply expressions Reference to a parameter expressions. Addition expressions. Projection expressions. Static or instance property retrieval expressions. Reference expressions. Ref key value retrieval expressions. Relationship (composition or association) navigation expressions. Entity or relationship set scan expressions. Skip elements of an ordered collection. Sorting expressions. Type conversion expressions. Negation expressions. Set union (with duplicates) expressions. Reference to a variable expressions. Defines the basic functionality that should be implemented by visitors that do not return a result value. Initializes a new instance of the class. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, handles any expression of an unrecognized type. The expression to be handled. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . The that is visited. Defines the basic functionality that should be implemented by visitors that return a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by the visitor. Initializes a new instance of the class. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, handles any expression of an unrecognized type. A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. When overridden in a derived class, implements the visitor pattern for . A result value of a specific type. The that is being visited. Represents a predicate applied to filter an input set. This produces the set of elements that satisfy the predicate. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Gets the that specifies the input set. The that specifies the input set. Gets or sets the that specifies the predicate used to filter the input set. The that specifies the predicate used to filter the input set. The expression is null. The expression is not associated with the command tree of the , or its result type is not a Boolean type. Supports standard aggregate functions, such as MIN, MAX, AVG, SUM, and so on. This class cannot be inherited. Gets a value indicating whether this aggregate is a distinct aggregate. Gets the method metadata that specifies the aggregate function to invoke. The method metadata that specifies the aggregate function to invoke. Represents the invocation of a database function. Gets the that represents the function that is being invoked. The that represents the function that is being invoked. Gets the expected result type for the function’s first result set. The expected result type for the function’s first result set. Represents an invocation of a function. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Gets an list that provides the arguments to the function. An list that provides the arguments to the function. Gets the metadata for the function to invoke. The metadata for the function to invoke. Represents a group by operation. A group by operation is a grouping of the elements in the input set based on the specified key expressions followed by the application of the specified aggregates. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Gets a list that provides the aggregates to apply. A list that provides the aggregates to apply. Gets the that specifies the input set and provides access to the set element and group element variables. The that specifies the input set and provides access to the set element and group element variables. Gets a list that provides grouping keys. A list that provides grouping keys. Defines the binding for the input set to a . This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets the that defines the input set. The that defines the input set. The expression is null. The expression is not associated with the command tree of the , or its result type is not equal or promotable to the result type of the current value of the property. Gets the name assigned to the group element variable. The name assigned to the group element variable. Gets the type metadata of the group element variable. The type metadata of the group element variable. Gets the name assigned to the element variable. The name assigned to the element variable. Gets the type metadata of the element variable. The type metadata of the element variable. Represents a single row insert operation expressed as a command tree. This class cannot be inherited. Gets an that specifies a projection of results to be returned based on the modified rows. An that specifies a projection of results to be returned based on the modified rows. null indicates that no results should be returned from this command. Gets the list of insert set clauses that define the insert operation. The list of insert set clauses that define the insert operation. Represents the set intersection operation between the left and right operands. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Represents an empty set determination applied to a single set argument. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Represents null determination applied to a single argument. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Represents the type comparison of a single argument against the specified type. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Gets the type metadata that the type metadata of the argument should be compared to. The type metadata that the type metadata of the argument should be compared to. Represents an inner, left outer, or full outer join operation between the given collection arguments on the specified join condition. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Gets or sets the join condition to apply. The join condition to apply. The expression is null. The expression is not associated with the command tree of the , or its result type is not a Boolean type. Gets the that provides the left input. The that provides the left input. Gets the that provides the right input. The that provides the right input. Represents a string comparison against the specified pattern with an optional escape string. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Gets or sets an expression that specifies the string to compare against the given pattern. An expression that specifies the string to compare against the given pattern. The expression is null. The expression is not associated with the command tree of , or its result type is not a string type. Gets or sets an expression that provides an optional escape string to use for the comparison. An expression that provides an optional escape string to use for the comparison. The expression is null. The expression is not associated with the command tree of , or its result type is not a string type. Gets or sets an expression that specifies the pattern against which the given string should be compared. An expression that specifies the pattern against which the given string should be compared. The expression is null. The expression is not associated with the command tree of , or its result type is not a string type. Represents the restriction of the number of elements in the argument collection to the specified limit value. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Gets or sets an expression that specifies the input collection. An expression that specifies the input collection. The expression is null. The expression is not associated with the command tree of the , or its result type is not a collection type. Gets or sets an expression that specifies the limit on the number of elements returned from the input collection. An expression that specifies the limit on the number of elements returned from the input collection. The expression is null. The expression is not associated with the command tree of the , or is not one of or , or its result type is not equal or promotable to a 64-bit integer type. Gets whether the limit operation will include tied results. Including tied results might produce more results than specified by the value. true if the limit operation will include tied results; otherwise, false. The default is false. Specifies a single clause in an insert or update modification operation. Represents a data manipulation language (DML) operation expressed as a command tree. Gets the that specifies the target table for the data manipulation language (DML) operation. The that specifies the target table for the DML operation. Represents the construction of a new instance of a given type, including set and record types. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Gets an list that provides the property/column values or set elements for the new instance. An list that provides the property/column values or set elements for the new instance. Represents the logical NOT of a single Boolean argument. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Represents a reference to a typed null literal. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Represents the retrieval of elements of the specified type from the given set argument. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Gets the metadata of the type of elements that should be retrieved from the set argument. The metadata of the type of elements that should be retrieved from the set argument. Represents the logical OR of two Boolean arguments. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Represents a reference to a parameter declared on the command tree that contains this expression. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Gets the name of the referenced parameter. The name of the referenced parameter. Represents the projection of a given input set over the specified expression. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Gets the that specifies the input set. The that specifies the input set. Gets or sets the that defines the projection. The that defines the projection. The expression is null. The expression is not associated with the command tree of the , or its result type is not equal or promotable to the reference type of the current projection. Provides methods and properties for retrieving an instance property. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Gets or sets a that defines the instance from which the property should be retrieved. A that defines the instance from which the property should be retrieved. The expression is null. The expression is not associated with the command tree of the , or its result type is not equal or promotable to the type that defines the property. Gets the property metadata for the property to retrieve. The property metadata for the property to retrieve. Represents a quantifier operation of the specified kind over the elements of the specified input set. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Gets the that specifies the input set. The that specifies the input set. Gets or sets the Boolean predicate that should be evaluated for each element in the input set. The Boolean predicate that should be evaluated for each element in the input set. The expression is null. The expression is not associated with the command tree for the ,or its result type is not a Boolean type. Represents a query operation expressed as a command tree. This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets an that defines the logic of the query operation. An that defines the logic of the query operation. The expression is null. The expression is associated with a different command tree. Represents a strongly typed reference to a specific instance within an entity set. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Gets the metadata for the entity set that contains the instance. The metadata for the entity set that contains the instance. Represents the retrieval of the key value (in its structural form) from the underlying reference value. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Represents the navigation of a relationship. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Gets the metadata for the relationship end to navigate from. The metadata for the relationship end to navigate from. Gets the metadata for the relationship end to navigate to. The metadata for the relationship end to navigate to. Gets or sets an that specifies the starting point of the navigation and must be a reference to an entity instance. An that specifies the instance of the source relationship end from which navigation should occur. The expression is null. The expression is not associated with the command tree of the , or its result type is not equal or promotable to the reference type of the property. Gets the metadata for the relationship over which navigation occurs. The metadata for the relationship over which navigation occurs. Represents a scan over an entity set or relationship set, as indicated by the property. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Gets the metadata for the referenced entity or relationship set. The metadata for the referenced entity or relationship set. Specifies the clause in a modification operation that sets the value of a property. This class cannot be inherited. Gets an that specifies the property that should be updated. An that specifies the property that should be updated. Gets an that specifies the new value with which to update the property. An that specifies the new value with which to update the property. Skips a specified number of elements in the input set. can only be used after the input collection has been sorted as specified by the sort keys. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Gets or sets an expression that specifies the number of elements to skip from the input collection. An expression that specifies the number of elements to skip from the input collection. The expression is null. The expression is not associated with the command tree of the ; the expression is not either a or a ; or the result type of the expression is not equal or promotable to a 64-bit integer type. Gets the that specifies the input set. The that specifies the input set. Gets a list that defines the sort order. A list that defines the sort order. Specifies a sort key that can be used as part of the sort order in a . This class cannot be inherited. Gets a Boolean value indicating whether or not this sort key uses an ascending sort order. true if this sort key uses an ascending sort order; otherwise, false. Gets a string value that specifies the collation for this sort key. A string value that specifies the collation for this sort key. Gets or sets the that provides the value for this sort key. The that provides the value for this sort key. Represents a sort operation applied to the elements of the specified input set based on the given sort keys. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Gets the that specifies the input set. The that specifies the input set. Gets a list that defines the sort order. A list that defines the sort order. Represents a type conversion operation applied to a polymorphic argument. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Implements the basic functionality required by expressions that accept a single expression argument. Gets or sets the that defines the argument. The that defines the argument. The expression is null. The expression is not associated with the command tree of a , or its result type is not equal or promotable to the required type for the argument. Represents the set union (without duplicate removal) operation between the left and right operands. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Represents a single-row update operation expressed as a command tree. This class cannot be inherited. Gets an that specifies the predicate used to determine which members of the target collection should be updated. An that specifies the predicate used to determine which members of the target collection should be updated. Gets an that specifies a projection of results to be returned, based on the modified rows. An that specifies a projection of results to be returned based, on the modified rows. null indicates that no results should be returned from this command. Gets the list of update set clauses that define the update operation. The list of update set clauses that define the update operation. Represents a reference to a variable that is currently in scope. This class cannot be inherited. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that do not produce a result value. An instance of . is null. Implements the visitor pattern for expressions that produce a result value of a specific type. A result value of a specific type produced by . An instance of a typed that produces a result value of a specific type. The type of the result produced by . is null. Gets the name of the referenced variable. The name of the referenced variable. Represents a command to be executed against an Entity Data Model (EDM). The is not associated with an property that was changed while a transaction was in progress. -or-The associated does not have store metadata.-or-The associated is in the state.The associated with this is open. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with the text of the command. The text of the command. Initializes a new instance of the class with the text of the command and an . The text of the command. An that represents a connection to the data source. Initializes a new instance of the class with the text of the command, an and an . The text of the command. An that represents a connection to the data source. A in which the executes. Tries to cancel the execution of a by calling the Cancel method of the underlying data provider. Gets or sets an Entity SQL statement that specifies a command or stored procedure to execute. The Entity SQL statement or stored procedure to execute. The default is an empty string. Gets or sets the amount of time to wait before timing out. The time in seconds to wait for the command to execute. The default is the underlying data provider's default command time out. Gets or sets a value that indicates how the property is to be interpreted. One of the enumeration values. The default is Text. Gets or sets the used by this . The . The property was changed while a transaction was in progress. Creates a new instance of a object. A object. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the command object should be visible in a Windows Form Designer control. A value that indicates whether the command object should be visible in a control. The default is true. Gets or sets Boolean value that enables or disables query plan caching for this . A Boolean value that indicates whether query plan caching is enabled or disabled for this . Executes the current command. The number of rows affected. Executes the command and returns a . The that contains the results. Compiles the into a command tree and passes it to the underlying store provider for execution. Then builds an out of the produced result set using the specified . The that contains the results. One of the values. Executes the command, and returns the first column of the first row in the result set. Additional columns or rows are ignored. The first column of the first row in the result set, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the result set is empty. Gets the . The parameters of the Entity SQL statement or stored procedure. The default is an empty collection. Compiles the entity-level command and creates a prepared version of the command by calling the Prepare method of the underlying data provider's Command object. The associated is closed. Compiles the entity-level command and returns the store command text. A string that represents the store command text.Note:This method is intended for diagnostic use only. Do not make your code dependent on the trace string that this method returns, because the format of the string might change in future releases. Gets or sets the within which the executes. The . The default value is null. Gets or sets how command results are applied to rows. One of the values. Contains a reference to an Entity Data Model (EDM) and a data source connection. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified and . A to be associated with this . The underlying data source connection for this object. The or parameter is null. The conceptual model is missing from the workspace.-or-The mapping file is missing from the workspace.-or-The storage model is missing from the workspace.-or-The is not in a closed state. The is not from an ADO.NET Entity Framework-compatible provider. Initializes a new instance of the class, based on the connection string. The provider-specific connection string. An invalid connection string keyword has been provided, or a required connection string keyword has not been provided. Begins a transaction by using the underlying provider. A new . The returned instance can later be associated with the to execute the command under that transaction. The underlying provider is not known.-or-The call to was made on an that already has a current transaction.-or-The state of the is not . Begins a transaction with the specified isolation level by using the underlying provider. A new . The returned instance can later be associated with the to execute the command under that transaction. The isolation level of the transaction. The underlying provider is not known.-or-The call to was made on an that already has a current transaction.-or-The state of the is not . Changes the current database for an open . The name of the database to use instead of the current database. The database name is not valid. The connection is not open, or the name of the underlying data provider is not known. Closes the connection to the database. An error occurred when closing the connection. Gets or sets the connection string. The connection string required to establish the initial connection to a data source. The default value is an empty string. On a closed connection, the currently set value is returned. If no value has been set, an empty string is returned. An attempt was made to set the property after the ’s was initialized. The is initialized either when the instance is constructed through the overload that takes a as a parameter, or when the instance has been opened. An invalid connection string keyword has been provided or a required connection string keyword has not been provided. Gets the number of seconds to wait when attempting to establish a connection before ending the attempt and generating an error. The time (in seconds) to wait for a connection to open. The default value is the underlying data provider's default time-out. The value set is less than 0. Creates a new instance of an , with the set to this . An object. The name of the underlying data provider is not known. Gets the name of the current database, or the database that will be used after a connection is opened. The value of the Database property of the underlying data provider. The underlying data provider is not known. Gets the name or network address of the data source to connect to. The name of the data source. The default value is an empty string. The underlying data provider is not known. Enlists this in the specified transaction. The transaction object to enlist into. The state of the is not . Returns the associated with this . The associated with this . The inline connection string contains an invalid Metadata keyword value. Establishes a connection to the data source by calling the underlying data provider's Open method. An error occurs when you open the connection, or the name of the underlying data provider is not known. The inline connection string contains an invalid Metadata keyword value. Gets a string that contains the version of the data source to which the client is connected. The version of the data source that is contained in the provider connection string. The connection is closed. Gets the property of the underlying provider if the is open. Otherwise, returns . , if and only if both the ’s internal state and the underlying provider's are open. If the ’s state is open but the provider's is closed, this property returns . Otherwise, it returns . Provides access to the underlying data source connection that is used by the object. The for the data source connection. Provides a simple way to create and manage the contents of connection strings used by the EntityClient. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class using the supplied connection string. A provider-specific connection string to the underlying data source. Clears the contents of the instance. Determines whether the contains a specific key. Returns true if the contains an element that has the specified key; otherwise, false. The key to locate in the . Gets a value that indicates whether the has a fixed size. Returns true in every case, because the supplies a fixed-size collection of keyword/value pairs. Gets or sets the value associated with the specified key. In C#, this property is the indexer. The value associated with the specified key. The key of the item to get or set. is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). Tried to add a key that does not exist in the available keys. Invalid value in the connection string (specifically, a Boolean or numeric value was expected but not supplied). Gets an that contains the keys in the . An that contains the keys in the . Gets or sets the metadata locations in the connection string. Gets or sets the metadata locations in the connection string. Gets or sets the name of a section as defined in a configuration file. The name of a section in a configuration file. Gets or sets the name of the underlying .NET Framework data provider in the connection string. The invariant name of the underlying .NET Framework data provider. Gets or sets the inner, provider-specific connection string. The inner, provider-specific connection string. Removes the entry with the specified key from the instance. Returns true if the key existed in the connection string and was removed; false if the key did not exist. The key of the keyword/value pair to be removed from the connection string in this . is null (Nothing in Visual Basic) Retrieves a value corresponding to the supplied key from this . Returns true if was found in the connection string; otherwise, false. The key of the item to retrieve. The value corresponding to contains a null value (Nothing in Visual Basic). Reads a forward-only stream of rows from a data source. Closes the object. Gets for this . A object. Gets a value indicating the depth of nesting for the current row. The depth of nesting for the current row. Releases the resources consumed by this and calls . true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Gets the number of columns in the current row. The number of columns in the current row. Gets the value of the specified column as a Boolean. The value of the specified column. The zero-based column ordinal. Gets the value of the specified column as a byte. The value of the specified column. The zero-based column ordinal. Reads a stream of bytes from the specified column, starting at location indicated by , into the buffer, starting at the location indicated by . The actual number of bytes read. The zero-based column ordinal. The index within the row from which to begin the read operation. The buffer into which to copy the data. The index with the buffer to which the data will be copied. The maximum number of characters to read. Gets the value of the specified column as a single character. The value of the specified column. The zero-based column ordinal. Reads a stream of characters from the specified column, starting at location indicated by , into the buffer, starting at the location indicated by . The actual number of characters read. The zero-based column ordinal. The index within the row from which to begin the read operation. The buffer into which to copy the data. The index with the buffer to which the data will be copied. The maximum number of characters to read. Returns nested readers as objects. Nested readers as objects. The ordinal of the column. Returns a nested . A . The number of the DbDataRecord to return. Gets name of the data type of the specified column. A string representing the name of the data type. The zero-based column ordinal. Gets the value of the specified column as a object. The zero-based column ordinal. The zero-based column ordinal. Returns a object for the requested column ordinal that can be overridden with a provider-specific implementation. A object. The zero-based column ordinal. Gets the value of the specified column as a object. The value of the specified column. The zero-based column ordinal. Gets the value of the specified column as a double-precision floating point number. The value of the specified column. The zero-based column ordinal. Returns an that can be used to iterate through the rows in the data reader. An that can be used to iterate through the rows in the data reader. Gets the data type of the specified column. The data type of the specified column. The zero-based column ordinal. Gets the value of the specified column as a single-precision floating point number. The value of the specified column. The zero-based column ordinal. Gets the value of the specified column as a globally-unique identifier (GUID). The value of the specified column. The zero-based column ordinal. Gets the value of the specified column as a 16-bit signed integer. The value of the specified column. The zero-based column ordinal. Gets the value of the specified column as a 32-bit signed integer. The value of the specified column. The zero-based column ordinal. Gets the value of the specified column as a 64-bit signed integer. The value of the specified column. The zero-based column ordinal. Gets the name of the column, given the zero-based column ordinal. The name of the specified column. The zero-based column ordinal. Gets the column ordinal given the name of the column. The zero-based column ordinal. The name of the column. The name specified is not a valid column name. Returns the provider-specific field type of the specified column. The object that describes the data type of the specified column. The zero-based column ordinal. Gets the value of the specified column as an instance of . The value of the specified column. The zero-based column ordinal. Gets all provider-specific attribute columns in the collection for the current row. The number of instances of in the array. An array of into which to copy the attribute columns. Returns a that describes the column metadata of the . A that describes the column metadata. Gets the value of the specified column as an instance of . The value of the specified column. The zero-based column ordinal. Gets the value of the specified column as an instance of . The value of the specified column. The zero-based column ordinal. Gets all attribute columns in the collection for the current row. The number of instances of in the array. An array of into which to copy the attribute columns. Gets a value that indicates whether this contains one or more rows. true if the contains one or more rows; otherwise false. Gets a value indicating whether the is closed. true if the is closed; otherwise false. Gets a value that indicates whether the column contains nonexistent or missing values. true if the specified column is equivalent to ; otherwise false. The zero-based column ordinal. Gets the value of the specified column as an instance of . The value of the specified column. The zero-based column ordinal Gets the value of the specified column as an instance of . The value of the specified column. The name of the column. Advances the reader to the next result when reading the results of a batch of statements. true if there are more result sets; otherwise false. Advances the reader to the next record in a result set. true if there are more rows; otherwise false. Gets the number of rows changed, inserted, or deleted by execution of the SQL statement. The number of rows changed, inserted, or deleted. Returns -1 for SELECT statements; 0 if no rows were affected or the statement failed. Gets the number of fields in the that are not hidden. The number of fields that are not hidden. Represents a parameter to an . This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class that uses the parameter name and the data type. The name of the parameter to map. One of the values. The value supplied in the parameter is an invalid back-end data type. Initializes a new instance of the class that uses the parameter name, the data type, and the size. The name of the parameter to map. One of the values. The length of the parameter. The value supplied in the parameter is an invalid back-end data type. Initializes a new instance of the class that uses the parameter name, the type, the size, the direction, the precision, the scale, the source column, a to use, and the value of the parameter. The name of the parameter to map. One of the values. The length of the parameter. One of the values. true if the value of the field can be null; otherwise false. The total number of digits to the left and right of the decimal point to which is resolved. The total number of decimal places to which is resolved. The name of the source column. One of the values. An that is the value of the . The value supplied in the parameter is an invalid back-end data type. Initializes a new instance of the class that uses the parameter name, the data type, the size, and the source column name. The name of the parameter to map. One of the values. The length of the parameter. The name of the source column. The value supplied in the parameter is an invalid back-end data type. Gets or sets the of the parameter. One of the values. The default is String. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the parameter is input-only, output-only, bidirectional, or a stored procedure return value parameter. One of the enumeration values. The default is Input. The property was not set to one of the valid values. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the parameter accepts null values. true if null values are accepted; otherwise false. The default is false. Gets or sets the name of the . The name of the . The default is an empty string. Gets or sets the maximum number of digits used to represent the property. The maximum number of digits used to represent the property. The default value is 0. This indicates that the data provider sets the precision for . Resets the type associated with this . Gets or sets the number of decimal places to which is resolved. The number of decimal places to which is resolved. The default is 0. Gets or sets the maximum size, in bytes, of the data in the column. The maximum size, in bytes, of the data in the column. The default value is inferred from the parameter value. Gets or sets the name of the source column in a cached row that the is mapped to. The name of the source column in the cached row. The default is an empty string. Gets or sets a value which indicates whether the source column is nullable. true if the source column is nullable; false if it is not. The default is false. Gets or sets the to use when you load One of the values. The default is Current. Gets a string that contains the . A string that contains the . Gets or sets the value of the parameter. An that is the value of the parameter. The default value is null. Represents a collection of parameters associated with a . Adds the specified object to the . A new object. The to add to the collection. The specified in the parameter is already added to this or another . The parameter passed was not a . The parameter is null. Adds the specified object to the . The index of the new object. An . Adds a to the given the parameter name and the data type. A new object. The name of the parameter. One of the values. Adds a to the with the parameter name, the data type, and the column length. A new object. The name of the parameter. One of the values. The column length. Adds an array of values to the end of the . The values to add. Adds an array of values to the end of the . The values to add. Adds a value to the end of the . A object. The name of the parameter. The value to be added. Removes all the objects from the . Determines whether the specified is in this . true if the contains the value; otherwise false. The value. Determines whether the specified is in this . true if the contains the value; otherwise false. The value. Copies all the elements of the current to the specified one-dimensional starting at the specified destination index. The one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from the current . A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the at which copying starts. Copies all the elements of the current to the specified starting at the specified destination index. The that is the destination of the elements copied from the current . A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the at which copying starts. Gets an Integer that contains the number of elements in the . The number of elements in the as an Integer. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the . An for the . Gets the location of the specified in the collection. The zero-based location of the specified that is a in the collection. Returns -1 when the object does not exist in the . The to find. Gets the location of the specified in the collection. The zero-based location of the specified that is a in the collection. Returns -1 when the object does not exist in the . The to find. Gets the location of the specified with the specified name. The zero-based location of the specified with the specified case-sensitive name. Returns -1 when the object does not exist in the . The case-sensitive name of the to find. Inserts a object into the at the specified index. The zero-based index at which value should be inserted. A object to be inserted in the . Inserts an into the at the specified index. The zero-based index at which value should be inserted. An to be inserted in the . Gets a value that indicates whether the has a fixed size. Returns true if the has a fixed size; otherwise false. Gets a value that indicates whether the is read-only. Returns true if the is read only; otherwise false. Gets a value that indicates whether the is synchronized. Returns true if the is synchronized; otherwise false. Gets the at the specified index. The at the specified index. The zero-based index of the parameter to retrieve. The specified index does not exist. Gets the with the specified name. The with the specified name. The name of the parameter to retrieve. The specified name does not exist. Removes the specified from the collection. A object to remove from the collection. The parameter is not a . The parameter does not exist in the collection. Removes the specified parameter from the collection. A object to remove from the collection. Removes the from the at the specified index. The zero-based index of the object to remove. Removes the from the at the specified parameter name. The name of the to remove. Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the . An object that can be used to synchronize access to the . Represents a set of methods for creating instances of a provider's implementation of the data source classes. Returns a new instance of the provider's class that implements the class. A new instance of . Throws a . This method is currently not supported. Returns a new instance of the provider's class that implements the class. A new instance of . Returns a new instance of the provider's class that implements the class. A new instance of . is not supported in this version of the .NET Framework. A object. Returns a new instance of the provider's class that implements the class. A new instance of . Returns a new instance of the provider's class that implements the provider's version of the class. A object for the specified . One of the values. This instance. Returns the requested class. A new instance of . The supported types are , , and . Returns null (or Nothing in Visual Basic) for every other type. The to return. Specifies the transaction for an . Commits the underlying transaction. Gets for this . An to the underlying data source. Gets the isolation level of this . An enumeration value that represents the isolation level of the underlying transaction. Rolls back the underlying transaction. Base class for the type created at design time to store generated views. Initializes a new instance of the EntityViewContainer class. Gets or sets the name of . Container name. Gets the view at index supplied by parameter. Index of view. Hash value of views. Hash value. Hash value. Hash value. Gets or sets in storage schema. Container name. Gets or sets view count. View count. Attribute to mark the assemblies containing the generated views type. Initializes a new instance of the class. The view type. Gets the T:System.Type of the view. The T:System.Type of the view. Collection of objects designed for storing mapping information. The contains a collection of storage mappings for and objects. Initializes a new instance of the class based on the supplied , the , and a collection of indicating the metadata file paths. The that this mapping is to use. The collection that this mapping is to use. The XML Readers that this mapping is to use. Initializes a new instance of the class based on the supplied , the , and a collection of indicating the metadata file paths. The that this mapping is to use. The collection that this mapping is to use. A indicating the file paths that this mapping is to use. Represents the End of association in the Entity Data Model (EDM). Gets the built-in type kind for this . A object that represents the built-in type kind for this . Represents an association set in the Entity Data Model (EDM). Gets the ends of this . A collection of type that contains the ends of this . Gets the built-in type kind for this . A object that represents built-in type kind for this . Gets the association related to this . An object that represents the association related to this . Represents the End of the association set in the Entity Data Model (EDM). Gets the built-in type kind for this . A object that represents the built-in type kind for this . Gets the End member that this object corresponds to. An object that represents the End member that this object corresponds to. Gets the entity set referenced by this End role. An object that represents the entity set referred by this End role. Gets the name of the End for this . The name of the End for this . Gets the parent association set of this . An object that represents the parent association set of this . Gets the name of the End role for this . The name of the End role for this . Returns the name of the End role for this . The name of the End role for this . Represents an association in the Entity Data Model (EDM). Gets the list of ends for this . A collection of type that contains the list of ends for this . Gets the built-in type kind for this . A object that represents the built-in type kind for this . Gets the list of constraints for this . A collection of type that contains the list of constraints for this . Represents an enumeration that specifies the list of all built-in types in the Entity Data Model (EDM). An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. An enumeration member that indicates the type. Represents an enumeration that specifies the kind of the collection that is applied to the properties in the conceptual schema definition language (CSDL) files. You can apply this to the properties of any type. The property is not a collection. The collection has bag semantics. The items are unordered and duplicates are acceptable. The collection has list semantics. The order of the items is deterministic and duplicates are acceptable. Represents a collection of instances of a specific type. You cannot define a in the Entity Data Model (EDM) schema explicitly. Gets the built-in type kind for this . A object that represents the built-in type kind for this . Gets the instance of the class that contains the type of the element that this current object includes and facets for that type. The instance of the class that contains the type of the element that this current object includes and facets for that type. Represents a complex type in the Entity Data Model (EDM). Gets the built-in type kind for this . A object that represents the built-in type kind for this . Gets the list of properties for this . A collection of type that contains the list of properties for this . Specifies the concurrency options for the properties in the Entity Data Model (EDM). The property is never validated at write time. This is the default concurrency mode. The property is always validated at write time. Specifies the default names for the models in the Entity Framework. Represents the default name for the object model. Represents the default name for the conceptual model. Represents the default name for the storage model. Represents the default name for the mapping between the object model and the conceptual model. Represents the default name for the mapping between the conceptual model and the storage model. Represents the documentation associated with an Entity Data Model (EDM) construct. Gets the built-in type kind for this . A object that represents the built-in type kind for this . Gets a value indicating whether this object contains only a null or an empty and a . true if this object contains only a null or an empty and a ; otherwise, false. Gets the long description for this . The long description for this . Gets the summary for this . The summary for this . Returns the summary for this . The summary for this . Encapsulates the error information for a generic Entity Data Model (EDM) error. Gets the error message. The error message. Represents information about the functions that may be invoked from the queries written by the Entity SQL query language. These may be the built-in functions exposed by the storage provider or user-defined functions in a particular database. Gets the built-in type kind for this . A object that represents the built-in type kind for this . Gets the parameters of this . A collection of type that contains the parameters of this . Gets the return parameter of this . A object that represents the return parameter of this . Loads metadata about the conceptual model. The loads metadata from conceptual schema definition language (CSDL) files. This class is derived from the class. Initializes a new instance of the class by using the collection of the objects where the conceptual schema definition language (CSDL) files exist. The collection of the objects where the conceptual schema definition language (CSDL) files exist. Initializes a new instance of the class by using the paths where the conceptual schema definition language (CSDL) files exist. The paths where the conceptual schema definition language (CSDL) files exist. Gets the version of the Entity Data Model (EDM) schemas that this item collection represents. The version of the EDM schemas that this item collection represents. Returns a collection of the objects. A object that represents a collection of the objects. Represents a member that can be declared in any . Gets the type on which this member is declared. A object that represents the type on which this member is declared. Gets the name of this member. The name of this member. Returns the name of this member. The name of this member. Gets the instance of the class that contains both the type of the member and facets for the type. A object that contains both the type of the member and facets for the type. Represents a property for the in the Entity Data Model (EDM) schemas. An class derives from the class and provides the and the facets for the type of this . Gets the built-in type kind for this . A object that represents the built-in type kind for this . Gets a value indicating whether this can have a null value. true if this can have a null value; otherwise, false. Encapsulates the detailed information about an Entity Data Model (EDM) schema error. Gets the column where the error occurred. The column where the error occurred. Gets the error code. The error code. Gets the line number where the error occurred. The line number where the error occurred. Gets the location of the schema that contains the error. This string also includes the name of the schema at the end. The location of the schema that contains the error. Gets the name of the schema that contains the error. The name of the schema that contains the error. Gets the severity level of the error. One of the values. The default is . Gets a string representation of the stack trace at the time the error occurred. A string representation of the stack trace at the time the error occurred. Returns the error message. The error message. Specifies the severity level of the error. A warning indicates that there are some problems in the schema but it is still usable. An error indicates that a severe problem occurred and the schema cannot be used. Represents a base class for all the types in the Entity Data Model (EDM). Gets a value indicating whether this type is abstract or not. true if this type is abstract; otherwise, false. Gets the base type of this type. The base type of this type. Gets the full name of this type. The full name of this type. Returns an instance of the whose element type is this type. The object whose element type is this type. Gets the name of this type. The name of this type. Gets the namespace of this type. The namespace of this type. Returns the full name of this type. The full name of this type. Represents an entity container in the Entity Data Model (EDM). An is a logical grouping of entity sets and association sets. Gets a list of entity sets and association sets that this includes. A object that contains a list of entity sets and association sets that this includes. Gets the built-in type kind for this . A object that represents the built-in type kind for this . Returns an object by using the specified name for the entity set. An object that represents the entity set that has the specified name. The name of the entity set that is searched for. true to perform the case-insensitive search; otherwise, false. Returns a object by using the specified name for the relationship set. An object that represents the relationship set that has the specified name. The name of the relationship set that is searched for. true to perform the case-insensitive search; otherwise, false. Gets the name of this . The name of this . Returns the name of this . The name of this . Returns an object by using the specified name for the entity set. true if there is an entity set that matches the search criteria; otherwise, false. The name of the entity set that is searched for. true to perform the case-insensitive search; otherwise, false. When this method returns, contains an object. If there is no entity set, this output parameter contains null. Returns a object by using the specified name for the relationship set. true if there is a relationship set that matches the search criteria; otherwise, false. The name of the relationship set that is searched for. true to perform the case-insensitive search; otherwise, false. When this method returns, contains a object. Represents an entity set in the Entity Data Model (EDM). An for an contains instances of the or any of its subtypes. More than one can be defined by using the same . Gets the built-in type kind for this . A object that represents the built-in type kind for this . Gets the entity type of this . An object that represents the entity type of this . A base class for an and a . Gets the built-in type kind for this . A object that represents the built-in type kind for this . Gets the entity type of this . An object that represents the entity type of this . Gets the entity container of the current entity or relationship set. An object that represents the entity container of the current entity or relationship set. Gets the name of the current entity or relationship set. The name of the current entity or relationship set. Returns the name of the current entity or relationship set. The name of the current entity or relationship set. Represents a particular type of data, such as a customer entity or an order entity in the Entity Data Model (EDM). Gets the built-in type kind for this . A object that represents the built-in type kind for this . Returns a object that references this . A object that references this . Gets the navigation properties of this . A collection of type that contains the list of navigation properties on this . Gets the list of properties for this . A collection of type that contains the list of properties for this . A base type for and . Gets the list of all the key members for the current entity or relationship type. A object that represents the list of key members for the current entity or relationship type. Provides additional information about members. In the ADO.NET metadata type hierarchy, facets provide additional information about members through the declared type for the member. Gets the built-in type kind for this . A object that represents the built-in type kind for this . Gets the description of this . The object that represents the description of this . Gets the type of this . The object that represents the type of this . Gets a value indicating whether the value of the facet is unbounded. true if the value of the facet is unbounded; otherwise, false. Gets the name of this . The name of this . Returns the name of this . The name of this . Gets the value of this . The value of this . Specifies a description of the facet. Gets the default value of a facet with this facet description. The default value of a facet with this facet description. Gets the name of this facet. The name of this facet. Gets the type of this facet. An object that represents the type of this facet. Gets a value indicating whether the value of this facet is a constant. true if this facet is a constant; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this facet is a required facet. true if this facet is a required facet; otherwise, false. Gets the maximum value for this facet. The maximum value for this facet. Gets the minimum value for this facet. The minimum value for this facet. Returns the name of this facet. The name of this facet. Describes the parameters of an . Gets the built-in type kind for this . A object that represents the built-in type kind for this . Gets or sets the on which this parameter is declared. A object that represents the function on which this parameter is declared. Gets the mode of this . One of the values. Gets the name of this . The name of this . Returns the name of this . The name of this . Gets the instance of the class that contains both the type of the parameter and facets for the type. A object that contains both the type of the parameter and facets for the type. Represents the base item class for all the Entity Data Model (EDM) types and the entity containers. A base class for , , and classes. An class is an abstract class and provides the core API for loading and holding the in-memory metadata. This class is derived from the class. Gets the data model associated with this item collection. The data model associated with this item collection. Returns an object by using the specified entity container name. If there is no entity container, this method returns null; otherwise, it returns the first one. The name of the entity container. Returns an object by using the specified entity container name. If there is no entity container, this method returns null; otherwise, it returns the first entity container. The name of the entity container. true to perform the case-insensitive search; otherwise, false. Returns all the overloads of the functions by using the specified name from this item collection. A collection of type ReadOnlyCollection that contains all the functions that have the specified name. A dictionary of functions. The full name of the function. true to perform the case-insensitive search; otherwise, false. Returns all the overloads of the functions by using the specified name from this item collection. A collection of type that contains all the functions that have the specified name. The full name of the function. Returns all the overloads of the functions by using the specified name from this item collection. A collection of type that contains all the functions that have the specified name. The full name of the function. true to perform the case-insensitive search; otherwise, false. Returns a strongly typed object by using the specified identity. The item that is specified by the identity. The identity of the item. The type returned by the method. Returns a strongly typed object by using the specified identity with either case-sensitive or case-insensitive search. The item that is specified by the identity. The identity of the item. true to perform the case-insensitive search; otherwise, false. The type returned by the method. Returns all the items of the specified type from this item collection. A collection of type that contains all the items of the specified type. The type returned by the method. Returns an object by using the specified type name and the namespace name in this item collection. An object that represents the type that matches the specified type name and the namespace name in this item collection. If there is no matched type, this method returns null. The name of the type. The namespace of the type. Returns an object by using the specified type name and the namespace name from this item collection. An object that represents the type that matches the specified type name and the namespace name in this item collection. If there is no matched type, this method returns null. The name of the type. The namespace of the type. true to perform the case-insensitive search; otherwise, false. Returns an object by using the specified entity container name. If there is no entity container, this output parameter contains null; otherwise, it contains the first entity container. true if there is an entity container that matches the search criteria; otherwise, false. The name of the entity container. true to perform the case-insensitive search; otherwise, false. When this method returns, it contains an object. If there is no entity container, this output parameter contains null; otherwise, it contains the first entity container. Returns an object by using the specified entity container name. If there is no entity container, the output parameter contains null; otherwise, it contains the first entity container. true if there is an entity container that matches the search criteria; otherwise, false. The name of the entity container. When this method returns, it contains an object. If there is no entity container, this output parameter contains null; otherwise, it contains the first entity container. Returns a strongly typed object by using the specified identity from this item collection. true if there is an item that matches the search criteria; otherwise, false. The identity of the item. true to perform the case-insensitive search; otherwise, false. When this method returns, the output parameter contains a object. If there is no global item with the specified identity in the item collection, this output parameter contains null. The type returned by the method. Returns a strongly typed object by using the specified identity from this item collection. true if there is an item that matches the search criteria; otherwise, false. The identity of the item. When this method returns, the output parameter contains a object. If there is no global item with the specified identity in the item collection, this output parameter contains null. The type returned by the method. Returns an object by using the specified type name and the namespace name from this item collection. true if there is a type that matches the search criteria; otherwise, false. The name of the type. The namespace of the type. true to perform the case-insensitive search; otherwise, false. When this method returns, this output parameter contains an object. If there is no type with the specified name and namespace name in this item collection, this output parameter contains null. Returns an object by using the specified type name and the namespace name from this item collection. true if there is a type that matches the search criteria; otherwise, false. The name of the type. The namespace of the type. When this method returns, this output parameter contains an object. If there is no type with the specified name and namespace name in this item collection, this output parameter contains null. Represents the base item class for all the metadata in the ADO.NET metadata type hierarchy. Gets the built-in type kind for this type. A object that represents the built-in type kind for this type. Gets or sets the documentation associated with this type. A object that represents the documentation on this type. Returns an Entity Data Model (EDM) built-in type that matches one of the values. An object that represents the built-in type in the EDM. One of the values. Returns the list of the general facet descriptions for a specified type. A object that represents the list of the general facet descriptions for a specified type. Gets the list of properties of the current type. A collection of type that contains the list of properties of the current type. Represents a metadata attribute for an item in the ADO.NET metadata hierarchy. Gets the built-in type kind for this . A object that represents the built-in type kind for this . Gets the name of this . The name of this . Gets the value of this . The value of this . Gets the instance of the class that contains both the type of this and facets for the type. A object that contains both the type of this and facets for the type. Gets the value of this . The value of this . Represents the ADO.NET metadata runtime service component that provides support for retrieving metadata from various sources. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Paths to workspace metadata. Names of assemblies used to construct workspace. Clears all the metadata cache entries. Returns a object that represents the that matches the type supplied by the parameter . A object that represents the . If there is no matched type, this method returns null. A that supplies the type in the object space. Returns an object by using the specified entity container name and the data model. If there is no entity container, this method returns null; otherwise, it returns the first entity container. The name of the entity container. true to perform the case-insensitive search; otherwise, false. The EDM data model on which the entity container is searched. Returns an object by using the specified entity container name and the data model. If there is no entity container, this method returns null; otherwise, it returns the first entity container. The name of the entity container. The EDM data model on which the entity container is searched. Returns all the overloads of the functions by using the specified name, namespace name, and data model. A collection of type that contains all the functions that match the specified name in a given namespace and a data model. The name of the function. The namespace of the function. The EDM data model in which the functions are searched. Returns all the overloads of the functions by using the specified function name, namespace name, and data model. A collection of type that contains all the functions that match the specified name in the given namespace and the data model. The name of the function. The namespace of the function. The EDM data model in which the functions are searched. true to perform the case-insensitive search; otherwise, false. Returns an item by using the specified identity and the data model. The item that matches the given identity in the specified data model. The identity of the item. true to perform the case-insensitive search; otherwise, false. The EDM data model on which the item is searched. The type returned by the method. Returns an item by using the specified identity and the data model. The item that matches the given identity in the specified data model. The identity of the item. The EDM data model in which the item is searched. The type returned by the method. Gets items. T:System.Data.Metadata.Edm.DataSpace from which to retrieve items. Gets all the items in the specified data model. A collection of type that contains all the items in the specified data model. The EDM data model for which the list of items is needed. The type returned by the method. Gets all the items in the specified data model. A collection of type that contains all the items in the specified data model. The EDM data model for which the list of items is needed. Returns a object that represents the object space type that matches the type supplied by the parameter . A object that represents the Object space type. If there is no matched type, this method returns null. A object that represents the . Returns the list of primitive types in the specified data model. A collection of type that contains all the primitive types in the specified data model. The data model for which you need the list of primitive types. Gets original value members from entity set and type. Entity set from which to retrieve original values. Entity type of which to retrieve original values. Returns an object by using the specified type name, namespace name, and data model. The name of the type. The namespace of the type. true to perform the case-insensitive search; otherwise, false. The EDM data model on which the type is searched. Returns an object by using the specified type name, namespace name, and data model. An object that represents the type that matches the given type name and the namespace name in the specified data model. If there is no matched type, this method returns null. The name of the type. The namespace of the type. The EDM data model on which the type is searched. Loads metadata from the given assembly. The assembly from which the metadata will be loaded. Represents the maximum Entity Data Model (EDM) version supported by the Entity Framework runtime. Registers the item collection with each associated data model. The output parameter collection that needs to be filled up. The collection argument is null. The specified data model has already a registered an item collection. Returns a object via the out parameter that represents the that matches the type supplied by the parameter . true if there is a type that matches the search criteria; otherwise, false. A object that represents the object space type. A object that represents the . Returns an object by using the specified entity container name and the data model. The name of the entity container. true to perform the case-insensitive search; otherwise, false. The EDM data model on which the entity container is searched. When this method returns, contains an object. If there is no entity container, this output parameter contains null; otherwise, it returns the first entity container. Returns an object by using the specified entity container name and the data model. true if there is an entity container that matches the search criteria; otherwise, false. The name of the entity container. The EDM data model on which the entity container is searched. When this method returns, contains an object. If there is no entity container, this output parameter contains null; otherwise, it returns the first entity container. Returns an item by using the specified identity and the data model. true if there is an item that matches the search criteria; otherwise, false. The identity of the item. true to perform the case-insensitive search; otherwise, false. The EDM data model on which the item is searched. When this method returns, contains a object. The type returned by the method. Returns an item by using the specified identity and the data model. true if there is an item that matches the search criteria; otherwise, false. The identity of the item. The EDM data model on which the item is searched. When this method returns, contains a object. The type returned by the method. Test retrieval of . from which to attempt retrieval of . Item collection Returns a object via the out parameter that represents the type that matches the supplied by the parameter . true if there is a type that matches the search criteria; otherwise, false. A object that represents the . A object that represents the object space type. Returns an object by using the specified type name, namespace name, and data model. true if there is a type that matches the search criteria; otherwise, false. The name of the type. The namespace of the type. true to perform the case-insensitive search; otherwise, false. The EDM data model on which the type is searched. When this method returns, contains an object. Returns an object by using the specified type name, namespace name, and data model. true if there is a type that matches the search criteria; otherwise, false. The name of the type. The namespace of the type. The EDM data model on which the type is searched. When this method returns, contains an object. Represents the navigation from one entity type to another entity type in the Entity Data Model (EDM). Gets the built-in type kind for this . A object that represents the built-in type kind for this . Gets the "from" relationship end member in this navigation. The "from" relationship end member in this navigation. Gets the relationship type that this navigation property operates on. The relationship type that this navigation property operates on. Gets the "to" relationship end member of this navigation. The "to" relationship end member of this navigation. Loads metadata about the object data model. This class is derived from the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Returns the CLR type that corresponds to the supplied by the parameter. CLR type. A that represents the object space type. Returns a collection of the objects. A collection of the objects. Loads metadata from the given assembly. The assembly from which the metadata will be loaded. Returns a CLR type corresponding to the supplied by the parameter. true if there is a type that matches the search criteria; otherwise, false. A that represents the object space type. CLR type. Specifies the list of possible actions when the parent End of the is deleted. Only a parent End can be deleted. When a parent End is deleted, its associated child ends are deleted as well. A parent End cannot be deleted if it has one or more associated child ends. Specifies the direction of a parameter. An input parameter. An output parameter. Both an input and an output parameter. A return value of the method. Specifies the type semantics that are used to resolve the function overloads. Each store provider must use these enumeration flags in the provider manifest file for every function definition. A flag indicating the implicit conversion between the given and the formal argument types. This is the default conversion type. A flag indicating the type promotion between the given and the formal argument types. A flag indicating the usage of strict equivalence only. Describes the .NET Framework primitive types, Entity Data Model (EDM) primitive types, and storage provider-specific primitive types. Gets the built-in type kind for this . A object that represents the built-in type kind for this . Returns an equivalent common language runtime (CLR) type of this . Note that the property always returns a non-nullable type value. A object that represents an equivalent common language runtime (CLR) type of this . Gets the list of facet descriptions for this . A collection of type that contains the list of facet descriptions for this . Returns the equivalent of this . An object that is an equivalent of this . Returns the list of primitive types. A collection of type that contains the list of primitive types. Gets a enumeration value that indicates a primitive type of this . A enumeration value that indicates a primitive type of this . Specifies the kinds of all primitive types defined by the Entity Data Model (EDM). An enumeration member that indicates the Binary (EDM) type. An enumeration member that indicates the Boolean (EDM) type. An enumeration member that indicates the Byte (EDM) type. An enumeration member that indicates the DateTime (EDM) type. An enumeration member that indicates the Decimal (EDM)type. An enumeration member that indicates the Double (EDM) type. An enumeration member that indicates the Guid (EDM) type. An enumeration member that indicates the Single (EDM) type. An enumeration member that indicates the SByte (EDM) type. An enumeration member that indicates the Int16 (EDM) type. An enumeration member that indicates the Int32 (EDM) type. An enumeration member that indicates the Int64 (EDM) type. An enumeration member that indicates the String (EDM) type. Specifies the kinds of item attributes in the Entity Data Model (EDM). An enumeration member indicating that an item attribute is System. An enumeration member indicating that an item attribute is Extended. Represents a collection of members in the ADO.NET metadata hierarchy by providing a read-only collection with advanced lookup capabilities. This class is derived from the class. Determines whether the collection contains an item with the specified identity. true if the collection contains the item to be searched for; otherwise, false. The default is false. The identity of the item. Returns an enumerator that can iterate through this collection. A that can be used to iterate through this . Retrieves an item from this collection by using the specified identity. An item from this collection. true to perform the case-insensitive search; otherwise, false. Returns the index of the specified value in this collection. The index of the specified value in this collection. A value to seek. Gets a value indicating whether this collection is read-only. true if this collection is read-only; otherwise, false. Gets an item from this collection by using the specified identity. An item from this collection. Retrieves an item from this collection by using the specified identity. true if there is an item that matches the search criteria; otherwise, false. The identity of the item to be searched for. true to perform the case-insensitive search; otherwise, false. When this method returns, this output parameter contains an item from the collection. If there is no matched item, this output parameter contains null. Supports a simple iteration over the collection. Gets the member at the current position. The member at the current position. Disposes of this enumerator. Moves to the next member in the collection of type . true if the enumerator is moved in the collection of type ; otherwise, false. Positions the enumerator before the first position in the collection of type . Gets the member at the current position. The member at the current position. Describes the referential constraints on the relationships in the Entity Data Model (EDM). Gets the built-in type kind for this . A object that represents the built-in type kind for this . Gets the list of properties for the "from role" on which this is defined. A collection of type that contains the list of properties for "from role" on which this is defined. Gets the "from role" that takes part in this . A object that represents the "from role" that takes part in this . Gets the list of properties for the "to role" on which this is defined. A collection of type that contains the list of properties for the "to role" on which this is defined. Gets the "to role" that takes part in this . A object that represents the "to role" that takes part in this . Returns the combination of the names of the and the . The combination of the names of the and the . Provides the address of an entity for operations that use the entity. You cannot define a in the Entity Data Model (EDM) schema explicitly. Gets the built-in type kind for this . A object that represents the built-in type kind for this . Gets the entity type referenced by this . An object that represents the entity type referenced by this . Defines the End member for the . Gets the operational behavior of this relationship end member. One of the values. The default is . Gets the multiplicity of this relationship end member. One of the values. Represents the multiplicity information about the End of a relationship type. A lower bound is zero and an upper bound is one. A lower bound is one and an upper bound is one. A lower bound is zero and an upper bound is null. Represents a relationship set in the Entity Data Model (EDM). Gets the built-in type kind for this . A object that represents the built-in type kind for this . Gets the relationship type of this . An object that represents the relationship type of this . Represents the base class for relationships in the Entity Data Model (EDM). Gets the list of ends for this relationship type. A collection of type that contains the list of Ends for this relationship type. Describes a row, such as the result of a query. This class is derived from the class. The structure of the row type depends on what database columns are projected in the query. You cannot define a in the Entity Data Model (EDM) schema explicitly. Gets the built-in type kind for this . A object that represents the built-in type kind for this . Gets the list of properties on this . A collection of type that contains the list of properties on this . A base class that describes primitive types in the Entity Data Model (EDM). Represents an enumeration that specifies three options indicating whether the column in the store schema definition language (SSDL) (.ssdl) needs a value during insert and update operations. ADO.NET reads the value of the column and then stores it in-memory cache. A value indicating that it is not a server generated property. This is the default value. A value is generated on insert and remains unchanged on update. A value is generated on both insert and update. Loads metadata about the storage (database) model. The loads metadata from store schema definition language (SSDL) files. This class is derived from the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. XML Reader used to create metadata. Initializes a new instance of the class. Path to file used to create metadata. Returns a collection of the objects. A object that represents a collection of the objects. A base type for all the types in the Entity Data Model (EDM) that have members. Gets the list of members on this type. A collection of type that contains a set of members on this type. Describes a type and a set of facets for that type. Gets the built-in type kind for this . A object that represents the built-in type kind for this . Creates a object to describe a binary type by using the specified facet values. A object describing a binary type by using the specified facet values. A for which the object is created. true to set the length of the binary type to fixed; otherwise, false. Creates a object to describe a binary type by using the specified facet values. A object describing a binary type by using the specified facet values. A for which the object is created. true to set the length of the binary type to fixed; otherwise, false. The maximum length of the binary type. Creates a object to describe a decimal type with unbounded precision and scale facet values. A object describing a decimal type with unbounded precision and scale facet values. A for which the object is created. Creates a object to describe a decimal type by using the specified facet values. A object describing a decimal type by using the specified facet values. A for which the object is created. The precision of the decimal type. The scale of the decimal type. Creates a object with the specified Entity Data Model (EDM) type. A object with the default facet values for the specified . A for which the object is created. Creates a object to describe a string type by using the specified facet values and unbounded MaxLength. A object describing a string type by using the specified facet values and unbounded MaxLength. A for which the object is created. true to set the character-encoding standard of the string type to Unicode; otherwise, false. true to set the length of the string type to fixed; otherwise, false Creates a object to describe a string type by using the specified facet values. A object describing a string type by using the specified facet values. A for which the object is created. true to set the character-encoding standard of the string type to Unicode; otherwise, false. true to set the character-encoding standard of the string type to Unicode; otherwise, false. true to set the length of the string type to fixed; otherwise, false. Gets the type information described by this . An object that represents the type information described by this . Gets the list of facets for the type that is described by this . A collection of type that contains the list of facets for the type that is described by this . Checks whether this is a subtype of the specified . true if this is a subtype of the specified ; otherwise, false. The object to be checked. Returns the full name of the type described by this . The full name of the type described by this . Represents a cached LINQ to Entities query. Compiles the LINQ to Entities query. , a generic delegate that represents the compiled LINQ to Entities query. The LINQ to Entities query expression to compile, expressed as an ((TArg0, TResult)). The that encapsulates the model connection and metadata. The type of the query results returned by executing the delegate returned by the method. Compiles the LINQ to Entities query. , a generic delegate that represents the compiled LINQ to Entities query. The LINQ to Entities query expression to compile, expressed as an ((TArg0, TArg1, TResult)). The that encapsulates the model connection and metadata. Represents the type of the parameter that has to be passed in when executing the delegate returned by the method. The type of the query results returned by executing the delegate returned by the method. Compiles the LINQ to Entities query. , a generic delegate that represents the compiled LINQ to Entities query. The LINQ to Entities query expression to compile, expressed as an ((TArg0, TArg1, TArg2, TResult)). The that encapsulates the model connection and metadata. Represents the type of the parameter that has to be passed in when executing the delegate returned by the method. Represents the type of the parameter that has to be passed in when executing the delegate returned by the method. The type of the query results returned by executing the delegate returned by the method. Compiles the LINQ to Entities query. , a generic delegate that represents the compiled LINQ to Entities query. The LINQ to Entities query expression to compile, expressed as an ((TArg0, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TResult)). The that encapsulates the model connection and metadata. Represents the type of the parameter that has to be passed in when executing the delegate returned by the method. Represents the type of the parameter that has to be passed in when executing the delegate returned by the method. The type of the query results returned by executing the delegate returned by the method. Provides access to the current values of object data. Returns data record information. A object. Returns the number of fields in the record. An integer value that is the field count. Retrieves the field value as a Boolean. The field value as a Boolean. The ordinal of the field. Retrieves the field value as a byte. The field value as a byte. The ordinal of the field. Retrieves the field value as a byte array. The number of bytes copied. The ordinal of the field. The index at which to start copying data. The destination buffer where data is copied. The index in the destination buffer where copying will begin. The number of bytes to copy. Retrieves the field value as a char. The field value as a char. The ordinal of the field. Retrieves the field value as a char array. The number of chars copied. The ordinal of the field. The index at which to start copying data. The destination buffer where data is copied. The index in the destination buffer where copying will begin. The number of chars to copy. This method is not supported in this release. The field value as a . The ordinal of the field. When called. Retrieves a field value as a . A field value as a . The ordinal of the field. Retrieves the name of the field data type. The name of the field data type. The ordinal of the field. Retrieves the field value as a . The field value as a . The ordinal of the field. This method is not supported in this release. The field value as a . The ordinal of the field. When called. Retrieves the field value as a decimal. The field value as a decimal. Retrieves the field value as a double. The field value as a double. The ordinal of the field. Retrieves the type of a field. The field type. The ordinal of the field. Retrieves the field value as a float. The field value as a float. The ordinal of the field. Retrieves the field value as a . The field value as a . The ordinal of the field. Retrieves the field value as an . The field value as an . The ordinal of the field. Retrieves the field value as an . The field value as an . The ordinal of the field. Retrieves the field value as an . The field value as an . The ordinal of the field. Retrieves the name of a field. The name of the field. The ordinal of the field. Retrieves the ordinal of a field by name. The ordinal of the field. The name of the field. Retrieves the value of a field. The field value. The ordinal of the field. Retrieves the field value as a string. The field value. The ordinal of the field. Retrieves the value of a field. The field value. The ordinal of the field. Retrieves all field values in the record into an object array. The number of field values returned. An array of objects to store the field values. Returns whether the specified field is set to null. true if the field is set to null; otherwise false. The ordinal of the field. Returns a value with the given field ordinal. The field value. The ordinal of the field. Gets a value with the given field name. The field value. The name of the field. Sets the value of a field in a record. The ordinal of the field. The value of the field. Sets the value of a field in a record. The ordinal of the field. The value of the field. Sets the value of a field in a record. The ordinal of the field. The value of the field. Sets the value of a field in a record. The ordinal of the field. The value of the field. Sets the value of a field in a record. The ordinal of the field. The value of the field. Sets a field to the value. The ordinal of the field. Sets the value of a field in a record. The ordinal of the field. The value of the field. Sets the value of a field in a record. The ordinal of the field. The value of the field. Sets the value of a field in a record. The ordinal of the field. The value of the field. Sets the value of a field in a record. The ordinal of the field. The value of the field. Sets the value of a field in a record. The ordinal of the field. The value of the field. Sets the value of a field in a record. The ordinal of the field. The value of the field. Sets the value of a field in a record. The ordinal of the field. The value of the field. Sets the value of a field in a record. The ordinal of the field. The value of the field. Sets the value of a field in a record. The ordinal of the field. The value of the field. Sets the value of a field in a record. The ordinal of the field. The value of the field. Sets field values in a record. The number of fields that were set. The values of the field. This method is not supported in this release. The field value as an . The ordinal of the field. When called. Specifies how objects being loaded into the object context are merged with objects already in the object context. Objects that already exist in the object context are not loaded from the data source. This is the default behavior for queries or when calling the method on an . Objects are always loaded from the data source. Any property changes made to objects in the object context are overwritten by the data source values. Objects are always loaded from the data source. However, any property changes made to objects in the object context are preserved. Objects are maintained in a state and are not tracked in the . Provides facilities for querying and working with entity data as objects. Initializes a new instance of the class with the given connection. During construction, the metadata workspace is extracted from the object. An that contains references to the model and to the data source connection. The is null. The is invalid.-or-The metadata workspace is invalid. Initializes a new instance of the class with a given connection and entity container name. An that contains references to the model and to the data source connection. The name of the default entity container. When the is set through this method, the property becomes read-only. The is null. The , , or metadata workspace is not valid. Initializes a new instance of the class with the given connection string and default entity container name. The connection string, which also provides access to the metadata information. The is null. The is invalid.-or-The metadata workspace is not valid. Initializes a new instance of the class with a given connection string and entity container name. The connection string, which also provides access to the metadata information. The name of the default entity container. When the is set through this method, the property becomes read-only. The is null. The , , or metadata workspace is not valid. Accepts all changes made to objects in the object context. Adds an object to the object context. Represents the entity set name, which may optionally be qualified by the entity container name. The to add. The parameter is null. -or-The does not qualify. Applies property changes from a detached object to an object already attached to the object context. The name of the entity set to which the object belongs. The detached object that has property updates to apply to the original object. When is null or an empty string.-or-When is null. When the from does not match the of the object’s .-or-When the entity is in a state other than or .-or- The original object is not attached to the context. When the type of the object is not the same type as the original object. Attaches an object or object graph to the object context when the object has an entity key. The object to attach. The is null. Invalid entity key. Attaches an object or object graph to the object context in a specific entity set. Represents the entity set name, which may optionally be qualified by the entity container name. The to attach. The is null. Invalid entity set.-or-The object has a temporary key. -or-The object has an and the does not match with the entity set passed in as an argument of the method.-or-The object does not have an and no entity set is provided.-or-Any object from the object graph has a temporary .-or-Any object from the object graph has an invalid (for example, values in the key do not match values in the object).-or-The entity set could not be found from a given name and entity container name.-or-Any object from the object graph already exists in another state manager. Gets or sets the timeout value, in seconds, for all object context operations. An value that is the timeout value, in seconds. The timeout value is less than 0. Gets the connection used by the object context. A object that is the connection. Creates the entity key for a specific object, or returns the entity key if it already exists. The of the object. The fully qualified name of the entity set to which the entity object belongs. The object for which the entity key is being retrieved. The object must implement . When either parameter is null. When is empty.-or- When the type of the object does not exist in the entity set.-or-When the is not fully qualified. When the entity key cannot be constructed successfully based on the supplied parameters. Creates an in the current object context by using the specified query string. An of the specified type. The query string to be executed. Parameters to pass to the query. The entity type of the returned . The or parameter is null. Gets or sets the default container name. A that is the default container name. Marks an object for deletion. An object that specifies the entity to delete. The object can be in any state except . Removes the object from the object context. Object to be detached. Only the is removed; if there are any related objects that are being tracked by the same , those will not be detached automatically. Releases the resources used by the object context. Releases the resources used by the object context. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Executes the given stored procedure or function against the data source to return an . An for the data that is returned by the stored procedure. Name of stored procedure or function. The name may include the container name, such as <Container Name>.<Function Name>. When the default container name is known, only the function name is required. An array of objects. The entity type of the returned when the function is executed against the data source. This type must implement . The entity reader does not support this .-or-There is a type mismatch on the reader and the . is null or empty -or- is not found. Returns an object that has the specified entity key. An that is an instance of an entity type. The key of the object to be found. The parameter is null. The object is not found in either the or the data source. Gets the metadata workspace used by the object context. The object associated with this . Gets the object state manager used by the object context to track object changes. The used by this . Updates a collection of objects in the object context with data from the data source. A value that indicates whether property changes in the object context are overwritten with property values from the data source. An collection of objects to refresh. is not valid. is null. is null or empty. -or- An object is not attached to the context. Updates an object in the object context with data from the data source. One of the values that specifies which mode to use for refreshing the . The object to be refreshed. is not valid. is null or empty. -or- An object is not attached to the context. is null. Persists all updates to the data source and resets change tracking in the object context. The number of objects in an , , or state when was called. The service adapter is null. An optimistic concurrency violation has occurred in the data source. Persists all updates to the data source and optionally resets change tracking in the object context. The number of objects in an , , or state when was called. This parameter is needed for client-side transaction support. If true, the change tracking on all objects is reset after finishes. If false, you must call the method after . The service adapter is null. An optimistic concurrency violation has occurred. Occurs when changes are saved to the data source. Returns an object that has the specified entity key. true if the object was retrieved successfully. false if the is temporary, the connection is null, or the is null. The key of the object to be found. When this method returns, contains the object. is null. Incompatible metadata for . Represents a query parameter that is passed to an object query. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified name and value. The parameter name. This name should not include the "@" parameter marker that is used in Entity SQL statements, only the actual name. The first character of the expression must be a letter. Any successive characters in the expression must be either letters, numbers, or an underscore (_) character. The initial value (and inherently, the type) of the parameter. If the value of either argument is null. If the value of the name argument is not valid. Parameter names must start with a letter and can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified name and type. The parameter name. This name should not include the "@" parameter marker that is used in the Entity SQL statements, only the actual name. The first character of the expression must be a letter. Any successive characters in the expression must be either letters, numbers, or an underscore (_) character. The common language runtime (CLR) type of the parameter. If the value of either argument is null. If the value of the name argument is invalid. Parameter names must start with a letter and can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. Gets the parameter name, which can only be set through a constructor. The parameter name, which can only be set through a constructor. Gets the parameter type. The of the parameter. Gets or sets the parameter value. The parameter value. Represents the query parameters as objects that are defined in an . Adds the specified to the collection. The parameter to add to the collection. The argument is null. The argument already exists in the collection. This behavior differs from that of most collections that allow duplicate entries. -or-Another parameter with the same name as the argument already exists in the collection. Note that the lookup is case-insensitive. This behavior differs from that of most collections, and is more like that of a . The type of the is not valid. Deletes all instances from the collection. Checks for the existence of a specified in the collection by reference. Returns true if the parameter object was found in the collection; otherwise, false. The to find in the collection. The argument is null. Determines whether an with the specified name is in the collection. Returns true if a parameter with the specified name was found in the collection; otherwise, false. The name of the parameter to look for in the collection. This name should not include the "@" parameter marker that is used in the Entity SQL statements, only the actual name. The parameter is null. Allows the parameters in the collection to be copied into a supplied array, starting with the object at the specified index. The array into which to copy the parameters. The index in the array at which to start copying the parameters. Gets the number of parameters currently in the collection. The number of objects that are currently in the collection. Provides an indexer that allows callers to retrieve parameters by name. The name of the parameter to find. This name should not include the "@" parameter marker that is used in the Entity SQL statements, only the actual name. No parameter with the specified name is found in the collection. Removes an instance of an from the collection by reference if it exists in the collection. Returns true if the parameter object was found and removed from the collection; otherwise, false. The argument is null. Returns an untyped enumerator over the collection. An instance. Implements common functionality for queries against an Entity Data Model (EDM) using both LINQ to Entities and . Returns the command text for the query. A string value. Gets the object context associated with this object query. The associated with this instance. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the query plan should be cached. A value that indicates whether the query plan should be cached. Executes the untyped object query with the specified merge option. An that contains a collection of entity objects returned by the query. The to use when executing the query. The default is . Returns information about the result type of the query. A value that contains information about the result type of the query. Gets or sets how objects returned from a query are added to the object context. The query . Gets the parameter collection for this object query. The parameter collection for this . Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An that can be used to iterate through the collection. Gets a value that indicates whether the collection returned by the query contains collection objects. A Boolean value. Returns the collection as an used for data binding. An of entity objects. Gets the result element type for this query instance. A that is the result element type for this query instance. Gets the expression describing this query. The LINQ that describes this query. Gets the LINQ associated with this query instance. The associated with this query instance. Returns the commands to execute against the data source. A string that represents the commands that the query executes against the data source. Represents a typed query against an Entity Data Model (EDM) in a given object context. The entity type of the query. Creates a new instance using the specified Entity SQL command as the initial query. The Entity SQL query. The on which to execute the query. Creates a new instance using the specified Entity SQL command as the initial query and the specified merge option. The Entity SQL query. The on which to execute the query. Specifies how the entities that are retrieved through this query should be merged with the entities that have been returned from previous queries against the same . Limits the query to unique results. A new instance that is equivalent to the original instance with SELECT DISTINCT applied. Limits the query results by excluding results based on the results of another object query. A new instance that is equivalent to the original instance with EXCEPT applied based on the specified . An that represents the results to exclude from the query. The parameter is null or an empty string. Executes the object query with the specified merge option. An that contains a collection of entity objects returned by the query. The to use when executing the query. The default is . Groups the query results by the specified criteria. A new instance of type that is equivalent to the original instance with GROUP BY applied. The key columns by which to group the results. The list of selected properties that defines the projection. Zero or more parameters that are used in this method. The parameter is null or an empty string.-or-The parameter is null or an empty string. Specifies the related objects to include in the query results. A new with the defined query path. Dot-separated list of related objects to return in the query results. is null. is empty. Limits the query results by including only the results that exist in another object query. A new instance that is equivalent to the original instance with INTERSECT applied based on the specified . An that represents the results to include in the query. The parameter is null or is an empty string. Gets or sets the name of this object query. A string value that is the name of this . The value specified on set is not valid. Limits the query to only results of a specific type. A new instance that is equivalent to the original instance with OFTYPE applied. The type of the returned when the query is executed with the applied filter. The type specified is not valid. Orders the query results by the specified criteria. A new instance that is equivalent to the original instance with ORDER BY applied. The key columns by which to order the results. Zero or more parameters that are used in this method. The or parameter is null. The is an empty string. Limits the query results to only the properties that are defined in the specified projection. A new instance of type that is equivalent to the original instance with SELECT applied. The list of selected properties that defines the projection. Zero or more parameters that are used in this method. is null.-or- is null. The is an empty string. Limits the query results to only the property specified in the projection. A new instance of a type compatible with the specific projection. The returned is equivalent to the original instance with SELECT VALUE applied. The projection list. An optional set of query parameters that should be in scope when parsing. The type of the returned by the method. is null.-or- is null. The is an empty string. Orders the query results by the specified criteria and skips a specified number of results. A new instance that is equivalent to the original instance with both ORDER BY and SKIP applied. The key columns by which to order the results. The number of results to skip. This must be either a constant or a parameter reference. An optional set of query parameters that should be in scope when parsing. Any argument is null. is an empty string.-or- is an empty string. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the results of the query. An object that can be used to iterate through the results. Limits the query results to a specified number of items. A new instance that is equivalent to the original instance with TOP applied. The number of items in the results as a string. An optional set of query parameters that should be in scope when parsing. is null. is an empty string. Combines the results of the query with the results of another object query, without any duplicates. A new instance that is equivalent to the original instance with UNION applied to add the results of the specified . An that represents the results to add. The parameter is null. Combines the results of the query with the results of another object query, including all duplicates. A new instance that is equivalent to the original instance with UNION ALL applied to add the results of the specified . An that represents the results to add. The parameter is null. Limits the query to results that match specified filtering criteria. A new instance that is equivalent to the original instance with WHERE applied. The filter predicate. Zero or more parameters that are used in this method. is null.-or- is null. The is anempty string. The base class for the results of an object query against an Entity Data Model (EDM). Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting resources. When overridden in a derived type, gets the type of the generic . A that is the type of the generic . Returns an enumerator that iterates through the query results. An enumerator that iterates through the query results. Gets a value that indicates whether the collection returned by the query contains collection objects. A Boolean value. Returns the results in a format useful for data binding. An of entity objects. Represents the result of an as an enumerable collection of objects. The entity type of the result. Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting resources. Gets the type of the . A that is the type of the . Returns an enumerator that iterates through the query results. An enumerator that iterates through the query results. Maintains state and key information for objects and relationships and change tracking for object properties. Accepts the current values as original values. Gets the current property values of the object or relationship associated with this . A that contains the current values of the object or relationship associated with this . Marks an entity as deleted. Gets the object associated with this . The object associated with this . Gets the associated with the . The associated with the . Gets the for the object or relationship associated with this . The of this . Returns the names of an object's properties that have changed since the last time was called. An collection of names as . Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether this represents a relationship. A Boolean value that is true if this represents a relationship; otherwise, false. Gets the for this . The for this . Gets the original values of the object or relationship associated with this . The original values of the relationship set entry or entity associated with this . Sets the state of the object or relationship to Modified. The state is not or . Marks the specified property as modified. An Entity Data Model name. The state is not or . Gets the state of this . An that represents the current state of the object or relationship. Notifies the state manager that a complex property has changed. The name of the top-level object property that is changing. This property returns the complex object. The complex object that contains the property that is changing. The name of the property on the complex object that is changing. The value of is null (Nothing in Visual Basic).-or- The value of is null (Nothing in Visual Basic). The is null (Nothing in Visual Basic). Objects cannot have complex properties that are null. Notifies the state manager that a complex property has a pending change. The name of the complex property. This property returns the complex object. The complex object that contains the property that is changing. The name of the property on the complex object that is changing. The value of is null (Nothing in Visual Basic).-or- The value of is null (Nothing in Visual Basic). The is null (Nothing in Visual Basic). Objects cannot have complex properties that are null. Notifies the state manager that a property has changed. The name of the entity property that has changed. Notifies the state manager that a property has a pending change. The name of the entity property that is changing. Gets the for the . The for the . Maintains object state and identity management for entity type instances and relationship instances. Initializes a new instance of the class. The , which supplies mapping and metadata information. Returns a collection of objects for objects or relationships with the given state. A collection of objects in the given . An used to filter the returned objects. Returns an for the object or relationship entry with the specified key. The corresponding for the given . The . No entity with the specified exists in the . Returns an for the specified object. The corresponding for the given . The to which the retrieved belongs. No entity for the specified exists in the . Gets the associated with this state manager. The associated with this . Occurs when entities are added to or removed from the state manager. Tries to retrieve the corresponding for the object or relationship with the specified . A Boolean value that is true if there is a corresponding for the given ; otherwise, false. The given . When this method returns, contains an for the given This parameter is passed uninitialized. A null (Nothing in Visual Basic) value is provided for . Tries to retrieve the corresponding for the specified . A Boolean value that is true if there is a corresponding for the given ; otherwise, false. The to which the retrieved belongs. When this method returns, contains the for the given This parameter is passed uninitialized. Specifies whether property changes made to objects tracked by Object Services are kept or replaced with property values from the data source. Property changes made to objects in the object context are not replaced with values from the data source. On the next call to , these changes are sent to the data source. Property changes made to objects in the object context are replaced with values from the data source. Base class for complex types. Creates an instance of . Notifies the change tracker that a property of a complex object has changed. The name of the changed property. is null. Notifies the change tracker that a property change is pending on a complex object. The name of the changing property. is null. Attribute that indicates that the property represents a complex property. Creates a new instance of the class. Attribute that indicates that the class represents a complex type. Creates a new instance of the class. Attribute that indicates that the class represents an entity type. Initializes a new instance of the class. Base class for attributes that define how properties of types in the object layer are mapped to the properties of entity types or complex types in the conceptual model. Defines a relationship between two entity types based on an association in the conceptual model. Creates an instance of the class. The name of the namespace for the association in which this entity participates. The name of a relationship in which this entity participates. Name of the role for the type at one end of the association. A value of that indicates the multiplicity at one end of the association, such as one or many. The type of the entity at one end of the association. Name of the role for the type at the other end of the association. A value of that indicates the multiplicity at the other end of the association, such as one or many. The type of the entity at the other end of the association. Name of the relationship. A that is the name of a relationship that is defined by this . The namespace for the relationship. A that is the namespace for the relationship. Multiplicity at one end of the relationship. A value that indicates the multiplicity. Name of the role at one end of the relationship. A that is the name of the role. Type of the entity at one end of the relationship. A that is the type of the object at this end of the association. Multiplicity at the other end of the relationship. A value that indicates the multiplicity. Name of the role at the other end of the relationship. A that is the name of the role. Type of the entity at the other end of the relationship. A that is the type of the object t the other end of the association. Attribute that indicates that the property represents a navigation property. Initializes a new instance of the class. The namespace name of the relationship property. The name of the relationship. The relationship name is not namespace qualified. The role name at the other end of the relationship. Gets the unqualified relationship name. The relationship name. The namespace name of the navigation property. A that is the namespace name. Gets the role name at the other end of the relationship. The target role name is specified by the Role attribute of the other End element in the association that defines this relationship in the conceptual model. For more information, see Association (EDM). Attribute that indicates that the property represents a scalar property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the value that indicates whether the property is part of the entity key. The value that indicates whether the property is part of the entity key. Gets or sets the value that indicates whether the property can have a null value. The value that indicates whether the property can have a null value. Attribute that indicates that the assembly contains classes that are mapped to entity types in a conceptual model. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with a unique value for each model referenced by the assembly. A string that is a unique GUID value for the model in the assembly. Base class for attributes that define how types in the object layer are mapped to entity types and complex types in the conceptual model. The name of the type in the conceptual schema that maps to the class to which this attribute is applied. A that is the name. The namespace name of the entity object type or complex type in the conceptual schema that maps to this type. A that is the namespace name. Represents a collection of objects on the "many" end of a relationship. The entity type of the collection. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds an object to the collection. An object to add to the collection. must implement . is null. Defines relationships between an object and a collection of related objects in an object context. Collection of objects in the object context that are related to the source object. collection is null. The source object or an object in the collection is null or is not in an or state.-or-The relationship cannot be defined based on the EDM metadata. This can occur when the association in the conceptual schema does not support a relationship between the two types. Defines a relationship between two attached objects in an object context. The object being attached. When the is null. When the cannot be related to the source object. This can occur when the association in the conceptual schema does not support a relationship between the two types.-or-When either object is null or is not in an or state. Removes all entities from the collection. Determines whether a specific object exists in the collection. true if the object is found in the ; otherwise, false. The object to locate in the . Copies all the contents of the collection to an array, starting at the specified index of the target array. The array to copy to. The zero-based index in the array at which copying begins. Gets the number of objects that are contained in the collection. The number of elements that are contained in the . Returns an object query that, when it is executed, returns the same set of objects that exists in the current collection. An that represents the entity collection. When the object is in an state.-or-When the object is in a state with a other than . Returns an enumerator that is used to iterate through the objects in the collection. An that iterates through the set of values cached by . Gets a value that indicates whether the is read-only. Always returns false. Loads related objects into the collection, using the specified merge option. Specifies how the objects in this collection should be merged with the objects that might have been returned from previous queries against the same . Removes an object from the collection and marks the relationship for deletion. true if item was successfully removed; otherwise, false. The object to remove from the collection. object is null. Theobject is not attached to the same object context.-or-The object does not have a valid relationship manager. Returns an enumerator that is used to iterate through the set of values cached by . An that iterates through the set of values cached by . Gets a value that indicates whether the related entity collection consists of collection objects. Returns the collection as an used for data binding. An of entity objects. Base class for entity types that are generated by the Entity Data Model tools. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the key for this object. The for this object. Gets the entity state of the object. The of this object. Notifies the change tracker that a property has changed. The name of the changed property. is null. Notifies the change tracker that a property change is pending. The name of the changing property. is null. Specifies the instance of that is used to report property changes. Reference to the change tracker that is used to report property changes. Gets the relationship manager used by this object. The used by this object. Base class that implements non-generic functionality for an . Initializes a new instance of . Returns the key for the related object. An that is the key of the related object. Represents a related end of an association with a multiplicity of zero or one. The entity type of the reference. Creates a new instance of . Creates a many-to-one or one-to-one relationship between two objects in the object context. The object being attached. When the is null. When the cannot be related to the current related end. This can occur when the association in the conceptual schema does not support a relationship between the two types. Creates an equivalent object query that returns the related object. An that returns the related object. When the object is in an state.-or-When the object is in a state with a other than . Loads the related object for this with the specified merge option. Specifies how the object should be returned if it already exists in the . The source of the is null.-or-A query returned more than one related end.-or-A query returned zero related ends, and one related end was expected. Gets or sets the related object returned by this . The object returned by this . Defines the facilities that are used by Object Services to track changes that are made to the properties of an object. Notifies the change tracker that a property of a complex type has changed. The name of the complex property of the entity type that has changed. The complex type that contains the property that changed. The name of the property that changed on complex type. Notifies the change tracker of a pending change to a complex property. The name of the top-level entity property that is changing. The complex type that contains the property that is changing. The name of the property that is changing on complex type. Notifies the change tracker that a property of an entity type has changed. The name of the property that has changed. Notifies the change tracker of a pending change to a property of an entity type. The name of the property that is changing. Gets current state of a tracked object. An that is the state of the tracked object. Defines an entity type that implements change tracking. Gets or sets the used to report changes. The used to report changes. Defines an entity type that exposes an entity key. Gets or sets the for instances of entity types that implement this interface. The . Defines an entity type with a relationship to one or more other entity type. Returns the relationship manager that manages relationships for an instance of an entity type. The for this entity. Defines the end of a relationship. Adds an object to the related end. An object to add to the collection. must implement . Defines a relationship between two attached objects. The object being attached. Returns an that represents the objects that belong to the related end. An that represents the objects that belong to the related end. Returns an that iterates through the collection of related objects. An . Gets a value that indicates whether all related objects have been loaded. true if the related end contains all the related entities from the database; otherwise, false. Loads the related object or objects into this related end with the default merge option. Loads the related object or objects into the related end with the specified merge option. The to use when merging objects into an existing . Gets the name of the relationship in which this related end participates. The name of the relationship in which this is participating. The relationship name is not namespace qualified. Returns a reference to the metadata for the related end. A object that contains metadata for the end of a relationship. Removes an object from the collection of objects at the related end. The entity instance of the type to remove from the collection. Gets the role name at the source end of the relationship. A that is the role name. Gets the role name at the target end of the relationship. A that is the role name. Base class that implements common functionality for a related end. Occurs when a change is made to a related end. Defines a relationship between two attached objects. An collection of entity objects. Specifies whether the object being attached is part of a collection. The type of the collection of entity objects to attach. Returns an that iterates through the collection of related objects. An . Gets a value that indicates whether all related objects have been loaded. true if the related end contains all the related objects from the database; otherwise, false. When overridden in a derived class, loads the related object or objects into the related end with the default merge option. When the source object was retrieved by using a query and the is not or the related objects are already loaded.-or-When the source object is not attached to the .-or-When the source object is being tracked but is in the or state or the used for is . When overridden in a derived class, loads an object or objects from the related end with the specified merge option. The to use when merging objects into an existing . When the source object was retrieved by using a query and the is not or the related objects are already loaded.-or-When the source object is not attached to the .-or-When the source object is being tracked but is in the or state or the used for is . Merges related entities into the local . An collection of entity objects to add to this related end. The to use when merging objects into an existing . Indicates whether the set of related objects is complete and matches the server. Operations such as set to true, but sets it to false. The type of the collection of entity objects to be merged. Gets the name of the relationship in which this related end participates. The name of the relationship in which this participates. The relationship name is not namespace qualified. Returns a reference to the metadata for the related end. A object that contains metadata for the end of a relationship. Gets the role name at the source end of the relationship. A that is the role name. Adds an object to the related end. An object to add to the collection. This object must implement the interface. Attaches an object at the related end. The object being attached. When the is null. When the cannot be related to the current related end. This can occur when the association in the conceptual schema does not support a relationship between the two types. Returns an that represents the objects that belong to the related end. An that represents the objects that belong to the related end. Removes an object from the collection at the related end. The entity instance of the type to remove from the collection. Gets the role name at the target end of the relationship. A that is the role name. Determines whether an object can be attached to the local collection or reference. The object being validated. The position of the object being validated in the collection. Indicates whether the object is a member of a collection. The type of the object to validate. When the object being attached is null.-or-The object being attached to the related end does not exist in the same as the source object.-or-The object being attached is in the or state. Ensures that the related object or objects can be successfully loaded into the local collection or reference. An that is used to load the object or objects at the related end. The to use when merging objects into an existing . The name of the related end. The type of the object to validate. When the source object was retrieved by using a query and the is not or the related objects are already loaded.-or-When the source object is not attached to the .-or-When the source object is being tracked but is in the or state or the used for is . Ensures that the object to which the related end belongs supports an attach operation. When the source object is not attached to the , was returned from a query, or is not in a or state. Enumerates the type of the relationship between two or more entities. The relationship is defined by an association in the Entity Data Model (EDM). For more information, see Association (EDM). Used to track relationships between objects in the object context. Creates a new object. The requested . Reference to the entity that is calling this method. Returns an enumeration of all the related ends managed by the relationship manager. An of objects that derive from . Gets an of related objects with the specified relationship name and target role name. The of related objects. Name of the relationship to navigate. The relationship name is not namespace qualified. Name of the target role for the navigation. Indicates the direction of navigation across the relationship. The type of the returned . The specified role returned an instead of an . Returns either an or of the correct type for the specified target role in a relationship. representing the or that was retrieved. Name of the relationship in which is defined. The relationship name is not namespace qualified. Target role to use to retrieve the other end of . or is null. The source type does not match the type of the owner. is invalid.-or-Unable to find the relationship type in the metadata. Gets the for a related object by using the specified combination of relationship name and target role name. The of a related object. Name of the relationship to navigate. The relationship name is not namespace qualified. Name of the target role for the navigation. Indicates the direction of navigation across the relationship. The type of the returned . The specified role returned an instead of an . Initializes an existing that was created by using the default constructor. The relationship name. The role name of the related end. The to initialize. The type of the being initialized. When the provided is already initialized.-or-When the relationship manager is already attached to an . -or-When the relationship manager already contains a relationship with this name and target role. Initializes an existing that was created by using the default constructor. The relationship name. The role name of the related end. The to initialize. The type of the being initialized. When the provided is already initialized.-or-When the relationship manager is already attached to an . -or-When the relationship manager already contains a relationship with this name and target role. Called by Object Services to prepare an for binary serialization with a serialized relationship. Describes the source and destination of a given serialized stream, and provides an additional caller-defined context. Provides support for code generation in the form of helper methods that are used to set field values for properties. Initializes a new instance of the class. Returns the minimum date time value supported by the data source. A value that is the minimum date time that is supported by the data source. This constant name is used for change tracking. Returns a that is the name of the property that is the key. Returns a copy of the current byte value. A copy of the current byte value. The current byte array value. Returns a complex type for the specified property. A complex type object for the property. A complex object that inherits from . The name of the complex property that is the complex object. Indicates whether the type supports null values. Indicated whether the type is initialized. The type of the complex object being requested. This type must inherit from . Raises the event. The name of the changed property. Raises the event. The name of the property changing. Occurs when a property value has changed. Occurs when a property value change is a pending. When overridden in a derived class, raises an event that is used to report that a property change has occurred. The name for the changed property. is null. is empty. When overridden in a derived class, raises an event that is used to report that a property change is pending. The name of the changing property. is null. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A value. Returns a copy of the supplied byte array, or null if supported. Returns a copy of the array, or null. The array to validate. Boolean that indicates if null values are supported. If value is null for a non-nullable value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A value This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. An value This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. An value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. An value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A nullable value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A nullable value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A nullable value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A nullable value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A nullable value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A nullable value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A nullable value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A nullable value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A nullable value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A nullable value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A nullable value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A nullable value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A nullable value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A nullable unsigned integer value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A nullable value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. An value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A value. Returns a copy of the supplied string, or null if supported. The supplied value, or null. A value. that indicates if null values are supported. If value is null for a non-nullable value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A value. This method is reserved for future use. The supplied value. A value. Sets a complex object for the specified property. A complex type that derives from . The original complex object for the property, if any. The complex object that is being set. The complex property that is being set to the complex object. The type of the complex object being replaced. This type must inherit from . Verifies that a complex object is not null. The complex object being validated. The complex object that is being validated. The complex property on the parent object that is associated with . The type of the complex object being verified. This type must inherit from . When the complex type is null.