System.Data.Services.Client Results returned after a call to when enumerating operation responses returned by the class. Gets the or modified by a change operation. An or modified by a change operation. Represents errors that occur during execution of ADO.NET Data Services client applications. Initializes a new instance of the class with a system-supplied message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified message that describes the error. The message that describes the exception. The caller of this constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system culture. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The message that describes the exception. The caller of this constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system culture. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the parameter is not null, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Initializes a new instance of the class. The string value that contains the error message. The System.Exception object that contains the inner exception. The integer value that contains status code. Initializes a new instance of the class. The string value that contains the error message. The integer value that contains status code. Initializes a new instance of the class with serialized data. The object that holds the serialized object data. The contextual information about the source or destination. Gets the HTTP error status code returned after . An integer value that represents the exception. Represents a dynamic entity collection that provides notifications when items get added, removed, or when the list is refreshed. An entity type. Creates a new instance of the class. Creates a new instance of the class based on query execution. A or LINQ query that returns an collection of objects that are used to initialize the collection. Creates a new instance of the class based on query execution and with the specified tracking mode. A or LINQ query that returns an collection of objects that are used to initialize the collection. A value that indicated whether or not changes made to items in the collection are automatically tracked. Creates a new instance of the class a based on query execution and with the supplied change method delegates. A or LINQ query that returns an collection of objects that are used to initialize the collection. A value that indicated whether or not changes made to items in the collection are automatically tracked. The entity set of the objects in the collection. A delegate that encapsulates a method that is called when an entity changes. A delegate that encapsulates a method that is called when the collection of entities changes. Creates a new instance of the class that uses the specified . The used to track changes to objects in the collection. Creates a new instance of the class a based on query execution, with the supplied change method delegates, and that uses the supplied . The used to track items in the collection. A or LINQ query that returns an collection of objects that are used to initialize the collection. A value that indicated whether or not changes made to items in the collection are automatically tracked. The entity set of the objects in the collection. A delegate that encapsulates a method that is called when an entity changes. A delegate that encapsulates a method that is called when the collection of entities changes. Creates a new instance of the class with the supplied change method delegates and that uses the specified . The used to track items in the collection. The entity set of the objects in the collection. A delegate that encapsulates a method that is called when an entity changes. A delegate that encapsulates a method that is called when the collection of entities changes. Removes all items from the collection, and optionally detaches all the items from the . When true, detaches all items from the . Gets a continuation object that is used to return the next set of paged results. A object that contains the URI to return the next set of paged results. Disables tracking of all items in the collection. Adds a specified item to the collection at the specified index. Index at which to add the item. The item to add. Loads a collection of entity objects into the collection. Collection of entity objects to be added to the . Loads a single entity object into the collection. Entity object to be added. The represents the runtime context of the data service. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified . An absolute URI that identifies the root of a data service. When the is null. If the is not an absolute URI -or-If the is a well formed URI without a query or query fragment. Adds the specified link to the set of objects the is tracking. The source object for the new link. The name of the navigation property on the source object that returns the related object. The object related to the source object by the new link. When , , or are null. If a link already exists.-or-If either the or objects are in a or state.-or-If is not a collection. Adds the specified object to the set of objects that the is tracking. The name of the entity set to which the resource will be added. The object to be tracked by the . When or is null. When is empty.-or-When does not have a key property defined. When the entity is already being tracked by the context. Adds a related object to the context and creates the link that defines the relationship between the two objects in a single request. The parent object that is being tracked by the context. The name of the navigation property that returns the related object based on an association between the two entities. The related object that is being added. Gets a value that indicates whether the is currently applying changes to tracked objects. Returns true when changes are currently being applied; otherwise returns false. Notifies the to start tracking the specified link that defines a relationship between entity objects. The source object in the new link. The name of the property on the source object that represents the link between the source and target object. The target object in the link that is bound to the source object specified in this call. The target object must be of the type identified by the source property or a subtype. When , , or is null. When the link between the two entities already exists.-or-When or is in an or state. Notifies the to start tracking the specified resource and supplies the location of the resource within the specified resource set. The name of the set that contains the resource. The resource to be tracked by the . The resource is attached in the Unchanged state. When or is null. When is an empty string.-or-When the does not have a key property defined. When the is already being tracked by the context. Notifies the to start tracking the specified resource and supplies the location of the resource in the specified resource set. The string value that contains the name of the entity set to which to the entity is attached. The entity to add. An etag value that represents the state of the entity the last time it was retrieved from the data service. This value is treated as an opaque string; no validation is performed on it by the client library. When is null.-or-When is null. When is an empty string.-or-When the supplied object does not have a key property. When the supplied object is already being tracked by the context Gets the absolute URI identifying the root of the target data service. An absolute URI that identifies the root of an ADO.NET data service. Asynchronously sends a request to the data service to retrieve the next page of data in a paged query result. An that represents the status of the operation. A object that represents the next page of data to return from the data service. Delegate to invoke when results are available for client consumption. User-defined state object passed to the callback. The type returned by the query. Asynchronously sends the request so that this call does not block processing while waiting for the results from the service. An object that is used to track the status of the asynchronous operation. The URI to which the query request will be sent. The URI may be any valid data service URI; it can contain $ query parameters. Delegate to invoke when results are available for client consumption. User-defined state object passed to the callback. The type returned by the query. Asynchronously submits a group of queries as a batch to the data service. An object that is used to track the status of the asynchronous operation. The delegate that is called when a response to the batch request is received. User-defined state object that is used to pass context data to the callback method. The array of query requests to include in the batch request. Asynchronously gets binary property data for the specified entity as a data stream along with the specified message headers. An object that is used to track the status of the asynchronous operation. The entity that has the binary property to retrieve. Instance of the class that contains settings for the HTTP request message. Delegate to invoke when results are available for client consumption. User-defined state object passed to the callback. Any of the parameters supplied to the method is null. The is not tracked by this .-or-The is in the state.-or-The is not a Media Link Entry and does not have a binary property. Asynchronously loads the value of the specified property from the data service. An IAsyncResult that represents the status of the asynchronous operation. The entity that contains the property to load. The name of the property on the specified entity to load. The delegate called when a response to the request is received. The user-defined state object that is used to pass context data to the callback method. Asynchronously loads the next page of related entities from the data service by using the supplied query continuation object. An that represents the status of the operation. The entity that contains the property to load. The name of the property of the specified entity to load. A object that represents the next page of related entity data to return from the data service. Delegate to invoke when results are available for client consumption. User-defined state object passed to the callback. Asynchronously loads a page of related entities from the data service by using the supplied next link URI. An object that is used to track the status of the asynchronous operation. The entity that contains the property to load. The name of the property of the specified entity to load. The URI used to load the next results page. Delegate to invoke when results are available for client consumption. User-defined state object passed to the callback. Asynchronously submits the pending changes to the data service collected by the since the last time changes were saved. An IAsyncResult that represents the status of the asynchronous operation. The delegate to call when the operation is completed. The user-defined state object that is used to pass context data to the callback method. Asynchronously submits the pending changes to the data service collected by the since the last time changes were saved. An that represents the status of the asynchronous operation. The options for how the client can save the pending set of changes. The delegate to call when the operation is completed. The user-defined state object that is used to pass context data to the callback method. Attempts to cancel the operation that is associated with the supplied object. The object from the operation being canceled. Creates a data service query for data of a specified generic type. A new instance that represents a data service query. A string that resolves to a URI. The type returned by the query Gets or sets the authentication information that is used by each query created by using the object. The base authentication interface for retrieving credentials for Web client authentication. Gets or sets the XML namespace for data items, not metadata items, of an Atom payload. A string representing the XML namespace for data items of a payload in the ATOM format. Changes the state of the link to deleted in the list of links being tracked by the . The source object in the link to be marked for deletion. The name of the navigation property on the source object that is used to access the target object. The target object involved in the link that is bound to the source object. The target object must be of the type identified by the source property or a subtype. When , , or is null. When or is in a or state.-or-When is not a collection. Changes the state of the specified object to be deleted in the . The tracked entity to be changed to the deleted state. When is null. When the object is not being tracked by the . Removes the entity from the list of entities that the is tracking. Returns true if the specified entity was detached; otherwise false. The tracked entity to be detached from the . When is null. Removes the specified link from the list of links being tracked by the . Returns true if the specified entity was detached; otherwise false. The source object participating in the link to be marked for deletion. The name of the property on the source object that represents the source in the link between the source and the target. The target object involved in the link that is bound to the source object. The target object must be of the type identified by the source property or a subtype. When or are null. When is an empty string. Called to complete the . The results returned by the query operation. object. The type returned by the query. When is null. When did not originate from this instance. -or- When the method was previously called. When an error is raised either during execution of the request or when it converts the contents of the response message into objects. Called to complete the . The DataServiceResult object that indicates the result of the batch operation. An that represents the status of the asynchronous operation. Called to complete the asynchronous operation of retrieving a binary property as a stream. An instance of which contains the response stream along with its metadata. The result from the operation that contains the binary data stream. Called to complete the operation. The response to the load operation. An that represents the status of the asynchronous operation. Called to complete the operation. A object that indicates the result of the batch operation. An that represents the status of the asynchronous operation. Gets a list of all the resources currently being tracked by the . A list of objects that represent all the resources currently being tracked by the . Sends a request to the data service to retrieve the next page of data in a paged query result. The response that contains the next page of data in the query result. A object that represents the next page of data to return from the data service. The type returned by the query. Sends a request to the data service to execute a specific URI. The results of the query operation. The URI to which the query request will be sent. The URI may be any valid data service URI. Can contain $ query parameters. The type that the query returns. When a response is not received from a request to the . When is null. When is not a valid URI for the data service. When an error is raised either during execution of the request or when it converts the contents of the response message into objects. Submits a group of queries as a batch to the data service. The response to the batch operation. Array of objects that make up the queries. Gets the for the supplied entity object. The instance for the , or null if an does not exist for the object. The object for which to return the entity descriptor. Gets the for a specific link that defines the relationship between two entities. The instance for the specified relationship, or null if a does not exist for the relationship. Source object in the link The name of the navigation property on the object that returns the related object. The related entity. Gets a URI of the location of .edmx metadata. A URI that identifies the location of the metadata description, in .edmx format, for the data service identified by the base URI that is passed to the constructor. Gets binary property data for the specified entity as a data stream. An instance of that represents the response. The entity that has the binary property to retrieve. The is null. The is not tracked by this .-or-The is in the state.-or-The is not a Media Link Entry and does not have a binary property. Gets binary property data for the specified entity as a data stream along with the specified message headers. An instance of that represents the response. The entity that has the binary property to retrieve. Instance of class that contains settings for the HTTP request message. is null.-or- is null. The is not tracked by this .-or-The is in the state.-or-The is not a Media Link Entry and does not have a binary property. Gets binary property data for the specified entity as a data stream, with the specified Accept message header. An instance of that represents the response. The entity that has the binary property to retrieve. The content type of the data requested from the data service, specified in the Accept header. is null.-or- is null. The is not tracked by this .-or-The is in the state.-or-The is not a Media Link Entry and does not have a binary property. Gets the URI that is used to return binary property data as a data stream. The read URI of the binary data stream. The entity that has the binary property to retrieve. If the entity specified is null. The is not tracked by this . Gets or sets whether the properties read from the type must be mapped to properties on the client-side type. A Boolean value that indicates whether the properties read from the type must be mapped to properties on the client-side type. Gets or sets whether an exception is raised when a 404 error (resource not found) is returned by the data service. When set to true, the client library returns an empty set instead of raising a when the data service returns an HTTP 404: Resource Not Found error. Gets the collection of all associations or links currently being tracked by the object. A collection of objects that represent all associations or links current being tracked by the current being tracked by the object. Loads deferred content for a specified property from the data service. The response to the load operation. The entity that contains the property to load. The name of the property of the specified entity to load. Loads the next page of related entities from the data service by using the supplied query continuation object. The response that contains the next page of related entity data. The entity that contains the property to load. The name of the property of the specified entity to load. A object that represents the next page of related entities to load from the data service. When is in the or state. Loads the next page of related entities from the data service by using the supplied generic query continuation object. The response that contains the next page of related entity data. The entity that contains the property to load. The name of the property of the specified entity to load. A object that represents the next page of related entities to load from the data service. Element type of collection to load. When is in the or state. Loads a page of related entities by using the supplied next link URI. An instance of that contains the results of the request. The entity that contains the property to load. The name of the property of the specified entity to load. The URI that is used to load the next results page. When is in a or state. Gets or sets the synchronization option for receiving entities from a data service. One of the members of the enumeration. Occurs after entity data has been completely read into the entity object. Gets or sets a function to override the default type resolution strategy used by the client library when you send entities to a data service. Returns a string that contains the name of the . Gets or sets a function that is used to override the default type resolution option that is used by the client library when receiving entities from a data service. A function delegate that identifies an override function that is used to override the default type resolution option that is used by the client library. Saves the changes that the is tracking to storage. A that contains status, headers, and errors that result from the call to . Saves the changes that the is tracking to storage. A that contains status, headers, and errors that result from the call to . A member of the enumeration that specifies the materialization option. Gets or sets the values that are used by the method. The current options for the save changes operation. Occurs when a new has been created. Notifies the that a new link exists between the objects specified and that the link is represented by the property specified by the parameter. The source object for the new link. The property on the source object that identifies the target object of the new link. The child object involved in the new link that is to be initialized by calling this method. The target object must be a subtype of the type identified by the parameter. If is set to null, the call represents a delete link operation. When , or are null. When the specified link already exists.-or-When the objects supplied as or are in the or state.-or-When is not a navigation property that defines a reference to a single related object. Sets a new data stream as the binary property of an entity, with the specified settings in the request message. The entity that has a binary property to which to assign the data stream. The from which to read the binary data. A value that determines whether the data stream is closed when the method is completed. An instance of the class that contains settings for the HTTP request message. Any of the parameters supplied to the method are null. The is not being tracked by this instance. -or-The has the applied. Sets a new data stream as the binary property of an entity. The specified Content-Type and Slug headers are included in the request message. The entity that has a binary property to which to assign the data stream. The from which to read the binary data. A value that determines whether the data stream is closed when the method is completed. The Content-Type header value for the request message. The Slug header value for the request message. Any of the parameters supplied to the method are null. The is not being tracked by this instance. -or-The entity has the applied. Gets or sets the time-out option that is used for the underlying HTTP request to the data service. An integer that indicates the time interval before time-out of a service request. Test retrieval of an entity being tracked by the by reference to the URI of the entity. If an entity is found at , the entity is returned in the out parameter and true is returned. If no entity is found, false is returned. The URI of the tracked entity to be retrieved. The entity to be retrieved. The type of the entity. When is null. Retrieves the canonical URI associated with the specified entity, if available. Returns true if the canonical URI is returned in the out parameter. If the specified entity is not tracked by the or is in the added state, no URI is available and false is returned. The entity identified by the . The URI of the entity. When is null. Gets or sets the URI used to indicate what type scheme is used by the service. A object that contains the type scheme. Changes the state of the specified object in the to . The tracked entity to be assigned to the state. When is null. When is in the state. Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether to use post tunneling. A Boolean value that indicates whether to use post tunneling. Occurs after an entity has been fully serialized into XML in a request message. An abstract class that represents a single query request to a data service. Asynchronously sends a request to execute the data service query. An object that is used to track the status of the asynchronous operation. Delegate to invoke when results are available for client consumption. User-defined state object passed to the callback. Called to complete the asynchronous operation of executing a data service query. An that contains the results of the query operation. The result from the operation that contains the query results. Executes the query against the data service. An that contains the results of the query operation. Represents an expression that contains the query to the data service. An object that represents the query. Represents the query provider instance. An representing the data source provider. Gets the object that can be used to iterate through the collection returned by the query. An enumerator over the query results. Represents a single query request to a data service. Type of results returned by the query. Creates a new with the query option set in the URI generated by the returned query. A new query that includes the requested query option appended to the URI of the supplied query The string value that contains the name of the query string option to add. The object that contains the value of the query string option. Starts an asynchronous network operation that executes the query represented by this object instance. An that represents the status of the asynchronous operation. The delegate to invoke when the operation completes. User defined object used to transfer state between the start of the operation and the callback defined by . Returns the type of the object used in the template to create the instance. Returns representing the type used in the template when the query is created. Ends an asynchronous query request to a data service. Returns an that contains the results of the query operation. The pending asynchronous query request. Executes the query and returns the results as a collection that implements IEnumerable. An in which represents the type of the query results. Creates a new with the expand option set in the URI generated by the returned query. A new query that includes the requested $expand query option appended to the URI of the supplied query. A string value that contains the requesting URI. Represents an expression containing the query to the data service. A object representing the query. Executes the query and returns the results as a collection. A typed enumerator over the results in which represents the type of the query results. Requests that the count of all entities in the entity set be returned inline with the query results. A new object that has the inline count option set. Represents the query provider instance. A representing the data source provider. Get the URI for the query. The URI of the request. Executes the query and returns the results as a collection. An enumerator over the query results. Represents the URI of the query to the data service. A URI as string that represents the query to the data service for this instance. Encapsulates a URI that returns the next page of a paged query result. Gets the URI that is used to return the next page of data from a paged query result. A URI that returns the next page of data. Returns the next link URI as a string. A string representation of the next link URI. Encapsulates a URI that returns the next page of a paged query result. The type of continuation token. Exception that indicates an error occurred loading the property value from the data service. Initializes a new instance of the class with a system-supplied message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified message that describes the error. The message that describes the exception. The caller of this constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system culture.The string value that the contains error message. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The message that describes the exception. The caller of this constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system culture. The string value that contains the error message. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the parameter is not null, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. The inner exception object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The string value that contains the error message. The inner exception object. The object. Gets the that indicates the exception results. A object that indicates the exception results. Represents request objects submitted as a batch to the data service. Gets the type of object submitted as a batch to the data service. Type object. Gets the URI of the request object submitted to a data service. URI of the request object. Represents the URI of the query to the data service. The requested URI as a value. Represents request objects submitted as a batch to the data service. Initializes a new instance of the class. The URI object that contains the request string. Gets the type of the object used to create the instance. A value that indicates the type of data returned. Gets the URI object that contains the request string. A object that contains the request string. Represents additional metadata that is included in a request message to the data service. Creates a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the Accept header of the request message. The value of the Accept header. Gets or sets the Content-Type header of the request message. The value of the Content-Type header. Gets the headers in the request message. The headers in the request message. Gets or sets the value of the Slug header of the request message. A value that is the Slug header of the request. Represents the error thrown if the data service returns a response code less than 200 or greater than 299, or the top-level element in the response is <error>. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class with a system-supplied message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified message that describes the error. The message that describes the exception. The caller of this constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system culture.The error message text. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The message that describes the exception. The caller of this constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system culture. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the parameter is not null, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Initializes a new instance of the class. Error message text. Exception object that contains the inner exception. object. Gets the response as a object. A object. Represents the response to operations sent to the data service as a result of calling . The headers from an HTTP response associated with a batch request. An object containing the name-value pairs of an HTTP response. The status code from an HTTP response associated with a batch request. An integer based on status codes defined in Hypertext Transfer Protocol. Gets an enumerator that enables retrieval of responses to operations being tracked by objects within the . An enumerator over the response received from the service. Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the response contains multiple results. A Boolean value that indicates whether the response contains multiple results. Gets an enumerator that enables retrieval of responses to operations being tracked by objects within the . An enumerator over the response received from the service. Represents a response from the data service that contains binary data as a stream. Gets the Content-Disposition header field for the response stream. The contents of the Content-Disposition header field. Gets the content type of the response stream. The content type of the response stream. Releases all resources used by the current instance of the class. Gets the collection of headers from the response. The headers collection from the response message as a object. Gets the binary property data from the data service as a binary stream. The stream that contains the binary property data. When the is already disposed. Abstract class from which is derived. When overridden in a derived class, gets the state of the object at the time this instance was constructed. An of the object returned at the time this instance was constructed. Encapsulates the arguments of a delegate The context that is associated with the entity object that has changed. The context that is tracking the changed object. The entity object that has changed. The changed object. The name of the property on the entity object that references the target object. The name of the changed property. The object that is currently referenced by the changed property on the entity object. The current value that references a target entity. The entity set of the source object. An entity set name. The entity set to which the target entity object belongs An entity set name. Encapsulates the arguments of a delegate A value that indicates how the collection was changed. A value that indicates how the collection was changed. The that has changed. A reference to the collection that has changed. The associated with the that has changed. The context associated with the collection that has changed The navigation property on the source object that references the collection that has changed. The navigation property name. The source object that references the target object in the collection by using a navigation property. The source object. The entity set of the source object. An entity set name. The entity object in the collection that has changed. The changed entity object in the collection. The entity set name of the object in the collection. An entity set name. Description of modifications done to entities by operations returned in a . Gets or sets the URI that modifies the entity. The edit link URI for the entity resource. Gets or sets the URI that modifies the binary property data of the entity. The property contains the edit-media link URI for the Media Resource that is associated with the entity, which is a Media Link Entry. Gets the entity that contains the update data. An object that contains update data. Gets an eTag value that indicates the state of data targeted for update since the last call to . A string value that indicates the state of data. Gets or sets the URI that is the identity value of the entity. The property corresponds to the identity element of the entry that represents the entity in the Atom response. Gets the parent entity that is related to the entity. An object that is the parent entity in the relationship link. Gets the name of the property of the entity that is a navigation property and links to the parent entity. The name of the parent property. Gets or sets the URI that accesses the binary property data of the entity. A URI that accesses the binary property as a stream. Gets or sets the URI that is used to return the entity resource. A URI that returns the entity. Gets or sets the name of the type in the data source to which the entity is mapped. A string that is the name of the data type. Gets an eTag value that indicates the state of the Media Resource targeted for update since the last call to . A string value that indicates the state of data. Represents the enumeration that identifies the state of an entity being tracked by the . The entity was detached since the last call to . The entity is unchanged since the last call to . The entity was added since the last call to . The entity was deleted since the last call to . The entity was modified since the last call to . Provides a description of modifications done to entities by operations returned in a . A source entity in a link returned by a . . The identifier property of the source entity in a link returned by a . The string identifier of an identity property in a source entity. The source entity in a link returned by a . . Signifies that the specified class is to be treated as a media link entry. Creates a new instance of . A string value that identifies the property that holds media data. The name of the property on the class that holds the media, usually binary data. A string value that identifies the property that holds media data. Determines the synchronization option for sending or receiving entities to or from a data service. Append new entities only. Existing entities or their original values will not be modified. No client-side changes are lost in this merge. This is the default behavior. All current values on the client are overwritten with current values from the data service regardless of whether they have been changed on the client. Current values that have been changed on the client are not modified, but any unchanged values are updated with current values from the data service. No client-side changes are lost in this merge. Objects are always loaded from persisted storage. Any property changes made to objects in the object context are overwritten by the data source values. Annotates a property on a class that has been annotated with the . Creates a new instance of the MimeTypePropertyAttribute. A string that contains the name of the new property attribute. A string that contains the Mime type of the new property attribute. Gets the name of the MimeTypePropertyAttribute. A string that contains the name of the property attribute. Gets the Mime type of the MimeTypePropertyAttribute A string that contains the Mime type of the property attribute. Abstract class that represents the response of a single query or create, update, or delete operation. Gets error thrown by the operation. An object that contains the error. When overridden in a derived class, contains the HTTP response headers associated with a single operation. object that contains name value pairs of headers and values. When overridden in a derived class, gets or sets the HTTP response code associated with a single operation. Integer value that contains response code. Represents the responses to a . Gets a object containing the URI that is used to retrieve the next results page. An object containing the URI that is used to return the next results page. Gets a object that contains the URI that is used to retrieve the next page of related entities in the specified collection. A continuation object that points to the next page for the collection. The collection of related objects being loaded. The type of the items in the collection. Gets a object containing the URI that is used to retrieve the next page of related entities in the specified collection. A continuation object that points to the next page for the collection. The collection of related objects being loaded. Executes the and returns items. The enumerator to a collection of items. Gets the that generates the items. A object. The server result set count value from a query, if the query has requested the value. The return value can be either a zero or positive value equal to the number of entities in the set on the server. Thrown when the count tag is not found in the response stream. Represents the responses to a . Gets a object that contains the URI that is used to retrieve the next results page. An object that contains the URI that is used to return the next results page. Executes the and gets items. An enumerator to a collection of items. The server result set count value from a query, if the query has requested the value. The return value can be either zero or a positive value equal to the number of entities in the set on the server. Gives access to the entity and an XLinq object that represents an Atom entry. is used with the and events. Gets an XML Atom entry or feed data represented as . Gets the object representation of data returned from the property. representation of the property. Indicates change options when is called. Pending changes are saved by using multiple requests to the server, but the operation stops on the first failure (default). All pending changes are saved in a single batch request. Pending changes are saved by using multiple requests to the server, and the operation continues after an error occurs. Pending updates are made by replacing all values of the entity in the data source with values from the updated entity. Used with the event to provide access to the instance that the client is about to send to the target data service. Gets or sets the instance about to be sent by the client library to the data service. . Gets the collection protocol headers that are associated with the request to the data service. A collection of protocol headers that are associated with the request. Determines whether changes that are made to a are tracked. Changes made to items in the are not tracked automatically by the client. Changes to items in the are automatically tracked by the client. Marks a class as an entity type. Creates a new instance of the class. Denotes the key property or properties of an entity. Initializes a new instance of the class. The string that contains name of the key attribute. Initializes a new instance of the class. An array of string values that contain key attribute names. Gets the names of key attributes. String value that contains names of key attributes. Represents the version of the that the data service may support. Version 1 of the protocol. Version 2 of the protocol. Attribute that specifies a custom mapping between properties of an entity type and elements of an entry in an AtomPub feed returned by the data service. Creates a new instance of the . The name of the property, as string, of the entity type that is mapped to the specified property of the AtomPub feed item. A value that represents the element in the feed to which to map the property. This value must be set to None if the is not null. A value that identifies the format of the content to display in the feed. Boolean value that is true when the property being mapped should appear both in its mapped-to location and in the content section of the feed. Creates an instance of the to map a property to a custom feed element. The name of the property of the entity type, as string, that is mapped to the specified property in the AtomPub feed. The name of the target, as string, in the resulting feed to which the property is mapped. This parameter, together with , specifies the namespace in which the element exists. Specifies the namespace URI of the element, as string, specified by the property. Boolean value that is true when the property being mapped should appear both in its mapped-to location and in the content section of the feed. Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether a property value should be repeated both in the content section of the feed and in the mapped location. A value that is true when the property is mapped into both locations in the feed; otherwise, false. Gets the name of the property of the syndication item that will be mapped to the specified element of the feed. String value that contains property name. Gets a string value that, together with , specifies the namespace in which the element exists. String value that contains the target namespace prefix. Gets a string value that specifies the namespace URI of the element specified by the property. String that contains the namespace URI. Gets the name of the custom target in the feed to which the property is mapped. String value with target XML element or attribute. Gets a property on the class. A object. Gets the type of content of the property mapped by . A string that identifies the type of content in the feed element. Indicates the entity set to which a client data service class belongs. Creates a new instance of the . The entity set to which the class belongs. Gets the entity set to which the class belongs. The entity set as string value. Indicates that a class that is an entity type has a default binary property to stream. Creates a new instance of the class. Enumeration type used to identify the syndication item element. Custom property element. Author email element. Author name element. Author URI element. Contributor email element. Contributor name element. Contributor URI element. Updated element. Published resource element. Rights protected resource element. Summary element. Title element. Enumeration used to identify text content of syndication item. Plain text content. HTML content. XHTML content.