System.Data.SqlXml Iterates over all ancestor nodes according to the ancestor axis rules, and returns the nodes in document order without duplicates. Initializes the . The node from which you start traversing ancestors. An instance of the class, which enables you to filter nodes based on the name. For more information, see . true if you want the node to be returned as a part of the iteration, not filtered out. Returns the current result navigator. The current result navigator. Positions the iterator on the next ancestor node in document order. true if the iterator was set to the next ancestor node in document order; otherwise, false. Iterates over all ancestor nodes according to the ancestor axis rules, and returns the nodes in reverse document order. Initializes the . The node from which you start traversing ancestors. An instance of the class, whichenables you to filter nodes based on the name. For more information, see . true if you want the node to be returned as a part of the iteration, not filtered out. Returns the current result navigator. The current result navigator. Positions the iterator on the next ancestor node. true if the next ancestor node exists; otherwise, false. Iterates over all attribute and child content nodes. Initializes the . The node from which you start traversing attribute and child content nodes. Returns the current result navigator. The current result navigator. Positions the iterator on the next attribute or child content node. true if the next attribute or child content node exists; otherwise, false. Iterates over all the attributes. Initializes the . The node from which you start traversing the attribute nodes. Returns the current result navigator. The current result navigator. Positions the iterator on the next attribute node. true if the next attribute node exists; otherwise, false. Iterates over all child content nodes. Initializes the . The node from which you start traversing the child content nodes. Returns the current result navigator. The current result navigator. Positions the iterator on the next child content node. true if the next child content node exists; otherwise, false. Iterates over child content nodes or following sibling nodes. Maintains the nodes in document order. Initializes the . Merges multiple sets of content nodes in document order and removes duplicates. An instance of the class, which enables you to filter nodes based on the name. For more information, see . Returns the current result navigator. The current result navigator. Positions the iterator on the next content or sibling node. Returns if there are no more content or sibling nodes. Returns if the next input node needs to be fetched first. Returns if while iterating through the nodes the property was set to the next node. The input nodes. Computes aggregates over a sequence of Decimal values. Adds a Decimal value to the existing result. The Decimal value. Gets an average of the sequence of Decimal values. The average of the sequence of Decimal values. Initializes the . Gets a value indicating whether the contains a result. true if the contains a result; otherwise, false. Adds a Decimal value to the existing result. The Decimal value. Gets the largest value among the sequence of Decimal values. The largest value among the sequence of Decimal values. Assigns the parameter to the existing result if the parameter is less than the existing result. The Decimal value. Gets the smallest value among the sequence of Decimal values. The smallest value among the sequence of Decimal values. Adds a Decimal value to the existing result. The Decimal value. Gets the sum of the sequence of Decimal values. The sum of the sequence of Decimal values. Iterates over all descendant nodes according to the descendant axis rules. Initializes the . The node from which you start traversing descendants. An instance of the class, which enables you to filter nodes based on the name. For more information, see . true if you want the node to be returned as a part of the iteration, not filtered out. Returns the current result navigator. The current result navigator. Positions the iterator on the next descendant node. true if the next descendant node exists; otherwise, false. Iterate over all descendant content nodes according to XPath descendant axis rules. Eliminates duplicates by not querying over nodes that are contained in the subtree of the previous node. Initializes the . Merges multiple sets of descendant nodes in document order and removes duplicates. An instance of the class, which enables you to filter nodes based on the name. For more information, see . Returns the current result navigator. The current result navigator. Position this iterator to the next descendant node. Returns if there are no more descendant nodes. Returns if the next input node needs to be fetched first. Returns if while iterating through the nodes the property was set to the next node. The input node. Manages two sets of nodes that are already in document order with no duplicates, and returns the difference between the left and the right sets in document order with no duplicates. Initializes the . The object. Returns the current result navigator. The current result navigator. Position this iterator to the next node in the union. The . Iterates over all child elements with a matching name. Initializes the . The node from which you start traversing child elements. The local name. The namespace. Returns the current result navigator. The current result navigator. Positions the iterator on the next child element with a matching name. true if the iterator was set to the next child element with the matching name; otherwise, false. Iterates over all following sibling content nodes. Initializes the . The node from which you start traversing the child content nodes. Enables you to filter nodes based on the name. Returns the current result navigator. The current result navigator. Positions the iterator on the next sibling content node. true if the next sibling content node exists; otherwise, false. Iterates over child following sibling nodes. Initializes the . An instance of the class, which enables you to filter nodes based on the name. For more information, see . Returns the current result navigator. The current result navigator. Position this iterator to the next content or sibling node. Returns if there are no more content or sibling nodes. Returns if the next input node needs to be fetched first. Returns if while iterating through the nodes the property was set to the next node. Tokenizes a string containing IDREF values and dereferences the values in order to get a list of ID elements. Initializes the . Returns the current result navigator. The current result navigator. Positions the iterator on the next node. true if the next node exists; otherwise, false. Manages two sets of nodes that are already in document order with no duplicates, and returns the intersection of these sets in document order with no duplicates. Initializes the . Returns the current result navigator. The current result navigator. Position this iterator to the next node in the union. The . Iterate over all namespace nodes. Initializes the . Returns the current result navigator. The current result navigator. Positions the iterator on the next namespace node. true if the next namespace node exists; otherwise, false. Iterates over all child content nodes with a matching node kind. Initializes the . Returns the current result navigator. The current result navigator. Positions the iterator on the next child content node with a matching node kind. true if the next child content node with a matching node kind exists; otherwise, false. Iterates over the singleton node, if the starting node is the same node as the ending node. Iterates to the end of the document, if the starting node is after the ending node, or is in a different document. Initializes the . The does not contain duplicates. Returns the current result navigator. The current result navigator. Positions the iterator on the next node. true if the next node exists; otherwise, false. Iterates over matching parent node according to the , parent axis rules. Initializes the . The node from which you start traversing the nodes. An instance of the class, which enables you to filter nodes based on the name. For more information, see . Returns the current result navigator. The current result navigator. Positions the iterator on the next matching parent node. true if the next matching parent node exists; otherwise, false. Iterates over all the content-typed nodes which precede the starting node in document order. Returns nodes in reverse document order. Initializes the . The does not contain duplicates. The node from which you start traversing the nodes. An instance of the class, which enables you to filter nodes based on the name. For more information, see . Returns the current result navigator. The current result navigator. Positions the iterator on the next preceding node in reverse document order. true if the next preceding node exists; otherwise, false. Iterates over all preceding sibling content nodes in document order. Initializes the . The node from which you start traversing the nodes. An instance of the class, which enables you to filter nodes based on the name. For more information, see . Returns the current result navigator. The current result navigator. Positions the iterator on the next preceding sibling node. true if the next preceding sibling node exists; otherwise, false. Iterate over all preceding nodes according to the preceding axis rules, and returns nodes in reverse document order. Initializes the . The node from which you start traversing the nodes. An instance of the class, which enables you to filter nodes based on the name. For more information, see . Returns the current result navigator. The current result navigator. Positions the iterator on the next preceding sibling node in the reverse document order. true if the next preceding sibling node exists; otherwise, false. Manages two sets of nodes that are already in document order with no duplicates, and returns the union of these sets in document order with no duplicates. Initializes the . Returns the current result navigator. The current result navigator. Position this iterator to the next node in the union. The . Provides methods and properties to support the XSLT processor. Iterates over all following nodes according to the following axis rules. Initializes the . The does not contain duplicates. Returns the current result navigator. The current result navigator. Positions the iterator to the next following node. true if the iterator was set to the next following node; otherwise, false. Iterates over all following nodes according to the following axis rules. Initializes the . An instance of the class, which enables you to filter nodes based on the name. For more information, see . Returns the current result navigator. The current result navigator. Position this iterator to the next next following node. Returns if there are no more following nodes. Returns if the next input node needs to be fetched first. Returns if while iterating through the nodes the property was set to the next node. Iterates over all preceding nodes according to the preceding axis rules, and returns nodes in document order without duplicates. Initializes the . Returns the current result navigator. The current result navigator. Positions the iterator on the next preceding node. true if the iterator was set to the next preceding node; otherwise, false. Iterates over all preceding nodes according to the preceding axis rules, and returns nodes in reverse document order without duplicates. Initializes the . The node from which you start traversing ancestors. An instance of the class, which enables you to filter nodes based on the name. For more information, see . Returns the current result navigator. The current result navigator. Positions the iterator on the next preceding node in reverse document order. true if the iterator was set to the next preceding node; otherwise, false. Iterates over all preceding nodes according to the preceding axis rules, except that nodes are always returned in document order. Merges multiple sets of preceding nodes in document order and removes duplicates. Initializes the . An instance of the class, which enables you to filter nodes based on the name. For more information, see . Returns the current result navigator. The current result navigator. Position this iterator to the next preceding node in document order. Returns if there are no more preceding nodes. Returns if the next input node needs to be fetched first. Returns if while iterating through the nodes the property was set to the next node. Internal use only.