System.Deployment Supports updates of the current deployment programmatically, and handles on-demand downloading of files. This class cannot be inherited. Gets the URL used to launch the deployment manifest of the application. A zero-length string if the TrustUrlParameters property in the deployment manifest is false, or if the user has supplied a UNC to open the deployment or has opened it locally. Otherwise, the return value is the full URL used to launch the application, including any parameters. Performs the same operation as , but returns extended information about the available update. An for the available update. The current application is either not configured to support updates, or there is another update check operation already in progress. The deployment manifest cannot be downloaded. This exception will appear in the property of the event. The deployment manifest is corrupted. Regenerate the application's manifest before you attempt to deploy this application to users. This exception will appear in the property of the event. Checks to determine whether a new update is available. true if a new update is available; otherwise, false. ClickOnce throws this exception immediately if you call the method while an update is already in progress. The deployment manifest cannot be downloaded. The deployment manifest is corrupted. You will likely need to redeploy the application to fix this problem. Checks asynchronously to determine whether a new update is available. ClickOnce throws this exception immediately if you call the method while an update is already in progress. The deployment manifest cannot be downloaded. This exception appears in the property of the event. The deployment manifest is corrupted. You will likely need to redeploy the application to fix this problem. This exception appears in the property of the event. Cancels the asynchronous update check. Occurs when has completed. Occurs when a progress update is available on a call. Returns the current for this deployment. The current deployment. You attempted to call this static property from a non-ClickOnce application. Gets the version of the deployment for the current running instance of the application. The current deployment version. Gets the path to the ClickOnce data directory. A string containing the path to the application's data directory on the local disk. Downloads a set of optional files on demand. The named group of files to download. All files marked "optional" in a ClickOnce application require a group name. The parameter is null or zero-length. Downloads, on demand, a set of optional files in the background. The named group of files to download. All files marked "optional" in a ClickOnce application require a group name. The parameter is null or zero-length. You cannot initiate more than one download of at a time. Downloads, on demand, a set of optional files in the background, and passes a piece of application state to the event callbacks. The named group of files to download. All files marked "optional" in a ClickOnce application require a group name. An arbitrary object containing state information for the asynchronous operation. The parameter is null or zero-length. You cannot initiate more than one download of at a time. Cancels an asynchronous file download. The named group of files to download. All files marked "optional" in a ClickOnce application require a group name. cannot be null. Occurs on the main application thread when a file download is complete. Occurs when status information is available on a file download operation initiated by a call to . Checks whether the named file group has already been downloaded to the client computer. true if the file group has already been downloaded for the current version of this application; otherwise, false. If a new version of the application has been installed, and the new version has not added, removed, or altered files in the file group, returns true. The named group of files to download. All files marked "optional" in a ClickOnce application require a group name. is not a file group defined in the application manifest. Gets a value indicating whether this is the first time this application has run on the client computer. true if this version of the application has never run on the client computer before; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether the current application is a ClickOnce application. true if this is a ClickOnce application; otherwise, false. Gets the date and the time ClickOnce last checked for an application update. The of the last update check. Starts a synchronous download and installation of the latest version of this application. true if an application has been updated; otherwise, false. The local computer did not grant the application the permission level it requested to execute. Your ClickOnce deployment is corrupted. For tips on how to diagnose and correct the problem, see Troubleshooting ClickOnce Deployments. The new deployment could not be downloaded from its location on the network. The application is currently being updated. Starts an asynchronous download and installation of the latest version of this application. The local computer did not grant this application the permission level it requested to execute. Your ClickOnce deployment is corrupted. For tips on how to diagnose and correct the problem, see Troubleshooting ClickOnce Deployments. The new deployment could not be downloaded from its location on the network. Cancels an asynchronous update initiated by . Occurs when ClickOnce has finished upgrading the application as the result of a call to . Gets the full name of the application after it has been updated. A that contains the full name of the application. Gets the version of the update that was recently downloaded. The describing the version of the update. Gets the Web site or file share from which this application updates itself. The update path, expressed as an HTTP, HTTPS, or file URL; or as a Windows network file path (UNC). Occurs when ClickOnce has new status information for an update operation initiated by calling the method. Represents detailed update information obtained through a call to . Gets the version number of the latest uninstalled version. The expressing the major, minor, build and revision numbers of the latest version. Gets a value indicating whether the update must be installed. true if the update is required; otherwise, false. Gets the minimum version that the user must have installed on the computer. A object expressing the earliest version that all users must install. Gets whether an uninstalled update is available. true if new version of the application is available; otherwise, false. Gets the size of the available update. An describing the size, in bytes, of the available update. If no update is available, returns 0. Represents the method that will handle the event of an . The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Indicates that the platform dependency was not found during activation of the ClickOnce deployment, and that the deployment will not run. Creates a new instance of the exception. The exception message. The URL to visit for product support information. Indicates that there was an error downloading either the ClickOnce manifests or the deployment's files to the client computer.  Defines a base class for all deployment-related exceptions. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Represents progress data reported in an asynchronous operation. Gets the number of bytes already downloaded by this operation. An representing the data already transferred, in bytes. Gets the total number of bytes in the download operation. An representing the total size of the download, in bytes. Gets the name of the file group being downloaded. A containing the name of the file group, if the event occurred as the result of a call to ; otherwise, a zero-length string. Gets the action that the process is currently executing. A value, stating what element or elements the operation is currently downloading. Represents the method that will handle the event, event, or event of an . A that contains the event data. Specifies the current stage of a ClickOnce download operation. ClickOnce is downloading the deployment manifest. ClickOnce is downloading the application manifest. ClickOnce is downloading the DLLs and data files that comprised the application. Provides internal services for the ClickOnce deployment API. Creates a new instance of . Starts the deployment on the client computer. The location of the deployment manifest on disk. Whether is a shortcut, or the actual file. Checks the update location to determine whether an updated version of this deployment exists. An internal identifier for the deployment. Removes all online-only ClickOnce applications that are installed on a computer. Stops a deployment update immediately. Maintains the update subscription. The internal ID of the deployment. Provides data for the event. Gets the path of the ClickOnce log file.  A containing the log path. Describes a file download that has recently completed. Gets the name of the file group being downloaded. A representing the name of the file group. Represents the method that will handle the event of an . The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Provides data for the event. Gets the number of bytes downloaded to the local computer. An representing the number of downloaded bytes. Gets the progress state of the download. A value describing which portion of the ClickOnce application is being downloaded. Gets the total number of bytes for the download operation. An representing the total size of the download, in bytes. Provides data for the event of . Gets a description of the ClickOnce application. An object. Gets the ClickOnce application manifest for this deployment. An representing the application manifest. Gets the ClickOnce deployment manifest for this deployment. An representing the deployment manifest. Gets a value indicating whether this ClickOnce application is cached. true if the application is cached; otherwise, false. Gets the location of the ClickOnce error log. A containing the location of the ClickOnce error log. Gets the name of the ClickOnce application. A representing the product name of the ClickOnce application, as stored in the assembly metadata of the application's main executable file. Gets the location of a Web page users can visit to obtain product support for the ClickOnce application. A containing the value found in the supportUrl attribute of the deployment manifest's <description> tag. For more information, see ClickOnce Deployment Manifest. Gets the version of the update for the ClickOnce application. A representing the version number contained within the downloaded manifest. Install a ClickOnce deployment on a machine. Creates a new instance of to download and install the specified browser-hosted application. A Uniform Resource Identifier () to a ClickOnce application's deployment manifest. can be used only in Windows XP or in later versions of the Windows operating system. Cannot pass null for the argument. uses a URI scheme that is not supported by ClickOnce. Creates a new instance of to download and install the specified application, which can be either a stand-alone Windows Forms-based application or an application hosted in a Web browser. The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) to the deployment manifest of the application that will be installed. Whether this application will be run in a host, such as a Web browser, or whether it is a stand-alone application. can be used only in Windows XP or in later versions of the Windows operating system. Cannot pass null for the argument. uses a URI scheme that is not supported by ClickOnce. Determines whether the ClickOnce application has the appropriate permissions and platform dependencies to run on the local computer. Raised if this method is called before the method. Cancels an asynchronous download operation. Releases all resources used by the . Downloads an application update in the background. Raised if this method is called before the and methods. Occurs when the application has finished downloading to the local computer. Occurs when there is a change in the status of an application or manifest download. Launches the ClickOnce application, if and only if it is a Windows Presentation Foundation-based application running in a Web browser. An corresponding to the launched application. Downloads the deployment manifest of the ClickOnce application in the background, and raises an event when the operation has either completed or encountered an error. Occurs when the deployment manifest has been downloaded to the local computer. Indicates that ClickOnce could not read either the deployment or application manifests. Indicates that the application does not have the appropriate level of trust to run on the local computer. Represents detailed update information obtained through a call to . Gets the version number of the latest uninstalled version. The expressing the major and minor build and revision numbers of the latest version. Gets a value indicating whether the update must be installed. true if the update is required; otherwise, false. Gets the minimum version that the user must have installed on the computer. A expressing the least version that the user must install. There is no new version available to install. Gets whether an uninstalled update is available. true if new version of the application is available; otherwise, false. Gets the size of the available update. An describing the size, in bytes, of the available update. If no update is available, returns 0. Performs the same operation as , but returns extended information about the available update. If false, the update will be applied silently and no dialog box will be displayed. Checks to determine whether a new update is available. If false, the update will be applied silently and no dialog box will be displayed. Activates an application extension. The internal ID of the deployment. The URL of the deployment. The target file. Starts the deployment on the client computer. The location of the deployment manifest. The policy to use for unsigned applications. The policy to use for signed applications. The ID of the downloaded application. A containing ID of the downloaded application. Gets the context for the current ClickOnce application. An object representing the context for the current application. Gets a string identifying the subscription. A string with information identifying the subscription. Determines whether the ClickOnce application has the appropriate permissions and platform dependencies to run on the local computer. If true, the application will attempt to elevate its permissions to the required level. Removes a previously installed user-defined component of an application. A string that contains a subscription identity, which indicates the add-in to remove. is not a valid subscription identity, or does not include a name, public key token, processor architecture, and version number. is null. Removes a previously installed user-defined application. A string that contains a subscription identity, which indicates the add-in to remove.