System.Runtime.Serialization When applied to a collection type, enables custom specification of the collection item elements. This attribute can be applied only to types that are recognized by the as valid, serializable collections. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a custom name for a collection element. The name to apply to collection elements. Gets or sets the custom name for a dictionary key name. The name to use instead of the default dictionary key name. Gets or sets the data contract name for the collection type. The data contract name for the collection type. Gets or sets the namespace for the data contract. The namespace of the data contract. Gets or sets the custom name for a dictionary value name. The name to use instead of the default dictionary value name. Specifies the CLR namespace and XML namespace of the data contract. Initializes a new instance of the class using the supplied namespace. The namespace of the contract. Gets or sets the CLR namespace of the data contract type. The CLR-legal namespace of a type. Gets the namespace of the data contract members. The namespace of the data contract members. Specifies that the type defines or implements a data contract and is serializable by a serializer, such as the . To make their type serializable, type authors must define a data contract for their type. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the name of the data contract for the type. The local name of a data contract. The default is the name of the class that the attribute is applied to. Gets or sets the namespace for the data contract for the type. The namespace of the contract. Serializes and deserializes an instance of a type into an XML stream or document using a supplied data contract. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class to serialize or deserialize an object of the specified type. The type of the instances that are serialized or deserialized. Initializes a new instance of the class to serialize or deserialize an object of the specified type, and a collection of known types that may be present in the object graph. The type of the instances that are serialized or deserialized. An of that contains the types that may be present in the object graph. Initializes a new instance of the class to serialize or deserialize an object of the specified type. This method also specifies a list of known types that may be present in the object graph, the maximum number of graph items to serialize, parameters to ignore unexpected data, whether to use non-standard XML constructs to preserve object reference data in the graph, and a surrogate for custom serialization. The type of the instances that are serialized or deserialized. An of that contains the known types that may be present in the object graph. The maximum number of items in the graph to serialize or deserialize. The default is the value returned by the property. true to ignore the data supplied by an extension of the type upon serialization and deserialization; otherwise, false. true to use non-standard XML constructs to preserve object reference data; otherwise, false. An implementation of the to customize the serialization process. The number of items exceeds the maximum value. Initializes a new instance of the class to serialize or deserialize an object of the specified type using the supplied XML root element and namespace. The type of the instances that are serialized or deserialized. The name of the XML element that encloses the content to serialize or deserialize. The namespace of the XML element that encloses the content to serialize or deserialize. Initializes a new instance of the class to serialize or deserialize an object of the specified type. This method also specifies the root XML element and namespace in two string parameters as well as a list of known types that may be present in the object graph. The type of the instances that are serialized or deserialized. The root element name of the content. The namespace of the root element. An of that contains the types that may be present in the object graph. Initializes a new instance of the class to serialize or deserialize an object of the specified type. This method also specifies a list of known types that may be present in the object graph, the maximum number of graph items to serialize, parameters to ignore unexpected data, whether to use non-standard XML constructs to preserve object reference data in the graph, a surrogate for custom serialization, and the XML element and namespace that contain the content. The type of the instances that are serialized or deserialized. The XML element that encloses the content to serialize or deserialize. The namespace of the XML element that encloses the content to serialize or deserialize. An of that contains the known types that may be present in the object graph. The maximum number of items in the graph to serialize or deserialize. true to ignore the data supplied by an extension of the type upon serialization and deserialization; otherwise, false. true to use non-standard XML constructs to preserve object reference data; otherwise, false. An implementation of the to customize the serialization process. The number of items exceeds the maximum value. Initializes a new instance of the class to serialize or deserialize an object of the specified type using the XML root element and namespace specified through the parameters of type . The type of the instances that are serialized or deserialized. An that contains the root element name of the content. An that contains the namespace of the root element. Initializes a new instance of the class to serialize or deserialize an object of the specified type. This method also specifies the root XML element and namespace in two parameters as well as a list of known types that may be present in the object graph. The type of the instances that are serialized or deserialized. An that contains the root element name of the content. An that contains the namespace of the root element. A of that contains the known types that may be present in the object graph. Initializes a new instance of the class to serialize or deserialize an object of the specified type. This method also specifies a list of known types that may be present in the object graph, the maximum number of graph items to serialize, parameters to ignore unexpected data, whether to use non-standard XML constructs to preserve object reference data in the graph, a surrogate for custom serialization, and parameters of that specify the XML element and namespace that contain the content. The type of the instances that are serialized or deserialized. The that specifies the XML element that encloses the content to serialize or deserialize. The that specifies the XML namespace of the root. A of that contains the known types that may be present in the object graph. The maximum number of items in the graph to serialize or deserialize. true to ignore the data supplied by an extension of the type upon serialization and deserialization; otherwise, false. true to use non-standard XML constructs to preserve object reference data; otherwise, false. An implementation of the to customize the serialization process. The number of items exceeds the maximum value. Gets a surrogate type that can extend the serialization or deserialization process. An implementation of the class. 2 Gets a value that specifies whether to ignore data supplied by an extension of the class when the class is being serialized or deserialized. true to omit the extension data; otherwise, false. 2 Determines whether the is positioned on an object that can be deserialized. true if the reader is at the start element of the stream to read; otherwise, false. An used to read the XML stream. 2 Determines whether the is positioned on an object that can be deserialized. true if the reader is at the start element of the stream to read; otherwise, false. The used to read the XML stream. 2 Gets a collection of types that may be present in the object graph serialized using this instance of the . A that contains the expected types passed in as known types to the constructor. 2 Gets the maximum number of items in an object graph to serialize or deserialize. The maximum number of items to serialize or deserialize. The default is . The number of items exceeds the maximum value. 2 Gets a value that specifies whether to use non-standard XML constructs to preserve object reference data. true to keep the references; otherwise, false. 2 Reads the XML stream with an and returns the deserialized object, and also specifies whether a check is made to verify the object name before reading its value. The deserialized object. The used to read the XML stream. true to check whether the name of the object corresponds to the root name value supplied in the constructor; otherwise, false. The parameter is set to true, and the element name and namespace do not correspond to the values set in the constructor. Reads the XML stream with an and returns the deserialized object. The deserialized object. The used to read the XML stream. Reads the XML stream with an and returns the deserialized object, and also specifies whether a check is made to verify the object name before reading its value. The deserialized object. The used to read the XML stream. true to check whether the name of the object corresponds to the root name value supplied in the constructor; otherwise, false. The parameter is set to true, and the element name and namespace do not correspond to the values set in the constructor. Writes the closing XML element using an . The used to write the stream. The type being serialized does not conform to data contract rules. For example, the attribute has not been applied to the type. There is a problem with the instance being written. The maximum number of objects to serialize has been exceeded. Check the property. 2 Writes the closing XML element using an . The used to write the stream. The type being serialized does not conform to data contract rules. For example, the attribute has not been applied to the type. There is a problem with the instance being written. The maximum number of objects to serialize has been exceeded. Check the property. 2 Writes all the object data (starting XML element, content, and closing element) to an XML document or stream with an . The used to write the XML document or stream. The object that contains the data to write to the stream. The type being serialized does not conform to data contract rules. For example, the attribute has not been applied to the type. There is a problem with the instance being written. The maximum number of objects to serialize has been exceeded. Check the property. Writes the XML content using an . The used to write the stream. The object to write to the stream. The type being serialized does not conform to data contract rules. For example, the attribute has not been applied to the type. There is a problem with the instance being written. The maximum number of objects to serialize has been exceeded. Check the property. 2 Writes the XML content using an . The used to write the stream. The object to write to the stream. The type being serialized does not conform to data contract rules. For example, the attribute has not been applied to the type. There is a problem with the instance being written. The maximum number of objects to serialize has been exceeded. Check the property. 2 Writes the opening XML element using an . The used to write the XML start element. The object to write. 2 Writes the opening XML element using an . The used to write the XML start element. The object to write. 2 When applied to the member of a type, specifies that the member is part of a data contract and is serializable by the . Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value that specifies whether to serialize the default value for a field or property being serialized. true if the default value for a member should be generated in the serialization stream; otherwise, false. The default is true. Gets or sets a value that instructs the serialization engine that the member must be present when reading or deserializing. true, if the member is required; otherwise, false. the member is not present. Gets or sets a data member name. The name of the data member. The default is the name of the target that the attribute is applied to. Gets or sets the order of serialization and deserialization of a member. The numeric order of serialization or deserialization. Specifies that the field is an enumeration member and should be serialized. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the value associated with the enumeration member the attribute is applied to. The value associated with the enumeration member. Represents the options that can be set for an . Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a serialization surrogate. An implementation of the interface that can be used to customize how an XML schema representation is exported for a specific type. Gets the collection of types that may be encountered during serialization or deserialization. A KnownTypes collection that contains types that may be encountered during serialization or deserialization. XML schema representations are exported for all the types specified in this collection by the . Stores data from a versioned data contract that has been extended by adding new members. Provides the methods needed to substitute one type for another by the during serialization, deserialization, and export and import of XML schema documents (XSD). 2 During schema export operations, inserts annotations into the schema for non-null return values. An object that represents the annotation to be inserted into the XML schema definition. A that describes the member. A . 2 During schema export operations, inserts annotations into the schema for non-null return values. An object that represents the annotation to be inserted into the XML schema definition. The CLR type to be replaced. The data contract type to be annotated. 2 During serialization, deserialization, and schema import and export, returns a data contract type that substitutes the specified type. The to substitute for the value. This type must be serializable by the . For example, it must be marked with the attribute or other mechanisms that the serializer recognizes. The CLR type to substitute. During deserialization, returns an object that is a substitute for the specified object. The substituted deserialized object. This object must be of a type that is serializable by the . For example, it must be marked with the attribute or other mechanisms that the serializer recognizes. The deserialized object to be substituted. The that the substituted object should be assigned to. Sets the collection of known types to use for serialization and deserialization of the custom data objects. A of to add known types to. 2 During serialization, returns an object that substitutes the specified object. The substituted object that will be serialized. The object must be serializable by the . For example, it must be marked with the attribute or other mechanisms that the serializer recognizes. The object to substitute. The that the substituted object should be assigned to. During schema import, returns the type referenced by the schema. The to use for the referenced type. The name of the type in schema. The namespace of the type in schema. The object that represents the annotation inserted into the XML schema definition, which is data that can be used for finding the referenced type. 2 Processes the type that has been generated from the imported schema. A that contains the processed type. A to process that represents the type declaration generated during schema import. The that contains the other code generated during schema import. 2 Provides a data structure to store extra data encountered by the during deserialization of a type marked with the attribute. Gets or sets the structure that contains extra data. An that contains data that is not recognized as belonging to the data contract. Represents the options that can be set on an . Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a instance that provides the means to check whether particular options for a target language are supported. A that provides the means to check whether particular options for a target language are supported. 2 Gets or sets a data contract surrogate that can be used to modify the code generated during an import operation. An implementation of the interface that handles schema import. Gets or sets a value that specifies whether types in generated code should implement the interface. true if the generated code should implement the interface; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets a value that specifies whether generated code will be marked internal or public. true if the code will be marked internal; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets a value that specifies whether generated data contract classes will be marked with the attribute in addition to the attribute. true to generate classes with the applied; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets a value that determines whether all XML schema types, even those that do not conform to a data contract schema, will be imported. true to import all schema types; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets a dictionary that contains the mapping of data contract namespaces to the CLR namespaces that must be used to generate code during an import operation. A that contains the namespace mappings. Gets a collection of types that represents data contract collections that should be referenced when generating code for collections, such as lists or dictionaries of items. An that contains the referenced collection types. Gets a containing types referenced in generated code. A that contains the referenced types. The exception that is thrown when the or encounters an invalid data contract during serialization and deserialization. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified and . A that contains data needed to serialize and deserialize an object. A that specifies user context during serialization and deserialization. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified error message. A description of the error. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified error message and inner exception. A description of the error. The original . Specifies types that should be recognized by the when serializing or deserializing a given type. Initializes a new instance of the class with the name of a method that returns an of known types. The name of the method that returns an of types used when serializing or deserializing data. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified type. The that is included as a known type when serializing or deserializing data. Gets the name of a method that will return a list of types that should be recognized during serialization or deserialization. A that contains the name of the method on the type defined by the class. Gets the type that should be recognized during serialization or deserialization by the . The that is used during serialization or deserialization. Serializes and deserializes an instance of a type into XML stream or document using the supplied .NET Framework types. This class cannot be inherited. 2 Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with the supplied streaming context data. A that contains context data. Initializes a new instance of the class with the supplied context data; in addition, specifies the maximum number of items in the object to be serialized, and parameters to specify whether extra data is ignored, the assembly loading method, and a surrogate selector. A that contains context data. The maximum number of items in the graph to serialize or deserialize. true to ignore the data supplied by an extension of the type; otherwise, false. A enumeration value that specifies a method for locating and loading assemblies. An implementation of the . value is less than 0. Initializes a new instance of the class with the supplied XML root element and namespace. The name of the XML element that encloses the content to serialize or deserialize. The namespace of the XML element that encloses the content to serialize or deserialize. Initializes a new instance of the class with the supplied context data and root name and namespace; in addition, specifies the maximum number of items in the object to be serialized, and parameters to specify whether extra data is ignored, the assembly loading method, and a surrogate selector. The name of the XML element that encloses the content to serialize or deserialize. The namespace of the XML element that encloses the content to serialize or deserialize. A that contains context data. The maximum number of items in the graph to serialize or deserialize. true to ignore the data supplied by an extension of the type; otherwise, false. A enumeration value that specifies a method for locating and loading assemblies. An implementation of the to handle the legacy type. value is less than 0. Initializes a new instance of the class with two parameters of type that contain the root element and namespace used to specify the content. An that contains the name of the XML element that encloses the content to serialize or deserialize. An that contains the namespace of the XML element that encloses the content to serialize or deserialize. Initializes a new instance of the class with the supplied context data, and root name and namespace (as parameters); in addition, specifies the maximum number of items in the object to be serialized, and parameters to specify whether extra data found is ignored, assembly loading method, and a surrogate selector. An that contains the root element of the content. An that contains the namespace of the root element. A that contains context data. The maximum number of items in the graph to serialize or deserialize. true to ignore the data supplied by an extension of the type; otherwise, false. A enumeration value that specifies a method for locating and loading assemblies. An implementation of the to handle the legacy type. value is less than 0. Gets a value that specifies a method for locating and loading assemblies. A enumeration value that specifies a method for locating and loading assemblies. The value being set does not correspond to any of the values. 2 Gets or sets an object that controls class loading. The used with the current formatter. 2 Gets or sets the object that enables the passing of context data that is useful while serializing or deserializing. A that contains the context data. 2 Deserializes an XML document or stream into an object. The deserialized object. A that contains the XML to deserialize. Gets a value that specifies whether data supplied by an extension of the object is ignored. true to ignore the data supplied by an extension of the type; otherwise, false. 2 Determines whether the is positioned on an object that can be deserialized using the specified reader. true, if the reader is at the start element of the stream to read; otherwise, false. An that contains the XML to read. the is set to null. 2 Determines whether the is positioned on an object that can be deserialized using the specified reader. true if the reader is at the start element of the stream to read; otherwise, false. An that contains the XML to read. the is set to null. 2 Gets the maximum number of items allowed in the object to be serialized. The maximum number of items allowed in the object. The default is . 2 Reads the XML stream or document with an and returns the deserialized object; also checks whether the object data conforms to the name and namespace used to create the serializer. The deserialized object. The used to read the XML stream or document. true to check whether the enclosing XML element name and namespace correspond to the root name and root namespace used to construct the serializer; false to skip the verification. the is set to null. 2 Reads the XML stream or document with an and returns the deserialized object. The deserialized object. The used to read the XML stream or document. the is set to null. 2 Reads the XML stream or document with an and returns the deserialized object; also checks whether the object data conforms to the name and namespace used to create the serializer. The deserialized object. The used to read the XML stream or document. true to check whether the enclosing XML element name and namespace correspond to the root name and root namespace used to construct the serializer; false to skip the verification. the is set to null. 2 Serializes the specified object graph using the specified writer. The to serialize with. The object to serialize. All child objects of this root object are automatically serialized. Gets or sets an object that assists the formatter when selecting a surrogate for serialization. An for selecting a surrogate. 2 Writes the closing XML element using an . The used to write the XML document or stream. the is set to null. 2 Writes the closing XML element using an . The used to write the XML document or stream. the is set to null. 2 Writes the complete content (start, content, and end) of the object to the XML document or stream with the specified . An used to write the XML document or stream. The object containing the content to write. the type being serialized does not conform to data contract rules. For example, the attribute has not been applied to the type. there is a problem with the instance being serialized. the maximum number of object to serialize has been exceeded. Check the property. 2 Writes the XML content using an . The used to write the XML content. The object to serialize. All child objects of this root object are automatically serialized. the type being serialized does not conform to data contract rules. For example, the attribute has not been applied to the type. there is a problem with the instance being serialized. the maximum number of object to serialize has been exceeded. Check the property. 2 Writes the XML content using an . The used to write the XML content. The object to serialize. All child objects of this root object are automatically serialized. the type being serialized does not conform to data contract rules. For example, the attribute has not been applied to the type. there is a problem with the instance being serialized. the maximum number of object to serialize has been exceeded. Check the property. 2 Writes the opening XML element using an . The used to write the XML element. The object to serialize. All child objects of this root object are automatically serialized. the type being serialized does not conform to data contract rules. For example, the attribute has not been applied to the type. there is a problem with the instance being serialized. the maximum number of object to serialize has been exceeded. Check the property. 2 Writes the opening XML element using an . The used to write the XML element. The object to serialize. All child objects of this root object are automatically serialized. the type being serialized does not conform to data contract rules. For example, the attribute has not been applied to the type. there is a problem with the instance being serialized. the maximum number of object to serialize has been exceeded. Check the property. 2 Provides the base class used to serialize objects as XML streams or documents. This class is abstract. the type being serialized does not conform to data contract rules. For example, the attribute has not been applied to the type. there is a problem with the instance being serialized. 2 Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a value that specifies whether the is positioned over an XML element that can be read. true if the reader can read the data; otherwise, false. An used to read the XML stream or document. 2 Gets a value that specifies whether the is positioned over an XML element that can be read. true if the reader is positioned over the starting element; otherwise, false. An used to read the XML stream or document. 2 Reads the XML stream or document with a and returns the deserialized object. The deserialized object. A used to read the XML stream or document. Reads the XML document or stream with an and returns the deserialized object. The deserialized object. An used to read the XML document. Reads the XML stream or document with an and returns the deserialized object; it also enables you to specify whether the serializer can read the data before attempting to read it. The deserialized object. An used to read the XML document. true to check whether the enclosing XML element name and namespace correspond to the root name and root namespace; otherwise, false to skip the verification. Reads the XML document or stream with an and returns the deserialized object. The deserialized object. An used to read the XML stream or document. Reads the XML document or stream with an and returns the deserialized object; it also enables you to specify whether the serializer can read the data before attempting to read it. The deserialized object. An used to read the XML document or stream. true to check whether the enclosing XML element name and namespace correspond to the root name and root namespace; false to skip the verification. Writes the end of the object data as a closing XML element to the XML document or stream with an . An used to write the XML document or stream. the type being serialized does not conform to data contract rules. For example, the attribute has not been applied to the type. there is a problem with the instance being serialized. the maximum number of objects to serialize has been exceeded. Check the property. 2 Writes the end of the object data as a closing XML element to the XML document or stream with an . An used to write the XML document or stream. the type being serialized does not conform to data contract rules. For example, the attribute has not been applied to the type. there is a problem with the instance being serialized. the maximum number of objects to serialize has been exceeded. Check the property. 2 Writes the complete content (start, content, and end) of the object to the XML document or stream with the specified . A used to write the XML document or stream. The object that contains the data to write to the stream. the type being serialized does not conform to data contract rules. For example, the attribute has not been applied to the type. there is a problem with the instance being serialized. the maximum number of objects to serialize has been exceeded. Check the property. Writes the complete content (start, content, and end) of the object to the XML document or stream with the specified . An used to write the content to the XML document or stream. The object that contains the content to write. the type being serialized does not conform to data contract rules. For example, the attribute has not been applied to the type. there is a problem with the instance being serialized. the maximum number of objects to serialize has been exceeded. Check the property. Writes the complete content (start, content, and end) of the object to the XML document or stream with the specified . An used to write the XML document or stream. The object that contains the content to write. the type being serialized does not conform to data contract rules. For example, the attribute has not been applied to the type. there is a problem with the instance being serialized. the maximum number of objects to serialize has been exceeded. Check the property. Writes only the content of the object to the XML document or stream using the specified . An used to write the XML document or stream. The object that contains the content to write. the type being serialized does not conform to data contract rules. For example, the attribute has not been applied to the type. there is a problem with the instance being serialized. the maximum number of objects to serialize has been exceeded. Check the property. 2 Writes only the content of the object to the XML document or stream with the specified . An used to write the XML document or stream. The object that contains the content to write. the type being serialized does not conform to data contract rules. For example, the attribute has not been applied to the type. there is a problem with the instance being serialized. the maximum number of objects to serialize has been exceeded. Check the property. 2 Writes the start of the object's data as an opening XML element using the specified . An used to write the XML document. The object to serialize. the type being serialized does not conform to data contract rules. For example, the attribute has not been applied to the type. there is a problem with the instance being serialized. the maximum number of objects to serialize has been exceeded. Check the property. 2 Writes the start of the object's data as an opening XML element using the specified . An used to write the XML document. The object to serialize. the type being serialized does not conform to data contract rules. For example, the attribute has not been applied to the type. there is a problem with the instance being serialized. the maximum number of objects to serialize has been exceeded. Check the property. 2 Contains methods for reading and writing XML. 2 Generates a default schema type given the specified type name and adds it to the specified schema set. An to add the generated schema type to. An that specifies the type name to assign the schema to. The or argument is null. Reads a set of XML nodes from the specified reader and returns the result. An array of type . An used for reading. The argument is null. While reading, a null node was encountered. Writes the supplied nodes using the specified writer. An used for writing. An array of type to write. The argument is null. Allows the transformation of a set of .NET Framework types that are used in data contracts into an XML schema file (.xsd). Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified set of schemas. An that contains the schemas to be exported. Gets a value that indicates whether the set of .common language runtime (CLR) types contained in a set of assemblies can be exported. true if the types can be exported; otherwise, false. A of that contains the assemblies with the types to export. 2 Gets a value that indicates whether the set of .common language runtime (CLR) types contained in a can be exported. true if the types can be exported; otherwise, false. A that contains the specified types to export. 2 Gets a value that indicates whether the specified common language runtime (CLR) type can be exported. true if the type can be exported; otherwise, false. The to export. 2 Transforms the types contained in the specified collection of assemblies. A (of ) that contains the types to export. The argument is null. An in the collection is null. Transforms the types contained in the passed to this method. A (of ) that contains the types to export. The argument is null. A type in the collection is null. Transforms the specified .NET Framework type into an XML schema definition language (XSD) schema. The to transform into an XML schema. The argument is null. Returns the top-level name and namespace for the . The that represents the top-level name and namespace for this , which is written to the stream when writing this object. The to query. The argument is null. 2 Returns the XML schema type for the specified type. An that contains the XML schema. The type to return a schema for. The argument is null. 2 Returns the contract name and contract namespace for the . An that represents the contract name of the type and its namespace. The that was exported. The argument is null. 2 Gets or sets an that contains options that can be set for the export operation. An that contains options used to customize how types are exported to schemas. Gets the collection of exported XML schemas. An that contains the schemas transformed from the set of common language runtime (CLR) types after calling the method. Allows the transformation of a set of XML schema files (.xsd) into common language runtime (CLR) types. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with the that will be used to generate CLR code. The that will be used to store the code. Gets a value that indicates whether the schemas contained in an can be transformed into a . true if the schemas can be transformed to data contract types; otherwise, false. A that contains the schemas to transform. The parameter is null. A data contract involved in the import is invalid. 2 Gets a value that indicates whether the specified set of types contained in an can be transformed into CLR types generated into a . true if the schemas can be transformed; otherwise, false. A that contains the schemas to transform. An of that represents the set of schema types to import. The or parameter is null. A data contract involved in the import is invalid. 2 Gets a value that indicates whether a specific schema element contained in an can be imported. true if the element can be imported; otherwise, false. An to import. A specific to check in the set of schemas. The or parameter is null. A data contract involved in the import is invalid. 2 Gets a value that indicates whether the schemas contained in an can be transformed into a . true if the schemas can be transformed to data contract types; otherwise, false. A that contains the schema representations. An of that specifies the names of the schema types that need to be imported from the . The or parameter is null. A data contract involved in the import is invalid. 2 Gets a used for storing the CLR types generated. A used to store the CLR types generated. Returns a to the CLR type generated for the schema type with the specified . A reference to the CLR type generated for the schema type with the specified. The that specifies the schema type to look up. 2 Returns a for the specified XML qualified element and schema element. A that represents the type that was generated for the specified schema type. An that specifies the XML qualified name of the schema type to look up. An that specifies an element in an XML schema. 2 Returns a list of objects that represents the known types generated when generating code for the specified schema type. A of type . An that represents the schema type to look up known types for. 2 Transforms the specified set of XML schemas contained in an into a . A that contains the schema representations to generate CLR types for. The parameter is null. Transforms the specified set of schema types contained in an into CLR types generated into a . A that contains the schema representations. A (of ) that represents the set of schema types to import. Transforms the specified schema element in the set of specified XML schemas into a and returns an that represents the data contract name for the specified element. An that represents the specified element. An that contains the schemas to transform. An that represents the specific schema element to transform. The or parameter is null. Transforms the specified XML schema type contained in an into a . A that contains the schema representations. A that represents a specific schema type to import. The or parameter is null. Gets or sets an that contains settable options for the import operation. A that contains settable options. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to preserve object reference data. true to keep object reference data; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to preserve object reference data. true to keep object reference data using standard XML; otherwise, false. The default is false. When applied to the member of a type, specifies that the member is not part of a data contract and is not serialized. Initializes a new instance of the class. Handles the XML elements used to configure serialization by the . Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a collection of types added to the property. A that contains the known types. Handles the XML elements used to add known types that are used for serialization by the . Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified type name. The name of the type that requires a collection of known types. Gets the collection of known types. A that contains the known types. Gets or sets the name of the declared type that requires a collection of known types. The name of the declared type. Handles the XML elements used to configure XML serialization using the . Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds the specified configuration element. The to add. Clears the collection of all items. Returns a value if the collection contains the item specified by its type name. true if the collection contains the specified item; otherwise, false. The name of the configuration element to search for. Returns the index of the specified configuration element. The index of the specified configuration element; otherwise, -1. The to find. Returns the configuration element specified by its index. The specified by its index. The index of the element to access. Returns the item specified by its key. The configuration element specified by its key. The name of the type (that functions as a key) to return. Removes the specified configuration element from the collection. The to remove. Removes the configuration element specified by its key. The type name (that functions as a key) of the configuration element to remove. Removes the configuration element at the specified index. The index of the configuration element to remove. Handles the XML elements used to configure XML serialization by the . Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified index. Specifies a position in the collection of parameters. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified type name. The name of the parameter's type. Gets or sets the position of the generic known type. The position of the parameter in the containing generic declared type. Gets the collection of parameters. A that contains all parameters. Gets or sets the type name of the parameter of the generic known type. The type name of the parameter. Handles the XML elements used to configure serialization by the . Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds an element to the collection of parameter elements. The element to add to the collection. Removes all members of the collection. Gets the type of the parameters collection in configuration. A that contains the type of the parameters collection in configuration. Gets or sets a value specifying whether the named type is found in the collection. true if the element is present; otherwise, false. The name of the type to find. Gets the position of the specified element in the collection. The position of the specified element. The element to find. Gets or sets the element in the collection at the specified position. A from the collection. The position of the element in the collection to get or set. Removes the specified element from the collection. The to remove. Removes the element at the specified position. The position of the element to remove. Handles the XML elements used to configure serialization by the . Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the used to set up the known types collection. The used for the serialization configuration section. Gets the serialization configuration section for the specified configuration. A that represents the configuration section. A that represents the configuration to retrieve. Handles the XML elements used to configure serialization by the . Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified type name. The name of the type that uses known types. Gets or sets the position of the element. The position of the element. Gets a collection of parameters. A that contains the parameters for the type. Gets or sets the name of the type. The name of the type. Handles the XML elements used to configure the known types used for serialization by the . Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds the specified element to the collection. A that represents the known type to add. Removes all members of the collection. Gets the collection of elements that represents the types using known types. A that contains the element objects. Returns the position of the specified element. The position of the specified element. The to find in the collection. Returns a specific member of the collection by its position. The element at the specified position. The position of the item to return. Removes the specified element from the collection. The to remove. Removes the element at the specified position. The position in the collection from which to remove the element. Contains properties and methods that when implemented by a , allows processing of XML fragments. 2 Gets a value that indicates whether this can process XML fragments. true if this can process XML fragments; otherwise, false. Ends the processing of an XML fragment. Starts the processing of an XML fragment. The stream to write to. If true, any namespaces declared outside the fragment is declared again if used inside of it; if false the namespaces are not declared again. Writes an XML fragment to the underlying stream of the writer. The buffer to write to. The starting position from which to write in . The number of bytes to be written to the . An interface that can be implemented by classes providing streams. 2 Gets a stream. A . Releases a stream to output. The stream being released. Provides methods for reinitializing a binary reader to read a new document. 2 Reinitializes the binary reader using the given input buffer. The buffer from which to read. Starting position from which to read in . Number of bytes that can be read from . to use. to apply. to use. Delegate to call when the reader is closed. Reinitializes the binary reader using the given input stream. The stream from which to read. to use. to apply. to use. Delegate to call when the reader is closed. Specifies implementation requirements for XML binary writers that derive from this interface. 2 Specifies initialization requirements for XML binary writers that implement this method. The stream to write to. The to use. The to use. If true, stream is closed by the writer when done; otherwise false. An interface that defines the contract that an Xml dictionary must implement to be used by and implementations. 2 Attempts to look up an entry in the dictionary. true if key is in the dictionary, otherwise false. Key to look up. If is defined, the that is mapped to the key; otherwise null. Checks the dictionary for a specified string value. true if value is in the dictionary, otherwise false. String value being checked for. The corresponding , if found; otherwise null. Checks the dictionary for a specified . true if is in the dictionary, otherwise false. The being checked for. The matching , if found; otherwise null. Specifies implementation requirements for XML MTOM readers that derive from this interface. 2 Specifies initialization requirements for XML MTOM readers that read a buffer. The buffer from which to read. The starting position from which to read in . The number of bytes that can be read from . The possible character encodings of the input. The Content-Type of the message. Can be null if the MIME type is present in the document being read. The to apply to the reader. The maximum allowed size of the buffer. The delegate to use when an onClose event happens. Specifies initialization requirements for XML MTOM readers that read a stream. The stream from which to read. The possible character encodings of the stream. The Content-Type of the message. Can be null if the MIME type is present in the document being read. The to apply to the reader. The maximum allowed size of the buffer. The delegate to use when an onClose event happens. When implemented by an MTOM writer, this interface ensures initialization for an MTOM writer. 2 When implemented by an MTOM writer, initializes an MTOM writer. The stream to write to. The character encoding of the stream. The maximum number of bytes that are buffered in the writer. An attribute in the ContentType SOAP header, set to "Application/soap+xml". The MIME boundary string. The URI for MIME section. If true, write message headers. If true, the stream is closed by the writer when done; otherwise false. Specifies implementation requirements for XML text readers that derive from this interface. 2 Specifies initialization requirements for XML text readers that read a buffer. The buffer from which to read. The starting position from which to read in . The number of bytes that can be read from . The character encoding of the stream. The to apply. The delegate to be called when the reader is closed. Specifies initialization requirements for XML text readers that read a stream. The stream from which to read. The character encoding of the stream. The to apply. The delegate to be called when the reader is closed. Specifies implementation requirements for XML text writers that derive from this interface. 2 Specifies initialization requirements for XML text writers that implement this method. The stream to write to. The character encoding of the stream. If true, stream is closed by the writer when done; otherwise false. delegate for a callback method when closing the reader. The that fires the OnClose event. 2 A unique identifier optimized for Guids. 2 Creates a new instance of this class with a new, unique Guid. Creates a new instance of this class using a byte array that represents a . A byte array that represents a . is null. provides less than 16 valid bytes. Creates a new instance of this class starting from an offset within a byte array that represents a . A byte array that represents a . Offset position within the byte array that represents a . is null. less than zero or greater than the length of the array. and provide less than 16 valid bytes. Creates a new instance of this class starting from an offset within a char using a specified number of entries. A char array that represents a . Offset position within the char array that represents a . Number of array entries to use, starting from . is null. less than zero or greater than the length of the array. less than zero or greater than the length of the array minus . equals zero. Creates a new instance of this class using a . A . is null. Creates a new instance of this class using a string. A string used to generate the . is null. Length of is zero. Gets the length of the string representation of the . The length of the string representation of the . Tests whether an object equals this . true if the object equals this ; otherwise false. The object to compare. Creates a hash-code representation of this . An integer hash-code representation of this . 2 Indicates whether the is a . true if the is a ; otherwise false. Overrides the equality operator to test for equality of two s. true if the two s are equal, or are both null; false if they are not equal, or if only one of them is null. The first . The second . Overrides the equality operator to test for inequality of two s. true if the overridden equality operator returns false; otherwise false. The first . The second . Puts the value into a char array. Number of entries in the char array filled by the value. The char array. Position in the char array to start inserting the value. is null. less than zero or greater than the length of the array. and provide less than 16 valid bytes. Displays the value in string format. A string representation of the value. Tries to get the value of the as a and store it in the given byte array at the specified offest. true if the value stored in this instance of is a ; otherwise false. byte array that will contain the . Position in the byte array to start inserting the value. is null. less than zero or greater than the length of the array. and provide less than 16 valid bytes. Tries to get the value of the as a . true if the UniqueId represents a ; otherwise false. The if successful; otherwise . is null. and provide less than 16 valid bytes. Enables optimized strings to be managed in a dynamic way. 2 Creates an instance of this class. Creates an from the input parameters and adds it to an internal collection An . The key value. The value. is less than zero. is null. An entry with key = already exists. Clears the internal collection of all contents. Checks whether the internal collection contains an entry matching a key. true if an entry matching the was found; otherwise false. The key to search on. The , if found; otherwise null. is null. Checks whether the internal collection contains an entry matching a value. true if an entry matching the was found; otherwise false. The value to search for. The , if found; otherwise null. is null. Checks whether the internal collection contains an entry matching a value. true if an entry matching the was found; otherwise false. The value to search for. The , if found; otherwise null. is null. Enables using a dynamic dictionary to compress common strings that appear in a message and maintain state. 2 Creates an instance of this class. Clears out the internal collections. Tries to add an to the internal collection. true, unless an exception was thrown. The to add. The key of the that was successfully added. is null. An entry with key = already exists. Implements a dictionary used to optimize Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)'s XML reader/writer implementations. Creates an empty . Creates a with an initial capacity. The initial size of the dictionary. Adds a string to the . The that was added. String to add to the dictionary. Gets a static empty . A static empty . Attempts to look up an entry in the dictionary. true if key is in the dictionary, otherwise false. Key to look up. If is defined, the that is mapped to the key; otherwise null. 2 Checks the dictionary for a specified string value. true if value is in the dictionary, otherwise false. String value being checked for. The corresponding , if found; otherwise null. is null. 2 Checks the dictionary for a specified . true if is in the dictionary, otherwise false. The being checked for. The matching , if found; otherwise null. is null. 2 An abstract class that the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) derives from to do serialization and deserialization. Creates an instance of this class. Invoked only by its derived classes. This property always returns false. Its derived classes can override to return true if they support canonicalization. Returns false. 2 Creates an instance of that can read .NET Binary XML Format. An instance of . The buffer from which to read. The starting position from which to read in . The number of bytes that can be read from . to use. The quotas that apply to this operation. is null. is less than zero or greater than the buffer length. is less than zero or greater than the buffer length minus the offset. Creates an instance of that can read .NET Binary XML Format. An instance of . The buffer from which to read. The starting position from which to read in . The number of bytes that can be read from . The to use. The to apply. The to use. is null. is less than zero or greater than the buffer length. is less than zero or greater than the buffer length minus the offset. Creates an instance of that can read .NET Binary XML Format. An instance of . The buffer from which to read. The starting position from which to read in . The number of bytes that can be read from . The to use. The to apply. The to use. Delegate to be called when the reader is closed. is null. is less than zero or greater than the buffer length. is less than zero or greater than the buffer length minus the offset. Creates an instance of that can read .NET Binary XML Format. An instance of . The buffer from which to read. The starting position from which to read in . The number of bytes that can be read from . The quotas that apply to this operation. is null. is less than zero or greater than the buffer length. is less than zero or greater than the buffer length minus the offset. Creates an instance of that can read .NET Binary XML Format. An instance of . The buffer from which to read. The quotas that apply to this operation. is null. Creates an instance of that can read .NET Binary XML Format. An instance of . The stream from which to read. to use. The quotas that apply to this operation. or is null. Creates an instance of that can read .NET Binary XML Format. An instance of . The stream from which to read. to use. The quotas that apply to this operation. to use. is null. Creates an instance of that can read .NET Binary XML Format. An instance of . The stream from which to read. to use. to apply. to use. Delegate to be called when the reader is closed. is null. Creates an instance of that can read .NET Binary XML Format. An instance of . The stream from which to read. The quotas that apply to this operation. is null. Creates an instance of from an existing . An instance of . An instance of . is null. Creates an instance of that reads XML in the MTOM format. An instance of . The buffer from which to read. The starting position from which to read in . The number of bytes that can be read from . The possible character encoding of the input. The quotas to apply to this reader. is null. 2 Creates an instance of that reads XML in the MTOM format. An instance of . The buffer from which to read. The starting position from which to read in . The number of bytes that can be read from . The possible character encodings of the input. The Content-Type MIME type of the message. The quotas to apply to this reader. 2 Creates an instance of that reads XML in the MTOM format. An instance of . The buffer from which to read. The starting position from which to read in . The number of bytes that can be read from . The possible character encodings of the input. The Content-Type MIME type of the message. The to apply to the reader. The maximum allowed size of the buffer. The delegate to be called when the reader is closed. 2 Creates an instance of that reads XML in the MTOM format. An instance of . The buffer from which to read. The starting position from which to read in . The number of bytes that can be read from . The possible character encodings of the input. The quotas to apply to this reader. 2 Creates an instance of that reads XML in the MTOM format. An instance of . The stream from which to read. The possible character encoding of the stream. The quotas to apply to this reader. is null. 2 Creates an instance of that reads XML in the MTOM format. An instance of . The stream from which to read. The possible character encodings of the stream. The Content-Type MIME type of the message. The quotas to apply to this reader. 2 Creates an instance of that reads XML in the MTOM format. An instance of . The stream from which to read. The possible character encodings of the stream. The Content-Type MIME type of the message. The MIME type of the message. The to apply to the reader. The delegate to be called when the reader is closed. 2 Creates an instance of that reads XML in the MTOM format. An instance of . The stream from which to read. The possible character encodings of the stream. The quotas to apply to this reader. is null. 2 Creates an instance of . An instance of . The buffer from which to read. The starting position from which to read in . The number of bytes that can be read from . The object that specifies the encoding properties to apply. The to apply. The delegate to be called when the reader is closed. Creates an instance of . An instance of . The buffer from which to read. The starting position from which to read in . The number of bytes that can be read from . The quotas applied to the reader. Creates an instance of . An instance of . The buffer from which to read. The quotas applied to the reader. is null. Creates an instance of . An instance of . The stream from which to read. The object that specifies the encoding properties to apply. The to apply. The delegate to be called when the reader is closed. Creates an instance of . An instance of . The stream from which to read. The quotas applied to the reader. This method is not yet implemented. Always. 2 When overridden in a derived class, gets the value of an attribute. The value of the attribute. An that represents the local name of the attribute. An that represents the namespace of the attribute. Gets the index of the local name of the current node within an array of names. The index of the local name of the current node within an array of names. The string array of local names to be searched. The namespace of current node. or any of the names in the array is null. is null. Gets the index of the local name of the current node within an array of names. The index of the local name of the current node within an array of names. The array of local names to be searched. The namespace of current node. or any of the names in the array is null. is null. Checks whether the parameter, , is the local name of the current node. true if matches local name of the current node; otherwise false. The local name of the current node. Checks whether the parameter, , is the local name of the current node. true if matches local name of the current node; otherwise false. An that represents the local name of the current node. is null. Checks whether the parameter, , is the namespace of the current node. true if matches namespace of the current node; otherwise false. The namespace of current node. is null. Checks whether the parameter, , is the namespace of the current node. true if matches namespace of the current node; otherwise false. Namespace of current node. is null. Checks whether the reader is positioned at the start of an array. This class returns false, but derived classes that have the concept of arrays might return true. true if the reader is positioned at the start of an array node; otherwise false. Type of the node, if a valid node; otherwise null. 2 Tests whether the first tag is a start tag or empty element tag and if the local name and namespace URI match those of the current node. true if the first tag in the array is a start tag or empty element tag and matches and ; otherwise false. An that represents the local name of the attribute. An that represents the namespace of the attribute. Tests whether the current node is a text node. true if the node type is , , , , or ; otherwise false. Type of the node being tested. Tests whether the current content node is a start element or an empty element. Tests whether the current content node is a start element or an empty element and if the property of the element matches the given argument. The property of the element. Tests whether the current content node is a start element or an empty element and if the and properties of the element matches the given arguments. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. Tests whether the current content node is a start element or an empty element and if the and properties of the element matches the given argument. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. Gets the quota values that apply to the current instance of this class. The that applies to the current instance of this class. 2 Reads repeated occurrences of nodes into a typed array. The number of nodes put in the array. The local name of the element. The local name of the element. The array into which the nodes are put. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to put in the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Reads repeated occurrences of nodes into a typed array. The number of nodes put in the array. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array into which the nodes are put. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to put in the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Reads repeated occurrences of nodes into a typed array. The number of nodes put in the array. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array into which the nodes are put. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to put in the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Reads repeated occurrences of nodes into a typed array. The number of nodes put in the array. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array into which the nodes are put. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to put in the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Reads repeated occurrences of nodes into a typed array. The number of nodes put in the array. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array into which the nodes are put. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to put in the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Reads repeated occurrences of short integers into a typed array. The number of integers put in the array. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array into which the integers are put. The starting index in the array. The number of integers to put in the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Reads repeated occurrences of integers into a typed array. The number of integers put in the array. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array into which the integers are put. The starting index in the array. The number of integers to put in the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Reads repeated occurrences of long integers into a typed array. The number of integers put in the array. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array into which the integers are put. The starting index in the array. The number of integers to put in the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Reads repeated occurrences of float numbers into a typed array. The umber of float numbers put in the array. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array into which the float numbers are put. The starting index in the array. The number of float numbers to put in the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Reads repeated occurrences of nodes into a typed array. The number of nodes put in the array. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array into which the nodes are put. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to put in the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Reads repeated occurrences of nodes into a typed array. The number of nodes put in the array. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array into which the nodes are put. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to put in the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Reads repeated occurrences of nodes into a typed array. The number of nodes put in the array. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array into which the nodes are put. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to put in the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Reads repeated occurrences of nodes into a typed array. The number of nodes put in the array. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array into which the nodes are put. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to put in the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Reads repeated occurrences of nodes type into a typed array. The number of nodes put in the array. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array into which the nodes are put. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to put in the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Reads repeated occurrences of nodes into a typed array. The number of nodes put in the array. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array into which the nodes are put. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to put in the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Reads repeated occurrences of short integers into a typed array. The number of integers put in the array. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array into which the integers are put. The starting index in the array. The number of integers to put in the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Reads repeated occurrences of integers into a typed array. The number of integers put in the array. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array into which the integers are put. The starting index in the array. The number of integers to put in the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Reads repeated occurrences of long integers into a typed array. The number of integers put in the array. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array into which the integers are put. The starting index in the array. The number of integers to put in the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Reads repeated occurrences of float numbers into a typed array. The number of float numbers put in the array. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array into which the float numbers are put. The starting index in the array. The number of float numbers to put in the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Reads repeated occurrences of nodes into a typed array. The number of nodes put in the array. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array into which the nodes are put. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to put in the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Reads repeated occurrences of nodes into a typed array. A array of the nodes. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. Reads repeated occurrences of nodes into a typed array. A array of the nodes. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. Converts a node's content to a specified type. The concatenated text content or attribute value converted to the requested type. The of the value to be returned. An object that is used to resolve any namespace prefixes related to type conversion. For example, this can be used when converting an object to an xs:string. This value can be a null reference. 2 Reads the content and returns the Base64 decoded binary bytes. A byte array that contains the Base64 decoded binary bytes. The array size is greater than the MaxArrayLength quota for this reader. Reads the content and returns the BinHex decoded binary bytes. A byte array that contains the BinHex decoded binary bytes. The array size is greater than . Reads the content and returns the BinHex decoded binary bytes. A byte array that contains the BinHex decoded binary bytes. The maximum array length. The array size is greater than . Reads the content into a char array. Number of characters read. The array into which the characters are put. The starting index in the array. The number of characters to put in the array. Converts a node's content to decimal. The decimal representation of node's content. Converts a node's content to float. The float representation of node's content. Converts a node's content to guid. The guid representation of node's content. Converts a node's content to a qualified name representation. The part of the qualified name (out parameter). The part of the qualified name (out parameter). Converts a node's content to a string. The node content in a string representation. Converts a node's content to a string. Node content in string representation. The maximum string length. Converts a node's content to a string. The node content in a string representation. The array of strings to match content against. The index of the entry in that matches the content. is null. An entry in is null. Converts a node's content to a string. The node content in a string representation. The array of objects to match content against. The index of the entry in that matches the content. is null. An entry in is null. Converts a node's content to . representation of node's content. Converts a node's content to a unique identifier. The node's content represented as a unique identifier. Converts a node's content to a array. The node's content represented as a array. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. Converts a node's content to a array. The node's content represented as a array. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. Converts a node's content to a array. The node's content represented as a array. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. Converts a node's content to a array. The node's content represented as a array. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. Converts a node's content to a array. The node's content represented as a array. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. Converts a node's content to a array. The node's content represented as a array. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. Converts a node's content to a array of Base64 bytes. The node's content represented as an array of Base64 bytes. Converts a node's content to an array of BinHex bytes. The node's content represented as an array of BinHex bytes. Converts an element's content to a . The node's content represented as a . Converts an element's content to a . The node's content represented as a . The element is not in valid format. The element is not in valid format. Converts an element's content to a . The node's content represented as a . Converts an element's content to a . The node's content represented as a . Converts an element's content to a floating point number (). The node's content represented as a floating point number (). Converts an element's content to a . The node's content represented as a . The element is not in valid format. The element is not in valid format. Converts an element's content to an integer (). The node's content represented as an integer (). Converts an element's content to a long integer (). The node's content represented as a long integer (). Converts an element's content to a . The node's content represented as a . Converts an element's content to a . The node's content represented as a . Converts an element's content to a unique identifier. The node's content represented as a unique identifier. The element is not in valid format. The element is not in valid format. Checks whether the current node is an element and advances the reader to the next node. returns false. Checks whether the current node is an element with the given and advances the reader to the next node. The qualified name of the element. returns false. Checks whether the current node is an element with the given and and advances the reader to the next node. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. returns false. Checks whether the current node is an element with the given and and advances the reader to the next node. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. returns false. Reads the contents of a series of nodes with the given and into an array of . An array of . The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. Reads the contents of a series of nodes with the given and into an array of . An array of . The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. Reads the contents of a series of nodes with the given and into an array of short integers (). An array of short integers (). The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. Reads the contents of a series of nodes with the given and into an array of short integers (). An array of short integers (). The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. Reads the contents of a series of nodes with the given and into an array of integers (). An array of integers (). The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. Reads the contents of a series of nodes with the given and into an array of integers (). An array of integers (). The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. Reads the contents of a series of nodes with the given and into an array of long integers (). An array of long integers (). The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. Reads the contents of a series of nodes with the given and into an array of long integers (). An array of long integers (). The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. Reads the contents of a series of nodes with the given and into an array of float numbers (). An array of float numbers (). The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. Reads the contents of a series of nodes with the given and into an array of float numbers (). An array of float numbers (). The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. Checks whether the current node is an element with the given and and advances the reader to the next node. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. Reads the contents of the current node into a string. A string that contains the contents of the current node. Unable to read the contents of the current node. Maximum allowed string length exceeded. Reads the contents of the current node into a string with a given maximum length. A string that contains the contents of the current node. Maximum allowed string length. Unable to read the contents of the current node. Maximum allowed string length exceeded. Reads the contents of a series of nodes with the given and into a array. A array. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. Reads the contents of a series of nodes with the given and into a array. A array. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. Not implemented. Not implemented. The buffer from which to read. The starting position from which to read in . The number of bytes that can be read from . Always. This method is not yet implemented. The stream to read from. Determines whether comments are included. The prefixes to be included. Always. 2 Not implemented in this class (it always returns false). May be overridden in derived classes. false, unless overridden in a derived class. Returns 0, unless overridden in a derived class. 2 Not implemented in this class (it always returns false). May be overridden in derived classes. false, unless overridden in a derived class. Returns 0, unless overridden in a derived class. 2 Not implemented in this class (it always returns false). May be overridden in derived classes. false, unless overridden in a derived class. Returns null, unless overridden in a derived class.. Not implemented in this class (it always returns false). May be overridden in derived classes. false, unless overridden in a derived class. Returns null, unless overridden in a derived class. Not implemented in this class (it always returns false). May be overridden in derived classes. false, unless overridden in a derived class. Returns null, unless overridden in a derived class. Contains configurable quota values for XmlDictionaryReaders. Creates a new instance of this class. Sets the properties on a passed-in quotas instance, based on the values in this instance. The instance to which to copy values. Trying to set the value, but quota values are read-only for the passed in instance. Passed in target is null. 2 Gets an instance of this class with all properties set to maximum values. An instance of with properties set to . Gets and sets the maximum allowed array length. The maximum allowed array length. The default is 16384. Trying to set the value, but quota values are read-only for this instance. Trying to set the value to less than zero. Gets and sets the maximum allowed bytes returned for each read. The maximum allowed bytes returned for each read. The default is 4096. Trying to set the value, but quota values are read-only for this instance. Trying to set the value to less than zero. Gets and sets the maximum nested node depth. The maximum nested node depth. The default is 32; Trying to set the value and quota values are read-only for this instance. Trying to set the value is less than zero. Gets and sets the maximum characters allowed in a table name. The maximum characters allowed in a table name. The default is 16384. Trying to set the value, but quota values are read-only for this instance. Trying to set the value to less than zero. Gets and sets the maximum string length returned by the reader. The maximum string length returned by the reader. The default is 8192. Trying to set the value, but quota values are read-only for this instance. Trying to set the value to less than zero. Represents an entry stored in a . Creates an instance of this class. The containing this instance. The string that is the value of the dictionary entry. The integer that is the key of the dictionary entry. is null. is null. is less than 0 or greater than / 4. Represents the passed to the constructor of this instance of . The for this dictionary entry. Gets an representing the empty string. An representing the empty string. Gets the integer key for this instance of the class. The integer key for this instance of the class. 2 Displays a text representation of this object. The string value for this instance of the class. Gets the string value for this instance of the class. The string value for this instance of the class. 2 An abstract class that the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) derives from to do serialization and deserialization. Creates an instance of this class. Invoked only by its derived classes because this class is abstract. This property always returns false. Its derived classes can override to return true if they support canonicalization. false. 2 Creates an instance of that writes WCF binary XML format. An instance of . The stream to write to. Creates an instance of that writes WCF binary XML format. An instance of . The stream to write to. The to use as the shared dictionary. Creates an instance of that writes WCF binary XML format. An instance of . The stream to write to. The to use as the shared dictionary. The to use. Creates an instance of that writes WCF binary XML format. An instance of . The stream from which to read. The to use as the shared dictionary. The to use. If true, stream is closed by the writer when done; otherwise false. Creates an instance of from an existing . An instance of . An instance of . is null. Creates an instance of that writes XML in the MTOM format. An instance of . The stream to write to. The character encoding of the stream. The maximum number of bytes that are buffered in the writer. An attribute in the ContentType SOAP header. 2 Creates an instance of that writes XML in the MTOM format. An instance of . The stream to write to. The character encoding of the stream. The maximum number of bytes that are buffered in the writer. The content-type of the MIME part that contains the Infoset. The MIME boundary in the message. The content-id URI of the MIME part that contains the Infoset. If true, write message headers. If true, the stream is closed by the writer when done; otherwise false. 2 Creates an instance of that writes text XML. An instance of . The stream to write to. Creates an instance of that writes text XML. An instance of . The stream to write to. The character encoding of the output. Creates an instance of that writes text XML. An instance of . The stream to write to. The character encoding of the stream. If true, stream is closed by the writer when done; otherwise false. This method is not yet implemented. Method is not implemented yet. 2 This method is not yet implemented. The stream to write to. Determines whether comments are included. The prefixes to be included. Method is not implemented yet. 2 Writes values from a array. The namespace prefix. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array that contains the data. The starting index in the array. The number of values to write from the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Writes nodes from a array. The namespace prefix. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array that contains the nodes. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to get from the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Writes nodes from a array. The namespace prefix. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array that contains the nodes. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to get from the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Writes nodes from a array. The namespace prefix. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array that contains the nodes. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to get from the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Writes nodes from a array. The namespace prefix. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array that contains the nodes. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to get from the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Writes nodes from a array. The namespace prefix. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array that contains the nodes. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to get from the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Writes nodes from a array. The namespace prefix. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array that contains the nodes. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to get from the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Writes nodes from a array. The namespace prefix. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array that contains the nodes. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to get from the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Writes nodes from a array. The namespace prefix. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array that contains the nodes. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to get from the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Writes nodes from a array. The namespace prefix. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array that contains the nodes. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to get from the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Writes nodes from a array. The namespace prefix. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array that contains the nodes. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to get from the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Writes nodes from a array. The namespace prefix. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array that contains the nodes. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to get from the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Writes nodes from a array. The namespace prefix. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array that contains the nodes. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to get from the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Writes nodes from a array. The namespace prefix. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array that contains the nodes. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to get from the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Writes nodes from a array. The namespace prefix. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array that contains the nodes. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to get from the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Writes nodes from a array. The namespace prefix. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array that contains the nodes. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to get from the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Writes nodes from a array. The namespace prefix. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array that contains the nodes. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to get from the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Writes nodes from a array. The namespace prefix. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array that contains the nodes. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to get from the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Writes nodes from a array. The namespace prefix. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array that contains the nodes. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to get from the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Writes nodes from a array. The namespace prefix. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The array that contains the nodes. The starting index in the array. The number of nodes to get from the array. is null. is < 0 or > length. is < 0 or > length minus . Writes an attribute qualified name and value. The prefix of the attribute. The local name of the attribute. The namespace URI of the attribute. The attribute. Writes an attribute qualified name and value. The local name of the attribute. The namespace URI of the attribute. The attribute. Writes an element with a text content. The prefix of the element. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The element content. Writes an element with a text content. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The element content. Writes the current XML node from an . The . If true, copy the default attributes from the XmlReader; otherwise if true, use default attributes; otherwise false. is null. Writes the current XML node from an . The . If true, copy the default attributes from the ; otherwise false.If true, use default attributes; otherwise false. is null. Writes out the namespace-qualified name. This method looks up the prefix that is in scope for the given namespace. The local name of the qualified name. The namespace URI of the qualified name. is null. Writes the start of an attribute with the specified prefix, local name, and namespace URI. The namespace prefix. The local name of the attribute. The namespace URI of the attribute. Writes the start of an attribute with the specified local name, and namespace URI. The local name of the attribute. The namespace URI of the attribute. Writes the specified start tag and associates it with the given namespace and prefix. The prefix of the element. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The writer is closed. Writes the specified start tag and associates it with the given namespace. The local name of the element. The namespace URI of the element. The writer is closed. Writes the given text content. The text to write. Writes the text node that an is currently positioned on. The to get the text value from. Specifies whether the reader is positioned on an attribute value or element content. Writes a value. The value to write. Writes a value. The value to write. Writes a value from an . The . is null. returns a null stream object. Writes a Unique Id value. The Unique Id value to write. is null. Writes a value. The value. Writes a standard XML attribute in the current node. The local name of the attribute. The value of the attribute. Writes an XML attribute in the current node. The local name of the attribute. The value of the attribute. Writes a namespace declaration attribute. The prefix that is bound to the given namespace. The namespace to which the prefix is bound. is null. Writes a namespace declaration attribute. The prefix that is bound to the given namespace. The namespace to which the prefix is bound. is null.