System.Web.Extensions Provides a typing and type-reflection system for ECMAScript (JavaScript) object-oriented programming functionality.Invokes a base method with specified arguments.A value of the class that the base method returns. If the base method does not return a value, no value is returned.The instance whose base method is being called. Usually this.A string that represents the name of the base method.(Optional) An array of arguments to pass to the base method. Can be null or an object that has a null element.(Debug) does not exist for the base class.Returns the base implementation of a method from the base class of the specified instance.Returns the base implementation of the method from the base class of , or null if the method does not exist in .The instance for which the base method is requested.The name of the method to retrieve as a reference.(Debug) is not an instance of the current type.Returns the base class of the instance.The base class of the instance.Returns an object that contains the list of interfaces that the type implements.An object that contains the list of interfaces that the type implements.Returns the name of the type of the instance.A string representing the fully qualified name of the type of the instance.Determines whether a class implements a specified interface type.true if the class implements ; otherwise, false.The interface to test.Determines whether an instance inherits from a specified class.true if the instance inherits from ; otherwise, false.The fully qualified name of the class to test as a base class for the current instance.Initializes the base class and its members in the context of a given instance, which provides the model for inheritance and for initializing base members.The instance of the base class.The instance to initialize the base class for. Usually this.(Optional) The arguments for the base constructor. Can be null.(Debug) is not of the same type as the current instance.Determines whether an instance implements an interface.true if implements the interface; false if does not implement the interface, or if it is undefined or null.The instance on which the interface is tested.Returns a value that indicates whether an object is an instance of a specified class or of one of its derived classes.true if is an instance of the class; false if does not implement the interface, or if it is undefined or null.The object to test.Registers a class as defined by a constructor with an optional base type and interface type.The registered type.A string that represents the fully qualified name of the type.(Optional) The base type.(Optional) An unbounded array of interface type definitions that the type implements.(Debug) cannot be evaluated.-or-(Debug) is not a class.(Debug) The class specified by is already registered.Registers an interface defined by a constructor.The registered interface.A string that represents the fully qualified name of the class to be registered as an interface.(Debug) cannot be evaluated as a defined type.(Debug) The interface specified by is already registered.Copies members from the base class to the prototype associated with the derived class, and continues this process up the inheritance chain. This enables you to reflect on the inherited members of a derived type.TBDTBDCreates a callback method that retains a parameter given the function to callback and the parameter to pass to it.The callback function.The function for which the callback method will be created.The parameter to pass to the function. This parameter can be null, but it cannot be omitted.Creates a delegate function that keeps the context from its creation. The context defines the object instance to which the this keyword points.The delegate function.The object instance that will be the context for the function. This parameter may be null.The function from which the delegate is created.Does nothingDoes nothing.Returns an object containing references to all the root namespaces of the client application. This method is static and is invoked without creating an instance of the object.An object containing references to all the root namespaces of the client application.Returns a value that indicates whether the specified type is a class. This method is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the object.true if the specified type is a class; otherwise, false.The type to test.Returns a value that indicates whether the specified type is an interface. This is a static member that is invoked directly without creating an instance of the class.true if the specified type is an interface; otherwise, false.The type to test.Returns a value that indicates whether the specified object is a namespace. This is a static member that is invoked directly without creating an instance of the class.true if the specified object is a namespace; otherwise, false.The object to test.Returns an instance of the type specified by a type name. This is a static member that is invoked directly without creating an instance of its class.The class represented by , or null if a class that matches does not occur in the namespace. A string that represents a fully qualified class name. Can be null.(Optional) The namespace that contains the class.(Debug) cannot be evaluated as a class.Creates a namespace. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.A string that represents the fully qualified namespace to register.(Debug) contains invalid characters.(Debug) is not a valid namespace.TBDTBDProvides extensions to the base ECMAScript (JavaScript) Array functionality by adding static methods.Adds the specified object to the end of an Array object. This function is static and is invoked without creating an instance of the object.The array to add to.The object to add to the end of the array.Adds an element to the end of an object. This function is static and is invoked without creating an instance of the object.The array to add the item to.The object to add to the array.Copies all the elements of a specified object to the end of the array. This function is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the object.The array to add to.The array of items to append.Removes all elements from an instance. This function is static and is invoked without creating an instance of the object.The array to clear.Creates a shallow copy of an object. This function is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the object.The array to create a shallow copy of.Determines whether the specified object exists as an element in an object. This function is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the object.true if the specified object exists as an element in the array; otherwise, false.The array to search.The object to find in the array.Removes the first element from the specified object and returns it.The first element of the array.The array to remove the first element from.Calls a specified function for each element of an object. This function is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the object.The object to enumerate.The function to call for each element in the array.The context for calling .Searches for the specified element of an object and returns its index. This function is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the object.A number that represents the index location of in the array, if found; otherwise, -1.In Mozilla Firefox, calling with not set or set to undefined returns the index of the first item with a value of undefined. All other browsers return -1 in these circumstances.The array to search.The object to find in the array.(Optional) The index number that specifies the starting element for searching the array.Inserts a single item into a specified index of an object. This function is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the object.The array to insert the item into.The index location where should be inserted.The object to add to the array.Creates an array from a string representation. This function is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the object.The array that results from splitting the input string, or an empty array if is not supplied.The string to convert to an array.(Debug) is formatted incorrectly.Removes the first occurrence of the specified item from an object. This function is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the object.true if the specified item exists as element in the array and was removed; otherwise, false.The array to remove from.The object to remove from the array at the first occurrence.Removes an element from of an object at a specified index location. This function is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the object.The array to remove the element from.The index of the element to remove from the array.Provides extensions to the base ECMAScript (JavaScript) Boolean object.(Debug) does not contain a string representation of true or false.Converts a string representation of a logical value to its Boolean object equivalent. This function is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the object.A Boolean value (true or false) that corresponds to the argument.A string representation of either true or false.Provides extensions to the base ECMAScript (JavaScript) Date object.Formats a date by using the invariant (culture-independent) culture.A string that contains the formatted date value.A format string. is invalid.Formats a date by using the current culture. This function is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the object.A string that contains the formatted date value.A format string.(Debug) contains an invalid format.Creates a date from a locale-specific string by using the current culture. This function is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the object.If is a valid string representation of a date, an object of type ; otherwise, null.Use the function to create an object of type from a string. If you provide no custom formats, this function uses the property to determine the culture value.To create a date from a locale-specific string that uses the current culture, set the property of the control to true. You must also modify settings in the Web.config file so that the culture attribute of the <globalization> section is set to auto.A locale-specific string that represents a date.(Optional) An array of custom formats.(Debug) contains an invalid format.Creates a date from a string by using the invariant culture. This function is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the object.If is a valid string representation of a date in the invariant format, an object of type ; otherwise, null.A string that represents a date.(Optional) An array of custom formats. was invalid.Provides static functions that extend the built-in ECMAScript (JavaScript) Error type by including exception details and support for application-compilation modes (debug or release).Updates the fileName and lineNumber properties of an Error instance to indicate where the error was thrown instead of where the error was created. Use this function if you are creating custom error types.Creates an Error object that can contain additional error information.An object.(Optional)An error message string.(Optional) An instance of a JavaScript object that contains extended information about the error. The object must have a field that contains a string that identifies the error. The object can also contain fields to fully describe the error.Creates an Error object that represents the exception.An object that has and paramName fields added to the type definition.(Optional) The name of the parameter as a string that caused the exception. The value can be null. (Optional) An error message string. If is null, a default message is used.Creates an Error object that represents the exception.An object that has and paramName fields added to the type definition.(Optional) The name of the parameter as a string that caused the exception. If is null, a default message is used. (Optional) An error message string. The value can be null.Creates an Error object that represents the Sys.ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception.An object that has , paramName, and actualValue fields added to the type definition.(Optional) The name of the parameter that caused the exception. The value can be null.(Optional) The value of the parameter that caused the exception. The value can be null.(Optional) An error message string. The value can be null. If is null, a default message is used. Creates an Error object that represents the exception.An Error object that has , paramName, actualType, and expectedType fields added to the type definition.(Optional) The name of the parameter that caused the exception. The value can be null.(Optional) The actual value of the parameter. The value can be null.(Optional) The expected fully qualified type of the parameter value.(Optional) An error message string. The value can be null.Creates an Error object that represents the exception.An object that has and paramName fields added to the type definition.(Optional) The name of the parameter as a string that caused the exception. The value can be null. (Optional) An error message string. The value can be null. If is null, a default message is used.Creates an Error object that represents the [Sys.FormatExeception] exception.An object that represents a .(Optional) An error message string. The value can be null. If is null, a default message is used.Creates an Error object that represents the exception.An object that has a field added to the type definition.(Optional) An error message string. The value can be null. If is null, a default message is used.Creates an Error object that represents the exception.An object.(Optional) An error message string. The value can be null. If is null, a default message is used.Creates an Error object that represents the exception.An object.(Optional) An error message string. The value can be null. If is null, a default message is used.TBDTBDTBDTBDTBDTBDTBDTBDTBDTBDTBDTBDTBDTBDTBDTBDTBDCreates a callback method that retains a parameter given the function to callback and the parameter to pass to it.The callback function.The function for which the callback method will be created.The parameter to pass to the function. This parameter can be null, but it cannot be omitted.TBDTBDDoes nothing.Does nothing.TBDTBDTBDTBDTBDTBDTBDTBDExtends the base ECMAScript (JavaScript) Number functionality with static and instance methods. is invalid.Formats a number by using the invariant culture.A string that contains the formatted number value.A format string.Formats a number by using the current culture.A string that contains the formatted number value.A format string. is invalid.Creates a numeric value from a locale-specific string.An object of type .A string that represents a number.(Debug) does not represent a number.Returns a numeric value from a string representation of a number. This function is static and can be called without creating an instance of the object.A floating-point representation of if represents a number; otherwise, NaN (not a number). A string that represents a whole or floating-point number.Provides extended reflection-like functionality to the base ECMAScript (JavaScript) Object object.(Debug) is undefined.(Debug) is null.Returns the type of a specified object instance.A type instance that represents the run-time object of .The object to return the type for.Returns a string that identifies the run-time type name of an object.A string that identifies the run-time type name of .The object to return the run-time type name for.Provides extensions to the base ECMAScript (JavaScript) String object by including static and instance methods.Determines whether the end of a object matches a specified string.true if the end of the object matches ; otherwise, false.The string to match with the end of the object.Determines whether the start of a String object matches a specified string.true if the start of the object matches ; otherwise, false.The string to match with the start of the object.Removes leading and trailing white-space characters from a object.A copy of the string with all white-space characters removed from the start and end of the string.Removes trailing white-space characters from a object.A copy of the string with all white-space characters removed from the end of the string.Removes leading white-space characters from a object.A copy of the string with all white-space characters removed from the start of the string.Replaces each format item in a String object with the text equivalent of a corresponding object's value. A copy of the string with the formatting applied.A format string.An array of objects to format.(Debug) contains a mismatched opening or closing brace.Replaces the format items in a object with the text equivalent of a corresponding object's value. The current culture is used to format dates and numbers.A copy of the string with the formatting applied.A format string.An array of objects to format.(Debug) The parameter is invalid.Provides a common interface for the application-defined tasks of closing, releasing, or resetting resources held by instances of a registered Microsoft AJAX Library class.Releases resources held by an object that implements the interface.Provides a mechanism to concatenate strings.Initializes a new instance of the class.(Optional) The string that is used to initialize the value of the instance. If the value is null, the new instance will contain an empty string ("").Appends a copy of a specified string to the end of the instance.The string to append to the end of the instance.Appends a string with a line terminator to the end of the instance.(Optional) The string to append with a line terminator to the end of the instance.Clears the contents of the instance.Determines whether the object has content.true if the instance contains no elements; otherwise, false.Provides debugging and tracing functionality for client ECMAScript (JavaScript) code. This class is static and can be invoked directly without creating an instance of the class.Initializes a new instance of the class.Checks for a condition, and if the condition is false, displays a message and prompts the user to break into the debugger.true to continue to execute code; false to display and break into the debugger.(Optional) The message to display. The default is an empty string ("").(Optional) true to indicate that the name of the function that is calling should be displayed in the message. The default is false.Clears all trace messages from the TraceConsole<textarea> element.Displays a message in the debugger's output window and breaks into the debugger.The message to display.Appends a text line to the debugger console and to the TraceConsole<textarea> element, if available.The text to display.Dumps an object to the debugger console and to the TraceConsole<textarea> element, if available.The object to dump.(Optional) The name of the object.Creates a dictionary of client events for a component, with event names as keys and the associated handlers as values.Initializes a new instance of the class.Attaches a handler to an event in an instance and adds the event to the list if it is not already present.A string that specifies the event.The name of the method to handle the event.Removes an event handler from an event in an instance.The ID for the event.The handler to remove from the event.Returns a single method that can be invoked to call all handlers sequentially for the specified event.A single method that can be invoked to call all handlers sequentially for the specified event.The ID for the specified event.Provides a base class for classes that are used by event sources to pass event argument information. Initializes a new instance of the class.Returns an empty collection. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.An empty collection.Provides the base class for events that can be canceled.Initializes a new instance of the class.Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the event source should cancel the operation that caused the event. true to request that the event be canceled; otherwise, false. The default is false.Defines the event.Occurs when a component property is set to a new value.Used by the event to indicate which property has changed.Initializes a new instance of the class.The name of the property that changed.Gets the name of the property that changed.A string that contains the name of the property that changed.Indicates that the type that implements the interface provides notifications.Occurs when an object's resources are released.Provides the base class for the and classes, and for any other object whose lifetime should be managed by the ASP.NET AJAX client library.When overridden in a derived class, initializes a new instance of that class and registers it with the application as a disposable object.Gets an object that contains references to all the event handlers that are mapped to the current component's events.An object that contains references to all the events and handlers for this component.Gets or sets the ID of the current object.The string that is the ID of the component.A string that contains the ID of the component.(Debug) is null or an empty string ("").- or - starts or ends with a space character.Gets a value indicating whether the current object is initialized.true if the current is initialized; otherwise, false.Gets a value indicating whether the current object is updating.true if the current object is updating; otherwise, false.Raised when the method is called for a component.The event handler function to add or remove.Raised when the method of the current object is called.The event handler function to add or remove.Called by the method to indicate that the process of setting properties of a component instance has begun.Removes the component from the application.Called by the method to indicate that the process of setting properties of a component instance has finished.Initializes the current object.Raises the event for the specified property.The name of the property that changed.Called by the method as a placeholder for additional logic in derived classes.Creates and initializes a component of the specified type. This method is static and can be called without creating an instance of the class.A new instance of a component that uses the specified parameters.The type of the component to create.(Optional) A JSON object that describes the properties and their values.(Optional) A JSON object that describes the events and their handlers.(Optional) A JSON object that describes the properties that are references to other components.(Optional) The DOM element that the component should be attached to.Provides a common interface for all components that can contain other components.Adds a object to the current container.The object to add.Removes a object from the current container.The object to remove.Returns the specified instance.The instance with the specified IDThe ID of the object to search for.Returns an array of all objects in the current container that inherit from .An array of all objects in the current container that inherit from .Used by the class to hold event arguments for the event.Initializes a new instance of the class.The list of components that were created since the last time the event was raised.true to indicate that the event is a partial-page update.Gets an array of all the components that were created since the last time the event was raised.An array of all the components that were created since the last time the event was raised.Returns a value that indicates whether the page is engaged in a partial-page update.true if the page is engaged in a partial-page update; otherwise, false.Provides a run-time object that exposes client events and manages client components that are registered with the application. The members of this object are available globally after the client application has been initialized. The members can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.Initializes a new instance of the class.Gets a value that indicates whether the application is in the process of creating components. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.true if the application is creating components; otherwise, false.Raised after all scripts have been loaded and the objects in the application have been created and initialized.Raised after all scripts have been loaded but before objects are created.Raised before all objects in the client application are disposed, typically when the DOM window.unload event is raised.Registers a component with the application and initializes it if the component is not already initialized. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.An instance of a type derived from the class to register with the client application.(Debug) does not contain a valid ID.Instructs the application to start creating components.Releases resources and dependencies held by the client application. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.Instructs the application to finalize component creation.Returns the specified object. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.A object that contains the component requested by ID, if found; otherwise, null.A string that contains the ID of the component to find.(Optional) The component or element that contains the component to find.Returns an array of all components that have been registered with the application by using the method. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.An array that contains all components that have been registered with the application by using the method.Initializes the application and raises the event.Called by a referenced script to indicate that it has been loaded.None.Registers with the application an object that will require disposing.The object that will require disposing.Raises the load event. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.Removes a component from the application.The component object to remove.Registers with the application an object that will require disposing. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.The object to register.Gets an eventHandlerList object that contains references to all the event handlers that are mapped to the application.Gets or sets the ID of the current application object.A string that contains the ID of the application.Gets a value indicating whether the application is initialized.true if the application is initialized; otherwise, false.Gets a value indicating whether the application is updating.true if the application is updating; otherwise, false.Raised when the method is called for an application.Raised when the method is called.Called by the method to indicate that the process of setting component properties of the application has begun.Called by the method to indicate that the process of updating the application has completed.Raises the PropertyChanged event.The name of the property.Called by the endUpdate method as a placeholder for additional logic.Represents a culture definition that can be applied to objects that accept a culture-related setting.Initializes a new instance of the class.The culture value (locale) that represents a language and region.A culture-sensitive numeric formatting string.A culture-sensitive date formatting string.Gets the globalization values of the invariant culture as sent by the server. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.A object.Gets the globalization values of the current culture as sent by the server. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.A object.Provides the abstract base class from which network executors derive.Initializes a instance when implemented in a derived class.Gets the object associated with the executor.The object associated with the current executor instance.To get or set property values for client API properties, you must call property accessor methods that are named with the get_ and set_ prefixes. For example, to get or set a value for a property such as , you call the get_cancel or set_cancel methods.Returns a value indicating whether the executor has started processing the request.true if the executor has started processing the request; otherwise, false.Gets a value indicating whether the request completed successfully.true if the request completed successfully; otherwise, false.Gets a value indicating whether the request timed out.true if the request timed out; otherwise, false.Gets a value indicating whether the request associated with the executor was aborted.true if the request associated with the executor was aborted; otherwise, false.Gets the text representation of the response body.The text representation of the response body.Gets a success status code. An integer that represents a status code.Gets status information about a request that completed successfully.Attempts to get the response to the current request as an XMLDOM object.Gets the JSON-evaluated object of the response.The JSON-evaluated response object.Instructs the executor to execute a Web request.Stops the pending network request issued by the executor. Gets the value of the specified response header.The value of the response header. If the requested response header does not exist, this method throws Error.notImplented.The requested response header.Gets all the response headers for the current request. Makes asynchronous network requests by using the browser's XMLHTTP support.Initializes an instance when implemented in a derived class.Returns a value indicating whether the request timed out; otherwise, returns false.true if the request timed out; otherwise, false.Returns a value that indicates whether the executor has forwarded the request to the browser's XMLHTTP objecttrue if the executor has forwarded the request to the browser's XMLHTTP object; otherwise, false.Returns a value indicating whether the network request returned without being aborted or timing out.true if the network request returned without being aborted or timing out; otherwise, false.Returns a value that indicates whether the executor was stopped.true if the executor was aborted; otherwise, false.Executes a Web request as specified in the associated instance.The method was called again after the request started.-or-The executor is not associated with an instance of the class.Gets the value of a specified response header, based on the header's name.TBDThe property was accessed outside the event handler.-or-The property was accessed after the completed event occurred. Returns all the response headers.The property was accessed outside the event handler.-or-The property was accessed after the completed event occurred. Gets the text representation of the response body. The text representation of the response body, if there is one; otherwise, an empty string ("").The property was accessed outside the event handler.-or-The property was accessed after the completed event occurred.Gets the status code of the browser's XMLHTTP object.The status code of the browser's XMLHTTP object as a string (for example, "200 OK.The request has succeeded."). For more information, see About Native XMLHTTP The property was accessed outside the event handler.-or-The property was accessed after the completed event occurred.Gets the status text from the browser's XMLHTTP object.The status text from the browser's XMLHTTP object as a string (for example, "200 OK. The request has succeeded."). For more information, see About Native XMLHTTP The property was accessed outside the event handler.-or-The property was accessed after the completed event occurredReturns an XMLDOM object that contains the XML response from the browser's XMLHTTP object.The property was accessed outside the event handler.-or-The property was accessed after the completed event occurred. Stops the pending network call issued by the executor.The executor was not started and can therefore not be stopped.Manages the flow of the Web requests issued by the object to the associated executor object.Initializes a instance when implemented in a derived class.Occurs when a handler function is called for the request. Occurs when a request has been handled.Gets or sets the time-out for the default network executor.An integer value that indicates the current time-out for the default executor.The time in milliseconds that the default executor should wait before timing out a Web request. This value must be 0 or a positive integer.An invalid parameter was passed.Gets or sets the default network executor type that is used to make network requests. The object that represents the default Web request executor.An invalid parameter was passed.Sends Web requests to the default network executor.An instance of the class.Contains information about a Web request that is ready to be sent to the current instance.Initializes a new instance of the . class.The current instance.Gets the Web request to be routed to the current instance.Provides client script functionality to make a Web request.Initializes a new instance of the class. Raises the completed event for the associated instance.Raises the completed event for the associated instance.The value to pass to the Web request completed event handler.Gets or sets the URL of the instance.The URL that the Web request is directed to. If the URL has not been previously set, returns an empty string ("").A string that represents the URL that the Web request is directed to. cannot be null.Gets the HTTP headers for the instance.A dictionary of name/value pairs that contains the HTTP headers that are sent with the Web request. Gets or sets the HTTP verb that was used by the class to issue the Web request. The current Web request verb. A string that contains the HTTP verb for the Web request. must be an HTTP verb that is recognized by the Web server, such as "GET" or "POST". cannot be null or an empty string ("").Gets or sets the HTTP body of the instance.The HTTP body of the Web request. If the body of the HTTP request has not been previously set or has been set to null, null is returned.The HTTP body to assign to the Web request. Gets or sets the user context associated with the instance.The current Web request user context. The user context information that is associated with the request. can be null or any primitive type or JavaScript object. Gets or sets the executor of the associated instance.The current instance.An instance of a class that is derived from . cannot be null.The executor was set after it was enabled. is not a valid type.Gets or sets the time-out value for the instance.The current Web request time-out value in milliseconds. The time interval in milliseconds. Gets the resolved URL of the instance. The resolved URL that the Web request is directed to. is null.Executes a Web request. has been called more than one time.Enables calling a method of a specified Web service asynchronously.Initializes a instance when implemented in a derived class.Gets or sets the timeout in milliseconds for the service.The timeout in milliseconds for the service.Gets or sets the default user context for the service.Reference to the user context for the service.Gets or sets the default succeeded callback function for the service.Reference to the succeeded callback function for the service.Gets or sets the default failed callback function for the service.Reference to the failed callback function for the service.Gets or sets the path to the service.The full path to the service.Invokes the specified Web service method.The instance that is used to call the method. This instance can be used to stop the call.The Web service URL. can be set to a fully qualified URL (, to an absolute URL without the host name or the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) (/myService.asmx), or to a relative URL (../myService.asmx). The class makes sure that the URL is converted into a form usable by network executors. The name of the Web service method to invoke.(Optional) false if the Web request HTTP verb is POST; otherwise, true. The default is false.The call to the Web service will fail if the verb defined by does not match the setting of the corresponding Web server method. For example, the following code (in C#) requires that the call be made with a GET verb: [ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet=true)](Optional) A JavaScript dictionary that contains named properties (fields) that correspond to the parameters of the method to call, as in this example:{"param1":196610,"param2":"Hello"}The field names in the dictionary must match the names of Web service methods.If the Web server method does not take any parameters, can be left out or can be null or an empty dictionary ({}). Any values that you pass are then ignored.If the dictionary contains key/value pairs that do not correspond to a parameter of the Web server method, they are ignored.(Optional) The function that is invoked as a callback if the Web service method call returns successfully. can be set to null if you do not need it and if you must specify a value for the remaining parameters. If no callback function is provided, no action is taken when the Web service method finishes successfully.(Optional) The function that is invoked as a callback if the Web service method call fails. can be set to null if you do not need it and if you must specify a value for the remaining parameters. If no callback function is provided, no action is taken if an error occurs during the Web service method call.(Optional) Any user-specific information. can be any JavaScript primitive type, array, or object. The contents of are passed to the callback functions (if any). If is not provided, null is passed to the callback function.(Optional) The time in milliseconds that the network executor must wait before timing out the Web request. can be an integer or null. By defining a time-out interval, you can control the time that the application must wait for the callback to finish.Represents the object type returned to the browser when a Web service issues an error.Initializes a instance when implemented in a derived class.true if the error has timed out; otherwise, false.The error message.The stack trace for the error.The server exception type.Gets a value that indicates whether the Web service failed because of a time-out.true if the Web service failed because of a time-out; otherwise, false. Gets the underlying HTTP error status code for the Web request.The HTTP error status code for the response.Gets the error message.A string representing the error message.Gets the error stack trace.The value of the stack trace, if it exists; otherwise, an empty string.Gets the error exception type.A string corresponding to the error exception type.Serializes ECMAScript (JavaScript) types into JSON-formatted data and deserializes JSON-formatted data into JavaScript types. Initializes a new instance of the class.Converts an ECMAScript (JavaScript) object graph into a JSON string. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.The JavaScript object graph to serialize. contains a value that cannot be serialized.Converts a JSON string into an ECMAScript (JavaScript) object graph. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.The JSON string to deserialize.true if the method should perform a JSON compliance check before evaluating; otherwise, false. The default is false.Provides the client proxy class for the profile service. Contains the loaded profile data.Gets or sets the name of the default load-completed callback function.A string that contains the name of the default load-completed callback function.Gets or sets the name of the default save-completed callback function.Gets or sets the profile service path.A string that contains the name of the default save-completed callback function.Loads the specified profile properties.A string array that contains the profile properties to load.The function that is called when loading has completed. The default is null.The function that is called when loading has failed. The default is null. User context information passed to the callback functions.Saves the specified profile properties.A string array that contains the profile properties to save.The function that is called when the method has finished. The default is null.The function that is called if the method has failed. The default is null. User context information passed to the callback functions.Gets or sets the profile service time-out value.The time-out value in milliseconds.Gets or sets the default user context for the service.Reference to the user context for the service.Gets or sets the default succeeded callback function for the service.Reference to the succeeded callback function for the service.Gets or sets the name of the default failure callback function.A string that contains the name of the default failure callback function.Specifies the path to the default profile service.Defines a group. Initializes an instance of the class.(Optional) An object containing the settings for this profile group. This parameter may be null.Provides the client proxy class for the authentication service. Initializes an instance of the class.Gets or sets the name of the default login-completed callback function.A string that contains the name of the default login-completed callback function.Gets or sets the name of the default logout-completed callback function.A string that contains the name of the default logout-completed callback function.Gets the authentication state of the current user.true if the current user is logged in; otherwise, false.Gets or sets the authentication service path.The authentication service path.Authenticates the user's credentials.(required) The user name to authenticate.The user's password. The default is null.true if the issued authentication ticket should be persistent across browser sessions; otherwise, false. The default is false.The URL to redirect the browser to on successful authentication. If null, no redirect occurs. The default is null.Reserved for future use. The default is null.The function to call when the login has finished successfully. The default is null.The function to call if the login fails. The default is null. User context information that you are passing to the callback functions. is null.Logs out the currently authenticated user.The URL to redirect the browser to on successful logout. The default is null.The function that is called when the logout has finished. The default is null.The function that is called if the logout has failed. The default is null. User context information that you are passing to the callback functions.Gets or sets the authentication service time-out value.The time-out value in milliseconds.Gets or sets the default user context for the service.Reference to the user context for the service.Gets or sets the default succeeded callback function for the service.Reference to the succeeded callback function for the service.Gets or sets the name of the default failure callback function.A string that contains the name of the default failure callback function.Specifies the path to the default authentication service.Provides a client proxy class for the ASP.NET role service. Initializes an instance of the class.Gets or sets the name of the default load-completed callback function.The name of the default failed callback function.Gets or sets the role service path.A string that contains the role service path.Gets the roles for the currently authenticated user.An instance that contains the roles. Checks whether the currently authenticated user is in the specified role.true if the current user is in the specified role; otherwise, false.The name of the role to check for.Loads the roles for the currently authenticated user into local client memory.The function that is called when the load operation has completed. The default is null.The function that is called if loading has failed. The default is null. User context information passed to the callback functions.Gets or sets the role service time-out value.The time-out value in milliseconds.Gets or sets the default user context for the service.Reference to the user context for the service.Gets or sets the default succeeded callback function for the service.Reference to the succeeded callback function for the service.Gets or sets the name of the default failed callback function.The name of the default failed callback function.Specifies the path to the default authentication service.Describes mouse button locations.Represents the left mouse button.Represents the wheel button (middle mouse button).Represents the right mouse button.Describes key codes.Represents the BACKSPACE key.Represents the TAB key.Represents the ENTER key.Represents the ESC key.Represents the SPACEBAR key.Represents the PAGE UP key.Represents the PAGE DOWN key.Represents the END key.Represents the HOME key.Represents the LEFT ARROW key.Represents the UP ARROW key.Represents the RIGHT ARROW key.Represents the DOWN ARROW key.Represents DELETE key.Creates an object that contains a set of integer coordinates that represent a position.Initializes a new instance of the class.The number of pixels between the location and the left edge of the parent frame.The number of pixels between the location and the top edge of the parent frame.Gets the x-coordinate of a object in pixels. This property is read-only.A number that represents the x-coordinate of the object in pixels. Gets the y-coordinate of a object in pixels. This property is read-only.A number that represents the y-coordinate of the object in pixels.Creates an object that contains a set of integer coordinates representing position, width, and height.Initializes a new instance of the class.The number of pixels between the location and the left edge of the parent frame.The number of pixels between the location and the top edge of the parent frame.The width in pixels.The height in pixels.Gets the x-coordinate of a object in pixels.A number that represents the x-coordinate of the object in pixels.Gets the y-coordinate of a object in pixels.A number that represents the y-coordinate of the object in pixels.Gets the height of a object in pixels. This property is read-only.A number that represents the height of the object in pixels.Gets the width of a object in pixels. This property is read-only.A number that represents the width of the object in pixels.Provides cross-browser access to fields and methods that are associated with handlers for DOM-element events. Initializes a new instance of the class and associates it with the specified object.The object to associate with the event.Prevents the default DOM event action from happening.Prevents an event from being propagated (bubbled) to parent elements.Provides a method to add a DOM event handler to the DOM element that exposes the event. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.The element that exposes the event.The name of the event. The client function that is called when the event occurs.Adds a list of DOM event handlers to the DOM element that exposes the events. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.The DOM element that exposes the events.A dictionary of event handlers.(Optional) The object instance that is the context for the delegates that should be created from the handlers.(Debug) One of the handlers specified in is not a function.Removes all DOM event handlers from a DOM element that were added through the or the methods. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.The element that exposes the events.Removes a DOM event handler from the DOM element that exposes the event. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.The element that exposes the event.The name of the event. The event handler to remove.Gets a Boolean value that indicates the state of the ALT key when the associated event occurred.true if the ALT key was pressed when the event occurred; otherwise, false.Gets a enumeration value that indicates the button state of the mouse when the related event occurred.A value.Gets the character code of the key that raised the associated keyPress event.An integer value that represents the character code of the key or key combination that was pressed to raise the keyPress event.Gets the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer's position relative to the client area of the browser window, excluding window scroll bars.An integer that represents the x-coordinate in pixels.Gets the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer's position relative to the client area of the browser window, excluding window scroll bars.An integer that represents the y-coordinate in pixels.Gets a Boolean value that indicates the state of the CTRL key when the associated event occurred.true if the CTRL key was pressed when the event occurred; otherwise, false.Gets the key code of the key that raised the or event.An integer value that represents the key code of the key that was pressed to raise the or event.Gets the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer's position relative to the object that raised the event.An integer that represents the x-coordinate in pixels.Gets the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer's position relative to the object that raised the event.An integer that represents the y-coordinate in pixels.Gets the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer's position relative to the user's screen.An integer that represents the x-coordinate in pixels.Gets the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer's position relative to the user's screen.An integer that represents the y-coordinate in pixels.Gets a Boolean value that indicates the state of the SHIFT key when the associated event occurred.true if the SHIFT key was pressed when the event occurred; otherwise, false.Gets the object that the event acted on.An object that represents the target that the event acted on.Gets the name of the event that was raised.A string that represents the name of the event that was raised.Defines static methods and properties that provide helper APIs for manipulating and inspecting DOM elements.Initializes a new instance of the class.Adds a CSS class to a DOM element if the class is not already part of the DOM element. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.The object to add the CSS class to.The name of the CSS class to add.Gets a value that indicates whether the DOM element contains the specified CSS class. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.true if the element contains the specified CSS class; otherwise, false.The object to test for the CSS class.The name of the CSS class to test for.Gets a set of integer coordinates that represent the position, width, and height of a DOM element. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.An object of the JavaScript type Object that contains the x-coordinate and y-coordinate of the upper-left corner, the width, and the height of the element in pixels.The instance to get the coordinates of.Gets a DOM element that has the specified id attribute. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.The object with the specified ID.The ID of the element to find.The parent element to search in. The default is the document element.Gets the absolute position of a DOM element relative to the upper-left corner of the owner frame or window. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.An object of the JavaScript type Object that contains the x-coordinate and y-coordinate of the element in pixels.The target element.Removes a CSS class from a DOM element. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.The object to remove the CSS class from.The name of the CSS class to remove.Sets the position of a DOM element. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.The target element.The x-coordinate in pixels.The y-coordinate in pixels.Toggles a CSS class in a DOM element. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.The object to toggle.The name of the CSS class to toggle.Returns a value that represents the layout characteristics of a DOM element when it is hidden by invoking the method. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.A enumeration value that indicates the layout characteristics of when it is hidden by invoking the method.The target DOM element.Sets the layout characteristics of a DOM element when it is hidden by invoking the method. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.The target DOM element.A enumeration value.Gets a value that indicates whether a DOM element is currently visible on the Web page. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.true if is visible on the Web page; otherwise, falseThe target DOM element.Sets a DOM element to be visible or hidden. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.The target DOM element.true to make visible on the Web page; false to hide .Provides a base class for all AJAX behaviors in ASP.NET.When overridden in a derived class, initializes a new instance of that class.The object to associate with the behavior.Gets the HTML Document Object Model (DOM) element that the current object is associated with.The DOM element that the current object is associated with.Gets or sets the identifier for the object.A generated identifier that consists of the ID of the associated , the "$" character, and the value of the object.The string value to use as the identifier.In all cases.Gets or sets the name of the object.The name of the object.A string value to use as the name.(Debug) starts or ends with a space or is an empty string ("").(Debug) The specified name already exists in the current object.- or -The current object has already been initialized.Initializes the current object. Removes the current object from the application.Gets a instance with the specified property from the specified HTML Document Object Model (DOM) element. This member a static member and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.The specified object, if found; otherwise, null.The object to search.The property of the instance to look for.Gets the objects that are associated with the specified HTML Document Object Model (DOM) element. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.An array of references to objects, or null if no references exist.The object to search.Gets an array of objects that are of the specified type from the specified HTML Document Object Model (DOM) element. This method is is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.An array of all objects of the specified type that are associated with the specified DOM element, if found; otherwise, an empty array.The DOM element to search.The type of the objects to find.Describes the layout of a DOM element in the page when the element's property is set to false.The element is not visible, but it occupies space on the page.The element is not visible, and the space it occupies is collapsed.Provides the base class for all ASP.NET AJAX client controls.When called from a derived class, initializes a new instance of that class.The object that the control will be associated with.(Debug) The control is already defined.Gets the HTML Document Object Model (DOM) element that the current instance is associated with.The DOM element that the current instance is associated with.Gets or sets the identifier for the current object.The identifier for the current object. The default is the value of the associated object.The string to use as the identifier.An attempt was made to set the value of .Gets or sets the parent control associated with the current control.A reference to the parent control of the current control.The parent control to associate with the current control.(Debug) represents a control that is lower in the control hierarchy.Gets or sets the value for the current object.The current value associated with the object.A enumeration value.(Debug) An attempt was made to set a value after the object's method was invoked.Gets or sets the visibility of the current object.true if the current element is visible; otherwise, false.true to display the current element on the page, or false to hide the control.(Debug) An attempt was made to set the property value after the object's method was invoked.Adds a CSS class to the HTML Document Object Model (DOM) element that the control is attached to.None.A string that contains the name of the CSS class to add.Removes the current control from the application.Called when an event is raised by the method.false in all cases.The object that triggered the event.The event arguments.Calls the method of the parent control.The object that triggered the event.The event arguments.Removes a CSS class from the HTML Document Object Model (DOM) element that the control is attached to.None.A string that contains the name of the CSS class to remove.Toggles a CSS class of the HTML Document Object Model (DOM) element that the control is attached to.None.A string that contains the name of the CSS class to toggle.Used by the event of the class to pass argument information to event handlers. The event is raised just before the postback request is made.Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the postback element that initiated the asynchronous postback. This property is read-only. An HTML DOM element.Gets the request object that represents the current postback. An instance of the class.Used by the event of the class to pass argument information to event handlers. The event is raised just after the postback request has finished processing.Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a JSON data structure that contains data items that were registered by using the method of the class.A JSON data structure that contains name/value pairs that were registered as data items by using the method of the class.Gets the Error object. A base ECMAScript (JavaScript) object.Get or sets a value that indicates whether the error has been handled. true if the error has been handled; otherwise false.true or false.Gets a response object that is represented by the class.A response object that is represented by the class.Used by the event of the class to pass argument information to event handlers.Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the postback element that initiated the asynchronous postback.An HTML DOM element.Gets the request object that represents the current postback. A request object that is represented by the class.Used by the event of the class to send event data that represents the controls that were updated and created in the most recent postback.Initializes a new instance of the class.Gets a JSON data structure that contains data items that were registered by using the method of the class. A JSON data structure that contains name/value pairs that were registered as data items that use the method of the class.Gets an array of HTML <div> elements that represent controls that were created when the DOM was updated during the last asynchronous postback.An array of <div> elements that were created during the DOM manipulation that was caused by the last asynchronous postback. If no elements were created, the property returns null.Gets an array of HTML <div> elements that represent controls that were updated when the DOM was updated during the last asynchronous postback. An array of <div> elements that were updated during the DOM manipulation that was the result of the last asynchronous postback. If no elements were created, the property returns null.Used by the event of the class to send event data that represents the controls being updated and deleted as a result of the most recent postback.Initializes a new instance of the class.Gets a JSON data structure that contains data items that were registered by using the method of the class. A JSON data structure that contains name/value pairs that were registered as data items by using the method of the class.Gets an array of HTML <div> elements that represent controls that will be deleted from the DOM as a result of the current asynchronous postback. An array of <div> elements that will be deleted from the DOM. If no elements will be deleted, the property returns null.Gets an array of HTML <div> elements that represent controls that will be updated in the DOM as a result of the current asynchronous postback.An array of <div> elements that will be updated in the DOM. If no elements will be updated, the property returns null.Manages partial-page updates of server controls in the browser. In addition, defines properties, events, and methods that can be used to customize a Web page by using client script.You do not create a new instance of the class directly. Instead, an instance is available when partial-page rendering is enabled. Call the method to get the instance of the class.Returns a value that indicates whether the object is processing a postback.Raised before the processing of an asynchronous postback starts and the postback request is sent to the server.The name of the handler method that will be called.Raised after an asynchronous postback is finished and control has been returned to the browser.The name of the handler method that will be called.Raised during the initialization of the asynchronous postback.The name of the handler method that will be called.Raised after all content on the page is refreshed as a result of either a synchronous or an asynchronous postback.The name of the handler method that will be called.Raised after the response from the server to an asynchronous postback is received but before any content on the page is updated.The name of the handler function that will be called.Stops all updates that would occur as a result of an asynchronous postback.Releases ECMAScript (JavaScript) resources and detaches events.Returns the instance of the class for the page. The current instance of the class. You do not create a new instance of the class directly. Instead, an instance is available when partial-page rendering is enabled. Provides a factory class that creates instances of the authentication service, role service, and profile service in managed hosting environments. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates an instance of the service class that has the specified base address or addresses. A instance for the type of service that has the specified base address or addresses. The type of service host to create. An array of base addresses for the service. Provides data for the event. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the user credentials are valid. true if the user credentials are valid; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the user credentials have been authenticated. true if all the steps for validating the user credentials have been performed; otherwise, false. Gets additional user values for authentication. The values required for authentication other than user name and password. Gets the password for the user. The password to validate. Gets the authentication name for the user. The user name to validate. Enables access to ASP.NET forms authentication as a Web service. Occurs when user credentials are being validated. Occurs when the authentication cookie is being set. Determines whether the current user is authenticated. true if the user has been authenticated; otherwise, false. Checks user credentials and creates an authentication ticket (cookie) if the credentials are valid. true if user credentials are valid; otherwise, false. The user name to be validated. The password for the specified user. The value or values to validate in addition to and , if any. A value that indicates whether the authentication ticket remains valid across sessions. or is null. Clears the authentication ticket (cookie) in the browser. Authenticates user credentials without issuing an authentication ticket. true if the user credentials are valid; otherwise, false. The user name to be validated. The password for the specified user. The value or values to validate in addition to and , if any. or is null. Provides data for the event. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the authentication cookie has been created. true if the authentication cookie was created; otherwise, false. Gets additional authentication values that are provided by the user. The custom values required for authentication, other than user name and password. Gets a value that indicates whether the authentication cookie should be retained beyond the current session. true if the cookie should be retained beyond the current session; otherwise, false. Gets the password for the user. The password that is provided by the user for authentication. Gets the name for the user. The name that is provided by the user for authentication. Creates an array of objects that contain the types of individual profile properties. Creates an array of objects that contain the types of individual profile properties. An array of types of individual profile properties. A provider object. Provides a collection of values that describe a profile property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the property is available to unauthenticated users. true if the property is available to unauthenticated users; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the default value of the property. A serialized representation of the default value for the property, if a default value is defined in the Web.config file; otherwise the string "(null)". Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a profile property is read-only. true if the profile property is read-only; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the name of the profile property. The name of the profile property as defined in the Web.config file. Gets or sets a value that indicates how to serialize the property value. The enumeration value. Gets or sets the assembly-qualified name of the profile property type. The assembly-qualified name of the profile property type. Enables access to ASP.NET user profiles through a Web service. Retrieves all the profile properties and values that are available to the profile service for the current user. The profile properties and values. A value that indicates whether properties are returned only for users who have been authenticated. Retrieves the specified profile properties and values for the current user. The profile property information and values. A collection of string values that contains the names of the profile properties to retrieve. A value that indicates whether properties are returned only for users who have been authenticated. Retrieves information about the profile properties that are available through the profile service. An array of objects that contain information about the profile properties. Sets the values of the specified properties in the user profile. The properties that were not set for the user profile, if any. A collection that contains names and values of the profile properties to set. A value that indicates whether properties are set only for users who have been authenticated. Occurs when a user's profile properties are set. Enables access to the ASP.NET role provider as a WCF Web service. Returns all the roles for the logged-in user. An array of the names of the roles that the user belongs to. Role management is not enabled. Determines whether the logged-in user belongs to the specified role. true if the user is in the specified role; otherwise, false. The name of the role to check. is null or the user is not logged in. Role management is not enabled. Occurs when a instance determines which role provider to use for checking the user's roles. Provides data for the event. Gets or sets the role provider to use for retrieving the user's roles. The name of the role provider that is used to get the user's roles. Gets the authenticated user. An object that contains the authenticated user. Provides data for the event. Gets the collection that contains profile properties that have failed validation. The profile properties that have failed validation. Gets the collection of names and values of the profile properties to validate. The names and values of the profile properties to validate. Represents a user identity authenticated for client application services by using forms authentication. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name of the authenticated user. The password of the authenticated user. The membership provider used to authenticate the user. The type of authentication that is used. true if the user has been authenticated; otherwise, false. The cookies retrieved from the authentication service. Gets a collection of the cookies retrieved from the authentication service. The cookies retrieved from the authentication service. Gets the type of authentication that is used to authenticate the user. The type of authentication that is used to authenticate the user. Releases all resources used by the . Gets a value indicating whether the user has been authenticated. true if the user has been authenticated; otherwise, false. Gets the name of the user. The name of the user. Gets the membership provider that is used to authenticate the user. The membership provider that is used to authenticate the user. Silently authenticates the user by using cached credentials. Represents security information for client application services, which includes role information. Initializes a new instance of the class. Represents the current user. Gets the security identity associated with the . Represents the current user. Gets a value indicating whether the user represented by the is in the specified role. true if the user is in the specified role; false if the user is not in the specified role or is not authenticated. The role to check. Represents the status of an application's network connection. Gets or sets a value indicating whether an application is in offline mode. true if the application is in offline mode; otherwise, false. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the and optionally releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Represents user login information for forms authentication by using client application services. Initializes a new instance of the class. The user name. The user password. A value indicating whether the user credentials should be saved and reused for subsequent login attempts. Gets or sets the user password. The user password. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user credentials should be saved and reused for subsequent login attempts. true if the credentials should be saved and reused; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the user name. The user name. Enables forms authentication with client application services. Initializes a new instance of the class. This property is not used by this class. Always . This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Not used. Not used. Always thrown. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Not used. Not used. Not used. Always thrown. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Not used. Not used. Not used. Not used. Not used. Not used. Not used. Always thrown. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Not used. Always thrown. This property is not used by this class. Always false. This property is not used by this class. Always false. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Not used. Not used. Not used. Always thrown. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Not used. Not used. Not used. This parameter is passed uninitialized. Always thrown. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Not used. Not used. This parameter is passed uninitialized. Always thrown. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Always thrown. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Not used. Always thrown. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Not used. Always thrown. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Not used. Always thrown. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Always thrown. Initializes the provider. The friendly name of the provider. A collection of name/value pairs representing the provider-specific attributes specified in the configuration for this provider. is null.-or- is null. is empty.-or- contains an unrecognized value. For more information, see the Remarks section. This has already been initialized. Logs out the user. The property value is false and the membership provider is unable to access the authentication service. This property is not used by this class. Always . This property is not used by this class. Always zero. This property is not used by this class. Always one. This property is not used by this class. Always . This property is not used by this class. Always . This property is not used by this class. Always "*". This property is not used by this class. Always false. This property is not used by this class. Always false. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Not used. Always thrown. Gets or sets the URI of the authentication service. The authentication service URI. When getting this property, no service URI was found in the application configuration file, and this property has not been previously set. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Always thrown. This method is not used by this class. Not used. Always thrown. Occurs when the user is validated. Authenticates a user by using the specified user name and password. true if the user was authenticated; otherwise, false. The name of the user to authenticate, or or null to retrieve credentials from the implementation that this application is configured to use. The password of the user to authenticate. The property value is false and the membership provider is unable to access the authentication service. Authenticates a user by using the specified user name and password, optionally storing a hash of the password in the local data cache. true if the user was authenticated; otherwise, false. The name of the user to authenticate. The password of the user to authenticate. true to store a hash of the password in the local data cache for offline use and for automatic reauthentication when the user authentication cookie expires; false to disable offline login or to require users to reauthenticate when the cookie expires. The property value is false and the membership provider is unable to access the authentication service. Authenticates a user at the specified service URI by using the specified user name and password. true if the user was authenticated; otherwise, false. The name of the user to authenticate. The password of the user to authenticate. The URI of the authentication service to use. The property value is false and the membership provider is unable to access the authentication service. Gets role information for Windows-based applications from an ASP.NET AJAX roles service. Initializes a new instance of the class. This method is not used by this class. Not used. Not used. Always thrown. This property is not used by this class. Always . This method is not used by this class. Not used. Always thrown. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Not used. Always thrown. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Not used. Always thrown. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Always thrown. Gets the names of the roles that the specified user belongs to. The role names that belongs to or an empty array if the user is not authenticated. The name of the user to retrieve roles for. is or null.-or- is not the user name of the current, authenticated user. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Always thrown. Initializes the provider. The friendly name of the provider. A collection of name/value pairs representing the provider-specific attributes specified in the configuration for this provider. is null.-or- is null. is empty.-or- contains an unrecognized value. For more information, see the Remarks section. This has already been initialized. contains a cacheTimeout value that is not in the correct format for conversion to an value. contains a cacheTimeout value that represents a number less than or greater than . Gets a value indicating whether the specified user is in the specified role. true if the specified user is in the specified role; false if the specified user is not authenticated or is not in the specified role. The name of the user. The name of the role. is or null.-or- is not the user name of the current, authenticated user. The user is no longer authenticated.-or-The roles service is not available. This method is not used by this class. Not used. Not used. Always thrown. Clears the cached role information and resets the cache time-out period. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Always thrown. Gets or sets the URI of the role service. The role service URI. When getting this property, no service URI was found in the application configuration file, and this property has not been previously set. Enables Windows-based applications to retrieve user settings from a Web settings service. Initializes a new instance of the class. This property is not used by this class. Always . Gets the previous version of the specified property. Represents the previous version of the specified property. This parameter is not used by this method. Represents the property to get the previous version of. The property value is false and the Web settings service at the location is unavailable. Gets a collection of metadata for all properties retrieved from the specified Web settings service. The property metadata. The Web settings service to retrieve property metadata from. The Web settings service at the location is unavailable. A containing the values for the specified settings property group. A describing the current application use. Initializes the provider. The friendly name of the provider. A collection of name/value pairs representing the provider-specific attributes specified in the configuration for this provider. is null. is .-or- contains an unrecognized value. For more information, see the Remarks section. This has already been initialized. Resets all user settings to their default values. This parameter is not used by this method. The property value is false and the Web settings service at the location is unavailable. Gets or sets the Web settings service location. The URI of the Web settings service. A describing the current application usage. Occurs after the settings provider attempts to save the property values to the Web settings service. This method is not used by this class. Not used. Not used. Enables Windows authentication with client application services. Initializes a new instance of the class. This property is not used by this class. Always . This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Not used. Not used. Always thrown. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Not used. Not used. Not used. Always thrown. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Not used. Not used. Not used. Not used. Not used. Not used. Not used. Always thrown. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Not used. Always thrown. This property is not used by this class. Always false. This property is not used by this class. Always false. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Not used. Not used. Not used. Always thrown. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Not used. Not used. Not used. Always thrown. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Not used. Not used. Always thrown. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Always thrown. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Not used. Always thrown. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Not used. Always thrown. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Not used. Always thrown. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Always thrown. Logs out the user. This property is not used by this class. Always . This property is not used by this class. Always zero. This property is not used by this class. Always one. This property is not used by this class. Always . This property is not used by this class. Always . This property is not used by this class. Always "*". This property is not used by this class. Always false. This property is not used by this class. Always false. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Not used. Always thrown. This method is not used by this class. Not applicable. This method always throws an exception. Not used. Always thrown. This method is not used by this class. Not used. Always thrown. Automatically authenticates the current user by using the identity supplied by the operating system. Always true. Must be or null. Must be or null. is not or null.-or- is not or null. Defines a method that the class calls to retrieve user credentials. Retrieves user credentials. The user login information. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings that the settings provider was unable to save. Gets the settings that the was unable to save to the server. The settings that were not saved. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The user name of the validated user. Gets the user name of the validated user. The user name of the validated user. Defines the interface to implement to obtain additional context information. Gets additional context information. Provides the content of any extension files that are associated with the .svcmap file of a WCF service reference. A reference to a Visual Studio service provider to be queried for additional information. Generates proxy class code for Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services Initializes a new instance of the class. Generates the service proxy class source code and adds it to the specified assembly builder. An instance of the object that the generated proxy code must be added to. This instance is provided by ASP.NET at run time. Represents a configuration element in a configuration file. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the unique identifier for the converter. The unique identifier for the converter. Gets a collection of configuration-element properties. A object. Gets or sets the fully qualified type name of the object. The fully qualified type name of the object. Represents a configuration collection that contains references to objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds a object to the instance. A string value that specifies the reference. Removes all objects from a object. Creates a new object. A new object. Gets the element key for the specified object. The object acts as the key for the specified instance. The object whose key you want to return. Gets or sets an item in the collection. The object at the specified index. A collection index. Gets a collection of configuration-element properties. A object that contains configuration-element properties. Removes the specified converter from the object. The name of the converter to remove. Represents the configuration section for authentication service settings. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the authentication service is enabled for an application that uses AJAX features of ASP.NET. true if the authentication service is enabled; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the authentication service requires an SSL-secured connection. true if the authentication service requires Secure Sockets Layer (SSL); otherwise, false. The default is false. Represents a jsonSerialization configuration section in the scripting element of the configuration file. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a object that contains a collection of objects. A object. Gets or sets the maximum length that is accepted by the object for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) strings. An integer that represents the maximum length for JSON strings. The default is 102400 characters. Gets or sets the limit for constraining the number of object levels to process. The number of object levels. The default is 100. The property is being set to a value that is less than one. Represents the configuration section for profile-service settings. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the profile service is available in the AJAX-enabled ASP.NET application. true if the profile service is enabled; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets the read-access profile properties. An array that contains the names of the read-access profile properties. Gets or sets the write-access profile properties. An array that contains the names of the write-access profile properties. Represents the configuration section for role-service settings. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the role service is enabled for an ASP.NET application that uses AJAX features. true if the role service is enabled; otherwise, false. The default is false. Represents a ScriptingScriptResourceHandler configuration section in the <scripting> element of the configuration file. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets whether caching is enabled for script files that are embedded as resources in an assembly. true if caching is enabled for script files that are embedded as resources in an assembly; otherwise, false. The default is true. Gets or sets whether compression is enabled for script files that are embedded as resources in an assembly. true if compression is enabled for script files that are embedded as resources in an assembly; otherwise, false. The default is true. Represents the configuration section for scripting settings. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a object that is derived from the current system configuration. A object. Gets a object that is derived from the current system configuration. A object. Represents a group of related sections in a configuration file. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the authenticationService section that is contained in the configuration file. A object. Gets the jsonSerialization section that is contained in the configuration file. A object. Gets the profileService section that is contained in the configuration file. A object. Gets the roleService section that is contained in the configuration file. A object. Represents a group of related sections in a configuration file. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a object that is derived from the current system configuration. A object. Manages HTTP modules for AJAX functionality in ASP.NET. Initializes a new instance of the class. Releases the resources (other than memory) used by the module. Initializes a module and prepares it to handle requests. An object that provides access to the methods, properties, and events that are common to all applications within an ASP.NET application. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Initializes the module and prepares it to handle requests. An that provides access to the methods, properties, and events common to all application objects within an ASP.NET application. Provides an HTTP handler for processing requests for script files that are embedded as resources in an assembly. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. When overridden in a derived class, gets a value that indicates whether another request can use the instance of the class. true in all cases. When overridden in a derived class, processes HTTP Web requests for a script file that is embedded as a resource in an assembly. An object that provides references to the intrinsic server objects (for example, Request, Response, Session, and Server) that are used to service HTTP requests. Gets a value that indicates whether another request can use the instance. true in all cases. Processes HTTP Web requests for a script file that is embedded as a resource in an assembly. An object that provides references to the intrinsic server objects (for example, Request, Response, Session, and Server) that are used to service HTTP requests. The type names for the debug and release versions of the embedded script do not match. Defines the event that contains information about Web service errors. Initializes a new instance of the class by using the specified event parameters. The event description. The object that is the source of the event. The exception that is associated with the error. Gets the code number that is associated with the current error event. The code number that is associated with this event. For information about event codes, see . Provides functionality to create new classes from values in a control. Initializes a new instance of the class. Returns a string representation of the dynamic class. A string that represents the dynamic class and its properties. Represents errors that occur when a control parses values to create a query. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. The location of the error. Gets the location of the error. The location where the exception occurred. Returns the error message and the location of the error. The message and the position of the error. Provides an abstract base class for a custom type converter. Initializes a new instance of the class. When overridden in a derived class, converts the provided dictionary into an object of the specified type. The deserialized object. An instance of property data stored as name/value pairs. The type of the resulting object. The instance. When overridden in a derived class, builds a dictionary of name/value pairs. An object that contains key/value pairs that represent the object’s data. The object to serialize. The object that is responsible for the serialization. When overridden in a derived class, gets a collection of the supported types. An object that implements that represents the types supported by the converter. Provides serialization and deserialization functionality for AJAX-enabled applications. Initializes a new instance of the class that has no type resolver. Initializes a new instance of the class that has a custom type resolver. The custom type-resolver object. Converts the given object to the specified type. The object that has been converted to the target type. The object to convert. The type to which will be converted. (or a nested member of ) contains a "__type" property that indicates a custom type, but the type resolver that is associated with the serializer cannot find a corresponding managed type.-or- (or a nested member of ) contains a "__type" property that indicates a custom type, but the result of deserializing the corresponding JSON string cannot be assigned to the expected target type.-or- (or a nested member of ) contains a "__type" property that indicates either or a non-instantiable type (for example, an abstract type or an interface).-or- An attempt was made to convert to an array-like managed type, which is not supported for use as a deserialization target. -or- It is not possible to convert to . is a dictionary type and a non-string key value was encountered. -or- includes member definitions that are not available on type . Converts the specified JSON string to an object of type . The deserialized object. The JSON string to be deserialized. The type of the resulting object. The length exceeds the value of . -or- The recursion limit defined by was exceeded. -or- contains an unexpected character sequence. -or- is a dictionary type and a non-string key value was encountered. -or- includes member definitions that are not available on type . is null. contains a "__type" property that indicates a custom type, but the type resolver associated with the serializer cannot find a corresponding managed type. -or- contains a "__type" property that indicates a custom type, but the result of deserializing the corresponding JSON string cannot be assigned to the expected target type. -or- contains a "__type" property that indicates either or a non-instantiable type (for example, an abstract types or an interface). -or- An attempt was made to convert a JSON array to an array-like managed type that is not supported for use as a JSON deserialization target. -or- It is not possible to convert to . Converts the specified JSON string to an object graph. The deserialized object. The JSON string to be deserialized. is null. The length exceeds the value of . -or- The recursion limit defined by was exceeded. -or- contains an unexpected character sequence. -or- is a dictionary type and a non-string key value was encountered. -or- includes member definitions that are not available on the target type. contains a "__type" property that indicates a custom type, but the type resolver that is currently associated with the serializer cannot find a corresponding managed type. -or- contains a "__type" property that indicates a custom type, but the result of deserializing the corresponding JSON string cannot be assigned to the expected target type. -or- contains a "__type" property that indicates either or a non-instantiable type (for example, an abstract type or an interface).-or- An attempt was made to convert a JSON array to an array-like managed type that is not supported for use as a JSON deserialization target. -or- It is not possible to convert to the target type. Gets or sets the maximum length of JSON strings that are accepted by the class. The maximum length of JSON strings. The default is 2097152 characters, which is equivalent to 4 MB of Unicode string data. The property is set to a value that is less than one. Gets or sets the limit for constraining the number of object levels to process. The number of object levels. The default is 100. The property is set to a value that is less than one. Registers a custom converter with the instance. An array that contains the custom converters to be registered. is null. Converts an object to a JSON string. The serialized JSON string. The object to serialize. The resulting JSON string exceeds the value of . -or- contains a circular reference. A circular reference occurs when a child object has a reference to a parent object, and the parent object has a reference to the child object. The recursion limit defined by was exceeded. Serializes an object and writes the resulting JSON string to the specified object. The object to serialize. The object that is used to write the JSON string. The resulting JSON string exceeds the value of . -or- contains a circular reference. A circular reference occurs when a child object has a reference to a parent object, and the parent object has a reference to the child object. The recursion limit defined by was exceeded. is null. Provides the abstract base class for implementing a custom type resolver. Initializes a new instance of the class. When overridden in a derived class, returns the object that is associated with the specified type name. The object that is associated with the specified type name. The name of the managed type. When overridden in a derived class, returns the type name for the specified object. The name of the specified managed type. The managed type to be resolved. Specifies that will not serialize the public property or public field. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Provides a type resolver for managed types. Initializes a new instance of the class. Returns the of the specified name. A object that has the specified name, if found; otherwise, null. The assembly-qualified name of the managed type. Returns the assembly-qualified name of the specified . A string that contains the assembly-qualified name of the specified type. The type to be resolved. is null. Specifies that the server type must be generated in the proxy object. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified type. The type to include in the proxy class. is null. Gets or sets the type identifier for the type metadata marker. The type identifier for the type metadata marker on the serialized JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) string. The default value is the assembly-qualified name of the type. Gets the type that is included in the proxy object. The type object that is included in the generated proxy object. Represents a proxy code generator. Retrieves the proxy generation code for the specified type. The proxy generation code. The type of the object to obtain the script for. The location of the endpoint. true to include XML code comments; otherwise, false. The or parameter is null. The specified type is not supported for proxy generation. Specifies how the Web method return-type is serialized. The return type is serialized as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). The return type is serialized as XML. Specifies which HTTP verb is used to invoke a method, and the format of the response. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the format of the method response. One of the values. The default is Json. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to invoke the method by using HTTP GET. true if the method is invoked by using the HTTP GET command; false if the method is invoked by using the HTTP POST command. The default is false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether all return types are serialized as XML, which includes string types. true if all return types are serialized as XML; otherwise, false. The default is false. Indicates that a Web service can be invoked from script. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The server exception raised during partial-page rendering. is null. Gets the raised during partial-page rendering. An object. Defines a control and optional event of the control as an asynchronous postback control trigger that causes an control to refresh. Initializes a new instance of an class. Gets or sets the name of the control that triggers an asynchronous postback for an control. A server control ID. Gets or sets the postback control event that triggers an control to be updated. The event name. The default value is . Returns a value that indicates whether the trigger was invoked. true if the trigger was invoked; otherwise, false. Initializes the control and determines whether the event that is named in the trigger exists and is valid. No control was found on the page.- or -The event that is named in the property is not found for the control that is named in the property.- or -The event that is named in the property for the control that is named in the property does not match a standard event handler signature. Raises the event that will trigger a postback and refresh of an control. The event sender. The event data. Returns a string representation of the current control. A string that represents the current control. Configures the location of a custom implementation of the authentication service. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the path of the authentication service. The path of the custom authentication Web service. More than one unique path was set in the control hierarchy. Provides an abstract base class for an extender control. Initializes a new instance of the class. When overridden in a derived class, registers the objects for the control. An enumeration of objects. The server control to which the extender is associated. When overridden in a derived class, registers the script libraries for the control. An object that implements the interface and that contains ECMAScript (JavaScript) files that have been registered as embedded resources. Raises the event and registers the extender control with the control. An object that contains the event data. Sends server control content to a provided object, which writes the content to be rendered in the browser window. The object that receives the server control content. Registers the objects for the control. This method is a private member and cannot be inherited. An object that implements the interface and that contains objects. The server control that the extender is associated with. Registers the script libraries for the control. This method is a private member and cannot be inherited. An object that implements the interface and that contains ECMAScript (JavaScript) files that have been registered as embedded resources. Gets or sets the ID of the control that the extender is associated with. The ID of the server control that is being extended. Overrides the property to prevent setting this value. true if the extender control is rendered on the page; otherwise, false. 1 Defines the behavior for an extender control. Registers the objects for the control and returns an object that contains the objects for the control. An collection that contains objects. The server control that the extender is associated with. Registers the script libraries for the control and returns an enumeration of ECMAScript (JavaScript) files that have been registered as embedded resources. An collection that contains JavaScript files that have been registered as embedded resources. Defines methods that ASP.NET server controls must implement to define ECMAScript (JavaScript) resources in AJAX-enabled applications. Gets a collection of script descriptors that represent ECMAScript (JavaScript) client components. An collection of objects. Gets a collection of objects that define script resources that the control requires. An collection of objects. Defines a control inside a control as a postback control. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the name of the control that is an control for an control. A string that represents a server control ID. Returns a value that indicates whether the trigger was activated. true if the trigger was activated; otherwise, false. Initializes the object. Returns a string that represents the current object. A string that represents the current object. Configures a set of preloaded profile properties and the location of a custom implementation of the profile service. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets an array that contains the profile properties that will be made available to client script. A string array that contains the names of the profile properties that will be preloaded and made available to client script. The default is an empty array. The property includes property names that are not in the current application’s profile schema. Gets or sets the path of a custom implementation of the profile Web service. The path of a custom implementation of the profile Web service. More than one unique path was set in the control hierarchy. Provides access to an ECMAScript (JavaScript) array declaration that was previously registered with the object. Gets the control that registered the array declaration. A reference to the control that registered the array. Gets the name of the array. The name of the array. Gets the value or values of the array members. The value or values of the array. Provides access to a dispose script for a control that is inside an control. Gets the control that registered the dispose script. A reference to the control that registered the dispose script. Gets the name of the dispose script. The name of the dispose script. Provides access to the name/value pair of a custom (expando) attribute that was previously registered with the object. Gets the control that registered the custom (expando) attribute. A reference to the control that registered the custom attribute. Gets the identifier of the control that registered the custom (expando) attribute. The identifier of the control that registered the custom attribute. Gets a value that indicates whether the custom (expando) attribute is encoded. true if the custom attribute is encoded; otherwise, false. Gets the name of the custom (expando) attribute. The name of the custom attribute. Gets the value of the custom (expando) attribute. The value of the custom attribute. Provides access to a hidden value that was previously registered with the object. Gets the control that registered the hidden field. A reference to the control that registered the hidden field. Gets the initial value of the hidden field. The initial value of the hidden field. Gets the name of the hidden field. The name of the hidden field. Provides access to a client script that was previously registered with the object. Gets a value that indicates whether the script block should be rendered on the Web page enclosed in <script> tags. true if the script should be rendered on the Web page enclosed in <script> tags; otherwise, false. Gets the control that registered the script. A reference to the control that registered the script. Gets the key that, together with the value, identifies the script. The value of the key. This value can be null or empty. Gets the file name of the script. The file name of the script. This value can be null or empty. Gets the script type that indicates when the script is intended to be executed. A value defined by the enumeration. Gets the client script type that, together with the value, identifies the script. The type of the script. Gets the URL of the script file. The URL of the script file. This value can be null or empty. Specifies the type of client script block that is represented by a object. A client script that executes every time that an asynchronous postback occurs. A block of client code that executes one time during initial page rendering. A client script block of this type does not execute during partial-page updates. A client script that is associated with a control that executes when the control starts. A client script that executes when a page is submitted. Configures the location of a custom implementation of the role service. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the list of roles for the currently logged-on user must be retrieved. true if the list of roles must be retrieved; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets the path of the role service. The path of the custom role Web service. More than one unique path was set in the control hierarchy. Extends the class to provide a wrapper for defining behaviors that are converted into client script. Initializes a new instance of the class. A string representation of the type of the client behavior to describe. The client ID of the target control. or is null or an empty string (""). Gets the identifier for the current instance. The ID or a generated value, depending on the conditions described in the following table.The property has been set.The value of the property.The property has not been set.A generated ID that consists of the value of the property, followed by a dollar sign ($), followed by the value of the property. Gets the id attribute of the associated element, as set in the constructor. The client ID of the target control, as set in the constructor. Gets the client script that implements the target control on the page. The client script that implements the target control on the page. Gets or sets the name of the current instance. The name of the current instance, if set; otherwise, a generated name. Provides a wrapper for converting server components into client script. Initializes an instance of the class. The type of the target client component. is null or an empty string (""). Adds the specified property, and associates that property with the specified element. The name of the property. The ID of the target component. or is null or an empty string (""). Adds the specified property and associates that property with the specified component. The name of the property. The ID of the target element. or is null or an empty string (""). Adds the specified event and handler. The name of the event. The name of the handler function for the specified event. or is null or an empty string (""). Adds the specified property and value. The name of the property. The value of the property. is null or an empty string (""). Adds the specified property, and associates the property with the specified script. The name of the property. The script that is rendered to the browser. is null or an empty string (""). When overridden in a derived class, gets the identifier of the client component. The ID of the client component. Gets the client script that implements the target control on the page. The client script that implements the target control on the page. Gets or sets the ID of the current instance. The ID of the current instance, if set; otherwise, an empty string (""). Gets or sets the type of the target client component. The type of the target client component. An attempt was made to set the property to null. Provides an abstract base class for a script control. Initializes a new instance of the class in a derived class. When overridden in a derived class, returns the objects for the control. An collection of objects. When overridden in a derived class, returns the script files for the control. An collection that contains ECMAScript (JavaScript) files that have been registered as embedded resources. Raises the event and registers the script control with the control. An object that contains the event data. Raises the event and sends server control content to a provided object, which writes the content to be rendered to the browser. The object that receives the server control content. When overridden in a derived class, registers the objects for the control. An collection of objects. When overridden in a derived class, registers script files for the control. An collection that contains ECMAScript (JavaScript) files that have been registered as embedded resources. Defines a client control object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The type of the client control object to create. The ID of the HTML element that represents the control object to create. Gets the ID of the client component. The ID of the client component. Gets the HTML ID of the client control object. The HTML ID of the client control object. Gets the ID of the current instance. The ID of the current instance, if set; otherwise, an empty string (""). An attempt was made to set the property. When overridden in a derived class, defines script that creates an instance of a client class. Initializes a new instance of the class. When overridden in a derived class, returns script to create a client class or object. The ECMAScript (JavaScript) code for creating a client object. Manages ASP.NET AJAX script libraries and script files, partial-page rendering, and client proxy class generation for Web and application services. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value that determines whether the custom errors section of the Web.config file is used during an error in an asynchronous postback. true if the custom errors setting in the Web.config file is used to determine error behavior during asynchronous postbacks; otherwise, false. The default is true. Occurs when there is a page error during an asynchronous postback. Gets or sets the error message that is sent to the client when an unhandled server exception occurs during an asynchronous postback. The error message. The default is an empty string (""). Gets the unique ID of the control that caused the asynchronous postback. The unique ID of a control, if the control has an ID; otherwise, an empty string (""). Gets or sets a value that indicates the time, in seconds, before asynchronous postbacks time out if no response is received. An integer that represents the time-out in seconds. The default value is 90 seconds. Gets the object that is associated with the current instance. The object for the current instance. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether public static page methods in an ASP.NET page can be called from client script. true if static page methods on an ASP.NET page can be called from client script as Web methods; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets a value that enables partial rendering of a page, which in turn enables you to update regions of the page individually by using controls. true if partial rendering is enabled and full-page updates are suppressed; otherwise, false. The default is true. The property is set after the page's event occurs. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the control renders script that supports parsing and formatting of culture-specific information. true if culture-specific information can be displayed; otherwise, false. The default value is false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the control renders localized versions of script files. true if localized script files will be rendered; otherwise, false. The default value is true. Gets the instance for a given object. The current instance for the selected object, or null if no instance is defined. The page instance to retrieve the from. is null. Retrieves a read-only collection of ECMAScript (JavaScript) array declarations that were previously registered with the object. A generic collection that contains the array declarations. Retrieves a read-only collection of client script blocks that were previously registered with the control. A generic collection that contains client script blocks. Retrieves a read-only collection of dispose scripts that were previously registered with the object. A generic collection that contains dispose scripts. Retrieves a read-only collection of custom (expando) attributes that were previously registered with the object. A generic collection that contains custom attributes. Retrieves a read-only collection of hidden fields that were previously registered with the object. A generic collection that contains hidden fields. Retrieves a read-only collection of onsubmit statements that were previously registered with the object. A generic collection that contains onsubmit statements. Retrieves a read-only collection of startup scripts that were previously registered with the object. A generic collection that contains startup scripts. Gets a value that indicates whether the debug versions of client script libraries will be rendered. true if the current request is executing in debug mode; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether the current postback is being executed in partial-rendering mode. true if the current postback is executing in partial-rendering mode; otherwise, false. Reads form data that is posted from the browser to the server, and determines the source of the asynchronous postback. true if the control's state has changed as a result of a postback; otherwise, false. The key identifier for the control. The collection of all the incoming post data. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether scripts are loaded before or after markup for the page UI is loaded. true if scripts are loaded before markup for the UI is loaded; false if scripts are loaded after markup for the UI is loaded. The default is true. Raises the event. The error event data. Raises the event and makes sure that only one control exists on the page. The event data. More than one instance of exists on the page. Raises the event, and registers script files and services for partial-page updates. The event data. The browser that made the partial-page request does not support at least DOM Level 1.0. Raises the event for each script reference that is managed by the control An object that represents the current script. Gets the object that is associated with the current instance. The object for the current instance. Raises events for the control when it posts back to the server. Registers an ECMAScript (JavaScript) array declaration with the control for use with a control that is inside an control, and adds the array to the page. The control that is registering the array. The name of the array to register. The array value or values to register. is null. Registers an ECMAScript (JavaScript) array declaration with the control for use with a control that is inside an control, and adds the array to the page. The page object that is registering the array. The name of the array to register. The array value or values to register. is null. Registers a control as a trigger for asynchronous postbacks. The control to register for asynchronous postbacks. is null. The page is registered as an asynchronous postback control. The registered control does not implement the , , or interfaces. Registers a client script block with the control for use with a control that is inside an control, and then adds the script block to the page. The control that is registering the client script block. The type of the client script block. This parameter is usually specified by using the typeof operator (C#) or the GetType operator (Visual Basic) to retrieve the type of the control that is registering the script. A unique identifier for the script block. The script. true to enclose the script block in <script> and </script> tags; otherwise, false. The client script block is null.- or -The control that is registering the script block is null. The control that is registering the script block is not in the page's control tree. Registers a client script block with the control for use with a control that is inside an control, and then adds the script block to the page. The page object that is registering the client script block. The type of the client script block. This parameter is usually specified by using the typeof operator (C#) or the GetType operator (Visual Basic) to retrieve the type of the control that is registering the script. A unique identifier for the script block. The script. true to enclose the script block in <script> and </script> tags; otherwise, false. The script block is null.- or -The page that is registering the script block is null. Registers a client script file with the control for use with a control that is inside an control, and then adds a script file reference to the page. The control that is registering the client script file. The type of the client script file. This parameter is usually specified by using the typeof operator (C#) or the GetType operator (Visual Basic) to retrieve the type of the control that is registering the script. A unique identifier for the script file. The URL of the script file. The client script file is null.- or -The control that is registering the script file is null. The control that is registering the script file is not in the page's control tree.- or - is null. - or - is empty. Registers client script with the control every time that an asynchronous postback occurs, and then adds a script file reference to the page. The page object that is registering the client script file. The type of the client script file. This parameter is usually specified by using the typeof operator (C#) or the GetType operator (Visual Basic) to retrieve the type of the control that is registering the script. A unique identifier for the script file. The URL of the script file. The client script file is null.- or -The page that is registering the script file is null. is null. - or - is empty. Registers the client script that is embedded in an assembly with the control for use with a control that is participating in partial-page rendering. The control that is registering the script. The type of the client script. This parameter is usually specified by using the typeof operator (C#) or the GetType operator (Visual Basic) to retrieve the type of the control that is registering the script. An identifier for the resource. The client resource is null.- or -The control that is registering the script is null. The control that is registering the script is not in the page's control tree. Registers a client script file that is embedded in an assembly with the control every time that a postback occurs. The page object that is registering the script. The type of the client script. This parameter is usually specified by using the typeof operator (C#) or the GetType operator (Visual Basic) to retrieve the type of the control that is registering the script. An identifier for the resource. The client resource is null.- or -The page that is registering the script is null. Sends custom data to a control during partial-page rendering. The control that is receiving the data. The data that is sent to the control. is null. The method is called during a postback. is already registered for . Sends custom data to a control during partial-page rendering, and indicates whether the data is in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. The page control that is receiving the data. The data that is sent to the control. true to indicate that is serialized as JSON; otherwise, false. is null. The method is called during a postback. is already registered for . Registers a dispose script for a control that is inside an control. The script is executed when the control is updated or deleted. The control that the dispose script is for. The dispose script. is null.- or - is null. is not found on the page.- or - is not inside an control. Registers a name/value pair with the control as a custom (expando) attribute of a specified control. The control that is registering the expando attribute. The control that contains the custom attribute on the page. The name of the custom attribute to register. The value of the custom attribute. true to encode the custom attribute that is being registered; otherwise, false. is null. is not in the page's control tree.- or - is null. - or - is empty.- or - is null. - or - is empty.- or - is already registered. Registers an extender control with the current instance. The extender control to register. The script control that the extender control extends. A control that implements the interface. is null.- or - is null. Registers a hidden field with the control for a control that is inside an control. The control that is registering the hidden field. The name of the hidden field to register. The initial value of the hidden field. is null.- or - is null. is not in the page's control tree. Registers a hidden field with the control during every asynchronous postback. The page object that is registering the hidden field. The name of the hidden field to register. The initial value of the hidden field. is null.- or - is null. Registers ECMAScript (JavaScript) code with the control for a control that is used with an control that is executed when the form is submitted. The control that is registering the onsubmit statement. The type of the client script statement. This parameter is usually specified by using the typeof operator (C#) or the GetType operator (Visual Basic) to retrieve the type of the control that is registering the script. A unique identifier for the script statement. The script. is null.- or - is null. is not in the page's control tree. Registers ECMAScript (JavaScript) code with the control for a control that is used with an control that is executed when the form is submitted. The page object that is registering the onsubmit statement. The type of the client script statement. This parameter is usually specified by using the typeof operator (C#) or the GetType operator (Visual Basic) to retrieve the type of the control that is registering the script. A unique identifier for the script statement. The script. is null.- or - is null. Registers a control as a trigger for a postback. This method is used to configure postback controls inside an control that would otherwise perform asynchronous postbacks. The control to register for postback. Registers a script control with the current instance. The script control to register. A control that implements the interface. is null. Calls back to an class to return instance scripts that must be rendered to support the client object that represents a client control, component, or behavior. The extender control for which script descriptors will be registered. Calls a class to return instance scripts that must be rendered to support the client object that represents a client control, component, or behavior. The script control for which script descriptors will be registered. Registers a startup script block for a control that is inside an by using the control, and adds the script block to the page. The control that is registering the client script block. The type of the client script block. This parameter is usually specified by using the typeof operator (C#) or the GetType operator (Visual Basic) to retrieve the type of the control that is registering the script. A unique identifier for the script block. The script. true to enclose the script block with <script> and </script> tags; otherwise, false. is null.- or - is null. is not in the page's control tree. Registers a startup script block for every asynchronous postback with the control and adds the script block to the page. The page object that is registering the client script block. The type of the client script block. This parameter is usually specified by using the typeof operator (C#) or the GetType operator (Visual Basic) to retrieve the type of the control that is registering the script. A unique identifier for the script block. The script. true to enclose the script block with <script> and </script> tags; otherwise, false. Renders the control's content to the browser by using the specified object. An object that receives the content of the control to write to the page. Occurs when a member of the collection is registered with the control. Gets the object that is associated with the current instance. The object for the current instance. Gets or sets a value that specifies whether debug or release versions of client script libraries are rendered. The enumeration value that indicates the current mode. The default is . The property is not one of the values. Gets or sets the root path of the location that is used to build the paths to ASP.NET AJAX and custom script files. The location where script files are stored. The default value is an empty string (""), which is interpreted as a relative path. Gets a object that contains the objects, each of which represents a script file rendered to the client. The object of the instance. Gets a object that contains a object for each Web service that ASP.NET exposes on the client for AJAX functionality. The object for the current instance. Sets the browser focus to the control specified by ID. The ID of the control to receive focus. Sets the browser focus to the specified control. The control to receive focus. Gets a value that indicates whether the client supports partial-page rendering. true if the client supports partial-page rendering; otherwise, false. The default value is true. The property is false and the property was set to true.- or -The property was set after the event. For a description of this member, see . true if the control's state has changed as a result of a postback; otherwise, false. The key-identifier for the control. A collection of all incoming post data. For a description of this member, see . Overrides the property that is inherited from the base class to prevent setting this value. true in all cases. A value is assigned to the property. 1 Enables nested components such as content pages and user controls to add script and service references to pages when a control is already defined in a parent element. Initializes a new instance of the class. There is no for the current page.- or -The current page is null. Gets the object that is associated with the current instance. The object for the current instance. Raises the base event and registers the control with the control. The event data. Gets the object that is associated with the current instance. The object for the current instance. Gets the object that is associated with the current instance. The object for the current instance. Gets a object that contains a object for each script file that is explicitly registered with the control. A collection of objects for each script file that the control sends to the browser. Gets a object that contains a object for each service that is explicitly registered with the control. A collection that contains an object for each service that is registered with the control. Overrides the property inherited from the base class to prevent setting this value. true if the control is rendered on the page; otherwise, false. A value is assigned to the property. 1 Specifies whether and objects refer to the debug or release version of client scripts. In the control, the version of client scripts to use is determined at run time based on the application-level <compilation> element of the Web.config file, unless it is overridden in an instance of the control. In the control, when applied to a standalone script file, is equivalent to . When applied to a script reference in an assembly, is equivalent to . In the control, is equivalent to . In the control, the value from determines which version of the client script to use. In the control, the debug version of the client script is used on the Web page unless overridden in an instance of the control. In the control, the debug version of the client script is used on the Web page. In the control, the release version of the client script is used on the Web page unless overridden by setting the property of a instance to . In the control, the release version of the client script is used on the Web page. Registers an ECMAScript (JavaScript) file for use on an ASP.NET Web page. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class by using a specified path. The path of the client script file relative to the Web page. Initializes a new instance of the class by using a specified name and assembly. The name of the script file that is embedded in the assembly. The name of the assembly that contains the client script file as an embedded resource. Gets or sets the name of the assembly that contains the client script file as an embedded resource. The fully qualified or partially qualified name of the assembly that contains a client script file as an embedded resource. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the property is included in the URL when you register a client script file from a resource. true if the script path is not used when you register the client script; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the name of the embedded resource that contains the client script file. The name of the client script file that is embedded as a resource in an assembly. Returns a string that represents the value of the property, the property, or the type name. The value of the property if it is defined, or the value of the property if it is defined; otherwise, the value of the property. Represents a collection of script references. Initializes a new instance of the class. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. A object that contains the client script referenced on the Web page. is null. Gets the object that contains the script library. A object that contains the client script referenced on the Web page. Defines a resource in an assembly to be used from a client script file. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name of the script library. The name of the resource file for the script library. The name of the type to create for the values in the resource file. , , or is null or an empty string (""). Gets the name of the script library. The name of the script library. Gets the name of the resource file for the script library. The name of the resource file for the script library. Gets the name that is used when retrieving the values in the resource file. The name that is used in client script when retrieving the values in the resource file. Registers a Web service for use in a Web page. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified path. The location of the Web service. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the proxy generation script is included in the page as an inline script block or is obtained by a separate request. true if the proxy generation script is included as an inline script block in the page; false if the proxy generation script is obtained by a separate request. The default is false. Gets or sets the path of the referenced Web service. The path of the referenced Web service. Returns a string that represents the value of the property or the type name. The value of the property, if it is defined; otherwise, the value of the property for the class. Contains a set of objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. Extends the class to indicate the type of server control that an extender control can be applied to. Initializes a new instance of the class. The type of the target control. is null. Gets the type of the target control, as specified in the constructor. The type of the target control. Gets a unique identifier for this . The unique identifier for this attribute. Performs asynchronous or synchronous Web page postbacks at a defined interval. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the control initiates a postback to the server after the number of milliseconds specified in the property has elapsed. true if will initiate a postback; otherwise, false. The default value is true. Retrieves properties from a object that are passed to the client component that implements timer logic in the browser. An array of type . Retrieves the client script for the control. A object that contains client script for the control. Gets or sets the number of milliseconds to wait before initiating a postback. The number of milliseconds to wait before initiating a postback. The default value is 60,000 (60 seconds). The specified value is less than or equal to zero. Raises the event of the control. An object that contains the event data. Raises the event of the control. An object that contains the event data. Enables a control to raise the event when a page is posted to the server. A string with an optional argument to be passed to the event handler. Renders the control content to the browser by using the specified object. The object that is used to render the control content to the browser. Raises the event when a page is posted to the server. A string with an optional argument to be passed to the event handler. Retrieves properties from a object that are passed to the client component. An array of type . Retrieves the client script for the control. A object that contains client script for the control. Occurs when the number of milliseconds specified in the property has elapsed and the page is posted to the server. Overrides the property of the class to prevent this value from being set. true if the control is rendered on the page; otherwise, false. A value is assigned to the Visible property. 1 Enables sections of a page to be partially rendered without a postback. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether postbacks from immediate child controls of an control update the panel's content. true if postbacks from immediate child controls of the control update the panel's content; otherwise, false. The default is true. Gets or sets the template that defines the content of the control. An instance that defines the content of the control. The default is null. The property of the control is set after an instance of the template is created or after the content template container is created. Gets a control object to which you can programmatically add child controls. A object that defines the content of the control. Gets the object that contains the child controls for the control. The collection of child controls for the control. The , , , , or method of the class has been called. To change the content of the control, modify the child controls of the property. Creates a object that acts as a container for child controls that define the control's content. A container for the control's content. Returns the collection of all controls that are contained in the control. A object that consists of all controls that define the content of the control. Initializes the control trigger collection if partial-page rendering is enabled. Gets a value that indicates whether the control is being updated as a result of an asynchronous postback. true if the current control is being updated as a result of an asynchronous postback; otherwise, false. Raises the event. An object that contains the event data. The property is being defined when the property has already been created. Raises the event for the control and invokes the method when partial-page rendering is not enabled. An object that contains the event data. Raises the event. An object that contains the event data. The property is set to false, and the property is set to . Raises the base event. An object that contains event data. Raises the event. An object that represents the output stream for rendering HTML content. Raises the event. An object that represents the output stream for rendering HTML content. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether an control's content is enclosed in an HTML <div> or <span> element. One of the values. The default is so that the content of the panel is enclosed in an HTML <div> element. Gets a value that indicates whether the content of the control will be updated. true if the control's content will be updated; otherwise, false. Gets an object that contains and objects that were registered declaratively for the control. A collection of objects of type and . Causes an update of the content of an control. The property is set to .- or –The method is called during or after the page's event. Gets or sets a value that indicates when an control's content is updated. One of the values. The default is . The specified type is not one of the values. Provides a common base class for controls that can be triggers for controls. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a string that represents the of the control that is a trigger for the control. A string that contains the of the control. The default is an empty string (""). Searches for the control specified in the property. A control that has the ID matching the property. A Boolean value that indicates whether to search for the control recursively in naming containers that contain the current control. The property of the is null or empty.- or -The control with the specified was not found. Represents the possible layout rendering options for the content of an control on a page. Specifies that the content of the control is rendered inside an HTML <div> element. Specifies that the content of the control is rendered inside an HTML <span> element. Provides a common base class for objects that can be triggers for controls. Initializes a new instance of the class. Returns a value that indicates whether the trigger was invoked. true if the trigger was invoked; otherwise, false. When overridden in a derived class, enables a trigger to initialize itself. Gets a reference to the control that the targets. An control. Represents a collection of objects for an control. Initializes a new instance of the collection class. The control that the belongs to. Removes all elements from the . Inserts an object into the object at the specified index. The zero-based index at which the trigger should be inserted. The trigger to insert. The value can be null for reference types. Gets a reference to the control that the belongs to. An control. Removes the element at the specified index of the . The zero-based index of the element to remove. Replaces the trigger at the specified index in the object. The zero-based index of the trigger to replace. The new value for the trigger at the specified index. The value can be null for reference types. Represents the possible update modes for the content in an control. The content of the control is updated for all postbacks that originate from the page. This includes asynchronous postbacks. The content of the control is updated under the following conditions: Provides visual feedback in the browser when the contents of one or more controls are updated. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the ID of the control that the control displays status for. The ID of the associated control. The default value is an empty string. Gets or sets the value in milliseconds before the control is displayed. An integer that represents the number of milliseconds before the control's progress template is displayed. The default is 500 milliseconds (.5 seconds). The property is less than zero. Gets or sets a value that determines whether the progress template is rendered dynamically. true if the progress template is rendered dynamically; otherwise, false. The default value is true. Returns a list of components, behaviors, and client controls that are required for the control's client functionality. An collection that contains objects. Returns a list of client script library dependencies for the control. An collection that contains objects. Raises the event. The event data. Gets or sets the template that defines the content of the control. An instance that defines the content of the control. The default is null. Writes the rendered content of the control to the browser by using the supplied object. An object that represents the output stream for rendering HTML content. For a description of this member, see . A collection of objects. For a description of this member, see . A collection of objects. Represents a collection of script references to combine into a single composite script. Initializes a new instance of the class. Returns the URL that is rendered as the value of the src attribute of the script element. The ScriptManager control on the target Web page. true to compress the script; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the composite script contains a reference to an ASP.NET AJAX framework script. Gets a collection of script references that are contained in the composite script object. A collection of script references that are contained in the composite script object. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The composite script reference. Gets the composite script reference for the event. The composite script reference. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. A collection of name/value pairs that represent the state of the Web page. Gets a collection of name/value pairs that represent the state of a Web page. A collection that represents the state of a Web page. Creates a history point and adds it to the browser's history stack, using the specified state data collection and state title. A collection of key/value pairs that contain the data for the state. The text that will be added to the browser's history stack as the title for this state. Creates a history point and adds it to the browser's history stack, using the specified state key and state value. The key part of the key/value pair that identifies the state of the Web page. The value part of the key/value pair that identifies the state of the Web page. Creates a history point and adds it to the browser's history stack, using the specified state key, state value, and state title. The key part of the key/value pair that identifies the state of the Web page. The value part of the key/value pair that identifies the state of the Web page. The text that will be added to the browser's history stack as the title for this state. Gets or sets the name of the method that handles the Sys.Application.navigate event on the client. Name of the method that handles the Sys.Application.navigate event on the client. Gets a reference to the composite script that supports the Web page. A reference to the composite script. Gets or sets a URL to use if the target Web page is empty. The URL to use if the target Web page is empty. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Web page supports history point management. true if the Web page supports adding history points to the browser's history stack; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to encrypt the history state string. true if the history state string should be encrypted; otherwise, false. Retrieves a string that contains key/value pairs that represent the state of the Web page. Gets a value that indicates whether a event is currently being handled. true if the is being handled; otherwise, false. Occurs when the user clicks the browser's Back or Forward button. Raises the event. An object that represents the composite script reference. Enables the control to process a postback event and load the history state of the Web page. A string of key/value pairs that represent the history state of the Web page. Occurs when a composite script is registered with the control. For a description of this member, see . An optional event argument to be passed to the event handler. Gets a reference to the composite script that supports the content page. A reference to the composite script. Occurs when the user clicks the browser's Back or Forward button. Retrieves the URL that is rendered as the value of the src attribute of the script element. The ScriptManager control on the target Web page. true if the script should be compressed; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the composite script contains a reference to an ASP.NET AJAX framework script. The base class for all script reference classes. Initializes a new instance of the class. Retrieves the URL that is rendered as the value of the src attribute of the script element. The ScriptManager control on the target Web page. true to compress the script; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the composite script contains a reference to an ASP.NET AJAX framework script. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the object automatically adds code at the end of the ECMAScript (JavaScript) file to call the client method of the Sys.Application class. true if the Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded method is automatically called at the end of a JavaScript file, or false if user code calls the Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded method that is already in the JavaScript file. The default value is true. Gets or sets the path of the referenced client script file, relative to the Web page. The path of the referenced client script Replaces the file-name extension in the specified script path to designate a debug script. The full path of the script to rename. The path must end with ".js". Gets or sets a comma-delimited list of UI cultures that are supported by the property. Gets or sets the version of the client script file (release or debug) to use. A value that indicates which version of the client script file to reference. The default is . Gets a object that represents the child controls of the control. The collection of child controls for the control. Called to create any child controls that the control contains in preparation for posting back or rendering. Binds a data source to the control and all its child controls. Provides paging functionality for data-bound controls that implement the interface, such as the control. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds HTML attributes and styles to be rendered in the browser to the specified object. An object that represents the output stream to render HTML content to the browser. Gets a collection of custom attribute name/value pairs for the control. A collection of custom attribute name/value pairs. Connects events to event handler methods in the control. The data-bound control that raises the event. is null. Gets a object that represents the child controls for the control in the UI hierarchy. The collection of child controls for the control. Creates the objects that are contained by the property of the control. Binds the control and all its child controls to a data source. Gets a collection of objects that represent the pager fields that are specified in a control. A collection object that contains all the pager fields that are specified in the control. Retrieves the data-bound control that is associated with the control. The data-bound control that is associated with the control. A control that implements the interface was not found on the page.-or-The control specified by the property does not implement the interface.-or-The control does not have a naming container. Loads the state information for the properties in the control that must be persisted between postbacks, even when the property is set to false. An object that represents the state of the control. There is no data-bound control associated with the control. Restores view-state information for the control that was saved by the method during a previous page request. An object that represents the state to be restored. Gets the maximum number of records that are displayed for each page of data. The maximum number of records that are displayed for each page of data. Determines whether an event for the control is passed up the page's user interface (UI) server control hierarchy true if the event has been sent to the parent control; otherwise, false. The source of the event. The event data. Raises the event. The event data. Raises the event. The event data. A container control that implements the interface was not found. Handles the event. The source of the event. The event data. Gets or sets the of the control that contains the data that will be paged by the control. The of the control that contains the data that will be paged by the control. The default is an empty string, which indicates that this property is not set. Gets or sets the number of records that are displayed for each page of data. The number of records that are displayed for each page of data. The default is 10. The property is set to a value less than 1. Gets or sets the name of the query string field. The name of the query string field. The default is an empty string, which indicates that the control will use a HTTP POST command to navigate through the pages. Creates child controls of the control at design time. Sends the control content to the specified object, which writes the content to be rendered to the browser. The object that receives the control content. Renders the HTML opening tag of the control to the specified writer. An object that represents the output stream to render HTML content to the browser. Renders the contents of the control to the specified writer. An object that represents the output stream to render HTML content to the browser. Saves the state of the properties in the control that must be persisted between postbacks, even when the property is set to false. Returns the current view state of the control. If there is no view state associated with the control, this method returns null. Saves any changes to an control's view-state that have occurred since the time the page was posted back to the server. Returns the control's current view state. If there is no view state associated with the control, this method returns null. Sets the page-related properties in the control. The index of the first record on the page of data. The maximum number of items on a single page of data. true to rebind the control after the properties are set; otherwise, false. There is no data-bound control associated with the control. Gets the index of the first record that is displayed on a page of data . The index of the first record that is displayed on a page of data. Retrieves the attribute value with the specified name from the control. The value of the attribute. The name of the attribute. Sets an attribute of the control with the specified name and value. The name of the attribute to set. The value of the attribute. Creates the child controls of the control at design time. Gets the HTML element that is used to render the control. Always . Gets the total number of records that are retrieved by the underlying data source object that is referenced by the associated data-bound control. The total number of records that are retrieved by the underlying data source object. Tracks view-state changes to the control so that they can be stored in the control's object. This object can be accessed through the property. Provides data for the event of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The object that contains the command button that was clicked. The total number of records. The command name and command argument of the button that was clicked. The object that contains the object and its container object. Gets the object that contains the object and the object's container object. The object that contains the object and the object's container object. Gets or sets the maximum number of records to display on each page of data. The maximum number of records to display on each page of data. The default is -1, which indicates that this property is not set. Gets or sets the index of the first record to display on a page of data. The index of the first record that will be displayed on a page of data. Gets the object that contains the button that was clicked. The object that contains the button that was clicked. Gets the total number of records to display. The total number of records to display. Serves as the base class for data pager field types, which represent a navigation control for the control. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a copy of the current object that is derived from . A copy of the current object. Copies the properties of the current object derived from to the specified object. The object to copy the properties of the current . object to. When overridden in a derived class, creates the user interface (UI) controls for the data pager field object and adds them to the specified container. The container that is used to store the controls. The index of the first record on the page. The maximum number of items on a single page. The total number of items. The index of the data pager field in the collection. When overridden in a derived class, creates an empty object that is derived . An empty object that is derived from . Gets a reference to the data pager that the object is associated with. The object that contains the data pager field. Creates a URL that contains a query string field that has the specified page number. The target URL. The target page number. When overridden in a derived class, handles events that occur in the data pager field object. The event data. Gets a value that indicates whether the object is tracking its view-state changes. true if the object is tracking its view-state changes; otherwise, false. Restores view-state information that was saved previously. The saved view-state values for the control. Raises the FieldChanged event. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the query string field has been evaluated. true if the query string field has been evaluated; otherwise, false. Gets the value of the query string field from the URL of the request. The value of the query string field. Saves the changes that were made to the object's view state. The view-state changes for the control. Gets a value that indicates whether the object is tracking its view-state changes. true if the object is tracking its view-state changes; otherwise, false. Restores view-state information that was saved previously. The saved view-state values for the control. Saves the changes that were made to the object's view state. The view-state changes for the control. Causes the object to track changes to its view state so that they can be stored in the control's property and persisted across requests for the same page. Causes the object to track changes to its view state so that they can be stored in the control's property and persisted across requests for the same page. Gets a dictionary of state information that enables you to save and restore the view state of a object across multiple requests for the same page. An object that contains the view-state information. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a data pager field is rendered. true if the is rendered; otherwise, false. The default value is true. Represents a collection of objects that are used by the control. Initializes a new instance of the class. The control that will contain the collection. Appends the specified object to the collection. The object to append to the collection. Creates a copy of the current collection. An object that contains a copy of each object that is in the current collection. The object that contains the collection. Determines whether the collection contains the specified object. true if the collection contains the specified field; otherwise, false. The object to locate in the collection. Copies the complete collection to a one-dimensional object, starting at the specified index of the target array. The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from collection. The array object must use zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in at which copying starts. Creates a default instance of the type that is identified by the provided index. An object that represents an instance of a class that is derived from the class, according to the index provided. The index of the type to create from the ordered list of types that are returned by the method. The specified index is not in the recognized range. Occurs when the fields in the collection change. Gets an array of types that the collection can contain. An array of type objects that identify the types of objects that the collection can contain. Gets the index of a specific object in the collection. The index of the parameter, if it is found in the collection; otherwise, -1. The object to locate in the collection. Inserts the specified object into the collection at the specified index. The zero-based index at which the object will be inserted. The object to insert. Gets the object that is at the specified index in the collection. The object that is at the specified index in the collection. The zero-based index of the object to retrieve from the collection. Performs additional processing after all items are removed from the collection. Performs additional processing after an item is added to the collection. The index in the collection that the object was inserted at. The object that was inserted into the collection. Performs additional processing after an item is removed from the collection. The index in the collection that the object was removed from. The object that was removed from the collection. Verifies that the specified object is a object. The object to validate. is null. is not an instance of the class or of one of its derived classes. Removes the specified object from the collection. The object to remove from the collection. Removes the object at the specified index from the collection. The index of the object to remove. Instructs the specified object to record its complete state to view state, instead of recording only changed information. The object to mark as changed since the last time that view state was loaded or saved. Provides data for the Command event. Initializes a new instance of the class. A object that generated the event. The source of the event. The original event data that contains the and properties. Gets the control that raised the event. The control that raised the event. Gets the object that contains the control that raised the event. The object that contains the control that raised the event. Represents a pager field item in a control. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pager field object. The pager control that contains the pager field object. Determines whether the event for the server control is passed up the page's UI server control hierarchy. true if the event was sent to the parent control; otherwise, false. The source of the event. The event data. Gets the pager control that contains the pager field object. The pager control. Gets the object. The pager field object. Specifies the location of the template when it is rendered as part of the control. The template is not rendered. The template is rendered as the first item in the control. The template is rendered as the last item in the control. Defines members that a data-bound control must implement in order to have paging functionality provided by the control. Gets the maximum number of items to display on a single page of data. The maximum number of items to display on a single page of data. Sets the properties of a page of data. The index of the first record on the page. The maximum number of items on a single page. true to rebind the control after the properties are set; otherwise, false. Gets the index of the first record that is displayed on a page of data. The index of the first record that is displayed on a page of data. Occurs when the data from the data source is made available to the control. Enables the use of Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) in an ASP.NET Web page through markup text to retrieve and modify data from a data object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the control dynamically creates an Order By clause based on values in the collection. true if the control creates the Order By clause; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the control dynamically creates a Where clause based on values defined in the collection. true if the control will create the Where clause; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the control supports navigation through sections of the data at run time. true if the user can page through the data; otherwise, false. The default value is true. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the control supports sorting the data at run time. true if the user can sort the data; otherwise, false. The default value is true. Occurs after an instance of the context type object is created. Occurs before an instance of the context type object is created. Occurs before disposing the context type object. Gets or sets the name of the type that contains the property whose value has the data that you want to retrieve. The name of the class to retrieve data from. Performs a delete operation. The number of records affected by the delete operation. The row key values for the records to be deleted. The row values that are evaluated to detect data conflicts. Occurs when a delete operation has finished. This property is not used by the class. A collection of parameters. Occurs before a delete operation. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether data records can be deleted through the control. true if automatic delete operations are enabled; otherwise, false. The default value is false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether data records can be inserted through the control. true if automatic insert operations are enabled; otherwise, false. The default value is false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether data records can be updated through the control. true if automatic update operations are enabled; otherwise, false. The default value is false. Returns the data source view that is associated with the object. The data source view that is associated with the object. The name of the view to retrieve, which must be "DefaultView". is null or something other than "DefaultView". Returns a collection of names that represents the list of view objects that are associated with the control. A collection with one element that contains the name "DefaultView". Gets or sets a value that specifies which properties are used for grouping the retrieved data. A string that is used to create the Group By clause. Gets the collection of parameters that are used to create the Group By clause. The parameters that are used to create the Group By clause. Performs an insert operation. The number of rows affected by the insert operation. The row values to be inserted into the data source. Occurs when an insert operation has finished. Occurs before an insert operation. Gets the collection of parameters that are used during an insert operation. The parameters that are used during an insert operation. Loads the state of the values in the control that must be persisted. An object that represents the state of the control. Initializes the object. The event data. Gets or sets a value that specifies which fields are used for ordering the retrieved data. A string that is used to create the Order By clause. Gets the collection of parameters that are used to create the Order By clause. The parameters that are used for creating the Order By clause. Gets or sets the fields that are used for ordering grouped data. A string that is used to create the Order Groups By clause. Gets the collection of parameters that are used to create the Order Groups By clause. The parameters that are used to create the Order Groups By clause. Saves the current view state of the control. An object that contains the saved state of the control. Gets or sets the properties and calculated values that are included in the retrieved data. A string that is used to create the Select clause. Occurs when a data retrieval operation has finished. Occurs before a data-retrieval operation. Gets the collection of parameters that are used during a data-retrieval operation. The parameters that are used to create the Select clause. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the data from the data source should be stored in view state to make sure that the data has not been changed by another process before it is updated or deleted. true if the values will be stored in view state; otherwise, false. The default value is true. Gets or sets the name of the property or field in the data context class that represents a data collection. A string that contains the name of the property that contains the data collection. Tracks view state changes to the control so that the changes can be stored in the object for the control. Performs an update operation. The number of records affected by the update operation. The row key values for the records to be updated. The row values to be updated in the data source. The row values that are evaluated to detect data conflicts. Occurs when an update operation has finished. This collection is not used by the class. A collection of parameters. Occurs before an update operation. Gets or sets a value that specifies what conditions must be true for a record to be included in the retrieved data. A string that is used to create the Where clause. Gets the collection of parameters that is used to create the Where clause. A collection of the parameters that are used to create the Where clause in the property. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the data context object to create. The data context object that you have set to the property; otherwise, null. The default is null. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. An object of the type specified in the property that contains the data to delete. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified exception. The exception that occurred when validating the data to delete. Gets the exception that was thrown while the data was being validated before the delete operation. The exception, if an error occurred; otherwise, null. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the exception was handled and that it should not be thrown again. true if the exception was handled; otherwise, false. Gets the object that represents the data to delete. An object of the type specified in the property that contains the data to delete. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The data context object to dispose. Gets the data context object to dispose. An object that represents the data context. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. An object that contains the data to insert. Initializes a new instance of the class and specifies the provided exception. The exception that occurred when the data to insert was being validated. Gets the exception that was thrown while the data was being validated before the insert operation. The exception, if an error occurred; otherwise, null. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the exception was handled and that it should not be thrown again. true if the exception was handled; otherwise, false. Gets the object that contains the data to insert. An object that contains the data to insert. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The values that are passed from the data-bound control that determine how the data is paged and sorted. For more information, see the property. The collection of parameters that is used to create the Where clause. For more information, see the property. The collection of parameters that is used to create the Order By clause. For more information, see the property. The collection of parameters that is used to create the Group By clause. For more information, see the property. The collection of parameter that is used to create the clause that is used for sorting grouped data. For more information, see the property. The collection of parameters that is used to create the Select clause. For more information, see the property. Gets values that determine how the data is returned. An object that contains values for determining how the data is returned. Gets the collection of parameters that is used to create the GroupBy clause. An object that contains the parameters for the GroupBy clause. Gets the collection of parameters that is used to create the OrderBy clause. An object that contains the parameters for the OrderBy clause. Gets the collection of parameters that are used to create the clause that specifies how grouped data is sorted. An object that contains the parameters for the clause that specifies how grouped data is sorted. Gets or sets the data object that is used in the data query. An object that represents the data for the query. Gets the collection of parameters that is used to create the Select clause. An object that contains the parameters for the Select clause. Gets the collection of parameters that is used to create the Where clause. An object that contains the parameters for the Where clause. Provides data for the , , , , and events. Initializes a new instance of the class by using an exception that occurred as a result of the data operation. The error that occurred during the data operation. Initializes a new instance of the class by using an object that contains the data from the data operation. An object that contains the data that results from a data operation. Gets the exception that was thrown during the data operation. An object that represents the exception, if an error occurred; otherwise, null. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the exception was handled and that it should not be thrown again. true if the exception was handled; otherwise, false. Gets the object that represents the result of a data operation. An object that contains the data from the data operation. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. An object of the type specified in the property that contains the initial values that were retrieved from the data source. An object of the type specified in the property that contains the values that will be saved in the data source. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified exception. The exception that occurred when validating the data to update. Gets the exception that was thrown while the data was being validated before the update operation. The exception, if an error occurred; otherwise, null. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the exception was handled and that it should not be thrown again. true if the exception was handled; otherwise, false. Gets the object that contains the values that will be saved in the data source. An object of the type specified in the property that contains the data to save. Gets the object that contains the values that were originally retrieved from the data source. An object of the type specified in the property that contains the data that was retrieved from the data source. Describes an exception that occurred during validation of new or modified values before values are inserted, updated, or deleted by a control. Initializes a new instance of the class with a system-supplied message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the class with serialized data. The object that holds the serialized object data. Context information about the source or destination. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified message that describes the error. The message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified message that describes the error, and a collection of references to inner exceptions. The message that describes the error. The collection of validation exceptions. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. Gets information about the exception and adds it to the object. The object that holds the serialized object data for the exception that is being thrown. Context information about the source or destination. Gets one or more exceptions that occurred when new or modified data was being validated. A collection that contains the exceptions. Supports the control and provides an interface for data-bound controls to perform LINQ data operations. Initializes a new instance of the class, setting the specified control as the owner of the current view. The data source control that the object is associated with. A unique name for the data source view within the scope of the data source control that owns it. The current instance. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the object that is associated with the current control supports dynamic creation of an OrderBy clause. true if the clause generation is supported; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the object that is associated with the current control supports dynamic creation of a Where clause. true if the clause generation is supported; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the object that is associated with the current control supports automatic paging. true if automatic paging is supported; otherwise, false. The default is true. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the object that is associated with the current control supports automatic sorting. true if automatic sorting is supported; otherwise, false. The default is true. Gets a value that indicates whether the object that is associated with the current control supports the delete operation. true if the operation is supported; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets a value that indicates whether the object that is associated with the current control supports the insert operation. true if the operation is supported; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets a value that indicates whether the object that is associated with the current control supports paging of retrieved data. true. Gets a value that indicates whether the object that is associated with the current control supports retrieving the total number of data rows, in addition to retrieving the data. true. Gets a value that indicates whether the object that is associated with the current control supports a sorted view of the retrieved data. true. Gets a value that indicates whether the object that is associated with the current control supports the update operation. true if the operation is supported; otherwise, false. Occurs after an instance of the context type object has been created. Occurs before an instance of the context type object is created. Occurs before disposing the context type object. Gets the type of the data context class. The type that is associated with the data context class specified in the property. Gets or sets the name of the data context class that contains the field or property specified in the property. The name of the data context class. Creates an instance of the data context type. An instance of the data context type. The type of the data context to create. Performs a delete operation. The number of rows that were deleted from the data source. The row key values for the records to delete. The row values that are evaluated to detect data conflicts. The control cannot establish a connection to the underlying data source. The property is false. Occurs when a delete operation has finished. Deletes a data object from a table. The data context of the object to delete. The table that contains the object to delete. The object to delete. Gets the parameters collection that contains the parameters that are used during a delete operation. A collection that contains the parameters that are used by the method. Occurs before a delete operation. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the data source view supports deleting rows. true if the data source view supports deleting rows; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the data source view supports adding new rows. true if the view supports inserting rows; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the data source view supports updating rows. true if the view supports updating rows; otherwise, false. The default is false. Performs a delete operation by using the specified keys and old values. The number of objects or rows that were deleted from the underlying data source. The row key values for the records to be deleted. The row values that are evaluated to detect data conflicts. Performs an insert operation by using the values specified in a collection. The number of objects or rows that were inserted into the data source. The row values to insert into the data source. Performs a data retrieval operation. A list of data objects or rows. An object that is used to request operations on the data beyond basic data retrieval. Performs an update operation. The number of rows that were updated in the data source. The row key values for the records to update. The row values to update in the data source. The row values that are evaluated in order to detect data conflicts. Gets the data object type to use for delete, insert, and update operations. The data object type. The table type. Retrieves metadata about the data collection. An object that contains type metadata for the data collection. An object that represents the data context class. Gets or sets the name or names of the properties to use during the select operation for grouping data. A value that is used to create the GroupBy expression. Gets a collection of parameters whose values are used to create the GroupBy clause during the select operation. A collection of the parameters that are used to create the GroupBy clause. Performs an insert operation. The number of rows that were inserted into the data source. A dictionary that specifies the data to insert. The control cannot create the data classes. The property is false. Inserts a data object into a table. The data context of the object. The table into which the data is inserted. The object to insert. Occurs when an insert operation has finished. Occurs before an insert operation. Gets a collection of parameters that are used during the insert operation. A collection that contains the parameters that are used during the insert operation. Gets a value that indicates whether the object is saving changes to its view state. true if the data source view is marked to save its state; otherwise, false. Restores the previously saved view state for the data source view. The control state to restore. Raises the event The event data. Raises the event. The event data. Raises the event. The event data. Raises the event. The event data. Raises the event. The event data. Raises the event after the control has completed an insert operation. The event data. Raises the event. The event data. Raises the event after the control has completed a data retrieval operation. The event data. Raises the event before the control performs a data-retrieval operation. The event data. Raises the event after the control has completed an update operation. The event data. Raises the event before the control performs an update operation. The event data. Gets or sets the name or names of the properties to use during the select operation for sorting data. A value that is used to create the OrderBy clause. Gets a collection of parameters that are used to create the OrderBy clause. The parameters that are used to create the OrderBy clause. Gets or sets the names of the properties to use during the select operation for sorting grouped data. A value that is used to create the OrderGroupsBy clause. Gets a collection of parameters that are used to create the OrderGroupsBy clause. The parameters that are used to create the OrderGroupsBy clause. Resets the object that contains data to its original state. The table that contains data. The entity that contains the original state of the data. Saves the changes to view state for the control since the time that the page was posted back to the server. The object that contains the changes to the control's view state, or null if there is no view state associated with the object. Retrieves data from the data source. A list of data rows. An object that is used to request operations on the data beyond basic data retrieval. Occurs when a data-retrieval operation has completed. Occurs before a data-retrieval operation. Gets or sets the properties and calculated values that are included in the retrieved data. A value that is used to create the Select clause. Gets the collection of parameters that are used during a data-retrieval operation. The parameters that are used to create the Select clause. Gets or sets a value that indicates that original values from the select operation will be stored in view state when delete or update operations are enabled. true if original values are saved in view state; otherwise, false. The default value is true. For a description of this member, see the property. true if the data source view is marked to save its state; otherwise, false. For a description of this member, see . An object that represents the state to restore. For a description of this member, see the method. The object that contains the changes to the view state, or null if there is no view state associated with the object. For a description of this member, see the method. Gets or sets the name of a property or field of the data context class that contains the data collection. The name of the property that represents the data collection. Tracks view state changes. Performs an update operation. The number of rows that were updated in the data source. The row key values for the records to update. The row values to update in the data source. The row values that are evaluated to detect data conflicts. Occurs when an update operation has finished. Updates a data object. The data context class to update. The data collection that contains the object to update. The object to be updated. The updated object. Gets the collection of parameters that are used during an update operation. A collection of the parameters that are used during an update operation. Occurs before an update operation. Checks whether the data context class derives from . The type of the data context class to validate. Specifies whether the method has been called when a select operation starts. An insert, update, or delete operation is being performed and the data context class does not derive from . Validates that the conditions exist to perform a delete operation. A dictionary of key values for the data records to delete. A dictionary that contains row values to delete. The or property contains a value. is false. Validates that the conditions exist to perform an insert operation. A dictionary that contains row values to insert. The or property contains a value or the parameter does not contain any items. is false. Validates that the OrderBy parameter value is a valid field name for the automatically generated OrderBy clause. The name of the parameter to validate. The value of the parameter to validate. The parameter name is not valid. Verifies that the provided parameter name is valid. The parameter name to verify. The parameter name is not valid. Checks whether the type of the class that represents the data table is a generic type. The table type to validate. Specifies whether the method has been called when a select operation starts. The type of the table is not generic. Validates that the conditions exist to perform an update operation. A dictionary of key values for the data records to update. A dictionary that contains new row values for the update operation. A dictionary that contains the old row values for the update operation. The update operation is not supported. Gets or sets a value that specifies what conditions must be true for a record to be included in the retrieved data. A string that is used to create the Where clause. Gets a collection of parameters that are used to create the Where clause. A collection that contains the parameters that are used by the property. Displays the values of a data source by using user-defined templates. The control enables users to select, sort, delete, edit, and insert records. Initializes a new instance of the class. Overrides the property. Setting this property is not supported by the control. , which indicates that the property is not set. An attempt was made to set the property. 1 Adds the specified control to the specified container. An object that contains the controls to be added to the container. The container that is used to store the child controls. The location in the controls collection at which to add the child control. Gets or sets the custom content for the alternating data item in a control. An object that contains the custom content for the alternating data item in a control. The default is null, which indicates that this property is not set. Overrides the property. Setting this property is not supported by the control. , which indicates that the property is not set. An attempt was made to set the property. 1 Overrides the property. Setting this property is not supported by the control. , which indicates that the property is not set. An attempt was made to set the property. 1 Overrides the property. Setting this property is not supported by the control. , which indicates that the property is not set. An attempt was made to set the property. 1 Overrides the property. Setting this property is not supported by the control. , which indicates that this property is not set. An attempt was made to set the property. 1 Gets a object that represents the child controls of the control. The collection of child controls for the control. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether empty string values ("") are automatically converted to null values when the data field is updated in the data source. true if empty string values are automatically converted to null values; otherwise, false. The default is true. Creates the control hierarchy that is used to render the control, based on the values that are stored in view state. Creates the control hierarchy that is used to render the control by using the specified data source. The number of items that are created. An object that contains the data source for the control. true to indicate that the child controls are bound to data; false to indicate that the control will re-create itself from view state during a postback. returns null for .-or- does not implement the interface and cannot return a value.-or- does not implement the interface and is set to false.-or-The control does not have a group placeholder specified. -or-The control does not have an item placeholder specified. Creates the default style for the control. The style for the control. An attempt was made to invoke the method. Creates a data item in the control. A data item that is created by using the specified parameters. The index of the data item in the underlying data source object. The display index of the data item in the control. Creates the object that contains the arguments that are passed to the data source. The arguments that are passed to the data source. Creates the template in the control. Creates an empty item in the control. The empty item that was created. Creates an insert item in the control. The insert item that was created. The control does not have an template specified. Creates a object with the specified type. A object with the specified type. One of the values. Creates the control hierarchy in groups. An object that contains all the data items of the current page of data in a control. The data source. true to indicate that the control is bound to data; otherwise, false. One of the values. An array that represents the data-key value of each item in the control. The control does not have an item placeholder specified. Creates the control hierarchy without groups. An object that contains all the data items of the current page of data in a control. The data source. true to indicate that the control is bound to data; otherwise, false. One of the values. An array that represents the data-key value of each item in the control. Creates the root container in the control. Overrides the property. Setting this property is not supported by the control. , which indicates that this property is not set. An attempt was made to set the property. 1 Gets or sets an array that contains the names of the primary key fields for the items displayed in a control. An array that contains the names of the primary key fields for the items displayed in a control. Gets a collection of objects that represent the data-key value for each item in a control. An object that contains the data key for each item in a control. Deletes the record at the specified index from the data source. The index of the item to delete. is less than 0.-or-The object that is associated with the control is null. Gets or sets the index of the item being edited. The zero-based index of the item being edited. The default is -1, which indicates that no item is being edited. The property is set to a value less than -1. Gets the item that is in edit mode in a control. The item that is in edit mode in a control, or null if no item is in edit mode. Gets or sets the custom content for the item in edit mode. An object that contains the custom content for the item in edit mode. The default is null, which indicates that this property is not set. Gets or sets the user-defined content for the empty template that is rendered when a control is bound to a data source that does not contain any records. An object that contains the custom content for the empty template. The default is null, which indicates that this property is not set. Gets or sets the user-defined content for the empty item that is rendered in a control when there are no more data items to display in the last row of the current data page. An object that contains the custom content for the empty item. The default is null, which indicates that this property is not set. Ensures that the content is correctly created in the control. Retrieves the values of each field that is declared in the specified item, and stores them in the specified object. A dictionary object that is used to store the field values. The object from which to retrieve the field values. true to include the primary key field or fields; otherwise, false. is null. is not a object. Searches the specified container for a control that has the specified identifier. The specified control, or null if the specified control cannot be found. The identifier for the control to be found. The container to be searched. Overrides the property. This property is not supported by the control. This property is not supported, and throws a error. An attempt was made to access the property. 1 Overrides the property. Setting this property is not supported by the control. , which indicates that the property is not set. An attempt was made to set the property. 1 Gets or sets the number of items to display per group in a control. The number of items to display per group in a control. The default is 1, which indicates that the control will display one item per group. The property is set to a value less than 1. Gets or sets the ID for the group placeholder in a control. The ID for the group placeholder in a control. The default is "groupPlaceholder". The specified ID is null or an empty string. Gets or sets the user-defined content for the separator between groups in a control. An object that contains the custom content for the group separator. The default is null, which indicates that this property is not set. Gets or sets the user-defined content for the group container in a control. An object that contains the custom content for the group container in a control. The default is null, which indicates that this property is not set. Overrides the property. Setting this property is not supported by the control. , which indicates that the property is not set. An attempt was made to set the property. 1 Gets the insert item of a control. An object that represents the insert item of a control. Gets or sets the location of the template when it is rendered as part of the control. One of the values. The default is , which indicates that the content will not be rendered by the control. Gets or sets the custom content for an insert item in the control. An object that contains the custom content for the insert item in the control. The default is null, which indicates that this property is not set. Inserts the current record in the data source. true to perform page validation when this method is called; otherwise, false. The control does not have an insert item.-or-The object associated with the control is null. Populates the specified object by using the child controls that are contained in the template. The container that is used to store the child controls in the template. Populates the specified object by using the child controls that are contained in the template. The container that is used to store the child controls in the template. Populates the specified object by using the child controls that are contained in the template. The container that is used to store the child controls in the template. Populates the specified object by using the child controls that are contained in the template. A container that is used to store the child controls in the template. Populates the specified object by using the child controls that are contained in the template. The container that is used to store the child controls in the template. Populates the specified object by using the child controls that are contained in the template. The container that is used to store the child controls in the template. Populates the specified object by using child controls from one of the control templates. The container that is used to store the child controls. The display index of the item that is being instantiated. The control does not have an template specified. Occurs when a cancel operation is requested, but before the control cancels the insert or edit operation. Occurs when a button in a control is clicked. Occurs when an item is created in a control. Occurs when a data item is bound to data in a control. Occurs when a delete operation is requested, after the control deletes the item. Occurs when a delete operation is requested, but before the control deletes the item. Occurs when an edit operation is requested, but before the item is put in edit mode. Occurs when an insert operation is requested, after the control has inserted the item in the data source. Occurs when an insert operation is requested, but before the control performs the insert. Gets or sets the ID for the item placeholder in a control. The ID for the item placeholder in a control. The default is "itemPlaceholder". The specified ID is null or an empty string. Gets a collection of objects that represent the data items of the current page of data in a control. An object that contains all the data items of the current page of data in a control. Gets or sets the custom content for the separator between the items in a control. An object that contains the custom content for the separator between the items of the control. The default is null, which indicates that this property is not set. Gets or sets the custom content for the data item in a control. An object that contains the custom content for the data item in a control. The default is null, which indicates that this property is not set. Occurs when an update operation is requested, after the control updates the item. Occurs when an update operation is requested, but before the control updates the item. Occurs when the template is created in a control. Gets or sets the custom content for the root container in a control. An object that contains the custom content for the root container in a control. The default is null, which indicates that this property is not set. Loads the state of the properties in the control that must be persisted, even when the property is set to false. An object that contains the saved control state values for the control. Loads the previously saved view state of the control. An object that contains the saved view state values for the control. Gets the maximum number of items to display on a single page of the control. The maximum number of items to display on a single page of the control. Determines whether an event for the control should be handled. true if the event should be handled; otherwise, false. The source of the event. The event data. Raises the event. The event data. Raises the event. The event data. There is no handler for the event. Raises the event. The event data. Raises the event. The event data. Raises the event. The event data. Raises the event. The event data. Raises the event. The event data. The control is not bound to a data source control by using the property. Raises the event. The event data. The control is not bound to a data source control by using the property. Raises the event. The event data. Raises the event. The event data. The control is not bound to a data source control by using the property. Raises the event. The event data. Raises the event. The event data. The control is not bound to a data source control by using the property. Raises the event. The event data. Raises the event. The event data. Raises the event. The event data. Raises the event. The event data. Raises the event. The event data. There is no handler for the event. Raises the event. The event data. Raises the event. The event data. The control is not bound to a data source control by using the property. Raises the event. The event data. Occurs when the page properties change, after the control sets the new values. Occurs when the page properties change, but before the control sets the new values. Binds the control to the specified data source. An object that implements the interface and that contains the data. Retrieves data from the associated data source. Deletes all child controls in an item or group container of the control. Renders the Web server control content to the client's browser by using the specified object. The object that is used to render the server control content on the client's browser. Saves the state of the properties in the control that must be persisted, even when the property is set to false. Returns the server control's current view state. If there is no view state associated with the control, this method returns null. Saves the current view state of the control. An object that contains the saved view state values for the control. Gets the data-key value for the selected item in a control. The data key for the selected item in a control. The default is null, which indicates that no item is currently selected. No data keys are specified in the property. Gets or sets the index of the selected item in a control. The zero-based index of the selected item in a control. The default is -1, which indicates that no item is currently selected. The property is set to a value less than -1. Occurs when an item's Select button is clicked, after the control handles the select operation. Occurs when an item's Select button is clicked, but before the control handles the select operation. Gets or sets the custom content for the selected item in a control. An object that contains the custom content for the selected item in a control. The default is null, which indicates that this property is not set. Gets the data-key value of the selected item in a control. The data-key value of the selected item in a control. Sets the properties of a page of data in the control. The index of the first record on the page. The maximum number of items on a single page. true to rebind the control after the properties are set; otherwise, false. is less than 1.-or- is less than 0. Sorts the control, depending on the specified sort expression and direction. The sort expression to sort the control with. One of the values. The control is bound to a data source control, but the object that is associated with the data source is null. Gets the sort direction of the field or fields that are being sorted. One of the values. The default is SortDirection.Ascending. Occurs when a sort operation is requested, after the control handles the sort operation. Gets the sort expression that is associated with the field or fields that are being sorted. The sort expression that is associated with the field or fields that are being sorted. Occurs when a sort operation is requested, but before the control handles the sort operation. Gets the index of the first record that is displayed on a page of data in the control. The index of the first record that is displayed on a page of data in the control. For a description of this member, see . The maximum number of items to display on a single page of the control. For a description of this member, see . The index of the first record on the page. The maximum number of items on a single page. true to rebind the control after the properties are set; otherwise, false. For a description of this member, see . The index of the first record that is displayed on a page of data in the control. For a description of this member, see . Overrides the property. Setting this property is not supported by the control. 0, which indicates that the property is not set. An attempt was made to set the property. 1 Overrides the property. Setting this property is not supported by the control. , which indicates that the property is not set. An attempt was made to set the property. 1 Updates the record at the specified index in the data source. The index of the item to update. true to perform page validation when this method is called; otherwise, false. is less than 0.-or-The object that is associated with the control is null. Overrides the property. Setting this property is not supported by the control. , which indicates that the property is not set. An attempt was made to set the property. 1 Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The index of the item that contains the Cancel button that raised the event. One of the values that indicates which operation the user canceled. Gets the data-entry mode that the control was in when the Cancel button was clicked. One of the values. Gets the index of the item that contains the Cancel button that raised the event. The zero-based index of the item that contains the Cancel button that raised the event. Determines the type of operation that the user was performing when the Cancel button was clicked in a item. The user canceled an edit operation. The user canceled an insert operation. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class by using the specified source of the command and event arguments. The item from the control for which the command was issued. The source of the command. The event data. Gets the source of the command. The source of the command. Gets the data item for which the command was issued. The data item from the control for which the command was issued. Represents an individual data item in a control. Initializes a new instance of the class. The index of the in the underlying data source object. The position of the data item as displayed in the control. Gets or sets the underlying data object that the object is bound to. The underlying data object that the object is bound to. Gets the index of the in the underlying data source object. The zero-based index of the in the underlying data source object. Gets the position of the data item as displayed in the control. The zero-based position of the data item as displayed in the control. Determines whether to pass an event up the page's ASP.NET server control hierarchy. true if the event has been sent to the parent control; otherwise, false. The source of the event. The event data. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The number of rows that were affected by the delete operation. The exception that was raised when the delete operation was performed, if any. If no exception was raised, use null. Gets the number of rows that were affected by the delete operation. The number of rows that were affected by the delete operation. Gets the exception, if any, that was raised during the delete operation. The exception that was raised during the delete operation, if any; otherwise, null. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether an exception that was raised during the delete operation was handled in the event handler. true if the exception was handled in the event handler; otherwise, false. The default value is false. Gets the key or keys for the deleted item. The key or keys for the deleted item. Gets the non-key field values for the deleted item. The non-key field values for the deleted item. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The index of the item that contains the Delete button that raised the event. Gets the index of the item being deleted. The zero-based index of the item being deleted. Gets a dictionary of field name/value pairs that represent the primary key or keys of the item to delete. An object that contains the name/value pairs that represent the primary key or keys of the item to delete. Gets a dictionary of the non-key field name/value pairs in the item to delete. An object that contains the non-key field name/value pairs of the item to delete. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The index of the item to edit. Gets the index of the item that is being edited. The index of the item that is being edited. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The number of rows affected by the insert operation. The exception that is raised when the insert operation was performed, if any. If no exception was raised, use null for this parameter. Gets the number of rows affected by the insert operation. The number of rows affected by the insert operation. Gets the exception (if any) that was raised during the insert operation. The exception that was raised during the insert operation, or null if no exception was raised. Gets or sets a that indicates whether an exception that was raised during the insert operation was handled in the event handler. true if the exception was handled in the event handler; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the user's input values are preserved for the controls inside the template. true if the user's input values are preserved for the controls inside the template; false if the user's input values are replaced with the default values for the controls. The default is false. Gets field name/value pairs for the inserted record. The field name/value pairs for the inserted record. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The data item that is being inserted into the data source. Gets a object that represents the data item to be inserted. The data item to be inserted. Gets the values for the record to insert. The values for the record to insert. Represents an individual item in a control. Initializes a new instance of the class. One of the enumeration values. Gets the item type of the object. One of the values. Determines whether to pass an event up the page's ASP.NET server control hierarchy. true if the event has been canceled; otherwise, false. The source of the event. The event data. Provides data for the and events. Initializes a new instance of the class. The item being created or data-bound. Gets the item that is being created or bound to data. The item that is being created or bound to data. Specifies the function of an item in the control. A data item in the control. An insert item in the control. An empty item in the control. The empty item is displayed when the control has no records to display, or when a group in the control has no more records to display. Encapsulates the paging-related properties of a control. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether server-based paging is enabled. true if server-based paging is enabled; otherwise, false. Copies all the items from the data source to the specified object, starting at the specified index in . A zero-based object that receives the copied items from the data source. The first position in the specified object to receive the copied contents. Gets the number of items that will be used from the data source for the current page. The number of items that will be used from the data source for the current page. Gets or sets the data source. An object that implements that represents the data source. Gets the number of items in the data source. The number of items in the data source. The data source object does not implement the interface. Returns an object that implements and that contains all items in the data source. An object that contains all items in the data source. Returns a object that represents the properties that are used to bind data. The object that represents the properties that are used to bind data. An array of objects to find in the collection as bindable. This can be null. Returns the name of the list. This method does not apply to this class. An empty string in all cases. An array of objects that this list name is returned for. Gets a value that indicates whether the object is read-only. false in all cases. Gets a value that indicates whether server-based paging is enabled. true if server-based paging is indicated by using the property; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether access to the data source is synchronized (thread-safe). false in all cases. Gets or sets the maximum number of items to display on a single page. The maximum number of items to display on a single page. Gets or sets the index of the first record displayed on the page. The index of the first record displayed on the page. Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. An object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. Gets or sets the total number of items in the data source when server-based paging is being used. The total number of items in the data source when server-based paging is being used. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The index of the new item to select in the control. Gets or sets the index of the new item to select in the control. The index of the new item to select in the control. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The sort expression that is used to sort the items in the control. A value that indicates the direction in which to sort the items in the control. Gets or sets the direction in which to sort the control. One of the values. Gets or sets the expression that is used to sort the items in the control. The expression that is used to sort the items in the control. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The number of rows that were affected by the update operation. The exception that was raised when the update operation was performed, if any. If no exception is raised, use null. Gets the number of rows that were affected by the update operation. The number of rows that were affected by the update operation. Gets the exception, if any, that was raised during the update operation. The exception that was raised during the update operation, if any; if no exception was raised, null. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether an exception that was raised during the update operation was handled during the event. true if the exception was handled in the event handler; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the control should remain in edit mode after an update operation. true if the control should remain in edit mode after an update operation; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets a dictionary that contains the new values for the updated item. The new values for the updated item. Gets a dictionary that contains the original values for the updated item. The original values for the updated item. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The index of the item being updated. Gets the index of the data item that is being updated. The index of the data item that is being updated. Gets a dictionary of field name/value pairs that represent the key or keys of the item to update. The field name/value pairs that represent the key or keys of the item to update. Gets a dictionary that contains the revised values of the item to update. The revised values of the item to update. Gets a dictionary that contains the original values of the item to update. The original values of the item to update. Represents a field that displays navigation controls in a control enable users to page through data. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the cascading style sheet (CSS) class that is used to render the buttons of the pager field on the browser. The CSS class used to render the buttons of the pager field on the client. The default is an empty string, which indicates that the property is not set. Gets or sets the button type to display in the pager field. One of the values. The default is ButtonType.Link. The value for the property is not one of the values. Copies the properties of the current object to the specified object. The to copy the properties of the current to. Creates the user interface (UI) controls for the pager field object and adds them to the specified container. The container that is used to store the controls. The index of the first record on the page. The maximum number of items on a single page. The total number of items. The index of the data pager field in the collection. Creates and returns a new instance of the class. A new instance of the class. Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current instance. Gets or sets the URL to an image that is displayed for the first-page button. The URL to an image that is displayed for the first-page button. The default is an empty string (""), which indicates that the property is not set. Gets or sets the text that is displayed for the first-page button. The text that is displayed for the first-page button. The default is "First". Serves as a hash function for the class. A hash code for the current object. Handles events that occur in the control and performs the appropriate action. The event data. Gets or sets the URL to an image that is displayed for the last-page button in the object. The URL to an image that is displayed for the last-page button in the object. The default is an empty string (""), which indicates that the property is not set. Gets or sets the text that is displayed for the last-page button. The text that is displayed for the last-page button. The default is "Last". Gets or sets the URL to an image that is displayed for the next-page button in the object. The URL to an image that is displayed for the next-page button in the object. The default is an empty string (""), which indicates that the property is not set. Gets or sets the text that is displayed for the next-page button. The text that is displayed for the next-page button. The default is "Next". Gets or sets the URL to an image that is displayed for the previous-page button in the object. The URL to an image that is displayed for the previous-page button in the object. The default is an empty string (""), which indicates that the property is not set. Gets or sets the text that is displayed for the previous-page button. The text that is displayed for the previous-page button. The default is "Previous". Gets or sets a value that indicates whether disabled buttons are rendered as controls by the object. true if disabled buttons are rendered as controls; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether non-breaking spaces are rendered between controls. true if non-breaking spaces are rendered between controls; otherwise, false. The default is true. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the first-page button is displayed in a object. true if the first-page button is displayed in a object; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the last-page button is displayed in a object. true if the last-page button is displayed in a object; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the next-page button is displayed in a object. true if the next-page button is displayed in a object; otherwise, false. The default is true. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the previous-page button is displayed in a object. true if the previous-page button is displayed in a object; otherwise, false. The default is true. Represents a field that enables users to select a page by page number. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the number of buttons to display in a object. The number of buttons to display in a object. The default is 5. The property is set to a value less than 1. Gets or sets the button type to display in the pager field. One of the values. The default is . The value for the property is not one of the values. Copies the properties of the current object to the specified object. The object to copy the properties of the current object to. Creates the user interface (UI) controls for the pager field object and adds them to the specified container. The container that is used to store the controls. The index of the first record on the page. The maximum number of items on a single page. The total number of items. The index of the data pager field in the collection. Creates and returns a new instance of the class. A new instance of the class. Gets or sets the cascading style sheet (CSS) class that is used to style the current page number. The CSS class that is used to style the current page number in the browser. The default is an empty string (""), which indicates that the property is not set. Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current instance. Serves as a hash function for the class. A hash code for the current object. For more information, see the class. Handles events that occur in the object and performs the appropriate action. The event data. Gets or sets the URL of an image that is displayed for the next-page button in the object. The URL of an image that is displayed for the next-page button in the object. The default is an empty string (""), which indicates that the property is not set. Gets or sets the text that is displayed for the next-page button. The text that is displayed for the next-page button. The default is "…". Gets or sets the cascading style sheet (CSS) class that is used to style the next-page and previous-page buttons of the pager field. The CSS class that is used to style the next-page and previous-page buttons of the pager field. The default is an empty string (""), which indicates that the property is not set. Gets or sets the cascading style sheet (CSS) class that is used to style the page-number buttons of the pager field. The CSS class that is used to style the page-number buttons of the pager field. The default is an empty string (""), which indicates that the property is not set. Gets or sets the URL of an image that is displayed for the previous-page button in the object. The URL to an image that is displayed for the previous-page button in the object. The default is an empty string (""), which indicates that the property is not set. Gets or sets the text that is displayed for the previous-page button. The text that is displayed for the previous-page button. The default is "…". Gets or sets a value that indicates whether non-breaking spaces will be rendered between controls. true if non-breaking spaces will be rendered between controls; otherwise, false. The default is true. Provides data for the event of a class that implements the interface. Initializes a new instance of the class. The index of the first record on a page of data. The maximum number of items to display on each page of data. The total number of records. Gets the maximum number of records to display on each page. The maximum number of records to display on each page. Gets the index of the first record on a page. The index of the first record on a page. Gets the total number of records in the underlying data source. The total number of records of the underlying data source. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The index of the first item of the page. The maximum number of items to display on each page of data. Gets the maximum number of items to display on each page of data. The maximum number of items to display in a page of data in the control. Gets the index of the first item of the page. The index of the first item to display in a page of data in the control. Represents a field that enables you to create a custom paging UI. Initializes a new instance of the class. Copies the properties of the current object to the specified object. The object to which the properties of the current instance will be copied. Creates the user interface (UI) controls for the pager field object and adds them to the specified container. The container that is used to store the controls. The index of the first record on the page. The maximum number of items on a single page. The total number of items. The index of the data pager field in the collection. Creates and returns a new instance of the class. A new instance of the class. Handles events that occur in the object and performs the appropriate action. The event data. Raises the event. The event data. There is no handler for the event. Occurs when a button is clicked in a object. Gets or sets the custom content for the pager field in a control. A template object that contains the custom content for the pager field in a control. The default is null, which indicates that this property is not set. Creates a new instance of the class that is associated with this control. An object that acts as the interface for data-bound controls. Gets or sets the value that indicates whether changes to the data context object are tracked. true if the data context object is tracked for changes; otherwise, false. The default is true. For a description of this member, see . The type that is associated with the class. For a description of this member, see . The name of the entity. For a description of this member, see . Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified data operation. The data operation that is being performed. Gets the data operation that is being performed. A value that represents the type of data operation that is being performed. Initializes a new instance of the class with an object that contains the data from the data operation and the number of rows returned. An object that contains the data that results from a data operation. The number of rows that were returned from a data retrieval operation. Gets the total number of rows in a data set from a data-retrieval operation. The total number of rows in a data set from the data retrieval operation; -1 if the object was created during a data modification operation; -1 if you enabled customized paging by setting to true and by setting to false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether changes to the data-context object are tracked. true if the data-context object is tracked for changes; otherwise, false. The default is true. Raises the event when a data operation fails. The event data. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a validator control will handle exceptions that occur during insert or update operations. true if a validator control will handle exceptions that occur during insert or update operations; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets the data-key value for the persisted selected item in a control. The data key for the persisted selected item in a control. The default is null, which indicates that no item is currently selected. For a description of this member, see . The data-key value for the selected record in a data-bound control. Describes the type of operation that is being performed by the data source object. The data source object is performing a delete operation. The data source object is performing an insert operation. The data source object is performing a select operation. The data source object is performing an update operation. The data source object is creating the data context object. Base class for classes that contain event data. Initializes a new instance of the class, using the exception that occurred and the data source operation that caused the exception. The exception that occurred. The data source operation that caused the exception. Gets the exception that occurs during a data source operation event. The exception that occurred during the data source operation event. Gets the data source operation that caused an exception in the class. The data source operation that caused the exception. Represents a data source for a Dynamic Data control. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the control dynamically creates a Where clause that is based on values defined in the collection. true if the data source control creates the Where clause dynamically; otherwise, false. Gets the type of the class. The type of the class. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the data source view supports deleting rows. true if the data source view supports deleting rows; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the data source view supports inserting rows. true if the data source view supports inserting rows; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the data source view supports updating rows. true if the view supports updating rows; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the entity set name. The name of the entity. Occurs when a data field fails to validate. Gets or sets a value that specifies the condition that must be true for a record to be included in the retrieved data by a Where clause. The value that is used to create the Where clause. Gets a collection of parameters that are used to create a Where clause. A collection that contains the parameters that are used by this property. Represents an interface implemented by Dynamic Data Exception classes. Gets the exceptions that occur when a new or edited data field is validated. A collection that contains all the exceptions that occurred.