Microsoft.VisualC.STLCLR Describes a two-argument delegate. You use it to specify the arguments and return type of the delegate. The return type of the delegate. Supports simple iteration over any STL/CLR object that implements the interface. Allocates and initializes a new object. The container to iterate over. The offset of the current first element in the container. Gets or sets the current element in the collection. The current element in the collection. Frees, releases, or resets unmanaged resources that are used by the object. Frees, releases, or resets unmanaged resources that are used by the object. Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection. Supports simple iteration over any STL/CLR object that implements the interface. Allocates and initializes a new object. The container over which to iterate. The offset of the current first element in the container. Gets or sets the current element in the collection. The current element in the collection. Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection. Describes an object that wraps a pair of values. Constructs a new object with default values for and . Constructs a new object from an existing object. The object to be copied into the new object. Constructs a new object from an existing object. The object to be copied into the new object. Constructs a new object and assigns its first value to the specified value. The value to store in . The value is assigned the default value for its type. Constructs a new object with the two values specified. The value to store in . The value to store in . Determines if two objects are equal. true if the two objects are equal; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. The first wrapped value of the object. Replaces the stored pair of values in the object. This method returns *this. The object to copy. The second wrapped value of the object. Swaps the contents of two objects. The object to swap contents with. Supports simple iteration over any STL/CLR object that implements the interface. Allocates and initializes a new object. The first node in the container over which to iterate. Gets or sets the current element in the collection. The current element in the collection. Frees, releases, or resets unmanaged resources that are used by the object. Frees, releases, or resets unmanaged resources that are used by the object. Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection. Supports simple iteration over any STL/CLR object that implements the interface. Allocates and initializes a new object. The first node in the container over which to iterate. Gets or sets the current element in the collection. The current element in the collection. Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection. Defines the interface of an STL/CLR deque object. Replaces all elements of the container with the elements specified by the given objects. The starting position of the range to insert into the container. The first position beyond the end of the range to insert into the container. Replaces all elements of the container with the elements in the given object. The enumeration to insert into the container. Replaces all elements of the container with the given number of specified elements. The number of elements to insert into the container. The value of the element to insert into the container. Accesses an element at a specified position in the container. The element of the controlled sequence at position . Position of element to access. Accesses the last element of the container. The last element of the controlled sequence, which must be non-empty. Accesses the last element of a non-empty deque collection. The last element of the controlled sequence. Designates the beginning of the controlled sequence. A random-access iterator that designates the first element of the controlled sequence, or just beyond the end of an empty sequence. You use it to obtain an iterator that designates the beginning of the controlled sequence, but its status can change if the length of the controlled sequence changes. Gets the bias of the beginning of the current sequence. The bias is the offset of the current element zero. The bias of the beginning of the current sequence. Removes all elements in the container. Tests whether the container holds no elements. true if the container is empty; otherwise, false. Designates the end of the controlled sequence. A random-access iterator that points to the location immediately beyond the end of the controlled sequence. You use it to obtain an iterator that designates the end of the controlled sequence, but its status can change if the length of the controlled sequence changes. Gets the bias of the end of the current sequence. The bias is the offset of the current element zero. The bias of the end of the current sequence. Removes the element at the specified position. An iterator that designates the first element remaining beyond any elements removed, or if no such element exists. The element to erase. Removes the elements between the specified iterators. An iterator that designates the first element remaining beyond any elements removed, or if no such element exists. The beginning position of the range to erase. The position one beyond the last element of the range to erase. Accesses the first element of the container. The first element of the controlled sequence, which must be non-empty. Accesses the first element of a non-empty deque collection. The first element of the controlled sequence. Gets the current change generation of the underlying container. The current change generation of the underlying container. Adds an element at a specified position in the container. An iterator that designates the newly inserted element. The location in the container in front of which to insert. The element to be inserted into the container. Adds elements at a specified position in the container. The location in the container in front of which to insert. The beginning of the range to insert into the container. The first position beyond the end of the range to insert into the container. Adds elements at a specified position in the container. The location in the container in front of which to insert. The enumeration of elements to insert into the container. Adds the given number of elements at a specified position in the container. The location in the container in front of which to insert. The number of elements to insert into the container. The value of the elements to be inserted into the container. Gets or sets the element at the indicated position in the container. The element at the indicated position. The position of the element to get or set. Removes the last element of a non-empty container. Removes the first element of a non-empty container. Adds an element to the end of a container. The element to append to the end of the container. Adds an element to the beginning of a container. The element to add to the beginning of the container. Designates the beginning of the reversed controlled sequence. A reverse iterator that designates the last element of the controlled sequence, or just beyond the beginning of an empty sequence. Hence, it designates the of the reverse sequence. You use it to obtain an iterator that designates the beginning of the controlled sequence seen in reverse order, but its status can change if the length of the controlled sequence changes. Designates the end of the reversed controlled sequence. A reverse iterator that points just beyond the beginning of the controlled sequence. Hence, it designates the of the reverse sequence. You use it to obtain an iterator that designates the end of the controlled sequence seen in reverse order, but its status can change if the length of the controlled sequence changes. Changes the number of elements. The new size of the controlled sequence. Changes the number of elements. The new size of the controlled sequence. The value of the padding element. Counts the number of elements. The length of the controlled sequence. Swaps the contents of two containers. Defines the interface of the STL/CLR hash_map, hash_multimap, hash_set, and hash_multiset objects. Designates the beginning of the controlled sequence. A bidirectional iterator that designates the first element of the controlled sequence, or just beyond the end of an empty sequence. You use it to obtain an iterator that designates the beginning of the controlled sequence, but its status can change if the length of the controlled sequence changes. Counts the number of buckets in the hash table. The current number of buckets in the hash table. Removes all elements from the container. Finds the number of elements that match a specified key. The number of elements in the controlled sequence that have the same key as . You use it to determine the number of elements currently in the controlled sequence that match a specified key. The key value for which to search. Tests whether no elements are present in the container. true if the container has no elements; otherwise, false. Designates the end of the controlled sequence. A bidirectional iterator that points just beyond the end of the controlled sequence. You use it to obtain an iterator that designates the end of the controlled sequence. Its status does not change when the length of the controlled sequence changes. Finds the range that matches a specified key. A pair of iterators that determine the range of elements currently in the controlled sequence that match a specified key. The key value for which to search. Removes from the container the element that is specified by the given iterator. An iterator that designates the first element beyond the removed element, or if no such element exists. An iterator that points to the element to erase. Removes from the container the elements between the specified iterators. An iterator that designates the first element beyond the elements removed, or if no such element exists. An iterator that points to the beginning of the range to erase. An iterator that points to the position that immediately follows the range to erase. Removes elements from the container that match the specified key. The number of elements removed. The key value to erase. Finds an element that matches a specified key. An iterator that designates one of the found elements; or if no element is found. The key value for which to search. Returns the delegate that is used to convert a key value to an integer. The delegate that is used to convert a key value to an integer. Adds the given element to the container. An iterator that designates the newly inserted element. An iterator that specifies where in the container to insert the element. This is a hint only and is used to improve performance. The element might not be inserted at this location. The key value to insert into the container. Adds to the container the elements specified by the given iterators. An iterator that points to the beginning of the range of elements to insert. An iterator that points to the element that immediately follows the range of elements to insert. Adds the given value to the container. A pair of values X. If X.second is true, X.first designates the newly inserted element; otherwise X.first designates an element with equivalent ordering that already exists, and no new element is inserted. The key value to insert into the container. Adds the given enumeration to the container. The enumeration to insert into the container. Returns the ordering delegate that is used to order the controlled sequence. You use it to compare two keys. The ordering delegate that is used to order the controlled sequence. Counts the average number of elements per bucket in the hash table. The average number of elements per bucket in the hash table. Finds the beginning of the range of elements that match a specified key. An iterator that designates the first element in the controlled sequence that hashes to the same bucket as and has equivalent ordering to . If no such element exists, it returns . The key value for which to search. Gets the maximum number of elements per bucket in the hash table. The maximum number of elements per bucket in the hash table. Sets the maximum number of elements per bucket in the hash table. The maximum number of elements per bucket in the hash table. Designates the beginning of the reversed controlled sequence. A reverse iterator that designates the last element of the controlled sequence, or just beyond the beginning of an empty sequence. Hence, it designates the of the reverse sequence. You use it to obtain an iterator that designates the beginning of the controlled sequence seen in reverse order. Its status can change if the length of the controlled sequence changes. Rebuilds the hash table. The number of buckets for the hash table. Designates the end of the reversed controlled sequence. A reverse iterator that points just beyond the beginning of the controlled sequence. Hence, it designates the of the reverse sequence. You use it to obtain an iterator that designates the end of the controlled sequence seen in reverse order. Its status can change if the length of the controlled sequence changes. Counts the number of elements in the container. The length of the controlled sequence. Swaps the contents of two containers. The container with which to swap contents. Finds the end of the range of elements that match a specified key. An iterator that designates the first element beyond the last element in the controlled sequence that hashes to the same bucket as and has equivalent ordering to . If no such element exists, it returns . The key value to search for. Returns the ordering delegate that is used to order the controlled sequence. The ordering delegate that is used to order the controlled sequence. Defines the interface for an STL/CLR list object. Replaces the controlled sequence with the sequence [, ). The beginning position of the range of elements to insert into the container. The first position beyond the range of elements to insert into the container. Replaces the controlled sequence with the sequence that is designated by the given enumerator. The enumeration whose elements are to be inserted into the container. Replaces the controlled sequence with the specified number of the given element. The number of elements to insert into the container. The value of the elements to insert into the container. Accesses the last element of the container. The last element of the controlled sequence, which must be non-empty. Accesses the last element of the container. The last element of the controlled sequence, which must be non-empty. Designates the beginning of the controlled sequence. A random-access iterator that designates the first element of the controlled sequence, or just beyond the end of an empty sequence. You use it to obtain an iterator that designates the beginning of the controlled sequence, but its status can change if the length of the controlled sequence changes. Removes all elements from the container. Tests whether the container has no elements. true if the container has no elements; otherwise, false. Designates the end of the controlled sequence. A random-access iterator that points just beyond the end of the controlled sequence. You use it to obtain an iterator that designates the end of the controlled sequence. Its status does not change if the length of the controlled sequence changes. Removes the single element of the controlled sequence pointed to by the given iterator. An iterator that designates the first element remaining beyond any elements removed, or if no such element exists. The position of the element to erase. Removes the elements of the controlled sequence in the range [, ). An iterator that designates the first element remaining beyond any elements removed, or if no such element exists. The beginning position of the range of elements to erase. The first position beyond the range of elements to erase. Accesses the first element of the container. The first element of the controlled sequence, which must be non-empty. Accesses the first element of the container. The first element of the controlled sequence, which must be non-empty. Inserts an element of the given value into the container. An iterator that designates the newly inserted element. The position in the container immediately following the newly inserted elements. The value of the element to insert into the container. Inserts the sequence [, ) into the container. The position in the container immediately following the newly inserted elements. The beginning position of the range of elements to insert into the container. The first position beyond the range of elements to insert into the container. Inserts the elements of the specified enumerator into the container. The position in the container to insert before. The enumeration whose elements are to be inserted into the container. Inserts the specified number of elements of the given value into the container. The position in the container immediately following the newly inserted elements. The number of elements to insert into the container. The value of the elements to insert into the container. Merges two ordered controlled sequences. The container to merge into this container. The Boolean functor for comparing pairs of elements. Removes the last element from the container. Removes the first element from the container. Adds a new element to the end of the container. The value of the element to append to the container. Adds a new element to the beginning of the container. The value of the element to insert at the beginning of the container. Designates the beginning of the reversed controlled sequence. A reverse iterator that designates the last element of the controlled sequence, or the position just beyond the beginning of an empty sequence. Hence, it designates the of the reverse sequence. You use it to obtain an iterator that designates the beginning of the controlled sequence that is seen in reverse order, but its status can change if the length of the controlled sequence changes. Removes an element that has a specified value from the container. The value of the element to remove from the container. Removes elements from the container that pass a specified test. A Boolean test that determines which elements will be removed. Designates the end of the reversed controlled sequence. A reverse iterator that points just beyond the beginning of the controlled sequence. Hence, it designates the of the reverse sequence. You use it to obtain an iterator that designates the end of the controlled sequence seen in reverse order, but its status can change if the length of the controlled sequence changes. Changes the number of elements in the container to the specified size. The new size of the container. Changes the number of elements in the container to the specified size. If the new size is larger than the old size, the given values will be appended to the container. The new size of the container. The value of the padding elements. Reverses the elements of the controlled sequence. Counts the number of elements in the container. The length of the controlled sequence. Orders the controlled sequence. The operator that will be used to compare elements for ordering. Inserts the given sequence into the container before the specified position. The position in the container before which to splice. The container to splice from. All elements will be removed from this container after the splice operation. Removes the element from the given container pointed to by and inserts it before the element in the controlled sequence pointed to by . The position in the container before which to splice. The container to splice from. The position of the element to splice. Removes the range of elements [, ) from the given container and inserts it before the element in the controlled sequence pointed to by . The position in the container before which to splice. The container to splice from. The beginning position of the range of elements to splice. The first position beyond the range of elements to splice. Swaps the contents of two containers. The container to swap contents with. Removes adjacent elements that pass a specified test. The comparer that determines whether element pairs are unique. An element that is not unique will be removed from the container. Defines the interface for an STL/CLR priority_queue object. Replaces all elements of the container. The container adapter to insert into the container. Determines whether the container contains no elements. true if the container contains no elements; otherwise, false. Accesses the underlying container. The underlying container. You can use it to bypass the restrictions that are imposed by the container wrapper. Removes the highest-priority element of the container. Adds a new element to the container. An element to insert into the controlled sequence. The controlled sequence is then reordered to maintain the heap discipline. Counts the number of elements in the container. The length of the controlled sequence. Accesses the highest-priority element of the container. The top (highest-priority) element of the controlled sequence, which must be non-empty. Accesses the highest-priority element of the container. The top (highest-priority) element of the controlled sequence, which must be non-empty. Copies the ordering delegate for two elements. The ordering delegate used to order the controlled sequence. You use it to compare two values. Defines the interface for an STL/CLR queue object. Replaces all elements of the container with the contents of the provided container. The container adapter whose elements will be inserted into the container. Accesses the last element of the container. The last element of the controlled sequence, which must be non-empty. Determines whether the container contains no elements. true if the container contains no elements; otherwise, false. Accesses the first element of the container. The first element of the controlled sequence, which must be non-empty. Accesses the underlying container. The underlying container. You use it to bypass the restrictions that are imposed by the container wrapper. Removes the last element of the container. Adds an element to the beginning of the container. The value to add to the beginning of the container. Counts the number of elements in the container. The length of the controlled sequence. Defines the interface of an STL/CLR stack object. Replaces all elements in the container with the elements in the provided container. The container adapter whose elements are to be inserted into the container. Determines whether the container contains no elements. true if the container contains no elements; otherwise, false. Accesses the underlying container. The underlying container. You use it to bypass the restrictions that are imposed by the container wrapper. Removes the last element of the container. Appends an element to the container. The value to be appended to the container. Counts the number of elements in the container. The length of the controlled sequence. Accesses the last element of the container. The last element of the controlled sequence, which must be non-empty. Accesses the last element of the container. The last element of the controlled sequence, which must be non-empty. Defines the interface of the STL/CLR hash_map, hash_multimap, hash_set, and hash_multiset objects. Designates the beginning of the controlled sequence. A bidirectional iterator that designates the first element of the controlled sequence, or just beyond the end of an empty sequence. You use it to obtain an iterator that designates the beginning of the controlled sequence, but its status can change if the length of the controlled sequence changes. Removes all elements from the container. Finds the number of elements that match a specified key. The number of elements in the controlled sequence that have the same key as . You use it to determine the number of elements currently in the controlled sequence that match a specified key. The key value for which to search. Tests whether no elements are present in the container. true if the container has no elements; otherwise, false. Designates the end of the controlled sequence. A bidirectional iterator that points just beyond the end of the controlled sequence. You use it to obtain an iterator that designates the end of the controlled sequence. Its status does not change when the length of the controlled sequence changes. Finds the range that matches a specified key. A pair of iterators that determine the range of elements currently in the controlled sequence that match a specified key. The key value for which to search. Removes from the container the element that is specified by the given iterator. An iterator that designates the first element beyond the removed element, or if no such element exists. An iterator that points to the element to erase. Removes from the container the elements between the specified iterators. An iterator that designates the first element beyond the elements removed, or if no such element exists. An iterator that points to the beginning of the range to erase. An iterator that points to the position that immediately follows the range to erase. Removes elements from the container that match the specified key. The number of elements removed. The key value to erase. Finds an element that matches a specified key. An iterator that designates one of the found elements; or if no element is found. The key value for which to search. Adds the given element to the container. An iterator that designates the newly inserted element. An iterator that specifies where in the container to insert the element. This is a hint only and is used to improve performance. The element might not be inserted at this location. The key value to insert into the container. Adds to the container the elements specified by the given iterators. An iterator that points to the beginning of the range of elements to insert. An iterator that points to the element that immediately follows the range of elements to insert. Adds the given value to the container. A pair of values X. If X.second is true, X.first designates the newly inserted element; otherwise X.first designates an element with equivalent ordering that already exists, and no new element is inserted. The key value to insert into the container. Adds the given enumeration to the container. The enumeration to insert into the container. Returns the ordering delegate that is used to order the controlled sequence. You use it to compare two keys. The ordering delegate that is used to order the controlled sequence. Finds the beginning of the range of elements that match a specified key. An iterator that designates the first element in the controlled sequence that hashes to the same bucket as and has equivalent ordering to . If no such element exists, it returns . The key value for which to search. Designates the beginning of the reversed controlled sequence. A reverse iterator that designates the last element of the controlled sequence, or just beyond the beginning of an empty sequence. Hence, it designates the of the reverse sequence. You use it to obtain an iterator that designates the beginning of the controlled sequence seen in reverse order. Its status can change if the length of the controlled sequence changes. Designates the end of the reversed controlled sequence. A reverse iterator that points just beyond the beginning of the controlled sequence. Hence, it designates the of the reverse sequence. You use it to obtain an iterator that designates the end of the controlled sequence seen in reverse order. Its status can change if the length of the controlled sequence changes. Counts the number of elements in the container. The length of the controlled sequence. Swaps the contents of two containers. The container with which to swap contents. Finds the end of the range of elements that match a specified key. An iterator that designates the first element beyond the last element in the controlled sequence that hashes to the same bucket as and has equivalent ordering to . If no such element exists, it returns . The key value to search for. Returns the ordering delegate that is used to order the controlled sequence. The ordering delegate that is used to order the controlled sequence. Defines the interface for an STL/CLR vector object. Replaces all elements in the container with the elements between the given iterators. The beginning position of the range of elements to insert. The first position beyond the end of the range of elements to insert. Replaces all elements in the container with the elements in the specified enumeration. The enumeration whose elements are to be inserted into the container. Replaces all elements in the container with the specified number of elements that have given values. The number of elements to insert into the container. The value of the element to insert. Accesses an element at a specified position in the container. The element of the controlled sequence at position . The position of the element to access. Accesses the last element of the container. The last element of the controlled sequence, which must be non-empty. Accesses the last element of the container. The last element of the controlled sequence, which must be non-empty. Designates the beginning of the controlled sequence. A random-access iterator that designates the first element of the controlled sequence, or just beyond the end of an empty sequence. You use it to obtain an iterator that designates the beginning of the controlled sequence, but its status can change if the length of the controlled sequence changes. Reports the size of allocated storage for the container. The storage that is currently allocated to hold the controlled sequence, a value at least as large as . Removes all elements from the container. Tests whether the container has no elements. true if the container has no elements; otherwise, false. Designates the end of the controlled sequence. A random-access iterator that points just beyond the end of the controlled sequence. You use it to obtain an iterator that designates the end of the controlled sequence, but its status can change if the length of the controlled sequence changes. Removes the single element of the controlled sequence that is pointed to by . An iterator that designates the first element that remains beyond any removed elements, or if no such element exists. The position of the element to remove. Removes the elements of the controlled sequence in the range [, ). An iterator that designates the first element that remains beyond any removed elements, or if no such element exists. The beginning of the range of elements to erase. The first position beyond the range of elements to erase. Accesses the first element of the container. The first element of the controlled sequence, which must be non-empty. Accesses the first element of the container. The first element of the controlled sequence, which must be non-empty. Gets the current change generation of the underlying container. The current change generation of the underlying container. Inserts the specified value into the container. An iterator that designates the newly inserted element. The position in the container before which to insert. The value of the element to insert into the container. Inserts the sequence beginning with and ending with the element preceding into the container. The position in the container before which to insert. The beginning position of the range to insert into the container. The first position beyond the range to insert into the container. Inserts the sequence that is designated by an enumerator into the container. The position in the container before which to insert. The enumeration to insert into the container. Inserts the specified number of the given elements into the container. The position in the container before which to insert. The number of elements to insert into the container. The value of the element to insert into the container. Accesses an element at a specified position in the container. The element at position . The position of the element to access. Removes the last element from the container. Adds a new element to the end of the container. The value of the element to insert into the container. Designates the beginning of the reversed controlled sequence. A reverse iterator that designates the last element of the controlled sequence, or just beyond the beginning of an empty sequence. Hence, it designates the of the reverse sequence. You use it to obtain an iterator that designates the beginning of the controlled sequence seen in reverse order, but its status can change if the length of the controlled sequence changes. Designates the end of the reversed controlled sequence. A reverse iterator that points just beyond the beginning of the controlled sequence. Hence, it designates the of the reverse sequence. You use it to obtain an iterator that designates the end of the controlled sequence seen in reverse order, but its status can change if the length of the controlled sequence changes. Reserves storage to ensure the minimum growth capacity for the container. The new minimum capacity of the container. Changes the number of elements in the container to the specified size. The new size of the controlled sequence. Changes the number of elements in the container to the specified size. If the new size is larger than the old size, the method appends elements that have value . The new size of the controlled sequence. The value of the elements to insert. Counts the number of elements in the container. The length of the controlled sequence. Swaps the contents of two containers. Supports simple iteration over any STL/CLR object that implements the interface. Allocates and initializes a new object. The first node in the container over which to iterate. Gets or sets the current element in the collection. The current element in the collection. Frees, releases, or resets unmanaged resources that are used by the object. Frees, releases, or resets unmanaged resources that are used by the object. Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection. Supports simple iteration over any STL/CLR object that implements the interface. Allocates and initializes a new object. The first node in the container over which to iterate. Gets or sets the current element in the collection. The current element in the collection. Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection. Supports simple iteration over any STL/CLR object that implements the interface. Allocates and initializes a new object. The first node in the container over which to iterate. Gets or sets the current element in the collection. The current element in the collection. Frees, releases, or resets unmanaged resources that are used by the object. Frees, releases, or resets unmanaged resources that are used by the object. Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection. Supports simple iteration over any STL/CLR object that implements the interface. Allocates and initializes a new object. The first node in the container over which to iterate. Gets or sets the current element in the collection. The current element in the collection. Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection. Describes a one-argument delegate. You use it to specify the argument and return type of the delegate. The return type of the delegate. Supports simple iteration over any STL/CLR object that implements the interface. Allocates and initializes a new object. The container over which to iterate. The offset of the current first element in the container. Gets or sets the current element in the collection. The current element in the collection. Frees, releases, or resets unmanaged resources that are used by the object. Frees, releases, or resets unmanaged resources that are used by the object. Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection. Supports simple iteration over any STL/CLR object that implements the interface. Allocates and initializes a new object. The container over which to iterate. The offset of the current first element in the container. Gets or sets the current element in the collection. The current element in the collection. Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection. Defines an iterator that can access elements in a container in the forward direction by using the increment operator and in the backward direction by using the decrement operator. The element that the iterator points to cannot be modified. Bidirectional iterators can be used anywhere that a constant input or constant output iterator is required. Allocates and initializes a new object. Allocates and initializes a new object that points to the given node. The node that the iterator will point to. Allocates and initializes a new object from an existing object. An existing object to copy. Allocates and initializes a new object from an existing object. An existing object to copy. Returns a copy of the current object. A copy of the current object. Gets the container that the iterator is traversing. The container that the iterator is traversing. Determines whether the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two iterators are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two objects are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Gets the bias of the iterator. The bias is the offset of the iterator from element zero. The bias of the iterator. Returns a constant reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. A constant reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. Gets the node, or element, that the iterator is pointing to. The node that the iterator is pointing to. Returns a reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. A reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. Increments the iterator to the next position in the underlying container, or to the first position beyond the end of container if the container has been completely traversed. Assigns the given object to the current object. The current object (*this). The object to assign to the current object. Assigns the given object to the current object. The current object (*this). The object to assign to the current object. Decrements the iterator by one element. This is the prefix version of the decrement operator. A reference to the current iterator. Decrements the iterator by one element. This is the postfix version of the decrement operator. A reference to the current iterator. Determines whether the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two iterators are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two iterators are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Converts a to an . The current iterator as an . Increments the iterator by one element. This is the prefix version of the increment operator. A reference to the current iterator. Increments the iterator by one element. This is the postfix version of the increment operator. A reference to the current iterator. Determines whether the given object differs from the current object. true if the two iterators are different objects; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the given object differs from the current object. true if the two iterators are different objects; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Returns the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The iterator that the operator is applied to. Returns the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The iterator that the operator is applied to. Positions the iterator to the element immediately before the current element. Determines whether the iterator is valid and can be safely used to traverse the underlying container. true if the iterator is valid and safe to use; otherwise, false. Provides an iterator that supports the following operations: moving forward one position by calling operator++, moving backward one position by calling operator--, accessing an element by using operator[], and accessing an element by using pointer arithmetic. The element pointed to by the iterator cannot be modified. Allocates and initializes a new object. Allocates and initializes a new object from an existing object. An existing object to be copied to the current container. The offset of the element that the iterator will point to after creation. Allocates and initializes a new object from an existing object. An existing object to be copied to the current container. Allocates and initializes a new object from an existing object. An existing object to be copied to the current container. Creates a copy of the current object. A copy of the current object. Gets the container that the iterator is traversing. The container that the iterator is traversing. Determines the distance between the element that the current iterator is pointing to and the element that the given iterator is pointing to. The distance, in number of elements, between the element that the current iterator is pointing to and the element that is pointing to. This number is negative if points to an element that is before the element that the current iterator points to. A valid iterator that points to the same container as the current iterator. Determines the distance between the element that the current iterator is pointing to and the element that the given iterator is pointing to. The distance, in number of elements, between the element that the current iterator is pointing to and the element that is pointing to. This number is negative if points to an element that is before the element that the current iterator points to. A valid iterator that points to the same container as the current iterator. Determines whether the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two iterators are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two objects are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Gets the bias of the iterator. The bias is the offset of the iterator from element zero. The bias of the iterator. Returns a constant reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. A constant reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. Gets the node, or element, that the iterator is pointing to. The node that the iterator is pointing to. Returns a reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. A reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. Accesses the element at the given position in the container. The element at the given position in the container. The position of the element to access. Determines whether the current iterator is pointing to an element in the container that is before the element that the given iterator points to. true if the current iterator is pointing to an element that comes before the element that is pointing to; otherwise, false. A valid iterator that points to the same container as the current iterator. Determines whether the current iterator is pointing to an element in the container that is before the element that the given iterator points to. true if the current iterator is pointing to an element that comes before the element that is pointing to; otherwise, false. A valid iterator that points to the same container as the current iterator. Moves the iterator by the given number of elements. The actual number of elements traversed. This number will differ from if the beginning or end of the container is reached before iterating the desired number of elements. The number of elements to traverse. To move the iterator forward, specify a positive number. To move the iterator backward, use a negative number. Increments the iterator to the next position in the underlying container, or to the first position beyond the end of container if the container has been completely traversed. Increments the iterator by the given number of elements. The integer parameter is specified on the right side of the addition operator. The iterator that the operator is to act on. The number of positions to increment the iterator. Increments the iterator by the given number of elements. The integer parameter is specified on the left side of the addition operator. A reference to the iterator that the operator is to act on. The number of positions to increment the iterator. The iterator that the operator is to act on. Assigns the given object to the current object. The current object (*this). The object to assign to the current object. Assigns the given object to the current object. The current object (*this). The object to assign to the current object. Decrements the iterator by one element. This is the prefix version of the decrement operator. A reference to the current iterator. Decrements the iterator by one element. This is the postfix version of the decrement operator. A reference to the current iterator. Determines whether the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two iterators are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two iterators are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the position of the given left-side iterator is greater than the position of the given right-side iterator. true if the given left-side iterator is greater than the given right-side iterator; otherwise, false. The iterator to compare with the right-side iterator. The iterator to compare with the left-side iterator. Determines whether the position of the left-side iterator is greater than the position of the given right-side iterator. true if the left-side iterator is greater than the given right-side iterator; otherwise, false. The iterator to compare with the left-side iterator. Determines whether the position of the left-side iterator is greater than or equal to the position of the given right-side iterator. true if the left-side iterator is greater than or equal to the given right-side iterator; otherwise, false. The iterator to compare with the left-side iterator. Determines whether the position of the left-side iterator is greater than or equal to the position of the given right-side iterator. true if the left-side iterator is greater than or equal to the given right-side iterator; otherwise, false. The iterator to compare with the left-side iterator. Converts a to an . The current iterator as an . Increments the iterator by one element. This is the prefix version of the increment operator. A reference to the current iterator. Increments the iterator by one element. This is the postfix version of the increment operator. A reference to the current iterator. Determines whether the given object differs from the current object. true if the two iterators are different objects; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the given object differs from the current object. true if the two iterators are different objects; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the position of the left-side iterator is less than the position of the given right-side iterator. true if the left-side iterator is less than the given right-side iterator; otherwise, false. The iterator to compare with the left-side iterator. Determines whether the position of the left-side iterator is less than the position of the given right-side iterator. true if the left-side iterator is less than the given right-side iterator; otherwise, false. The iterator to compare with the left-side iterator. Determines whether the position of the given left-side iterator is less than the position of the given right-side iterator. true if the given left-side iterator is less than or equal to the given right-side iterator; otherwise, false. The iterator to compare with the right-side iterator. The iterator to compare with the left-side iterator. Determines whether the position of the left-side iterator is less than or equal to the position of the given right-side iterator. true if the left-side iterator is less than or equal to the given right-side iterator; otherwise, false. The iterator to compare with the left-side iterator. Returns the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The iterator that the operator is applied to. Returns the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The iterator that the operator is applied to. Decrements the iterator by the given number of elements. The integer parameter is specified on the right side of the addition operator. The iterator that the operator is to act on. The number of positions to decrement the iterator. Determines the difference between two iterators. The difference, in number of elements, between the two iterators. The to be subtracted from the current object. Positions the iterator to the element immediately before the current element. Determines whether the iterator is valid and can be safely used to traverse the underlying container. true if the iterator is valid and safe to use; otherwise, false. Defines an iterator that accesses elements in a container in the reverse direction. Elements can be accessed in the forward direction by using the decrement operator and in the backward direction by using the increment operator. The element that the iterator points to cannot be modified. Constant reverse bidirectional iterators can be used anywhere that a constant reverse input or constant reverse output iterator is required. Allocates and initializes a new object. Allocates and initializes a new object from an existing object. An existing object to copy. Allocates and initializes a new object from an existing object. An existing object to copy. Allocates and initializes a new object from an existing object. An existing object to copy. Gets the underlying base iterator for the object. The underlying base iterator for the object. Returns a copy of the current object. A copy of the current object. Gets the container that the iterator is traversing. The container that the iterator is traversing. Determines whether the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two iterators are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two objects are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Gets the bias of the iterator. The bias is the offset of the iterator from element zero. The bias of the iterator. Returns a constant reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. A constant reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. Gets the node, or element, that the iterator is pointing to. The node that the iterator is pointing to. Returns a reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. A reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. Decrements the iterator to the previous position in the underlying container, or to the first position in front of the beginning of container if the container has been completely traversed. Assigns the given object to the current object. The current object (*this). The object to assign to the current object. Assigns the given object to the current object. The current object (*this). The object to assign to the current object. Decrements the iterator by one element. Decrementing a reverse iterator is the same as incrementing a regular iterator. This is the prefix version of the decrement operator. A reference to the current iterator. Decrements the iterator by one element. Decrementing a reverse iterator is the same as incrementing a regular iterator. This is the postfix version of the decrement operator. A reference to the current iterator. Determines whether the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two iterators are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two iterators are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Converts a to an . The current iterator as an . Increments the iterator by one element. Incrementing a reverse iterator is the same as decrementing a regular iterator. This is the prefix version of the increment operator. A reference to the current iterator. Increments the iterator by one element. Incrementing a reverse iterator is the same as decrementing a regular iterator. This is the postfix version of the increment operator. A reference to the current iterator. Determines whether the given object differs from the current object. true if the two iterators are different objects; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the given object differs from the current object. true if the two iterators are different objects; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Returns the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The iterator that the operator is applied to. Returns the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The iterator that the operator is applied to. Increments the iterator to the next position in the underlying container, or to the first position beyond the end of container if the container has been completely traversed. Determines whether the iterator is valid and can be safely used to traverse the underlying container. true if the iterator is valid and safe to use; otherwise, false. Provides an iterator that supports the following operations: moving forward one position by calling operator--, moving backward one position by calling operator++, accessing an element by using operator[], and accessing an element by using pointer arithmetic. The element accessed by the iterator cannot be modified. Allocates and initializes a new object. Allocates and initializes a new object from an existing object. An existing object to be copied to the current container. Allocates and initializes a new object from an existing object. An existing object to be copied to the current container. Allocates and initializes a new object from an existing object. An existing object to be copied to the current container. Gets the underlying base iterator for the object. The underlying base iterator for the object. Creates a copy of the current object. A copy of the current object. Gets the container that the iterator is traversing. The container that the iterator is traversing. Determines the distance between the element that the current iterator is pointing to and the element that the given iterator is pointing to. The distance, in number of elements, between the element that the current iterator is pointing to and the element that is pointing to. This number is negative if points to an element that is before the element that the current iterator points to. A valid iterator that points to the same container as the current iterator. Determines the distance between the element that the current iterator is pointing to and the element that the given iterator is pointing to. The distance, in number of elements, between the element that the current iterator is pointing to and the element that is pointing to. This number is negative if points to an element that is before the element that the current iterator points to. A valid iterator that points to the same container as the current iterator. Determines whether the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two iterators are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two objects are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Gets the bias of the iterator. The bias is the offset of the iterator from element zero. The bias of the iterator. Returns a constant reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. A constant reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. Gets the node, or element, that the iterator is pointing to. The node that the iterator is pointing to. Returns a reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. A reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. Accesses the element at the given position in the container. The element at the given position in the container. The position of the element to access. Determines whether the current iterator is pointing to an element in the container that is before the element that the given iterator points to. true if the current iterator is pointing to an element that comes before the element that is pointing to; otherwise, false. A valid iterator pointing to the same container as the current iterator. Determines whether the current iterator is pointing to an element in the container that is before the element that the given iterator points to. true if the current iterator is pointing to an element that comes before the element that is pointing to; otherwise, false. A valid iterator that points to the same container as the current iterator. Moves the iterator by the given number of elements. The actual number of elements traversed. This number will differ from if the beginning or end of the container is reached before iterating the desired number of elements. The number of elements to traverse. To move the iterator forward, specify a negative number. To move the iterator backward, use a positive number. Increments the reverse iterator to the next position in the underlying container, or to the first position in front of the beginning of container if the container has been completely traversed. Increments the reverse iterator by the given number of elements. The integer parameter is specified on the right side of the addition operator. The iterator that the operator is to act on. The number of positions to increment the reverse iterator. Increments the reverse iterator by the given number of elements. The integer parameter is specified on the left side of the addition operator. A reference to the iterator that the operator is to act on. The number of positions to increment the reverse iterator. The iterator that the operator is to act on. Assigns the given object to the current object. The current object (*this). The object to assign to the current object. Assigns the given object to the current object. The current object (*this). The object to assign to the current object. Decrements the reverse iterator by one element. This is the prefix version of the decrement operator. A reference to the current iterator. Decrements the reverse iterator by one element. This is the postfix version of the decrement operator. A reference to the current iterator. Determines whether two iterators are the same object. true if the two iterators are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the position of the left-side iterator is greater than the position of the given right-side iterator. true if the left-side iterator is greater than the given right-side iterator; otherwise, false. The iterator to compare with the left-side iterator. Determines whether the position of the left-side iterator is greater than or equal to the position of the given right-side iterator. true if the left-side iterator is greater than or equal to the given right-side iterator; otherwise, false. The iterator to compare with the left-side iterator. Converts a to an . The current iterator as an . Increments the reverse iterator by one element. This is the prefix version of the increment operator. A reference to the current iterator. Increments the reverse iterator by one element. This is the postfix version of the increment operator. A reference to the current iterator. Determines whether the given object differs from the current object. true if the two iterators are different objects; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the position of the left-side iterator is less than the position of the given right-side iterator. true if the left-side iterator is less than the given right-side iterator; otherwise, false. The iterator to compare with the left-side iterator. Determines whether the position of the left-side iterator is less than or equal to the position of the given right-side iterator. true if the left-side iterator is less than or equal to the given right-side iterator; otherwise, false. The iterator to compare with the left-side iterator. Returns the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The iterator that the operator is applied to. Returns the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The iterator that the operator is applied to. Decrements the iterator by the given number of elements. The integer parameter is specified on the right side of the addition operator. The iterator that the operator is to act on. The number of positions to decrement the reverse iterator. Determines the difference between two iterators. The difference (number of elements) between the two iterators. The to be subtracted from the current object. Positions the iterator to the element immediately after the current element. Determines whether the iterator is valid and can be safely used to traverse the underlying container. true if the iterator is valid and safe to use; otherwise, false. Defines an iterator that can access elements in a container in the forward direction by using the increment operator and in the backward direction by using the decrement operator. The element that the iterator points to can be both written to and read from any number of times. Bidirectional iterators can be used anywhere that an input or output iterator is required. Allocates and initializes a new object. Allocates and initializes a new object that points to the given node. The node that the iterator will point to. Allocates and initializes a new object from an existing object. An existing object to copy. Returns a copy of the current object. A copy of the current object. Gets the container that the iterator is traversing. The container that the iterator is traversing. Determines if the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two iterators are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two objects are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Gets the bias of the iterator. The bias is the offset of the iterator from element zero. The bias of the iterator. Returns a constant reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. A constant reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. Gets the node, or element, that the iterator is pointing to. The node that the iterator is pointing to. Returns a reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. A reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. Increments the iterator to the next position in the underlying container, or to the first position beyond the end of container if the container has been completely traversed. Assigns the given object to the current object. The current object (*this). The object to assign to the current object. Decrements the iterator by one element. This is the prefix version of the decrement operator. A reference to the current iterator. Decrements the iterator by one element. This is the postfix version of the decrement operator. A reference to the current iterator. Determines whether the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two iterators are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two iterators are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Converts a to an . The current iterator as an . Increments the iterator by one element. This is the prefix version of the increment operator. A reference to the current iterator. Increments the iterator by one element. This is the postfix version of the increment operator. A reference to the current iterator. Determines whether the given object differs from the current object. true if the two iterators are different objects; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the given object differs from the current object. true if the two iterators are different objects; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Returns the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The iterator that the operator is applied to. Returns the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The iterator that the operator is applied to. Positions the iterator to the element immediately before the current element. Determines whether the iterator is valid and can be safely used to traverse the underlying container. true if the iterator is valid and safe to use; otherwise, false. Provides an iterator that supports the following operations: moving forward one position by calling operator++, moving backward one position by calling operator--, accessing an element by using operator[], and accessing an element by using pointer arithmetic. Allocates and initializes a new object. Allocates and initializes a new object from an existing object. An existing object to be copied to the current container. The offset of the element that the iterator will point to after creation. Allocates and initializes a new object from an existing object. An existing object to be copied to the current container. Creates a copy of the current object. A copy of the current object. Gets the container that the iterator is traversing. The container that the iterator is traversing. Determines the distance between the element that the current iterator is pointing to and the element that the given iterator is pointing to. The distance, in number of elements, between the element that the current iterator is pointing to and the element that is pointing to. This number will be negative if points to an element that is before the element that the current iterator points to. A valid iterator that points to the same container as the current iterator. Determines the distance between the element that the current iterator is pointing to and the element that the given iterator is pointing to. The distance, in number of elements, between the element that the current iterator is pointing to and the element that is pointing to. This number will be negative if points to an element that is before the element that the current iterator points to. A valid iterator that points to the same container as the current iterator. Determines whether the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two iterators are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two objects are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Gets the bias of the iterator. The bias is the offset of the iterator from element zero. The bias of the iterator. Returns a constant reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. A constant reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. Gets the node, or element, that the iterator is pointing to. The node that the iterator is pointing to. Returns a reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. A reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. Accesses the element at the given position in the container. The element at the given position in the container. The position of the element to access. Determines whether the current iterator is pointing to an element in the container that is before the element that the given iterator points to. true if the current iterator is pointing to an element that comes before the element that is pointing to; otherwise, false. A valid iterator that points to the same container as the current iterator. Determines whether the current iterator is pointing to an element in the container that is before the element that the given iterator points to. true if the current iterator is pointing to an element that comes before the element that is pointing to; otherwise, false. A valid iterator pointing to the same container as the current iterator. Moves the iterator by the given number of elements. The actual number of elements traversed. This number will differ from if the beginning or end of the container is reached before iterating the desired number of elements. The number of elements to traverse. To move the iterator forward, specify a positive number. To move the iterator backward, use a negative number. Increments the iterator to the next position in the underlying container, or to the first position beyond the end of container if the container has been completely traversed. Increments the iterator by the given number of elements. The integer parameter is specified on the right side of the addition operator. The iterator that the operator is to act on. The number of positions to increment the iterator. Increments the iterator by the given number of elements. The integer parameter is specified on the left side of the addition operator. A reference to the iterator that the operator is to act on. The number of positions to increment the iterator. The iterator that the operator is to act on. Assigns the given object to the current object. The current object (*this). The object to assign to the current object. Decrements the iterator by one element. This is the prefix version of the decrement operator. A reference to the current iterator. Decrements the iterator by one element. This is the postfix version of the decrement operator. A reference to the current iterator. Determines whether the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two iterators are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two iterators are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the position of the given left-side iterator is greater than the position of the given right-side iterator. true if the given left-side iterator is greater than the given right-side iterator; otherwise, false. The iterator to compare with the right-side iterator. The iterator to compare with the left-side iterator. Determines whether the position of the left-side iterator is greater than the position of the given right-side iterator. true if the left-side iterator is greater than the given right-side iterator; otherwise, false. The iterator to compare with the left-side iterator. Determines whether the position of the left-side iterator is greater than or equal to the position of the given right-side iterator. true if the left-side iterator is greater than or equal to the given right-side iterator; otherwise, false. The iterator to compare with the left-side iterator. Determines whether the position of the left-side iterator is greater than or equal to the position of the given right-side iterator. true if the left-side iterator is greater than or equal to the given right-side iterator; otherwise, false. The iterator to compare with the left-side iterator. Converts a to an . The current iterator as an . Increments the iterator by one element. This is the prefix version of the increment operator. A reference to the current iterator. Increments the iterator by one element. This is the postfix version of the increment operator. A reference to the current iterator. Determines whether the given object differs from the current object. true if the two iterators are different objects; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the given object differs from the current object. true if the two iterators are different objects; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the position of the left-side iterator is less than the position of the given right-side iterator. true if the left-side iterator is less than the given right-side iterator; otherwise, false. The iterator to compare with the left-side iterator. Determines whether the position of the left-side iterator is less than the position of the given right-side iterator. true if the left-side iterator is less than the given right-side iterator; otherwise, false. The iterator to compare with the left-side iterator. Determines whether the position of the given left-side iterator is less than the position of the given right-side iterator. true if the given left-side iterator is less than or equal to the given right-side iterator; otherwise, false. The iterator to compare with the right-side iterator. The iterator to compare with the left-side iterator. Determines whether the position of the left-side iterator is less than or equal to the position of the given right-side iterator. true if the left-side iterator is less than or equal to the given right-side iterator; otherwise, false. The iterator to compare with the left-side iterator. Returns the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The iterator that the operator is applied to. Returns the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The iterator that the operator is applied to. Decrements the iterator by the given number of elements. The integer parameter is specified on the right side of the addition operator. The iterator that the operator is to act on. The number of positions to decrement the iterator. Determines the difference between two iterators. The difference (number of elements) between the two iterators. The to be subtracted from the current object. Positions the iterator to the element immediately before the current element. Determines whether the iterator is valid and can be safely used to traverse the underlying container. true if the iterator is valid and safe to use; otherwise, false. Defines the base interface for all STL/CLR iterators. Gets the container that the iterator is traversing. The container that the iterator is traversing. Gets the bias of the iterator. The bias is the offset of the iterator from element zero. The bias of the iterator. Gets the node, or element, that the iterator is pointing to. The node that the iterator is currently pointing to. Increments the iterator to the next position in the underlying container, or to the first position beyond the end of container if the container has been completely traversed. Determines whether the iterator is valid and can be safely used to traverse the underlying container. true if the iterator is valid and safe to use; otherwise, false. Interface for a container that supports both forward and backward iteration. Containers that implement bidirectional iteration support the following operations: moving forward one position by calling operator++, and moving backward one position by calling operator--. Gets the current change generation of the underlying container. The current change generation of the underlying container. Interface for an iterator that can access elements in a container in the forward direction by using the increment operator and in the backward direction by using the decrement operator. The element that the iterator points to can be both written to and read from any number of times. Bidirectional iterators can be used anywhere an input or output iterator is required. Positions the iterator to the element immediately before the current element. Interface for an iterator that can access elements in a container only in the forward direction by using the increment operator. The element that the iterator points to can be both written to and read from any number of times. Forward iterators can be used anywhere an input or output iterator is required. Interface for an iterator that is used to read a sequence from a container only in the forward direction. The element that the iterator points to can be read only one time, and it cannot be modified. Determines whether two objects are equal. true if the two iterators are equal; otherwise, false. Returns a constant reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. A constant reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. Interface for the node data structure. Containers that support bidirectional iteration contain nodes. A node consists of a value for the element at that position in the container and pointers to the next and previous elements in the container. Gets or sets the value of the element for this node in the container. The value of the element for this node in the container. Gets the container that the current node is in. The container that the current node is in. Determines whether the current node is the first node of the container. true if the current node is the first node in the container; otherwise, false. Gets the next node in the container past the current node. The next node in the container past the current node. Gets the node in the container immediately before the current node. The node in the container immediately before the current node. Interface for an iterator that is used to write a sequence to a container only in the forward direction. The element that the iterator points to can be written to only one time. Returns a reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. A reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. Interface for a container that supports random access iteration. Containers that implement random access iteration support the following operations: moving forward one position by calling operator++, moving backward one position by calling operator--, accessing an element by using operator[], and accessing an element by using pointer arithmetic. Gets the element at the current bias of the container. The bias is the offset from the current element zero. The element at the given bias. Determines if a given bias is valid for the container. The bias is the offset from the current element zero. true if the given bias is valid for the container; otherwise, false. Defines the interface for a random access iterator. Random access iterators support the following operations: moving forward one position by calling operator++, moving backward one position by calling operator--, accessing an element by using operator[], and accessing an element by using pointer arithmetic. Determines the distance between the element that the current iterator is pointing to and the element that the given iterator is pointing to. The distance, in number of elements, between the element that the current iterator is pointing to and the element that is pointing to. This number is negative if points to an element that is before the element that the current iterator points to. A valid iterator that points to the same container as the current iterator. Determines whether the current iterator is pointing to an element in the container that precedes the element that the given iterator points to. true if the current iterator is pointing to an element that comes before the element that is pointing to; otherwise, false. A valid iterator that points to the same container as the current iterator. Moves the iterator by the given number of elements. The actual number of elements traversed. This number will differ from if the beginning or end of the container is reached before iterating the desired number of elements. The number of elements to traverse. To move the iterator forward, specify a positive number. To move the iterator backward, use a negative number. Defines an iterator that accesses elements in a container in the reverse direction. Elements can be accessed in the forward direction by using the decrement operator and in the backward direction by using the increment operator. The element that the iterator points to can be both written to and read from any number of times. Reverse bidirectional iterators can be used anywhere that a reverse input or reverse output iterator is required. Allocates and initializes a new object. Allocates and initializes a new object from an existing object. An existing object to copy. Allocates and initializes a new object from an existing object. An existing object to copy. Gets the underlying base iterator for the object. The underlying base iterator for the object. Returns a copy of the current object. A copy of the current object. Gets the container that the iterator is traversing. The container that the iterator is traversing. Determines whether the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two iterators are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two objects are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Gets the bias of the iterator. The bias is the offset of the iterator from element zero. The bias of the iterator. Returns a constant reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. A constant reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. Gets the node, or element, that the iterator is pointing to. The node that the iterator is pointing to. Returns a reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. A reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. Decrements the iterator to the previous position in the underlying container, or to the first position in front of the beginning of container if the container has been completely traversed. Assigns the given object to the current object. The current object (*this). The object to assign to the current object. Decrements the iterator by one element. Decrementing a reverse iterator is the same as incrementing a regular iterator. This is the prefix version of the decrement operator. A reference to the current iterator. Decrements the iterator by one element. Decrementing a reverse iterator is the same as incrementing a regular iterator. This is the postfix version of the decrement operator. A reference to the current iterator. Determines whether the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two iterators are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two iterators are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Converts a to an . The current iterator as an . Increments the iterator by one element. Incrementing a reverse iterator is the same as decrementing a regular iterator. This is the prefix version of the increment operator. A reference to the current iterator. Increments the iterator by one element. Incrementing a reverse iterator is the same as decrementing a regular iterator. This is the postfix version of the increment operator. A reference to the current iterator. Determines whether the given object differs from the current object. true if the two iterators are different objects; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the given object differs from the current object. true if the two iterators are different objects; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Returns the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The iterator that the operator is applied to. Returns the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The iterator that the operator is applied to. Increments the iterator to the next position in the underlying container, or to the first position beyond the end of container if the container has been completely traversed. Determines whether the iterator is valid and can be safely used to traverse the underlying container. true if the iterator is valid and safe to use; otherwise, false. Provides an iterator that supports the following operations: moving forward one position by calling operator--, moving backward one position by calling operator++, accessing an element by using operator[], and accessing an element by using pointer arithmetic. Allocates and initializes a new object. Allocates and initializes a new object from an existing object. An existing object to be copied to the current container. Allocates and initializes a new object from an existing object. An existing object to be copied to the current container. Gets the underlying base iterator for the object. The underlying base iterator for the object. Creates a copy of the current object. A copy of the current object. Gets the container that the iterator is traversing. The container that the iterator is traversing. Determines the distance between the element that the current iterator is pointing to and the element that the given iterator is pointing to. The distance, in number of elements, between the element that the current iterator is pointing to and the element that is pointing to. This number is negative if points to an element that is before the element that the current iterator points to. A valid iterator that points to the same container as the current iterator. Determines the distance between the element that the current iterator is pointing to and the element that the given iterator is pointing to. The distance, in number of elements, between the element that the current iterator is pointing to and the element that is pointing to. This number is negative if points to an element that is before the element that the current iterator points to. A valid iterator that points to the same container as the current iterator. Determines whether the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two iterators are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the given object is the same as the current object. true if the two objects are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Gets the bias of the iterator. The bias is the offset of the iterator from element zero. The bias of the iterator. Returns a constant reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. A constant reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. Gets the node, or element, that the iterator is pointing to. The node that the iterator is pointing to. Returns a reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. A reference to the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. Accesses the element at the given position in the container. The element at the given position in the container. The position of the element to access. Determines whether the current iterator is pointing to an element in the container that is before the element that the given iterator points to. true if the current iterator is pointing to an element that comes before the element that is pointing to; otherwise, false. A valid iterator that points to the same container as the current iterator. Determines whether the current iterator is pointing to an element in the container that is before the element that the given iterator points to. true if the current iterator is pointing to an element that comes before the element that is pointing to; otherwise, false. A valid iterator that points to the same container as the current iterator. Moves the iterator by the given number of elements. The actual number of elements traversed. This number will differ from if the beginning or end of the container is reached before iterating the desired number of elements. The number of elements to traverse. To move the iterator forward, specify a negative number. To move the iterator backward, use a positive number. Increments the reverse iterator to the next position in the underlying container, or to the first position in front of the beginning of container if the container has been completely traversed. Increments the reverse iterator by the given number of elements. The integer parameter is specified on the right side of the addition operator. The iterator that the operator is to act on. The number of positions to increment the reverse iterator. Increments the reverse iterator by the given number of elements. The integer parameter is specified on the left side of the addition operator. A reference to the iterator that the operator is to act on. The number of positions to increment the reverse iterator. The iterator that the operator is to act on. Assigns the given object to the current object. The current object (*this). The object to assign to the current object. Decrements the reverse iterator by one element. This is the prefix version of the decrement operator. A reference to the current iterator. Decrements the reverse iterator by one element. This is the postfix version of the decrement operator. A reference to the current iterator. Determines whether two iterators are the same object. true if the two iterators are the same object; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the position of the left-side iterator is greater than the position of the given right-side iterator. true if the left-side iterator is greater than the given right-side iterator; otherwise, false. The iterator to compare with the left-side iterator. Determines whether the position of the left-side iterator is greater than or equal to the position of the given right-side iterator. true if the left-side iterator is greater than or equal to the given right-side iterator; otherwise, false. The iterator to compare with the left-side iterator. Converts a to an . The current iterator as an . Increments the reverse iterator by one element. This is the prefix version of the increment operator. A reference to the current iterator. Increments the reverse iterator by one element. This is the postfix version of the increment operator. A reference to the current iterator. Determines whether the given object differs from the current object. true if the two iterators are different objects; otherwise, false. The object to compare with the current object. Determines whether the position of the left-side iterator is less than the position of the given right-side iterator. true if the left-side iterator is less than the given right-side iterator; otherwise, false. The iterator to compare with the left-side iterator. Determines whether the position of the left-side iterator is less than or equal to the position of the given right-side iterator. true if the left-side iterator is less than or equal to the given right-side iterator; otherwise, false. The iterator to compare with the left-side iterator. Returns the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The iterator that the operator is applied to. Returns the element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The element that the iterator is currently pointing to. The iterator that the operator is applied to. Determines the difference between two iterators. The difference, in number of elements, between the two iterators. The to be subtracted from the current object. Decrements the iterator by the given number of elements. The integer parameter is specified on the right side of the addition operator. The iterator that the operator is to act on. The number of positions to decrement the reverse iterator. Positions the iterator to the element immediately after the current element. Determines whether the iterator is valid and can be safely used to traverse the underlying container. true if the iterator is valid and safe to use; otherwise, false.