System.Data.Services.Design Specifies the specific version of ADO.Net Data Services that should be targeted by code generation. Generate code targets version 1.0. Generate code targets version 2.0. Used by the code generation command line tools and tools in Visual Studio to generate strongly typed client-side objects for communicating with data services. Adds mapping between the Entity Data Model namespace and the object. String containing the namespace name. String containing the object namespace. Clears . Queries whether mapping contains object in parameter. true if the object is found; otherwise false. String value that contains the mapping object to query. Gets a count of mappings contained by . Integer value that contains the count of mappings. Gets edmNamespace items in an object. String value that contains EdmNamespace items. Gets namespace identified by parameter. EdmNamespace object. String value that contains edmNamespace name. Removes object identified by parameter. true if operation succeeds; otherwise false. String value that contains the mapping object. Tests whether an object identified by and is mapped by . true if the mapping is returned; otherwise false. String value that contains the namespace name. String value that identifies the object namespace Used by the code generation command line tools and tools in Visual Studio to generate strongly typed client-side objects for communicating with data services. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Selects the programming language. Gets the EdmToObjectNamespaceMap object used in entity class generation. EdmToObjectNamespaceMap object. Generates code for the data model from switches identified by parameters. The list of schema errors that occurred during generation. The XML reader object. The text writer object. The string that contains the namespace prefix. Generates code for the object model. The list of schema errors that occurred during generation. The XML reader object. The string that contains the path to the target file. Gets the language option used in generation of the data model. Language option. Occurs when a property is generated. Occurs when a type is generated. Gets or sets whether code generation should include the code that is required to support data binding. A value that is true when data binding code is required; otherwise false. Gets and sets the version of ADO.NET Data Services that the generated code targets. A value that indicates the version of the generated code. Used by the code generation command line tools and tools in Visual Studio to generate strongly typed client-side objects for communicating with data services. Generates C# code. Generates Visual Basic code. Used by the code generation command line tools and tools in Visual Studio to generate strongly typed client-side objects for communicating with data services. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Property source. Backing field name. Return type. This class is not intended for public use and is used to generate strongly typed client-side objects for communicating with data services. Additional attributes. This class is not intended for public use and is used to generate strongly typed client-side objects for communicating with data services. Additional Get statements. This class is not intended for public use and is used to generate strongly typed client-side objects for communicating with data services. Additional Set statements. This class is not intended for public use and is used to generate strongly typed client-side objects for communicating with data services. Backing field name. This class is not intended for public use and is used to generate strongly typed client-side objects for communicating with data services. Property source. This class is not intended for public use and is used to generate strongly typed client-side objects for communicating with data services. Return type. Used by the code generation command line tools and tools in Visual Studio to generate strongly typed client-side objects for communicating with data services. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The type source. The base type. This class is not intended for public use and is used to generate strongly typed client-side objects for communicating with data services. Additional attributes. This class is not intended for public use and is used to generate strongly typed client-side objects for communicating with data services. Additional interfaces. This class is not intended for public use and is used to generate strongly typed client-side objects for communicating with data services. Additional members. This class is not intended for public use and is used to generate strongly typed client-side objects for communicating with data services. Base type. This class is not intended for public use and is used to generate strongly typed client-side objects for communicating with data services. Type source.