System.Data.Services The on a method is used to process updates on the specified entity set name. Creates a new change interceptor for an entity set specified by the parameter . The name of the entity set that contains the entity to which the interceptor applies. Gets the name of the entity set to which the interceptor applies. The string value that represents entity set name. The main entry point for developing an ADO.NET Data Service. Type that defines the data service. Creates a new data service that deploys data of the type indicated by the template class. Attaches the data service host to the data service identified by the parameter . An instance of . Creates a data source of the template class that will be used by the data service. An instance of the data source. Gets the data source instance currently being used to process the request. The data source instance for the service. Called when an exception is raised while processing a request. Exception arguments. Called before processing each request. For batch requests, it is called one time for the top batch request and one time for each operation in the batch. that contains information about the request. Gets an object that defines the events for the data service processing pipeline. A object that is used to define events for the data service processing pipeline. Processes an HTTP request. Processes an HTTP request. Response message. The body of the HTTP request. Adds settings that define behavior to a custom data service. Gets or sets whether requests with the $count path segment or the $inlinecount query options are accepted. true if count requests are supported; otherwise false. Gets or sets whether projection requests should be accepted. true if projection requests are supported; otherwise false. Gets or sets whether to invoke change interceptors when a link is deleted. A value that is true when interceptors should be invoked; otherwise false. Gets or sets the maximum protocol version that is supported by the response sent by the data service. A that is the maximum version allowed in the response. Manages the configuration of ADO.NET Data Services. Gets a object that defines additional behaviors of the data service. A object. Registers a data type with the data service runtime so that it can be used by a custom data service provider. The namespace-qualified name of the type that is enabled for use with the custom data service provider. Gets or sets whether the data service runtime should convert the type that is contained in the payload to the actual property type that is specified in the request. A Boolean value that indicates whether to perform the conversion. Gets or sets the maximum number of change sets and query operations that are allowed in a single batch. A value that is the maximum number of change sets. Gets or set the maximum number of changes that can be included in a single change set. The maximum number of changes allowed. Gets or sets the maximum number of related entities that can be included in a single request by using the $expand operator. The maximum number of related entities. Get or sets the maximum number of related entities that can be included in an $expand path in a single request. The maximum depth of an $expand path. Get or sets the maximum number of objects to insert that can be contained in a single POST request. The maximum number of objects. Get or sets the maximum number of items in each returned collection. The maximum number of items. Adds a type to the list of types that are recognized by the data service. Type to add to the collection of known types. Sets the permissions for the specified entity set resource. Name of the entity set for which to set permissions. Access rights to be granted to this resource, passed as an value. Sets the maximum page size for an entity set resource. Name of entity set resource for which to set the page size. Page size for the entity set resource that is specified in . Sets the permissions for the specified service operation. Name of the service operation for which to set permissions. Access rights to be granted to this resource, passed as a value. Gets or sets whether verbose errors should be returned by the data service. Whether verbose errors are returned. Represents an instance of the class with a specified message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the class with a system-supplied message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the class. The HTTP status code returned by the exception. The error message for the exception. Initializes a new instance of the class. The HTTP status code of the exception. The string value that contains the error code. The string value that contains the error message. The string value that indicates the language of the error message. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified message that describes the error. The message that describes the exception. The caller of this constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system culture. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The message that describes the exception. The caller of this constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system culture. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. Gets the error code. The integer value that represents the error code. Gets data on the object that caused the exception. . . Gets the error message language. The string value that represents the message language. Gets the HTTP status code returned by the exception. HTTP status code for the exception. The ADO.NET Data Services class derived from used to instantiate data services. Instantiates for an ADO.NET Data Service. Identifies the ADO.NET Data Service to the host. The URI of the host. The class used by the infrastructure of ADO.NET Data Services to connect to Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). Creates a new instance of DataServiceHostFactory. Creates a new from the URI. New . Specifies the type of WCF service to host. An array of base addresses for the service. Represents the current operation being processed. Get the request URI for the current operation. The of the operation. Gets the base service URI for the request. The base of the operation. Gets a value that indicates whether the current operation is part of a batch request. true when the operation is part of a batch request; otherwise false. Gets the request headers for the current operation. A object that contains the request headers. Gets the HTTP request method for the operation The HTTP request method. Gets the response headers for the current operation. A object that contains the response headers. Gets or sets the status code of the response. The status code of the operation response. Defines the events for the data service processing pipeline. Creates a new instance. Occurs after the change set has been processed. Occurs after the request has been processed. Occurs before the change set is processed. Occurs before the request is processed. Event argument class for events. Gets the context of the operation that raised the event. A that is the operation context. An enumeration used to define access rights to data that is deployed by ADO.NET Data Services. Denies all rights to access data. Authorization to read single data items. Authorization to read sets of data. Authorization to create new data items in data sets. Authorization to replace data. Authorization to delete data items from data sets. Authorization to merge data. Authorization to read data. Authorization to write data. Authorization to create, read, update, and delete data. This attribute on an entity type is used to specify the properties that determine changes in content. Initializes a new instance of the class. The string value containing properties used in eTag value. Initializes a new instance of the class. String value containing properties used in eTag value. Gets the names of properties used in the . String value containing property names. The segment of a query that indicates whether data should be returned inline instead of as deferred content. Initializes an object with the specified property name and a filtering expression, possibly null. The name of the property to be expanded. The filter option in the query to which the expand segment applies. Gets the property to be expanded. The property to expand. The filter option in the query to which the expand segment applies. An expression that specifies the filter on target data. A Boolean value that indicates whether the expand statement is used with a filter expression. True or false. Gets the maximum number of results expected. The integer value that indicates maximum number of results. The name of the property to be expanded. A string value containing the name of the property. A Boolean value that indicates whether the path includes a filter option on target data. True if any of the segments in the path has a filter; false otherwise. The enumeration of segments to check for filters. The segments of a query that can be expanded by the $expand clause that follows a query. Creates a collection of expand segments for a query. Initializes a new collection of expand segments that is empty and has the specified initial capacity. The number of expand segments that the new collection can initially store. Boolean value that indicates whether segments to be expanded include a filter clause. Boolean value that indicates whether segments to be expanded include a filter clause. Specifies details of an exception that has occurred and the details of the associated HTTP response. Gets or sets the exception that will be processed and returned in the response. The exception that will be processed and returned in the response. Gets the response content type. The string value that indicates the response format. Gets the status code that will be sent back in the HTTP header section of the response when an error occurs on the data service. An integer value of the HTTP response status code. Gets a value indicating whether the response has been written. Boolean value that indicates whether response has been written. Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether verbose errors will be returned. The Boolean value that indicates whether verbose errors will be returned. The is used by ADO.NET Data Services to set up the behavior of the service, including rights on entity sets and service operations, limits on the allowed requests, registering types not discoverable by default, and the default verbosity on error handling. Gets the maximum number of requests that can be handled in a batch. Integer value that indicates the maximum number of requests that can be handled in a batch. Gets the maximum number of change sets that can be handled in a batch. Integer value that indicates the maximum number of change sets that can be handled in a batch. Gets or sets the maximum number of segments that can be expanded by the $expand query option for all requests to the data service. The maximum number of segments to expand. Gets or sets a maximum number of segments supported in a single $expand path for all requests to the data service. Integer representing the maximum number of supported segments in $expand path. Gets or sets the maximum number of objects that can be inserted in a single request. The integer value that contains the maximum number of objects that can be inserted in a single request. Gets the maximum number of results per collection. The integer value that indicates the maximum number of results per collection. Registers a resource type for use by the data service. The resource type to register. Sets the access rules for the specified entity set. The name of the entity set for configured access. The rights allowed for the entity set. Sets the access rules for the specified service operation. The name of the service operation on which to set access rights. The rights allowed according to enumeration. Gets or sets whether verbose errors are used by default for all responses from the data service. A Boolean value that indicates whether verbose errors are returned. Interface that specifies interactions between ADO.NET Data Services and its hosting environment. Gets an absolute URI that is the URI as sent by the client. A string that is the absolute URI of the request. Gets an absolute URI that is the root URI of the data service. A string that is the absolute root URI of the data service. Gets a data item identified by the identity key contained by the parameter of the method. The data item requested by the query serialized as a string. String value containing identity key of item requested. Handles a data service exception using information in the parameter. that contains information on the exception object. The transport protocol specified by the request accept header. String that indicates the transport protocol required by the request. Gets a string representing the value of the Accept-Charset HTTP header. String representing the value of the Accept-Charset HTTP header. Gets the transport protocol specified by the content type header. String value that indicates content type. Gets the request method of GET, PUT, POST, or DELETE. String value that indicates request method. Gets the value for the If-Match header on the current request. String value for the If-Match header on the current request. Gets the value for the If-None-Match header on the current request. String value for the If-None-Match header on the current request. Gets the value that identifies the highest version that the request client is able to process. A string that contains the highest version that the request client is able to process, possibly null. Gets the stream that contains the HTTP request body. object that contains the request body. Gets the value that identifies the version of the request that the client submitted, possibly null. A string that identifies the version of the request that the client submitted, possibly null. Gets a string value that represents cache control information. A string value that represents cache control information. Gets the transport protocol of the response. String value containing the content type. Gets an eTag value that represents the state of data in response. A string value that represents the eTag state value. Gets or sets the service location. String that contains the service location. Gets or sets the response code that indicates results of query. Integer value that contains the response code. Gets the response stream to which the HTTP response body will be written. object to which the response body will be written. Gets the version used by the host in the response. A string value that contains the host version. Defines extensions to needed for request and response headers in HTTP. Request header for an HTTP request. String value of header. Response header for an HTTP response. String value of header. Declares the members required to support enumerators for results and associated segments on an ADO.NET Data Service $expand query option. Gets the element with expanded properties. The object in a property expanded by . Gets the value for a named property of the result. The value of the property. The name of the property for which to get enumerable results. This interface declares the methods required to support the $expand query option for an ADO.NET Data Service. Applies expansions to the specified parameter. An object of the same type as the supplied object that includes the specified . The object to expand. A collection of paths to expand. Controls the visibility of a property or properties by ADO.NET Data Services. Initializes a new instance of the class. A string value that contains the property or properties to be attributed. Initializes a new instance of the class. A string value that contains the property or properties to be attributed. Gets or sets the property name or names to controlled by the attribute. Provides access to members that control handing of request messages. Provides an entry point for the request. The resulting message for the supplied request. The object that contains the request. An interface used to insert or update a resource by the HTTP POST method. Adds the specified value to the collection. Target object that defines the property. The name of the collection property to which the resource should be added.. The opaque object representing the resource to be added. Cancels a change to the data. Creates the resource of the specified type and that belongs to the specified container. The object representing a resource of specified type and belonging to the specified container. The name of the entity set to which the resource belongs. The full namespace-qualified type name of the resource. Deletes the specified resource. The resource to be deleted. Gets the resource of the specified type identified by a query and type name. An opaque object representing a resource of the specified type, referenced by the specified query. Language integratee query(LINQ) pointing to a particular resource. The fully qualified type name of resource. Gets the value of the specified property on the target object. The value of the object. An opaque object that represents a resource. The name of the property whose value needs to be retrieved. Removes the specified value from the collection. The target object that defines the property. The name of the property whose value needs to be updated. The property value that needs to be removed. Resets the resource identified by the parameter to its default value. The resource with its value reset to the default value. The resource to be updated. Returns the instance of the resource represented by the specified resource object. Returns the instance of the resource represented by the specified resource object. The object representing the resource whose instance needs to be retrieved. Saves all the changes that have been made by using the APIs. Sets the value of the specified reference property on the target object. The target object that defines the property. The name of the property whose value needs to be updated. The property value to be updated. Sets the value of the property with the specified name on the target resource to the specified property value. The target object that defines the property. The name of the property whose value needs to be updated. The property value for update. Indicates the mime type of HTTP request. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name of the attribute. The MIME type of the attribute. Gets the name of the attribute. A string value that contains the name of the attribute. Gets the mime type of a request. A string that contains the mime type. Represents arguments used by an HTTP request to the data service. Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the HTTP request to the data service is a batch operation. The Boolean value that indicates whether the HTTP request to the data service is a batch operation. Gets the context that contains information about the current operation being processed. An object that contains information about the current operation. Gets the URI of an HTTP request to be process. A that contains the URI of the request to be processed. The on a method annotates it as a query interceptor on the specified entity set. Initializes a new instance of the class for the entity set specified by the parameter. The name of the entity set that contains the entity to which the interceptor applies. Gets the name of the entity set that contains the entity to which the interceptor applies. A string that indicates the name of the entity set that contains the entity to which the interceptor applies. An enumeration used to define access rights to service operations deployed by ADO.NET Data Services. No authorization to access the service operation. Authorization to read a single data item by using the service operation. Authorization to read multiple data items by using the service operation. Authorization to read single or multiple data items deployed by the service operation. All rights assigned to the service operation.. Overrides entity set rights that are explicitly defined in the data service with the service operation rights. Attribute used on service operations to specify that they return a single instance of their return element. Initializes a new instance of the class. An enumeration used to specify the update operations that were performed on an entity. No operations were performed on the resource. The entity was added. The entity was modified. The entity was deleted. This class is used internally by the system to implement support for queries with eager loading of related entities. Type of the expanded element. Creates an instance of the class. Gets or sets the description for the . The description of the . Gets or sets the element with expanded properties. The object in a property expanded by . Returns the value of the expanded property. The value of the property. The name of the property. Returns a property object of the expanded property. The property value. The index of the property. Gets or sets the element with expanded properties. The object in a property expanded by . This class is used internally by the system to implement support for queries with eager loading of related entities. The type of the expanded element. The type of the property to expand. The type of the property to expand. The type of the property to expand. The type of the property to expand. The type of the property to expand. The type of the property to expand. The type of the property to expand. The type of the property to expand. The type of the property to expand. Creates an instance of the class. Get or sets the property to expand. The property to expand. Get or sets the property to expand. The property to expand. Get or sets the property to expand. The property to expand. Get or sets the property to expand. The property to expand. 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Get or sets the property to expand. The property to expand. Get or sets the property to expand. The property to expand. Get or sets the property to expand. The property to expand. This class is used internally by the system to implement support for queries with eager loading of related entities. The type of the expanded element. The type of the property to expand. The type of the property to expand. The type of the property to expand. The type of the property to expand. The type of the property to expand. The type of the property to expand. The type of the property to expand. The type of the property to expand. Creates an instance of the class. Get or sets the property to expand. The property to expand. Get or sets the property to expand. The property to expand. Get or sets the property to expand. The property to expand. Get or sets the property to expand. The property to expand. Get or sets the property to expand. The property to expand. Get or sets the property to expand. The property to expand. Get or sets the property to expand. The property to expand. Get or sets the property to expand. The property to expand. Provides a wrapper over the result element with the ability to project a subset of properties. Creates a new instance of the class. Gets the value of the named property for the result. The value for the named property of the result. Name of property for which to get the value. Gets the value for the specified property by its index. The value for the property. Index of the property for which to get the value. Gets a list of property names as text in a comma-separated format. List of comma-separated names. Gets the full name of the that represents the type of this result. The full name of the type. Provides a wrapper over the result element with the ability to project a subset of properties. Creates a new instance of the class. Provides a wrapper over the result element with the ability to project a subset of properties. Creates a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Provides a wrapper over the result element with the ability to project a subset of properties. Creates a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Provides a wrapper over the result element and provides the ability to project a subset of properties. Creates a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Provides a wrapper over the result element with the ability to project a subset of properties. Creates a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Provides a wrapper over the result elements and provides the ability to project a subset of the properties. Creates a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Provides a wrapper over the result elements with the ability to project a subset of the properties. Creates a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Provides a wrapper over the result elements with the ability to project a subset of the properties. Creates a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Provides a wrapper over the result elements with the ability to project a subset of the properties. Creates a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Provides a wrapper over the result elements with the ability to project a subset of the properties. Creates a new instance of the class. Gets the value for the specified property by its index. The value for the property. Index of the property for which to get the value. Gets or sets another instance of which contains the set of the next eight projected properties, and possibly another link. The next set of properties. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. Gets or sets the property to project. The property to project. an instance of this class is assigned to the last in the list. Creates a new instance of the class. Performs late-bound operations on resource sets with a custom data service provider. Casts a value to a specified type. The cast to the requested . Gets a named value from the specified object as a sequence. An instance that contains the requested value as a sequence. Object that contains the value. that is the property the value of which must be returned. Type of the resulting sequence. Gets a named value from the specified object. An object that is the requested value. Object that contains the value. that is the property the value of which must be returned. Determines if the value is of a specified type. A value that is true if the value is of the specified type; otherwise false. The value to check. to compare with. Maintains metadata about a custom data service provider. Container name for the data source. String that contains the name of the container. Namespace name for the data source. String that contains the namespace name. Attempts to return all types that derive from the specified resource type. An collection of derived objects. The base . Gets the instance when given the source association end. A instance. Resource set of the source association end. Resource type of the source association end. Resource property of the source association end. Determines whether a resource type has derived types. true when represents an entity that has derived types; otherwise false. A object to evaluate. Gets all available containers. An collection of objects. Returns all the service operations in this data source. An collection of objects. Tries to get a resource set based on the specified name. true when resource set with the given is found; otherwise false. Name of the to resolve. Returns the resource set or a null value if a resource set with the given is not found. Tries to get a resource type based on the specified name. true when resource type with the given is found; otherwise false. Name of the type to resolve. Returns the resource type or a null value if a resource type with the given is not found. Tries to get a service operation based on the specified name. true when service operation with the given is found; otherwise false. Name of the service operation to resolve. Returns the service operation or a null value if a service operation with the given is not found. Returns all the types in this data source. An collection of objects. Provides paging support for the clients of a custom data service provider. Returns the next-page token to put in the $skiptoken query option. The next-page token as a collection of primitive types. Enumerator for which the continuation token is being requested. Gets the next-page token from the $skiptoken query option in the request URI. Query for which the continuation token is being provided. Resource type of the result on which the $skip token is to be applied. Continuation token parsed into primitive type values. Defines a metadata and query source implementation for a custom data service provider. The data source object from which data is provided. The data source. Gets the value of the open property. The value of the open property. Instance of the type that declares the open property. Name of the open property. Gets the name and values of all the properties that are defined in the given instance of an open type. A collection of name and values of all the open properties. Instance of the type that declares the open property. Gets the value of the open property. Value for the property. Instance of the type that declares the open property. Value for the open property. Gets the that represents the container. An that represents the resource set, or a null value if there is no resource set for the specified . The resource set. Gets the resource type for the instance that is specified by the parameter. The of the supplied object. Instance to extract a resource type from. Invokes the given service operation and returns the results. The result of the service operation, or a null value for a service operation that returns void. Service operation to invoke. Values of parameters to pass to the service operation. Gets a value that indicates whether null propagation is required in expression trees. A value that indicates whether null propagation is required. Enables binary data to be accessed and changed as a media resource that belongs to an entity that is a media link entry. Deletes the associated media resource when a media link entry is deleted. The media link entry that is deleted. The instance that processes the request. When or are null. When is not an entity that has a binary property to stream. When the stream associated with the cannot be deleted. Returns the stream that contains the media resource data for the specified entity, which is a media link entry. The data that contains the binary property data of the . The entity that is a media link entry with a related media resource. The eTag value sent as part of the HTTP request that is sent to the data service. A nullable value that determines whether the data service must the type of eTag that is used. The instance used by the data service to process the request. Returns the URI that is used to request the media resource that belongs to the specified entity. A value that is used to request the binary data stream. The entity that is a media link entry with a related media resource. The instance used by the data service to process the request. Returns the content type of the media resource that belongs to the specified entity. A valid Content-Type of the binary data. The entity that is a media link entry with a related media resource. The instance used by the data service to process the request. Returns the eTag of the media resource that belongs to the specified media link entry. eTag of the media resource associated with the . The entity that is a media link entry with a related media resource. The instance used by the data service to process the request. Returns the stream that the data service uses to write the binary data for the media resource received from the client that belongs to the specified entity. A valid the data service uses to write the contents of a binary data received from the client. The entity that is a media link entry with a related media resource. The eTag value that is sent as part of the HTTP request that is sent to the data service. A nullable value that indicates the type of concurrency check requested by the client. The instance that is used by the data service to process the request. Returns a namespace-qualified type name that represents the type that the data service runtime must create for the media link entry that is associated with the data stream for the media resource that is being inserted. A namespace-qualified type name. Fully-qualified entity set name. The instance that is used by the data service to process the request. Gets the size of the stream buffer. Integer that represents the size of buffer. Defines the methods that must be implemented to supply eTag values to a custom data service provider. Supplies the eTag value for the given entity resource. Cookie that represents the resource. A that is true when property values must be compared for equality; false when property values must be compared for inequality. An list of the eTag property names and corresponding values. Used to perform late-bound operations on open properties. Adds two values. The result of the arithmetic operation. First value to add. Second value to add. Performs a logical and operation between two expressions. The result of the logical and operation. Left value. Right value. Returns the ceiling of the given value. The ceiling value for the given value. A or object. Concatenates two string values. A new instance that is the concatenated string. The first string. The second string. Converts a value to the specified type. The converted value. Returns the day value of the given instance. The day value of the given instance. A object. Divides two values. The divided value. The first value (dividend). The second value (divisor). Determines whether the end of one string matches another string. Returns true when ends with ; otherwise returns false. The string being compared. The string to compare to. Determines whether the specified objects are considered equal. A value of true when both objects are equal; otherwise false. The first object to compare. The second object to compare. Returns the floor of the given value. Returns the floor value for the given object. The or object to evaluate. Gets a value from the specified property of a specified object. The requested value; null if the value cannot be determined. Object from which to get the property value. Name of property from which to get the value. Determines whether the value of one object is greater than another object. Returns true when the value of the first object is greater than that of the second object; otherwise returns false. The first value. The second value. Determines whether the value of one object is greater than or equal to another object. Returns true when the value of the first object is greater than or equal to that of the second object; otherwise returns false. The first value. The second value. Returns the hour value of the given instance. The hour value of the given instance. A object. Returns the index of a substring in the target string. Returns the index of the location of in the . The target string. The substring to find. Gets the number of characters in the supplied string object. The length of the string value. The string to be checked. Determines whether the value of one object is less than another object. Returns true when the value of the first object is less than that of the second object; otherwise returns false. The first value. The second value. Determines whether the value of one object is less than or equal to another object. Returns true when the value of the first object is less than or equal to that of the second object; otherwise returns false. The first value. The second value. Returns the minute value of the given instance. The minute value of the given instance. A object. Calculates the arithmetic remainder of dividing one value by a second value. The remainder value. The first value (dividend). The second value (divisor). Returns the month value of the given instance. The month value of the given instance. A object. Multiplies two values. The product of the two values. The first value. The second value. Returns the result of multiplying the specified value by negative one. The product of multiplied by negative one. The value to negate. Performs a bitwise (logical) complement operation on the supplied value. A bitwise complement of the supplied value. Value to logically complement. Performs a logical comparison of the two values to determine if they are not equal. A value of true when both objects are not equal; otherwise returns false. The first value. The second value. Performs a logical OR operation on two values. The result of the logical OR operation. The first value. The second value. Replaces one substring with a second substring in a target string. A new string with the substring replaced with the new substring. The string with the substring to replace. The substring to be replaced. The new substring. Rounds the supplied value. The rounded value. A or to round. Returns the second value of the given instance. The second value of the given instance. A object. Checks whether the target string starts with the substring. Returns true if the target string starts with the given substring, otherwise returns false. The string being compared. The substring that the might start with. Returns the substring after the specified starting index location. The substring. The string from which to return the substring. The starting index for the substring. Returns the substring of a specific length after the specified starting index location. The substring. The string from which to return the substring. The starting index for the substring. The length of the substring. Determines whether a substring occurs in another string. true when occurs in , otherwise false. The substring to locate. The string to search. Subtracts two values. The result of the arithmetic operation. First value in the subtraction. Second value in the subtraction. Returns a copy of a string converted to lowercase. A new string value with only lowercase. The string to convert. Returns a copy of a string converted to uppercase. A new string value with only uppercase characters. The string to convert. Removes all leading and trailing white-space characters from a string. The trimmed string. The string to trim. Checks the type of a specified value. A value that is true when the value is of the specified resource type; otherwise false. The value to check. Resource type for which to check. Returns the year value of the given instance. The year value of the given instance. A object. Describes an association between two resource sets. Creates a new instance of the class. Name of the association set. that is at the source end of the association set. that is at the target end of the association set. Gets the source end of the association set. that is at the source end of the association set. Gets the target end of the association set. that is at the target end of the association set. Gets the name of the association set. The name of the association set. Describes an end point of a resource association set. Creates a new instance of the class. Resource set to which the end belongs. Resource type to which the end belongs. Resource property that returns the end. Gets the resource property that returns the . The resource property. Gets the resource set for the . The resource set. Gets the resource type for the . The resource type. Provides a type to describe a property on a resource. Initializes a new for an open property. Property name for the property as string. . The of the resource to which the property refers. Gets a value that indicates whether this property can be accessed through reflection on the declaring resource instance type. true when the property can be accessed through reflection; otherwise false. Gets or sets custom state information about a resource property that is defined by the developer. State information. Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the property is read-only. True if the property is read-only. Gets the kind of the resource property with regard to the resource. A value. Gets or sets MIME type for the property. String value that indicates MIME type. Gets the name of the resource property. The name of the resource property as string. Gets the type of the resource property. The of the resource property. Sets the resource property to read-only. Enumeration for the kinds of properties that a resource can have. A primitive type property. A property that is part of the key. Complex or compound property. A reference to another resource. A reference to a resource set. An ETag property. Represents a collection of data service primitive, complex, or entity types. Creates a new collection of data service primitive, complex, or entity types. The name of the set of items as string. The of the items in the set. Custom state information that is defined by the developer. State information defined by the developer. Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the set is read-only. Boolean value that indicates whether resource set is read-only. Gets the name of the collection. String value that contains the name of the resource set. Gets the type of the collection. The . Gets or sets the read-only status of the collection. Represents a data service primitive, complex, or entity type. Creates an instance of a data service . CLR type that represents the format inside the ADO.NET Data Services runtime. of the resource type. Base type of the resource type as string. Namespace name of the resource type as string. Name of the given resource type as string. Boolean value that indicates whether the resource type is an abstract type. Adds an for the resource type. The to add. Adds the property supplied by the parameter to the type. property to be added. Gets a reference to base resource type, if any. of the base type. Get whether the corresponding instance type represents the CLR type of this entity. true if the instance type represents a CLR type; otherwise false. Gets or sets a placeholder to hold custom state information about a resource type that is defined by the developer. Custom state information defined by the developer. Gets the list of properties for this type. of . Gets the full name of the resource. The full name of the resource type as string. Gets a resource type that represent a primitive type when given a object. The resource type. type from which to get the primitive type. Reference to the CLR type that this resource represents. The instance type as a . Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether this is an abstract type. True if is abstract. Gets or sets a Boolean value that is true if the resource type includes a default stream. A Boolean value that is true if the resource type includes a default stream. Gets whether the resource type has open properties. true if the resource type has open properties defined; otherwise false. Gets a Boolean value that is true if this resource type has been set to read-only. True if this resource type has been set to read-only; otherwise false. Gets a list of key properties for this type of . Returns a list of properties declared by this resource type. The list of properties declared on this type. Gets the name of the resource type. Name of the resource type as string. Gets the namespace of the resource type. Namespace of the resource type as string. Gets a list of properties declared of this type that includes only properties defined on the type, not in the base type. of . List of properties declared on this type. of . Gets the for the type. . Sets the resource type to read-only. Enumeration for the kind of resource key. Entity type resource. Complex type resource. Primitive type resource. Represents a custom service operation. Creates a new instance of the service operation. Name of the service operation. that is the kind of result expected from this operation. that is the result of the operation. that is the result of the operation. Protocol method to which the service operation responds. Ordered collection of objects that are parameters for the operation. Gets or sets custom state information about service operation. State information. Indicates whether the service operation is read-only. Boolean value that indicates whether the service operation is read-only. Gets the method of the HTTP protocol to which the service operation responds. The HTTP method name. MIME-type specified on primitive results, possibly null. MIME-type value. Name of service operation. String name. Collection of in-order parameters for the service operation. A of objects. Gets the entity set from which entities are read. The entity set as a object. The kind of result that is expected by this service operation. that is the kind of result expected from this operation. Type of results returned by this service operation. Type of the results as a . Sets whether the service operation is read-only. Represents parameter information for service operations. Creates a new instance of . Name of parameter. Data type of parameter. Custom state information defined by the developer about a service operation parameter. Custom state information defined by the developer. Gets a Boolean value that defines whether the parameter is read-only. Boolean value that defines whether the parameter is read-only. Gets the name of the service operation parameter. A string that specifies the name of the service operation parameter. Gets the data type of the service operation parameter. The data type of the service operation parameter as . Sets the service operation parameter to read-only. An enumeration that describes the kind of results that a service operation provides. A single value that cannot be further composed. An enumeration of values that cannot be further composed. A queryable object that returns multiple elements. A query that returns a single item. No results.