System.EnterpriseServices Specifies the level of access checking for an application, either at the process level only or at all levels, including component, interface, and method levels. Enables access checks only at the process level. No access checks are made at the component, interface, or method level. Enables access checks at every level on calls into the application. Specifies the manner in which serviced components are activated in the application. Specifies that serviced components in the marked application are activated in the creator's process. Specifies that serviced components in the marked application are activated in a system-provided process. Creates an activity to do synchronous or asynchronous batch work that can use COM+ services without needing to create a COM+ component. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. A that contains the configuration information for the services to be used. is not supported on the current platform. Runs the specified user-defined batch work asynchronously. A object that is used to implement the batch work. Binds the user-defined work to the current thread. Runs the specified user-defined batch work synchronously. A object that is used to implement the batch work. Unbinds the batch work that is submitted by the or methods from the thread on which the batch work is running. Specifies access controls to an assembly containing classes. Initializes a new instance of the class, enabling the COM+ security configuration. Initializes a new instance of the class and sets the property indicating whether to enable COM security configuration. true to allow configuration of security; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the access checking level to process level or to component level. One of the values. Gets or sets the remote procedure call (RPC) authentication level. One of the values. Gets or sets the impersonation level that is allowed for calling targets of this application. One of the values. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable COM+ security configuration. true if COM+ security configuration is enabled; otherwise, false. Specifies whether components in the assembly run in the creator's process or in a system process. Initializes a new instance of the class, setting the specified value. One of the values. This property is not supported in the current version. This property is not supported in the current version. Gets or sets a value representing a virtual root on the Web for the COM+ application. The virtual root on the Web for the COM+ application. Gets the specified value. One of the values, either Library or Server. Specifies the application ID (as a GUID) for this assembly. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class specifying the GUID representing the application ID for the COM+ application. The GUID associated with the COM+ application. Gets the GUID of the COM+ application. The GUID representing the COM+ application. Specifies the name of the COM+ application to be used for the install of the components in the assembly. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class, specifying the name of the COM+ application to be used for the install of the components. The name of the COM+ application. Gets a value indicating the name of the COM+ application that contains the components in the assembly. The name of the COM+ application. Enables queuing support for the marked assembly and enables the application to read method calls from Message Queuing queues. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class, enabling queuing support for the assembly and initializing , , and . Gets or sets a value indicating whether queuing support is enabled. true if queuing support is enabled; otherwise, false. The default value set by the constructor is true. Gets or sets the number of threads used to extract messages from the queue and activate the corresponding component. The maximum number of threads to use for processing messages arriving in the queue. The default is zero. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the application will accept queued component calls from clients. true if the application accepts queued component calls; otherwise, false. The default is false. Specifies the remote procedure call (RPC) authentication mechanism. Applicable only when the is set to Server. Uses the default authentication level for the specified authentication service. In COM+, this setting is provided by the DefaultAuthenticationLevel property in the LocalComputer collection. Authentication does not occur. Authenticates credentials only when the connection is made. Authenticates credentials at the beginning of every call. Authenticates credentials and verifies that all call data is received. Authenticates credentials and verifies that no call data has been modified in transit. Authenticates credentials and encrypts the packet, including the data and the sender's identity and signature. Marks the attributed method as an AutoComplete object. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class, specifying that the application should automatically call if the transaction completes successfully. Initializes a new instance of the class, specifying whether COM+ AutoComplete is enabled. true to enable AutoComplete in the COM+ object; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating the setting of the AutoComplete option in COM+. true if AutoComplete is enabled in COM+; otherwise, false. The default is true. Indicates whether all work submitted by should be bound to only one single-threaded apartment (STA). This enumeration has no impact on the multithreaded apartment (MTA). The work submitted by the activity is not bound to a single STA. The work submitted by the activity is bound to a single STA. Represents the unit of work associated with a transaction. This structure is used in . Represents an array that contains the data. Wraps the COM+ ByotServerEx class and the COM+ DTC interfaces ICreateWithTransactionEx and ICreateWithTipTransactionEx. This class cannot be inherited. Creates an object that is enlisted within a manual transaction using the Transaction Internet Protocol (TIP). The requested transaction. A TIP URL that specifies a transaction. The type. Creates an object that is enlisted within a manual transaction. The requested transaction. The or object that specifies a transaction. The specified type. Enables security checking on calls to a component. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class and sets the property to indicate whether to enable COM+ security configuration. true to enable security checking on calls to a component; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether to enable security checking on calls to a component. true if security checking is to be enabled; otherwise, false. Enables you to pass context properties from the COM Transaction Integrator (COMTI) into the COM+ context. Initializes a new instance of the class, setting the property to true. Initializes a new instance of the class, enabling the setting of the property. true if the COMTI context properties are passed into the COM+ context; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether the COM Transaction Integrator (COMTI) context properties are passed into the COM+ context. true if the COMTI context properties are passed into the COM+ context; otherwise, false. The default is true. Enables COM+ object construction support. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class and initializes the default settings for and . Initializes a new instance of the class, setting to the specified value. true to enable COM+ object construction support; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a default value for the constructor string. The value to be used for the default constructor string. The default is an empty string (""). Gets or sets a value indicating whether COM+ object construction support is enabled. true if COM+ object construction support is enabled; otherwise, false. The default is true. Obtains information about the COM+ object context. This class cannot be inherited. Gets a GUID representing the activity containing the component. The GUID for an activity if the current context is part of an activity; otherwise, GUID_NULL. There is no COM+ context available. The platform is not Windows 2000 or later. Gets a GUID for the current application. The GUID for the current application. There is no COM+ context available. The platform is not Windows XP or later. Gets a GUID for the current application instance. The GUID for the current application instance. There is no COM+ context available. The platform is not Windows XP or later. Gets a GUID for the current context. The GUID for the current context. There is no COM+ context available. The platform is not Windows 2000 or later. Gets or sets the done bit in the COM+ context. true if the object is to be deactivated when the method returns; otherwise, false. The default is false. There is no COM+ context available. The platform is not Windows 2000 or later. Sets both the consistent bit and the done bit to false in the COM+ context. No COM+ context is available. Sets the consistent bit to true and the done bit to false in the COM+ context. No COM+ context is available. Returns a named property from the COM+ context. The named property for the context. The name of the requested property. There is no COM+ context available. The platform is not Windows 2000 or later. Determines whether the caller is in the specified role. true if the caller is in the specified role; otherwise, false. The name of the role to check. There is no COM+ context available. Determines whether the serviced component is activated in the default context. Serviced components that do not have COM+ catalog information are activated in the default context. true if the serviced component is activated in the default context; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether the current context is transactional. true if the current context is transactional; otherwise, false. There is no COM+ context available. Gets a value that indicates whether role-based security is active in the current context. true if the current context has security enabled; otherwise, false. There is no COM+ context available. Gets or sets the consistent bit in the COM+ context. One of the values, either Commit or Abort. There is no COM+ context available. The platform is not Windows 2000 or later. Gets a GUID for the current partition. The GUID for the current partition. There is no COM+ context available. The platform is not Windows XP or later. Sets the consistent bit to false and the done bit to true in the COM+ context. There is no COM+ context available. Sets the consistent bit and the done bit to true in the COM+ context. There is no COM+ context available. Sets the named property for the COM+ context. The name of the property to set. Object that represents the property value to set. There is no COM+ context available. The platform is not Windows 2000 or later. Gets the current transaction context. A that represents the current transaction context. There is no COM+ context available. The platform is not Windows 2000 or later. Gets an object describing the current COM+ DTC transaction. An object that represents the current transaction. There is no COM+ context available. The platform is not Windows 2000 or later. Gets the GUID of the current COM+ DTC transaction. A GUID representing the current COM+ DTC transaction, if one exists. There is no COM+ context available. The platform is not Windows 2000 or later. Sets the description on an assembly (application), component, method, or interface. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. The description of the assembly (application), component, method, or interface. Marks the attributed class as an event class. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether subscribers can be activated in the publisher's process. true if subscribers can be activated in the publisher's process; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether events are to be delivered to subscribers in parallel. true if events are to be delivered to subscribers in parallel; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a publisher filter for an event method. The publisher filter. Enables event tracking for a component. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class, enabling event tracking. Initializes a new instance of the class, optionally disabling event tracking. true to enable event tracking; otherwise, false. Gets the value of the property, which indicates whether tracking is enabled. true if tracking is enabled; otherwise, false. The default is true. Sets the queuing exception class for the queued class. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name of the exception class for the player to activate and play back before the message is routed to the dead letter queue. Gets the name of the exception class for the player to activate and play back before the message is routed to the dead letter queue. The name of the exception class for the player to activate and play back before the message is routed to the dead letter queue. Implements error trapping on the asynchronous batch work that is submitted by the object. Handles errors for asynchronous batch work. The HRESULT of the error that occurred while the batch work was running asynchronously. Enables access to ASP intrinsic values from . This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class, enabling access to the ASP intrinsic values. Initializes a new instance of the class, optionally disabling access to the ASP intrinsic values. true to enable access to the ASP intrinsic values; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether access to the ASP intrinsic values is enabled. true if access is enabled; otherwise, false. The default is true. Specifies the level of impersonation allowed when calling targets of a server application. Uses the default impersonation level for the specified authentication service. In COM+, this setting is provided by the DefaultImpersonationLevel property in the LocalComputer collection. The client is anonymous to the server. The server process can impersonate the client, but the impersonation token does not contain any information about the client. The system default level. The server can obtain the client's identity, and the server can impersonate the client to do ACL checks. The server can impersonate the client's security context while acting on behalf of the client. The server can access local resources as the client. The most powerful impersonation level. When this level is selected, the server (whether local or remote) can impersonate the client's security context while acting on behalf of the client Indicates whether to create a new context based on the current context or on the information in . The new context is created from the existing context. is the default value for . The new context is created from the default context. Flags used with the class. Do the default installation, which configures, installs, and registers, and assumes that the application already exists. Do not export the type library; one can be found either by the generated or supplied type library name. Creates the target application. An error occurs if the target already exists. Creates the application if it does not exist; otherwise use the existing application. If using an existing application, ensures that the properties on this application match those in the assembly. Configures components only, do not configure methods or interfaces. When alert text is encountered, writes it to the Console. Should not be used. Should not be used. Should not be used. Enables queuing support for the marked interface. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class setting the and properties to their default values. Initializes a new instance of the class, optionally disabling queuing support. true to enable queuing support; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether queuing support is enabled. true if queuing support is enabled; otherwise, false. The default is true. Gets or sets the name of the interface on which queuing is enabled. The name of the interface on which queuing is enabled. Functions in Queued Components in the abnormal handling of server-side playback errors and client-side failures of the Message Queuing delivery mechanism. Informs the client-side exception-handling component that all Message Queuing attempts to deliver the message to the server were rejected, and the message ended up on the client-side Xact Dead Letter queue. Informs the server-side exception class implementation that all attempts to play back the deferred activation to the server have failed, and the message is about to be moved to its final resting queue. Supports setting the time-out for the method. Sets the number of seconds remaining before the method times out. The number of seconds that remain before the time taken to execute the start up method times out. Supports methods that can be called when a COM component starts up or shuts down. Performs shutdown actions. Called when Dllhost.exe is shut down. Performs initialization at startup. Called when Dllhost.exe is started. In Microsoft Windows XP, a pointer to the IUnknown interface of the COM component starting up. In Microsoft Windows 2000, this argument is always null. Installs and configures assemblies in the COM+ catalog. Installs the assembly into the COM+ catalog. The assembly name as a file or the strong name of an assembly in the global assembly cache (GAC). The application parameter can be null. If it is, the name of the application is automatically generated based on the name of the assembly or the ApplicationName attribute. If the application contains an ApplicationID attribute, the attribute takes precedence. The name of the output type library (TLB) file, or a string containing null if the registration helper is expected to generate the name. On call completion, the actual name used is placed in the parameter. The installation options specified in the enumeration. Uninstalls the assembly from the COM+ catalog. The assembly name as a file or the strong name of an assembly in the global assembly cache (GAC). The name of the COM+ application. Implemented by the class to determine if the class attribute is set to true or false for a remote method invocation. Ensures that, in the COM+ context, the class object's done bit is set to true after a remote method invocation. A string converted from a response object that implements the interface. A string to be converted into a request object that implements the interface. Does not ensure that, in the COM+ context, the class object's done bit is set to true after a remote method invocation. A string converted from a response object implementing the interface. A string to be converted into a request object implementing the interface. Implements the batch work that is submitted through the activity created by . Starts the execution of the batch work implemented in this method. Implemented by the class to obtain information about the component via the method. Obtains certain information about the class instance. A bitmask where 0x00000001 is a key for the serviced component's process ID, 0x00000002 is a key for the application domain ID, and 0x00000004 is a key for the serviced component's remote URI. A string array that may contain any or all of the following, in order: the serviced component's process ID, the application domain ID, and the serviced component's remote URI. Corresponds to the Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) ITransaction interface and is supported by objects obtained through . Aborts the transaction. An optional that indicates why the transaction is being aborted. This parameter can be null, indicating that no reason for the abort is provided. Must be false. When is true, an asynchronous abort is performed and the caller must use ITransactionOutcomeEvents to learn the outcome of the transaction. Commits the transaction. Must be false. A value taken from the OLE DB enumeration XACTTC. Must be zero. Returns information about a transaction object. Pointer to the caller-allocated structure that will receive information about the transaction. Must not be null. Turns just-in-time (JIT) activation on or off. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. The default constructor enables just-in-time (JIT) activation. Initializes a new instance of the class, optionally allowing the disabling of just-in-time (JIT) activation by passing false as the parameter. true to enable JIT activation; otherwise, false. Gets the value of the setting. true if JIT activation is enabled; otherwise, false. The default is true. Determines whether the component participates in load balancing, if the component load balancing service is installed and enabled on the server. Initializes a new instance of the class, specifying load balancing support. Initializes a new instance of the class, optionally disabling load balancing support. true to enable load balancing support; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether load balancing support is enabled. true if load balancing support is enabled; otherwise, false. The default is true. Forces the attributed object to be created in the context of the creator, if possible. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class, requiring creation of the object in the context of the creator. Initializes a new instance of the class, optionally not creating the object in the context of the creator. true to create the object in the context of the creator; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether the attributed object is to be created in the context of the creator. true if the object is to be created in the context of the creator; otherwise, false. The default is true. Enables and configures object pooling for a component. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class and sets the , , , and properties to their default values. Initializes a new instance of the class and sets the property. true to enable object pooling; otherwise, false. Initializes a new instance of the class and sets the , , and properties. true to enable object pooling; otherwise, false. The minimum pool size. The maximum pool size. Initializes a new instance of the class and sets the and properties. The minimum pool size. The maximum pool size. Called internally by the .NET Framework infrastructure while installing and configuring assemblies in the COM+ catalog. true if the method has made changes. A hash table that contains internal objects referenced by internal keys. Called internally by the .NET Framework infrastructure while applying the class attribute to a serviced component. true if the method has made changes. A hash table that contains an internal object to which object pooling properties are applied, referenced by an internal key. Gets or sets the length of time to wait for an object to become available in the pool before throwing an exception. This value is in milliseconds. The time-out value in milliseconds. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether object pooling is enabled. true if object pooling is enabled; otherwise, false. The default is true. Called internally by the .NET Framework infrastructure while installing and configuring assemblies in the COM+ catalog. true if the attribute is applied to a serviced component class. A string generated by the .NET Framework infrastructure that is checked for a special value that indicates a serviced component. Gets or sets the value for the maximum size of the pool. The maximum number of objects in the pool. Gets or sets the value for the minimum size of the pool. The minimum number of objects in the pool. Indicates the context in which to run the COM+ partition. The enclosed context runs in the Global Partition. is the default setting for when is set to . The enclosed context runs in the current containing COM+ partition. This is the default setting for when is set to . The enclosed context runs in a COM+ partition that is different from the current containing partition. Identifies a component as a private component that is only seen and activated by components in the same application. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Specifies the mode for accessing shared properties in the shared property group manager. Locks a property during a get or set, assuring that every get or set operation on a shared property is atomic. Locks all the properties in the shared property group for exclusive use by the caller, as long as the caller's current method is executing. Specifies the release mode for the properties in the new shared property group. When all clients have released their references on the property group, the property group is automatically destroyed. This is the default COM mode. The property group is not destroyed until the process in which it was created has terminated. Provides configuration information for installing assemblies into the COM+ catalog. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the name of the COM+ application in which the assembly is to be installed. The name of the COM+ application in which the assembly is to be installed. Gets or sets the name of the root directory of the application. The name of the root directory of the application. Gets or sets the file name of the assembly to install. The file name of the assembly to install. Gets or sets a flag that indicates how to install the assembly. One of the values. Gets or sets the name of the COM+ partition. The name of the COM+ partition. Gets or sets the name of the output Type Library Exporter (Tlbexp.exe) file. The name of the output Type Library Exporter (Tlbexp.exe) file. Retrieves extended error information about methods related to multiple COM+ objects. This also includes methods that install, import, and export COM+ applications and components. This class cannot be inherited. Gets the error code for the object or file. The error code for the object or file. Gets the description of the . The description of the . Gets the key value for the object that caused the error, if applicable. The key value for the object that caused the error, if applicable. Gets a precise specification of the item that caused the error, such as a property name. A precise specification of the item, such as a property name, that caused the error. If multiple errors occurred, or this does not apply, returns the string "<Invalid>". Gets the name of the object or file that caused the error. The name of the object or file that caused the error. The exception that is thrown when a registration error is detected. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message. The message displayed to the client when the exception is thrown. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and nested exception. The message displayed to the client when the exception is thrown. The nested exception. Gets an array of objects that describe registration errors. The array of objects. Sets the object with the error information in . A object that contains serialized object data. The contextual information about the source or destination. parameter is null. Installs and configures assemblies in the COM+ catalog. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Installs the named assembly in a COM+ application. The file name of the assembly to install. The name of the COM+ application to install into. This parameter can be null. If the parameter is null and the assembly contains a , then the attribute is used. Otherwise, the name of the application is generated based on the name of the assembly, then is returned. The name of the partition. This parameter can be null. The name of the output Type Library Exporter (Tlbexp.exe) file, or a string that contains null if the registration helper is expected to generate the name. The actual name used is placed in the parameter on call completion. A bitwise combination of the values. The input assembly does not have a strong name. Installs the named assembly in a COM+ application. The file name of the assembly to install. The name of the COM+ application to install into. This parameter can be null. If the parameter is null and the assembly contains a , then the attribute is used. Otherwise, the name of the application is generated based on the name of the assembly, then is returned. The name of the output Type Library Exporter (Tlbexp.exe) file, or a string that contains null if the registration helper is expected to generate the name. The actual name used is placed in the parameter on call completion. A bitwise combination of the values. The input assembly does not have a strong name. Installs the named assembly in a COM+ application. A identifying the assembly to install. Uninstalls the assembly from the given application. The file name of the assembly to uninstall. If this name is not null, it is the name of the application that contains the components in the assembly. The input assembly does not have a strong name. Uninstalls the assembly from the given application. The file name of the assembly to uninstall. If this name is not null, it is the name of the application that contains the components in the assembly. The name of the partition. This parameter can be null. The input assembly does not have a strong name. Uninstalls the assembly from the given application. A identifying the assembly to uninstall. Used by the .NET Framework infrastructure to install and configure assemblies in the COM+ catalog while maintaining a newly established transaction. Initializes a new instance of the class. Installs the named assembly in the COM+ catalog using transactional semantics. The file name of the assembly to install. Either the name of the COM+ application to install into or a string that contains null. Either the name of the partition or null. Either the name of the output Type Library Exporter (Tlbexp.exe) file or null. A bitwise combination of the installation flags values. A synchronization object generated by the infrastructure that can wait until the specified assembly has been configured in the COM+ catalog. Installs the named assembly in the COM+ catalog using transactional semantics. The file name of the assembly to install. Either the name of the COM+ application to install into or null. Either the name of the output Type Library Exporter (Tlbexp.exe) file or null. A bitwise combination of the installation flags values. A synchronization object generated by the infrastructure that can wait until the specified assembly has been configured in the COM+ catalog. Installs a specified assembly in the COM+ catalog using transactional semantics. Configuration information for installing an assembly into the COM+ catalog. A synchronization object generated by the infrastructure that waits until the specified assembly has been configured in the COM+ catalog. Gets a value indicating whether the current context for the class instance is transactional. true if the current context for the class instance is transactional; otherwise, false. Uninstalls an assembly from a COM+ application using transactional semantics. The file name of the assembly to uninstall. Either the name of the COM+ application that contains the components in the assembly or null. A synchronization object generated by the infrastructure that can wait until the specified assembly has been uninstalled. Uninstalls an assembly from a COM+ application using transactional semantics. The file name of the assembly to uninstall. Either the name of the COM+ application that contains the components in the assembly or null. Either the name of the partition or null. A synchronization object generated by the infrastructure that can wait until the specified assembly has been uninstalled. Uninstalls a specified assembly from a COM+ application using transactional semantics. Configuration information that specifies an assembly to uninstall from an application. A synchronization object generated by the infrastructure that waits until the specified assembly has been uninstalled. Stores objects in the current transaction. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. A , that is called when a transaction is finished. All items currently stored in the transaction are handed back to the user through the delegate. Gets a resource from the current transaction. The resource object. Adds a resource to the current transaction. true if the resource object was added to the pool; otherwise, false. The resource to add. Represents the method that handles the ending of a transaction. The object that is passed back to the delegate. Ensures that the infrastructure calls through an interface for a method or for each method in a class when using the security service. Classes need to use interfaces to use security services. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Describes the chain of callers leading up to the current method call. Gets a object that describes the caller. The object that describes the caller. There is no security context. Gets a object that describes the security call context. The object that describes the security call context. Gets a object that describes the direct caller of this method. A value. Verifies that the direct caller is a member of the specified role. true if the direct caller is a member of the specified role; otherwise, false. The specified role. Determines whether security checks are enabled in the current context. true if security checks are enabled in the current context; otherwise, false. Verifies that the specified user is in the specified role. true if the specified user is a member of the specified role; otherwise, false. The specified user. The specified role. Gets the MinAuthenticationLevel value from the ISecurityCallContext collection in COM+. The MinAuthenticationLevel value from the ISecurityCallContext collection in COM+. Gets the NumCallers value from the ISecurityCallContext collection in COM+. The NumCallers value from the ISecurityCallContext collection in COM+. Gets a that describes the original caller. One of the values. Provides an ordered collection of identities in the current call chain. Gets the number of callers in the chain. The number of callers in the chain. Retrieves the enumeration interface for the object. The enumerator interface for the ISecurityCallersColl collection. Gets the specified item. A object. The item to access using an index number. Contains information that regards an identity in a COM+ call chain. Gets the name of the user described by this identity. The name of the user described by this identity. Gets the authentication level of the user described by this identity. One of the values. Gets the authentication service described by this identity. The authentication service described by this identity. Gets the impersonation level of the user described by this identity. A value. Configures a role for an application or component. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class and sets the property. A security role for the application, component, interface, or method. Initializes a new instance of the class and sets the and properties. A security role for the application, component, interface, or method. true to require that the newly created role have the Everyone user group added as a user; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the role description. The description for the role. Gets or sets the security role. The security role applied to an application, component, interface, or method. Sets a value indicating whether to add the Everyone user group as a user. true to require that a newly created role have the Everyone user group added as a user (roles that already exist on the application are not modified); otherwise, false to suppress adding the Everyone user group as a user. Specifies and configures the services that are to be active in the domain which is entered when calling or creating an . This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class, setting the properties to configure the desired services. is not supported on the current platform. Gets or sets the binding option, which indicates whether all work submitted by the activity is to be bound to only one single-threaded apartment (STA). One of the values. The default is . Gets or sets a that represents an existing transaction that supplies the settings used to run the transaction identified by . A . The default is null. Gets or sets a that represents an existing transaction that supplies the settings used to run the transaction identified by . An . The default is null. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether COM Transaction Integrator (COMTI) intrinsics are enabled. true if COMTI intrinsics are enabled; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether Internet Information Services (IIS) intrinsics are enabled. true if IIS intrinsics are enabled; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to construct a new context based on the current context or to create a new context based solely on the information in . One of the values. The default is . Gets or sets the isolation level of the transaction. One of the values. The default is . Gets or sets the GUID for the COM+ partition that is to be used. The GUID for the partition to be used. The default is a zero GUID. Gets or sets a value that indicates how partitions are used for the enclosed work. One of the values. The default is . Gets or sets the directory for the side-by-side assembly for the enclosed work. The name of the directory to be used for the side-by-side assembly. The default value is null. Gets or sets the file name of the side-by-side assembly for the enclosed work. The file name of the side-by-side assembly. The default value is null. Gets or sets a value that indicates how to configure the side-by-side assembly. One of the values. The default is . Gets or sets a value in that indicates the type of automatic synchronization requested by the component. One of the values. The default is . Gets or sets a value that indicates the thread pool which runs the work submitted by the activity. One of the values. The default is . Gets or sets the Transaction Internet Protocol (TIP) URL that allows the enclosed code to run in an existing transaction. A TIP URL. The default value is null. Gets or sets a text string that corresponds to the application ID under which tracker information is reported. The application ID under which tracker information is reported. The default value is null. Gets or sets a text string that corresponds to the context name under which tracker information is reported. The context name under which tracker information is reported. The default value is null. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether tracking is enabled. true if tracking is enabled; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets a value that indicates how transactions are used in the enclosed work. One of the values. The default is . Gets or sets the name that is used when transaction statistics are displayed. The name used when transaction statistics are displayed. The default value is null. Gets or sets the transaction time-out for a new transaction. The transaction time-out, in seconds. Represents the base class of all classes using COM+ services. Initializes a new instance of the class. Called by the infrastructure when the object is created or allocated from a pool. Override this method to add custom initialization code to objects. This method is called by the infrastructure before the object is put back into the pool. Override this method to vote on whether the object is put back into the pool. true if the serviced component can be pooled; otherwise, false. Called by the infrastructure just after the constructor is called, passing in the constructor string. Override this method to make use of the construction string value. The construction string. Called by the infrastructure when the object is about to be deactivated. Override this method to add custom finalization code to objects when just-in-time (JIT) compiled code or object pooling is used. Releases all resources used by the . Releases the unmanaged resources used by the and optionally releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; otherwise, false to release only unmanaged resources. Finalizes the object and removes the associated COM+ reference. The object to dispose. Ensures that, in the COM+ context, the class object's done bit is set to true after a remote method invocation A string converted from a response object that implements the interface. A string to be converted into a request object that implements the interface. Does not ensure that, in the COM+ context, the class object's done bit is set to true after a remote method invocation. A string converted from a response object implementing the interface. A string to be converted into a request object implementing the interface. Obtains information about the class instance. A bitmask where 0x00000001 is a key for the serviced component's process ID, 0x00000002 is a key for the application domain ID, and 0x00000004 is a key for the serviced component's remote URI. A string array that may contain any or all of the following, in order: the serviced component's process ID, the application domain ID, and the serviced component's remote URI. The exception that is thrown when an error is detected in a serviced component. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message. The message displayed to the client when the exception is thrown. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message displayed to the client when the exception is thrown. The , if any, that threw the current exception. Allows a code segment identified by and to run in its own context and behave as if it were a method that is called on an object created within the context. This class cannot be inherited. Creates the context specified by the object and pushes it onto the context stack to become the current context. A that contains the configuration information for the services to be used within the enclosed code. is not supported on the current platform. Triggers the server and then the client side policies as if a method call were returning. The current context is then popped from the context stack, and the context that was running when was called becomes the current context. One of the values. is not supported on the current platform. Accesses a shared property. This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets the value of the shared property. The value of the shared property. Represents a collection of shared properties. This class cannot be inherited. Creates a property with the given name. The requested . The name of the new property. Determines whether the property exists. Set to true on return if the property exists. Creates a property at the given position. The requested . The index of the new property Determines whether the property exists. Set to true on return if the property exists. Returns the property with the given name. The requested . The name of requested property. Returns the property at the given position. The requested . The index of the property. Controls access to shared property groups. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Finds or creates a property group with the given information. The requested . The name of requested property. One of the values. See the Remarks section for more information. One of the values. See the Remarks section for more information. When this method returns, contains true if the property already existed; false if the call created the property. Retrieves the enumeration interface for the collection. The enumerator interface for the collection. Finds the property group with the given name. The requested . The name of requested property. Indicates how side-by-side assemblies are configured for . Side-by-side assemblies are not used within the enclosed context. is the default setting for when is set to . The current side-by-side assembly of the enclosed context is used. is the default setting for when is set to . A new side-by-side assembly is created for the enclosed context. Sets the synchronization value of the component. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class with the default . Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified . One of the values. Gets the current setting of the property. One of the values. The default is Required. Specifies the type of automatic synchronization requested by the component. COM+ ignores the synchronization requirements of the component when determining context for the object. An object with this value never participates in synchronization, regardless of the status of its caller. This setting is only available for components that are non-transactional and do not use just-in-time (JIT) activation. An object with this value participates in synchronization, if it exists. Ensures that all objects created from the component are synchronized. An object with this value must participate in a new synchronization where COM+ manages contexts and apartments on behalf of all components involved in the call. Indicates the thread pool in which the work, submitted by , runs. No thread pool is used. If this value is used to configure a that is passed to an , an exception is thrown. The same type of thread pool apartment as the caller's thread apartment is used. A single-threaded apartment (STA) is used. A multithreaded apartment (MTA) is used. Specifies the type of transaction that is available to the attributed object. Permissible values are members of the enumeration. Initializes a new instance of the class, setting the component's requested transaction type to . Initializes a new instance of the class, specifying the transaction type. The specified transaction type, a value. Gets or sets the transaction isolation level. One of the values. Gets or sets the time-out for this transaction. The transaction time-out in seconds. Gets the value for the transaction, optionally disabling the transaction service. The specified transaction type, a value. Specifies the value of the . The isolation level for the component is obtained from the calling component's isolation level. If this is the root component, the isolation level used is . Shared locks are issued and no exclusive locks are honored. Shared locks are held while the data is being read to avoid reading modified data, but the data can be changed before the end of the transaction, resulting in non-repeatable reads or phantom data. Locks are placed on all data that is used in a query, preventing other users from updating the data. Prevents non-repeatable reads, but phantom rows are still possible. Prevents updating or inserting until the transaction is complete. Specifies the automatic transaction type requested by the component. Ignores any transaction in the current context. Creates the component in a context with no governing transaction. Shares a transaction, if one exists. Shares a transaction, if one exists, and creates a new transaction if necessary. Creates the component with a new transaction, regardless of the state of the current context. Indicates the transaction status. The transaction has committed. The transaction has neither committed nor aborted. No transactions are being used through . The transaction is in the process of aborting. The transaction is aborted. Specifies the values allowed for transaction outcome voting. Commits the current transaction. Aborts the current transaction. Represents a structure used in the interface. Specifies zero. This field is reserved. Specifies zero. This field is reserved. Represents a bitmask that indicates which grfTC flags this transaction implementation supports. Specifies zero. This field is reserved. Specifies zero. This field is reserved. Represents the isolation level associated with this transaction object. ISOLATIONLEVEL_UNSPECIFIED indicates that no isolation level was specified. Represents the unit of work associated with this transaction. Enables Compensating Resource Manger (CRM) on the tagged application. Initializes a new instance of the class, setting the property to true. Initializes a new instance of the class, optionally setting the property to false. true to enable Compensating Resource Manager (CRM); otherwise, false. Enables or disables Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) on the tagged application. true if CRM is enabled; otherwise, false. The default is true. Writes records of transactional actions to a log. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name of the compensator. The description of the compensator. A bitwise combination of the values. Initializes a new instance of the class. A type that represents the compensator. The description of the compensator. A bitwise combination of the values. Forces all log records to disk. Performs an immediate abort call on the transaction. Does not deliver the last log record that was written by this instance of this interface. Gets the number of log records. The number of log records. Gets a value representing the transaction unit of work (UOW). A GUID representing the UOW. Writes unstructured log records to the log. The log record to write to the log. Contains information describing an active Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) Clerk object. Gets the activity ID of the current Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) Worker. Gets the activity ID of the current Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) Worker. Gets for the current Clerk. for the current Clerk. Gets the ProgId of the Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) Compensator for the current CRM Clerk. The ProgId of the CRM Compensator for the current CRM Clerk. Gets the description of the Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) Compensator for the current CRM Clerk. The description string is the string that was provided by the ICrmLogControl::RegisterCompensator method. The description of the CRM Compensator for the current CRM Clerk. Gets the instance class ID (CLSID) of the current Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) Clerk. The instance CLSID of the current CRM Clerk. Gets the unit of work (UOW) of the transaction for the current Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) Clerk. The UOW of the transaction for the current CRM Clerk. Contains a snapshot of all Clerks active in the process. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the count of the Clerk monitors in the Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) monitor collection. The number of Clerk monitors in the CRM monitor collection. Returns the enumeration of the clerks in the Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) monitor collection. An enumerator describing the clerks in the collection. Gets the object for this . The object for this . The integer index that identifies the . Gets the object for this . The object for this . The numeric index that identifies the . Gets the Clerks collection object, which is a snapshot of the current state of the Clerks. Represents the base class for all Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) Compensators. Initializes a new instance of the class. Delivers a log record to the Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) Compensator during the abort phase. true if the delivered record should be forgotten; otherwise, false. The log record to be delivered. Notifies the Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) Compensator of the abort phase of the transaction completion, and the upcoming delivery of records. true to begin abort phase; otherwise, false. Notifies the Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) Compensator of the commit phase of the transaction completion and the upcoming delivery of records. true to begin commit phase; otherwise, false. Notifies the Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) Compensator of the prepare phase of the transaction completion and the upcoming delivery of records. Gets a value representing the Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) object. The object. Delivers a log record in forward order during the commit phase. true if the delivered record should be forgotten; otherwise, false. The log record to forward. Notifies the Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) Compensator that it has received all the log records available during the abort phase. Notifies the Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) Compensator that it has delivered all the log records available during the commit phase. Notifies the Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) Compensator that it has had all the log records available during the prepare phase. true if successful; otherwise, false. Delivers a log record in forward order during the prepare phase. true if the delivered record should be forgotten; otherwise, false. The log record to forward. Specifies flags that control which phases of transaction completion should be received by the Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) Compensator, and whether recovery should fail if questionable transactions remain after recovery has been attempted. Represents the prepare phase. Represents the commit phase. Represents the abort phase. Represents all phases. Fails if in-doubt transactions remain after recovery has been attempted. Represents an unstructured log record delivered as a COM+ CrmLogRecordRead structure. This class cannot be inherited. Gets a value that indicates when the log record was written. A bitwise combination of the values which provides information about when this record was written. Gets the log record user data. A single BLOB that contains the user data. The sequence number of the log record. An integer value that specifies the sequence number of the log record. Describes the origin of a Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) log record. Indicates the delivered record should be forgotten. Log record was written during prepare. Log record was written during commit. Log record was written during abort. Log record was written during recovery. Log record was written during replay. Log record was written when replay was in progress. Specifies the state of the current Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) transaction. The transaction is active. The transaction is commited. The transaction is aborted. The transaction is in-doubt. Switches into the given application domain, which the object should be bound to, and does a callback on the given function. Initializes a new instance of the class. Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the is reclaimed by garbage collection. Locates an assembly and returns information about its modules. Initializes a new instance of the class. Defines a static method that creates a client remoting configuration file for a client type library. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a client remoting configuration file for a client type library in a SOAP-enabled COM+ application. true if the client remoting configuration file was successfully created; otherwise false. The folder in which to create the configuration file. The name of the virtual root. The base URL that contains the virtual root. The display name of the assembly that contains common language runtime (CLR) metadata corresponding to the type library. The fully qualified name of the assembly that contains CLR metadata corresponding to the type library. The programmatic identifier of the class. The activation mode. Not used. Specify null for this parameter. Activates SOAP-enabled COM+ application proxies from a client. Initializes a new instance of the class. Activates a remote assembly through .NET remoting, using the assembly's configuration file. An instance of the that represents the type, with culture, arguments, and binding and activation attributes set to null, or null if the parameter is not found. The name of the assembly to activate. The name of the type to activate. Not used. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. The class is not registered. Activates a remote assembly through .NET remoting, using the remote assembly's mailbox. Currently not implemented; throws a if called. This method throws an exception if called. A mailbox on the Web service. Not used. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is not implemented. Activates a remote assembly through .NET remoting, using the virtual root URL of the remote assembly. An instance of the representing the type, with culture, arguments, and binding and activation attributes set to null, or null if the assembly identified by the parameter is not found. The virtual root URL of the object to be activated. Not used. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. The thread token could not be opened. Activates a remote assembly through .NET remoting, using the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) of the XML Web service. An instance of the representing the type, with culture, arguments, and binding and activation attributes set to null, or null if the assembly identified by the parameter is not found. The WSDL URL of the Web service. Not used. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. The thread token could not be opened. Identifies and installs components in the COM+ catalog. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the component information from the assembly. The path to the assembly. When this method returns, this parameter contains the number of components in the assembly. When this method returns, this parameter contains the information about the components. is an empty string, contains only white space, or contains one or more invalid characters as defined by .-or- The system could not retrieve the absolute path. The caller does not have the required permissions. is null. contains a colon (":"). The specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must be less than 248 characters, and file names must be less than 260 characters. Installs an assembly into a COM+ application. The path for the assembly. The COM+ partition name. The COM+ application name. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. The input assembly does not have a strong name. Error handler for publishing SOAP-enabled services in COM+ applications. Initializes a new instance of the class. Writes to an event log an error encountered while publishing SOAP-enabled COM interfaces in COM+ applications. An error message to be written to the event log. Generates common language runtime (CLR) metadata for a COM+ component. Initializes a new instance of the class. Generates, or locates, an assembly that contains common language runtime (CLR) metadata for a COM+ component represented by the specified type library. The generated assembly name; otherwise, an empty string if the inputs are invalid. The name of the type library for which to generate an assembly. The folder in which to generate an assembly or to locate an already existing assembly. Generates, or locates, an assembly that contains common language runtime (CLR) metadata for a COM+ component represented by the specified type library, signs the assembly with a strong-named key pair, and installs it in the global assembly cache. The generated assembly name; otherwise, an empty string if the inputs are invalid. The name of the type library for which to generate an assembly. The folder in which to generate an assembly or to locate an already existing assembly. A public key used to import type library information into an assembly. A strong-named key pair used to sign the generated assembly. Generates, or locates, an assembly that contains common language runtime (CLR) metadata for a COM+ component represented by the specified type library, signs the assembly with a strong-named key pair, and installs it in the global assembly cache. The generated assembly name; otherwise, an empty string if the inputs are invalid. The name of the type library for which to generate an assembly. The folder in which to generate an assembly or to locate an already existing assembly. Ignored. A string to which an error message can be written. Searches for a specified file in a specified path. If the search succeeds, the return value is the length of the string copied to . If the search fails, the return value is 0. The path to be searched for the file. The name of the file for which to search. An extension to be added to the file name when searching for the file. The size of the buffer that receives the valid path and file name. The buffer that receives the path and file name of the file found. The variable that receives the address of the last component of the valid path and file name. Activates SOAP-enabled COM+ application proxies from a client. Activates a remote assembly through .NET remoting, using the assembly's configuration file. An instance of the representing the type, with culture, arguments, and binding and activation attributes set to null, or null if the parameter is not found. The name of the assembly to activate. The name of the type to activate. Not used. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. The class is not registered. Activates a remote assembly through .NET remoting, using the remote assembly's mailbox. Currently not implemented; throws a if called. This method throws an exception if called. A mailbox on the Web service. Not used. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is not implemented. Activates a remote assembly through .NET remoting, using the virtual root URL of the remote assembly. An instance of the representing the type, with culture, arguments, and binding and activation attributes set to null, or null if the assembly identified by the parameter is not found. The virtual root URL of the remote object. Not used. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. The thread token could not be opened. Activates a remote assembly through .NET remoting, using the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) of the XML Web service. An instance of the representing the type, with culture, arguments, and binding and activation attributes set to null, or null if the assembly identified by the parameter is not found. The WSDL URL of the Web service. Not used. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. The thread token could not be opened. Identifies and installs components in the COM+ catalog. Gets the component information from the assembly. The path to the assembly. When this method returns, this parameter contains the number of components in the assembly. When this method returns, this parameter contains the information about the components. is an empty string (""), contains only white space, or contains one or more invalid characters as defined by .-or- The system could not retrieve the absolute path. The caller does not have the required permissions. is null. contains a colon (":"). The specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must be less than 248 characters, and file names must be less than 260 characters. Installs an assembly into a COM+ application. The path for the assembly. The COM+ partition name. The COM+ application name. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. The input assembly does not have a strong name. Interface definition for creating and deleting Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 virtual roots. Creates an Internet Information Services (IIS) virtual root. The root Web server. The physical path of the virtual root, which corresponds to from the method. The name of the virtual root, which corresponds to from the method. A string to which an error message can be written. Deletes an Internet Information Services (IIS) virtual root. The root Web server. The physical path of the virtual root. The name of the virtual root. A string to which an error message can be written. Specifies methods for generating common language runtime (CLR) metadata for a COM+ component. Generates an assembly that contains common language runtime (CLR) metadata for a COM+ component represented by the specified type library. The generated assembly name. The name of the type library for which to generate an assembly. The folder in which to generate an assembly. Generates an assembly that contains common language runtime (CLR) metadata for a COM+ component represented by the specified type library, signs the assembly with a strong-named key pair, and installs it in the global assembly cache. The generated assembly name. The name of the type library for which to generate an assembly. The folder in which to generate an assembly. A flag that indicates whether to install the assembly in the global assembly cache. A string to which an error message can be written. Publishes COM interfaces for SOAP-enabled COM+ applications. Creates a SOAP-enabled COM+ application mailbox at a specified URL. Not fully implemented. The URL for the root mail server. The mailbox to create. When this method returns, this parameter contains the name of the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server containing the mailbox. When this method returns, this parameter contains the domain of the SMTP server. When this method returns, this parameter contains the file system path for the mailbox. When this method returns, this parameter contains an error message if a problem was encountered. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. Creates a SOAP-enabled COM+ application virtual root. The operation to perform. The complete URL address for the virtual root. When this method returns, this parameter contains the base URL address. When this method returns, this parameter contains the name of the virtual root. When this method returns, this parameter contains the file path for the virtual root. When this method returns, this parameter contains an error message if a problem was encountered. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code.-or- The caller does not have permission to access Domain Name System (DNS) information. is null. An error is encountered when resolving the local host name. is empty.-or- The scheme specified in is invalid.-or- contains more than two consecutive slashes.-or- The password specified in is invalid.-or- The host name specified in is invalid.-or- The file name specified in is invalid. Deletes a SOAP-enabled COM+ application mailbox at a specified URL. Not fully implemented. The URL for the root mail server. The mailbox to delete. When this method returns, this parameter contains an error message if a problem was encountered. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. Deletes a SOAP-enabled COM+ application virtual root. Not fully implemented. The root Web server. The complete URL address for the virtual root. When this method returns, this parameter contains an error message if a problem was encountered. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. Installs an assembly in the global assembly cache. The file system path for the assembly. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. Removes an assembly from the global assembly cache. The file system path for the assembly. is null. is empty. is not found. An assembly or module was loaded twice with two different evidences. is not a valid assembly. Returns the full path for a strong-named signed generated assembly in the SoapCache directory. The path for the file that contains the typelib. When this method returns, this parameter contains the full path of the proxy assembly in the SoapCache directory. is null. The caller does not have the required permission. The file name is empty, contains only white spaces, or contains invalid characters. Access to is denied. The specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must be less than 248 characters, and file names must be less than 260 characters. contains a colon (:) in the middle of the string. Reflects over an assembly and returns the type name that matches the ProgID. The type name that matches the ProgID. The file system path for the assembly. The programmatic identifier of the class. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. Processes a client type library, creating a configuration file on the client. The programmatic identifier of the class. The path for the file that contains the typelib. The Web application directory. The name of the virtual root. The base URL that contains the virtual root. The activation mode. Not used. Specify null for this parameter. When this method returns, this parameter contains the display name of the assembly. When this method returns, this parameter contains the fully-qualified type name of the assembly. When this method returns, this parameter contains an error message if a problem was encountered. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. Processes a server type library, either adding or deleting component entries to the Web.config and Default.disco files. Generates a proxy if necessary. The programmatic identifier of the class. The path for the file that contains the type library. The Web application directory. The operation to perform. When this method returns, this parameter contains the display name of the assembly. When this method returns, this parameter contains the fully-qualified type name of the assembly. When this method returns, this parameter contains an error message if a problem was encountered. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. The parameter referenced scrobj.dll; therefore, SOAP publication of script components is not supported. Registers an assembly for COM interop. The file system path for the assembly. The input assembly does not have a strong name. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code.-or- A codebase that does not start with "file://" was specified without the required . is null. is not found, or a file name extension is not specified. is not a valid assembly. An assembly or module was loaded twice with two different evidences, or the assembly name is longer than MAX_PATH characters. A method marked with is not static.-or- There is more than one method marked with at a given level of the hierarchy.-or- The signature of the method marked with is not valid. Unregisters a COM interop assembly. The file system path for the assembly. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code.-or- A codebase that does not start with "file://" was specified without the required . is null. is not found, or a file name extension is not specified. is not a valid assembly. An assembly or module was loaded twice with two different evidences, or the assembly name is longer than MAX_PATH characters. A method marked with is not static.-or- There is more than one method marked with at a given level of the hierarchy.-or- The signature of the method marked with is not valid. Creates and deletes Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 virtual roots. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates an Internet Information Services (IIS) virtual root. A string with the value "IIS://localhost/W3SVC/1/ROOT" representing the root Web server. The physical path of the virtual root, which corresponds to from the method. The name of the virtual root, which corresponds to from . A string to which an error message can be written. Deletes an Internet Information Services (IIS) virtual root. The root Web server, as specified by from the method. The physical path of the virtual root. The name of the virtual root. A string to which an error message can be written. Creates a Web.config file for a SOAP-enabled COM+ application and adds component entries to the file for COM interfaces being published in the application. Adds XML elements to a Web.config file for a COM interface being published in a SOAP-enabled COM+ application. The path for the existing Web.config file. The name of the assembly that contains the type being added. The name of the type being added. The programmatic identifier for the type being added. A string constant that corresponds to the name of a member from the enumeration, which indicates how a well-known object is activated. A string to which an error message can be written. Creates a Web.config file for a SOAP-enabled COM+ application so that the file is ready to have XML elements added for COM interfaces being published. The folder in which to create the configuration file. The string value to which a config extension can be added (for example, Web for Web.config). A string to which an error message can be written. Imports authenticated, encrypted SOAP client proxies. Creates a .NET remoting client configuration file that includes security and authentication options. The programmatic identifier of the class. If an empty string (""), this method returns without doing anything. The name of the virtual root. The base URL that contains the virtual root. The type of ASP.NET authentication to use. The name of the assembly. The name of the type. The caller does not have the required permission. Processes authenticated, encrypted SOAP components on servers. Adds the entries for a server type library to the Web.config and Default.disco files, depending on security options, and generates a proxy if necessary. The programmatic identifier of the class. The class identifier (CLSID) for the type library. The IID for the type library. The path for the file containing the type library. The root Web server. The base URL that contains the virtual root. The name of the virtual root. true if client activated; otherwise, false. true if well-known; otherwise, false. true if a discovery file; otherwise, false. The operation to perform. Specify either "delete" or an empty string. When this method returns, contains the name of the assembly. When this method returns, contains the type of the assembly. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. The SOAP utility is not available. The call to get the system directory failed. Removes entries for a server type library from the Web.config and Default.disco files, depending on security options. The programmatic identifier of the class. The class identifier (CLSID) for the type library. The IID for the type library. The path for the file containing the type library. The root Web server. The base URL that contains the virtual root. The name of the virtual root. Not used. Specify null for this parameter. The name of the assembly. The type of the assembly. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. The SOAP utility is not available. Publishes authenticated, encrypted SOAP virtual roots on servers. Creates a SOAP virtual root with security options. The root Web server. The base URL that contains the virtual root. The name of the virtual root. true if the EnableDefaultDoc property is to be set; otherwise, false. true if a default discovery file is to be created; false if there is to be no discovery file. If false and a Default.disco file exists, the file is deleted. true if SSL encryption is required; otherwise, false. Specify "anonymous" if no authentication is to be used (anonymous user). Otherwise, specify an empty string. Not used. Specify null for this parameter. When this method returns, this parameter contains the base URL. When this method returns, this parameter contains the name of the virtual root. When this method returns, this parameter contains the disk address of the Virtual Root directory. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. The SOAP utility is not available. Deletes a virtual root. Not fully implemented. The root Web server. The base URL that contains the virtual root. The name of the virtual root. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. The SOAP utility is not available. The call to identify the system directory failed. Returns the security status of an existing SOAP virtual root. The root Web server. The base URL that contains the virtual root. The name of the virtual root. When this method returns, this parameter contains a true if the virtual directory exists; otherwise, false. When this method returns, this parameter contains a true if SSL encryption is required; otherwise, false. When this method returns, this parameter contains true if Windows authentication is set, otherwise, false. When this method returns, this parameter contains true if no authentication is set (anonymous user); otherwise, false. When this method returns, this parameter contains a true if the Virtual Root directory's EnableDefaultDoc property is set; otherwise, false. When this method returns, this parameter contains a true if a Default.disco file exists; otherwise, false. When this method returns, this parameter contains the disk address of the Virtual Root directory. When this method returns, this parameter contains the base URL. When this method returns, this parameter contains the name of the virtual root. Provides utilities to support the exporting of COM+ SOAP-enabled application proxies by the server and the importing of the proxies by the client. Returns the path for the SOAP virtual root bin directory. The root Web server. The base URL address. The name of the virtual root. When this method returns, this parameter contains the file path for the SOAP virtual root bin directory. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. The SOAP utility is not available. The call to get the system directory failed. Returns the path for the SOAP virtual root. The root Web server. The base URL address. The name of the virtual root. When this method returns, this parameter contains the file path for the SOAP virtual root. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. The SOAP utility is not available. The call to get the system directory failed. Determines whether authenticated, encrypted SOAP interfaces are present. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. The SOAP utility is not available. Publishes COM interfaces for SOAP-enabled COM+ applications. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a SOAP-enabled COM+ application mailbox at a specified URL. Not fully implemented. The URL for the root mail server. The mailbox to create. When this method returns, this parameter contains the name of the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server containing the mailbox. When this method returns, this parameter contains the domain of the SMTP server. When this method returns, this parameter contains the file system path for the mailbox. When this method returns, this parameter contains an error message if a problem was encountered. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. Creates a SOAP-enabled COM+ application virtual root. The operation to perform. The complete URL address for the virtual root. When this method returns, this parameter contains the base URL address. When this method returns, this parameter contains the name of the virtual root. When this method returns, this parameter contains the file path for the virtual root. When this method returns, this parameter contains an error message if a problem was encountered. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code.-or- The caller does not have permission to access DNS information. is null. An error is encountered when resolving the local host name. is empty.-or- The scheme specified in is invalid.-or- contains more than two consecutive slashes.-or- The password specified in is invalid.-or- The host name specified in is invalid.-or- The file name specified in is invalid. Deletes a SOAP-enabled COM+ application mailbox at a specified URL. Not fully implemented. The URL for the root mail server. The mailbox to delete. When this method returns, this parameter contains an error message if a problem was encountered. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. Deletes a SOAP-enabled COM+ application virtual root. Not fully implemented. The root Web server. The complete URL address for the virtual root. When this method returns, this parameter contains an error message if a problem was encountered. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. Installs an assembly in the global assembly cache. The file system path for the assembly. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. Removes an assembly from the global assembly cache. The file system path for the assembly. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code.-or- The caller does not have path discovery permission. is null. is empty. is not found. An assembly or module was loaded twice with two different evidences. is not a valid assembly. Returns the full path for a strong-named signed generated assembly in the SoapCache directory. The path for the file that contains the typelib. When this method returns, this parameter contains the name of the SoapCache directory. is null. The caller does not have the required permission. The file name is empty, contains only white spaces, or contains invalid characters. Access to is denied. The specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must be less than 248 characters, and file names must be less than 260 characters. contains a colon (:) in the middle of the string. Returns the path for the directory for storing client configuration files. The path for the directory to contain the configuration files. Set to true to create the directory, or false to return the path but not create the directory. The caller does not have the required permission. Reflects over an assembly and returns the type name that matches the ProgID. The type name that matches the ProgID. The file system path for the assembly. The programmatic identifier of the class. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. Parses a URL and returns the base URL and virtual root portions. The complete URL address for the virtual root. When this method returns, this parameter contains the base URL address. When this method returns, this parameter contains the name of the virtual root. is null. An error is encountered when resolving the local host name. The caller does not have permission to access DNS information. is empty.-or- The scheme specified in is invalid.-or- contains too many slashes.-or- The password specified in is invalid.-or- The host name specified in is invalid.-or- The file name specified in is invalid. Processes a client type library, creating a configuration file on the client. The programmatic identifier of the class. The path for the file that contains the typelib. The Web application directory. The name of the virtual root. The base URL that contains the virtual root. The activation mode. Not used. Specify null for this parameter. When this method returns, this parameter contains the display name of the assembly. When this method returns, this parameter contains the fully-qualified type name of the assembly. When this method returns, this parameter contains an error message if a problem was encountered. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. Processes a server type library, either adding or deleting component entries to the Web.config and Default.disco files. Generates a proxy if necessary. The programmatic identifier of the class. The path for the file that contains the type library. The Web application directory. The operation to perform. When this method returns, this parameter contains the display name of the assembly. When this method returns, this parameter contains the fully-qualified type name of the assembly. When this method returns, this parameter contains an error message if a problem was encountered. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. The parameter referenced scrobj.dll; therefore, SOAP publication of script components is not supported. Registers an assembly for COM interop. The file system path for the assembly. The input assembly does not have a strong name. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code.-or- A codebase that does not start with "file://" was specified without the required . is null. is not found, or a filename extension is not specified. is not a valid assembly. An assembly or module was loaded twice with two different evidences, or the assembly name is longer than MAX_PATH characters. A method marked with is not static.-or- There is more than one method marked with at a given level of the hierarchy.-or- The signature of the method marked with is not valid. Unregisters a COM interop assembly. The file system path for the assembly. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code.-or- A codebase that does not start with "file://" was specified without the required . is null. is not found, or a file name extension is not specified. is not a valid assembly. An assembly or module was loaded twice with two different evidences, or the assembly name is longer than MAX_PATH characters. A method marked with is not static.-or- There is more than one method marked with at a given level of the hierarchy.-or- The signature of the method marked with is not valid. Creates a Web.config file for a SOAP-enabled COM+ application. Can also add component entries to the file for COM interfaces being published in the application. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds XML elements to a Web.config file for a COM interface being published in a SOAP-enabled COM+ application. The path of the existing Web.config file. The name of the assembly that contains the type being added. The name of the type being added. The programmatic identifier for the type being added. A string constant that corresponds to the name of a member from the enumeration, which indicates how a well-known object is activated. A string to which an error message can be written. Creates a Web.config file for a SOAP-enabled COM+ application so that the file is ready to have XML elements added for COM interfaces being published. The folder in which the configuration file should be created. The string value "Web", to which a config extension is added. A string to which an error message can be written. Imports authenticated, encrypted SOAP client proxies. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a .NET remoting client configuration file that includes security and authentication options. The programmatic identifier of the class. If an empty string (""), this method returns without doing anything. The name of the virtual root. The base URL that contains the virtual root. The type of ASP.NET authentication to use. The name of the assembly. The name of the type. The caller does not have the required permission. Processes authenticated, encrypted SOAP components on servers. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds the entries for a server type library to the Web.config and Default.disco files, depending on security options, and generates a proxy if necessary. The programmatic identifier of the class. The class identifier (CLSID) for the type library. The IID for the type library. The path for the file containing the type library. The root Web server. The base URL that contains the virtual root. The name of the virtual root. true if client activated; otherwise, false. true if well-known; otherwise, false. true if a discovery file; otherwise, false. The operation to perform. Specify either "delete" or an empty string. When this method returns, contains the name of the assembly. When this method returns, contains the type of the assembly. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. The SOAP utility is not available. The call to get the system directory failed. Removes entries for a server type library from the Web.config and Default.disco files, depending on security options. The programmatic identifier of the class. The class identifier (CLSID) for the type library. The IID for the type library. The path for the file containing the type library. The root Web server. The base URL that contains the virtual root. The name of the virtual root. Not used. Specify null for this parameter. The name of the assembly. The type of the assembly. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. The SOAP utility is not available. Publishes authenticated, encrypted SOAP virtual roots on servers. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a SOAP virtual root with security options. The root Web server. The default is "IIS://localhost/W3SVC/1/ROOT". The base URL that contains the virtual root. The name of the virtual root. The URL of the home page. true if a default discovery file is to be created; false if there is to be no discovery file. If false and a Default.disco file exists, the file is deleted. true if SSL encryption is required; otherwise, false. Specify "anonymous" if no authentication is to be used (anonymous user). Otherwise, specify an empty string. Not used. Specify null for this parameter. When this method returns, this parameter contains the base URL. When this method returns, this parameter contains the name of the virtual root. When this method returns, this parameter contains the disk address of the Virtual Root directory. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. The SOAP utility is not available. Deletes a virtual root. Not fully implemented. The root Web server. The default is "IIS://localhost/W3SVC/1/ROOT". The base URL that contains the virtual root. The name of the virtual root. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. The SOAP utility is not available. The call to get the system directory failed. Returns the security status of an existing SOAP virtual root. The root Web server. The default is "IIS://localhost/W3SVC/1/ROOT". The base URL that contains the virtual root. The name of the virtual root. When this method returns, this parameter contains a true if the virtual directory exists; otherwise, false. When this method returns, this parameter contains a true if SSL encryption is required; otherwise, false. When this method returns, this parameter contains true if Windows authentication is set, otherwise, false. When this method returns, this parameter contains true if no authentication is set (anonymous user); otherwise, false. When this method returns, this parameter contains a true if the Virtual Root's EnableDefaultDoc property is set; otherwise, false. When this method returns, this parameter contains a true if a Default.disco file exists; otherwise, false. When this method returns, this parameter contains the disk address of the virtual root directory. When this method returns, this parameter contains the base URL. When this method returns, this parameter contains the name of the virtual root. Provides utilities to support the exporting of COM+ SOAP-enabled application proxies by the server and the importing of the proxies by the client. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Returns the path for the SOAP bin directory. The root Web server. The base URL address. The name of the virtual root. When this method returns, this parameter contains the file path for the SOAP virtual root bin directory. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. The SOAP utility is not available. The call to get the system directory failed. Returns the path for the SOAP virtual root. The root Web server. The base URL address. The name of the virtual root. When this method returns, this parameter contains the file path for the SOAP virtual root. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. The SOAP utility is not available. The call to get the system directory failed. Determines whether authenticated, encrypted SOAP interfaces are present. A caller in the call chain does not have permission to access unmanaged code. The SOAP utility is not available.