System.Security Contains a type and a collection of values associated with that type. Initializes a new instance of the class using an attribute represented by the specified object. An object that represents the attribute to store in this object. Initializes a new instance of the class using an attribute represented by the specified object and the set of values associated with that attribute represented by the specified collection. An object that represents the attribute to store in this object. An collection that stores the set of values associated with the attribute represented by the parameter. Gets the object that specifies the object identifier for the attribute. The object that specifies the object identifier for the attribute. Gets the collection that contains the set of values that are associated with the attribute. The collection that contains the set of values that is associated with the attribute. Contains a set of objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class, adding a specified to the collection. A object that is added to the collection. Adds the specified object to the collection. true if the method returns the zero-based index of the added item; otherwise, false. The object to add to the collection. is null. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. Adds the specified object to the collection. true if the method returns the zero-based index of the added item; otherwise, false. The object to add to the collection. is null. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. The specified item already exists in the collection. Copies the collection to an array of objects. An array of objects that the collection is copied to. The zero-based index in to which the collection is to be copied. One of the arguments provided to a method was not valid. null was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. The value of an argument was outside the allowable range of values as defined by the called method. Gets the number of items in the collection. The number of items in the collection. Gets a object for the collection. true if the method returns a object that can be used to enumerate the collection; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether access to the collection is synchronized, or thread safe. true if access to the collection is thread safe; otherwise false. Gets the object at the specified index in the collection. The object at the specified index. An value that represents the zero-based index of the object to retrieve. Removes the specified object from the collection. The object to remove from the collection. is null. Gets an object used to synchronize access to the collection. An object used to synchronize access to the collection. Copies the elements of this collection to an array, starting at a particular index. The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from this . The array must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in at which copying begins. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. Provides enumeration functionality for the collection. This class cannot be inherited. Gets the current object from the collection. A object that represents the current cryptographic attribute in the collection. Advances the enumeration to the next object in the collection. true if the enumeration successfully moved to the next object; false if the enumerator is at the end of the enumeration. Resets the enumeration to the first object in the collection. Gets the current object from the collection. A object that represents the current cryptographic attribute in the collection. Specifies the scope of the data protection to be applied by the method. The protected data is associated with the current user. Only threads running under the current user context can unprotect the data. The protected data is associated with the machine context. Any process running on the computer can unprotect data. This enumeration value is usually used in server-specific applications that run on a server where untrusted users are not allowed access. Specifies the scope of memory protection to be applied by the method. Only code running in the same process as the code that called the method can unprotect memory. All code in any process can unprotect memory that was protected using the method. Only code running in the same user context as the code that called the method can unprotect memory. Provides methods for protecting and unprotecting data. This class cannot be inherited. Protects the data in a specified byte array and returns a byte array containing the encrypted data. A byte array representing the encrypted data. A byte array containing data to protect. An optional additional byte array used to increase the complexity of the encryption, or null for no additional complexity. One of the values. The parameter is null. The cryptographic protection failed. The operating system does not support this method. The system ran out of memory while encrypting the data. Unprotects the parameter and returns a byte array. A byte array representing the unprotected data. A byte array containing data encrypted using the method. An additional byte array used to encrypt the data. One of the values. The parameter is null. The cryptographic protection failed. The operating system does not support this method. Out of memory. Provides methods for protecting and unprotecting memory. This class cannot be inherited. Protects the specified data. The byte array containing data in memory to protect. The array must be a multiple of 16 bytes. One of the values. must be 16 bytes in length or in multiples of 16 bytes. The operating system does not support this method. This method can be used only with Microsoft Windows 2000 or later operating systems. is null. Unprotects data in memory that was protected using the method. The byte array in memory to unencrypt. One of the values. The operating system does not support this method. This method can be used only with Microsoft Windows 2000 or later operating systems. is null. is empty.-or-This call was not implemented.-or-NTSTATUS contains an error. The class defines the algorithm used for a cryptographic operation. The constructor creates an instance of the class by using a set of default parameters. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. The constructor creates an instance of the class with the specified algorithm identifier. An object identifier for the algorithm. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. The constructor creates an instance of the class with the specified algorithm identifier and key length. An object identifier for the algorithm. The length, in bits, of the key. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. The property sets or retrieves the key length, in bits. This property is not used for algorithms that use a fixed key length. An int value that represents the key length, in bits. The property sets or retrieves the object that specifies the object identifier for the algorithm. An object that represents the algorithm. The property sets or retrieves any parameters required by the algorithm. An array of byte values that specifies any parameters required by the algorithm. The class defines the recipient of a CMS/PKCS #7 message. The constructor constructs an instance of the class by using the specified recipient identifier type and recipient certificate. A member of the enumeration that specifies the type of the identifier of the recipient. An object that represents the recipient certificate. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. The constructor constructs an instance of the class by using the specified recipient certificate. An object that represents the recipient certificate. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. The property retrieves the certificate associated with the recipient. An object that holds the certificate associated with the recipient. The property retrieves the type of the identifier of the recipient. A member of the enumeration that specifies the type of the identifier of the recipient. The class represents a set of objects. implements the interface. The constructor creates an instance of the class. The constructor creates an instance of the class and adds the specified recipient. An instance of the class that represents the specified CMS/PKCS #7 recipient. The constructor creates an instance of the class and adds recipients based on the specified subject identifier and set of certificates that identify the recipients. A member of the enumeration that specifies the type of subject identifier. A collection that contains the certificates that identify the recipients. The method adds a recipient to the collection. If the method succeeds, the method returns an value that represents the zero-based position where the recipient is to be inserted.If the method fails, it throws an exception. A object that represents the recipient to add to the collection. is null. The method copies the collection to an array. An object to which the collection is to be copied. The zero-based index in where the collection is copied. is not large enough to hold the specified elements.-or- does not contain the proper number of dimensions. is null. is outside the range of elements in . The method copies the collection to a array. An array of objects where the collection is to be copied. The zero-based index for the array of objects in to which the collection is copied. is not large enough to hold the specified elements.-or- does not contain the proper number of dimensions. is null. is outside the range of elements in . The property retrieves the number of items in the collection. An value that represents the number of items in the collection. The method returns a object for the collection. A object that can be used to enumerate the collection. The property retrieves whether access to the collection is synchronized, or thread safe. This property always returns false, which means that the collection is not thread safe. A value of false, which means that the collection is not thread safe. The property retrieves the object at the specified index in the collection. A object at the specified index. An value that represents the index in the collection. The index is zero based. The value of an argument was outside the allowable range of values as defined by the called method. The method removes a recipient from the collection. A object that represents the recipient to remove from the collection. is null. The property retrieves an object used to synchronize access to the collection. An object that is used to synchronize access to the collection. Returns a object for the collection. A object that can be used to enumerate the collection. The class provides enumeration functionality for the collection. implements the interface. The property retrieves the current object from the collection. A object that represents the current recipient in the collection. The method advances the enumeration to the next object in the collection. true if the enumeration successfully moved to the next object; false if the enumeration moved past the last item in the enumeration. The method resets the enumeration to the first object in the collection. Retrieves the current object from the collection. A object that represents the current recipient in the collection. The class provides signing functionality. The constructor creates an instance of the class by using a default subject identifier type. The constructor creates an instance of the class with the specified cryptographic service provider (CSP) parameters. is useful when you know the specific CSP and private key to use for signing. A object that represents the set of CSP parameters to use. The constructor creates an instance of the class with the specified subject identifier type. A member of the enumeration that specifies the signer identifier type. The constructor creates an instance of the class with the specified signer identifier type and signing certificate. A member of the enumeration that specifies the signer identifier type. An object that represents the signing certificate. The constructor creates an instance of the class with the specified signing certificate. An object that represents the signing certificate. The property sets or retrieves the object that represents the signing certificate. An object that represents the signing certificate. The property retrieves the collection that contains certificates associated with the message to be signed. An collection that represents the collection of certificates associated with the message to be signed. The property sets or retrieves the that represents the hash algorithm used with the signature. An object that represents the hash algorithm used with the signature. The property sets or retrieves the option that controls whether the root and entire chain associated with the signing certificate are included with the created CMS/PKCS #7 message. A member of the enumeration that specifies how much of the X509 certificate chain should be included in the object. The property can be one of the following members.NameValueMeaning0The certificate chain is not included.1The certificate chain, except for the root certificate, is included.2Only the end certificate is included.3The certificate chain, including the root certificate, is included. One of the arguments provided to a method was not valid. The property retrieves the collection of signed attributes to be associated with the resulting content. Signed attributes are signed along with the specified content. A collection that represents the signed attributes. If there are no signed attributes, the property is an empty collection. The property sets or retrieves the type of the identifier of the signer. A member of the enumeration that specifies the type of the identifier of the signer. One of the arguments provided to a method was not valid. The property retrieves the collection of unsigned PKCS #9 attributes to be associated with the resulting content. Unsigned attributes can be modified without invalidating the signature. A collection that represents the unsigned attributes. If there are no unsigned attributes, the property is an empty collection. The class represents the CMS/PKCS #7 ContentInfo data structure as defined in the CMS/PKCS #7 standards document. This data structure is the basis for all CMS/PKCS #7 messages. The constructor creates an instance of the class by using an array of byte values as the data and a default (OID) that represents the content type. An array of byte values that represents the data from which to create the object. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. The constructor creates an instance of the class by using the specified content type and an array of byte values as the data. An object that contains an (OID) that specifies the content type of the content. This can be data, digestedData, encryptedData, envelopedData, hashedData, signedAndEnvelopedData, or signedData. For more information, see Remarks. An array of byte values that represents the data from which to create the object. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. The property retrieves the content of the CMS/PKCS #7 message. An array of byte values that represents the content data. The property retrieves the object that contains the (OID) of the content type of the inner content of the CMS/PKCS #7 message. An object that contains the OID value that represents the content type. The static method retrieves the outer content type of the encoded message represented by an array of byte values. If the method succeeds, the method returns an object that contains the outer content type of the specified encoded message.If the method fails, it throws an exception. An array of byte values that represents the encoded message from which to retrieve the outer content type. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. An error occurred during a cryptographic operation. The class represents a CMS/PKCS #7 structure for enveloped data. The constructor creates an instance of the class. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. The constructor creates an instance of the class by using the specified content information as the inner content type. An instance of the class that represents the content and its type. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. The constructor creates an instance of the class by using the specified content information and encryption algorithm. The specified content information is to be used as the inner content type. A object that represents the content and its type. An object that specifies the encryption algorithm. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. The constructor creates an instance of the class by using the specified subject identifier type and content information. The specified content information is to be used as the inner content type. A member of the enumeration that specifies the means of identifying the recipient. A object that represents the content and its type. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. The constructor creates an instance of the class by using the specified subject identifier type, content information, and encryption algorithm. The specified content information is to be used as the inner content type. A member of the enumeration that specifies the means of identifying the recipient. A object that represents the content and its type. An object that specifies the encryption algorithm. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. The property retrieves the set of certificates associated with the enveloped CMS/PKCS #7 message. An collection that represents the X.509 certificates used with the enveloped CMS/PKCS #7 message. If no certificates exist, the property value is an empty collection. The property retrieves the identifier of the algorithm used to encrypt the content. An object that represents the algorithm identifier. The property retrieves the inner content information for the enveloped CMS/PKCS #7 message. A object that represents the inner content information from the enveloped CMS/PKCS #7 message. The method decodes the specified enveloped CMS/PKCS #7 message and resets all member variables in the object. An array of byte values that represent the information to be decoded. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. The method decrypts the contents of the decoded enveloped CMS/PKCS #7 message. The method searches the current user and computer My stores for the appropriate certificate and private key. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. A method call was invalid for the object's current state. The method decrypts the contents of the decoded enveloped CMS/PKCS #7 message by using the private key associated with the certificate identified by the specified recipient information. A object that represents the recipient information that identifies the certificate associated with the private key to use for the decryption. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. A method call was invalid for the object's current state. The method decrypts the contents of the decoded enveloped CMS/PKCS #7 message by using the private key associated with the certificate identified by the specified recipient information and by using the specified certificate collection. The method searches the specified certificate collection and the My certificate store for the proper certificate to use for the decryption. A object that represents the recipient information to use for the decryption. An collection that represents additional certificates to use for the decryption. The method searches this certificate collection and the My certificate store for the proper certificate to use for the decryption. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. A method call was invalid for the object's current state. The method decrypts the contents of the decoded enveloped CMS/PKCS #7 message by using the specified certificate collection. The method searches the specified certificate collection and the My certificate store for the proper certificate to use for the decryption. An collection that represents additional certificates to use for the decryption. The method searches this certificate collection and the My certificate store for the proper certificate to use for the decryption. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. A method call was invalid for the object's current state. The method encodes the contents of the enveloped CMS/PKCS #7 message and returns it as an array of byte values. Encryption must be done before encoding. If the method succeeds, the method returns an array of byte values that represent the encoded information.If the method fails, it throws an exception. A method call was invalid for the object's current state. The method encrypts the contents of the CMS/PKCS #7 message. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. The method encrypts the contents of the CMS/PKCS #7 message by using the specified recipient information. A object that represents the recipient information. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. The method encrypts the contents of the CMS/PKCS #7 message by using the information for the specified list of recipients. The message is encrypted by using a message encryption key with a symmetric encryption algorithm such as triple DES. The message encryption key is then encrypted with the public key of each recipient. A collection that represents the information for the list of recipients. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. The property retrieves the recipient information associated with the enveloped CMS/PKCS #7 message. A collection that represents the recipient information. If no recipients exist, the property value is an empty collection. The property retrieves the unprotected (unencrypted) attributes associated with the enveloped CMS/PKCS #7 message. Unprotected attributes are not encrypted, and so do not have data confidentiality within an object. A collection that represents the unprotected attributes. If no unprotected attributes exist, the property value is an empty collection. The property retrieves the version of the enveloped CMS/PKCS #7 message. An int value that represents the version of the enveloped CMS/PKCS #7 message. The enumeration defines the type of key used in a key agreement protocol. The key agreement key type is unknown. The key agreement key is ephemeral, existing only for the duration of the key agreement protocol. The key agreement key is static, existing for an extended period of time. The class defines key agreement recipient information. Key agreement algorithms typically use the Diffie-Hellman key agreement algorithm, in which the two parties that establish a shared cryptographic key both take part in its generation and, by definition, agree on that key. This is in contrast to key transport algorithms, in which one party generates the key unilaterally and sends, or transports it, to the other party. The property retrieves the date and time of the start of the key agreement protocol by the originator. A object that contains the value of the date and time of the start of the key agreement protocol by the originator. The recipient identifier type is not a subject key identifier. The property retrieves the encrypted recipient keying material. An array of byte values that contain the encrypted recipient keying material. The property retrieves the algorithm used to perform the key agreement. An object that contains the value of the algorithm used to perform the key agreement. The property retrieves information about the originator of the key agreement for key agreement algorithms that warrant it. A object that contains information about the originator of the key agreement. The property retrieves attributes of the keying material. An object that contains attributes of the keying material. The recipient identifier type is not a subject key identifier. The property retrieves the identifier of the recipient. A object that contains the identifier of the recipient. The property retrieves the version of the key agreement recipient. This is automatically set for objects in this class, and the value implies that the recipient is taking part in a key agreement algorithm. An int that represents the version of the object. The class defines key transport recipient information. Key transport algorithms typically use the RSA algorithm, in which an originator establishes a shared cryptographic key with a recipient by generating that key and then transporting it to the recipient. This is in contrast to key agreement algorithms, in which the two parties that will be using a cryptographic key both take part in its generation, thereby mutually agreeing to that key. The property retrieves the encrypted key for this key transport recipient. An array of byte values that represents the encrypted key. The property retrieves the key encryption algorithm used to encrypt the content encryption key. An object that stores the key encryption algorithm identifier. The property retrieves the subject identifier associated with the encrypted content. A object that stores the identifier of the recipient taking part in the key transport. The property retrieves the version of the key transport recipient. The version of the key transport recipient is automatically set for objects in this class, and the value implies that the recipient is taking part in a key transport algorithm. An int value that represents the version of the key transport object. Represents an attribute used for CMS/PKCS #7 and PKCS #9 operations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class using a specified object as its attribute type and value. An object that contains the PKCS #9 attribute type and value to use. The length of the member of the member of is zero. The member of is null.-or-The member of the member of is null. Initializes a new instance of the class using a specified object as the attribute type and a specified ASN.1 encoded data as the attribute value. An object that represents the PKCS #9 attribute type. An array of byte values that represents the PKCS #9 attribute value. Initializes a new instance of the class using a specified string representation of an object identifier (OID) as the attribute type and a specified ASN.1 encoded data as the attribute value. An object that contains the string representation of an OID that represents the PKCS #9 attribute type. An array of byte values that contains the PKCS #9 attribute value. Copies a PKCS #9 attribute type and value for this from the specified object. An object that contains the PKCS #9 attribute type and value to use. does not represent a compatible attribute type. is null. Gets an object that represents the type of attribute associated with this object. An object that represents the type of attribute associated with this object. The class defines the type of the content of a CMS/PKCS #7 message. The constructor creates an instance of the class. The property gets an object that contains the content type. An object that contains the content type. Copies information from an object. The object from which to copy information. The class defines the description of the content of a CMS/PKCS #7 message. The constructor creates an instance of the class. The constructor creates an instance of the class by using the specified array of byte values as the encoded description of the content of a CMS/PKCS #7 message. An array of byte values that specifies the encoded description of the CMS/PKCS #7 message. The constructor creates an instance of the class by using the specified description of the content of a CMS/PKCS #7 message. An instance of the class that specifies the description for the CMS/PKCS #7 message. Copies information from an object. The object from which to copy information. The property retrieves the document description. A object that contains the document description. The class defines the name of a CMS/PKCS #7 message. The constructor creates an instance of the class. The constructor creates an instance of the class by using the specified array of byte values as the encoded name of the content of a CMS/PKCS #7 message. An array of byte values that specifies the encoded name of the CMS/PKCS #7 message. The constructor creates an instance of the class by using the specified name for the CMS/PKCS #7 message. A object that specifies the name for the CMS/PKCS #7 message. Copies information from an object. The object from which to copy information. The property retrieves the document name. A object that contains the document name. The class defines the message digest of a CMS/PKCS #7 message. The constructor creates an instance of the class. Copies information from an object. The object from which to copy information. The property retrieves the message digest. An array of byte values that contains the message digest. The class defines the signing date and time of a signature. A object can be used as an authenticated attribute of a object when an authenticated date and time are to accompany a digital signature. The constructor creates an instance of the class. The constructor creates an instance of the class by using the specified array of byte values as the encoded signing date and time of the content of a CMS/PKCS #7 message. An array of byte values that specifies the encoded signing date and time of the CMS/PKCS #7 message. The constructor creates an instance of the class by using the specified signing date and time. A structure that represents the signing date and time of the signature. Copies information from a object. The object from which to copy information. The property retrieves a structure that represents the date and time that the message was signed. A structure that contains the date and time the document was signed. The class represents information associated with a public key. The property retrieves the algorithm identifier associated with the public key. An object that represents the algorithm. The property retrieves the value of the encoded public component of the public key pair. An array of byte values that represents the encoded public component of the public key pair. The class represents information about a CMS/PKCS #7 message recipient. The class is an abstract class inherited by the and classes. The abstract property retrieves the encrypted recipient keying material. An array of byte values that contain the encrypted recipient keying material. The abstract property retrieves the algorithm used to perform the key establishment. An object that contains the value of the algorithm used to establish the key between the originator and recipient of the CMS/PKCS #7 message. The abstract property retrieves the identifier of the recipient. A object that contains the identifier of the recipient. The property retrieves the type of the recipient. The type of the recipient determines which of two major protocols is used to establish a key between the originator and the recipient of a CMS/PKCS #7 message. A value of the enumeration that defines the type of the recipient. The abstract property retrieves the version of the recipient information. Derived classes automatically set this property for their objects, and the value indicates whether it is using PKCS #7 or Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) to protect messages. The version also implies whether the object establishes a cryptographic key by a key agreement algorithm or a key transport algorithm. An value that represents the version of the object. The class represents a collection of objects. implements the interface. The method copies the collection to an array. An object to which the collection is to be copied. The zero-based index in where the collection is copied. One of the arguments provided to a method was not valid. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. The value of an argument was outside the allowable range of values as defined by the called method. The method copies the collection to a array. An array of objects where the collection is to be copied. The zero-based index in where the collection is copied. One of the arguments provided to a method was not valid. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. The value of an argument was outside the allowable range of values as defined by the called method. The property retrieves the number of items in the collection. An int value that represents the number of items in the collection. The method returns a object for the collection. A object that can be used to enumerate the collection. The property retrieves whether access to the collection is synchronized, or thread safe. This property always returns false, which means the collection is not thread safe. A value of false, which means the collection is not thread safe. The property retrieves the object at the specified index in the collection. A object at the specified index. An int value that represents the index in the collection. The index is zero based. The value of an argument was outside the allowable range of values as defined by the called method. The property retrieves an object used to synchronize access to the collection. An object used to synchronize access to the collection. Returns a object for the collection. A object that can be used to enumerate the collection. The class provides enumeration functionality for the collection. implements the interface. The property retrieves the current object from the collection. A object that represents the current recipient information structure in the collection. The method advances the enumeration to the next object in the collection. This method returns a bool that specifies whether the enumeration successfully advanced. If the enumeration successfully moved to the next object, the method returns true. If the enumeration moved past the last item in the enumeration, it returns false. The method resets the enumeration to the first object in the collection. Retrieves the current object from the collection. A object that represents the current recipient information structure in the collection. The enumeration defines the types of recipient information. The recipient information type is unknown. Key transport recipient information. Key agreement recipient information. The class enables signing and verifying of CMS/PKCS #7 messages. The constructor creates an instance of the class. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. The constructor creates an instance of the class by using the specified content information as the inner content. A object that specifies the content information as the inner content of the message. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. The constructor creates an instance of the class by using the specified content information as the inner content and by using the detached state. A object that specifies the content information as the inner content of the message. A value that specifies whether the object is for a detached signature. If is true, the signature is detached. If is false, the signature is not detached. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. The constructor creates an instance of the class by using the specified subject identifier type as the default subject identifier type for signers. A member that specifies the default subject identifier type for signers. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. The constructor creates an instance of the class by using the specified subject identifier type as the default subject identifier type for signers and content information as the inner content. A member that specifies the default subject identifier type for signers. A object that specifies the content information as the inner content of the message. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. The constructor creates an instance of the class by using the specified subject identifier type as the default subject identifier type for signers, the content information as the inner content, and by using the detached state. A member that specifies the default subject identifier type for signers. A object that specifies the content information as the inner content of the message. A value that specifies whether the object is for a detached signature. If is true, the signature is detached. If detached is false, the signature is not detached. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. The property retrieves the certificates associated with the encoded CMS/PKCS #7 message. An collection that represents the set of certificates for the encoded CMS/PKCS #7 message. The method verifies the data integrity of the CMS/PKCS #7 message. A method call was invalid for the object's current state. The method verifies the digital signatures on the signed CMS/PKCS #7 message and, optionally, validates the signers' certificates. A value that specifies whether only the digital signatures are verified without the signers' certificates being validated. If is true, only the digital signatures are verified. If it is false, the digital signatures are verified, the signers' certificates are validated, and the purposes of the certificates are validated. The purposes of a certificate are considered valid if the certificate has no key usage or if the key usage supports digital signatures or nonrepudiation. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. A method call was invalid for the object's current state. The method verifies the digital signatures on the signed CMS/PKCS #7 message by using the specified collection of certificates and, optionally, validates the signers' certificates. An object that can be used to validate the certificate chain. If no additional certificates are to be used to validate the certificate chain, use instead of . A value that specifies whether only the digital signatures are verified without the signers' certificates being validated. If is true, only the digital signatures are verified. If it is false, the digital signatures are verified, the signers' certificates are validated, and the purposes of the certificates are validated. The purposes of a certificate are considered valid if the certificate has no key usage or if the key usage supports digital signatures or nonrepudiation. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. A method call was invalid for the object's current state. The method prompts the user to select a signing certificate, creates a signature, and adds the signature to the CMS/PKCS #7 message. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. The method creates a signature using the specified signer and adds the signature to the CMS/PKCS #7 message. A object that represents the signer. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. Creates a signature using the specified signer and adds the signature to the CMS/PKCS #7 message. If the value of the silent parameter is false and the property of the object specified by the signer parameter is not set to a valid certificate, this method prompts the user to select a signing certificate. A object that represents the signer. false to prompt the user to select a signing certificate. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. The value of the parameter is true and a signing certificate is not specified. The property retrieves the inner contents of the encoded CMS/PKCS #7 message. A object that represents the contents of the encoded CMS/PKCS #7 message. The method decodes an encoded message. Upon successful decoding, the decoded information can be retrieved from the properties of the object. Array of byte values that represents the encoded CMS/PKCS #7 message to be decoded. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. The property retrieves whether the object is for a detached signature. A value that specifies whether the object is for a detached signature. If this property is true, the signature is detached. If this property is false, the signature is not detached. The method encodes the information in the object into a CMS/PKCS #7 message. An array of byte values that represents the encoded message. The encoded message can be decoded by the method. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. A method call was invalid for the object's current state. Removes the signature at the specified index of the collection. The zero-based index of the signature to remove. A CMS/PKCS #7 message is not signed, and is invalid. is less than zero.-or- is greater than the signature count minus 1. The signature could not be removed.-or-An internal cryptographic error occurred. The method removes the signature for the specified object. A object that represents the countersignature being removed. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. The value of an argument was outside the allowable range of values as defined by the called method. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. The property retrieves the collection associated with the CMS/PKCS #7 message. A object that represents the signer information for the CMS/PKCS #7 message. The property retrieves the version of the CMS/PKCS #7 message. An int value that represents the CMS/PKCS #7 message version. The class represents a signer associated with a object that represents a CMS/PKCS #7 message. The property retrieves the signing certificate associated with the signer information. An object that represents the signing certificate. The method verifies the data integrity of the CMS/PKCS #7 message signer information. is a specialized method used in specific security infrastructure applications in which the subject uses the HashOnly member of the enumeration when setting up a object. does not authenticate the signer information because this method does not involve verifying a digital signature. For general-purpose checking of the integrity and authenticity of CMS/PKCS #7 message signer information and countersignatures, use the or methods. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. The method verifies the digital signature of the message and, optionally, validates the certificate. A bool value that specifies whether only the digital signature is verified. If is true, only the signature is verified. If is false, the digital signature is verified, the certificate chain is validated, and the purposes of the certificates are validated. The purposes of the certificate are considered valid if the certificate has no key usage or if the key usage supports digital signature or nonrepudiation. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. A method call was invalid for the object's current state. The method verifies the digital signature of the message by using the specified collection of certificates and, optionally, validates the certificate. An object that can be used to validate the chain. If no additional certificates are to be used to validate the chain, use instead of . A bool value that specifies whether only the digital signature is verified. If is true, only the signature is verified. If is false, the digital signature is verified, the certificate chain is validated, and the purposes of the certificates are validated. The purposes of the certificate are considered valid if the certificate has no key usage or if the key usage supports digital signature or nonrepudiation. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. A method call was invalid for the object's current state. The method prompts the user to select a signing certificate, creates a countersignature, and adds the signature to the CMS/PKCS #7 message. Countersignatures are restricted to one level. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. The method creates a countersignature by using the specified signer and adds the signature to the CMS/PKCS #7 message. Countersignatures are restricted to one level. A object that represents the counter signer. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. The property retrieves the set of counter signers associated with the signer information. A collection that represents the counter signers for the signer information. If there are no counter signers, the property is an empty collection. The property retrieves the object that represents the hash algorithm used in the computation of the signatures. An object that represents the hash algorithm used with the signature. The method removes the countersignature at the specified index of the collection. The zero-based index of the countersignature to remove. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. The method removes the countersignature for the specified object. A object that represents the countersignature being removed. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. The value of an argument was outside the allowable range of values as defined by the called method. A cryptographic operation could not be completed. The property retrieves the collection of signed attributes that is associated with the signer information. Signed attributes are signed along with the rest of the message content. A collection that represents the signed attributes. If there are no signed attributes, the property is an empty collection. The property retrieves the certificate identifier of the signer associated with the signer information. A object that uniquely identifies the certificate associated with the signer information. The property retrieves the collection of unsigned attributes that is associated with the content. Unsigned attributes can be modified without invalidating the signature. A collection that represents the unsigned attributes. If there are no unsigned attributes, the property is an empty collection. The property retrieves the signer information version. An int value that specifies the signer information version. The class represents a collection of objects. implements the interface. The method copies the collection to an array. An object to which the collection is to be copied. The zero-based index in where the collection is copied. One of the arguments provided to a method was not valid. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. The value of an argument was outside the allowable range of values as defined by the called method. The method copies the collection to a array. An array of objects where the collection is to be copied. The zero-based index in where the collection is copied. One of the arguments provided to a method was not valid. A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. The value of an argument was outside the allowable range of values as defined by the called method. The property retrieves the number of items in the collection. An int value that represents the number of items in the collection. The method returns a object for the collection. A object that can be used to enumerate the collection. The property retrieves whether access to the collection is synchronized, or thread safe. This property always returns false, which means the collection is not thread safe. A value of false, which means the collection is not thread safe. The property retrieves the object at the specified index in the collection. A object at the specified index. An int value that represents the index in the collection. The index is zero based. The value of an argument was outside the allowable range of values as defined by the called method. The property retrieves an object is used to synchronize access to the collection. An object is used to synchronize access to the collection. Returns a object for the collection. A object that can be used to enumerate the collection. The class provides enumeration functionality for the collection. implements the interface. The property retrieves the current object from the collection. A object that represents the current signer information structure in the collection. The method advances the enumeration to the next object in the collection. This method returns a bool value that specifies whether the enumeration successfully advanced. If the enumeration successfully moved to the next object, the method returns true. If the enumeration moved past the last item in the enumeration, it returns false. The method resets the enumeration to the first object in the collection. Retrieves the current object from the collection. A object that represents the current signer information structure in the collection. The class defines the type of the identifier of a subject, such as a or a . The subject can be identified by the certificate issuer and serial number or the subject key. The property retrieves the type of subject identifier. The subject can be identified by the certificate issuer and serial number or the subject key. A member of the enumeration that identifies the type of subject. The property retrieves the value of the subject identifier. Use the property to determine the type of subject identifier, and use the property to retrieve the corresponding value. An object that represents the value of the subject identifier. This can be one of the following objects as determined by the property. propertyObjectIssuerAndSerialNumberSubjectKeyIdentifier The class defines the type of the identifier of a subject, such as a or a . The subject can be identified by the certificate issuer and serial number, the hash of the subject key, or the subject key. The property retrieves the type of subject identifier or key. The subject can be identified by the certificate issuer and serial number, the hash of the subject key, or the subject key. A member of the enumeration that specifies the type of subject identifier. The property retrieves the value of the subject identifier or key. Use the property to determine the type of subject identifier or key, and use the property to retrieve the corresponding value. An object that represents the value of the subject identifier or key. This can be one of the following objects as determined by the property. propertyObjectIssuerAndSerialNumberSubjectKeyIdentifierPublicKeyInfo The enumeration defines how a subject is identified. The type is unknown. The subject is identified by the certificate issuer and serial number. The subject is identified by the hash of the subject key. The subject is identified by the public key. The enumeration defines the type of subject identifier. The type of subject identifier is unknown. The subject is identified by the certificate issuer and serial number. The subject is identified by the hash of the subject's public key. The hash algorithm used is determined by the signature algorithm suite in the subject's certificate. The subject is identified as taking part in an integrity check operation that uses only a hashing algorithm. Displays user interface dialogs that allow you to select and view X.509 certificates. This class cannot be inherited. Displays a dialog box that contains the properties of an X.509 certificate and its associated certificate chain. The X.509 certificate to display. The parameter is null. The parameter is invalid. Displays a dialog box that contains the properties of an X.509 certificate and its associated certificate chain using a handle to a parent window. The X.509 certificate to display. A handle to the parent window to use for the display dialog. The parameter is null. The parameter is invalid. Displays a dialog box for selecting an X.509 certificate from a certificate collection. An object that contains the selected certificate or certificates. A collection of X.509 certificates to select from. The title of the dialog box. A descriptive message to guide the user. The message is displayed in the dialog box. One of the values that specifies whether single or multiple selections are allowed. The parameter is not a valid flag. The parameter is null. The parameter is invalid. Displays a dialog box for selecting an X.509 certificate from a certificate collection using a handle to a parent window. An object that contains the selected certificate or certificates. A collection of X.509 certificates to select from. The title of the dialog box. A descriptive message to guide the user. The message is displayed in the dialog box. One of the values that specifies whether single or multiple selections are allowed. A handle to the parent window to use for the display dialog box. The parameter is not a valid flag. The parameter is null. The parameter is invalid. Specifies the type of selection requested using the method. A single selection. The UI allows the user to select one X.509 certificate. A multiple selection. The user can use the SHIFT or CRTL keys to select more than one X.509 certificate. Represents the <CipherData> element in XML encryption. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class using a byte array as the value. The encrypted data to use for the <CipherValue> element. The parameter is null. The property has already been set. Initializes a new instance of the class using a object. The object to use. The parameter is null. The property has already been set. Gets or sets the <CipherReference> element. A object. The property was set to null. The property was set more than once. Gets or sets the <CipherValue> element. A byte array that represents the <CipherValue> element. The property was set to null. The property was set more than once. Gets the XML values for the object. A object that represents the XML information for the object. The property and the property are null. Loads XML data from an into a object. An that represents the XML data to load. The parameter is null. The property and the property are null. Represents the <CipherReference> element in XML encryption. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) pointing to the encrypted data. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and transform chain information. A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) pointing to the encrypted data. A object that describes transforms to do on the encrypted data. Returns the XML representation of a object. An that represents the <CipherReference> element in XML encryption. The value is null. Loads XML information into the <CipherReference> element in XML encryption. An object that represents an XML element to use as the reference. The provided is null. Represents the object element of an XML signature that holds data to be signed. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified identification, MIME type, encoding, and data. The identification to initialize the new instance of with. The MIME type of the data used to initialize the new instance of . The encoding of the data used to initialize the new instance of . The data to initialize the new instance of with. The parameter is null. Gets or sets the data value of the current object. The data of the current . The value used to set the property is null. Gets or sets the encoding of the current object. The type of encoding of the current object. Returns the XML representation of the object. The XML representation of the object. Gets or sets the identification of the current object. The name of the element that contains data to be used. Loads a state from an XML element. The XML element to load the state from. The value from the XML element is null. Gets or sets the MIME type of the current object. The MIME type of the current object. The default is null. Represents the <DataReference> element used in XML encryption. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that points to the encrypted data. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and a object. A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that points to the encrypted data. A object that describes transforms to do on the encrypted data. Represents the private key of the <KeyInfo> element. Initializes a new instance of the class with a new, randomly-generated public key. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified public key. The instance of an implementation of the class that holds the public key. Returns the XML representation of a element. The XML representation of the element. Gets or sets the key value represented by a object. The public key represented by a object. Loads a state from an XML element. The XML element to load the state from. The parameter is null. The parameter is not a valid XML element. Represents the <EncryptedData> element in XML encryption. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Returns the XML representation of the object. An that represents the <EncryptedData> element in XML encryption. The value is null. Loads XML information into the <EncryptedData> element in XML encryption. An object representing an XML element to use for the <EncryptedData> element. The provided is null. The parameter does not contain a <CypherData> node. Represents the <EncryptedKey> element in XML encryption. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds a <DataReference> element to the <ReferenceList> element. A object to add to the property. Adds a <KeyReference> element to the <ReferenceList> element. A object to add to the property. Gets or sets the optional <CarriedKeyName> element in XML encryption. A string that represents a name for the key value. Returns the XML representation of the object. An that represents the <EncryptedKey> element in XML encryption. The value is null. Loads the specified XML information into the <EncryptedKey> element in XML encryption. An representing an XML element to use for the <EncryptedKey> element. The parameter is null. The parameter does not contain a element. Gets or sets the optional Recipient attribute in XML encryption. A string representing the value of the Recipient attribute. Gets or sets the <ReferenceList> element in XML encryption. A object. Represents the abstract base class used in XML encryption from which the , , and classes derive. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that points to the data to encrypt. The parameter is null. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and transform chain. The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that points to the data to encrypt. A object that describes transforms to be done on the data to encrypt. The parameter is null. Adds a object to the current transform chain of an object. A object to add to the transform chain. Gets a value that indicates whether the cache is valid. true if the cache is valid; otherwise, false. Returns the XML representation of an object. An object that represents the values of the <EncryptedReference> element in XML encryption. The property is null. Loads an XML element into an object. An object that represents an XML element. The parameter is null. Gets or sets a reference type. The reference type of the encrypted data. Gets or sets the transform chain of an object. A object that describes transforms used on the encrypted data. Gets or sets the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of an object. The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the object. The property was set to null. Represents the abstract base class from which the classes and derive. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds an <EncryptionProperty> child element to the <EncryptedProperties> element in the current object in XML encryption. An object. Gets or sets the value for an instance of an class. A object. The property was set to null. Gets or sets the Encoding attribute of an instance in XML encryption. A string that describes the encoding of the encrypted data. Gets or sets the <EncryptionMethod> element for XML encryption. An object that represents the <EncryptionMethod> element. Gets or sets the <EncryptionProperties> element in XML encryption. An object. Returns the XML representation of the object. An object that represents the <EncryptedType> element in XML encryption. Gets or sets the Id attribute of an instance in XML encryption. A string of the Id attribute of the <EncryptedType> element. Gets of sets the <KeyInfo> element in XML encryption. A object. Loads XML information into the <EncryptedType> element in XML encryption. An object representing an XML element to use in the <EncryptedType> element. The provided is null. Gets or sets the MimeType attribute of an instance in XML encryption. A string that describes the media type of the encrypted data. Gets or sets the Type attribute of an instance in XML encryption. A string that describes the text form of the encrypted data. Represents the process model for implementing XML encryption. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified XML document. An object used to initialize the object. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified XML document and evidence. An object used to initialize the object. An object associated with the object. Defines a mapping between a key name and a symmetric key or an asymmetric key. The name to map to . The symmetric key to map to . The value of the parameter is null.-or-The value of the parameter is null. The value of the parameter is not an RSA algorithm or a symmetric key. Resets all key name mapping. Decrypts an <EncryptedData> element using the specified symmetric algorithm. A byte array that contains the raw decrypted plain text. The data to decrypt. The symmetric key used to decrypt . The value of the parameter is null.-or-The value of the parameter is null. Decrypts all <EncryptedData> elements of the XML document that were specified during initialization of the class. The cryptographic key used to decrypt the document was not found. Determines the key represented by the element. A byte array that contains the key. The object that contains the key to retrieve. The value of the parameter is null. The value of the parameter is not the Triple DES Key Wrap algorithm or the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Key Wrap algorithm (also called Rijndael). Decrypts an <EncryptedKey> element using an asymmetric algorithm. A byte array that contains the plain text key. An array of bytes that represents an encrypted <EncryptedKey> element. The asymmetric key used to decrypt . A value that specifies whether to use Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP). The value of the parameter is null.-or-The value of the parameter is null. Decrypts an <EncryptedKey> element using a symmetric algorithm. A byte array that contains the plain text key. An array of bytes that represents an encrypted <EncryptedKey> element. The symmetric key used to decrypt . The value of the parameter is null.-or-The value of the parameter is null. The value of the element is not the Triple DES Key Wrap algorithm or the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Key Wrap algorithm (also called Rijndael). Gets or sets the evidence of the object from which the object is constructed. An object. Gets or sets the encoding used for XML encryption. An object. Encrypts the outer XML of an element using the specified X.509 certificate. An element that represents the encrypted XML data. The XML element to encrypt. The X.509 certificate to use for encryption. The value of the parameter is null.-or-The value of the parameter is null. The value of the parameter does not represent an RSA key algorithm. Encrypts the outer XML of an element using the specified key in the key mapping table. An object that represents the encrypted XML data. The XML element to encrypt. A key name that can be found in the key mapping table. The value of the parameter is null.-or-The value of the parameter is null. The value of the parameter does not match a registered key name pair.-or-The cryptographic key described by the parameter is not supported. Encrypts data in the specified byte array using the specified symmetric algorithm. A byte array of encrypted data. The data to encrypt. The symmetric algorithm to use for encryption. The value of the parameter is null.-or-The value of the parameter is null. The data could not be encrypted using the specified parameters. Encrypts the specified element or its contents using the specified symmetric algorithm. A byte array that contains the encrypted data. The element or its contents to encrypt. The symmetric algorithm to use for encryption. true to encrypt only the contents of the element; false to encrypt the entire element. The value of the parameter is null.-or-The value of the parameter is null. Encrypts the key that a recipient uses to decrypt an <EncryptedData> element. A byte array that represents the encrypted value of the parameter. The key to encrypt. The asymmetric key used to encrypt . A value that specifies whether to use Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP). The value of the parameter is null.-or-The value of the parameter is null. Encrypts a key using a symmetric algorithm that a recipient uses to decrypt an <EncryptedData> element. A byte array that represents the encrypted value of the parameter. The key to encrypt. The symmetric key used to encrypt . The value of the parameter is null.-or-The value of the parameter is null. The value of the parameter is not the Triple DES Key Wrap algorithm or the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Key Wrap algorithm (also called Rijndael). Retrieves the decryption initialization vector (IV) from an object. A byte array that contains the decryption initialization vector (IV). The object that contains the initialization vector (IV) to retrieve. The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that describes the cryptographic algorithm associated with the value. The value of the parameter is null. The value of the parameter has an property that is null.-or-The value of the parameter is not a supported algorithm. Retrieves the decryption key from the specified object. A object associated with the decryption key. The object that contains the decryption key to retrieve. The size of the decryption key to retrieve. The value of the parameter is null. The encryptedData parameter has an property that is null.-or-The encrypted key cannot be retrieved using the specified parameters. Determines how to resolve internal Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) references. An object that contains an ID indicating how internal Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) are to be resolved. An object that contains an element with an ID value. A string that represents the ID value. Gets or sets the cipher mode used for XML encryption. One of the values. Gets or sets the padding mode used for XML encryption. One of the values that specifies the type of padding used for encryption. Gets or sets the recipient of the encrypted key information. The recipient of the encrypted key information. Replaces an <EncryptedData> element with a specified decrypted sequence of bytes. The <EncryptedData> element to replace. The decrypted data to replace with. The value of the parameter is null.-or-The value of the parameter is null. Replaces the specified element with the specified object. The element to replace with an <EncryptedData> element. The object to replace the parameter with. true to replace only the contents of the element; false to replace the entire element. The value of the parameter is null.-or-The value of the parameter is null. Gets or sets the object used by the Document Object Model (DOM) to resolve external XML references. An object. Represents the namespace Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Key Wrap algorithm (also known as the Rijndael Key Wrap algorithm). This field is constant. Represents the namespace Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm (also known as the Rijndael algorithm). This field is constant. Represents the namespace Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the 192-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Key Wrap algorithm (also known as the Rijndael Key Wrap algorithm). This field is constant. Represents the namespace Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the 192-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm (also known as the Rijndael algorithm). This field is constant. Represents the namespace Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Key Wrap algorithm (also known as the Rijndael Key Wrap algorithm). This field is constant. Represents the namespace Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm (also known as the Rijndael algorithm). This field is constant. Represents the namespace Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the Digital Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm. This field is constant. Represents the namespace Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for XML encryption element content. This field is constant. Represents the namespace Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for an XML encryption element. This field is constant. Represents the namespace Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the XML encryption <EncryptedKey> element. This field is constant. Represents the namespace Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for XML encryption syntax and processing. This field is constant. Represents the namespace Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the RSA Public Key Cryptography Standard (PKCS) Version 1.5 algorithm. This field is constant. Represents the namespace Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the RSA Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP) encryption algorithm. This field is constant. Represents the namespace Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the SHA-256 algorithm. This field is constant. Represents the namespace Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the SHA-512 algorithm. This field is constant. Represents the namespace Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the TRIPLEDES key wrap algorithm. This field is constant. Represents the namespace Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the Triple DES algorithm. This field is constant. Encapsulates the encryption algorithm used for XML encryption. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class specifying an algorithm Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that describes the algorithm represented by an instance of the class. Returns an object that encapsulates an instance of the class. An object that encapsulates an instance of the class. Gets or sets a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that describes the algorithm to use for XML encryption. A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that describes the algorithm to use for XML encryption. Gets or sets the algorithm key size used for XML encryption. The algorithm key size, in bits, used for XML encryption. The property was set to a value that was less than 0. Parses the specified object and configures the internal state of the object to match. An object to parse. The parameter is null. The key size expressed in the parameter was less than 0. Represents the <EncryptionProperty> element used in XML encryption. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class using an object. An object to use for initialization. The parameter is null. The property of the parameter is not "EncryptionProperty". -or-The property of the parameter is not "". Returns an object that encapsulates an instance of the class. An object that encapsulates an instance of the class. Gets the ID of the current object. The ID of the current object. Parses the input and configures the internal state of the object to match. An object to parse. The parameter is null. The property of the parameter is not "EncryptionProperty". -or-The property of the parameter is not "". Gets or sets an object that represents an object. An object that represents an object. The property was set to null. The property of the value set to the property is not "EncryptionProperty". -or-The property of the value set to the property is not "". Gets the target of the object. The target of the object. Represents a collection of classes used in XML encryption. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds an object to the object. The position at which the new element is inserted. An object to add to the object. Removes all items from the object. Determines whether the object contains a specific object. true if the object is found in the object; otherwise, false. The object to locate in the object. Copies the elements of the object to an array, starting at a particular array index. The one-dimensional object that is the destination of the elements copied from the object. The array must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in at which copying begins. Copies the elements of the object to an array of objects, starting at a particular array index. The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from the object. The array must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in at which copying begins. Gets the number of elements contained in the object. The number of elements contained in the object. Returns an enumerator that iterates through an object. An object that can be used to iterate through an object. Determines the index of a specific item in the object. The index of if found in the collection; otherwise, -1. The object to locate in the object. Inserts an object into the object at the specified position. The zero-based index at which should be inserted. An object to insert into the object. Gets a value that indicates whether the object has a fixed size. true if the object has a fixed size; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether the object is read-only. true if the object is read-only; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether access to the object is synchronized (thread safe). true if access to the object is synchronized (thread safe); otherwise, false. Returns the object at the specified index. The object at the specified index. The index of the object to return. Gets or sets the object at the specified index. The object at the specified index. The index of the object to return. Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the object. The object to remove from the object. Removes the object at the specified index. The zero-based index of the objects to remove. Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the object. An object that can be used to synchronize access to the object. Adds an item to the . The position into which the new element was inserted. The to add to the . uses an incorrect object type. Determines whether the contains a specific value. true if the is found in the ; otherwise, false. The to locate in the . uses an incorrect object type. Determines the index of a specific item in the . The index of if found in the list; otherwise, -1. The to locate in the . uses an incorrect object type. Inserts an item to the at the specified index. The zero-based index at which should be inserted. The to insert into the . uses an incorrect object type. Gets the element at the specified index. The element at the specified index. The to remove from the . Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the . The to remove from the . uses an incorrect object type. Defines methods that decrypt an XrML <encryptedGrant> element. Decrypts an XrML <encryptedGrant> element that is contained within a object. A object that contains a decrypted <encryptedGrant> element. An object that encapsulates the algorithm used for XML encryption. A object that contains an asymmetric key to use for decryption. A stream object that contains an <encryptedGrant> element to decrypt. Represents an XML digital signature or XML encryption <KeyInfo> element. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds a that represents a particular type of information to the object. The to add to the object. Gets the number of objects contained within the object. The number of objects contained within the object. Returns an enumerator of the objects in the object. An enumerator of the subelements of that can be used to iterate through the collection. Returns an enumerator of the objects of the specified type in the object. An enumerator of the subelements of that can be used to iterate through the collection. The type of object to enumerate. Returns the XML representation of the object. The XML representation of the object. Gets or sets the ID. The ID. Loads a state from an XML element. The XML element from which to load the state. The parameter is null. Represents the abstract base class from which all implementations of subelements inherit. Initializes a new instance of . When overridden in a derived class, returns an XML representation of the . An XML representation of the . When overridden in a derived class, parses the input and configures the internal state of the to match. The that specifies the state of the . Wraps the class, it to be placed as a subelement of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class using an object. An object that encapsulates an encrypted key. Gets or sets an object that encapsulates an encrypted key. An object that encapsulates an encrypted key. The property is null. Returns an XML representation of a object. An XML representation of a object. The encrypted key is null. Parses the input object and configures the internal state of the object to match. The object that specifies the state of the object. Represents a <KeyName> subelement of an XMLDSIG or XML Encryption <KeyInfo> element. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class by specifying the string identifier that is the value of the <KeyName> element. The string identifier that is the value of the <KeyName> element. Returns an XML representation of the object. An XML representation of the object. Parses the input object and configures the internal state of the object to match. The object that specifies the state of the object. The parameter is null. Gets or sets the string identifier contained within a <KeyName> element. The string identifier that is the value of the <KeyName> element. Handles subelements that do not have specific implementations or handlers registered on the machine. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with content taken from the specified . An XML element from which to take the content used to create the new instance of . Returns an XML representation of the . An XML representation of the . Parses the input and configures the internal state of the to match. The that specifies the state of the . Gets or sets the XML content of the current . The XML content of the current . References objects stored at a different location when using XMLDSIG or XML encryption. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) pointing to the referenced object. The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the information to be referenced by the new instance of . Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) pointing to the referenced object and the URI that describes the type of data to retrieve. The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the information to be referenced by the new instance of . The URI that describes the type of data to retrieve. Returns the XML representation of the object. The XML representation of the object. Parses the input object and configures the internal state of the object to match. The XML element that specifies the state of the object. The parameter is null. Gets or sets a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that describes the type of data to be retrieved. A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that describes the type of data to be retrieved. Gets or sets the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the object. The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the object. Represents an <X509Data> subelement of an XMLDSIG or XML Encryption <KeyInfo> element. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from the specified ASN.1 DER encoding of an X.509v3 certificate. The ASN.1 DER encoding of an object to initialize the new instance of from. Initializes a new instance of the class from the specified X.509v3 certificate. The object to initialize the new instance of from. The parameter is null. Initializes a new instance of the class from the specified X.509v3 certificate. The object to initialize the new instance of from. One of the values that specifies how much of the certificate chain to include. The parameter is null. The certificate has only a partial certificate chain. Adds the specified X.509v3 certificate to the . The object to add to the object. The parameter is null. Adds the specified issuer name and serial number pair to the object. The issuer name portion of the pair to add to the object. The serial number portion of the pair to add to the object. Adds the specified subject key identifier (SKI) byte array to the object. A byte array that represents the subject key identifier (SKI) to add to the object. Adds the specified subject key identifier (SKI) string to the object. A string that represents the subject key identifier (SKI) to add to the object. Adds the subject name of the entity that was issued an X.509v3 certificate to the object. The name of the entity that was issued an X.509 certificate to add to the object. Gets a list of the X.509v3 certificates contained in the object. A list of the X.509 certificates contained in the object. Gets or sets the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) contained within the object. The Certificate Revocation List (CRL) contained within the object. Returns an XML representation of the object. An XML representation of the object. Gets a list of structures that represent an issuer name and serial number pair. A list of structures that represent an issuer name and serial number pair. Parses the input object and configures the internal state of the object to match. The object that specifies the state of the object. The parameter is null. The parameter does not contain an <X509IssuerName> node.-or-The parameter does not contain an <X509SerialNumber> node. Gets a list of the subject key identifiers (SKIs) contained in the object. A list of the subject key identifiers (SKIs) contained in the object. Gets a list of the subject names of the entities contained in the object. A list of the subject names of the entities contained in the object. Represents the <KeyReference> element used in XML encryption. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class for XML encryption. Initializes a new instance of the class for XML encryption using the supplied Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that points to the encrypted key. Initializes a new instance of the class for XML encryption using the specified Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and a object. A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that points to the encrypted key. A object that describes transforms to do on the encrypted key. Represents the <reference> element of an XML signature. Initializes a new instance of the class with default properties. Initializes a new instance of the class with a hash value of the specified . The with which to initialize the new instance of . Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified . The with which to initialize the new instance of . Adds a object to the list of transforms to be performed on the data before passing it to the digest algorithm. The transform to be added to the list of transforms. The parameter is null. Gets or sets the digest method Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the current . The digest method URI of the current . The default value is "". Gets or sets the digest value of the current . The digest value of the current . Returns the XML representation of the . The XML representation of the . The property is null.-or- The property is null. Gets or sets the ID of the current . The ID of the current . The default is null. Loads a state from an XML element. The XML element from which to load the state. The parameter is null. The parameter does not contain any transforms.-or- The parameter contains an unknown transform. Gets the transform chain of the current . The transform chain of the current . Gets or sets the type of the object being signed. The type of the object being signed. Gets or sets the of the current . The of the current . Represents the <ReferenceList> element used in XML encryption. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds a or object to the collection. The position at which the new element was inserted. A or object to add to the collection. The parameter is not a object.-or-The parameter is not a object. The parameter is null. Removes all items from the collection. Determines whether the collection contains a specific or object. true if the or object is found in the collection; otherwise, false. The or object to locate in the collection. Copies the elements of the object to an array, starting at a specified array index. The one-dimensional object that is the destination of the elements copied from the object. The array must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in at which copying begins. Gets the number of elements contained in the object. The number of elements contained in the object. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An object that can be used to iterate through a collection. Determines the index of a specific item in the collection. The index of if found in the collection; otherwise, -1. The or object to locate in the collection. Inserts a or object into the collection at the specified position. The zero-based index at which should be inserted. A or object to insert into the collection. The parameter is not a object.-or-The parameter is not a object. The parameter is null. Gets a value that indicates whether access to the object is synchronized (thread safe). true if access to the object is synchronized (thread safe); otherwise, false. Returns the or object at the specified index. The or object at the specified index. The index of the or object to return. Gets or sets the or object at the specified index. The object at the specified index. The index of the or object to return. Removes the first occurrence of a specific or object from the collection. The or object to remove from the collection. Removes the or object at the specified index. The zero-based index of the or object to remove. Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the object. An object that can be used to synchronize access to the object. For a description of this member, see . true if the has a fixed size; otherwise, false. For a description of this member, see . true if the is read-only; otherwise, false. For a description of this member, see . The element at the specified index. The zero-based index of the element to get or set. is not a valid index in the . Represents the <RSAKeyValue> element of an XML signature. Initializes a new instance of the class with a new randomly generated public key. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified public key. The instance of an implementation of that holds the public key. Returns the XML representation of the key clause. The XML representation of the key clause. Gets or sets the instance of that holds the public key. The instance of that holds the public key. Loads an key clause from an XML element. The XML element from which to load the key clause. The parameter is null. The parameter is not a valid key clause XML element. Represents the <Signature> element of an XML signature. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds a to the list of objects to be signed. The to be added to the list of objects to be signed. Returns the XML representation of the . The XML representation of the . The property is null.-or- The property is null. Gets or sets the ID of the current . The ID of the current . The default is null. Gets or sets the of the current . The of the current . Loads a state from an XML element. The XML element from which to load the state. The parameter is null. The parameter does not contain a valid .-or- The parameter does not contain a valid . Gets or sets a list of objects to be signed. A list of objects to be signed. Gets or sets the value of the digital signature. A byte array that contains the value of the digital signature. Gets or sets the of the current . The of the current . Contains information about the canonicalization algorithm and signature algorithm used for the XML signature. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds a object to the list of references to digest and sign. The reference to add to the list of references. The reference parameter is null. Gets or sets the canonicalization algorithm that is used before signing for the current object. The canonicalization algorithm used before signing for the current object. Gets a object used for canonicalization. A object used for canonicalization. is null. Copies the elements of this instance into an object, starting at a specified index in the array. An object that holds the collection's elements. The beginning index in the array where the elements are copied. This method is not supported. Gets the number of references in the current object. The number of references in the current object. This property is not supported. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection of references. An enumerator that iterates through the collection of references. This method is not supported. Returns the XML representation of the object. The XML representation of the instance. The property is null.-or- The property is empty. Gets or sets the ID of the current object. The ID of the current object. Gets a value that indicates whether the collection is read-only. true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. This property is not supported. Gets a value that indicates whether the collection is synchronized. true if the collection is synchronized; otherwise, false. This property is not supported. Loads a state from an XML element. The XML element from which to load the state. The parameter is null. The parameter is not a valid element.-or- The parameter does not contain a valid property.-or- The parameter does not contain a valid property. Gets a list of the objects of the current object. A list of the elements of the current object. Gets or sets the length of the signature for the current object. The length of the signature for the current object. Gets or sets the name of the algorithm used for signature generation and validation for the current object. The name of the algorithm used for signature generation and validation for the current object. Gets an object to use for synchronization. An object to use for synchronization. This property is not supported. Provides a wrapper on a core XML signature object to facilitate creating XML signatures. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class from the specified XML document. The object to use to initialize the new instance of . The parameter is null.-or-The parameter contains a null property. Initializes a new instance of the class from the specified object. The object to use to initialize the new instance of . The parameter is null. Adds a object to the list of objects to be signed. The object to add to the list of objects to be signed. Adds a object to the object that describes a digest method, digest value, and transform to use for creating an XML digital signature. The object that describes a digest method, digest value, and transform to use for creating an XML digital signature. Determines whether the property verifies using the public key in the signature. true if the property verifies; otherwise, false. The property of the public key in the signature does not match the property.-or- The signature description could not be created.-or The hash algorithm could not be created. Determines whether the property verifies for the specified key. true if the property verifies for the specified key; otherwise, false. The implementation of the property that holds the key to be used to verify the property. The parameter is null. The property of the parameter does not match the property.-or- The signature description could not be created.-or The hash algorithm could not be created. Determines whether the property verifies for the specified message authentication code (MAC) algorithm. true if the property verifies for the specified MAC; otherwise, false. The implementation of that holds the MAC to be used to verify the property. The parameter is null. The property of the specified object is not valid.-or- The property is null.-or- The cryptographic transform used to check the signature could not be created. Determines whether the property verifies for the specified object and, optionally, whether the certificate is valid. true if the signature is valid; otherwise, false. -or-true if the signature and certificate are valid; otherwise, false. The object to use to verify the property. true to verify the signature only; false to verify both the signature and certificate. The parameter is null. A signature description could not be created for the parameter. Determines whether the property verifies using the public key in the signature. true if the property verifies using the public key in the signature; otherwise, false. When this method returns, contains the implementation of that holds the public key in the signature. This parameter is passed uninitialized. The parameter is null. The property of the public key in the signature does not match the property.-or- The signature description could not be created.-or The hash algorithm could not be created. Computes an XML digital signature. The property is null.-or- The property is not a object or object.-or- The key could not be loaded. Computes an XML digital signature using the specified message authentication code (MAC) algorithm. A object that holds the MAC to be used to compute the value of the property. The parameter is null. The object specified by the parameter is not an instance of .-or- The property of the specified object is not valid.-or- The cryptographic transform used to check the signature could not be created. Gets or sets an object that defines the XML encryption processing rules. An object that defines the XML encryption processing rules. Returns the object with the specified ID from the specified object. The object with the specified ID from the specified object, or null if it could not be found. The object to retrieve the object from. The ID of the object to retrieve from the object. Returns the public key of a signature. An object that contains the public key of the signature, or null if the key cannot be found. The property is null. Returns the XML representation of a object. The XML representation of the object. The property is null.-or- The property is null. Gets or sets the object of the current object. The object of the current object. Loads a state from an XML element. The XML element to load the state from. The parameter is null. The parameter does not contain a valid property.-or- The parameter does not contain a valid property. Represents the object of the current object. Represents the name of the installed key to be used for signing the object. Sets the current object. The current object. The defaults is a object. Gets the object of the current object. The object of the current object. Gets the length of the signature for the current object. The length of the signature for the current object. Gets the signature method of the current object. The signature method of the current object. Gets the signature value of the current object. A byte array that contains the signature value of the current object. Gets the object of the current object. The object of the current object. Gets or sets the asymmetric algorithm key used for signing a object. The asymmetric algorithm key used for signing the object. Gets or sets the name of the installed key to be used for signing the object. The name of the installed key to be used for signing the object. Represents the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the XML mode decryption transformation. This field is constant. Represents the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the base 64 transformation. This field is constant. Represents the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the Canonical XML transformation. This field is constant. Represents the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the Canonical XML transformation, with comments. This field is constant. Represents the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the standard canonicalization algorithm for XML digital signatures. This field is constant. Represents the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the standard canonicalization algorithm for XML digital signatures and includes comments. This field is constant. Represents the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the standard algorithm for XML digital signatures. This field is constant. Represents the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for enveloped signature transformation. This field is constant. Represents the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for exclusive XML canonicalization. This field is constant. Represents the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for exclusive XML canonicalization, with comments. This field is constant. Represents the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the standard algorithm for XML digital signatures. This field is constant. Represents the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the standard minimal canonicalization algorithm for XML digital signatures. This field is constant. Represents the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the standard namespace for XML digital signatures. This field is constant. Represents the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the standard signature method for XML digital signatures. This field is constant. Represents the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the standard digest method for XML digital signatures. This field is constant. Represents the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the XML Path Language (XPath). This field is constant. Represents the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for XSLT transformations. This field is constant. Represents the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the license transform algorithm used to normalize XrML licenses for signatures. Represents the abstract base class from which all <Transform> elements that can be used in an XML digital signature derive. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies the algorithm performed by the current transform. The URI that identifies the algorithm performed by the current object. Gets or sets an object that represents the document context under which the current object is running. An object that represents the document context under which the current object is running. When overridden in a derived class, returns the digest associated with a object. The digest associated with a object. The object used to create a digest. When overridden in a derived class, returns an XML representation of the parameters of the object that are suitable to be included as subelements of an XMLDSIG <Transform> element. A list of the XML nodes that represent the transform-specific content needed to describe the current object in an XMLDSIG <Transform> element. When overridden in a derived class, returns the output of the current object. The output of the current object. When overridden in a derived class, returns the output of the current object of the specified type. The output of the current object as an object of the specified type. The type of the output to return. This must be one of the types in the property. Returns the XML representation of the current object. The XML representation of the current object. When overridden in a derived class, gets an array of types that are valid inputs to the method of the current object. An array of valid input types for the current object; you can pass only objects of one of these types to the method of the current object. When overridden in a derived class, parses the specified object as transform-specific content of a <Transform> element and configures the internal state of the current object to match the <Transform> element. An object that specifies transform-specific content for the current object. When overridden in a derived class, loads the specified input into the current object. The input to load into the current object. When overridden in a derived class, gets an array of types that are possible outputs from the methods of the current object. An array of valid output types for the current object; only objects of one of these types are returned from the methods of the current object. Gets or sets a object that contains the namespaces that are propagated into the signature. A object that contains the namespaces that are propagated into the signature. The property was set to null. Sets the current object. The current object. This property defaults to an object. Defines an ordered list of objects that is applied to unsigned content prior to digest calculation. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds a transform to the list of transforms to be applied to the unsigned content prior to digest calculation. The transform to add to the list of transforms. Gets the number of transforms in the object. The number of transforms in the object. Returns an enumerator of the transforms in the object. An enumerator of the transforms in the object. Gets the transform at the specified index in the object. The transform at the specified index in the object. The index into the object that specifies which transform to return. The parameter is greater than the number of transforms. Represents the <X509IssuerSerial> element of an XML digital signature. Gets or sets an X.509 certificate issuer's distinguished name. An X.509 certificate issuer's distinguished name. Gets or sets an X.509 certificate issuer's serial number. An X.509 certificate issuer's serial number. Specifies the order of XML Digital Signature and XML Encryption operations when both are performed on the same document. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) to exclude from processing. A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) to exclude from processing The parameter is null. Gets or sets an object that contains information about the keys necessary to decrypt an XML document. An object that contains information about the keys necessary to decrypt an XML document. Returns an XML representation of the parameters of an object that are suitable to be included as subelements of an XMLDSIG <Transform> element. A list of the XML nodes that represent the transform-specific content needed to describe the current object in an XMLDSIG <Transform> element. Returns the output of the current object. The output of the current object. A decryption key could not be found. Returns the output of the current object. The output of the current object. The type of the output to return. is the only valid type for this parameter. The parameter is not an object. Gets an array of types that are valid inputs to the method of the current object. An array of valid input types for the current object; you can pass only objects of one of these types to the method of the current object. Determines whether the ID attribute of an object matches a specified value. true if the ID attribute of the parameter matches the parameter; otherwise, false. An object with an ID attribute to compare with . The value to compare with the ID attribute of . Parses the specified object as transform-specific content of a <Transform> element and configures the internal state of the current object to match the <Transform> element. An object that specifies transform-specific content for the current object. The parameter is null.-or-The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) value of an object in was not found.-or-The length of the URI value of an object in is 0. -or-The first character of the URI value of an object in is not '#'. When overridden in a derived class, loads the specified input into the current object. The input to load into the current object. The parameter is null. Gets an array of types that are possible outputs from the methods of the current object. An array of valid output types for the current object; only objects of one of these types are returned from the methods of the current object. Represents the Base64 decoding transform as defined in Section 6.6.2 of the XMLDSIG specification. Initializes a new instance of the class. Returns an XML representation of the parameters of the object that are suitable to be included as subelements of an XMLDSIG <Transform> element. A list of the XML nodes that represent the transform-specific content needed to describe the current object in an XMLDSIG <Transform> element. Returns the output of the current object. The output of the current object. Returns the output of the current object of type . The output of the current object of type . The type of the output to return. is the only valid type for this parameter. The parameter is not a object. Gets an array of types that are valid inputs to the method of the current object. An array of valid input types for the current object; you can pass only objects of one of these types to the method of the current object. Parses the specified object as transform-specific content of a <Transform> element; this method is not supported because the object has no inner XML elements. An object to load into the current object. Loads the specified input into the current object. The input to load into the current object. The parameter is a and it is null. Gets an array of types that are possible outputs from the methods of the current object. An array of valid output types for the current object; only objects of one of these types are returned from the methods of the current object. Represents the C14N XML canonicalization transform for a digital signature as defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), without comments. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with comments, if specified. true to include comments; otherwise, false. Returns the digest associated with an object. The digest associated with an object. The object used to create a digest. Returns an XML representation of the parameters of an object that are suitable to be included as subelements of an XMLDSIG <Transform> element. A list of the XML nodes that represent the transform-specific content needed to describe the current object in an XMLDSIG <Transform> element. Returns the output of the current object. The output of the current object. Returns the output of the current object of type . The output of the current object of type . The type of the output to return. is the only valid type for this parameter. The parameter is not a object. Gets an array of types that are valid inputs to the method of the current object. An array of valid input types for the current object; you can pass only objects of one of these types to the method of the current object. Parses the specified object as transform-specific content of a <Transform> element; this method is not supported because this element has no inner XML elements. An object to load into the current object. Loads the specified input into the current object. The input to load into the current object. The parameter is a object and it is null. Gets an array of types that are possible outputs from the methods of the current object. An array of valid output types for the current object; the methods of the current object return only objects of one of these types. Represents the C14N XML canonicalization transform for a digital signature as defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), with comments. Initializes a new instance of the class. Represents the enveloped signature transform for an XML digital signature as defined by the W3C. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with comments, if specified. true to include comments; otherwise, false. Returns an XML representation of the parameters of an object that are suitable to be included as subelements of an XMLDSIG <Transform> element. A list of the XML nodes that represent the transform-specific content needed to describe the current object in an XMLDSIG <Transform> element. Returns the output of the current object. The output of the current object. The containing XML document is null. Returns the output of the current object of type . The output of the current object of type . The type of the output to return. is the only valid type for this parameter. The parameter is not an object. Gets an array of types that are valid inputs to the method of the current object. An array of valid input types for the current object; you can pass only objects of one of these types to the method of the current object. Parses the specified as transform-specific content of a <Transform> element and configures the internal state of the current object to match the <Transform> element. An to load into the current object. Loads the specified input into the current object. The input to load into the current object. The parameter is null. The containing XML document is null. Gets an array of types that are possible outputs from the methods of the current object. An array of valid output types for the current object; only objects of one of these types are returned from the methods of the current object. Represents the exclusive C14N XML canonicalization transform for a digital signature as defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), without comments. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class specifying a value that determines whether to include comments. true to include comments; otherwise, false. Initializes a new instance of the class specifying whether to include comments, and specifying a list of namespace prefixes. true to include comments; otherwise, false. The namespace prefixes to canonicalize using the standard canonicalization algorithm. Initializes a new instance of the class specifying a list of namespace prefixes to canonicalize using the standard canonicalization algorithm. The namespace prefixes to canonicalize using the standard canonicalization algorithm. Returns the digest associated with a object. The digest associated with a object. The object used to create a digest. Returns an XML representation of the parameters of a object that are suitable to be included as subelements of an XMLDSIG <Transform> element. A list of the XML nodes that represent the transform-specific content needed to describe the current object in an XMLDSIG <Transform> element. Returns the output of the current object The output of the current object. Returns the output of the current object as an object of the specified type. The output of the current object as an object of the specified type. The type of the output to return. This must be one of the types in the property. The parameter is not a object.-or-The parameter does not derive from a object. Gets or sets a string that contains namespace prefixes to canonicalize using the standard canonicalization algorithm. A string that contains namespace prefixes to canonicalize using the standard canonicalization algorithm. Gets an array of types that are valid inputs to the method of the current object. An array of valid input types for the current object; you can pass only objects of one of these types to the method of the current object. Parses the specified object as transform-specific content of a <Transform> element and configures the internal state of the current object to match the <Transform> element. An object that specifies transform-specific content for the current object. When overridden in a derived class, loads the specified input into the current object. The input to load into the current object. The parameter is not a object.-or-The parameter is not an object.-or-The parameter is not an object. Gets an array of types that are possible outputs from the methods of the current object. An array of valid output types for the current object; the methods of the current object return only objects of one of these types. Represents the exclusive C14N XML canonicalization transform for a digital signature as defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), with comments. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class specifying a list of namespace prefixes to canonicalize using the standard canonicalization algorithm. The namespace prefixes to canonicalize using the standard canonicalization algorithm. Represents the XPath transform for a digital signature as defined by the W3C. Initializes a new instance of the class. Returns an XML representation of the parameters of a object that are suitable to be included as subelements of an XMLDSIG <Transform> element. A list of the XML nodes that represent the transform-specific content needed to describe the current object in an XMLDSIG <Transform> element. Returns the output of the current object. The output of the current object. Returns the output of the current object of type . The output of the current object of type . The type of the output to return. is the only valid type for this parameter. The parameter is not an object. Gets an array of types that are valid inputs to the method of the current object. An array of valid input types for the current object; you can pass only objects of one of these types to the method of the current object. Parses the specified object as transform-specific content of a <Transform> element and configures the internal state of the current object to match the <Transform> element. An object to load into the current object. The parameter is null.-or- The parameter does not contain an element. Loads the specified input into the current object. The input to load into the current object. Gets an array of types that are possible outputs from the methods of the current object. An array of valid output types for the current object; the methods of the current object return only objects of one of these types. Represents the XSLT transform for a digital signature as defined by the W3C. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with comments, if specified. true to include comments; otherwise, false. Returns an XML representation of the parameters of the object that are suitable to be included as subelements of an XMLDSIG <Transform> element. A list of the XML nodes that represent the transform-specific content needed to describe the current object in an XMLDSIG <Transform> element. Returns the output of the current object. The output of the current object. Returns the output of the current object of type . The output of the current object of type . The type of the output to return. is the only valid type for this parameter. The parameter is not a object. Gets an array of types that are valid inputs to the method of the current object. An array of valid input types for the current object; you can pass only objects of one of these types to the method of the current object. Parses the specified object as transform-specific content of a <Transform> element and configures the internal state of the current object to match the <Transform> element. An object that encapsulates an XSLT style sheet to load into the current object. This style sheet is applied to the document loaded by the method. The parameter is null.-or- The parameter does not contain an object. Loads the specified input into the current object. The input to load into the current object. Gets an array of types that are possible outputs from the methods of the current object. An array of valid output types for the current object; only objects of one of these types are returned from the methods of the current object. Represents the license transform algorithm used to normalize XrML licenses for signatures. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the decryptor of the current object. The decryptor of the current object. Returns an XML representation of the parameters of an object that are suitable to be included as subelements of an XMLDSIG <Transform> element. A list of the XML nodes that represent the transform-specific content needed to describe the current object in an XMLDSIG <Transform> element. Returns the output of an object. The output of the object. Returns the output of an object. The output of the object. The type of the output to return. is the only valid type for this parameter. The parameter is not an object. Gets an array of types that are valid inputs to the method of the current object. An array of types that are valid inputs to the method of the current object; you can pass only objects of one of these types to the method of the current object. Parses the specified object as transform-specific content of a <Transform> element; this method is not supported because the object has no inner XML elements. An object that encapsulates the transform to load into the current object. Loads the specified input into the current object. The input to load into the current object. The type of the input object must be . The context was not set before this transform was invoked.-or-The <issuer> element was not set before this transform was invoked.-or-The <license> element was not set before this transform was invoked.-or-The property was not set before this transform was invoked. Gets an array of types that are valid outputs from the method of the current object. An array of valid output types for the current object; only objects of one of these types are returned from the methods of the current object. Controls the ability to access encrypted data and memory. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified permission flags. A bitwise combination of the values. is not a valid combination of the values. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified permission state. One of the values. is not a valid value. Creates and returns an identical copy of the current permission. A copy of the current permission. Gets or sets the data and memory protection flags. A bitwise combination of the values. The specified value is not a valid combination of the values. Reconstructs a permission with a specific state from an XML encoding. A that contains the XML encoding used to reconstruct the permission. is null. is not a valid permission element.-or- The version number of is not supported. Creates and returns a permission that is the intersection of the current permission and the specified permission. A new permission that represents the intersection of the current permission and the specified permission. This new permission is null if the intersection is empty. A permission to intersect with the current permission. It must be the same type as the current permission. is not null and does not specify a permission of the same type as the current permission. Determines whether the current permission is a subset of the specified permission. true if the current permission is a subset of the specified permission; otherwise, false. A permission to test for the subset relationship. This permission must be the same type as the current permission. is not null and does not specify a permission of the same type as the current permission. Returns a value indicating whether the current permission is unrestricted. true if the current permission is unrestricted; otherwise, false. Creates an XML encoding of the permission and its current state. An XML encoding of the permission, including state information. Creates a permission that is the union of the current permission and the specified permission. A new permission that represents the union of the current permission and the specified permission. A permission to combine with the current permission. It must be of the same type as the current permission. is not null and does not specify a permission of the same type as the current permission. Allows security actions for to be applied to code using declarative security. This class cannot be inherited. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified . One of the values. Creates and returns a new . A that corresponds to the attribute. Gets or sets the data protection permissions. A bitwise combination of the values. The default is . Gets or sets a value indicating whether data can be encrypted using the class. true if data can be encrypted; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether memory can be encrypted using the class. true if memory can be encrypted; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether data can be unencrypted using the class. true if data can be unencrypted; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether memory can be unencrypted using the class. true if memory can be unencrypted; otherwise, false. Specifies the access permissions for encrypting data and memory. No protection abilities. The ability to encrypt data. The ability to unencrypt data. The ability to encrypt memory. The ability to unencrypt memory. The ability to encrypt data, encrypt memory, unencrypt data, and unencrypt memory.