System.Web.DynamicData Provides information for a data-context instance in order to allow customization. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the metadata provider. The type of the metadata provider. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether scaffolding is enabled. true if scaffolding is enabled; otherwise, false. The default is false. Displays the content that is defined for the field in templated data-bound controls, using ASP.NET Dynamic Data features. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified mode. One of the enumeration values that specifies the mode of the control. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the formatting string specified by the property is applied to field values when the field is in edit mode. true if the formatting string is applied; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets the column object that is associated with the control. The column object that is associated with the control. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether empty string values ("") are automatically converted to null values when the data field is updated in the data source. true if empty string values are automatically converted to null values; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class that specifies the display styles for the control content. The name of the CSS class. Gets or sets the name of the data field that the control is bound to. The name of the data field to bind the control to. The default is an empty string (""), which indicates that this property is not set. Gets or sets a string that specifies the display format for the value of the field. A formatting string that specifies the display format for the value of the field. The default is an empty string (""), which indicates that no special formatting is applied to the field value. Gets the field template that is created for the control. The field template that is created for the control. Retrieves the attribute value by using the specified key. The value of the attribute. The name of the attribute. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the data for the control is HTML-encoded before rendering. true if the data for the control is HTML-encoded before rendering; otherwise, false. The default is true. Gets or sets the rendering mode. One of the enumeration values that specifies the rendering mode for the control. The default is . Gets or sets the caption that is displayed for a data field when the field value is null. The caption that is displayed for a data field when the field value is null. The default is an empty string (""), which indicates that this property is not set. Raises the event. The event data. The property is not set. Renders the control content to the client's browser by using the specified object. The object that is used to render the control content on the client's browser. Sets the specified attribute to the specified value. The name of the attribute to set. The value to assign to the attribute. For a description of this member, see . The formatting options to be applied to the field template. Gets the table object that is associated with the control. The table object that is associated with the control. The control is inside a data-bound control that is not bound to a data source control that implements the interface. Gets or sets the name of the field template that is used to render the data field. The name of the field template that is used to render the data field. The default is an empty string (""), which indicates that the field template will be rendered based on the data field type or on metadata information applied to the data model. Gets or sets the validation group name for the control. The validation group name for the control. Represents a parameter that is used for master-detail filters in which a data source gets information from another data control. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class, bound to the specified control. The ID of the control whose values the parameter represents. Gets or sets the unique identifier of the control that the object binds to. The unique identifier of the control from which the object gets its data. Throws an exception to indicate that the control is missing. A object that indicates the control is missing. The HTTP context. The dynamic control parameter. Returns the collection of parameters that are used to create a Where clause for when the data source is queried. A collection of objects that represent the query parameters for the specified instance. The instance to get the parameters from. Provides extension methods that are used by ASP.NET Dynamic Data. Returns the value provided by a user for a control that is being validated. null if is null or an empty string and the property of is true; null if is not null or an empty string and matches the property of ; otherwise, the unchanged value of . The formatting options object, as defined by the IFieldFormattingOptions object. The input value to be converted. Enables selection to be persisted in data controls that support selection and paging. The data bound control. Expands dynamic filters into Where parameters that are usable by the data source. The data source object. Returns the data source that is associated with the data control for the specified control. The data source that is associated with the data control for the specified control. A control inside the hierarchy of a data-bound control whose containing control you want to find. Returns the field template for the specified column within the specified control's naming container. The field template for the specified column within the specified control's naming container. The containing control. The name of the column. Returns the object for the containing data control. The object for the containing data control. The current control. Formats the specified field value by using the specified formatting options. The field value that has been formatted by using the specified formatting options. The instance to use. The field value to format. Formats the specified field value by using the specified formatting options. The field value that has been formatted by using the specified formatting options. The instance to use. The field value to format. Returns the object that is associated with the specified data source control. The table that is associated with the specified data source control. The data source control. The property of is null.-or-The property of is null. Sets the value of a LINQ-to-SQL data source to force all the foreign-key entities to be loaded. The LINQ data source to load the foreign keys from. The type of the entities returned by the data source. Enables dynamic behavior for ASP.NET Web controls that support ASP.NET Dynamic Data. Initializes a new instance of the control. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether foreign keys are automatically loaded for a LINQ-to-SQL data context. true if foreign keys are automatically loaded; otherwise, false. Raises the event. The event data. Registers a control with the control. The data control to register. Registers a control with the control. The data control to register. true to use the primary key to set the selected item; otherwise, the selected item is not set. Gets a value that indicates whether the control is visible. true if the is visible; otherwise false. Represents a route that is used by ASP.NET Dynamic Data. Initializes a new instance of the class by using the specified URL pattern. The pattern for the URL. Gets or sets the name of an action for a route. The action name for a route. Returns the action from the object for the current Dynamic Data Web request. The action. For a list of possible values, see . The route data that pertains to the current request. For more information, see . The action was not found in the Web request routing information. Returns routing information for a specific Web request. The routing information for the Web request. Contains information about the Web request. Identifies the table that is associated with a Dynamic Data Web page request. The metadata that describes a table that is displayed by Dynamic Data. The route data that pertains to the current request. For more information, see . The table was not found in the Web request routing information. Returns the virtual path of a route. The virtual path. Contains information about the Web request. The collection of route objects for the current application. Gets or sets the data model to which the route applies. The data-model metadata that the route applies to. Gets or sets the object that processes requests for the route. The handler that is used to process requests for the route. Gets or sets the name of the table for the route. The name of the table that is associated with the route. Gets or sets the name of the .aspx page that is associated with a route. The name of the .aspx page that is associated with the route. If no page is specified for the route, the property returns the value of the property with ".aspx" appended to it. Processes ASP.NET Dynamic Data route patterns. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a handler to process a request. The handler that can process a request. The matched route. The metadata table that is contained in the route. The action that is contained in the route. Creates the virtual path of a custom page. The virtual path of the custom page. The data-model metadata table that the page is for. The name of the view action, which is the page name without the ".aspx" file-name extension. Returns the instance for the current Web request. The request context for the Web request. The context information that is associated with the Web request. is null. Returns a object from the object. The data-model metadata table that is associated with the current Web request, or null if the request is not a Dynamic Data request The context information that is associated with the Web request. is null. Returns the virtual path of a page that is enabled for Dynamic Data. The virtual path of the page. The metadata table that the page is for. The name of the view action, which is the page name without the ".aspx" file-name extension. Gets or sets the object that the class is associated with. The data model that the class is associated with. Sets the object that is associated with the current object. The context information that is associated with the Web request. The metatable that is associated with the current request. Returns the handler that processes ASP.NET Dynamic Data route patterns. The handler that processes ASP.NET Dynamic Data route patterns. The context information that is associated with the Web request. Represents a data field that is displayed in a data-bound control that uses ASP.NET Dynamic Data features. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the formatted string that is specified by the property is applied to field value when the data field is in edit mode. true if the applies formatting in edit mode; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether empty string values ("") are automatically converted to null values when the data field is updated in the data source. true to automatically convert empty string values to null values; otherwise, false. The default is false. Copies the properties of the current object to the specified object. The to copy the properties of the current to. Creates and returns a new instance of the class. A new instance of the class. Gets or sets the name of the data field to bind the object to. The name of the data field that the object is bound to. Gets or sets the string that specifies the display format for the value of the data field. A formatting string that specifies the display format for the value of the data field. The default is an empty string (""), which indicates that no special formatting is applied to the value. Extracts the value of the data field from the current table cell and adds the value to the specified dictionary. The dictionary that will hold the cell values. The cell that contains the text or controls of the object. One of the enumeration values that specifies the row state. true to include the values of read-only fields in ; otherwise, false. Retrieves the specified attribute value. The value of the attribute. The key of the attribute to get. Gets or sets the text that is displayed in the header of the data-bound control that contains the object. The text that is displayed in the header of the data-bound control that contains the object. The object is inside a data-bound control that is not bound to a data source control that implements the interface. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether data field values are HTML-encoded before they are displayed in a object. true if field values are HTML-encoded before they are displayed; otherwise, false. The default is true. Adds text or controls to the specified cell. The object that contains the text or controls of the object. One of the enumeration values that specifies the function of the object. One of the enumeration values that specifies the row state. The index of the row that the object is contained in. Gets or sets the caption that is displayed for a data field when the field value is null. The caption that is displayed for a data field when the field value is null. The default is an empty string (""), which indicates that this property is not set. Sets an attribute that is associated with the object. The name of the attribute to be set. The attribute value. Gets or sets the sort expression that is used when the data field is used to sort the data source by. The sort expression that is used when the data field is used to sort the data source by. The object is inside a data-bound control that is not bound to a data source control that implements the interface. Gets or sets the field template to use for displaying the data field. The name of the field template to use for displaying the data field. Automatically generates a collection of parameters that is used to create the Where clause for the data source control by retrieving query string values. Initializes a new instance of the class. Throws an exception in all cases. Throws an exception in all cases. Information about the HTTP request. The control the parameter is bound to. Returns a collection of objects that are automatically generated for the columns of a table by retrieving query string values. A collection of parameters that are automatically generated for the columns of a table by retrieving query string values The data source object. Enforces and catches exceptions that are thrown in a data model and displays the error. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the column to validate. The column to validate, or null if a data entity is validated. Gets the name of the column to validate. The name of the column to validate, or null if a data entity is validated. Indicates whether the properties of the specified control are valid. true, if the properties of the specified validation control are valid; otherwise, false. Determines whether the value in the input control to validate is valid. true if the validation control that is evaluated is valid; otherwise, false. Raises the Init event to initialize the control. The event data. Sets up a validation exception if an exception occurs in the data model. The exception that is thrown. Gets or sets validation exception that occurs during validation. The validation exception that is thrown. Creates a field template. Initializes an instance of the class. Builds the virtual path to a field template based on the field template name and the mode. The virtual path to the field template. The name of the template to use. Specifies the data column which the field template applies to. Specifies the display mode of the field template. is null. Creates an instance of a field template using the class, the class and property. An instance of the interface that the class implements. Specifies the data column which the field template applies to. Specifies the display mode of the field template. Specifies the field template to use. Determines the virtual path of a field template. The virtual path of the field template. Specifies the data column which the field template applies to. Specifies the display mode of the field template-Read Only, Edit, or Insert. Specifies the field template to use. This parameter affects the field template look up. Associates a with a . Specifies the data model to associate with the . Gets or sets the that is associated with the class The model that is associated with the . Changes the mode of the data column. The mode that a column renders. The column for which the field template is needed. The mode (Read Only, Edit, or Insert) to change to. Gets or sets the folder in which to create a field template. The path to the folder that contains the field templates. Represents the base class for all field template controls. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the URL that links to the page that displays the list of children entities and allows the path to be overridden. The URL that links the displayed page to the children page. The path to override. Get the URL that links the current page to the page that displays the details of the foreign key entity and allows the path to be overridden. The URL that links to the page that displays the details of the foreign key page. The path to override. Gets the object associated with a field template. A column that represents a one-to-many relationship. is null. Gets the URL that links to a page that displays a list of children entities. The URL that links the displayed page to the children entities. Gets the associated with a field template. An object that represents a database column. Gets either an input value or null based on and . The converted value. The input value. Gets the data control that handles the data field in a field template. A data control that handles the data field in a field template. Saves the value of foreign keys. The dictionary that contains all the new values. The value to save. Provides dictionary access to all data in the current row. The dictionary that contains all the new values. Gets or sets the value of a column in a current row. An object that represents the value of the column in the current row. Gets the string representation of the value of a column in the current row when the row is in edit mode. The value of the column in the row that is edited. Gets the formatted string representation of the value of a column in the current row. The formatted value of the column in the current row. Determines the field template that is used to render a specified data column. The field template that is used to render a specified data column. The data column the field template renders. Gets the that is associated with a foreign key column. A column that represents a many-to-one relationship. If the is not a foreign key column. Get the URL that links the current page to the page that displays the details of the foreign key entity. The URL that links to the details of the foreign key data. Applies HTML encoding and formatting to a string that will be displayed. The formatted value. The value from the data field to format. Gets or sets the HTML encoding and formatting options to apply to a field template. The interface that exposes the HTML encoding and formatting options to apply to a field template. Gets the value of a specified column in the current row. An object that represents the value of a specified column in the current row. The column to get the value from. Gets or sets the host that provides context to this class. The object that provides context to this field template class. Allows a to ignore a specific type of model validation attribute. The attribute to ignore. Gets the collection of metadata attributes that apply to the current column. The collection of metadata attributes that apply to the column. Gets the mode a field template uses.  The current mode of the field template. Populates a list control with all the values from a parent table. The list control to populate. Gets the current data row object. The current data row object. Sets up a on all validation controls. The validation control to set up. Sets up a using the type of validator and the column to validate. The type of validator to set up. The column for which to validator is set. Associates a field template with the object that controls how the field template is used. The object that hosts the field template class. Controls the use of the field template. Retrieves a set of name/value pairs to implement two-way data-binding in field template controls. The dictionary that contains name/values pairs. Gets the that a column of a field template belongs to. The table that the column that is associated with the field template belongs to. Represents a control that enumerates table columns that can be filtered. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the name of the data-source object to use to retrieve the data. The name of the data source object to use to retrieve the data. Binds the control to the data that is retrieved from a data source. Gets or sets the ID of the control in an instance. The ID of the control used to display the filter UI in the instance, if an ID is specified; otherwise, "DynamicFilter". Returns an enumeration of the sortable columns that belong to the table that is associated with the current control. An enumeration of the sortable columns that belong to the table that is associated with the current control. Gets the list of Where parameters to add to the Where parameter collection of the control. A list of Where parameters. The data source of the Where parameters. Called for every item and alternating item template that is being instantiated by this control during data binding. The contents of the item template. Raises the event to initialize the control. The event data. Raises the event. The event data. Gets the table that is associated with the control. The table that is associated with the control. Gets the name of the table to filter. The name of the table to filter. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the control that enumerates columns that can be filtered is visible. true if the control is visible; otherwise, false. Provides the base class for user controls that are used to filter data in a data table. This class is used to display filter selectors. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the column a filter applies to. The column a filter applies to. Gets or sets the type of context that a table or data column is part of. The name of the data source object to use to retrieve the data. Gets or sets the name of the column to filter. The name of the column to filter. Gets the initial value of the filter when the filter is populated. The initial value of the filter. Populates a object with all the items in a data table that are related to the current table through a foreign key. The control to populate. Gets the data key for the selected item. The key of the selected item. Gets the selected value in a drop-down list box control. The currently selected value in a drop-down list box control. Gets the data column that is filtered. The data column that is filtered. Gets the name of the column that is filtered. The column that is filtered. The column that is filtered. Gets the table that is filtered. The table that was filtered. Gets or sets the name of the data table that is used by the filter. The name of the data table that is used by the filter. Defines members that a class must implement in order to provide data to for an instance of the class. Gets the column to which the parameter is being applied, if available. The column to which the parameter is being applied, if available. Get an expression that can be used as a control parameter's property name. An expression that can be used as a control parameter's property name. The name of the column. Gets the type of the data that is being served by this provider. The type of the data that is being served by this provider. Defines an interface for common formatting-option properties to be applied to field template user controls. Gets a value that indicates whether the formatting string that is specified by the property is applied to field values when the field is in edit mode. true if the formatting string is applied in edit mode; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether empty string values ("") are automatically converted to null values when the data field is updated in the data source. true if empty string values are automatically converted to null values; otherwise, false. Gets a string that specifies the display format for the value of the field. A formatting string that specifies the display format for the value of the field. Gets a value that indicates whether the data for the control is HTML-encoded before it is rendered. true if the data for the control is HTML-encoded before it is rendered; otherwise, false. Gets the caption that is displayed for a field when the field value is null. The caption that is displayed for a field when the field value is null. Defines members that a class must implement in order to be recognized as a field template. Associates the field template with the object that controls its use. The object that controls the use of the field template. Defines an interface implemented by objects that create field templates. Creates an instance of a field template using the class, the class and property. An instance of a object when implemented in a class. Specifies the data column to use to display the field template. Specifies the display mode of the field template. Specifies the field template to use. Initializes a using the specified data model. Specifies the data model that the field template uses. Defines members that must be implemented by a class that manages the use of field-template user controls. Gets the column that the field template is associated with. The column that the field template is associated with. Gets the formatting options that will be applied to the field template. The formatting options that will be applied to the field template. Gets the rendering mode for the field template. One of the enumeration values that specifies the rendering mode for the field template. Gets the validation group name for the field template. The validation group name for the field template. Implemented by parameter classes that provide one or many Where parameters. Gets the list of Where parameters that should be added to the Where parameter collection. A list of parameters. The source of the parameter. Represents a database field that indicates a one-to-many relationship. Gets an object that represents the child table of the one-to-many relationship. An object that represents the child table of the one-to-many relationship. Gets an object that represents the foreign-key field in the child table. An object that represents the foreign-key field in the child table. Gets the path of the list action page for the child table. The path of the list action page for the child table. The row that contains the foreign-key field. Gets the path for the specified action page of the child table. The path for the specified action page of the child table. The target action. The row that contains the foreign-key field. Gets the path for the specified action page of the child table. The path for the specified action page of the child table. The target action. The row that contains the foreign-key field. The target page. Represents a database column that is used by Dynamic Data. Gets a value that indicates whether the formatting string specified by the property is applied to field values when the data-bound control that contains the data field that is represented by the object is in edit mode. true if the formatting string specified by the property is applied to field values when the data-bound control that contains the data field that is represented by the object is in edit mode; otherwise, false. Gets the collection of metadata attributes that apply to the data field represented by the object. The collection of metadata attributes that apply to the data field represented by the object. Gets the data field type. The data field type. Gets a value that indicates whether empty string values ("") are automatically converted to null values when the data field is updated in the data source. true if empty string values are automatically converted to null values when the data field is updated in the data source; otherwise, false. Gets the string that specifies the display format for the field value. The string that specifies the display format for the field value. Gets the attribute that is applied to the data field. The attribute that is applied to the data field. Gets the default value for the data field. The default value for the data field. Gets the description for the data field. The description for the data field. Gets the display name for the data field. The display name for the data field. Gets an object that contains attributes of the property that represents the data field in the entity type. An object that contains attributes of the property that represents the data field in the entity type. Gets a value that indicates whether field values are HTML-encoded before they are displayed in a data-bound control. true in all cases. Gets a value that indicates whether the data field contains binary data. true if the data field contains binary data; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether the data field exists in the database. true if the data field does not exist in the database; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether the data field is a floating-point type. true if the data field is a floating-point type; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether the data field is part of a foreign key. true if the data field is part of a foreign key; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether the data field value is automatically generated in the database. true if the data field value is automatically generated in the database; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether the data field type is an integer type. true if the data field type is an integer type; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether the data field type can contain long strings. true if the data field type can contain long strings; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether the data field is part of the table's primary key. true if the data field is part of the table's primary key; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether the data field is read-only. true if the data field is read-only; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether the data field requires a value. true if the data field requires a value; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether the data field type is a string type. true if the data field type is a string type; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates the maximum length of data that can be stored in the data field. The maximum length of data that can be stored in the data field. Gets the object that represents the data model that this data field belongs to. An object that represents the data model that this data field belongs to. Gets the name of the data field. The name of the data field. Gets the caption that is displayed for a field when the field's value is null. The caption that is displayed for a field when the field's value is null. Gets the abstraction provider object that is used to generate the object. The abstraction provider object that is used to generate the object. Gets the error message that is displayed when the data field requires a value but its value is empty. The error message that is displayed when the data field requires a value but its value is empty. Gets a value that indicates whether the data field should be displayed. true if the data field should be displayed; otherwise, false. Gets the expression that is used to determine the sort order for the data field. The expression that is used to determine the sort order for the data field. Gets the object that represents the table that the data field belongs to. An object that represents the table that the data field belongs to. Gets the data field name. The data field name, which is the string representation of the column. Gets the type of the data field. The type of the data field. Gets the name of the field template specified for the data field. The name of the field template specified for the data field. Represents a database foreign-key field that is used by ASP.NET Dynamic Data. Saves the value of a foreign key in the specified dictionary. A dictionary object that contains the new values for a data field. The value of the foreign key. Gets a collection that contains the names of the foreign keys in the association that represents a database relationship. A collection that contains the names of the foreign keys. Gets the path for the details action page of the parent table of the specified foreign-key field. The path for the details action page of the parent table of the specified foreign-key field. The row that contains the foreign-key field. Gets the path for the specified action page of the parent table of the specified foreign-key field. The path for the specified action page of the parent table of the specified foreign-key field. The target action. The row that contains the foreign-key field. Gets the path for the specified action page of the parent table of the specified foreign-key field. The path for the specified action page of the parent table of the specified foreign-key field. The target action. The row that contains the foreign-key field. The target page. Retrieves a comma-separated list of values that represent the foreign-key for the specified row. A comma-separated list of values that represent the foreign key for the specified row. The row to retrieve the foreign-key values for. Retrieves a collection of values that represent the foreign-key for the specified row. A collection of values that represent the foreign key for the specified row. The row to retrieve the foreign-key values for. Gets a value that indicates that indicates whether the foreign-key field is part of the primary key of the table. true if the foreign-key field is part of the primary key of the table; otherwise, false. Gets the parent table of the foreign-key field. The parent table of the foreign-key field. Represents one or multiple databases that are used by ASP.NET Dynamic Data. Can be thrown by any method if there has been a data context registration error. Instantiates a new instance of the class. Gets the first instance of a data model that is created by the application. The data-model instance. Gets or sets the virtual path of the DynamicData folder in the Web site. The virtual path of the DynamicData folder. Gets or sets a custom interface. The interface. Returns the action path that is associated with a specific table. The URL that is associated with the route. The name of the table that the action applies to. The action to apply to the table. An object that represents a single row of data in a table. is used to provide values for query-string parameters. Returns the data-model instance for the specified context. The data model that is associated with the specified context type. The type of the data context as defined in the data model. Returns the metadata that is associated with the specified table. The metadata that describes the specified table. The name that identifies the table in the data model. The name was not found in the data model. Returns the metadata that describes the specified table. The metadata that describes the specified table. The name of the table. The data context to search for the table. or is null. The context is not registered or the table does not exist in the data context. Returns the metadata that describes the specified table. The metadata that describes the specified table. The type that identifies the table in the data model. The type was not found in the data model. Registers the data context that is specified by a context factory. The factory for instantiating the data context. Registers a data-context instance by using the specified context configuration and by enabling a custom constructor. A delegate that is used to instantiate the data model context. Context information as defined by the class. is null. The that is instantiated by is not valid. Registers a data-context instance. The type of the data context as defined in the data model. Registers a data-context instance by using the specified context configuration. The type of the data context as defined in the data model. Configuration information for the context, as defined by the class. is null. Registers a data context instance by using a data-model provider A provider for the data model. Registers a data-context instance by using the specified context configuration and by enabling a data-model provider. A provider for the data model. Context information as defined by the class. or is null. is already registered. Resets any previous context registration error that might have occurred. Gets a collection of all the tables that are part of the data model. A collection that contains the tables that belong to the data model. Attempts to get the metadata that is associated with the specified table. true if the table metadata is found; otherwise, false. The name that uniquely identifies the table. When this method returns, and if it has found the requested table, contains the metadata for that table. This parameter is passed uninitialized. is null. Gets a collection of the visible tables in the data model. A visible table refers to a table that has scaffolding enabled. This means that it is a table for which a List.aspx page exists. Represents the metadata that describes a table for use by Dynamic Data pages. Gets the attributes that are associated with the table. A collection that contains the attributes of the table. Gets the column collection for the table. A collection that contains the columns for the table. Returns the data context for the table. The data context for the table. Gets the name of the table. The name of the table. Gets the type of the data context that is associated with the table. The type of the data context. Gets the column that is used to display values when entries in this table are used as parents in foreign-key relationships. The column that is used to display values when entries in this table are used as parents in foreign-key relationships. Gets the name of the table in a user-friendly format. The string that represents the user-friendly name of the table. Gets the entity type that represents the table. The type that represents the entity. Gets a comma-separated list of foreign-key names. A comma-separated list of foreign-key names. Returns the action path for the current table and the specified action. The action path for the specified action. The name of the action. Returns the action path for the current table, specified action, and specified primary key. The action path for the specified action and primary key. The name of the action. The list of column values that make up the primary key. Appends query strings to the action path, based on the specified primary key and virtual path. The action path for the specified primary key and virtual path, with query-string values appended to it. The name of the action. The list of column values that make up the primary key. The virtual path of the action. Returns the action path for the specified row by using the name of the action. The action path for the specified row. The name of the action. The row to get the action path for. Returns the action path for the specified row by using the name of the action and the virtual path of the action. The action path for the specified row. The name of the action. An object that contains the row for the action path. The virtual path of the action. Returns the action path for the current table and for the specified action and routes. The action path for the specified action and routes. The name of the action. The list of routes for the action. Returns the metadata for the specified column. The column metadata. The name of the column to get metadata for. Returns the value to use as the display string for an instance of a row when the row is used in foreign-key relationships. The display name for an instance of a row. The row to get the display string for. Returns a comma-separated list of column values that represent the primary key for the specified row. A comma-separated list of column values. If the list is empty, an empty string is returned. The list of column values that make up the primary key. Returns a comma-separated list of column values that represent the primary key for the specified row. A comma-separated list of column values that represent the primary key for the row. The row to get the primary key for. Returns a collection of column values that represent the primary key for the specified row. A collection of column values that represent the primary key for the row. The row to get the primary key for. Returns the instance for the entity type that represents the table. The instance for the entity type. Returns the instance for the entity type that represents the table by using the data context. The instance for the entity type that represents the table in the data context. The context of the object. Gets a value that indicates whether the table has a primary key. true if the table has a primary key; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether the table is read-only. true if the table is read-only; otherwise, false. Gets the action path of the list action for the table. The action path of the list action for the table. Gets the meta model that the table belongs to. The meta model that the table belongs to. Gets the unique name of the table. The unique name of the table. Gets the collection of columns that define the primary key. A collection that contains the primary-key columns. Gets the provider for the table. The provider for the table. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the table should be displayed. true if the table should be displayed; otherwise, false. Gets the value that the table is sorted by. The column that the table is sorted by. Gets a value that indicates whether entries are sorted in descending order when they are used as parents in a foreign-key relationship. true if entries are sorted in descending order; otherwise, false. Returns the name of the table. The name of the table. Returns a value that indicates whether a specified column can be found. true if the specified column can be found; otherwise, false. The name of the column to find. When this method returns, contains the MetaColumn object for . This parameter is passed uninitialized. Specifies default action values that are used by the routing mechanism in ASP.NET Dynamic Data applications. Gets the action name for a page that shows details of a data item. The literal value "Details". Gets the action name for a page that edits a data item. The literal value "Edit". Gets the action name for a page that inserts a data item. The literal value "Insert". Gets the action name for a page that displays data from a table. The literal value "List". Provides an attribute to change the displayed name for a table. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified name for the table. The name that the table will display. Gets or sets the name of the table. The name that is associated with a table. Indicates the relationship between two entities. Indicates a one-to-one relationship. Indicates a one-to-many relationship. Indicates a many-to-one relationship. Indicates a many-to-many relationship. Provides the base class for column-association providers. Initializes a new instance of the class for use by an inherited class instance. This constructor can only be called by an inherited class. Gets or sets the type of the association. The type of the association. Gets or sets the names of the foreign keys that make up this association. The names of the foreign keys that make up this association. Gets or sets the source column of the association. The source column of the association. Returns the sort expression for the column that is represented by the association. If returns true, the sort expression for the column that is represented by the association; otherwise, null. The column to sort the entity by. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the From column part of the primary key is in the table. true if the From column part of the primary key is in the table; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the destination column of the association. The destination column of the association. Gets the destination table of the association. The destination table of the association. Provides a base class for column providers. Initializes the class for use by an inherited class instance. This constructor can only be called by an inherited class. The table that contains the column. Gets the provider for the table that a column represents. The provider for a table that a column represents, if one exists; otherwise, null. Gets or sets the type of the column. The type of the column. Gets or sets the value of the property that represents the column in the entity type. The value of the property that represents the column in the entity type. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the column is an additional property that is not in the model's data context. true if the column is an additional property that is not in the model's data context; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the column is part of a foreign key. true if the column is part of a foreign key; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the column value is automatically generated by the database. true if the column value is automatically generated by the database; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the column is part of the primary key for the table. true if the column is part of the primary key for the table; otherwise, false. When overridden in a derived class, gets or sets a value that indicates whether the data model supports sorting the table by this column. true if the data model supports sorting the table by this column; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the maximum length that is allowed for this column. The maximum length that is allowed for this column. Gets or sets the name of the column. The name of the column. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the column accepts null values. true if the column accepts null values; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the table that the column belongs to. The table that the column belongs to. Returns the property. The property, or the string representation of the object if the property is null. Provides a base class for Dynamic Data model providers. Initializes a new instance of the class for use by an inherited class instance. This constructor can only be called by an inherited class. Gets the type of the data context. The type of the data context. When overridden in a derived class, creates an instance of the data context. An instance of the data context. When overridden in a derived class, gets the list of tables that are exposed by the data model. The list of tables that are exposed by the data model. Provides the base class for Dynamic Data table providers. Initializes a new instance of the class for use by an inherited class instance. This constructor can only be called by an inherited class. The model that the table belongs to. When overridden in a derived class, gets the collection of columns in this table. The collection of columns in this table. Gets the object. The object. Gets or sets the type that represents the table. The type that represents the table. Returns the value of a foreign key for the specified row. The foreign key. The row to get the foreign key value for. The name of the foreign key column. When overridden in a derived class, returns the object that returns the elements of the table. An object that returns the elements of the table. The data context for the table. Gets the name of the table. The name of the table. Returns the property of the instance. The name of the instance. If the property is null, the base class Name property is returned.