
1721 lines
58 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

2022-03-23 12:58:01 +01:00
"translatorID": "fce388a6-a847-4777-87fb-6595e710b7e7",
"label": "ProQuest",
"creator": "Avram Lyon",
"target": "^https?://(www|search)\\.proquest\\.com/(.*/)?(docview|pagepdf|results|publicationissue|browseterms|browsetitles|browseresults|myresearch/(figtables|documents))",
"minVersion": "3.0",
"maxVersion": "",
"priority": 100,
"inRepository": true,
"translatorType": 4,
"browserSupport": "gcsibv",
"lastUpdated": "2020-12-11 03:55:14"
ProQuest Translator
Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Avram Lyon, and Sebastian Karcher
TThis file is part of Zotero.
Zotero is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Zotero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with Zotero. If not, see <>.
***** END LICENSE BLOCK ******/
// attr()/text() v2
// eslint-disable-next-line
function attr(docOrElem,selector,attr,index){var elem=index?docOrElem.querySelectorAll(selector).item(index):docOrElem.querySelector(selector);return elem?elem.getAttribute(attr):null;}function text(docOrElem,selector,index){var elem=index?docOrElem.querySelectorAll(selector).item(index):docOrElem.querySelector(selector);return elem?elem.textContent:null;}
var language = "English";
var L = {};
var isEbrary = false;
// returns an array of values for a given field or array of fields
// the values are in the same order as the field names
function getTextValue(doc, fields) {
if (typeof (fields) != 'object') fields = [fields];
// localize fields
fields =
function (field) {
if (fieldNames[language]) {
return fieldNames[language][field] || field;
else {
return field;
var allValues = [], values;
for (let i = 0, n = fields.length; i < n; i++) {
values = ZU.xpath(doc,
'//div[@class="display_record_indexing_fieldname" and normalize-space(text())="' + fields[i]
+ '"]/following-sibling::div[@class="display_record_indexing_data"][1]');
if (values.length) values = [values[0].textContent];
allValues = allValues.concat(values);
return allValues;
// initializes field map translations
function initLang(doc) {
var lang = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//a[span[contains(@class,"uxf-globe")]]');
if (lang && lang.trim() != "English") {
lang = lang.trim();
// if already initialized, don't need to do anything else
if (lang == language) return;
language = lang;
// build reverse field map
L = {};
for (let i in fieldNames[language]) {
L[fieldNames[language][i]] = i;
language = 'English';
L = {};
function getSearchResults(doc, checkOnly, extras) {
var root;
var elements = doc.getElementsByClassName('resultListContainer');
for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
if (elements[i] && elements[i].offsetHeight > 0) {
root = elements[i];
if (!root) {
Z.debug("No root found");
return false;
var results = root.getElementsByClassName('resultItem');
// root.querySelectorAll('.resultTitle, .previewTitle');
var items = {}, found = false;
isEbrary = (results && results[0] && results[0].getElementsByClassName('ebraryitem').length > 0);
// if the first result is Ebrary, they all are - we're looking at the Ebrary results tab
for (let i = 0, n = results.length; i < n; i++) {
var title = results[i].querySelectorAll('h3 a')[0];
// Z.debug(title)
if (!title || !title.href) continue;
if (checkOnly) return true;
found = true;
var item = ZU.trimInternal(title.textContent);
var preselect = results[i].getElementsByClassName('marked_list_checkbox')[0];
if (preselect) {
item = {
title: item,
checked: preselect.checked
items[title.href] = item;
if (isEbrary && Zotero.isBookmarklet) {
extras[title.href] = {
html: results[i],
title: item,
url: title.href
return found ? items : false;
function detectWeb(doc, url) {
// Check for multiple first
if (!url.includes('docview') && !url.includes('pagepdf')) {
return getSearchResults(doc, true) ? 'multiple' : false;
// if we are on Abstract/Details page,
// then we can read the type from the corresponding field
var types = getTextValue(doc, ["Source type", "Document type", "Record type"]);
var zoteroType = getItemType(types);
if (zoteroType) return zoteroType;
// hack for NYTs, which misses crucial data.
var db = getTextValue(doc, "Database")[0];
if (db && db.includes("The New York Times")) {
return "newspaperArticle";
// there is not much information about the item type in the pdf/fulltext page
let titleRow = text(doc, '.open-access');
if (titleRow && !text(doc, '.ol-login-link')) {
if (getItemType([titleRow])) {
return getItemType([titleRow]);
// Fall back on journalArticle - even if we couldn't guess the type
return "journalArticle";
return false;
function doWeb(doc, url, noFollow) {
let type = detectWeb(doc, url);
if (type == "multiple") {
// detect web returned multiple
var resultData = {};
Zotero.selectItems(getSearchResults(doc, false, resultData), function (items) {
if (!items) return;
var articles = [];
for (let item in items) {
if (isEbrary) {
if (Zotero.isBookmarklet) {
// The bookmarklet can't use the ebrary translator
var refs = [];
for (let i in items) {
else {
ZU.processDocuments(articles, function (doc) {
var translator = Zotero.loadTranslator("web");
else {
ZU.processDocuments(articles, doWeb);
else {
var abstractTab = doc.getElementById('tab-AbstractRecord-null') // Seems like that null is a bug and it might change at some point
|| doc.getElementById('tab-Record-null'); // Shown as Details
if (!(abstractTab && !abstractTab.classList.contains('active'))) {
Zotero.debug("On Abstract page, scraping");
scrape(doc, url, type);
else if (noFollow) {
Z.debug('Not following link again. Attempting to scrape');
scrape(doc, url, type);
else {
var link = abstractTab.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
if (!link) {
throw new Error("Could not find the abstract/metadata link");
Zotero.debug("Going to the Abstract tab");
ZU.processDocuments(link.href, function (doc, url) {
doWeb(doc, url, true);
function scrape(doc, url, type) {
var item = new Zotero.Item(type);
// get all rows
var rows = doc.getElementsByClassName('display_record_indexing_row');
let label, value, enLabel;
var dates = [], place = {}, altKeywords = [];
for (let i = 0, n = rows.length; i < n; i++) {
label = rows[i].childNodes[0];
value = rows[i].childNodes[1];
if (!label || !value) continue;
label = label.textContent.trim();
value = value.textContent.trim(); // trimInternal?
// translate label
enLabel = L[label] || label;
let creatorType;
switch (enLabel) {
case 'Title':
if (value == value.toUpperCase()) value = ZU.capitalizeTitle(value, true);
item.title = value;
case 'Author':
case 'Editor': // test case?
creatorType = (enLabel == 'Author') ? 'author' : 'editor';
// Use titles of a tags if they exist, since these don't include
// affiliations
value = ZU.xpathText(rows[i].childNodes[1], "a/@title", null, "; ") || value;
value = value.replace(/^by\s+/i, '') // sometimes the authors begin with "By"
for (let j = 0, m = value.length; j < m; j++) {
// TODO: might have to detect proper creator type from item type*/
ZU.cleanAuthor(value[j], creatorType, value[j].includes(',')));
case 'Publication title':
item.publicationTitle = value.replace(/;.+/, "");
case 'Volume':
item.volume = value;
case 'Issue':
item.issue = value;
case 'Number of pages':
item.numPages = value;
case 'ISSN':
item.ISSN = value;
case 'ISBN':
item.ISBN = value;
case 'DOI': // test case?
item.DOI = value;
case 'Copyright':
item.rights = value;
case 'Language of publication':
case 'Language':
item.language = value;
case 'Section':
item.section = value;
case 'Pages':
item.pages = value;
case 'First page':
item.firstPage = value;
case 'University/institution':
case 'School': = value;
case 'Degree':
item.thesisType = value;
case 'Publisher':
item.publisher = value;
case 'Identifier / keyword':
item.tags = value.split(/\s*(?:,|;)\s*/);
// alternative tags
case 'Subject':
case 'Journal subject':
case 'Publication subject':
// we'll figure out proper location later
case 'University location':
case 'School location':
place.schoolLocation = value;
case 'Place of publication':
place.publicationPlace = value;
case 'Country of publication':
place.publicationCountry = value;
// multiple dates are provided
// more complete dates are preferred
case 'Publication date':
dates[2] = value;
case 'Publication year':
dates[1] = value;
case 'Year':
dates[0] = value;
// we know about these, skip
case 'Source type':
case 'Document type':
case 'Record type':
case 'Database':
Z.debug('Unhandled field: "' + label + '": ' + value);
item.url = url.replace(/\baccountid=[^&#]*&?/, '').replace(/\?(?:#|$)/, '');
if (item.itemType == "thesis" && place.schoolLocation) { = place.schoolLocation;
else if (place.publicationPlace) { = place.publicationPlace;
if (place.publicationCountry) { = + ', ' + place.publicationCountry.replace(/,.+/, "");
} = dates.pop();
// Sometimes we can get first page and num pages for a journal article
if (item.firstPage && !item.pages) {
var firstPage = parseInt(item.firstPage);
var numPages = parseInt(item.numPages);
if (!numPages || numPages < 2) {
item.pages = item.firstPage;
else {
item.pages = firstPage + '' + (firstPage + numPages - 1);
// sometimes number of pages ends up in pages
if (!item.numPages) item.numPages = item.pages;
// don't override the university with a publisher information for a thesis
if (item.itemType == "thesis" && && item.publisher) {
delete item.publisher;
// lanuguage is sometimes given as full word and abbreviation
if (item.language) item.language = item.language.split(/\s*;\s*/)[0];
// parse some data from the byline in case we're missing publication title
// or the date is not complete
var byline = ZU.xpath(doc, '//span[contains(@class, "titleAuthorETC")][last()]');
// add publication title if we don't already have it
if (!item.publicationTitle
&& ZU.fieldIsValidForType('publicationTitle', item.itemType)) {
var pubTitle = ZU.xpathText(byline, './/a[@id="lateralSearch"]');
// remove date range
if (pubTitle) item.publicationTitle = pubTitle.replace(/\s*\(.+/, '');
var date = ZU.xpathText(byline, './text()');
if (date) date = date.match(/]\s+(.+?):/);
if (date) date = date[1];
// add date if we only have a year and date is longer in the byline
if (date
&& (!
|| ( <= 4 && date.length > { = date;
item.abstractNote = ZU.xpath(doc, '//div[contains(@id, "abstractSummary_")]/p')
.map(function (p) {
return ZU.trimInternal(p.textContent);
if (!item.tags.length && altKeywords.length) {
item.tags = altKeywords.join(',').split(/\s*(?:,|;)\s*/);
if (doc.getElementById('downloadPDFLink')) {
title: 'Full Text PDF',
url: doc.getElementById('downloadPDFLink').href,
mimeType: 'application/pdf',
proxy: false
else {
var fullText = ZU.xpath(doc, '//li[@id="tab-Fulltext-null"]/a')[0];
if (fullText) {
title: 'Full Text Snapshot',
url: fullText.href,
mimeType: 'text/html'
function getItemType(types) {
var guessType;
for (var i = 0, n = types.length; i < n; i++) {
// put the testString to lowercase and test for singular only for maxmial compatibility
// in most cases we just can return the type, but sometimes only save it as a guess and will use it only if we don't have anything better
var testString = types[i].toLowerCase();
if (testString.includes("journal") || testString.includes("periodical")) {
// "Scholarly Journals", "Trade Journals", "Historical Periodicals"
return "journalArticle";
else if (testString.includes("newspaper") || testString.includes("wire feed")) {
// "Newspapers", "Wire Feeds", "WIRE FEED", "Historical Newspapers"
return "newspaperArticle";
else if (testString.includes("dissertation")) {
// "Dissertations & Theses", "Dissertation/Thesis", "Dissertation"
return "thesis";
else if (testString.includes("chapter")) {
// "Chapter"
return "bookSection";
else if (testString.includes("book")) {
// "Book, Authored Book", "Book, Edited Book", "Books"
guessType = "book";
else if (testString.includes("conference paper")) {
// "Conference Papers and Proceedings", "Conference Papers & Proceedings"
return "conferencePaper";
else if (testString.includes("magazine")) {
// "Magazines"
return "magazineArticle";
else if (testString.includes("report")) {
// "Reports", "REPORT"
return "report";
else if (testString.includes("website")) {
// "Blogs, Podcats, & Websites"
guessType = "webpage";
else if (testString == "blog" || testString == "article in an electronic resource or web site") {
// "Blog", "Article In An Electronic Resource Or Web Site"
return "blogPost";
else if (testString.includes("patent")) {
// "Patent"
return "patent";
else if (testString.includes("pamphlet")) {
// Pamphlets & Ephemeral Works
guessType = "manuscript";
else if (testString.includes("encyclopedia")) {
// "Encyclopedias & Reference Works"
guessType = "encyclopediaArticle";
else if (testString.includes("statute")) {
return "statute";
return guessType;
function scrapeEbraryResults(refs) {
// Since we can't chase URLs, let's get what we can from the page
for (let i = 0; i < refs.length; i++) {
var ref = refs[i];
var hiddenData = ZU.xpathText(ref.html, './span');
var visibleData ='results_list_copy'), function (node) {
// The text returned by textContent is of the following format:
// book title \n author, first; [author, second; ...;] publisher name; publisher location (date) \n
return /\n(.*)\n?/.exec(node.textContent)[1].split(';').reverse();
var item = new Zotero.Item("book");
var date = /\(([\w\s]+)\)/.exec(visibleData[0]);
var place = /([\w,\s]+)\(/.exec(visibleData[0]);
var isbn = /isbn,\svalue\s=\s'([\dX]+)'/i.exec(hiddenData);
var language = /language_code,\svalue\s=\s'([A-Za-z]+)'\n/i.exec(hiddenData);
var numPages = /page_count,\svalue\s=\s'(\d+)'\n/i.exec(hiddenData);
var locNum = /lccn,\svalue\s=\s'([-.\s\w]+)'\n/i.exec(hiddenData);
item.title = ref.title;
item.url = ref.url;
if (date) { = date[1];
if (place) { = place[1].trim();
item.publisher = visibleData[1].trim();
// Push the authors in reverse to restore the original order
for (var j = visibleData.length - 1; j >= 2; j--) {
item.creators.push(ZU.cleanAuthor(visibleData[j], "author", true));
if (isbn) {
item.ISBN = isbn[1];
if (language) {
item.language = language[1];
if (numPages) {
item.numPages = numPages[1];
if (locNum) {
item.callNumber = locNum[1];
// localized field names
var fieldNames = {
العربية: {
"Source type": 'نوع المصدر',
"Document type": 'نوع المستند',
// "Record type"
Database: 'قاعدة البيانات',
Title: 'العنوان',
Author: 'المؤلف',
// "Editor":
"Publication title": 'عنوان المطبوعة',
Volume: 'المجلد',
Issue: 'الإصدار',
"Number of pages": 'عدد الصفحات',
ISSN: 'رقم المسلسل الدولي',
ISBN: 'الترقيم الدولي للكتاب',
// "DOI":
Copyright: 'حقوق النشر',
Language: 'اللغة',
"Language of publication": 'لغة النشر',
Section: 'القسم',
"Publication date": 'تاريخ النشر',
"Publication year": 'عام النشر',
Year: 'العام',
Pages: 'الصفحات',
School: 'المدرسة',
Degree: 'الدرجة',
Publisher: 'الناشر',
"Place of publication": 'مكان النشر',
"School location": 'موقع المدرسة',
"Country of publication": 'بلد النشر',
"Identifier / keyword": 'معرف / كلمة أساسية',
Subject: 'الموضوع',
"Journal subject": 'موضوع الدورية'
'Bahasa Indonesia': {
"Source type": 'Jenis sumber',
"Document type": 'Jenis dokumen',
// "Record type"
Database: 'Basis data',
Title: 'Judul',
Author: 'Pengarang',
// "Editor":
"Publication title": 'Judul publikasi',
Volume: 'Volume',
Issue: 'Edisi',
"Number of pages": 'Jumlah halaman',
// "DOI":
Copyright: 'Hak cipta',
Language: 'Bahasa',
"Language of publication": 'Bahasa publikasi',
Section: 'Bagian',
"Publication date": 'Tanggal publikasi',
"Publication year": 'Tahun publikasi',
Year: 'Tahun',
Pages: 'Halaman',
School: 'Sekolah',
Degree: 'Gelar',
Publisher: 'Penerbit',
"Place of publication": 'Tempat publikasi',
"School location": 'Lokasi sekolah',
"Country of publication": 'Negara publikasi',
"Identifier / keyword": 'Pengidentifikasi/kata kunci',
Subject: 'Subjek',
"Journal subject": 'Subjek jurnal'
Čeština: {
"Source type": 'Typ zdroje',
"Document type": 'Typ dokumentu',
// "Record type"
Database: 'Databáze',
Title: 'Název',
Author: 'Autor',
// "Editor":
"Publication title": 'Název publikace',
Volume: 'Svazek',
Issue: 'Číslo',
"Number of pages": 'Počet stránek',
// "DOI":
Copyright: 'Copyright',
Language: 'Jazyk',
"Language of publication": 'Jazyk publikace',
Section: 'Sekce',
"Publication date": 'Datum vydání',
"Publication year": 'Rok vydání',
Year: 'Rok',
Pages: 'Strany',
School: 'Instituce',
Degree: 'Stupeň',
Publisher: 'Vydavatel',
"Place of publication": 'Místo vydání',
"School location": 'Místo instituce',
"Country of publication": 'Země vydání',
"Identifier / keyword": 'Identifikátor/klíčové slovo',
Subject: 'Předmět',
"Journal subject": 'Předmět časopisu'
Deutsch: {
"Source type": 'Quellentyp',
"Document type": 'Dokumententyp',
// "Record type"
Database: 'Datenbank',
Title: 'Titel',
Author: 'Autor',
// "Editor":
"Publication title": 'Titel der Publikation',
Volume: 'Band',
Issue: 'Ausgabe',
"Number of pages": 'Seitenanzahl',
// "DOI":
Copyright: 'Copyright',
Language: 'Sprache',
"Language of publication": 'Publikationssprache',
Section: 'Bereich',
"Publication date": 'Publikationsdatum',
"Publication year": 'Erscheinungsjahr',
Year: 'Jahr',
Pages: 'Seiten',
School: 'Bildungseinrichtung',
Degree: 'Studienabschluss',
Publisher: 'Herausgeber',
"Place of publication": 'Verlagsort',
"School location": 'Standort der Bildungseinrichtung',
"Country of publication": 'Publikationsland',
"Identifier / keyword": 'Identifikator/Schlüsselwort',
Subject: 'Thema',
"Journal subject": 'Zeitschriftenthema'
Español: {
"Source type": 'Tipo de fuente',
"Document type": 'Tipo de documento',
// "Record type"
Database: 'Base de datos',
Title: 'Título',
Author: 'Autor',
// "Editor":
"Publication title": 'Título de publicación',
Volume: 'Tomo',
Issue: 'Número',
"Number of pages": 'Número de páginas',
// "DOI":
Copyright: 'Copyright',
Language: 'Idioma',
"Language of publication": 'Idioma de la publicación',
Section: 'Sección',
"Publication date": 'Fecha de titulación',
"Publication year": 'Año de publicación',
Year: 'Año',
Pages: 'Páginas',
School: 'Institución',
Degree: 'Título universitario',
Publisher: 'Editorial',
"Place of publication": 'Lugar de publicación',
"School location": 'Lugar de la institución',
"Country of publication": 'País de publicación',
"Identifier / keyword": 'Identificador / palabra clave',
Subject: 'Materia',
"Journal subject": 'Materia de la revista'
Français: {
"Source type": 'Type de source',
"Document type": 'Type de document',
// "Record type"
Database: 'Base de données',
Title: 'Titre',
Author: 'Auteur',
// "Editor":
"Publication title": 'Titre de la publication',
Volume: 'Volume',
Issue: 'Numéro',
"Number of pages": 'Nombre de pages',
// "DOI":
Copyright: 'Copyright',
Language: 'Langue',
"Language of publication": 'Langue de publication',
Section: 'Section',
"Publication date": 'Date du diplôme',
"Publication year": 'Année de publication',
Year: 'Année',
Pages: 'Pages',
School: 'École',
Degree: 'Diplôme',
Publisher: 'Éditeur',
"Place of publication": 'Lieu de publication',
"School location": "Localisation de l'école",
"Country of publication": 'Pays de publication',
"Identifier / keyword": 'Identificateur / mot-clé',
Subject: 'Sujet',
"Journal subject": 'Sujet de la publication'
한국어: {
"Source type": '원본 유형',
"Document type": '문서 형식',
// "Record type"
Database: '데이터베이스',
Title: '제목',
Author: '저자',
// "Editor":
"Publication title": '출판물 제목',
Volume: '권',
Issue: '호',
"Number of pages": '페이지 수',
// "DOI":
Copyright: 'Copyright',
Language: '언어',
"Language of publication": '출판 언어',
Section: '섹션',
"Publication date": '출판 날짜',
"Publication year": '출판 연도',
Year: '연도',
Pages: '페이지',
School: '학교',
Degree: '학위',
Publisher: '출판사',
"Place of publication": '출판 지역',
"School location": '학교 지역',
"Country of publication": '출판 국가',
"Identifier / keyword": '식별자/키워드',
Subject: '주제',
"Journal subject": '저널 주제'
Italiano: {
"Source type": 'Tipo di fonte',
"Document type": 'Tipo di documento',
// "Record type"
Database: 'Database',
Title: 'Titolo',
Author: 'Autore',
// "Editor":
"Publication title": 'Titolo pubblicazione',
Volume: 'Volume',
Issue: 'Fascicolo',
"Number of pages": 'Numero di pagine',
// "DOI":
Copyright: 'Copyright',
Language: 'Lingua',
"Language of publication": 'Lingua di pubblicazione',
Section: 'Sezione',
"Publication date": 'Data di pubblicazione',
"Publication year": 'Anno di pubblicazione',
Year: 'Anno',
Pages: 'Pagine',
School: 'Istituzione accademica',
Degree: 'Titolo accademico',
Publisher: 'Casa editrice',
"Place of publication": 'Luogo di pubblicazione:',
"School location": 'Località istituzione accademica',
"Country of publication": 'Paese di pubblicazione',
"Identifier / keyword": 'Identificativo/parola chiave',
Subject: 'Soggetto',
"Journal subject": 'Soggetto rivista'
Magyar: {
"Source type": 'Forrástípus',
"Document type": 'Dokumentum típusa',
// "Record type"
Database: 'Adatbázis',
Title: 'Cím',
Author: 'Szerző',
// "Editor":
"Publication title": 'Publikáció címe',
Volume: 'Kötet',
Issue: 'Szám',
"Number of pages": 'Oldalszám',
// "DOI":
Copyright: 'Copyright',
Language: 'Nyelv',
"Language of publication": 'Publikáció nyelve',
Section: 'Rész',
"Publication date": 'Publikáció dátuma',
"Publication year": 'Publikáció éve',
Year: 'Év',
Pages: 'Oldalak',
School: 'Iskola',
Degree: 'Diploma',
Publisher: 'Kiadó',
"Place of publication": 'Publikáció helye',
"School location": 'Iskola helyszíne:',
"Country of publication": 'Publikáció országa',
"Identifier / keyword": 'Azonosító / kulcsszó',
Subject: 'Tárgy',
"Journal subject": 'Folyóirat tárgya'
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"Country of publication": '出版国',
"Identifier / keyword": '識別子 / キーワード',
Subject: '主題',
"Journal subject": '学術誌の主題'
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"School location": 'Skolested',
"Country of publication": 'Utgivelsesland',
"Identifier / keyword": 'Identifikator/nøkkelord',
Subject: 'Emne',
"Journal subject": 'Journalemne'
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"School location": 'Lokalizacja uczelni',
"Country of publication": 'Kraj publikacji',
"Identifier / keyword": 'Identyfikator/słowo kluczowe',
Subject: 'Temat',
"Journal subject": 'Tematyka czasopisma'
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"Country of publication": 'País de publicação',
"Identifier / keyword": 'Identificador / palavra-chave',
Subject: 'Assunto',
"Journal subject": 'Assunto do periódico'
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"Identifier / keyword": 'Identificador / palavra-chave',
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"Journal subject": 'Assunto da publicação periódica'
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"School location": 'Местонахождение учебного заведения',
"Country of publication": 'Страна публикации',
"Identifier / keyword": 'Идентификатор / ключевое слово',
Subject: 'Тема',
"Journal subject": 'Тематика журнала'
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"Publication year": 'ปีที่พิมพ์',
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"School location": 'สถานที่ตั้งของสถาบันการศึกษา',
"Country of publication": 'ประเทศที่พิมพ์',
"Identifier / keyword": 'ตัวบ่งชี้/คำสำคัญ',
Subject: 'หัวเรื่อง',
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"Country of publication": 'Yayınlanma ülkesi',
"Identifier / keyword": 'Tanımlayıcı / anahtar kelime',
Subject: 'Konu',
"Journal subject": 'Dergi konusu'
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"Country of publication": '出版物国家/地区',
"Identifier / keyword": '标识符/关键字',
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"Publication year": '出版年份',
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"Place of publication": '出版地',
"School location": '學校地點',
"Country of publication": '出版國家/地區',
"Identifier / keyword": '識別碼/關鍵字',
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"Journal subject": '期刊主題'
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"items": [
"itemType": "thesis",
"title": "Beyond Stanislavsky: The influence of Russian modernism on the American theatre",
"creators": [
"firstName": "Valleri Jane",
"lastName": "Robinson",
"creatorType": "author"
"date": "2001",
"abstractNote": "Russian modernist theatre greatly influenced the development of American theatre during the first three decades of the twentieth century. Several developments encouraged the relationships between Russian artists and their American counterparts, including key tours by Russian artists in America, the advent of modernism in the American theatre, the immigration of Eastern Europeans to the United States, American advertising and consumer culture, and the Bolshevik Revolution and all of its domestic and international ramifications. Within each of these major and overlapping developments, Russian culture became increasingly acknowledged and revered by American artists and thinkers, who were seeking new art forms to express new ideas. This study examines some of the most significant contributions of Russian theatre and its artists in the early decades of the twentieth century. Looking beyond the important visit of the Moscow Art Theatre in 1923, this study charts the contributions of various Russian artists and their American supporters.\nCertainly, the influence of Stanislavsky and the Moscow Art Theatre on the modern American theatre has been significant, but theatre historians' attention to his influence has overshadowed the contributions of other Russian artists, especially those who provided non-realistic approaches to theatre. In order to understand the extent to which Russian theatre influenced the American stage, this study focuses on the critics, intellectuals, producers, and touring artists who encouraged interaction between Russians and Americans, and in the process provided the catalyst for American theatrical experimentation. The key figures in this study include some leaders in the Yiddish intellectual and theatrical communities in New York City, Morris Gest and Otto H. Kahn, who imported many important Russian performers for American audiences, and a number of Russian émigré artists, including Jacob Gordin, Jacob Ben-Ami, Benno Schneider, Boris Aronson, and Michel Fokine, who worked in the American theatre during the first three decades of the twentieth century.",
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"shortTitle": "Beyond Stanislavsky",
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"items": [
"itemType": "journalArticle",
"title": "Peacemaking: moral & policy challenges for a new world // Review",
"creators": [
"firstName": "Gerald F.",
"lastName": "Powers",
"creatorType": "author"
"firstName": "Drew",
"lastName": "Christiansen",
"creatorType": "author"
"firstName": "Robert T.",
"lastName": "Hennemeyer",
"creatorType": "author"
"date": "May 1995",
"ISSN": "00084697",
"abstractNote": "In his \"Introduction\" to the book entitled Peacemaking: Moral and Policy Challenges for a New World, Rev. Drew Christiansen points out that the Roman Catholic bishops of the United States have made a clear distinction between the social teachings of the Church--comprising universally binding moral and ethical principles--and the particular positions they have taken on public policy issues--such as those relating to war, peace, justice, human rights and other socio-political matters. While the former are not to be mitigated under any circumstances, the latter, being particular applications, observations and recommendations, can allow for plurality of opinion and diversity of focus in the case of specific social, political and opinion and diversity of focus in the case of specific social, political and moral issues.(f.1) Peacemaking aligns itself with this second category. The objectives of this review essay are the following: to summarize the main topics and themes, of some of the recently-published documents on Catholic political thought, relating to peacemaking and peacekeeping; and to provide a brief critique of their main contents, recommendations and suggestions.\nThe Directions of Peacemaking: As in the earlier documents, so too are the virtues of faith, hope, courage, compassion, humility, kindness, patience, perseverance, civility and charity emphasized, in The Harvest of Justice, as definite aids in peacemaking and peacekeeping. The visions of global common good, social and economic development consistent with securing and nurturing conditions for justice and peace, solidarity among people, as well as cooperation among the industrial rich and the poor developing nations are also emphasized as positive enforcements in the peacemaking and peacekeeping processes. All of these are laudable commitments, so long as they are pursued through completely pacifist perspectives. The Harvest of Justice also emphasizes that, \"as far as possible, justice should be sought through nonviolent means;\" however, \"when sustained attempt at nonviolent action fails, then legitimate political authorities are permitted as a last resort to employ limited force to rescue the innocent and establish justice.\"(f.13) The document also frankly admits that \"the vision of Christian nonviolence is not passive.\"(f.14) Such a position may disturb many pacifists. Even though some restrictive conditions--such as a \"just cause,\" \"comparative justice,\" legitimate authority\" to pursue justice issues, \"right intentions,\" probability of success, proportionality of gains and losses in pursuing justice, and the use of force as last resort--are indicated and specified in the document, the use of violence and devastation are sanctioned, nevertheless, by its reaffirmation of the use of force in setting issues and by its support of the validity of the \"just war\" tradition.\nThe first section, entitled \"Theology, Morality, and Foreign Policy in A New World,\" contains four essays. These deal with the new challenges of peace, the illusion of control, creating peace conditions through a theological framework, as well as moral reasoning and foreign policy after the containment. The second, comprising six essays, is entitled \"Human Rights, Self-Determination, and Sustainable Development.\" These essays deal with effective human rights agenda, religious nationalism and human rights, identity, sovereignty, and self-determination, peace and the moral imperatives of democracy, and political economy of peace. The two essays which comprise the third section, entitled \"Global Institutions,\" relate the strengthening of the global institutions and action for the future. The fourth, entitled \"The Use of Force After the Cold War,\" is both interesting and controversial. Its six essays discuss ethical dilemmas in the use of force, development of the just-war tradition, in a multicultural world, casuistry, pacifism, and the just-war tradition, possibilities and limits of humanitarian intervention, and the challenge of peace and stability
"issue": "2",
"language": "English",
"libraryCatalog": "ProQuest",
"pages": "90-100",
"publicationTitle": "Peace Research",
"rights": "Copyright Peace Research May 1995",
"shortTitle": "Peacemaking",
"url": "",
"volume": "27",
"attachments": [
"title": "Full Text Snapshot",
"mimeType": "text/html"
"tags": [
"tag": "Book reviews"
"tag": "Peace"
"tag": "Political Science--International Relations"
"tag": "Sciences: Comprehensive Works"
"tag": "Sociology"
"notes": [],
"seeAlso": []
"type": "web",
"url": "",
"items": [
"itemType": "newspaperArticle",
"title": "Rethinking Policy on East Germany",
"creators": [
"firstName": "F. Stephen",
"lastName": "Larrabee",
"creatorType": "author"
"firstName": "R. G.",
"lastName": "Livingston",
"creatorType": "author"
"date": "1984",
"ISSN": "03624331",
"abstractNote": "For some months now, a gradual thaw has been in the making between East Germany and West Germany. So far, the United States has paid scant attention -- an attitude very much in keeping with our neglect of East Germany throughout the postwar period. We should reconsider this policy before things much further -- and should in particular begin to look more closely at what is going on in East Germany.",
"libraryCatalog": "ProQuest",
"pages": "A23",
"place": "New York, N.Y., United States",
"publicationTitle": "New York Times",
"rights": "Copyright New York Times Company Aug 22, 1984",
"url": "",
"attachments": [
"title": "Full Text PDF",
"mimeType": "application/pdf",
"proxy": false
"tags": [
"tag": "General Interest Periodicals--United States"
"notes": [],
"seeAlso": []
"type": "web",
"url": "",
"items": [
"itemType": "newspaperArticle",
"title": "THE PRESIDENT AND ALDRICH.: Railway Age Relates Happenings Behind the Scenes Regarding Rate Regulation.",
"creators": [],
"date": "Dec 5, 1905",
"abstractNote": "The Railway Age says: \"The history of the affair (railroad rate question) as it has gone on behind the scenes, is about as follows.",
"language": "English",
"libraryCatalog": "ProQuest",
"pages": "7",
"place": "New York, N.Y., United States",
"publicationTitle": "Wall Street Journal (1889-1922)",
"rights": "Copyright Dow Jones & Company Inc Dec 5, 1905",
"url": "",
"attachments": [
"title": "Full Text PDF",
"mimeType": "application/pdf",
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"tag": "Business And Economics--Banking And Finance"
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"url": "",
"items": [
"itemType": "thesis",
"title": "Beyond Stanislavsky: The influence of Russian modernism on the American theatre",
"creators": [
"firstName": "Valleri Jane",
"lastName": "Robinson",
"creatorType": "author"
"date": "2001",
"abstractNote": "Russian modernist theatre greatly influenced the development of American theatre during the first three decades of the twentieth century. Several developments encouraged the relationships between Russian artists and their American counterparts, including key tours by Russian artists in America, the advent of modernism in the American theatre, the immigration of Eastern Europeans to the United States, American advertising and consumer culture, and the Bolshevik Revolution and all of its domestic and international ramifications. Within each of these major and overlapping developments, Russian culture became increasingly acknowledged and revered by American artists and thinkers, who were seeking new art forms to express new ideas. This study examines some of the most significant contributions of Russian theatre and its artists in the early decades of the twentieth century. Looking beyond the important visit of the Moscow Art Theatre in 1923, this study charts the contributions of various Russian artists and their American supporters.\nCertainly, the influence of Stanislavsky and the Moscow Art Theatre on the modern American theatre has been significant, but theatre historians' attention to his influence has overshadowed the contributions of other Russian artists, especially those who provided non-realistic approaches to theatre. In order to understand the extent to which Russian theatre influenced the American stage, this study focuses on the critics, intellectuals, producers, and touring artists who encouraged interaction between Russians and Americans, and in the process provided the catalyst for American theatrical experimentation. The key figures in this study include some leaders in the Yiddish intellectual and theatrical communities in New York City, Morris Gest and Otto H. Kahn, who imported many important Russian performers for American audiences, and a number of Russian émigré artists, including Jacob Gordin, Jacob Ben-Ami, Benno Schneider, Boris Aronson, and Michel Fokine, who worked in the American theatre during the first three decades of the twentieth century.",
"language": "English",
"libraryCatalog": "ProQuest",
"numPages": "233",
"place": "United States -- Ohio",
"rights": "Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works.",
"shortTitle": "Beyond Stanislavsky",
"thesisType": "Ph.D.",
"university": "The Ohio State University",
"url": "",
"attachments": [
"title": "Full Text PDF",
"mimeType": "application/pdf",
"proxy": false
"tags": [
"tag": "Communication and the arts"
"tag": "Konstantin"
"tag": "Konstantin Stanislavsky"
"tag": "Modernism"
"tag": "Russian"
"tag": "Stanislavsky"
"tag": "Theater"
"notes": [],
"seeAlso": []
"type": "web",
"url": "",
"items": [
"itemType": "thesis",
"title": "Beyond Stanislavsky: The influence of Russian modernism on the American theatre",
"creators": [
"firstName": "Valleri Jane",
"lastName": "Robinson",
"creatorType": "author"
"date": "2001",
"abstractNote": "Russian modernist theatre greatly influenced the development of American theatre during the first three decades of the twentieth century. Several developments encouraged the relationships between Russian artists and their American counterparts, including key tours by Russian artists in America, the advent of modernism in the American theatre, the immigration of Eastern Europeans to the United States, American advertising and consumer culture, and the Bolshevik Revolution and all of its domestic and international ramifications. Within each of these major and overlapping developments, Russian culture became increasingly acknowledged and revered by American artists and thinkers, who were seeking new art forms to express new ideas. This study examines some of the most significant contributions of Russian theatre and its artists in the early decades of the twentieth century. Looking beyond the important visit of the Moscow Art Theatre in 1923, this study charts the contributions of various Russian artists and their American supporters.\nCertainly, the influence of Stanislavsky and the Moscow Art Theatre on the modern American theatre has been significant, but theatre historians' attention to his influence has overshadowed the contributions of other Russian artists, especially those who provided non-realistic approaches to theatre. In order to understand the extent to which Russian theatre influenced the American stage, this study focuses on the critics, intellectuals, producers, and touring artists who encouraged interaction between Russians and Americans, and in the process provided the catalyst for American theatrical experimentation. The key figures in this study include some leaders in the Yiddish intellectual and theatrical communities in New York City, Morris Gest and Otto H. Kahn, who imported many important Russian performers for American audiences, and a number of Russian émigré artists, including Jacob Gordin, Jacob Ben-Ami, Benno Schneider, Boris Aronson, and Michel Fokine, who worked in the American theatre during the first three decades of the twentieth century.",
"language": "English",
"libraryCatalog": "ProQuest",
"numPages": "233",
"place": "United States -- Ohio",
"rights": "Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works.",
"shortTitle": "Beyond Stanislavsky",
"thesisType": "Ph.D.",
"university": "The Ohio State University",
"url": "",
"attachments": [
"title": "Full Text PDF",
"mimeType": "application/pdf",
"proxy": false
"tags": [
"tag": "Communication and the arts"
"tag": "Konstantin"
"tag": "Konstantin Stanislavsky"
"tag": "Modernism"
"tag": "Russian"
"tag": "Stanislavsky"
"tag": "Theater"
"notes": [],
"seeAlso": []
"type": "web",
"url": "",
"items": [
"itemType": "journalArticle",
"title": "Microsatellite variation and significant population genetic structure of endangered finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides) in Chinese coastal waters and the Yangtze River",
"creators": [
"firstName": "Lian",
"lastName": "Chen",
"creatorType": "author"
"firstName": "Shixia",
"lastName": "Xu",
"creatorType": "author"
"firstName": "Kaiya",
"lastName": "Zhou",
"creatorType": "author"
"firstName": "Guang",
"lastName": "Yang",
"creatorType": "author"
"firstName": "Michael W.",
"lastName": "Bruford",
"creatorType": "author"
"date": "2020",
"DOI": "",
"ISSN": "0025-3162",
"abstractNote": "The finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides) inhabits a wide range of tropical and temperate waters of the Indo-Pacific region. Genetic structure of finless porpoises in Chinese waters in three regions (Yangtze River, Yellow Sea, and South China Sea) was analyzed, including the Yangtze finless porpoise which is widely known because of its highly endangered status and unusual adaptation to freshwater. To assist in conservation and management of this species, ten microsatellite loci were used to genotype 125 individuals from the three regions. Contrary to the low genetic diversity revealed in previous mtDNA control region sequence analyses, relatively high levels of genetic variation in microsatellite profiles (HE= 0.732-0.795) were found. Bayesian clustering analysis suggested that finless porpoises in Chinese waters could be described as three distinct genetic groups, which corresponded well to population \"units\" (populations, subspecies, or species) delimited in earlier studies, based on morphological variation, distribution, and genetic analyses. Genetic differentiation between regions was significant, with FST values ranging from 0.07 to 0.137. Immigration rates estimated using a Bayesian method and population ancestry analyses suggested no or very limited gene flow among regional types, even in the area of overlap between types. These results strongly support the classification of porpoises in these regions into distinct evolutionarily significant units, including at least two separate species, and therefore they should be treated as different management units in the design and implementation of conservation programmes. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.",
"issue": "7",
"language": "English",
"libraryCatalog": "ProQuest",
"pages": "1453-1462",
"publicationTitle": "Marine Biology",
"url": "",
"volume": "157",
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"tag": "Ecological and Population Genetics"
"tag": "Growth Regulators"
"tag": "Mammalian Genetics"
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"items": [
"itemType": "journalArticle",
"title": "Women's Rights as Human Rights: Toward a Re-Vision of Human Rights",
"creators": [
"firstName": "Charlotte",
"lastName": "Bunch",
"creatorType": "author"
"date": "Nov 1, 1990",
"ISSN": "0275-0392",
"issue": "4",
"language": "English",
"libraryCatalog": "ProQuest",
"pages": "486498",
"publicationTitle": "Human Rights Quarterly",
"shortTitle": "Women's Rights as Human Rights",
"url": "",
"volume": "12",
"attachments": [
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"mimeType": "application/pdf",
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"tags": [
"tag": "Law"
"tag": "Law--Civil Law"
"tag": "Political Science"
"tag": "Political Science--Civil Rights"
"tag": "Social Sciences (General)"
"tag": "Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works"
"tag": "Sociology"
"notes": [],
"seeAlso": []