
228 lines
7.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-03-23 12:58:01 +01:00
"translatorID": "a571680e-6338-46c2-a740-3cd9eb80fc7f",
"label": "Beobachter",
"creator": "ibex",
"target": "^https?://((www\\.)?beobachter\\.ch/.)",
"minVersion": "2.1.9",
"maxVersion": "",
"priority": 100,
"inRepository": true,
"translatorType": 4,
"browserSupport": "gcsibv",
"lastUpdated": "2016-09-07 21:24:35"
Beobachter Translator - Parses Beobachter articles and creates Zotero-based
Copyright (C) 2011 ibex
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Reference URLs:
Topic list:
/* Zotero API */
function detectWeb(doc, url) {
// Z.debug("ibex detectWeb URL = " + url);
if (doc.location.href.match(/.*\/artikel\//i) && (ZU.xpath(doc, '//div[' + containingClass('mediaarticleSingleView') + ']//h3').length > 0)) {
return "magazineArticle";
// AJAX-ified results are currently not compatible with Zotero.
// The following condition is not useful:
// } else if (doc.location.href.match(/\/suche\//i) && (ZU.xpath(doc, '//div[@id = "multiSerachListContainer"]') + ']').length > 0)) {
} else if (ZU.xpath(doc, '//html/body[' + containingClass('article') + ']').length > 0) {
return "multiple";
/* Zotero API */
function doWeb(doc, url) {
// Z.debug("ibex doWeb URL = " + url);
var urls = new Array();
if (detectWeb(doc, url) == "multiple") {
var items = ZU.getItemArray(doc, doc.getElementById("mainContent").getElementsByTagName('h3'), '.*');
if (!items || countObjectProperties(items) == 0) {
return true;
items = Z.selectItems(items);
if (!items) {
return true;
for (var i in items) {
} else {
ZU.processDocuments(urls, scrape);
/* Zotero API */
function scrape(doc) {
// Z.debug("ibex scrape URL = " + doc.location.href);
// Fetch meta tags and fill meta tag array for associateMeta() function
var metaTags = fetchMeta(doc);
var newItem = new Z.Item('magazineArticle');
newItem.url = doc.location.href;
var shortTitle = ZU.xpath(doc, '//div[' + containingClass('mediaarticleSingleView') + ']//h3');
if (shortTitle.length > 0) {
newItem.shortTitle = ZU.trimInternal(shortTitle[0].textContent);
associateMeta(newItem, metaTags, "DC.title", "title");
associateMeta(newItem, metaTags, "", "date");
associateMeta(newItem, metaTags, "publisher", "publicationTitle");
associateMeta(newItem, metaTags, "abstract", "abstractNote");
associateMeta(newItem, metaTags, "DC.Language", "language");
// Other potentially usful meta data: DC.keywords
newItem.ISSN = "1661-7444";
var authorline = ZU.xpath(doc, '//div[' + containingClass('mediaarticleSingleView') + ']//dl/dt[. = "Autor:"]');
if (authorline.length > 0) {
authorline = ZU.trimInternal(authorline[0].nextSibling.textContent);
// Assumption of authorline: "name1[, name2] [und Name3]"
var authors = authorline.split(/,|und/);
for (var i = 0; i < authors.length && authorline.length > 0; i++) {
newItem.creators.push(ZU.cleanAuthor(authors[i], "author"));
var issueDt = ZU.xpath(doc, '//div[' + containingClass('mediaarticleSingleView') + ']//dl/dt[. = "Ausgabe:"]');
if (issueDt.length > 0) {
issueArray = issueDt[0].nextSibling.textContent.split("/");
newItem.issue = ZU.trimInternal(issueArray[0]);
newItem.volume = ZU.trimInternal(issueArray[1]);
// A print dialog is shown to the user. The print page listens to the
// onload JavaScriptevent and executes window.print().
// I do not know how to disable this behaviour.
newItem.attachments.push({title: "Beobachter Article Snapshot", mimeType: "text/html", url: doc.location.href + "/print.html", snapshot: true});
* There is no built-in function to count object properties which often are used as associative arrays.
* @param {Object} obj Associative array
* @return {int} Number of object properties = ength of associative array
function countObjectProperties(obj) {
var size = 0;
for (var key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) size++;
return size;
* Fetch meta tags and fill meta tag array for associateMeta() function
* @param {element} doc Document DOM
* @return {Object} Associative array (Object) of meta tags, array[name] = value
function fetchMeta(doc) {
var metaTagHTML = doc.getElementsByTagName("meta");
var metaTags = new Object();
for (var i = 0 ; i < metaTagHTML.length ; i++) {
metaTags[metaTagHTML[i].getAttribute("name")] = metaTagHTML[i].getAttribute("content");
return metaTags;
* Adds an HTML meta tag to a Zotero item field.
* The meta tags array can be filled with fetchMeta() function.
* @param {Object} newItem The Zotero item
* @param {Object} metaTags Associative array (Object) of meta tags, array[name] = value
* @param {String} name The meta tag name
* @param {String} zoteroField The Zotero field name in the Zotero item.
* @return {null} Nothing is returned
function associateMeta(newItem, metaTags, name, zoteroField) {
if (metaTags[name]) {
newItem[zoteroField] = ZU.trimInternal(ZU.unescapeHTML(metaTags[name]));
* Generates a partial xpath expression that matches an element whose 'class' attribute
* contains the given CSS className. So to match &lt;div class='foo bar'&gt; you would
* say "//div[" + containingClass("foo") + "]".
* Reference:
* @param {String} className CSS class name
* @return {String} XPath fragment
function containingClass(className) {
return "contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@class),' '),' " + className + " ')";
var testCases = [
"type": "web",
"url": "",
"items": "multiple"
"type": "web",
"url": "",
"items": [
"itemType": "magazineArticle",
"creators": [
"firstName": "Tanja",
"lastName": "Polli",
"creatorType": "author"
"notes": [],
"tags": [],
"seeAlso": [],
"attachments": [
"title": "Beobachter Article Snapshot",
"mimeType": "text/html",
"snapshot": true
"url": "",
"shortTitle": "Neun Tipps, was man tun und lassen soll, wenn man von Blitz und Donner überrascht wird.",
"title": "Blitze: Suche nicht die Buche!",
"publicationTitle": "Beobachter",
"abstractNote": "Neun Tipps, was man tun und lassen soll, wenn man von Blitz und Donner überrascht wird.",
"language": "de",
"ISSN": "1661-7444",
"issue": "23. August 2013, Beobachter 17",
"volume": "2013",
"libraryCatalog": "Beobachter",