468 lines
17 KiB
468 lines
17 KiB
"translatorID": "e7243cef-a709-4a46-ba46-1b1318051bec",
"label": "Citavi 5 XML",
"creator": "Philipp Zumstein",
"target": "xml",
"minVersion": "3.0",
"maxVersion": "",
"priority": 100,
"configOptions": {
"dataMode": "xml/dom"
"inRepository": true,
"translatorType": 1,
"lastUpdated": "2020-06-11 13:27:10"
Copyright © 2016 Philipp Zumstein
This file is part of Zotero.
Zotero is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Zotero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with Zotero. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
TEST DATA can be found here:
- Single reference (162 KB) text: https://gist.github.com/zuphilip/02d6478ace4636e4e090e348443c551e
- Larger project (1221 KB): https://gist.github.com/zuphilip/76ce89ebbdac0386507b36cff3fd499a
- Other project (1,11 MB): https://gist.github.com/anonymous/10fc363b6d79dae897e296a4327aa707
- Citavi 6 project (935 KB): https://gist.github.com/zuphilip/00a4ec6df58ac24b68366e32531bae4b
function detectImport() {
var text = Zotero.read(1000);
return text.indexOf("<CitaviExchangeData") != -1;
//This maps the Citavi types to the Zotero types.
var typeMapping = {
"ArchiveMaterial" : "manuscript", //Archivgut
"AudioBook" : "book", //Hörbuch
"AudioOrVideoDocument" : "document", //Ton- oder Filmdokument
"Book" : "book", //Buch (Monographie)
"BookEdited" : "book", //Buch (Sammelwerk)
"Broadcast" : "tvBroadcast", //Radio- oder Fernsehsendung
"CollectedWorks" : "book", //Schriften eines Autors
"ComputerProgram" : "computerProgram", //Software
"ConferenceProceedings" : "book", //Tagungsband
"Contribution" : "bookSection", //Beitrag in ...
"ContributionInLegalCommentary" : "bookSection", //Beitrag in Gesetzeskommentar
"CourtDecision" : "case", //Gerichtsentscheid
"File" : "manuscript", //Akte
"InternetDocument" : "webpage", //Internetdokument
"InterviewMaterial" : "interview", //Interviewmaterial
"JournalArticle" : "journalArticle", //Zeitschriftenaufsatz
"Lecture" : "presentation", //Vortrag
"LegalCommentary" : "book", //Gesetzeskommentar
"Manuscript" : "manuscript", //Manuskript
"Map" : "map", //Geographische Karte
"Movie" : "videoRecording", //Spielfilm
"MusicTrack" : "audioRecording", //Musiktitel in ...
"MusicAlbum" : "audioRecording", //Musikwerk / Musikalbum
"NewsAgencyReport" : "report", //Agenturmeldung
"NewspaperArticle" : "newspaperArticle", //Zeitungsartikel
"Patent" : "patent", //Patentschrift
"PersonalCommunication" : "email", //Persönliche Mitteilung
"PressRelease" : "report", //Pressemitteilung
"RadioPlay" : "podcast", //Hörspiel
"SpecialIssue" : "book", //Sonderheft, Beiheft
"Standard" : "report", //Norm
"StatuteOrRegulation" : "statute", //Gesetz / Verordnung
"Thesis" : "thesis", //Hochschulschrift
"Unknown" : "document", //Unklarer Dokumententyp
"UnpublishedWork" : "report" //Graue Literatur / Bericht / Report
function doImport() {
var doc = Zotero.getXML();
var citaviVersion = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//CitaviExchangeData/@Version');
//Groups will also be mapped to tags which can be assigned to
//items or notes.
var groups = ZU.xpath(doc, '//Groups/Group');
var rememberTags = {};
for (var i=0; i<groups.length; i++) {
var id = ZU.xpathText(groups[i], './@id');
var name = ZU.xpathText(groups[i], './Name');
var referenceGroups = ZU.xpath(doc, '//ReferenceGroups/OnetoN[contains(text(), "'+id+'")]|//KnowledgeItemGroups/OnetoN[contains(text(), "'+id+'")]');
for (var j=0; j<referenceGroups.length; j++) {
var refid = referenceGroups[j].textContent.split(';')[0];
if (rememberTags[refid]) {
} else {
rememberTags[refid] = [name];
//Main information for each reference.
var item;
var references = ZU.xpath(doc, '//References/Reference');
var unfinishedReferences = [];
var itemIdList = {};
for (var i=0, n=references.length; i<n; i++) {
var type = ZU.xpathText(references[i], 'ReferenceType');
if (type && typeMapping[type]) {
item = new Zotero.Item(typeMapping[type]);
} else {
Z.debug("Not yet supported type: " + type);
Z.debug("Therefore use default type 'journalArticle'");
item = new Zotero.Item("journalArticle");
item.itemID = ZU.xpathText(references[i], './@id');
item.title = ZU.xpathText(references[i], './Title');
var subtitle = ZU.xpathText(references[i], './Subtitle');
if (subtitle) {
item.title += ": " + subtitle;
item.abstractNote = ZU.xpathText(references[i], './Abstract');
item.url = ZU.xpathText(references[i], './OnlineAddress');
item.volume = ZU.xpathText(references[i], './Volume');
item.issue = ZU.xpathText(references[i], './Number');
item.DOI = ZU.xpathText(references[i], './DOI');
item.ISBN = ZU.xpathText(references[i], './ISBN');
item.edition = ZU.xpathText(references[i], './Edition');
item.place = ZU.xpathText(references[i], './PlaceOfPublication');
item.numberOfVolumes = ZU.xpathText(references[i], './NumberOfVolumes');
addExtraLine(item, "PMID", ZU.xpathText(references[i], './PubMedID'));
item.pages = extractPages(ZU.xpathText(references[i], './PageRange'));
item.numPages = extractPages(ZU.xpathText(references[i], './PageCount'));
item.date = ZU.xpathText(references[i], './DateForSorting') ||
ZU.xpathText(references[i], './Date') ||
ZU.xpathText(references[i], './Year');
item.accessDate = ZU.xpathText(references[i], './AccessDate');
for (var field of ['Notes', 'TableOfContents', 'Evaluation']) {
var note = ZU.xpathText(references[i], './'+field);
if (note) {
item.notes.push({ note : note , tags : ["#" + field] });
var seriesID = ZU.xpathText(references[i], './SeriesTitleID');
if (seriesID) {
item.series = ZU.xpathText(doc.getElementById(seriesID), './Name');
var periodicalID = ZU.xpathText(references[i], './PeriodicalID');
if (periodicalID) {
var periodical = doc.getElementById(periodicalID);
item.publicationTitle = ZU.xpathText(periodical, './Name');
item.ISSN = ZU.xpathText(periodical, './ISSN');
item.journalAbbreviation = ZU.xpathText(periodical, './StandardAbbreviation') ||
ZU.xpathText(periodical, './UserAbbreviation1') ||
ZU.xpathText(periodical, './UserAbbreviation2');
var authors = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//ReferenceAuthors/OnetoN[starts-with(text(), "'+item.itemID+'")]');
attachPersons(doc, item, authors, "author");
var editors = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//ReferenceEditors/OnetoN[starts-with(text(), "'+item.itemID+'")]');
attachPersons(doc, item, editors, "editor");
var collaborators = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//ReferenceCollaborators/OnetoN[starts-with(text(), "'+item.itemID+'")]');
attachPersons(doc, item, collaborators, "contributor");
var organizations = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//ReferenceOrganizations/OnetoN[starts-with(text(), "'+item.itemID+'")]');
attachPersons(doc, item, organizations, "contributor");
var publishers = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//ReferencePublishers/OnetoN[starts-with(text(), "'+item.itemID+'")]');
if (publishers && publishers.length>0) {
item.publisher = attachName(doc, publishers).join('; ');
var keywords = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//ReferenceKeywords/OnetoN[starts-with(text(), "'+item.itemID+'")]');
if (keywords && keywords.length>0) {
item.tags = attachName(doc, keywords);
if (rememberTags[item.itemID]) {
for (var j=0; j<rememberTags[item.itemID].length; j++) {
//For all corresponding knowledge items attach a note containing
//the information of it.
var citations = ZU.xpath(doc, '//KnowledgeItem[ReferenceID="'+item.itemID+'"]');
for (var j=0; j<citations.length; j++) {
var noteObject = {};
noteObject.id = ZU.xpathText(citations[j], '@id');
var title = ZU.xpathText(citations[j], 'CoreStatement');
var text = ZU.xpathText(citations[j], 'Text');
var pages = extractPages(ZU.xpathText(citations[j], 'PageRange'));
noteObject.note = '';
if (title) {
noteObject.note += '<h1>' + title + "</h1>\n";
if (text) {
noteObject.note += "<p>" + ZU.xpathText(citations[j], 'Text') + "</p>\n";
if (pages) {
noteObject.note += "<i>" + pages + "</i>";
if (rememberTags[noteObject.id]) {
noteObject.tags = rememberTags[noteObject.id];
if (noteObject.note != "") {
//Locations will be saved as URIs in attachments, DOI, extra etc.
var locations = ZU.xpath(doc, '//Locations/Location[ReferenceID="'+item.itemID+'"]');
//If we only have partial information about the callnumber or
//library location, then we save this info in these two arrays
//which will then processed after the for loop if no other info
//was found.
var onlyLibraryInfo = [];
var onlyCallNumber = [];
for (var j=0; j<locations.length; j++) {
var address = ZU.xpathText(locations[j], 'Address');
if (address && citaviVersion[0] !== "5") {
var jsonAddress = JSON.parse(address);
// Z.debug(jsonAddress);
address = jsonAddress["UriString"];
var addressType = ZU.xpathText(locations[j], 'MirrorsReferencePropertyId');
if (address) {
if (addressType == "Doi" && !item.DOI) {
item.DOI = address;
} else if (addressType == "PubMedId" && ((item.extra && !item.extra.includes("PMID"))|| !item.extra)) {
addExtraLine(item, "PMID", address);
} else {
// distinguish between local paths and internet addresses
// (maybe also encoded in AddressInfo subfield?)
if (address.indexOf('http://')==0 || address.indexOf('https://')==0) {
url: address,
title: "Online"
} else {
path: address,
title: "Full Text"
var callNumber = ZU.xpathText(locations[j], 'CallNumber');
var libraryId = ZU.xpathText(locations[j], 'LibraryID');
if (callNumber && libraryId) {
item.callNumber = callNumber;
item.libraryCatalog = ZU.xpathText(doc.getElementById(libraryId), "Name");
} else if (callNumber) {
} else if (libraryId) {
onlyLibraryInfo.push(ZU.xpathText(doc.getElementById(libraryId), "Name"));
if (!item.callNumber) {
if (onlyCallNumber.length>0) {
item.callNumber = onlyCallNumber[0];
} else if (onlyLibraryInfo.length>0) {
item.libraryCatalog = onlyLibraryInfo[0];
//Only for journalArticle and conferencePaper the DOI field is
//currently established and therefore we need to add the info for
//all other itemTypes in the extra field.
if (item.DOI && item.itemType != "journalArticle" && item.itemType != "conferencePaper") {
addExtraLine(item, "DOI", item.DOI);
//The items of type contribution need more data from their container
//element and are therefore not yet finished. The other items can
//be completed here.
itemIdList[item.itemID] = item;
if (type == "Contribution") {
} else {
//For unfinished references we add additional data from the
//container item and save the relation between them as well.
for (var i=0; i< unfinishedReferences.length; i++) {
var item = unfinishedReferences[i];
var containerString = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//ReferenceReferences/OnetoN[contains(text(), "'+item.itemID+'")]');
if (containerString) {
var containerId = containerString.split(';')[0];
var containerItem = itemIdList[containerId];
if (containerItem.type == "ConferenceProceedings") {
item.itemType = "conferencePaper";
item.publicationTitle = containerItem.title;
item.place = containerItem.place;
item.publisher = containerItem.publisher;
item.ISBN = containerItem.ISBN;
item.volume = containerItem.volume;
item.edition = containerItem.edition;
item.series = containerItem.series;
for (var j=0; j<containerItem.creators.length; j++) {
var creatorObject = containerItem.creators[j];
var role = creatorObject.creatorType;
if (role == "author") {
creatorObject.creatorType = "bookAuthor";
//Categories will be mapped to collections where the name contains
//also the hierarchy number which we first calculate from the
//CategoryCategories list.
var categories = ZU.xpath(doc, '//Categories/Category');
//typo CategoryCatgories was fixed in Citavi 6
var hierarchy = ZU.xpath(doc, '//CategoryCatgories/OnetoN|//CategoryCategories/OnetoN');
var numbering = { "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" : "$" };
//we will have fixed prefix "$." for all collections (see below),
//such that only the substring starting form index 2 is relevant.
for (var i=0, n=hierarchy.length; i<n; i++) {
var categoryLists = hierarchy[i].textContent.split(";");
var referencePoint = categoryLists[0];
if (!numbering[referencePoint]) {
//in some cases the ordering of these relations is different
Z.debug("Warning: Reference point for categorization hierarchy not yet found");
for (var j=1; j<categoryLists.length; j++) {
numbering[categoryLists[j]] = numbering[referencePoint] + "." + j;
var collectionList = [];
for (var i=0, n=categories.length; i<n; i++) {
var collection = new Zotero.Collection();
collection.id = ZU.xpathText(categories[i], './@id');
collection.name = ZU.xpathText(categories[i], './Name');
if (numbering[collection.id]) {
//add the hierarchy number whenever possible
collection.name = numbering[collection.id].substr(2) + ' ' + collection.name;
collection.type = 'collection';
collection.children = [];
var referenceCategories = ZU.xpath(doc, '//ReferenceCategories/OnetoN[contains(text(), "'+collection.id+'")]');
for (var j=0; j<referenceCategories.length; j++) {
var refid = referenceCategories[j].textContent.split(';')[0];
collection.children.push({ type: 'item', id: refid });
//Task items will be mapped to new standalone note
var tasks = ZU.xpath(doc, '//TaskItems/TaskItem');
for (var i=0, n=tasks.length; i<n; i++) {
item = new Zotero.Item("note");
var dueDate = ZU.xpathText(tasks[i], './DueDate');
if (dueDate) {
item.note = "<h1>" + ZU.xpathText(tasks[i], './Name') + " until " + dueDate + "</h1>";
} else {
item.note = "<h1>" + ZU.xpathText(tasks[i], './Name') + "</h1>";
var noteText = ZU.xpathText(tasks[i], './Notes');
if (noteText) {
item.note += "\n" + noteText;
item.seeAlso.push(ZU.xpathText(tasks[i], './ReferenceID'));
function attachName(doc, ids) {
if (!ids || !ids.length || ids.length<=0) {
return ;
var valueList = [];
var idList = ids.split(';');
//skip the first element which is the id of reference
for (var j=1; j<idList.length; j++) {
var author = doc.getElementById(idList[j]);
valueList.push(ZU.xpathText(author, 'Name'));
return valueList;
//For each id in the list of ids, find the
//corresponding node in the document and
//attach the data to the creators array.
function attachPersons(doc, item, ids, type) {
if (!ids || !ids.length || ids.length<=0) {
return ;
var authorIds = ids.split(';');
//skip the first element which is the id of reference
for (var j=1; j<authorIds.length; j++) {
var author = doc.getElementById(authorIds[j]);
var lastName = ZU.xpathText(author, 'LastName');
var firstName = ZU.xpathText(author, 'FirstName');
var middleName = ZU.xpathText(author, 'MiddleName');
if (firstName && lastName) {
if (middleName) {
firstName += ' ' + middleName;
item.creators.push({ lastName : lastName, firstName : firstName, creatorType : type });
if (!firstName && lastName) {
item.creators.push({ lastName : lastName, creatorType : type , fieldMode : true});
function addExtraLine(item, prefix, text) {
if (text) {
if (!item.extra) {
item.extra = '';
item.extra += prefix + ': ' + text + "\n";
function extractPages(multilineText) {
if (multilineText) {
var parts = multilineText.split("\n");
return parts[parts.length-1].replace(/[^0-9\-–]/g, '');
var testCases = []