{ "translatorID": "ed28758b-9c39-4e1c-af89-ce1c9202b70f", "label": "National Gallery of Art - USA", "creator": "Adam Crymble", "target": "^https?://www\\.nga\\.gov/content/ngaweb", "minVersion": "1.0.0b4.r5", "maxVersion": "", "priority": 100, "inRepository": true, "translatorType": 4, "browserSupport": "gcsibv", "lastUpdated": "2016-12-28 11:55:43" } /* Multiple items examples (tests don't work) http://www.nga.gov/content/ngaweb/collection-search-result.html?artist= http://www.nga.gov/content/ngaweb/Collection/artist-info.1951.html */ function detectWeb(doc, url) { if (url.indexOf("art-object-page")!=-1) { return "artwork"; } if (url.indexOf("artist-info")!=-1 || url.indexOf("search-result.html")!=-1) { return "multiple"; } } //National Gallery USA translator. Code by Adam Crymble function scrape(doc, url) { var style = 0; var title1; var newItem = new Zotero.Item("artwork"); var authors = ZU.xpath(doc, '//dl[@class="artist-details"]/dt[@class="artist"]/a'); for (var i in authors){ //there are occasional empty items if (authors[i].textContent) newItem.creators.push(ZU.cleanAuthor(authors[i].textContent, "artist", true)) } newItem.title = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//dl[@class="artwork-details"]/dt[@class="title"]'); newItem.date = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//dl[@class="artwork-details"]/dt[@class="created"]'); newItem.medium = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//dl[@class="artwork-details"]/dd[@class="medium"]'); newItem.artworkSize = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//dl[@class="artwork-details"]/dd[@class="dimensions"]'); newItem.callNumber = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//dl[@class="artwork-details"]/dd[@class="accession"]'); newItem.attachments.push({document: doc, title: "US National Gallery Snapshot", mimeType: "text/html"}); newItem.complete(); } function doWeb(doc, url) { var articles = new Array(); if (detectWeb(doc, url) == "multiple") { var items = new Object(); var titles = doc.evaluate('//dt[@class="title"]/a', doc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); var next_title; while (next_title = titles.iterateNext()) { items[next_title.href] = next_title.textContent; } Zotero.selectItems(items, function (items) { if (!items) { return true; } for (var i in items) { articles.push(i); } Zotero.Utilities.processDocuments(articles, scrape); }); } else { scrape(doc, url) } }/** BEGIN TEST CASES **/ var testCases = [ { "type": "web", "url": "http://www.nga.gov/content/ngaweb/Collection/art-object-page.1237.html", "items": [ { "itemType": "artwork", "title": "Girl with a Flute", "creators": [ { "firstName": "Johannes", "lastName": "Vermeer", "creatorType": "artist" } ], "date": "probably 1665/1675", "artworkMedium": "oil on panel", "artworkSize": "painted surface: 20 x 17.8 cm (7 7/8 x 7 in.), framed: 39.7 x 37.5 x 5.1 cm (15 5/8 x 14 3/4 x 2 in.)", "callNumber": "1942.9.98", "libraryCatalog": "National Gallery of Art - U.S.A.", "attachments": [ { "title": "US National Gallery Snapshot", "mimeType": "text/html" } ], "tags": [], "notes": [], "seeAlso": [] } ] } ] /** END TEST CASES **/