"translatorID": "5c95b67b-41c5-4f55-b71a-48d5d7183063",
"label": "CNKI",
"creator": "Aurimas Vinckevicius, Xingzhong Lin",
"target": "^https?://([^/]+\\.)?cnki\\.net",
"minVersion": "3.0",
"maxVersion": "",
"priority": 100,
"inRepository": true,
"translatorType": 4,
"browserSupport": "gcs",
"lastUpdated": "2019-12-05 08:10:19"
CNKI(China National Knowledge Infrastructure) Translator
Copyright © 2013 Aurimas Vinckevicius
This file is part of Zotero.
Zotero is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Zotero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with Zotero. If not, see .
// Fetches RefWorks records for provided IDs and calls onDataAvailable with resulting text
// ids should be in the form [{dbname: "CDFDLAST2013", filename: "1013102302.nh"}]
function getRefWorksByID(ids, onDataAvailable) {
if (!ids.length) return;
var { dbname, filename } = ids.shift();
var postData = "formfilenames=" + encodeURIComponent(dbname + "!" + filename + "!1!0,")
+ '&hid_kLogin_headerUrl=/KLogin/Request/GetKHeader.ashx%3Fcallback%3D%3F'
+ '&hid_KLogin_FooterUrl=/KLogin/Request/GetKHeader.ashx%3Fcallback%3D%3F'
+ '&CookieName=FileNameS';
ZU.doPost('https://kns.cnki.net/kns/ViewPage/viewsave.aspx?displayMode=Refworks', postData,
function (text) {
var parser = new DOMParser();
var html = parser.parseFromString(text, "text/html");
var data = ZU.xpath(html, "//table[@class='mainTable']//td")[0].innerHTML
/g, '\n')
.replace(/^RT\s+Dissertation\/Thesis/gmi, 'RT Dissertation')
function (m, tag, authors) {
authors = authors.split(/\s*[;,,]\s*/); // that's a special comma
if (!authors[authors.length - 1].trim()) authors.pop();
return tag + ' ' + authors.join('\n' + tag + ' ');
// If more results, keep going
if (ids.length) {
getRefWorksByID(ids, onDataAvailable);
function getIDFromURL(url) {
if (!url) return false;
var dbname = url.match(/[?&]dbname=([^]*)/i);
var filename = url.match(/[?&]filename=([^]*)/i);
if (!dbname || !dbname[1] || !filename || !filename[1]) return false;
return { dbname: dbname[1], filename: filename[1], url: url };
// 网络首发期刊信息并不能从URL获取dbname和filename信息
// Get dbname and filename from pre-released article web page.
function getIDFromRef(doc, url) {
var func = ZU.xpath(doc, '//div[@class="link"]/a');
if (!func.length) {
return false;
func = func[0].getAttribute('onclick');
var tmp = func.split(',')[1].split('!');
// Z.debug(func + tmp[0].slice(1));
return { dbname: tmp[0].slice(1), filename: tmp[1], url: url };
function getIDFromPage(doc, url) {
return getIDFromURL(url)
|| getIDFromURL(ZU.xpathText(doc, '//div[@class="zwjdown"]/a/@href'))
|| getIDFromRef(doc, url);
function getTypeFromDBName(dbname) {
var dbType = {
CJFQ: "journalArticle",
CJFD: "journalArticle",
CAPJ: "journalArticle",
CDFD: "thesis",
CMFD: "thesis",
CLKM: "thesis",
CCND: "newspaperArticle",
CPFD: "conferencePaper",
var db = dbname.substr(0, 4).toUpperCase();
if (dbType[db]) {
return dbType[db];
else {
return false;
function getItemsFromSearchResults(doc, url, itemInfo) {
var iframe = doc.getElementById('iframeResult');
if (iframe) {
var innerDoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
if (innerDoc) {
doc = innerDoc;
var links = ZU.xpath(doc, '//tr[not(.//tr) and .//a[@class="fz14"]]');
var aXpath = './/a[@class="fz14"]';
if (!links.length) {
links = ZU.xpath(doc, '//table[@class="GridTableContent"]/tbody/tr[./td[2]/a]');
aXpath = './td[2]/a';
if (!links.length) {
return false;
var items = {};
for (var i = 0, n = links.length; i < n; i++) {
// Z.debug(links[i].innerHTML)
var a = ZU.xpath(links[i], aXpath)[0];
var title = ZU.xpathText(a, './node()[not(name()="SCRIPT")]', null, '');
if (title) title = ZU.trimInternal(title);
var id = getIDFromURL(a.href);
// pre-released item can not get ID from URL, try to get ID from element.value
if (!id) {
var td1 = ZU.xpath(links[i], './td')[0];
var tmp = td1.value.split('!');
id = { dbname: tmp[0], filename: tmp[1], url: a.href };
if (!title || !id) continue;
if (itemInfo) {
itemInfo[a.href] = { id: id };
items[a.href] = title;
return items;
function detectWeb(doc, url) {
// Z.debug(doc);
var id = getIDFromPage(doc, url);
var items = getItemsFromSearchResults(doc, url);
if (id) {
return getTypeFromDBName(id.dbname);
else if (items) {
return "multiple";
else {
return false;
function doWeb(doc, url) {
if (detectWeb(doc, url) == "multiple") {
var itemInfo = {};
var items = getItemsFromSearchResults(doc, url, itemInfo);
Z.selectItems(items, function (selectedItems) {
if (!selectedItems) return;
var itemInfoByTitle = {};
var ids = [];
for (var url in selectedItems) {
itemInfoByTitle[selectedItems[url]] = itemInfo[url];
itemInfoByTitle[selectedItems[url]].url = url;
scrape(ids, doc, url, itemInfoByTitle);
else {
scrape([getIDFromPage(doc, url)], doc, url);
function scrape(ids, doc, url, itemInfo) {
getRefWorksByID(ids, function (text) {
var translator = Z.loadTranslator('import');
translator.setTranslator('1a3506da-a303-4b0a-a1cd-f216e6138d86'); // RefWorks Tagged
text = text.replace(/IS (\d+)\nvo/, "IS $1\nVO");
translator.setHandler('itemDone', function (obj, newItem) {
// split names
for (var i = 0, n = newItem.creators.length; i < n; i++) {
var creator = newItem.creators[i];
if (creator.firstName) continue;
var lastSpace = creator.lastName.lastIndexOf(' ');
if (creator.lastName.search(/[A-Za-z]/) !== -1 && lastSpace !== -1) {
// western name. split on last space
creator.firstName = creator.lastName.substr(0, lastSpace);
creator.lastName = creator.lastName.substr(lastSpace + 1);
else {
// Chinese name. first character is last name, the rest are first name
creator.firstName = creator.lastName.substr(1);
creator.lastName = creator.lastName.charAt(0);
if (newItem.abstractNote) {
newItem.abstractNote = newItem.abstractNote.replace(/\s*[\r\n]\s*/g, '\n');
// clean up tags. Remove numbers from end
for (var j = 0, l = newItem.tags.length; j < l; j++) {
newItem.tags[j] = newItem.tags[j].replace(/:\d+$/, '');
newItem.title = ZU.trimInternal(newItem.title);
if (itemInfo) {
var info = itemInfo[newItem.title];
if (!info) {
Z.debug('No item info for "' + newItem.title + '"');
else {
newItem.url = info.url;
else {
newItem.url = url;
// CN 中国刊物编号,非refworks中的callNumber
// CN in CNKI refworks format explains Chinese version of ISSN
if (newItem.callNumber) {
// newItem.extra = 'CN ' + newItem.callNumber;
newItem.callNumber = "";
// don't download PDF/CAJ on searchResult(multiple)
var webType = detectWeb(doc, url);
if (webType && webType != 'multiple') {
newItem.attachments = getAttachments(doc, newItem);
// get pdf download link
function getPDF(doc, itemType) {
// retrieve PDF links from CNKI oversea
var pdf = itemType == 'thesis'
? ZU.xpath(doc, "//div[@id='DownLoadParts']/a[contains(text(), 'PDF')]")
: ZU.xpath(doc, "//a[@name='pdfDown']");
return pdf.length ? pdf[0].href : false;
// caj download link, default is the whole article for thesis.
function getCAJ(doc, itemType) {
// //div[@id='DownLoadParts']
var caj = itemType == 'thesis'
? ZU.xpath(doc, "//div[@id='DownLoadParts']/a")
: ZU.xpath(doc, "//a[@name='cajDown']");
return caj.length ? caj[0].href : false;
// add pdf or caj to attachments, default is pdf
function getAttachments(doc, item) {
var attachments = [];
var pdfurl = getPDF(doc, item.itemType);
var cajurl = getCAJ(doc, item.itemType);
// Z.debug('pdf' + pdfurl);
// Z.debug('caj' + cajurl);
var loginUser = ZU.xpath(doc, "//input[@id='loginuserid']");
// Z.debug(doc.body.innerHTML);
// Z.debug(loginUser[0].value);
// Z.debug(loginUser.length);
if (loginUser.length && loginUser[0].value) {
if (pdfurl) {
title: "Full Text PDF",
mimeType: "application/pdf",
url: pdfurl
else if (cajurl) {
title: "Full Text CAJ",
mimeType: "application/caj",
url: cajurl
return attachments;
var testCases = [
"type": "web",
"url": "http://kns.cnki.net/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?dbcode=CJFQ&dbname=CJFDLAST2015&filename=SPZZ201412003&v=MTU2MzMzcVRyV00xRnJDVVJMS2ZidVptRmkva1ZiL09OajNSZExHNEg5WE5yWTlGWjRSOGVYMUx1eFlTN0RoMVQ=",
"items": [
"itemType": "journalArticle",
"title": "基于部分酸水解-亲水作用色谱-质谱的黄芪多糖结构表征",
"creators": [
"lastName": "梁",
"firstName": "图",
"creatorType": "author"
"lastName": "傅",
"firstName": "青",
"creatorType": "author"
"lastName": "辛",
"firstName": "华夏",
"creatorType": "author"
"lastName": "李",
"firstName": "芳冰",
"creatorType": "author"
"lastName": "金",
"firstName": "郁",
"creatorType": "author"
"lastName": "梁",
"firstName": "鑫淼",
"creatorType": "author"
"date": "2014",
"ISSN": "1000-8713",
"abstractNote": "来自中药的水溶性多糖具有广谱治疗和低毒性特点,是天然药物及保健品研发中的重要组成部分。针对中药多糖结构复杂、难以表征的问题,本文以中药黄芪中的多糖为研究对象,采用\"自下而上\"法完成对黄芪多糖的表征。首先使用部分酸水解方法水解黄芪多糖,分别考察了水解时间、酸浓度和温度的影响。在适宜条件(4 h、1.5mol/L三氟乙酸、80℃)下,黄芪多糖被水解为特征性的寡糖片段。接下来,采用亲水作用色谱与质谱联用对黄芪多糖部分酸水解产物进行分离和结构表征。结果表明,提取得到的黄芪多糖主要为1→4连接线性葡聚糖,水解得到聚合度4~11的葡寡糖。本研究对其他中药多糖的表征具有一定的示范作用。",
"issue": "12",
"language": "中文;",
"libraryCatalog": "CNKI",
"pages": "1306-1312",
"publicationTitle": "色谱",
"url": "http://kns.cnki.net/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?dbcode=CJFQ&dbname=CJFDLAST2015&filename=SPZZ201412003&v=MTU2MzMzcVRyV00xRnJDVVJMS2ZidVptRmkva1ZiL09OajNSZExHNEg5WE5yWTlGWjRSOGVYMUx1eFlTN0RoMVQ=",
"volume": "32",
"attachments": [],
"tags": [
"tag": "Astragalus"
"tag": "characterization"
"tag": "hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography(HILIC)mass spectrometry(MS)"
"tag": "partial acid hydrolysis"
"tag": "polysaccharides"
"tag": "亲水作用色谱"
"tag": "多糖"
"tag": "表征"
"tag": "质谱"
"tag": "部分酸水解"
"tag": "黄芪"
"notes": [],
"seeAlso": []
"type": "web",
"url": "https://kns.cnki.net/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?dbcode=CMFD&dbname=CMFD201701&filename=1017045605.nh&v=MDc3ODZPZVorVnZGQ3ZrV3JyT1ZGMjZHYk84RzlmTXFwRWJQSVI4ZVgxTHV4WVM3RGgxVDNxVHJXTTFGckNVUkw=",
"items": [
"itemType": "thesis",
"title": "黄瓜共表达基因模块的识别及其特点分析",
"creators": [
"lastName": "林",
"firstName": "行众",
"creatorType": "author"
"date": "2015",
"abstractNote": "黄瓜(Cucumis sativus L.)是我国最大的保护地栽培蔬菜作物,也是植物性别发育和维管束运输研究的重要模式植物。黄瓜基因组序列图谱已经构建完成,并且在此基础上又完成了全基因组SSR标记开发和涵盖330万个变异位点变异组图谱,成为黄瓜功能基因研究的重要平台和工具,相关转录组研究也有很多报道,不过共表达网络研究还是空白。本实验以温室型黄瓜9930为研究对象,选取10个不同组织,进行转录组测序,获得10份转录组原始数据。在对原始数据去除接头与低质量读段后,将高质量读段用Tophat2回贴到已经发表的栽培黄瓜基因组序列上。用Cufflinks对回贴后的数据计算FPKM值,获得10份组织的2...",
"language": "中文;",
"libraryCatalog": "CNKI",
"thesisType": "硕士",
"university": "南京农业大学",
"url": "https://kns.cnki.net/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?dbcode=CMFD&dbname=CMFD201701&filename=1017045605.nh&v=MDc3ODZPZVorVnZGQ3ZrV3JyT1ZGMjZHYk84RzlmTXFwRWJQSVI4ZVgxTHV4WVM3RGgxVDNxVHJXTTFGckNVUkw=",
"attachments": [],
"tags": [
"tag": "co-expression"
"tag": "cucumber"
"tag": "network"
"tag": "transcriptome"
"tag": "共表达"
"tag": "网络"
"tag": "转录组"
"tag": "黄瓜"
"notes": [],
"seeAlso": []
"type": "web",
"url": "http://new.gb.oversea.cnki.net/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?dbcode=CMFD&dbname=CMFDTEMP&filename=1019926131.nh&v=MTA5MjM2RjdxNkdORFBycEViUElSOGVYMUx1eFlTN0RoMVQzcVRyV00xRnJDVVJMT2VadVJxRnkzblY3dkJWRjI=",
"items": [
"itemType": "thesis",
"title": "商业银行个人住房不良资产证券化多元回归定价方法研究",
"creators": [
"lastName": "张",
"firstName": "雪",
"creatorType": "author"
"date": "2019",
"abstractNote": "不良资产证券化是一种新型的不良资产处置方式,其拓宽了商业银行处理不良资产的手段,特别适用于单户金额小、户数多的个人不良资产批量处置,而且这种市场化处置方式将银行不良资产处置和资本市场证券产品发行两个不同领域联接在一起,提高了不良资产的价值。本文以个人住房不良资产证券化为研究对象,确定资产池内不良资产未来回收价值。综合对比市场常用的定价方法,在此基础上提出建立多元回归定价模型的思路。利用YN银行个人住房不良贷款历史数据,分析得出影响不良资产定价的因素,建立定价方程,并对拟证券化的虚拟资产池计算整体回收价值,证明多元回归定价模型的有效性。本文提出的定价模型规避了传统资产定价方法效率低、评估结果不严...",
"language": "中文;",
"libraryCatalog": "CNKI",
"thesisType": "硕士",
"university": "浙江大学",
"url": "http://new.gb.oversea.cnki.net/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?dbcode=CMFD&dbname=CMFDTEMP&filename=1019926131.nh&v=MTA5MjM2RjdxNkdORFBycEViUElSOGVYMUx1eFlTN0RoMVQzcVRyV00xRnJDVVJMT2VadVJxRnkzblY3dkJWRjI=",
"attachments": [],
"tags": [
"tag": "Asset pool pricing"
"tag": "Multiple regression pricing model"
"tag": "Non-performing asset securitization"
"tag": "Personal housing loan"
"tag": "不良资产证券化"
"tag": "个人住房贷款"
"tag": "多元回归定价模型"
"tag": "资产池定价"
"notes": [],
"seeAlso": []