"translatorID": "32d59d2d-b65a-4da4-b0a3-bdd3cfb979e7",
"label": "RIS",
"creator": "Simon Kornblith and Aurimas Vinckevicius",
"target": "ris",
"minVersion": "3.0.4",
"maxVersion": "",
"priority": 100,
"configOptions": {
"async": true,
"getCollections": "true"
"displayOptions": {
"exportCharset": "UTF-8",
"exportNotes": true,
"exportFileData": false
"inRepository": true,
"translatorType": 3,
"lastUpdated": "2019-10-19 17:04:49"
function detectImport() {
var line;
var i = 0;
while ((line = Zotero.read()) !== false) {
line = line.replace(/^\s+/, "");
if (line != "") {
if (line.substr(0, 6).match(/^TY {1,2}- /)) {
return true;
} else {
if (i++ > 3) {
return false;
* Exported options *
//exported as translatorObject.options
var exportedOptions = {
itemType: false, //allows translators to override item type
defaultItemType: false, //item type to default to
typeMap: false,
fieldMap: false
* TY <-> itemType maps *
var DEFAULT_IMPORT_TYPE = 'journalArticle';
var exportTypeMap = {
audioRecording:"SOUND", //consider MUSIC
//These export type maps are degenerate
//They will cause loss of information when exported and reimported
//These should either be duplicates of some of the RIS types above
// or be different from the importTypeMap mappings
var degenerateExportTypeMap = {
document:"GEN" //imported as journalArticle
//These are degenerate types that are not exported as the same TY value
//These should not include any types from exportTypeMap
//We add the rest from exportTypeMap
var importTypeMap = {
AGGR:"document", //how can we handle "database" citations?
DATA:"document", //dataset
DBASE:"document", //database
EQUA:"document", //what's a good way to handle this?
LEGAL:"case", //is this what they mean?
MULTI:"videoRecording", //maybe?
WEB:"webpage" //not in spec, but used by EndNote
//supplement input map with export
var ty;
for (ty in exportTypeMap) {
importTypeMap[exportTypeMap[ty]] = ty;
//merge degenerate export type map into main list
for (ty in degenerateExportTypeMap) {
exportTypeMap[ty] = degenerateExportTypeMap[ty];
* Tag <-> zotero field maps *
/** Syntax
* {
* String, Zotero field used for any item type
* List, item-type dependent mapping
* {
* Zotero field: Zotero item type array. Map RIS tag to the specified Zotero field for indicated item types
* "__ignore": Zotero item type array. Ignore this RIS tag for indicated item types. Do not place it in a note
* "__default": Zotero field. If not matched by above, map RIS tag to this field, unless...
* "__exclude": Zotero item type array. Do not use the __default mapping for these item types
* }
* }
* Special "Zotero fields"
* "attachments/[PDF|HTML|other]": import as attachment with a provided path/url
* "creators/...": map to a specified creator type
* "unsupported/...": there is no corresponding Zotero field, but we can provide a human-readable label for the data and attach it as note
//used for exporting and importing
//this ensures that we can mostly reimport everything the same way
//(except for item types that do not have unique RIS types, see above)
var fieldMap = {
//same for all itemTypes
//type specific
//tag => field:itemTypes
//if itemType not explicitly given, __default field is used
// unless itemType is excluded in __exclude
TI: {
T2: {
code:["bill", "statute"],
programTitle:["radioBroadcast", "tvBroadcast"],
seriesTitle:["computerProgram", "map", "report"],
series: ["book"],
publicationTitle:["journalArticle", "magazineArticle", "newspaperArticle"]
T3: {
legislativeBody:["hearing", "bill"],
series:["bookSection", "conferencePaper", "journalArticle"],
//NOT HANDLED: reviewedAuthor, scriptwriter, contributor, guest
AU: {
"creators/director":["film", "radioBroadcast", "tvBroadcast", "videoRecording"], //this clashes with audioRecording
A2: {
"creators/editor":["journalArticle", "bookSection", "conferencePaper", "dictionaryEntry", "document", "encyclopediaArticle"],
"creators/seriesEditor":["book", "report"],
"creators/recipient":["email", "instantMessage", "letter"],
A3: {
"creators/producer":["film", "tvBroadcast", "videoRecording", "radioBroadcast"],
"creators/seriesEditor":["bookSection", "conferencePaper", "dictionaryEntry", "encyclopediaArticle", "map"]
A4: {
"creators/contributor":["conferencePaper", "film"] //translator does not fit these
C1: {
filingDate:["patent"], //not in spec
"creators/castMember":["radioBroadcast", "tvBroadcast", "videoRecording"],
C2: {
issueDate:["patent"], //not in spec
C3: {
C4: {
"creators/wordsBy":["audioRecording"], //not in spec
C5: {
audioRecordingFormat:["audioRecording", "radioBroadcast"],
videoRecordingFormat:["film", "tvBroadcast", "videoRecording"]
C6: {
CY: {
"__exclude":["conferencePaper"] //should be exported as C1
DA: { //also see PY when editing
ET: {
// "__ignore":["journalArticle"], //EPubDate
session:["bill", "hearing", "statute"],
IS: {
numberOfVolumes: ["bookSection"]
LA: {
programmingLanguage: ["computerProgram"]
M1: {
episodeNumber:["podcast", "radioBroadcast", "tvBroadcast"]
M3: {
websiteType:["blogPost", "webpage"],
NV: {
"__default": "numberOfVolumes",
"__exclude": ["bookSection"] //IS
OP: {
history:["hearing", "statute", "bill", "case"],
PB: {
network:["radioBroadcast", "tvBroadcast"]
PY: { //duplicate of DA, but this will only output year
SE: {
"__default": "section", //though this can refer to pages, start page, etc. for some types. Zotero does not support any of those combinations, however.
"__exclude": ["case"]
SN: {
ISSN:["journalArticle", "magazineArticle", "newspaperArticle"],
SP: {
"__default":"pages", //needs extra processing
codePages:["bill"], //bill
numPages:["book", "thesis", "manuscript"], //manuscript not really in spec
SV: {
seriesNumber: ["bookSection"],
docketNumber: ["case"] //not in spec. EndNote exports this way
VL: {
"__exclude":["patent", "webpage"]
//non-standard or degenerate field maps
//used ONLY for importing and only if these fields are not specified above (e.g. M3)
//these are not exported the same way
var degenerateImportFieldMap = {
A1: fieldMap["AU"],
AD: {
"__default": "unsupported/Author Address",
"unsupported/Inventor Address": ["patent"]
AV: "archiveLocation", //REFMAN
BT: {
title: ["book", "manuscript"],
bookTitle: ["bookSection"],
"__default": "backupPublicationTitle" //we do more filtering on this later
CA: "unsupported/Caption",
CR: "rights",
CT: "title",
CY: "place", // ProCite and Springer are using CY instead of C1 also for conferencePapers
ED: "creators/editor",
EP: "pages",
H1: "unsupported/Library Catalog", //Citavi specific (possibly multiple occurences)
H2: "unsupported/Call Number", //Citavi specific (possibly multiple occurences)
ID: "__ignore",
JA: "journalAbbreviation",
JF: "publicationTitle",
JO: {
"__default": "journalAbbreviation",
conferenceName: ["conferencePaper"]
LB: "unsupported/Label",
M1: {
issue: ["journalArticle"], //EndNote hack
numberOfVolumes: ["bookSection"], //EndNote exports here instead of IS
accessDate: ["webpage"] //this is access date when coming from EndNote
M2: "extra", //not in spec
M3: "DOI",
N2: "abstractNote",
NV: "numberOfVolumes",
OP: {
"__default": "unsupported/Original Publication",
"unsupported/Content": ["blogPost", "computerProgram", "film", "presentation", "report", "videoRecording", "webpage"]
RI: {
"__default":"unsupported/Reviewed Item",
"unsupported/Article Number": ["statute"]
RN: "notes",
SE: {
"unsupported/File Date": ["case"]
T1: fieldMap["TI"],
T2: "backupPublicationTitle", //most item types should be covered above
T3: {
series: ["book"]
TA: "unsupported/Translated Author",
TT: "unsupported/Translated Title",
VL: {
"unsupported/Patent Version Number":['patent'],
accessDate: ["webpage"] //technically access year according to EndNote
Y1: fieldMap["DA"] // Old RIS spec
* @class Generic tag mapping with caching
* @param {Tag <-> zotero field map []} mapList An array of field map lists as
* described above. Lists are matched in order they are supplied. If a tag is
* not present in the list, the next list is checked. If the RIS tag is
* present, but an item type does not match (no __default) or is explicit
* excluded from matching (__exclude), the next list is checked.
var TagMapper = function(mapList) {
this.cache = {};
this.reverseCache = {};
this.mapList = mapList;
* Given an item type and a RIS tag, return Zotero field data should be mapped to.
* Mappings are cached.
* @param {String} itemType Zotero item type
* @param {String} tag RIS tag
* @return {String} Zotero field
TagMapper.prototype.getField = function(itemType, tag) {
if (!this.cache[itemType]) this.cache[itemType] = {};
//retrieve from cache if available
//it can be false if previous search did not find a mapping
if (this.cache[itemType][tag] !== undefined) {
return this.cache[itemType][tag];
var field = false;
for (var i=0, n=this.mapList.length; i '
+ value.replace(/\n\n/g, ' ')
.replace(/\n/g, '
.replace(/\t/g, ' ')
.replace(/ /g, ' ')
+ '
" + note;
item.notes.push({note: note.trim(), tags: ['_RIS import']});
item.unsupportedFields = undefined;
item.unknownFields = undefined;
return item.complete();
//creates a new item of specified type
function getNewItem(type) {
var item = new Zotero.Item(type);
item.unknownFields = [];
item.unsupportedFields = [];
return item;
function doImport() {
if (typeof Promise == 'undefined') {
function () {},
function (e) {
throw e;
else {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
startImport(resolve, reject);
function startImport(resolve, reject) {
try {
//set up import field mapper
var maps = [fieldMap, degenerateImportFieldMap];
if (exportedOptions.fieldMap) maps.unshift(exportedOptions.fieldMap);
importFields = new TagMapper(maps);
//prepare some configurable options
if (Zotero.getHiddenPref) {
var pref = Zotero.getHiddenPref("RIS.import.ignoreUnknown");
if (pref != undefined) {
ignoreUnknown = pref;
var pref = Zotero.getHiddenPref("RIS.import.keepID");
if (pref === true) {
degenerateImportFieldMap.ID = pref;
importNext(resolve, reject);
catch (e) {
function importNext(resolve, reject) {
try {
var entry;
while (entry = RISReader.nextEntry()) {
//determine item type
var itemType = exportedOptions.itemType;
if (!itemType && entry.tags.TY) {
var risType = entry.tags.TY[0].value.trim().toUpperCase();
if (exportedOptions.typeMap) {
itemType = exportedOptions.typeMap[risType];
if (!itemType) {
itemType = importTypeMap[risType];
//we allow entries without TY and just use default type
if (!itemType) {
var defaultType = exportedOptions.defaultItemType || DEFAULT_IMPORT_TYPE;
if (entry.tags.TY) {
Z.debug("RIS: Unknown item type: " + entry.tags.TY[0].value
+ ". Defaulting to " + defaultType);
} else {
Z.debug("RIS: TY tag not specified. Defaulting to " + defaultType);
itemType = defaultType;
var item = getNewItem(itemType);
ProCiteCleaner.cleanTags(entry, item); //clean up ProCite "tags"
EndNoteCleaner.cleanTags(entry, item); //some tweaks to EndNote export
CitaviCleaner.cleanTags(entry, item);
for (var i=0, n=entry.length; i
" } ], "seeAlso": [] }, { "itemType": "document", "title": "Title", "creators": [ { "lastName": "Editor", "creatorType": "editor", "fieldMode": 1 }, { "lastName": "Translator", "creatorType": "translator", "fieldMode": 1 }, { "lastName": "Name1", "firstName": "Author", "creatorType": "author" }, { "lastName": "Name2", "firstName": "Author", "creatorType": "author" } ], "date": "0000 Year Date", "abstractNote": "Abstract", "archive": "Name of Database", "archiveLocation": "Accession Number", "callNumber": "Call Number", "extra": "Text Number", "language": "Language", "libraryCatalog": "Database Provider", "publisher": "Publisher", "shortTitle": "Short Title", "url": "URL", "attachments": [], "tags": [ "Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3", "Keyword4", "Keyword5" ], "notes": [ { "note": "Notes
" }, { "note": "ResearchNotes
" } ], "seeAlso": [] }, { "itemType": "artwork", "title": "Title", "creators": [ { "lastName": "Artist", "creatorType": "artist", "fieldMode": 1 } ], "date": "0000 Year Date", "abstractNote": "Abstract", "archive": "Name of Database", "archiveLocation": "Accession Number", "artworkMedium": "Type of Work", "artworkSize": "Size/Length", "callNumber": "Call Number", "extra": "Size", "language": "Language", "libraryCatalog": "Database Provider", "shortTitle": "Short Title", "url": "URL", "attachments": [], "tags": [ "Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3", "Keyword4", "Keyword5" ], "notes": [ { "note": "Notes
" }, { "note": "Research Notes
" } ], "seeAlso": [] }, { "itemType": "film", "title": "Title", "creators": [ { "lastName": "Editor", "firstName": "Series", "creatorType": "producer" }, { "lastName": "Name1", "firstName": "Author", "creatorType": "director" }, { "lastName": "Name2", "firstName": "Author", "creatorType": "director" } ], "date": "0000 Year Date", "abstractNote": "Abstract", "archive": "Name of Database", "archiveLocation": "Accession Number", "callNumber": "Call Number", "distributor": "Publisher", "extra": "Number", "language": "Language", "libraryCatalog": "Database Provider", "shortTitle": "Short Title", "url": "URL", "videoRecordingFormat": "Format", "attachments": [], "tags": [ "Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3", "Keyword4", "Keyword5" ], "notes": [ { "note": "Notes
" }, { "note": "Research Notes
" } ], "seeAlso": [] }, { "itemType": "bill", "title": "Title", "creators": [ { "lastName": "Sponsor", "creatorType": "sponsor", "fieldMode": 1 } ], "date": "0000 Year Date", "abstractNote": "Abstract", "billNumber": "Bill Number", "code": "Code", "codePages": "Code Pages", "codeVolume": "Code Volume", "history": "History", "language": "Language", "legislativeBody": "Legislative Body", "section": "Code Section", "session": "Session", "shortTitle": "Short Title", "url": "URL", "attachments": [], "tags": [ "Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3", "Keyword4", "Keyword5" ], "notes": [ { "note": "Notes
" }, { "note": "Research Notes
" } ], "seeAlso": [] }, { "itemType": "blogPost", "title": "Title of Entry", "creators": [ { "lastName": "Name1", "firstName": "Author", "creatorType": "author" }, { "lastName": "Name2", "firstName": "Author", "creatorType": "author" } ], "date": "0000 Year Last", "abstractNote": "Abstract", "blogTitle": "Periodical Title", "language": "Language", "shortTitle": "Short Title", "url": "URL", "websiteType": "Type of Medium", "attachments": [], "tags": [ "Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3", "Keyword4", "Keyword5" ], "notes": [ { "note": "Notes
" }, { "note": "Research Notes
" } ], "seeAlso": [] }, { "itemType": "book", "title": "Title", "creators": [ { "lastName": "Editor", "firstName": "Series", "creatorType": "seriesEditor" }, { "lastName": "Editor", "creatorType": "editor", "fieldMode": 1 }, { "lastName": "Translator", "creatorType": "translator", "fieldMode": 1 }, { "lastName": "Name1", "firstName": "Author", "creatorType": "author" }, { "lastName": "Name2", "firstName": "Author", "creatorType": "author" } ], "date": "0000 Year Date", "ISBN": "ISBN", "abstractNote": "Abstract", "archive": "Name of Database", "archiveLocation": "Accession Number", "callNumber": "Call Number", "edition": "Edition", "language": "Language", "libraryCatalog": "Database Provider", "numPages": "Number of Pages", "numberOfVolumes": "Number of Volumes", "place": "Place Published", "publisher": "Publisher", "series": "Series Title", "seriesNumber": "Series Volume", "shortTitle": "Short Title", "url": "URL", "volume": "Volume", "attachments": [], "tags": [ "Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3", "Keyword4", "Keyword5" ], "notes": [ { "note": "Notes
" }, { "note": "Research Notes
" } ], "seeAlso": [] }, { "itemType": "bookSection", "title": "Title", "creators": [ { "lastName": "Editor", "creatorType": "editor", "fieldMode": 1 }, { "lastName": "Editor", "firstName": "Series", "creatorType": "seriesEditor" }, { "lastName": "Translator", "creatorType": "translator", "fieldMode": 1 }, { "lastName": "Name1", "firstName": "Author", "creatorType": "author" }, { "lastName": "Name2", "firstName": "Author", "creatorType": "author" } ], "date": "0000 Year", "ISBN": "ISBN", "abstractNote": "Abstract", "archive": "Name of Database", "archiveLocation": "Accession Number", "bookTitle": "Abbreviation", "callNumber": "Call Number", "edition": "Edition", "language": "Language", "libraryCatalog": "Database Provider", "numberOfVolumes": "Number of Volumes", "pages": "Pages", "place": "Place Published", "publisher": "Publisher", "series": "Series Title", "seriesNumber": "Series Volume", "shortTitle": "Short Title", "url": "URL", "volume": "Volume", "attachments": [], "tags": [ "Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3", "Keyword4", "Keyword5" ], "notes": [ { "note": "Notes
" }, { "note": "Research Notes
" } ], "seeAlso": [] }, { "itemType": "case", "caseName": "Abbreviated Case Name", "creators": [ { "lastName": "Counsel", "creatorType": "counsel", "fieldMode": 1 } ], "dateDecided": "0000 Year Date", "abstractNote": "Abstract", "court": "Court", "docketNumber": "Docket Number", "firstPage": "First Page", "history": "History", "language": "Language", "reporter": "Reporter", "reporterVolume": "Reporter Volume", "shortTitle": "Abbreviated Case Name", "url": "URL", "attachments": [], "tags": [ "Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3", "Keyword4", "Keyword5" ], "notes": [ { "note": "Notes
" }, { "note": "ResearchNotes
" } ], "seeAlso": [] }, { "itemType": "magazineArticle", "title": "Title", "creators": [ { "lastName": "Translator", "creatorType": "translator", "fieldMode": 1 }, { "lastName": "Name1", "firstName": "Author", "creatorType": "author" }, { "lastName": "Name2", "firstName": "Author", "creatorType": "author" } ], "date": "0000 Year Date", "ISSN": "ISBN", "abstractNote": "Abstract", "archive": "Name of Database", "archiveLocation": "Accession Number", "callNumber": "Call Number", "extra": "Series Volume", "language": "Language", "libraryCatalog": "Database Provider", "pages": "Pages", "publicationTitle": "Series Title", "shortTitle": "Short Title", "url": "URL", "volume": "Volume", "attachments": [], "tags": [ "Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3", "Keyword4", "Keyword5" ], "notes": [ { "note": "Notes
" }, { "note": "Research Notes
" } ], "seeAlso": [] }, { "itemType": "artwork", "title": "Title", "creators": [ { "lastName": "By", "firstName": "Created", "creatorType": "artist" } ], "date": "0000 Year Date", "abstractNote": "Abstract", "archive": "Name of Database", "archiveLocation": "Accession Number", "artworkMedium": "Type of Image", "callNumber": "Call Number", "extra": "Number", "language": "Language", "libraryCatalog": "Database Provider", "url": "URL", "attachments": [], "tags": [ "Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3", "Keyword4", "Keyword5" ], "notes": [ { "note": "Notes
" }, { "note": "Research Notes
" } ], "seeAlso": [] }, { "itemType": "book", "title": "Title", "creators": [ { "lastName": "Editor", "firstName": "Series", "creatorType": "seriesEditor" }, { "lastName": "Translator", "creatorType": "translator", "fieldMode": 1 }, { "lastName": "Attribution", "creatorType": "author", "fieldMode": 1 } ], "date": "0000 Year", "ISBN": "ISSN/ISBN", "abstractNote": "Abstract", "archive": "Name of Database", "archiveLocation": "Accession Number", "callNumber": "Call Number", "edition": "Edition", "language": "Language", "libraryCatalog": "Database Provider", "numPages": "Number of Pages", "numberOfVolumes": "Number of Volumes", "place": "Place Published", "publisher": "Publisher", "series": "Series Title", "seriesNumber": "Series Volume", "shortTitle": "Short Title", "url": "URL", "volume": "Volume", "attachments": [], "tags": [ "Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3", "Keyword4", "Keyword5" ], "notes": [ { "note": "Notes
" }, { "note": "Research Notes
" } ], "seeAlso": [] }, { "itemType": "computerProgram", "title": "Title", "creators": [ { "lastName": "Programmer", "creatorType": "programmer", "fieldMode": 1 } ], "date": "0000 Year", "ISBN": "ISBN", "abstractNote": "Abstract", "archive": "Name of Database", "archiveLocation": "Accession Number", "callNumber": "Call Number", "company": "Publisher", "libraryCatalog": "Database Provider", "place": "Place Published", "programmingLanguage": "Language", "seriesTitle": "Series Title", "shortTitle": "Short Title", "url": "URL", "version": "Version", "attachments": [], "tags": [ "Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3", "Keyword4", "Keyword5" ], "notes": [ { "note": "Notes
" }, { "note": "Research Notes
" } ], "seeAlso": [] }, { "itemType": "conferencePaper", "title": "Title", "creators": [ { "lastName": "Editor", "creatorType": "editor", "fieldMode": 1 }, { "lastName": "Name1", "firstName": "Author", "creatorType": "author" }, { "lastName": "Name2", "firstName": "Author", "creatorType": "author" } ], "date": "0000 Year Date", "abstractNote": "Abstract", "archive": "Name of Database", "archiveLocation": "Accession Number", "conferenceName": "Conference Name", "extra": "Issue", "language": "Language", "libraryCatalog": "Database Provider", "pages": "Pages", "place": "Place Published", "publisher": "Publisher", "url": "URL", "volume": "Volume", "attachments": [], "tags": [ "Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3", "Keyword4", "Keyword5" ], "notes": [ { "note": "Notes
" }, { "note": "Research Notes
" } ], "seeAlso": [] }, { "itemType": "conferencePaper", "title": "Title", "creators": [ { "lastName": "Editor", "creatorType": "editor", "fieldMode": 1 }, { "lastName": "Editor", "firstName": "Series", "creatorType": "seriesEditor" }, { "lastName": "Sponsor", "creatorType": "contributor", "fieldMode": 1 }, { "lastName": "Name1", "firstName": "Author", "creatorType": "author" }, { "lastName": "Name2", "firstName": "Author", "creatorType": "author" } ], "date": "0000 Year Date", "ISBN": "ISBN", "abstractNote": "Abstract", "archive": "Name of Database", "archiveLocation": "Accession Number", "callNumber": "Call Number", "conferenceName": "Conference Name", "extra": "Issue", "language": "Language", "libraryCatalog": "Database Provider", "pages": "Pages", "place": "Place Published", "proceedingsTitle": "Proceedings Title", "publisher": "Publisher", "series": "Series Title", "shortTitle": "Short Title", "url": "URL", "volume": "Volume", "attachments": [], "tags": [ "Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3", "Keyword4", "Keyword5" ], "notes": [ { "note": "Notes
" }, { "note": "Research Notes
" } ], "seeAlso": [] }, { "itemType": "document", "title": "Title", "creators": [ { "lastName": "Producer", "creatorType": "editor", "fieldMode": 1 }, { "lastName": "Agency", "firstName": "Funding", "creatorType": "translator" }, { "lastName": "Investigators", "creatorType": "author", "fieldMode": 1 } ], "date": "0000 Year Date", "abstractNote": "Abstract", "archive": "Name of Database", "archiveLocation": "Accession Number", "callNumber": "Call Number", "language": "Language", "libraryCatalog": "Database Provider", "publisher": "Distributor", "shortTitle": "Short Title", "url": "URL", "attachments": [], "tags": [ "Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3", "Keyword4", "Keyword5" ], "notes": [ { "note": "Notes
" }, { "note": "Research Notes
" } ], "seeAlso": [] }, { "itemType": "dictionaryEntry", "title": "Title", "creators": [ { "lastName": "Editor", "creatorType": "editor", "fieldMode": 1 }, { "lastName": "Translator", "creatorType": "translator", "fieldMode": 1 }, { "lastName": "Name1", "firstName": "Author", "creatorType": "author" }, { "lastName": "Name2", "firstName": "Author", "creatorType": "author" } ], "date": "0000 Year", "ISBN": "ISBN", "abstractNote": "Abstract", "archive": "Name of Database", "archiveLocation": "Accession Number", "callNumber": "Call Number", "dictionaryTitle": "Abbreviation", "edition": "Edition", "extra": "Number", "language": "Language", "libraryCatalog": "Database Provider", "numberOfVolumes": "Number of Volumes", "pages": "Pages", "place": "Place Published", "publisher": "Publisher", "shortTitle": "Short Title", "url": "URL", "volume": "Volume", "attachments": [], "tags": [ "Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3", "Keyword4", "Keyword5" ], "notes": [ { "note": "Notes
" }, { "note": "Research Notes
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" } ], "seeAlso": [] } ] }, { "type": "import", "input": "TY - JOUR\nAB - Optimal integration of next-generation sequencing into mainstream research requires re-evaluation of how problems can be reasonably overcome and what questions can be asked. .... The random sequencing-based approach to identify microsatellites was rapid, cost-effective and identified thousands of useful microsatellite loci in a previously unstudied species.\nAD - Consortium for Comparative Genomics, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, CO 80045, USA; Department of Biology, University of Central Florida, 4000 Central Florida Blvd., Orlando, FL 32816, USA; Department of Biology & Amphibian and Reptile Diversity Research Center, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019, USA\nAU - CASTOE, TODD A.\nAU - POOLE, ALEXANDER W.\nAU - GU, WANJUN\nAU - KONING, A. P. JASON de\nAU - DAZA, JUAN M.\nAU - SMITH, ERIC N.\nAU - POLLOCK, DAVID D.\nL1 - internal-pdf://2009 Castoe Mol Eco Resources-1114744832/2009 Castoe Mol Eco Resources.pdf\ninternal-pdf://sm001-1634838528/sm001.pdf\ninternal-pdf://sm002-2305927424/sm002.txt\ninternal-pdf://sm003-2624695040/sm003.xls\nM1 - 9999\nN1 - 10.1111/j.1755-0998.2009.02750.x\nPY - 2009\nSN - 1755-0998\nST - Rapid identification of thousands of copperhead snake (Agkistrodon contortrix) microsatellite loci from modest amounts of 454 shotgun genome sequence\nT2 - Molecular Ecology Resources\nTI - Rapid identification of thousands of copperhead snake (Agkistrodon contortrix) microsatellite loci from modest amounts of 454 shotgun genome sequence\nUR - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1755-0998.2009.02750.x\nVL - 9999\nID - 3\nER -", "items": [ { "itemType": "journalArticle", "title": "Rapid identification of thousands of copperhead snake (Agkistrodon contortrix) microsatellite loci from modest amounts of 454 shotgun genome sequence", "creators": [ { "lastName": "CASTOE", "firstName": "TODD A.", "creatorType": "author" }, { "lastName": "POOLE", "firstName": "ALEXANDER W.", "creatorType": "author" }, { "lastName": "GU", "firstName": "WANJUN", "creatorType": "author" }, { "lastName": "KONING", "firstName": "A. P. JASON de", "creatorType": "author" }, { "lastName": "DAZA", "firstName": "JUAN M.", "creatorType": "author" }, { "lastName": "SMITH", "firstName": "ERIC N.", "creatorType": "author" }, { "lastName": "POLLOCK", "firstName": "DAVID D.", "creatorType": "author" } ], "date": "2009", "ISSN": "1755-0998", "abstractNote": "Optimal integration of next-generation sequencing into mainstream research requires re-evaluation of how problems can be reasonably overcome and what questions can be asked. .... The random sequencing-based approach to identify microsatellites was rapid, cost-effective and identified thousands of useful microsatellite loci in a previously unstudied species.", "issue": "9999", "publicationTitle": "Molecular Ecology Resources", "shortTitle": "Rapid identification of thousands of copperhead snake (Agkistrodon contortrix) microsatellite loci from modest amounts of 454 shotgun genome sequence", "url": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1755-0998.2009.02750.x", "volume": "9999", "attachments": [ { "title": "2009 Castoe Mol Eco Resources", "path": "PDF/2009 Castoe Mol Eco Resources-1114744832/2009 Castoe Mol Eco Resources.pdf" }, { "title": "sm001", "path": "PDF/sm001-1634838528/sm001.pdf" }, { "title": "sm002", "path": "PDF/sm002-2305927424/sm002.txt" }, { "title": "sm003", "path": "PDF/sm003-2624695040/sm003.xls" } ], "tags": [], "notes": [ { "note": "10.1111/j.1755-0998.2009.02750.x
" } ], "seeAlso": [] } ] }, { "type": "import", "input": "TY - BILL\nN1 - Record ID: 10\nA1 - Author Name, Author2 Name2\nTI - Act Name\nRP - Reprint Status, Date\nCY - Code\nPY - Date of Code\nY2 - Date\nVL - Bill/Res Number\nSP - Section(s)\nN1 - Histroy: History\nAV - Address/Availability\nUR - Location/URL\nN1 - Notes: Notes\nN2 - Abstract\nN1 - Call Number: Call Number\nKW - Keywords1, Keywords2, Keywords3\nKW - Keywords4\nER - \n\nTY - ART\nN1 - Record ID: 20\nA1 - Author Name, Author2 Name2\nN1 - Artist Role: Artist Role\nT1 - Title/Subject\nM1 - Medium\nN1 - Connective Phrase: Connective Phrase\nN1 - Author, Monographic: Monographic Author\nN1 - Author Role: Author Role\nN1 - Title Monographic: Monographic Title\nRP - Reprint Status, Date\nVL - Edition\nCY - Place of Publication\nPB - Publisher Name\nY1 - Date of Publication\nN1 - Location in Work: Location in Work\nN1 - Size: Size\nN1 - Series Title: Series Title\nN1 - Connective Phrase: Connective Phrase\nAV - Address/Availability\nUR - Location/URL\nN1 - Notes: Notes\nN2 - Abstract\nN1 - Call Number: Call Number\nKW - Keywords1, Keywords2, Keywords3\nKW - Keywords4\nER - \n\n\nTY - ADVS\nN1 - Record ID: 30\nA1 - Author Name, Author2 Name2\nN1 - Author Role: Author Role\nT1 - Analytic Title\nM3 - Medium Designator\nN1 - Connective Phrase: Connective Phrase\nN1 - Author, Monographic: Monographic Author\nN1 - Author Role: Monographic Author Role\nN1 - Title Monographic: Monographic Title\nRP - Reprint Status, Date\nVL - Edition\nN1 - Author, Subsidiary: Subsidiary Author\nN1 - Author Role: Author Role\nCY - Place of Publication\nPB - Publisher Name\nPY - Date of Publication\nIS - Volume ID\nN1 - Location in Work: Location in Work\nN1 - Extent of Work: Extent of Work\nN1 - Packaging Method: Packaging Method\nN1 - Size: Size\nN1 - Series Editor: Series Editor\nN1 - Series Editor Role: Series Editor Role\nN1 - Series Title: Series Title\nN1 - Series Volume ID: Series Volume ID\nN1 - Series Issue ID: Series Issue ID\nN1 - Connective Phrase: Connective Phrase\nAV - Address/Availability\nUR - Location/URL\nSN - ISBN\nN1 - Notes: Notes\nN2 - Abstract\nN1 - Call Number: Call Number\nKW - Keywords1, Keywords2, Keywords3\nKW - Keywords4\nER - \n\nTY - CHAP\nN1 - Record ID: 40\nA1 - Author Name, Author2 Name2\nT1 - Analytic Title\nN1 - Medium Designator: Medium Designator\nN1 - Connective Phrase: Connective Phrase\nA2 - Monographic Author\nN1 - Author Role: Author Role\nT2 - Monographic Title\nRP - Reprint Status, Date\nVL - Edition\nCY - Place of Publication\nPB - Publisher Name\nPY - Date of Publication\nN1 - Volume ID: Volume ID\nN1 - Issue ID: Issue ID\nSP - Page(s)\nA3 - Series Editor\nN1 - Series Editor Role: Series Editor Role\nN1 - Series Title: Series Title\nN1 - Series Volume ID: Series Volume Identification\nN1 - Series Issue ID: Series Issue Identification\nN1 - Connective PhraseConnective Phrase\nAV - Address/Availability\nUR - Location/URL\nN1 - Notes: Notes\nN2 - Abstract\nN1 - Call Number: Call Number\nKW - Keywords1, Keywords2, Keywords3\nKW - Keywords4\nER - \n\nTY - CHAP\nN1 - Record ID: 50\nA1 - Author Name, Author2 Name2\nN1 - Author Role: Author Role\nT1 - Analytic Title\nN1 - Medium Designator: Medium Designator\nN1 - Connective Phrase: Connective Phrase\nA2 - Monographic Author\nN1 - Author Role: Author Role\nT2 - Monographic Title\nRP - Reprint Status, Date\nVL - Edition\nN1 - Author, Subsidiary: Subsidiary Author\nN1 - Author Role: Author Role\nCY - Place of Publication\nPB - Publisher Name\nPY - Date of Publication\nN1 - Date of Copyright: Date of Copyright\nN1 - Volume ID: Volume ID\nN1 - Issue ID: Issue ID\nSP - Page(s)\nN1 - Extent of Work: Extent of Work\nN1 - Packaging Method: Packaging Method\nA3 - Series Editor\nN1 - Series Editor Role: Series Editor Role\nT3 - Series Title\nN1 - Series Volume ID: Series Volume ID\nAV - Address/Availability\nUR - Location/URL\nSN - ISBN\nN1 - Notes: Notes\nN2 - Abstract\nN1 - Call Number: Call Number\nKW - Keywords1, Keywords2, Keywords3\nKW - Keywords4\nER - \n\nTY - ABST\nN1 - Record ID: 180\nA1 - Author Name, Author2 Name2\nT1 - Title\nJF - Journal Title\nRP - Reprint Status, Date\nY1 - Date of Publication\nVL - Volume ID\nIS - Issue ID\nSP - Page(s)\nAD - Address/Availability\nUR - Location/URL\nN1 - Notes: Notes\nN2 - Abstract\nN1 - Call Number: Call Number\nKW - Keywords1, Keywords2, Keywords3\nKW - Keywords4\nER - \n\nTY - BOOK\nN1 - Record ID: 190\nA1 - Monographic Author\nT1 - Monographic Title\nRP - Reprint Status, Date\nCY - Place of Publication\nPB - Publisher Name\nPY - Date of Publication\nAV - Address/Availability\nUR - Location/URL\nSN - ISBN\nN1 - Notes: Notes\nN2 - Abstract\nN1 - Call Number: Call Number\nKW - Keywords1, Keywords2, Keywords3\nKW - Keywords4\nER - \n\nTY - BOOK\nN1 - Record ID: 200\nA1 - Monographic Author\nN1 - Author Role: Author Role\nT1 - Monographic Title\nN1 - Translated Title: Translated Title\nRP - Reprint Status, Date\nVL - Edition\nN1 - Author, Subsidiary: Subsidiary Author\nN1 - Author Role: Author Role\nCY - Place of Publication\nPB - Publisher Name\nPY - Date of Publication\nN1 - Original Pub Date: Original Pub Date\nIS - Volume ID\nN1 - Extent of Work: Extent of Work\nN1 - Packaging Method: Packaging Method\nA3 - Series Editor\nN1 - Series Editor Role: Series Editor Role\nT3 - Series Title\nN1 - Series Volume ID: Series Volume ID\nAV - Address/Availability\nUR - Location/URL\nSN - ISBN\nN1 - Notes: Notes\nN2 - Abstract\nN1 - Call Number: Call Number\nKW - Keywords1, Keywords2, Keywords3\nKW - Keywords4\nER - \n\nTY - CASE\nN1 - Record Number: 210\nA1 - Counsel\nT1 - Case Name\nT2 - Case Name (Abbrev)\nRP - Reprint Status, Date\nCY - Reporter\nPB - Court\nPY - Date Field\nY2 - Date Decided\nN1 - First Page: First Page\nVL - Reporter Number\nSP - Page(s)\nT3 - History\nAV - Address/Availability\nUR - Location/URL\nN1 - Notes: Notes\nN2 - Abstract\nN1 - Call Number: Call Number\nKW - Keywords1, Keywords2, Keywords3\nKW - Keywords4\nER - \n\nTY - COMP\nN1 - Record Number: 220\nT1 - Program Title\nN1 - Computer Program: Computer Program\nN1 - Connective Phrase: Connective Phrase\nA1 - Author/Programmer\nN1 - Author Role: Author Role\nN1 - Title: Title\nRP - Reprint Status, Date\nIS - Version\nCY - Place of Publication\nPB - Publisher Name\nPY - Date of Publication\nN1 - Date of Copyright: Date of Copyright\nN1 - Report Identification: Report ID\nN1 - Extent of Work: Extent of Work\nN1 - Packaging Method: Packaging Method\nN1 - Connective Phrase: Connective Phrase\nAV - Address/Availability\nUR - Location/URL\nSN - ISBN\nN1 - Notes: Notes\nN2 - Abstract\nN1 - Call Number: Call Number\nKW - Keywords1, Keywords2, Keywords3\nKW - Keywords4\nER - \n\nTY - CONF\nN1 - Record Number: 230\nA1 - Author Name, Author2 Name2\nN1 - Author Role: Author Role\nN1 - Author Affiliation, Ana.: Author Affiliation\nT1 - Paper/Section Title\nN1 - Medium Designator: Medium Designator\nN1 - Connective Phrase: Connective Phrase\nA2 - Editor/Compiler\nN1 - Editor/Compiler Role: Editor/Compiler Role\nN1 - Proceedings Title: Proceedings Title\nY2 - Date of Meeting\nN1 - 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Edition\nPB - Publisher Name\nPY - Last Update\nY2 - Access Date\nN1 - Volume ID: Volume ID\nSP - Page(s)\nAV - Address/Availability\nUR - Location/URL\nN1 - Notes: Notes\nN2 - Abstract\nN1 - Call Number: Call Number\nKW - Keywords1, Keywords2, Keywords3\nKW - Keywords4\nER - \n\nTY - ICOMM\nN1 - Record Number: 270\nA1 - Author Name, Author2 Name2\nN1 - Author E-mail: Author E-mail\nN1 - Author Affiliation: Author Affiliation\nT1 - Subject\nA2 - Recipient\nN1 - Recipient E-mail: Recipient E-mail\nRP - Reprint Status, Date\nPY - Date of Message\nAV - Address/Availability\nUR - Location/URL\nN1 - Notes: Notes\nN2 - Abstract\nN1 - Call Number: Call Number\nKW - Keywords1, Keywords2, Keywords3\nKW - Keywords4\nER - \n\nTY - GEN\nN1 - Record Number: 280\nA1 - Author Name, Author2 Name2\nT1 - Analytic Title\nA2 - Monographic Author\nT2 - Monographic Title\nJO - Journal Title\nRP - Reprint Status, Date\nCY - Place of Publication\nPB - Publisher Name\nPY - Date of Publication\nY2 - Date of Copyright\nVL - Volume ID\nIS - Issue ID\nSP - Location in Work\nA3 - Series Editor\nT3 - Series Title\nAV - Address/Availability\nUR - Location/URL\nSN - ISSN\nN1 - Notes: Notes\nN2 - Abstract\nN1 - Call Number: Call Number\nKW - Keywords1, Keywords2, Keywords3\nKW - Keywords4\nER - \n\nTY - HEAR\nN1 - Record Number: 290\nA1 - Author Name, Author2 Name2\nN1 - Author Role: Author Role\nN1 - Author Affiliation: Author Affiliation\nT1 - Title\nN1 - Medium Designator: Medium Designator\nRP - Reprint Status, Date\nCY - Committee\nPB - Subcommittee\nPY - Hearing Date\nY2 - Date\nVL - Bill Number\nN1 - Issue ID: Issue ID\nN1 - Location in Work: Location/URL\nAV - Address/Availability\nUR - Location/URL\nN1 - Notes: Notes\nN2 - Abstract\nN1 - Call Number: Call Number\nKW - Keywords1, Keywords2, Keywords3\nKW - Keywords4\nER - \n\nTY - MGZN\nN1 - Record Number: 300\nA1 - Author Name, Author2 Name2\nT1 - Article Title\nJO - Magazine Title\nCY - Place of Publication\nPB - Publisher Name\nPY - Date of Publication\nN1 - Copyright Date: Date of Copyright\nVL - Volume ID\nIS - Issue ID\nSP - Page(s)\nAV - Address/Availability\nUR - Location/URL\nN1 - Notes: Notes\nN2 - Abstract\nN1 - Call Number: Call Number\nKW - Keywords1, Keywords2, Keywords3\nKW - Keywords4\nER - \n\nTY - INPR\nN1 - Record Number: 310\nA1 - Author Name, Author2 Name2\nT1 - Title\nJO - Journal Title\nRP - Reprint Status, Date\nPY - Date of Publication\nN1 - Volume ID: Volume ID\nN1 - Page(s): Page(s)\nAV - Address/Availability\nUR - Location/URL\nN1 - Notes: Notes\nN2 - Abstract\nN1 - Call Number: Call Number\nKW - Keywords1, Keywords2, Keywords3\nKW - Keywords4\nER - \n\nTY - JOUR\nN1 - Record Number: 320\nA1 - Author Name, Author2 Name2\nT1 - Article Title\nN1 - Medium Designator: Medium Designator\nN1 - Connective Phrase: Connective Phrase\nJF - Journal Title\nN1 - Translated Title: Translated Title\nRP - Reprint Status, Date\nPY - Date of Publication\nVL - Volume ID\nIS - Issue ID\nSP - Page(s)\nN1 - Language: Language\nN1 - Connective Phrase: Connective Phrase\nAV - 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Date of Publication\nAV - Address/Availability\nUR - Location/URL\nSN - ISBN\nN1 - Notes: Notes\nN2 - Abstract\nN1 - Call Number: Call Number\nKW - Keywords1, Keywords2, Keywords3\nKW - Keywords4\nER - \n\nTY - MUSIC\nN1 - Record Number: 400\nA1 - Composer\nN1 - Composer Role: Composer Role\nT1 - Analytic Title\nN1 - Medium Designator: Medium Designator\nN1 - Connective Phrase: Connective Phrase\nA2 - Editor/Compiler\nN1 - Editor/Compiler Role: Editor/Compiler Role\nN1 - Title, Monographic: Monographic Title\nRP - Reprint Status, Date\nN1 - Medium Designator: Medium Designator\nVL - Edition\nN1 - Author, Subsidiary: Subsidiary Author\nN1 - Author Role: Author Role\nCY - Place of Publication\nPB - Publisher Name\nPY - Date of Publication\nN1 - Copyright Date: Copyright Date\nIS - Volume ID\nN1 - Report Identification: Report ID\nN1 - Plate Number: Plate Number\nN1 - Location in Work: Location in Work\nN1 - Extent of Work: Extent of Work\nN1 - Packaging Method: Packaging Method\nA3 - Series Editor\nN1 - 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" } ], "seeAlso": [] }, { "itemType": "book", "title": "Monographic Title", "creators": [ { "lastName": "Monographic Author", "creatorType": "author", "fieldMode": 1 } ], "date": "0000 Date", "ISBN": "ISBN", "abstractNote": "Abstract", "archiveLocation": "Address/Availability", "callNumber": "Call Number", "place": "Place of Publication", "publisher": "Publisher Name", "url": "Location/URL", "attachments": [], "tags": [ "Keywords1, Keywords2, Keywords3", "Keywords4" ], "notes": [ { "note": "Notes
" } ], "seeAlso": [] }, { "itemType": "book", "title": "Monographic Title", "creators": [ { "lastName": "Monographic Author", "creatorType": "author", "fieldMode": 1 }, { "lastName": "Author", "firstName": "Subsidiary", "creatorType": "seriesEditor" }, { "lastName": "Series Editor", "creatorType": "editor", "fieldMode": 1 } ], "date": "0000 Date", "ISBN": "ISBN", "abstractNote": "Abstract", "archiveLocation": "Address/Availability", "callNumber": "Call Number", "edition": "Edition", "place": "Place of Publication", "publisher": "Publisher Name", "series": "Series Title", "seriesNumber": "Series Volume ID", "url": "Location/URL", "volume": "Volume ID", "attachments": [], "tags": [ "Keywords1, Keywords2, Keywords3", "Keywords4" ], "notes": [ { "note": "Author Role: Author Role
" }, { "note": "Translated Title: Translated Title
" }, { "note": "Author Role: Author Role
" }, { "note": "Original Pub Date: Original Pub Date
" }, { "note": "Extent of Work: Extent of Work
" }, { "note": "Packaging Method: Packaging Method
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" }, { "note": "Connective Phrase: Connective Phrase
" }, { "note": "Author Role: Author Role
" }, { "note": "Title: Title
" }, { "note": "Date of Copyright: Date of Copyright
" }, { "note": "Report Identification: Report ID
" }, { "note": "Extent of Work: Extent of Work
" }, { "note": "Packaging Method: Packaging Method
" }, { "note": "Connective Phrase: Connective Phrase
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" }, { "note": "Author Affiliation, Ana.: Author Affiliation
" }, { "note": "Medium Designator: Medium Designator
" }, { "note": "Connective Phrase: Connective Phrase
" }, { "note": "Editor/Compiler Role: Editor/Compiler Role
" }, { "note": "Place of Meeting: Place of Meeting
" }, { "note": "Date of Copyright: Date of Copyright
" }, { "note": "Extent of Work: Extent of Work
" }, { "note": "Packaging Method: Packaging Method
" }, { "note": "Series Editor Role: Series Editor Role
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" }, { "note": "Notes
" } ], "seeAlso": [] }, { "itemType": "document", "title": "Analytic Title", "creators": [ { "lastName": "Editor/Compiler", "creatorType": "editor", "fieldMode": 1 } ], "date": "0000 Date", "abstractNote": "Abstract", "archiveLocation": "Address/Availability", "callNumber": "Call Number", "publisher": "Publisher Name", "url": "Location/URL", "attachments": [], "tags": [ "Keywords1, Keywords2, Keywords3", "Keywords4" ], "notes": [ { "note": "Medium (Data File): Medium (Data File)
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" } ], "seeAlso": [] }, { "itemType": "thesis", "title": "Analytic Title", "creators": [ { "lastName": "Author Name", "firstName": "Author2 Name2", "creatorType": "author" } ], "date": "0000 Date", "abstractNote": "Abstract", "archiveLocation": "Address/Availability", "callNumber": "Call Number", "numPages": "Extent of Work", "place": "Place of Publication", "university": "University", "url": "Location/URL", "attachments": [], "tags": [ "Keywords1, Keywords2, Keywords3", "Keywords4" ], "notes": [ { "note": "Medium Designator: Medium Designator
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" }, { "note": "Packaging Method: Packaging Method
" }, { "note": "Connective Phrase: Connective Phrase
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" } ], "seeAlso": [] }, { "itemType": "email", "subject": "Subject", "creators": [ { "lastName": "Author Name", "firstName": "Author2 Name2", "creatorType": "author" }, { "lastName": "Recipient", "creatorType": "recipient", "fieldMode": 1 } ], "date": "0000 Date", "abstractNote": "Abstract", "url": "Location/URL", "attachments": [], "tags": [ "Keywords1, Keywords2, Keywords3", "Keywords4" ], "notes": [ { "note": "Author E-mail: Author E-mail
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" }, { "note": "Recipient E-mail: Recipient E-mail
" }, { "note": "Notes
" } ], "seeAlso": [] }, { "itemType": "journalArticle", "title": "Analytic Title", "creators": [ { "lastName": "Author Name", "firstName": "Author2 Name2", "creatorType": "author" }, { "lastName": "Monographic Author", "creatorType": "editor", "fieldMode": 1 } ], "date": "0000 Date", "ISSN": "ISSN", "abstractNote": "Abstract", "archiveLocation": "Address/Availability", "callNumber": "Call Number", "issue": "Issue ID", "journalAbbreviation": "Journal Title", "pages": "Location in Work", "publicationTitle": "Monographic Title", "series": "Series Title", "url": "Location/URL", "volume": "Volume ID", "attachments": [], "tags": [ "Keywords1, Keywords2, Keywords3", "Keywords4" ], "notes": [ { "note": "Notes
" } ], "seeAlso": [] }, { "itemType": "hearing", "title": "Title", "creators": [ { "lastName": "Author Name", "firstName": "Author2 Name2", "creatorType": "author" } ], "date": "0000 Hearing", "abstractNote": "Abstract", "place": "Committee", "publisher": "Subcommittee", "url": "Location/URL", "attachments": [], "tags": [ "Keywords1, Keywords2, Keywords3", "Keywords4" ], "notes": [ { "note": "Author Role: Author Role
" }, { "note": "Author Affiliation: Author Affiliation
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" }, { "note": "Location in Work: Location/URL
" }, { "note": "Notes
" } ], "seeAlso": [] }, { "itemType": "magazineArticle", "title": "Article Title", "creators": [ { "lastName": "Author Name", "firstName": "Author2 Name2", "creatorType": "author" } ], "date": "0000 Date", "abstractNote": "Abstract", "archiveLocation": "Address/Availability", "callNumber": "Call Number", "issue": "Issue ID", "pages": "Page(s)", "publicationTitle": "Magazine Title", "url": "Location/URL", "volume": "Volume ID", "attachments": [], "tags": [ "Keywords1, Keywords2, Keywords3", "Keywords4" ], "notes": [ { "note": "Copyright Date: Date of Copyright
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" } ], "seeAlso": [] }, { "itemType": "manuscript", "title": "Title", "creators": [ { "lastName": "Author Name", "firstName": "Author2 Name2", "creatorType": "author" } ], "date": "0000 Date", "abstractNote": "Abstract", "archiveLocation": "Address/Availability", "callNumber": "Call Number", "url": "Location/URL", "attachments": [], "tags": [ "Keywords1, Keywords2, Keywords3", "Keywords4" ], "notes": [ { "note": "Page(s): Page(s)
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" }, { "note": "Connective Phrase: Connective Phrase
" }, { "note": "Translated Title: Translated Title
" }, { "note": "Connective Phrase: Connective Phrase
" }, { "note": "Notes
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" }, { "note": "Author Affiliation: Author Affiliation
" }, { "note": "Medium Designator: Medium Designator
" }, { "note": "Connective Phrase: Connective Phrase
" }, { "note": "Author Role: Author Role
" }, { "note": "CODEN: CODEN
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" } ], "seeAlso": [] } ] }, { "type": "import", "input": "TY - BOOK\nSN - 9783642002304\nAU - Depenheuer, Otto\nT1 - Eigentumsverfassung und Finanzkrise\nT2 - Bibliothek des Eigentums\nPY - 2009\nCY - Berlin, Heidelberg\nPB - Springer Berlin Heidelberg\nKW - Finanzkrise / Eigentum / Haftung / Ordnungspolitik / Aufsatzsammlung / Online-Publikation\nKW - Constitutional law\nKW - Law\nUR - http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-00230-4\nL1 - doi:10.1007/978-3-642-00230-4\nVL - 7\nAB - In dem Buch befinden sich einzelne Beiträge zu ...\nLA - ger\nH1 - UB Mannheim\nH2 - 300 QN 100 D419\nH1 - UB Leipzig\nH2 - PL 415 D419\nTS - BibTeX\nDO - 10.1007/978-3-642-00230-4\nER -\n\n", "items": [ { "itemType": "book", "title": "Eigentumsverfassung und Finanzkrise", "creators": [ { "lastName": "Depenheuer", "firstName": "Otto", "creatorType": "author" } ], "date": "2009", "ISBN": "9783642002304", "abstractNote": "In dem Buch befinden sich einzelne Beiträge zu ...", "callNumber": "300 QN 100 D419", "extra": "DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-00230-4", "language": "ger", "libraryCatalog": "UB Mannheim", "place": "Berlin, Heidelberg", "publisher": "Springer Berlin Heidelberg", "series": "Bibliothek des Eigentums", "url": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-00230-4", "volume": "7", "attachments": [ { "title": "Attachment", "path": "doi:10.1007/978-3-642-00230-4" } ], "tags": [ "Constitutional law", "Finanzkrise / Eigentum / Haftung / Ordnungspolitik / Aufsatzsammlung / Online-Publikation", "Law" ], "notes": [], "seeAlso": [] } ] } ] /** END TEST CASES **/