ThisTest/translators/Summon 2.js

464 lines
12 KiB

"translatorID": "6c61897b-ca44-4ce6-87c1-2da68b44e6f7",
"label": "Summon 2",
"creator": "Caistarrin Mystical and Aurimas Vinckevicius",
"target": "^https?://([^/]+\\.)?summon\\.serialssolutions\\.com/",
"minVersion": "4.0",
"maxVersion": "",
"priority": 150,
"inRepository": true,
"translatorType": 4,
"browserSupport": "gcsib",
"lastUpdated": "2017-06-24 21:11:06"
Summon 2.0 Translator
Copyright (C) 2014 ProQuest LLC
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
function detectWeb(doc, url) {
var results = doc.getElementById('results');
var displayMultiple = false;
if (results) {
var ul = results.firstElementChild.firstElementChild;
if (ul) {
// This is currently broken in Zotero.
// Scrolling down one page ends up triggering Page Modified event
// 111 times and makes the page unusable after a while.
//Zotero.monitorDOMChanges(ul, {childList: true});
// temporary hack to display multiples
displayMultiple = true;
var detailPage = doc.getElementsByClassName('detailPage')[0];
if (detailPage) {
// Changes from visible to not by adding class ng-hide
Zotero.monitorDOMChanges(detailPage, {attributes: true, attributeFiler: ['class']});
if (detailPage.offsetHeight) {
// Visible details page
var id = getIDFromUrl(url);
if (id) return 'book';
if (getSearchResults(doc, true) || displayMultiple) {
return "multiple";
function getIDFromUrl(url) {
var m = url.match(/[&?]id=([^&#]+)/);
return m && m[1];
function getSearchResults(doc, checkOnly) {
var results = doc.getElementById('results');
if (!results) return false;
var titles = results.getElementsByClassName('customPrimaryLinkContainer');
var items = {}, found = false;
var numRollups = 0;
for (var i=0; i<titles.length; i++) {
var isRollup = !!ZU.xpath(titles[i], './ancestor::div[contains(@class, "rollup")]').length;
// That class gets reused a bit
if (!isRollup && titles[i].nodeName.toUpperCase() != 'H1') continue;
var index;
if (isRollup) {
index = 'r' + numRollups;
} else {
index = i - numRollups;
var title = titles[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
if (title) title = ZU.trimInternal(title.textContent);
if (!title) continue;
if (checkOnly) return true;
found = true;
items['_' + index] = title;
return found ? items : false;
function doWeb(doc, url) {
var dbName = ZU.xpath(doc, '//div[contains(@class, "header")]//img[contains(@class, "logo")]/@alt')[0];
if (dbName) dbName = dbName.value;
if (detectWeb(doc, url) == 'multiple') {
Zotero.selectItems(getSearchResults(doc), function(items) {
if (!items) {
return true;
var indexes = []
for (var item in items) {
fetchData(getApiData(doc, url, indexes), dbName)
} else {
var id = getIDFromUrl(url);
var url = '/api/search?fids=' + encodeURIComponent(id);
fetchData({urlSet: [url], indexBlocks: { 1: ['0'] }}, dbName);
function fetchData(apiData, dbName) {
var documents = [];
ZU.doGet(apiData.urlSet, function (text, _, chunkUrl) {
var obj = JSON.parse(text);
var page = chunkUrl.match(/[?&]pn=(\d+)/);
if (page) {
page = page[1];
} else if (/[?&]fids=/.test(chunkUrl)) {
// For single pages
page = 1;
var indexes = apiData.indexBlocks[page];
for (var j = 0; j < indexes.length; j++) {
var i = indexes[j];
if (i.charAt(0) == 'r') {
// Rollup. Drop 'r' for actual index
else {
function () { // All done
// Grab database name for Library Catalog field
getRefData(documents, dbName);
var pageSize = 10; // Number of results to fetch per page
function getApiData(doc, url, indexes) {
url = doc.location.href;
var urlArray = url.split('?');
var apiURL = '/api/search?'
+ urlArray.pop().replace(/(^|&)fvf=([^&#]*)/, function(m, sep, fvf) {
return sep + 'fvf[]=' + fvf.replace(/\||%7c/gi, '&fvf[]=');
+ '&ps=' + pageSize;
// Split up selected indeces into blocks set by pageSize then fetch each block
// independently and concatenate them later
var urlSet = [];
var indexBlocks = {};
for (var i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) {
var page, // Page number for given index (these don't have to end up continuous). 1 based
pageIndex = indexes[i]; // Item index in a given page. 0 based
if (pageIndex.charAt(0) == 'r') {
// All rollups are on first page
page = 1;
} else {
pageIndex *= 1; // convert to integer from string
page = Math.ceil((pageIndex + 1) / pageSize); // +1 because 0 based
pageIndex %= pageSize;
if (!indexBlocks[page]) {
// New set
indexBlocks[page] = [];
urlSet.push(apiURL + "&pn=" + page);
indexBlocks[page].push('' + pageIndex); // make sure it's string so it's easier to check for 'r' later
return {"urlSet": urlSet, "indexBlocks": indexBlocks};
function getRefData(documents, uniName) {
for (var i = 0; i < documents.length; i++) {
var ref = documents[i];
var item = new Zotero.Item(getRefType(ref));
item.creators = getAuthors(ref);
if (item.creators.length && ref.subtitle
&& ref.subtitle.indexOf(item.creators[0].lastName) != -1
) {
item.title = ZU.cleanTags(ref.title);
// Frequently the book's subtitle (and full title) will include the author.
// Clean it up in those cases
var subtitle = ZU.cleanTags(ref.subtitle)
new RegExp(
'(?:\\s*[-–—/:])?\\s*' // Possibly separated by / but account for other characters too
+ '(?:ed(?:itor|\\.)?,?\\s+)?' // Could be an editor. Perhaps others?
+ '(?:' + ZU.quotemeta(item.creators[0].lastName) // Not sure which one could come first
+ (item.creators[0].firstName
? '|' + ZU.quotemeta(item.creators[0].firstName)
: '')
+ ')'
+ '.*', // Toss everything afterwards
'i' // ignore case (mostly for editor part)
if (subtitle) item.title += ': ' + subtitle;
} else {
item.title = ZU.cleanTags(ref.full_title);
item.libraryCatalog = uniName + ", Summon 2.0";
item.ISBN = ref.isbn;
item.publisher = ref.publisher;
item.publicationTitle = ref.publication_title;
item.numPages = ref.page_count;
item.tags = ref.subject_terms;
item.series = ref.publication_series_title;
if (ref.lc_call_numbers) {
item.callNumber = ref.lc_call_numbers[0];
if (ref.volumes) {
item.volume = ref.volumes[0];
if (ref.issues) {
item.issue = ref.issues[0];
if (ref.uris) {
item.url = ref.uris[0];
if (ref.languages) {
item.language = ref.languages[0];
if (ref.copyrights) {
item.rights = ref.copyrights[0];
if (ref.dois) {
item.DOI = ref.dois[0];
if (ref.abstracts && ref.abstracts.length > 0) {
item.abstractNote = ref.abstracts[0].abstract;
if (ref.issns) {
item.ISSN = ref.issns[0];
else if (ref.eissns) {
item.ISSN = ref.eissns[0];
if (ref.publication_places) { = ref.publication_places[0];
else if (ref.dissertation_schools) { = ref.dissertation_schools[0];
item.pages = ref.pages;
if (!item.pages && ref.start_pages) {
item.pages = ref.start_pages[0]
+ (ref.end_pages && ref.end_pages.length > 0
? "-" + ref.end_pages[0]
: ""
} = ref.publication_date;
if (! && ref.publication_years) { = ref.publication_years[ref.publication_years.length - 1];
if (ref.editions && ref.editions.length > 0
&& ref.editions[0] != "1"
&& ref.editions[0].indexOf("1st") != 0
&& ref.editions[0].toLowerCase().indexOf("first") != 0
) {
// we don't care about the first edition
item.edition = ref.editions[0];
function getAuthors(ref) {
var itemAuthors = [];
var types = ['authors','corporate_authors'];
for (var j=0; j<types.length; j++) {
var isCorporate = types[j] != 'authors';
var refAuthors = ref[types[j]];
for (var i = 0; i < refAuthors.length; i++) {
var a = refAuthors[i];
if (a.givenname && a.surname) {
firstName: a.givenname,
lastName: a.surname,
creatorType: "author"
else {
var name = a.fullname || || "";
if (name == ref.publisher) continue;
if (name.length > 0) {
if (isCorporate) {
lastName: name,
creatorType: "author",
fieldMode: 1
else {
itemAuthors.push(ZU.cleanAuthor(name, "author", name.indexOf(',') > -1));
return itemAuthors;
function getRefType(ref) {
switch (ref.content_type) {
case "Audio Recording":
case "Music Recording":
return "audioRecording";
case "Book":
case "eBook":
return "book";
case "Book Chapter":
return "bookSection";
case "Case":
return "case";
case "Conference Proceeding":
return "conferencePaper";
case "Dissertation":
return "thesis";
case "Image":
case "Photograph":
return "artwork";
case "Magazine":
case "Magazine Article":
return "magazineArticle";
case "Manuscript":
return "manuscript";
case "Map":
return "map";
case "Newspaper Article":
case "Newspaper":
return "newspaperArticle";
case "Presentation":
return "presentation";
case "Reference":
case "Publication Article":
return "encyclopediaArticle";
case "Report":
case "Technical Report":
case "Data Set":
case "Market Research":
case "Trade Publication Article":
case "Paper":
return "report";
case "Video Recording":
return "videoRecording";
case "Web Resource":
return "webpage";
case "Poem":
case "Electronic Resource":
if (ref.isbn) {
return "book";
return "journalArticle";
case "Journal Article":
case "Journal":
case "eJournal":
case "Book Review":
case "Newsletter":
case "Archival Material":
case "Computer File":
case "Course Reading":
case "Government Document":
case "Kit":
case "Microform":
case "Music Score":
case "Publication":
case "Realia":
case "Research Guide":
case "Special Collection":
case "Standard":
case "Transcript":
return "journalArticle";
var testCases = [
"type": "web",
"url": "!/search/document?ho=t&l=en&q=buddha&id=FETCHMERGED-dartmouth_catalog_b412227382",
"defer": true,
"items": [
"itemType": "book",
"title": "Buddha",
"creators": [
"firstName": "Osamu",
"lastName": "Tezuka",
"creatorType": "author"
"date": "2003",
"ISBN": "9781932234442",
"language": "English",
"libraryCatalog": "Dartmouth College Library, Summon 2.0",
"numPages": "8 v.",
"place": "New York, N.Y",
"publisher": "Vertical",
"attachments": [],
"notes": [],
"seeAlso": []
"type": "web",
"url": "!/search?ho=t&q=buddha&l=en",
"defer": true,
"items": "multiple"