Repo klonen versuchen #2

opened 2022-08-23 08:52:52 +02:00 by itenmarcalex · 0 comments
No description provided.
itenmarcalex added this to the HTML / CSS fertig milestone 2022-08-23 08:52:52 +02:00
itenmarcalex self-assigned this 2022-08-23 08:52:52 +02:00
itenmarcalex added this to the HTML / CSS gestalten project 2022-08-23 08:52:52 +02:00
itenmarcalex added a new dependency 2022-08-23 08:52:58 +02:00
itenmarcalex added a new dependency 2022-09-27 09:43:15 +02:00
itenmarcalex changed title from Repo klonen versuchen to MI-001 | Repo klonen versuchen 2022-10-05 09:09:39 +02:00
itenmarcalex changed title from MI-001 | Repo klonen versuchen to Repo klonen versuchen 2022-10-05 09:14:00 +02:00
itenmarcalex started working 2022-10-05 09:20:15 +02:00
itenmarcalex worked for 3s 2022-10-05 09:20:18 +02:00
itenmarcalex referenced this issue from a commit 2022-10-05 09:22:43 +02:00
itenmarcalex referenced this issue from a commit 2022-10-05 09:25:13 +02:00
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#3 Schnittstellendefinition erstellen
Depends on
#1 Repo downloaden geht nicht...
Reference: itenmarcalex/front_test_repo#2
No description provided.