OK, any except `docker`. With `docker-compose`. Well, you may also want `make` (but it is only used as thin layer to call a few simple `docker-compose` commands, so it is optional).
Follow the instructions on [Install Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/) and [Install Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/) for your environment if you haven't got `docker` already.
Some general knowledge about `docker` infrastructure might be useful (that's an interesting topic on its own) but is not strictly *required* to just run the notebooks.
## Usage
### Prepare the image (once)
Switch to `docker` directory here and run `make build` (or `docker-compose build`) to build your docker image. That may take some time but is only required once. Or perhaps a few times after you tweak something in a `Dockerfile`.
After the process is finished you have a `handson-ml2` image, that will be the base for your experiments. You can confirm that looking on results of `docker images` command.
Run `make run` (or just `docker-compose up`) to start the jupyter server inside the container (also named `handson-ml2`, same as image). Just point your browser to the URL printed on the screen (or just <http://localhost:8888> if you enabled password authentication) and you're ready to play with the book's code!
Run `make exec` (or `docker-compose exec handson-ml2 bash`) while the server is running to run an additional `bash` shell inside the `handson-ml2` container. Now you're inside the environment prepared within the image.
Another one may be comparing versions of the notebooks using the `nbdiff` command if you haven't got `nbdime` installed locally (it is **way** better than plain `diff` for notebooks). See [Tools for diffing and merging of Jupyter notebooks](https://github.com/jupyter/nbdime) for more details.
You may also try `nbd NOTEBOOK_NAME.ipynb` command (custom, see bashrc file) to compare one of your notebooks with its `checkpointed` version.<br/>
To be precise, the output will tell you *what modifications should be re-played on the **manually saved** version of the notebook (located in `.ipynb_checkpoints` subdirectory) to update it to the **current** i.e. **auto-saved** version (given as command's argument - located in working directory)*.