Upgrade to recent library versions

Aurélien Geron 2020-03-21 13:48:09 +13:00
parent 02e9847696
commit 5965b04a60
1 changed files with 40 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -4,50 +4,51 @@ channels:
- defaults - defaults
dependencies: dependencies:
- graphviz - graphviz
- imageio=2.6.1 - imageio=2.6
- ipython=7.10.1 - ipython=7.12
- ipywidgets=7.5.1 - ipywidgets=7.5
- joblib=0.14.0 - joblib=0.14
- jupyter=1.0.0 - jupyter=1.0
- matplotlib=3.1.2 - matplotlib=3.1
- nbdime=1.1.0 - nbdime=2.0
- nltk=3.4.5 - nltk=3.4
- numexpr=2.7.0 - numexpr=2.7
- numpy=1.17.3 - numpy=1.18
- pandas=0.25.3 - pandas=1.0
- pillow=6.2.1 - pillow=7.0
- pip - pip
- psutil=5.7
- py-xgboost=0.90 - py-xgboost=0.90
- pydot=1.4.1 - pydot=1.4
- pyopengl=3.1.3b2 - pyglet=1.5
- pyopengl=3.1
- python=3.7 - python=3.7
- python-graphviz - python-graphviz
- requests=2.22.0 #- pyvirtualdisplay=0.2 # add if on headless server
- scikit-image=0.16.2 - requests=2.22
- scikit-image=0.16
- scikit-learn=0.22 - scikit-learn=0.22
- scipy=1.3.1 - scipy=1.4
- tqdm=4.40.0 - tqdm=4.43
- tensorboard=2.0.0
- tensorflow=2.0.0 # or tensorflow-gpu if gpu
- tensorflow-datasets=1.2.0
- tensorflow-estimator=2.0.0
- tensorflow-hub=0.7.0
- tensorflow-probability=0.7
- wheel - wheel
- widgetsnbextension=3.5.1 - widgetsnbextension=3.5
- pip: - pip:
- atari-py==0.2.6 - atari-py==0.2.6
- gym==0.15.4 - gast==0.2.2
- opencv-python== - gym==0.17.1
- psutil==5.6.7 - opencv-python==
- pyglet==1.3.2 - tensorboard==2.1.1
- tensorflow-addons==0.6.0 - tensorflow-addons==0.8.3
- tensorflow-data-validation==0.15.0 - tensorflow-data-validation==0.21.5
- tensorflow-metadata==0.15.1 - tensorflow-datasets==2.1.0
- tensorflow-model-analysis==0.15.4 - tensorflow-estimator==2.1.0
- tensorflow-serving-api==2.0.0 # or tensorflow-serving-api-gpu if gpu - tensorflow-hub==0.7.0
- tensorflow-transform==0.15.0 - tensorflow-metadata==0.21.1
- tf-agents==0.3.0rc0 - tensorflow-model-analysis==0.21.6
- tfx==0.15.0 - tensorflow-probability==0.9.0
- urlextract==0.13.0 - tensorflow-serving-api==2.1.0 # or tensorflow-serving-api-gpu if gpu
#- pyvirtualdisplay # add if on headless server - tensorflow-transform==0.21.2
- tensorflow==2.1.0 # or tensorflow-gpu if gpu
- tf-agents==0.3.0
- tfx==0.21.2
- urlextract==0.14.0