Add environment.yml for conda, and update Dockerfile to use it
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
FROM continuumio/anaconda3:2019.03
FROM continuumio/miniconda3:latest
RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y \
RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y \
&& apt-get install -y \
&& apt-get install -y \
@ -6,32 +6,13 @@ RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y \
build-essential \
build-essential \
git \
git \
sudo \
sudo \
cmake zlib1g-dev libjpeg-dev xvfb libav-tools xorg-dev libboost-all-dev libsdl2-dev swig \
cmake zlib1g-dev libjpeg-dev xvfb ffmpeg xorg-dev libboost-all-dev libsdl2-dev swig \
unzip zip \
unzip zip \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN conda update -n base conda
RUN conda update -n base conda
RUN conda install -y \
COPY docker/environment.yml /tmp/
joblib \
RUN conda env create -f /tmp/environment.yml
RUN conda install -y -c conda-forge \
pyopengl \
xgboost \
RUN pip install "urlextract"
RUN pip install "gym[atari,box2d,classic_control]"
RUN pip install "tensorflow-hub"
RUN pip install "tensorflow-serving-api"
RUN pip install "tfx"
#RUN pip install "tensorflow-addons"
RUN pip install "tf-agents-nightly"
RUN pip install "tfds-nightly"
RUN pip install "tfp-nightly"
RUN pip uninstall -y tensorflow
RUN pip uninstall -y tensorboard
RUN pip install "tf-nightly-2.0-preview"
RUN pip install "tb-nightly"
ARG username
ARG username
ARG userid
ARG userid
@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
name: tf2
- conda-forge
- defaults
- _py-xgboost-mutex=2.0=cpu_0
- appnope=0.1.0=py37_0
- asn1crypto=1.0.1=py37_0
- attrs=19.2.0=py_0
- backcall=0.1.0=py37_0
- blas=1.0=mkl
- bleach=3.1.0=py37_0
- ca-certificates=2019.9.11=hecc5488_0
- cairo=1.14.12=hc4e6be7_4
- certifi=2019.9.11=py37_0
- cffi=1.12.3=py37hb5b8e2f_0
- chardet=3.0.4=py37_1003
- cloudpickle=1.2.2=py_0
- colorama=0.4.1=py_0
- cryptography=2.7=py37ha12b0ac_0
- cycler=0.10.0=py37_0
- cytoolz=0.10.0=py37h1de35cc_0
- dask-core=2.5.2=py_0
- dbus=1.13.6=h90a0687_0
- decorator=4.4.0=py37_1
- defusedxml=0.6.0=py_0
- dill=0.3.0=py37_0
- entrypoints=0.3=py37_0
- expat=2.2.6=h0a44026_0
- fontconfig=2.13.0=h5d5b041_1
- freetype=2.9.1=hb4e5f40_0
- fribidi=1.0.5=h1de35cc_0
- gettext=
- gitdb2=2.0.6=py_0
- gitpython=3.0.3=py_0
- glib=2.56.2=hd9629dc_0
- graphite2=1.3.13=h2098e52_0
- graphviz=2.40.1=hefbbd9a_2
- harfbuzz=1.8.8=hb8d4a28_0
- httplib2=0.12.0=py37_1000
- icu=58.2=h4b95b61_1
- idna=2.8=py37_0
- imageio=2.6.0=py37_0
- intel-openmp=2019.4=233
- ipykernel=5.1.2=py37h39e3cac_0
- ipython=7.8.0=py37h39e3cac_0
- ipython_genutils=0.2.0=py37_0
- ipywidgets=7.5.1=py_0
- jedi=0.15.1=py37_0
- jinja2=2.10.3=py_0
- joblib=0.13.2=py37_0
- jpeg=9b=he5867d9_2
- jsonschema=3.0.2=py37_0
- jupyter=1.0.0=py37_7
- jupyter_client=5.3.3=py37_1
- jupyter_console=6.0.0=py37_0
- jupyter_core=4.5.0=py_0
- kiwisolver=1.1.0=py37h0a44026_0
- libcxx=4.0.1=hcfea43d_1
- libcxxabi=4.0.1=hcfea43d_1
- libedit=3.1.20181209=hb402a30_0
- libffi=3.2.1=h475c297_4
- libgfortran=3.0.1=h93005f0_2
- libiconv=1.15=hdd342a3_7
- libpng=1.6.37=ha441bb4_0
- libsodium=1.0.16=h3efe00b_0
- libtiff=4.0.10=hcb84e12_2
- libxgboost=0.90=h6de7cb9_2
- libxml2=2.9.9=hf6e021a_1
- llvm-openmp=9.0.0=h40edb58_0
- markupsafe=1.1.1=py37h1de35cc_0
- matplotlib=3.1.1=py37h54f8f79_0
- mistune=0.8.4=py37h1de35cc_0
- mkl=2019.4=233
- mkl-service=2.3.0=py37hfbe908c_0
- mkl_fft=1.0.14=py37h5e564d8_0
- mkl_random=1.1.0=py37ha771720_0
- nbconvert=5.6.0=py37_1
- nbdime=1.1.0=py37_0
- nbformat=4.4.0=py37_0
- ncurses=6.1=h0a44026_1
- networkx=2.3=py_0
- nltk=3.4.5=py37_0
- notebook=6.0.1=py37_0
- numexpr=2.7.0=py37h7413580_0
- numpy=1.17.2=py37h99e6662_0
- numpy-base=1.17.2=py37h6575580_0
- olefile=0.46=py37_0
- openssl=1.1.1c=h01d97ff_0
- pandas=0.25.1=py37h0a44026_0
- pandoc=
- pandocfilters=1.4.2=py37_1
- pango=1.42.4=h060686c_0
- parso=0.5.1=py_0
- pcre=8.43=h0a44026_0
- pexpect=4.7.0=py37_0
- pickleshare=0.7.5=py37_0
- pillow=6.2.0=py37hb68e598_0
- pip=19.2.3=py37_0
- pixman=0.38.0=h1de35cc_0
- prometheus_client=0.7.1=py_0
- prompt_toolkit=2.0.10=py_0
- ptyprocess=0.6.0=py37_0
- py-xgboost=0.90=py37h6de7cb9_2
- pycparser=2.19=py37_0
- pydot=1.4.1=py37_0
- pygments=2.4.2=py_0
- pyopengl=3.1.1a1=py37_0
- pyopenssl=19.0.0=py37_0
- pyparsing=2.4.2=py_0
- pyqt=5.9.2=py37h655552a_2
- pyrsistent=0.15.4=py37h1de35cc_0
- pysocks=1.7.1=py37_0
- python=3.7.4=h359304d_1
- python-dateutil=2.8.0=py37_0
- python-graphviz=0.10.1=py_0
- pytz=2019.3=py_0
- pywavelets=1.0.3=py37h1d22016_1
- pyzmq=18.1.0=py37h0a44026_0
- qt=5.9.7=h468cd18_1
- qtconsole=4.5.5=py_0
- readline=7.0=h1de35cc_5
- requests=2.22.0=py37_0
- scikit-image=0.15.0=py37h0a44026_0
- scikit-learn=0.20.3=py37h27c97d8_0
- scipy=1.1.0=py37h1410ff5_2
- send2trash=1.5.0=py37_0
- setuptools=41.4.0=py37_0
- sip=4.19.8=py37h0a44026_0
- six=1.12.0=py37_0
- smmap2=2.0.5=py_0
- sqlite=3.30.0=ha441bb4_0
- terminado=0.8.2=py37_0
- testpath=0.4.2=py37_0
- tk=8.6.8=ha441bb4_0
- toolz=0.10.0=py_0
- tornado=6.0.3=py37h1de35cc_0
- tqdm=4.36.1=py_0
- traitlets=4.3.3=py37_0
- urllib3=1.24.2=py37_0
- wcwidth=0.1.7=py37_0
- webencodings=0.5.1=py37_1
- wheel=0.33.6=py37_0
- widgetsnbextension=3.5.1=py37_0
- xgboost=0.90=py37h6de7cb9_2
- xz=5.2.4=h1de35cc_4
- zeromq=4.3.1=h0a44026_3
- zlib=1.2.11=h1de35cc_3
- zstd=1.3.7=h5bba6e5_0
- pip:
- absl-py==0.8.1
- apache-beam==2.16.0
- appdirs==1.4.3
- astor==0.8.0
- atari-py==0.2.6
- avro-python3==1.9.1
- cachetools==3.1.1
- click==7.0
- crcmod==1.7
- docopt==0.6.2
- easyprocess==0.2.7
- fastavro==0.21.24
- fasteners==0.15
- future==0.18.0
- gast==0.2.2
- gin-config==0.1.3
- google-api-core==1.14.3
- google-api-python-client==1.7.11
- google-apitools==0.5.28
- google-auth==1.6.3
- google-auth-httplib2==0.0.3
- google-cloud-bigquery==1.17.1
- google-cloud-bigtable==1.0.0
- google-cloud-core==1.0.3
- google-cloud-datastore==1.7.4
- google-cloud-pubsub==1.0.2
- google-pasta==0.1.7
- google-resumable-media==0.4.1
- googleapis-common-protos==1.6.0
- grpc-google-iam-v1==0.12.3
- grpcio==1.24.1
- gym==0.15.3
- h5py==2.10.0
- hdfs==2.5.8
- keras-applications==1.0.8
- keras-preprocessing==1.1.0
- markdown==3.1.1
- ml-metadata==0.14.0
- mock==2.0.0
- monotonic==1.5
- oauth2client==3.0.0
- opencv-python==
- opt-einsum==3.1.0
- pbr==5.4.3
- promise==2.2.1
- protobuf==3.10.0
- psutil==5.6.3
- pyarrow==0.14.1
- pyasn1==0.4.7
- pyasn1-modules==0.2.7
- pyglet==1.3.2
- pymongo==3.9.0
- pyvirtualdisplay==0.2.4
- pyyaml==3.13
- rsa==4.0
- tensorboard==2.0.0
- tensorflow==2.0.0
- tensorflow-addons==0.6.0
- tensorflow-data-validation==0.14.1
- tensorflow-datasets==1.2.0
- tensorflow-estimator==2.0.0
- tensorflow-hub==0.6.0
- tensorflow-metadata==0.14.0
- tensorflow-model-analysis==0.14.0
- tensorflow-serving-api==1.14.0
- tensorflow-transform==0.14.0
- termcolor==1.1.0
- tf-agents-nightly==0.2.0.dev20191012
- tfp-nightly==0.9.0.dev20191013
- tfx==0.14.0
- uritemplate==3.0.0
- uritools==2.2.0
- urlextract==0.13.0
- werkzeug==0.16.0
- wrapt==1.11.2
prefix: /Users/ageron/miniconda3/envs/tf2
@ -71,16 +71,13 @@ imageio==2.6.0
##### Reinforcement Learning library
##### Reinforcement Learning library
# OpenAI gym is only needed in chapter 18.
# OpenAI gym is only needed in chapter 18.
# There are a few dependencies you need to install first, check out:
# There are a few dependencies you need to install first, check out:
##### Additional utilities
##### Additional utilities
Reference in New Issue