diff --git a/src/planner.c b/src/planner.c index e5448b0..72845a5 100644 --- a/src/planner.c +++ b/src/planner.c @@ -262,72 +262,3 @@ llist *genPlan(llist *head, time_t timeAvail) { return events_ll; } -// -// const char *iCalHeader = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\n" -// "VERSION:2.0\r\n" -// "PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN\r\n"; -// const char *iCalEvent = "BEGIN:VEVENT\r\n" -// "UID:%s%d\r\n" -// "DTSTAMP:%s\r\n" -// "DTSTART:%s\r\n" -// "DTEND:%s\r\n" -// "SUMMARY:%s\r\n" -// "END:VEVENT\r\n"; -// -// int exportiCal(llist *events_ll) { -// -// llist *ev_ll = events_ll; -// -// llistPrintE(ev_ll); -// -// printf("%s", iCalHeader); -// -// time_t now = time(NULL); -// struct tm lc; -// localtime_r(&now, &lc); -// -// // gen filename & open for write -// char nameBuf[32]; -// strftime(nameBuf, 32 - 12, "%F", &lc); -// strcat(nameBuf, "dayplan.ics"); -// FILE *fp = fopen(nameBuf, "w"); -// if (fp == NULL) { -// planLog("fopen failed!!", 1); -// return 1; -// } -// // write iCal header to file -// fprintf(fp, "%s", iCalHeader); -// -// // for every event in events_ll create VEVENT str and write to fp -// int count = 0; -// while (ev_ll != NULL) { -// // gen iCal compatible time str -// Event *current = ev_ll->data; -// struct tm startlc; -// struct tm endlc; -// localtime_r(¤t->plannedStartTime, &startlc); -// localtime_r(¤t->plannedEndTime, &endlc); -// char timeStartBuf[17]; -// char timeEndBuf[17]; -// char timeStamp[17]; -// strftime(timeStamp, 17, "%Y%m%dT%k%M%SZ", &lc); -// printf("%s\n", timeStamp); -// strftime(timeStartBuf, 17, "%Y%m%dT%k%M%SZ", &startlc); -// printf("%s\n", timeStartBuf); -// strftime(timeEndBuf, 17, "%Y%m%dT%k%M%SZ", &endlc); -// printf("%s\n", timeEndBuf); -// -// fprintf(fp, iCalEvent, current->task->name, count, timeStamp, -// timeStartBuf, -// timeEndBuf, current->task->name); -// ev_ll = ev_ll->next; -// count += 1; -// } -// -// // after all events are written end cal with -// // END:VCALENDAR -// fprintf(fp, "END:VCALENDAR\r\n"); -// fclose(fp); -// -// return 0; -// }