2024-12-13 17:32:41 +01:00

67 lines
1.8 KiB

#include "config.h"
#include "db.h"
#include "iCal.h"
#include "llist.h"
#include "planner.h" // for subject and event structs
#include "ui.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
int main() {
time_t now = time(NULL);
// create new task named LinAlg with priority 3, created now with deadline in
// 5 days sp is currently unused spare var
Task *t1 = newTask("LinAlg", now, now + days(5), 3, 0);
assert(t1 != NULL);
// Stack Allocated vars only for local use!
Task *t2 = newTask("Phys", now, now + days(2), 7, 0);
assert(t2 != NULL);
Task *t3 = newTask("Analysis", now, now + days(10), 5, 0);
assert(t3 != NULL);
Task *t4 = newTask("TM1", now, now + days(1), 9, 0);
assert(t4 != NULL);
printf("%s\n", ctime(&now));
// new llist test
llist *list1 = llistNew(t1, cmpTaskN);
llistAppend(list1, t2);
llistAppend(list1, t3);
llistAppend(list1, t4);
// gnerate plan from task list in time
struct tm *lc = localtime(&now);
lc->tm_hour += 9; // add available time;
time_t maxTime = mktime(lc); // create timestamp
llist *l1 = genPlan(list1, maxTime); // return inked list of event;
// print test tasks
// printTask(t1);
// find in list & modify
// Task search = {.name = "Analysis"}; // key to look for. cmpTask only
// compares
// // names using strcmp(,
// llist *found = llistGet(list1, &search);
// if (found != NULL) {
// ((Task *)found->data)->deadline = time(NULL) + days(10);
// // ((Task *)found->data)->priority Names= 9;
// // printTask(found->data);
// } else {
// printf("%s not in List!\n",;
// }
// char *t1Str = taskToStr(t1);
// // printf("%s\n", t1Str);
// llistFreeT(list1);
// free(t1Str);
return 0;