2025-02-21 10:21:19 +01:00
using UnityEngine ;
using System.Collections ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
// Copyright 2015-2025 RenderHeads Ltd. All rights reserved.
namespace RenderHeads.Media.AVProVideo
public static class Helper
public const string AVProVideoVersion = "3.2.2" ;
public sealed class ExpectedPluginVersion
public const string Windows = "3.2.0" ;
public const string WinRT = "3.2.0" ;
public const string Android = "3.2.2" ;
public const string Apple = "3.2.2" ;
public const string UnityBaseTextureName = "_MainTex" ;
public const string UnityBaseTextureName_URP = "_BaseMap" ;
public const string UnityBaseTextureName_HDRP = "_BaseColorMap" ;
public static string GetPath ( MediaPathType location )
string result = string . Empty ;
switch ( location )
case MediaPathType . AbsolutePathOrURL :
break ;
case MediaPathType . RelativeToDataFolder :
result = Application . dataPath ;
break ;
case MediaPathType . RelativeToPersistentDataFolder :
result = Application . persistentDataPath ;
break ;
case MediaPathType . RelativeToProjectFolder :
#if ! UNITY_WINRT_8_1
string path = ".." ;
path + = "/.." ;
result = System . IO . Path . GetFullPath ( System . IO . Path . Combine ( Application . dataPath , path ) ) ;
result = result . Replace ( '\\' , '/' ) ;
break ;
case MediaPathType . RelativeToStreamingAssetsFolder :
result = Application . streamingAssetsPath ;
break ;
return result ;
public static string GetFilePath ( string path , MediaPathType location )
string result = string . Empty ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( path ) )
switch ( location )
case MediaPathType . AbsolutePathOrURL :
result = path ;
break ;
case MediaPathType . RelativeToDataFolder :
case MediaPathType . RelativeToPersistentDataFolder :
case MediaPathType . RelativeToProjectFolder :
case MediaPathType . RelativeToStreamingAssetsFolder :
result = System . IO . Path . Combine ( GetPath ( location ) , path ) ;
break ;
return result ;
public static string GetFriendlyResolutionName ( int width , int height , float fps )
// List of common 16:9 resolutions
int [ ] areas = { 0 , 7680 * 4320 , 3840 * 2160 , 2560 * 1440 , 1920 * 1080 , 1280 * 720 , 853 * 480 , 640 * 360 , 426 * 240 , 256 * 144 } ;
string [ ] names = { "Unknown" , "8K" , "4K" , "1440p" , "1080p" , "720p" , "480p" , "360p" , "240p" , "144p" } ;
Debug . Assert ( areas . Length = = names . Length ) ;
// Find the closest resolution
int closestAreaIndex = 0 ;
int area = width * height ;
int minDelta = int . MaxValue ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < areas . Length ; i + + )
int d = Mathf . Abs ( areas [ i ] - area ) ;
// TODO: add a maximum threshold to ignore differences that are too high
if ( d < minDelta )
closestAreaIndex = i ;
minDelta = d ;
// If the exact mode is found, early out
if ( d = = 0 )
break ;
string result = names [ closestAreaIndex ] ;
// Append frame rate if valid
if ( fps > 0f & & ! float . IsNaN ( fps ) )
result + = fps . ToString ( "0.##" ) ;
return result ;
public static string GetErrorMessage ( ErrorCode code )
string result = string . Empty ;
switch ( code )
case ErrorCode . None :
result = "No Error" ;
break ;
case ErrorCode . LoadFailed :
result = "Loading failed. File not found, codec not supported, video resolution too high or insufficient system resources." ;
// Add extra information for older Windows versions that don't have support for modern codecs
if ( SystemInfo . operatingSystem . StartsWith ( "Windows XP" ) | |
SystemInfo . operatingSystem . StartsWith ( "Windows Vista" ) )
result + = " NOTE: Windows XP and Vista don't have native support for H.264 codec. Consider using an older codec such as DivX or installing 3rd party codecs such as LAV Filters." ;
break ;
case ErrorCode . DecodeFailed :
result = "Decode failed. Possible codec not supported, video resolution/bit-depth too high, or insufficient system resources." ;
result + = " On Android this is generally due to the hardware not having enough resources to decode the video. Most Android devices can only handle a maximum of one 4K video at once." ;
break ;
return result ;
public static string GetPlatformName ( Platform platform )
string result = "Unknown" ;
switch ( platform )
case Platform . WindowsUWP :
result = "Windows UWP" ;
break ;
default :
result = platform . ToString ( ) ;
break ;
return result ;
public static string [ ] GetPlatformNames ( )
return new string [ ] {
GetPlatformName ( Platform . Windows ) ,
GetPlatformName ( Platform . macOS ) ,
GetPlatformName ( Platform . iOS ) ,
GetPlatformName ( Platform . tvOS ) ,
GetPlatformName ( Platform . visionOS ) ,
GetPlatformName ( Platform . Android ) ,
GetPlatformName ( Platform . WindowsUWP ) ,
GetPlatformName ( Platform . WebGL ) ,
} ;
public static void LogInfo ( string message , Object context = null )
if ( context = = null )
Debug . Log ( "[AVProVideo] " + message ) ;
Debug . Log ( "[AVProVideo] " + message , context ) ;
public static int GetUnityAudioSampleRate ( )
// For standalone builds (not in the editor):
// In Unity 4.6, 5.0, 5.1 when audio is disabled there is no indication from the API.
// But in 5.2.0 and above, it logs an error when trying to call
// AudioSettings.GetDSPBufferSize() or AudioSettings.outputSampleRate
// So to prevent the error, check if AudioSettings.GetConfiguration().sampleRate == 0
return ( AudioSettings . GetConfiguration ( ) . sampleRate = = 0 ) ? 0 : AudioSettings . outputSampleRate ;
public static int GetUnityAudioSpeakerCount ( )
switch ( AudioSettings . GetConfiguration ( ) . speakerMode )
case AudioSpeakerMode . Mono : return 1 ;
case AudioSpeakerMode . Stereo : return 2 ;
case AudioSpeakerMode . Quad : return 4 ;
case AudioSpeakerMode . Surround : return 5 ;
case AudioSpeakerMode . Mode5point1 : return 6 ;
case AudioSpeakerMode . Mode7point1 : return 8 ;
case AudioSpeakerMode . Prologic : return 2 ;
return 0 ;
// Returns a valid range to use for a timeline display
// Either it will return the range 0..duration, or
// for live streams it will return first seekable..last seekable time
public static TimeRange GetTimelineRange ( double duration , TimeRanges seekable )
TimeRange result = new TimeRange ( ) ;
if ( duration > = 0.0 & & duration < 2e10 )
// Duration is valid
result . startTime = 0f ;
result . duration = duration ;
// Duration is invalid, so it could be a live stream, so derive from seekable range
result . startTime = seekable . MinTime ;
result . duration = seekable . Duration ;
return result ;
public const double SecondsToHNS = 10000000.0 ;
public const double MilliSecondsToHNS = 10000.0 ;
public static string GetTimeString ( double timeSeconds , bool showMilliseconds = false )
float totalSeconds = ( float ) timeSeconds ;
int hours = Mathf . FloorToInt ( totalSeconds / ( 60f * 60f ) ) ;
float usedSeconds = hours * 60f * 60f ;
int minutes = Mathf . FloorToInt ( ( totalSeconds - usedSeconds ) / 60f ) ;
usedSeconds + = minutes * 60f ;
int seconds = Mathf . FloorToInt ( totalSeconds - usedSeconds ) ;
string result ;
if ( hours < = 0 )
if ( showMilliseconds )
int milliSeconds = ( int ) ( ( totalSeconds - Mathf . Floor ( totalSeconds ) ) * 1000f ) ;
result = string . Format ( "{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:000}" , minutes , seconds , milliSeconds ) ;
result = string . Format ( "{0:00}:{1:00}" , minutes , seconds ) ;
if ( showMilliseconds )
int milliSeconds = ( int ) ( ( totalSeconds - Mathf . Floor ( totalSeconds ) ) * 1000f ) ;
result = string . Format ( "{2}:{0:00}:{1:00}:{3:000}" , minutes , seconds , hours , milliSeconds ) ;
result = string . Format ( "{2}:{0:00}:{1:00}" , minutes , seconds , hours ) ;
return result ;
/// <summary>
/// Convert texture transform matrix to an enum of orientation types
/// </summary>
public static Orientation GetOrientation ( float [ ] t )
Orientation result = Orientation . Landscape ;
if ( t ! = null )
// TODO: check that the Portrait and PortraitFlipped are the right way around
if ( t [ 0 ] = = 0f & & t [ 1 ] = = 1f & & t [ 2 ] = = - 1f & & t [ 3 ] = = 0f )
result = Orientation . Portrait ;
} else
if ( t [ 0 ] = = 0f & & t [ 1 ] = = - 1f & & t [ 2 ] = = 1f & & t [ 3 ] = = 0f )
result = Orientation . PortraitFlipped ;
} else
if ( t [ 0 ] = = 1f & & t [ 1 ] = = 0f & & t [ 2 ] = = 0f & & t [ 3 ] = = 1f )
result = Orientation . Landscape ;
} else
if ( t [ 0 ] = = - 1f & & t [ 1 ] = = 0f & & t [ 2 ] = = 0f & & t [ 3 ] = = - 1f )
result = Orientation . LandscapeFlipped ;
if ( t [ 0 ] = = 0f & & t [ 1 ] = = 1f & & t [ 2 ] = = 1f & & t [ 3 ] = = 0f )
result = Orientation . PortraitHorizontalMirror ;
return result ;
private static Matrix4x4 PortraitMatrix = Matrix4x4 . TRS ( new Vector3 ( 0f , 1f , 0f ) , Quaternion . Euler ( 0f , 0f , - 90f ) , Vector3 . one ) ;
private static Matrix4x4 PortraitFlippedMatrix = Matrix4x4 . TRS ( new Vector3 ( 1f , 0f , 0f ) , Quaternion . Euler ( 0f , 0f , 90f ) , Vector3 . one ) ;
private static Matrix4x4 LandscapeFlippedMatrix = Matrix4x4 . TRS ( new Vector3 ( 1f , 1f , 0f ) , Quaternion . Euler ( 0f , 0f , - 180f ) , Vector3 . one ) ;
public static Matrix4x4 GetMatrixForOrientation ( Orientation ori )
Matrix4x4 result ;
switch ( ori )
case Orientation . Landscape :
result = Matrix4x4 . identity ;
break ;
case Orientation . LandscapeFlipped :
result = LandscapeFlippedMatrix ;
break ;
case Orientation . Portrait :
result = PortraitMatrix ;
break ;
case Orientation . PortraitFlipped :
result = PortraitFlippedMatrix ;
break ;
case Orientation . PortraitHorizontalMirror :
result = new Matrix4x4 ( ) ;
result . SetColumn ( 0 , new Vector4 ( 0f , 1f , 0f , 0f ) ) ;
result . SetColumn ( 1 , new Vector4 ( 1f , 0f , 0f , 0f ) ) ;
result . SetColumn ( 2 , new Vector4 ( 0f , 0f , 1f , 0f ) ) ;
result . SetColumn ( 3 , new Vector4 ( 0f , 0f , 0f , 1f ) ) ;
break ;
default :
throw new System . Exception ( "Unknown Orientation type" ) ;
return result ;
public static Matrix4x4 Matrix4x4FromAffineTransform ( float [ ] affineXfrm )
Vector4 v0 = new Vector4 ( affineXfrm [ 0 ] , affineXfrm [ 1 ] , 0 , 0 ) ;
Vector4 v1 = new Vector4 ( affineXfrm [ 2 ] , affineXfrm [ 3 ] , 0 , 0 ) ;
Vector4 v2 = new Vector4 ( 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 ) ;
Vector4 v3 = new Vector4 ( affineXfrm [ 4 ] , affineXfrm [ 5 ] , 0 , 1 ) ;
return new Matrix4x4 ( v0 , v1 , v2 , v3 ) ;
public static int ConvertTimeSecondsToFrame ( double seconds , float frameRate )
// NOTE: Generally you should use RountToInt when converting from time to frame number
// but because we're adding a half frame offset (which seems to be the safer thing to do) we need to FloorToInt
seconds = System . Math . Max ( 0.0 , seconds ) ;
frameRate = Mathf . Max ( 0f , frameRate ) ;
return ( int ) System . Math . Floor ( frameRate * seconds ) ;
public static double ConvertFrameToTimeSeconds ( int frame , float frameRate )
frame = Mathf . Max ( 0 , frame ) ;
frameRate = Mathf . Max ( 0f , frameRate ) ;
double frameDurationSeconds = 1.0 / frameRate ;
return ( ( double ) frame * frameDurationSeconds ) + ( frameDurationSeconds * 0.01 ) ; // #1999 : Need to bump on the value a little, but not a whole half frame time, to avoid float inaccuracy error
return ( ( double ) frame * frameDurationSeconds ) + ( frameDurationSeconds * 0.5 ) ; // Add half a frame we that the time lands in the middle of the frame range and not at the edges
public static double FindNextKeyFrameTimeSeconds ( double seconds , float frameRate , int keyFrameInterval )
seconds = System . Math . Max ( 0.0 , seconds ) ;
frameRate = Mathf . Max ( 0f , frameRate ) ;
keyFrameInterval = Mathf . Max ( 0 , keyFrameInterval ) ;
int currentFrame = Helper . ConvertTimeSecondsToFrame ( seconds , frameRate ) ;
// TODO: allow specifying a minimum number of frames so that if currentFrame is too close to nextKeyFrame, it will calculate the next-next keyframe
int nextKeyFrame = keyFrameInterval * Mathf . CeilToInt ( ( float ) ( currentFrame + 1 ) / ( float ) keyFrameInterval ) ;
return Helper . ConvertFrameToTimeSeconds ( nextKeyFrame , frameRate ) ;
public static System . DateTime ConvertSecondsSince1970ToDateTime ( double secondsSince1970 )
System . TimeSpan time = System . TimeSpan . FromSeconds ( secondsSince1970 ) ;
return new System . DateTime ( 1970 , 1 , 1 ) . Add ( time ) ;
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint = "GetShortPathNameW", SetLastError=true)]
private static extern int GetShortPathName ( [ System . Runtime . InteropServices . MarshalAs ( System . Runtime . InteropServices . UnmanagedType . LPWStr ) ] string pathName ,
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAs(System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] System . Text . StringBuilder shortName ,
int cbShortName ) ;
// Handle very long file paths by converting to DOS 8.3 format
internal static string ConvertLongPathToShortDOS83Path ( string path )
const string pathToken = @"\\?\" ;
string result = pathToken + path . Replace ( "/" , "\\" ) ;
int length = GetShortPathName ( result , null , 0 ) ;
if ( length > 0 )
System . Text . StringBuilder sb = new System . Text . StringBuilder ( length ) ;
if ( 0 ! = GetShortPathName ( result , sb , length ) )
result = sb . ToString ( ) . Replace ( pathToken , "" ) ;
Debug . LogWarning ( "[AVProVideo] Long path detected. Changing to DOS 8.3 format" ) ;
return result ;
// Converts a non-readable texture to a readable Texture2D.
// "targetTexture" can be null or you can pass in an existing texture.
// Remember to Destroy() the returned texture after finished with it
public static Texture2D GetReadableTexture ( Texture inputTexture , bool requiresVerticalFlip , Orientation ori , Texture2D targetTexture = null )
Texture2D resultTexture = targetTexture ;
RenderTexture prevRT = RenderTexture . active ;
int textureWidth = inputTexture . width ;
int textureHeight = inputTexture . height ;
if ( ori = = Orientation . Portrait | | ori = = Orientation . PortraitFlipped )
textureWidth = inputTexture . height ;
textureHeight = inputTexture . width ;
// Blit the texture to a temporary RenderTexture
// This handles any format conversion that is required and allows us to use ReadPixels to copy texture from RT to readable texture
RenderTexture tempRT = RenderTexture . GetTemporary ( textureWidth , textureHeight , 0 , RenderTextureFormat . ARGB32 ) ;
if ( ori = = Orientation . Landscape )
if ( ! requiresVerticalFlip )
Graphics . Blit ( inputTexture , tempRT ) ;
// The above Blit can't flip unless using a material, so we use Graphics.DrawTexture instead
GL . PushMatrix ( ) ;
RenderTexture . active = tempRT ;
GL . LoadPixelMatrix ( 0f , tempRT . width , 0f , tempRT . height ) ;
Rect sourceRect = new Rect ( 0f , 0f , 1f , 1f ) ;
// NOTE: not sure why we need to set y to -1, without this there is a 1px gap at the bottom
Rect destRect = new Rect ( 0f , - 1f , tempRT . width , tempRT . height ) ;
Graphics . DrawTexture ( destRect , inputTexture , sourceRect , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
GL . PopMatrix ( ) ;
GL . InvalidateState ( ) ;
Matrix4x4 m = Matrix4x4 . identity ;
switch ( ori )
case Orientation . Portrait :
m = Matrix4x4 . TRS ( new Vector3 ( 0f , inputTexture . width , 0f ) , Quaternion . Euler ( 0f , 0f , - 90f ) , Vector3 . one ) ;
break ;
case Orientation . PortraitFlipped :
m = Matrix4x4 . TRS ( new Vector3 ( inputTexture . height , 0f , 0f ) , Quaternion . Euler ( 0f , 0f , 90f ) , Vector3 . one ) ;
break ;
case Orientation . LandscapeFlipped :
m = Matrix4x4 . TRS ( new Vector3 ( inputTexture . width , inputTexture . height , 0f ) , Quaternion . identity , new Vector3 ( - 1f , - 1f , 1f ) ) ;
break ;
// The above Blit can't flip unless using a material, so we use Graphics.DrawTexture instead
GL . InvalidateState ( ) ;
RenderTexture . active = tempRT ;
GL . Clear ( false , true , Color . black ) ;
GL . PushMatrix ( ) ;
GL . LoadPixelMatrix ( 0f , tempRT . width , 0f , tempRT . height ) ;
Rect sourceRect = new Rect ( 0f , 0f , 1f , 1f ) ;
// NOTE: not sure why we need to set y to -1, without this there is a 1px gap at the bottom
Rect destRect = new Rect ( 0f , - 1f , inputTexture . width , inputTexture . height ) ;
GL . MultMatrix ( m ) ;
Graphics . DrawTexture ( destRect , inputTexture , sourceRect , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
GL . PopMatrix ( ) ;
GL . InvalidateState ( ) ;
if ( resultTexture = = null )
resultTexture = new Texture2D ( textureWidth , textureHeight , TextureFormat . ARGB32 , false ) ;
RenderTexture . active = tempRT ;
resultTexture . ReadPixels ( new Rect ( 0f , 0f , textureWidth , textureHeight ) , 0 , 0 , false ) ;
resultTexture . Apply ( false , false ) ;
RenderTexture . ReleaseTemporary ( tempRT ) ;
RenderTexture . active = prevRT ;
return resultTexture ;
// Converts a non-readable texture to a readable Texture2D.
// "targetTexture" can be null or you can pass in an existing texture.
// Remember to Destroy() the returned texture after finished with it
public static Texture2D GetReadableTexture ( RenderTexture inputTexture , Texture2D targetTexture = null )
if ( targetTexture = = null )
targetTexture = new Texture2D ( inputTexture . width , inputTexture . height , TextureFormat . ARGB32 , false ) ;
RenderTexture prevRT = RenderTexture . active ;
RenderTexture . active = inputTexture ;
targetTexture . ReadPixels ( new Rect ( 0f , 0f , inputTexture . width , inputTexture . height ) , 0 , 0 , false ) ;
targetTexture . Apply ( false , false ) ;
RenderTexture . active = prevRT ;
return targetTexture ;