595 lines
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595 lines
15 KiB
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
// Copyright 2015-2021 RenderHeads Ltd. All rights reserved.
namespace RenderHeads.Media.AVProVideo
/// <summary>
/// Utility class to resample MediaPlayer video frames to allow for smoother playback
/// Keeps a buffer of frames with timestamps and presents them using its own clock
/// </summary>
public class Resampler
private class TimestampedRenderTexture
public RenderTexture texture = null;
public long timestamp = 0;
public bool used = false;
public enum ResampleMode
private List<TimestampedRenderTexture[]> _buffer = new List<TimestampedRenderTexture[]>();
private MediaPlayer _mediaPlayer;
private RenderTexture[] _outputTexture = null;
private int _start = 0;
private int _end = 0;
private int _bufferSize = 0;
private long _baseTimestamp = 0;
private float _elapsedTimeSinceBase = 0f;
private Material _blendMat;
private ResampleMode _resampleMode;
private string _name = "";
private long _lastTimeStamp = -1;
private int _droppedFrames = 0;
private long _lastDisplayedTimestamp = 0;
private int _frameDisplayedTimer = 0;
private long _currentDisplayedTimestamp = 0;
public int DroppedFrames
get { return _droppedFrames; }
public int FrameDisplayedTimer
get { return _frameDisplayedTimer; }
public long BaseTimestamp
get { return _baseTimestamp; }
set { _baseTimestamp = value; }
public float ElapsedTimeSinceBase
get { return _elapsedTimeSinceBase; }
set { _elapsedTimeSinceBase = value; }
public float LastT
get; private set;
public long TextureTimeStamp
get; private set;
private const string ShaderPropT = "_t";
private const string ShaderPropAftertex = "_AfterTex";
private int _propAfterTex;
private int _propT;
private float _videoFrameRate;
public void OnVideoEvent(MediaPlayer mp, MediaPlayerEvent.EventType et, ErrorCode errorCode)
switch (et)
case MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.MetaDataReady:
_videoFrameRate = mp.Info.GetVideoFrameRate();
_elapsedTimeSinceBase = 0f;
if (_videoFrameRate > 0f)
_elapsedTimeSinceBase = _bufferSize / _videoFrameRate;
case MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.Closing:
public Resampler(MediaPlayer player, string name, int bufferSize = 2, ResampleMode resampleMode = ResampleMode.LINEAR)
_bufferSize = Mathf.Max(2, bufferSize);
_mediaPlayer = player;
Shader blendShader = Shader.Find("AVProVideo/Internal/BlendFrames");
if (blendShader != null)
_blendMat = new Material(blendShader);
_propT = Shader.PropertyToID(ShaderPropT);
_propAfterTex = Shader.PropertyToID(ShaderPropAftertex);
Debug.LogError("[AVProVideo] Failed to find BlendFrames shader");
_resampleMode = resampleMode;
_name = name;
Debug.Log("[AVProVideo] Resampler " + _name + " started");
public Texture[] OutputTexture
get { return _outputTexture; }
public void Reset()
_lastTimeStamp = -1;
_baseTimestamp = 0;
public void Release()
if (_blendMat != null)
if (Application.isPlaying)
private void ReleaseRenderTextures()
for (int i = 0; i < _buffer.Count; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < _buffer[i].Length; ++j)
if (_buffer[i][j].texture != null)
_buffer[i][j].texture = null;
if (_outputTexture != null && _outputTexture[i] != null)
_outputTexture = null;
private void ConstructRenderTextures()
_outputTexture = new RenderTexture[_mediaPlayer.TextureProducer.GetTextureCount()];
for (int i = 0; i < _mediaPlayer.TextureProducer.GetTextureCount(); ++i)
Texture tex = _mediaPlayer.TextureProducer.GetTexture(i);
_buffer.Add(new TimestampedRenderTexture[_bufferSize]);
for (int j = 0; j < _bufferSize; ++j)
_buffer[i][j] = new TimestampedRenderTexture();
for (int j = 0; j < _buffer[i].Length; ++j)
_buffer[i][j].texture = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(tex.width, tex.height, 0);
_buffer[i][j].timestamp = 0;
_buffer[i][j].used = false;
_outputTexture[i] = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(tex.width, tex.height, 0);
_outputTexture[i].filterMode = tex.filterMode;
_outputTexture[i].wrapMode = tex.wrapMode;
_outputTexture[i].anisoLevel = tex.anisoLevel;
// TODO: set up the mips level too?
private bool CheckRenderTexturesValid()
for (int i = 0; i < _mediaPlayer.TextureProducer.GetTextureCount(); ++i)
Texture tex = _mediaPlayer.TextureProducer.GetTexture(i);
for (int j = 0; j < _buffer.Count; ++j)
if (_buffer[i][j].texture == null || _buffer[i][j].texture.width != tex.width || _buffer[i][j].texture.height != tex.height)
return false;
if (_outputTexture == null || _outputTexture[i] == null || _outputTexture[i].width != tex.width || _outputTexture[i].height != tex.height)
return false;
return true;
//finds closest frame that occurs before given index
private int FindBeforeFrameIndex(int frameIdx)
if (frameIdx >= _buffer.Count)
return -1;
int foundFrame = -1;
float smallestDif = float.MaxValue;
int closest = -1;
float smallestElapsed = float.MaxValue;
for (int i = 0; i < _buffer[frameIdx].Length; ++i)
if (_buffer[frameIdx][i].used)
float elapsed = (_buffer[frameIdx][i].timestamp - _baseTimestamp) / 10000000f;
//keep track of closest after frame, just in case no before frame was found
if (elapsed < smallestElapsed)
closest = i;
smallestElapsed = elapsed;
float dif = _elapsedTimeSinceBase - elapsed;
if (dif >= 0 && dif < smallestDif)
smallestDif = dif;
foundFrame = i;
if (foundFrame < 0)
if (closest < 0)
return -1;
return closest;
return foundFrame;
private int FindClosestFrame(int frameIdx)
if (frameIdx >= _buffer.Count)
return -1;
int foundPos = -1;
float smallestDif = float.MaxValue;
for (int i = 0; i < _buffer[frameIdx].Length; ++i)
if (_buffer[frameIdx][i].used)
float elapsed = (_buffer[frameIdx][i].timestamp - _baseTimestamp) / 10000000f;
float dif = Mathf.Abs(_elapsedTimeSinceBase - elapsed);
if (dif < smallestDif)
foundPos = i;
smallestDif = dif;
return foundPos;
//point update selects closest frame and uses that as output
private void PointUpdate()
for (int i = 0; i < _buffer.Count; ++i)
int frameIndex = FindClosestFrame(i);
if (frameIndex < 0)
Graphics.Blit(_buffer[i][frameIndex].texture, _outputTexture[i]);
TextureTimeStamp = _currentDisplayedTimestamp = _buffer[i][frameIndex].timestamp;
//Updates currently displayed frame
private void SampleFrame(int frameIdx, int bufferIdx)
Graphics.Blit(_buffer[bufferIdx][frameIdx].texture, _outputTexture[bufferIdx]);
TextureTimeStamp = _currentDisplayedTimestamp = _buffer[bufferIdx][frameIdx].timestamp;
//Same as sample frame, but does a lerp of the two given frames and outputs that image instead
private void SampleFrames(int bufferIdx, int frameIdx1, int frameIdx2, float t)
_blendMat.SetFloat(_propT, t);
_blendMat.SetTexture(_propAfterTex, _buffer[bufferIdx][frameIdx2].texture);
Graphics.Blit(_buffer[bufferIdx][frameIdx1].texture, _outputTexture[bufferIdx], _blendMat);
TextureTimeStamp = (long)Mathf.Lerp(_buffer[bufferIdx][frameIdx1].timestamp, _buffer[bufferIdx][frameIdx2].timestamp, t);
_currentDisplayedTimestamp = _buffer[bufferIdx][frameIdx1].timestamp;
private void LinearUpdate()
for (int i = 0; i < _buffer.Count; ++i)
//find closest frame
int frameIndex = FindBeforeFrameIndex(i);
//no valid frame, this should never ever happen actually...
if (frameIndex < 0)
//resample or just use last frame and set current elapsed time to that frame
float frameElapsed = (_buffer[i][frameIndex].timestamp - _baseTimestamp) / 10000000f;
if (frameElapsed > _elapsedTimeSinceBase)
SampleFrame(frameIndex, i);
LastT = -1f;
int next = (frameIndex + 1) % _buffer[i].Length;
float nextElapsed = (_buffer[i][next].timestamp - _baseTimestamp) / 10000000f;
//no larger frame, move elapsed time back a bit since we cant predict the future
if (nextElapsed < frameElapsed)
SampleFrame(frameIndex, i);
LastT = 2f;
//have a before and after frame, interpolate
float range = nextElapsed - frameElapsed;
float t = (_elapsedTimeSinceBase - frameElapsed) / range;
SampleFrames(i, frameIndex, next, t);
LastT = t;
private void InvalidateBuffer()
_elapsedTimeSinceBase = (_bufferSize / 2) / _videoFrameRate;
for (int i = 0; i < _buffer.Count; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < _buffer[i].Length; ++j)
_buffer[i][j].used = false;
_start = _end = 0;
private float GuessFrameRate()
int fpsCount = 0;
long fps = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < _buffer[0].Length; k++)
if (_buffer[0][k].used)
// Find the pair with the smallest difference
long smallestDiff = long.MaxValue;
for (int j = k + 1; j < _buffer[0].Length; j++)
if (_buffer[0][j].used)
long diff = System.Math.Abs(_buffer[0][k].timestamp - _buffer[0][j].timestamp);
if (diff < smallestDiff)
smallestDiff = diff;
if (smallestDiff != long.MaxValue)
fps += smallestDiff;
if (fpsCount > 1)
fps /= fpsCount;
return 10000000f / (float)fps;
public void Update()
if (_mediaPlayer.TextureProducer == null)
//recreate textures if invalid
if (_mediaPlayer.TextureProducer == null || _mediaPlayer.TextureProducer.GetTexture() == null)
if (!CheckRenderTexturesValid())
long currentTimestamp = _mediaPlayer.TextureProducer.GetTextureTimeStamp();
//if frame has been updated, do a calculation to estimate dropped frames
if (currentTimestamp != _lastTimeStamp)
float dif = Mathf.Abs(currentTimestamp - _lastTimeStamp);
float frameLength = (10000000f / _videoFrameRate);
if (dif > frameLength * 1.1f && dif < frameLength * 3.1f)
_droppedFrames += (int)((dif - frameLength) / frameLength + 0.5);
_lastTimeStamp = currentTimestamp;
//Adding texture to buffer logic
long timestamp = _mediaPlayer.TextureProducer.GetTextureTimeStamp();
bool insertNewFrame = !_mediaPlayer.Control.IsSeeking();
//if buffer is not empty, we need to check if we need to reject the new frame
if (_start != _end || _buffer[0][_end].used)
int lastFrame = (_end + _buffer[0].Length - 1) % _buffer[0].Length;
//frame is not new and thus we do not need to store it
if (timestamp == _buffer[0][lastFrame].timestamp)
insertNewFrame = false;
bool bufferWasNotFull = (_start != _end) || (!_buffer[0][_end].used);
if (insertNewFrame)
//buffer empty, reset base timestamp to current
if (_start == _end && !_buffer[0][_end].used)
_baseTimestamp = timestamp;
//update buffer counters, if buffer is full, we get rid of the earliest frame by incrementing the start counter
if (_end == _start && _buffer[0][_end].used)
_start = (_start + 1) % _buffer[0].Length;
for (int i = 0; i < _mediaPlayer.TextureProducer.GetTextureCount(); ++i)
Texture currentTexture = _mediaPlayer.TextureProducer.GetTexture(i);
//store frame info
Graphics.Blit(currentTexture, _buffer[i][_end].texture);
_buffer[i][_end].timestamp = timestamp;
_buffer[i][_end].used = true;
_end = (_end + 1) % _buffer[0].Length;
bool bufferNotFull = (_start != _end) || (!_buffer[0][_end].used);
if (bufferNotFull)
for (int i = 0; i < _buffer.Count; ++i)
Graphics.Blit(_buffer[i][_start].texture, _outputTexture[i]);
_currentDisplayedTimestamp = _buffer[i][_start].timestamp;
// If we don't have a valid frame rate and the buffer is now full, guess the frame rate by looking at the buffered timestamps
if (bufferWasNotFull && _videoFrameRate <= 0f)
_videoFrameRate = GuessFrameRate();
_elapsedTimeSinceBase = (_bufferSize / 2) / _videoFrameRate;
if (_mediaPlayer.Control.IsPaused())
//we always wait until buffer is full before display things, just assign first frame in buffer to output so that the user can see something
if (bufferNotFull)
if (_mediaPlayer.Control.IsPlaying() && !_mediaPlayer.Control.IsFinished())
//correct elapsed time if too far out
long ts = _buffer[0][(_start + _bufferSize / 2) % _bufferSize].timestamp - _baseTimestamp;
double dif = Mathf.Abs(((float)((double)_elapsedTimeSinceBase * 10000000) - ts));
double threshold = (_buffer[0].Length / 2) / _videoFrameRate * 10000000;
if (dif > threshold)
_elapsedTimeSinceBase = ts / 10000000f;
if (_resampleMode == ResampleMode.POINT)
else if (_resampleMode == ResampleMode.LINEAR)
_elapsedTimeSinceBase += Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
public void UpdateTimestamp()
if (_lastDisplayedTimestamp != _currentDisplayedTimestamp)
_lastDisplayedTimestamp = _currentDisplayedTimestamp;
_frameDisplayedTimer = 0;