
337 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2024-01-19 16:30:05 +01:00
//============= Copyright (c) Ludic GmbH, All rights reserved. ==============
// Purpose: Part of the My Behaviour Tree Controller Code
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Video;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using MyBT;
using UnityEditor;
public class NamedVideoPlayerInspector : ComponentHandlerInspector {
public class NamedVideoPlayer : ComponentHandler {
public override string TypeLabel () {
return "VideoPlayer";
public override string ContentLabel() {
return videoPlayerComponent.clip.name;
public override void UpdateComponent() {
videoPlayerComponent = GetComponent<VideoPlayer>();
public VideoPlayer videoPlayerComponent;
public override string titleText {
get {
return "Run Video, Show/Hide, FadeIn/FadeOut";
public override string[][] helpText {
get {
return new string[][] {
new string[] {"Run", null, $"BTC.Run(\"{roomId}\", \"{gameObject.name}\")"},
new string[] {"Show", null, $"BTC.Show(\"{roomId}\", \"{gameObject.name}\")"},
new string[] {"Hide", null, $"BTC.Hide(\"{roomId}\", \"{gameObject.name}\")"},
new string[] {"FadeIn", null, $"BTC.FadeIn(\"{roomId}\", \"{gameObject.name}\")"},
new string[] {"FadeOut", null, $"BTC.FadeOut(\"{roomId}\", \"{gameObject.name}\")"},
public override void Run(MyBT.NodeState nodeState) {
Task.log = $"isPrepared: {videoPlayerComponent.isPrepared} isPlaying:{videoPlayerComponent.isPlaying}";
// whan aborting
if (nodeState == NodeState.Aborting) {
// at start
if (nodeState == NodeState.FirstRun) {
// reset event trigger
// during runtime
if (nodeState == NodeState.Running) {
if (videoPlayerComponent.isPrepared) {
if (!videoPlayerComponent.isPlaying) {
// public override void Set(NodeState nodeState, string key, string value) {
// if (nodeState == NodeState.FirstRun) {
// if (key == "text") {
// text.text = value;
// Task.SetSucceeded();
// return;
// }
// }
// Task.SetFailed();
// }
#region both values setting
public override void SetAlpha(float alpha) {
if (videoPlayerComponent != null) {
videoPlayerComponent.targetCameraAlpha = 1 - alpha;
public override float GetAlpha() {
if (videoPlayerComponent != null) {
return 1-videoPlayerComponent.targetCameraAlpha;
return 0;
enum VideoState {
// public void PlayVideo(NodeState nodeState) { // , bool waitUntilFinished
// switch (nodeState) {
// case NodeState.FirstRun: // equals isStarting
// // Debug.Log("PlayVideo: starting " + roomId + " " + videoName + " " + Time.frameCount);
// // Task.data = VideoState.Initialize;
// videoPlayerComponent.Play();
// break;
// case NodeState.Running:
// if (videoPlayerComponent.isPrepared) {
// if (!videoPlayerComponent.isPlaying) {
// Task.SetSucceeded();
// return;
// }
// }
// break;
// case NodeState.Aborting:
// videoPlayerComponent.Stop();
// // Debug.Log("PlayVideo: aborting " + roomId + " " + videoName + " " + Time.frameCount);
// // Task.data = VideoState.Stopping;
// break;
// }
// if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Backspace)) {
// // Debug.Log("PlayVideo: skipping " + roomId + " " + videoName + " " + Time.frameCount);
// Task.data = VideoState.Stopping;
// }
// Task.log = "" + Task.data.ToString();
// switch ((VideoState)Task.data) {
// case VideoState.Initialize:
// // Debug.Log("VideoState.Initialize " + Time.frameCount);
// // HideNow();
// //Task.data = VideoState.FadeIn;
// videoPlayerComponent.Prepare();
// videoPlayerComponent.StepForward();
// //player.video.frame = 1;
// if (videoPlayerComponent.isPrepared) {
// Debug.Log("isPrepared");
// Task.data = VideoState.FadeIn;
// // FadeInStart();
// }
// break;
// case VideoState.FadeIn:
// // Debug.Log("VideoState.FadeIn " + Time.frameCount);
// if (isVisible) {
// // Debug.Log("PlaybackStart " + Time.time);
// ShowNow();
// videoPlayerComponent.Play();
// Task.data = VideoState.Playing;
// }
// break;
// case VideoState.Playing:
// // Debug.Log("VideoState.Playing " + Time.frameCount);
// // video has stopped playing
// if (!videoPlayerComponent.isPlaying && videoPlayerComponent.isPrepared) {
// //player.video.Stop();
// ShowNow();
// FadeOutStart();
// // switch to fade out
// Task.data = VideoState.FadeOut;
// }
// break;
// case VideoState.FadeOut:
// // Debug.Log("VideoState.FadeOut " + Time.frameCount);
// if (isHidden) {
// HideNow();
// Task.data = VideoState.Undefined;
// // Debug.Log("PlayVideo: finished " + roomId + " " + videoName);
// Task.SetSucceeded();
// }
// break;
// case VideoState.Stopping:
// case VideoState.Undefined:
// // Debug.Log("VideoState.Stopping/Undefined " + Time.frameCount);
// HideNow();
// videoPlayerComponent.Stop();
// Task.data = VideoState.Undefined;
// Task.SetSucceeded();
// break;
// }
// }
// public void IsFinished(NodeState nodeState) {
// // on start, play
// Task.log = "playing=" + videoPlayerComponent.isPlaying + " isPrepared=" + videoPlayerComponent.isPrepared;
// if (Task.isStarting) {
// Debug.Log("WaitVideoFinished.isStarting : waiting for video to finish=" + name);
// }
// else {
// //if (!player.video.isPrepared) {
// // // not even prepared
// // return;
// //}
// // if stopped playing
// if (!videoPlayerComponent.isPlaying) {
// FadeOutStart();
// Task.SetSucceeded();
// }
// }
// }
// public override void Abort(NodeState nodeState) {
// // on start, play
// Task.log = "playing=" + videoPlayerComponent.isPlaying + " isPrepared=" + videoPlayerComponent.isPrepared;
// if (nodeState == NodeState.FirstRun) {
// Debug.Log("AbortVideo.isStarting : waiting for video to finish=" + name);
// FadeOutStart();
// videoPlayerComponent.Stop();
// Task.SetSucceeded();
// }
// }
// public float sourceAlpha;
// public float targetAlpha;
// public float timeSum;
// public float timeScale = 0.3f;
// private float visibleAlpha = Color.white.a;
// private float hiddenAlpha = Color.clear.a;
// public override void Update() {
// base.Update();
// if (timeSum < timeScale) {
// timeSum += Time.deltaTime;
// objectAlpha = Mathf.Lerp(sourceAlpha, targetAlpha, timeSum / timeScale);
// };
// }
// public void FadeInStart() {
// sourceAlpha = objectAlpha;
// targetAlpha = visibleAlpha;
// // actually should be -1, but because of an error with the first frame, we need more time
// timeSum = -3*Time.deltaTime;
// }
// public void FadeOutStart() {
// sourceAlpha = objectAlpha;
// targetAlpha = hiddenAlpha;
// // actually should be -1, but because of an error with the first frame, we need more time
// timeSum = -3*Time.deltaTime;
// }
// public void ShowNow() {
// sourceAlpha = Color.white.a;
// targetAlpha = Color.white.a;
// timeSum = 1;
// objectAlpha = targetAlpha;
// }
// public void HideNow() {
// sourceAlpha = Color.clear.a;
// targetAlpha = Color.clear.a;
// timeSum = 1;
// objectAlpha = targetAlpha;
// }
// public bool isHidden {
// get {
// return (objectAlpha == hiddenAlpha);
// }
// }
// public bool isVisible {
// get {
// return (objectAlpha == visibleAlpha);
// }
// }
// public override void Update() {
// base.Update();
// }
// public float objectAlpha {
// get {
// if (useRenderer) {
// return renderer.sharedMaterial.color.a;
// }
// else if (useRawImage) {
// return rawImage.color.a;
// }
// else {
// return videoPlayerComponent.targetCameraAlpha;
// }
// }
// set {
// // Debug.Log("NamedVideoPlayer.objectAlpha: "+value);
// if (useRenderer) {
// renderer.sharedMaterial.color = new Color(
// renderer.sharedMaterial.color.r,
// renderer.sharedMaterial.color.g,
// renderer.sharedMaterial.color.b,
// value
// );
// }
// else if (useRawImage) {
// // clear texture when full alpha because of first frame errors (doenst fix it tough)
// if (value == 0) {
// rawImage.texture = null;
// }
// else {
// rawImage.texture = videoPlayerComponent.targetTexture;
// }
// rawImage.color = new Color(
// rawImage.color.r,
// rawImage.color.g,
// rawImage.color.b,
// value
// );
// }
// else {
// videoPlayerComponent.targetCameraAlpha = value;
// }
// }
// }