2024-09-05 16:43:17 +02:00
2025-02-21 10:21:19 +01:00
// Copyright 2012-2025 RenderHeads Ltd. All rights reserved.
2024-09-05 16:43:17 +02:00
// Unity versions where xcframework support was added
// 2023.2.18f1
// 2022.3.23f1
// 2021.3.37f1
// There has to be a better way...
#if UNITY_2023_2_OR_NEWER & & ! ( UNITY_2023_2_0 | | UNITY_2023_2_1 | | UNITY_2023_2_2 | | UNITY_2023_2_3 | | UNITY_2023_2_4 | | UNITY_2023_2_5 | | UNITY_2023_2_6 | | UNITY_2023_2_7 | | UNITY_2023_2_8 | | UNITY_2023_2_9 | | UNITY_2023_2_10 | | UNITY_2023_2_11 | | UNITY_2023_2_12 | | UNITY_2023_2_13 | | UNITY_2023_2_14 | | UNITY_2023_2_15 | | UNITY_2023_2_16 | | UNITY_2023_2_17 )
#elif UNITY_2023_1_OR_NEWER
#elif UNITY_2022_3_OR_NEWER & & ! ( UNITY_2022_3_0 | | UNITY_2022_3_1 | | UNITY_2022_3_2 | | UNITY_2022_3_3 | | UNITY_2022_3_4 | | UNITY_2022_3_5 | | UNITY_2022_3_6 | | UNITY_2022_3_7 | | UNITY_2022_3_8 | | UNITY_2022_3_9 | | UNITY_2022_3_10 | | UNITY_2022_3_11 | | UNITY_2022_3_12 | | UNITY_2022_3_13 | | UNITY_2022_3_14 | | UNITY_2022_3_15 | | UNITY_2022_3_16 | | UNITY_2022_3_17 | | UNITY_2022_3_18 | | UNITY_2022_3_19 | | UNITY_2022_3_20 | | UNITY_2022_3_21 | | UNITY_2022_3_22 )
#elif UNITY_2022_1_OR_NEWER
#elif UNITY_2021_3_OR_NEWER & & ! ( UNITY_2021_3_0 | | UNITY_2021_3_1 | | UNITY_2021_3_2 | | UNITY_2021_3_3 | | UNITY_2021_3_4 | | UNITY_2021_3_5 | | UNITY_2021_3_6 | | UNITY_2021_3_7 | | UNITY_2021_3_8 | | UNITY_2021_3_9 | | UNITY_2021_3_10 | | UNITY_2021_3_11 | | UNITY_2021_3_12 | | UNITY_2021_3_13 | | UNITY_2021_3_14 | | UNITY_2021_3_15 | | UNITY_2021_3_16 | | UNITY_2021_3_17 | | UNITY_2021_3_18 | | UNITY_2021_3_19 | | UNITY_2021_3_20 | | UNITY_2021_3_21 | | UNITY_2021_3_22 | | UNITY_2021_3_23 | | UNITY_2021_3_24 | | UNITY_2021_3_25 | | UNITY_2021_3_26 | | UNITY_2021_3_27 | | UNITY_2021_3_28 | | UNITY_2021_3_29 | | UNITY_2021_3_30 | | UNITY_2021_3_31 | | UNITY_2021_3_32 | | UNITY_2021_3_33 | | UNITY_2021_3_34 | | UNITY_2021_3_35 | | UNITY_2021_3_36 )
#if UNITY_2022_3 | | UNITY_6000_0_OR_NEWER
using UnityEngine ;
using UnityEditor ;
using UnityEditor.Callbacks ;
using UnityEditor.iOS.Xcode ;
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.IO ;
namespace RenderHeads.Media.AVProVideo.Editor
public class PostProcessBuild_iOS
const string AVProVideoPluginName = "AVProVideo.xcframework" ;
2025-02-21 10:21:19 +01:00
const string AVProVideoBootstrap = "extern void AVPUnityRegisterPlugin(void*);\nvoid AVPPluginBootstrap(void) {\n\tAVPUnityRegisterPlugin(UnityRegisterRenderingPluginV5);\n}\n" ;
2024-09-05 16:43:17 +02:00
const string AVProVideoForceSwift = "import Foundation\n" ;
private class Platform
public BuildTarget target { get ; }
public string name { get ; }
public string guid { get ; }
public static Platform GetPlatformForTarget ( BuildTarget target )
switch ( target )
case BuildTarget . iOS :
return new Platform ( BuildTarget . iOS , "iOS" , "a7ee58e0e533849d3a37458bc7df6df7" ) ;
case BuildTarget . tvOS :
return new Platform ( BuildTarget . tvOS , "tvOS" , "f83f62879d8fb417cb18d0547c9bfd02" ) ;
case BuildTarget . VisionOS :
return new Platform ( BuildTarget . VisionOS , "visionOS" , "fe151797423674af0941aae11c872b90" ) ;
default :
return null ;
private Platform ( BuildTarget target , string name , string guid )
this . target = target ;
this . name = name ;
this . guid = guid ;
/// <summary>
/// Get the plugin path for the platform specified
/// </summary>
/// <param name="platform">The platform</param>
/// <param name="pluginName">The plugin's file name</param>
/// <returns>The path of the plugin within Unity's assets folder</returns>
private static string PluginPathForPlatform ( Platform platform , string pluginName )
// See if we can find the plugin by GUID
string pluginPath = AssetDatabase . GUIDToAssetPath ( platform . guid ) ;
// If not, try and find it by name
if ( pluginPath . Length = = 0 )
Debug . LogWarningFormat ( "[AVProVideo] Failed to find plugin by GUID, will attempt to find it by name." ) ;
string [ ] guids = AssetDatabase . FindAssets ( pluginName ) ;
if ( guids ! = null & & guids . Length > 0 )
foreach ( string guid in guids )
string assetPath = AssetDatabase . GUIDToAssetPath ( guid ) ;
if ( assetPath . Contains ( platform . name ) )
pluginPath = assetPath ;
break ;
if ( pluginPath . Length > 0 )
Debug . LogFormat ( "[AVProVideo] Found plugin at '{0}'" , pluginPath ) ;
return pluginPath ;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the target guid if Unity's framework target from the project provided
/// </summary>
/// <param name="project">The project to get the guid from</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static string GetUnityFrameworkTargetGuid ( PBXProject project )
return project . GetUnityFrameworkTargetGuid ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Copies a directory.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Intended for use outside of Unity's project structure, this will skip meta files when copying.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="src">The directory info of the directory to copy</param>
/// <param name="dst">The directory info of the destination directory</param>
private static void CopyDirectory ( DirectoryInfo srcDirInfo , DirectoryInfo dstDirInfo )
// Make sure the target directory exists
Directory . CreateDirectory ( dstDirInfo . FullName ) ;
// Copy over the sub-directories
foreach ( DirectoryInfo subSrcDirInfo in srcDirInfo . GetDirectories ( ) )
DirectoryInfo subDstDirInfo = dstDirInfo . CreateSubdirectory ( subSrcDirInfo . Name ) ;
CopyDirectory ( subSrcDirInfo , subDstDirInfo ) ;
// Copy over the files
foreach ( FileInfo srcFileInfo in srcDirInfo . GetFiles ( ) )
if ( srcFileInfo . Extension = = ".meta" )
// Do not want to copy Unity's meta files into the built project
continue ;
if ( srcFileInfo . Name = = ".DS_Store" )
// Do not want to copy .DS_Store files into the built project
continue ;
srcFileInfo . CopyTo ( Path . Combine ( dstDirInfo . FullName , srcFileInfo . Name ) , true ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Copies a directory.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Intended for use outside of Unity's project structure, this will skip meta files when copying.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="src">The path of the directory to copy</param>
/// <param name="dst">The path where the directory will be copied to</param>
private static void CopyDirectory ( string src , string dst )
CopyDirectory ( new DirectoryInfo ( src ) , new DirectoryInfo ( dst ) ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Tests the target build platform to see if it's supported by this script
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">The target build platform</param>
/// <returns>true if the build target is supported, false otherwise</returns>
private static bool IsBuildTargetSupported ( BuildTarget target )
switch ( target )
case BuildTarget . iOS :
case BuildTarget . tvOS :
case BuildTarget . VisionOS :
return true ;
default :
return false ;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the Xcode project name for the target specified.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">The build target</param>
/// <returns>The Xcode project name</returns>
private static string GetXcodeProjectNameForBuildTarget ( BuildTarget target )
switch ( target )
case BuildTarget . iOS :
case BuildTarget . tvOS :
return "Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj" ;
case BuildTarget . VisionOS :
return "Unity-VisionOS.xcodeproj" ;
default :
Debug . LogError ( $"[AVProVideo] GetXcodeProjectNameForBuildTarget - unrecognised build target: {target}" ) ;
return null ;
// Converts the Unity asset path to the expected path in the built Xcode project.
private static string ConvertPluginAssetPathToXcodeProjectPath ( string pluginPath , string subFolder )
List < string > components = new List < string > ( pluginPath . Split ( new char [ ] { '/' } ) ) ;
// Unity just copies the xcframework into the frameworks folder
string frameworkPath = Path . Combine ( subFolder , components [ ^ 1 ] ) ;
// For reasons unknown unity puts everything under an ARM64 folder on visionOS
components . Insert ( 0 , "ARM64" ) ;
components . Insert ( 0 , subFolder ) ;
components [ 0 ] = subFolder ;
#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
string frameworkPath = string . Join ( "/" , components ) ;
string frameworkPath = string . Join ( "/" , components . ToArray ( ) ) ;
return frameworkPath ;
private static void StripMetaFilesFromDirectory ( DirectoryInfo dirInfo )
// Remove any meta files
foreach ( FileInfo srcFileInfo in dirInfo . GetFiles ( ) )
if ( srcFileInfo . Extension = = ".meta" )
Debug . Log ( $"[AVProVideo] Deleting {srcFileInfo.FullName}" ) ;
File . Delete ( srcFileInfo . FullName ) ;
if ( srcFileInfo . Name = = ".DS_Store" )
Debug . Log ( $"[AVProVideo] Deleting {srcFileInfo.FullName}" ) ;
File . Delete ( srcFileInfo . FullName ) ;
// Do the same for any sub-directories
foreach ( DirectoryInfo subDirInfo in dirInfo . GetDirectories ( "*" ) )
StripMetaFilesFromDirectory ( subDirInfo ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Post-process the generated Xcode project to add the plugin and any build configuration required.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">The target build platform</param>
/// <param name="path">The path to the built project</param>
public static void ModifyProject ( BuildTarget target , string path )
if ( ! IsBuildTargetSupported ( target ) )
// Nothing to be done
return ;
Debug . Log ( "[AVProVideo] Post-processing generated Xcode project..." ) ;
Platform platform = Platform . GetPlatformForTarget ( target ) ;
if ( platform = = null )
Debug . LogWarningFormat ( "[AVProVideo] Unknown build target: {0}, stopping" , target ) ;
return ;
// Create the path to the generated Xcode project file
string xcodeProjectName = GetXcodeProjectNameForBuildTarget ( target ) ;
if ( xcodeProjectName = = null )
return ;
string xcodeProjectPath = Path . Combine ( path , xcodeProjectName , "project.pbxproj" ) ;
Debug . Log ( $"[AVProVideo] Opening Xcode project at: {path}" ) ;
// Open the project
PBXProject project = new PBXProject ( ) ;
project . ReadFromFile ( xcodeProjectPath ) ;
// Attempt to find the plugin path
string pluginPath = PluginPathForPlatform ( platform , AVProVideoPluginName ) ;
if ( pluginPath . Length = = 0 )
Debug . LogErrorFormat ( "[AVProVideo] Failed to find '{0}' for '{1}' in the Unity project. Something is horribly wrong, please reinstall AVPro Video." , AVProVideoPluginName , platform ) ;
return ;
Debug . Log ( $"[AVProVideo] Plugin path: {pluginPath}" ) ;
string destPluginPath = Path . Combine ( "Libraries" , "AVProVideo" ) ;
Directory . CreateDirectory ( Path . Combine ( path , destPluginPath ) ) ;
// Get the Unity framework target GUID
string unityFrameworkTargetGuid = GetUnityFrameworkTargetGuid ( project ) ;
// Get the path to the xcframework
string xcframeworkPath = Path . Combine ( destPluginPath , AVProVideoPluginName ) ;
// Copy over the xcframework to the generated xcode project
Debug . Log ( $"[AVProVideo] Copying AVProVideo.xcframework into the Xcode project at {destPluginPath}" ) ;
CopyDirectory ( pluginPath , Path . Combine ( path , xcframeworkPath ) ) ;
if ( ! project . ContainsFileByProjectPath ( xcframeworkPath ) )
Debug . Log ( "[AVProVideo] Adding AVProVideo.xcframework to the UnityFramework target" ) ;
// Add the xcframework and sundry files to the project
string xcframeworkGuid = project . AddFile ( xcframeworkPath , xcframeworkPath ) ;
// Get the frameworks build phase and add the xcframework to it
string frameworksBuildPhaseForUnityFrameworkTarget = project . GetFrameworksBuildPhaseByTarget ( unityFrameworkTargetGuid ) ;
project . AddFileToBuildSection ( unityFrameworkTargetGuid , frameworksBuildPhaseForUnityFrameworkTarget , xcframeworkGuid ) ;
// If we've upgraded Unity to a version that supports xcframeworks we need to purge the meta files from the plugin
// string xcframeworkPath = ConvertPluginAssetPathToXcodeProjectPath(pluginPath, "Frameworks");
string xcframeworkPath = string . Empty ;
IReadOnlyList < string > paths = project . GetRealPathsOfAllFiles ( PBXSourceTree . Source ) ;
foreach ( string p in paths )
if ( p . EndsWith ( AVProVideoPluginName ) )
xcframeworkPath = p ;
break ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( xcframeworkPath ) )
string dest_xcframeworkPath = Path . Combine ( path , xcframeworkPath ) ;
Debug . Log ( $"[AVProVideo] xcframework path is: {dest_xcframeworkPath}" ) ;
StripMetaFilesFromDirectory ( new DirectoryInfo ( dest_xcframeworkPath ) ) ;
2025-02-21 10:21:19 +01:00
#if ! UNITY_2022_0_OR_NEWER
// No longer required as we directly pull in the necessary symbols in PlatformMediaPlayer.Native
2024-09-05 16:43:17 +02:00
Debug . Log ( "[AVProVideo] Writing AVProVideoBootstrap.m to the UnityFramework target" ) ;
string bootstrapPath = Path . Combine ( destPluginPath , "AVProVideoBootstrap.m" ) ;
File . WriteAllText ( Path . Combine ( path , bootstrapPath ) , AVProVideoBootstrap ) ;
string bootstrapGuid = project . AddFile ( bootstrapPath , bootstrapPath ) ;
project . AddFileToBuild ( unityFrameworkTargetGuid , bootstrapGuid ) ;
2025-02-21 10:21:19 +01:00
2024-09-05 16:43:17 +02:00
string forceSwiftPath = Path . Combine ( destPluginPath , "AVProVideoForceSwift.swift" ) ;
Debug . Log ( "[AVProVideo] Writing AVProVideoForceSwift.swift to the UnityFramework target" ) ;
File . WriteAllText ( Path . Combine ( path , forceSwiftPath ) , AVProVideoForceSwift ) ;
string forceSwiftGuid = project . AddFile ( forceSwiftPath , forceSwiftPath ) ;
project . AddFileToBuild ( unityFrameworkTargetGuid , forceSwiftGuid ) ;
// Make sure the swift version is set to 5.0
string swiftVersionStr = project . GetBuildPropertyForAnyConfig ( unityFrameworkTargetGuid , "SWIFT_VERSION" ) ;
decimal swiftVersion ;
if ( ! Decimal . TryParse ( swiftVersionStr , out swiftVersion ) | | ( swiftVersion < 5 ) )
Debug . Log ( "[AVProVideo] setting SWIFT_VERSION to 5.0 for the UnityFramework target" ) ;
project . SetBuildProperty ( unityFrameworkTargetGuid , "SWIFT_VERSION" , "5.0" ) ;
// Done
project . WriteToFile ( xcodeProjectPath ) ;
Debug . Log ( "[AVProVideo] Finished modifying Xcode project" ) ;