2024-06-14 16:44:57 +02:00
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem ;
namespace UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit.Samples.StarterAssets
/// <summary>
/// Manages input fallback for <see cref="XRGazeInteractor"/> when eye tracking is not available.
/// </summary>
public class GazeInputManager : MonoBehaviour
// This is the name of the layout that is registered by EyeGazeInteraction in the OpenXR Plugin package
const string k_EyeGazeLayoutName = "EyeGaze" ;
[Tooltip("Enable fallback to head tracking if eye tracking is unavailable.")]
bool m_FallbackIfEyeTrackingUnavailable = true ;
/// <summary>
/// Enable fallback to head tracking if eye tracking is unavailable.
/// </summary>
public bool fallbackIfEyeTrackingUnavailable
get = > m_FallbackIfEyeTrackingUnavailable ;
set = > m_FallbackIfEyeTrackingUnavailable = value ;
bool m_EyeTrackingDeviceFound ;
/// <summary>
/// See <see cref="MonoBehaviour"/>.
/// </summary>
protected void Awake ( )
// Check if we have eye tracking support
var inputDeviceList = new List < InputDevice > ( ) ;
InputDevices . GetDevicesWithCharacteristics ( InputDeviceCharacteristics . EyeTracking , inputDeviceList ) ;
if ( inputDeviceList . Count > 0 )
Debug . Log ( "Eye tracking device found!" , this ) ;
m_EyeTrackingDeviceFound = true ;
return ;
foreach ( var device in InputSystem . InputSystem . devices )
if ( device . layout = = k_EyeGazeLayoutName )
Debug . Log ( "Eye gaze device found!" , this ) ;
m_EyeTrackingDeviceFound = true ;
return ;
Debug . LogWarning ( $"Could not find a device that supports eye tracking on Awake. {this} has subscribed to device connected events and will activate the GameObject when an eye tracking device is connected." , this ) ;
InputDevices . deviceConnected + = OnDeviceConnected ;
InputSystem . InputSystem . onDeviceChange + = OnDeviceChange ;
gameObject . SetActive ( m_FallbackIfEyeTrackingUnavailable ) ;
/// <summary>
/// See <see cref="MonoBehaviour"/>.
/// </summary>
protected void OnDestroy ( )
InputDevices . deviceConnected - = OnDeviceConnected ;
InputSystem . InputSystem . onDeviceChange - = OnDeviceChange ;
void OnDeviceConnected ( InputDevice inputDevice )
if ( m_EyeTrackingDeviceFound | | ! inputDevice . characteristics . HasFlag ( InputDeviceCharacteristics . EyeTracking ) )
return ;
Debug . Log ( "Eye tracking device found!" , this ) ;
m_EyeTrackingDeviceFound = true ;
gameObject . SetActive ( true ) ;
void OnDeviceChange ( InputSystem . InputDevice device , InputDeviceChange change )
if ( m_EyeTrackingDeviceFound | | change ! = InputDeviceChange . Added )
return ;
if ( device . layout = = k_EyeGazeLayoutName )
Debug . Log ( "Eye gaze device found!" , this ) ;
m_EyeTrackingDeviceFound = true ;
gameObject . SetActive ( true ) ;