// Asset Usage Detector - by Suleyman Yasir KULA (yasirkula@gmail.com) using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; #if UNITY_2021_2_OR_NEWER using PrefabStage = UnityEditor.SceneManagement.PrefabStage; using PrefabStageUtility = UnityEditor.SceneManagement.PrefabStageUtility; #elif UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER using PrefabStage = UnityEditor.Experimental.SceneManagement.PrefabStage; using PrefabStageUtility = UnityEditor.Experimental.SceneManagement.PrefabStageUtility; #endif namespace AssetUsageDetectorNamespace { public enum Phase { Setup, Processing, Complete }; public class AssetUsageDetectorWindow : EditorWindow, IHasCustomMenu { private enum WindowFilter { AlwaysReturnActive, ReturnActiveIfNotLocked, AlwaysReturnNew }; private const string PREFS_SEARCH_SCENES = "AUD_SceneSearch"; private const string PREFS_SEARCH_SCENE_LIGHTING_SETTINGS = "AUD_LightingSettingsSearch"; private const string PREFS_SEARCH_ASSETS = "AUD_AssetsSearch"; private const string PREFS_SEARCH_PROJECT_SETTINGS = "AUD_ProjectSettingsSearch"; private const string PREFS_DONT_SEARCH_SOURCE_ASSETS = "AUD_AssetsExcludeSrc"; private const string PREFS_SEARCH_DEPTH_LIMIT = "AUD_Depth"; private const string PREFS_SEARCH_FIELDS = "AUD_Fields"; private const string PREFS_SEARCH_PROPERTIES = "AUD_Properties"; private const string PREFS_SEARCH_NON_SERIALIZABLES = "AUD_NonSerializables"; private const string PREFS_SEARCH_UNUSED_MATERIAL_PROPERTIES = "AUD_SearchUnusedMaterialProps"; private const string PREFS_LAZY_SCENE_SEARCH = "AUD_LazySceneSearch"; #if ASSET_USAGE_ADDRESSABLES private const string PREFS_ADDRESSABLES_SUPPORT = "AUD_AddressablesSupport"; #endif private const string PREFS_CALCULATE_UNUSED_OBJECTS = "AUD_FindUnusedObjs"; private const string PREFS_HIDE_DUPLICATE_ROWS = "AUD_HideDuplicates"; private const string PREFS_HIDE_REDUNDANT_PREFAB_REFERENCES_IN_ASSETS = "AUD_HideRedundantPRefsInAssets"; private const string PREFS_HIDE_REDUNDANT_PREFAB_REFERENCES_IN_SCENES = "AUD_HideRedundantPRefsInScenes"; private const string PREFS_SHOW_PROGRESS = "AUD_Progress"; private static readonly GUIContent windowTitle = new GUIContent( "Asset Usage Detector" ); private static readonly Vector2 windowMinSize = new Vector2( 325f, 220f ); private static readonly GUILayoutOption GL_WIDTH_12 = GUILayout.Width( 12f ); private static readonly GUIContent sharedGUIContent = new GUIContent(); private readonly GUIContent hideRedundantPrefabReferencesInAssetsLabel = new GUIContent( "Hide redundant prefab references in Assets", "Hides redundant/non-overridden references in prefab variants and nested prefabs. " + "This will help focus on only the references that actually matter. For example:\n\n" + "- Material CloudMat is assigned to prefab Cloud and its variant CloudBig. Since changing Cloud's material will also affect CloudBig, search results won't show CloudBig's reference" ); private readonly GUIContent hideRedundantPrefabReferencesInScenesLabel = new GUIContent( "Hide redundant prefab references in Scenes", "Hides redundant/non-overridden references in prefab instances. " + "This will help focus on only the references that actually matter. For example:\n\n" + "- Prefab Healthbar is nested inside prefab Player. An instance of Player exists in the current scene and its Healthbar isn't modified. Since modifying Healthbar in Player prefab will also affect " + "the instance in the scene, search results won't show the instance in the scene while searching for Healthbar's references" ); private GUIStyle lockButtonStyle; private readonly AssetUsageDetector core = new AssetUsageDetector(); private SearchResult searchResult; // Overall search results // This isn't readonly so that it can be serialized private List objectsToSearch = new List() { new ObjectToSearch( null ) }; #pragma warning disable 0649 [SerializeField] // Since titleContent persists between Editor sessions, so should the IsLocked property because otherwise, "[L]" in title becomes confusing when the EditorWindow isn't actually locked private bool m_isLocked; private bool IsLocked { get { return m_isLocked; } set { if( m_isLocked != value ) { m_isLocked = value; titleContent = value ? new GUIContent( "[L] " + windowTitle.text, EditorGUIUtility.IconContent( "InspectorLock" ).image ) : windowTitle; } } } #pragma warning restore 0649 private Phase currentPhase = Phase.Setup; private bool searchInOpenScenes = true; // Scenes currently open in Hierarchy view private bool searchInScenesInBuild = true; // Scenes in build private bool searchInScenesInBuildTickedOnly = true; // Scenes in build (ticked only or not) private bool searchInAllScenes = true; // All scenes (including scenes that are not in build) private bool searchInSceneLightingSettings = true; // Window-Rendering-Lighting settings private bool searchInAssetsFolder = true; // Assets in Project window private bool dontSearchInSourceAssets = true; // objectsToSearch won't be searched for internal references private bool searchInProjectSettings = true; // Player Settings, Graphics Settings etc. private List searchInAssetsSubset = new List() { null }; // If not empty, only these assets are searched for references private List excludedAssets = new List() { null }; // These assets won't be searched for references private List excludedScenes = new List() { null }; // These scenes won't be searched for references private int searchDepthLimit = 4; // Depth limit for recursively searching variables of objects private bool lazySceneSearch = true; #if ASSET_USAGE_ADDRESSABLES private bool addressablesSupport = false; #endif private bool searchNonSerializableVariables = true; private bool searchUnusedMaterialProperties = true; private bool calculateUnusedObjects = false; private bool hideDuplicateRows = true; private bool hideRedundantPrefabReferencesInAssets = false; private bool hideRedundantPrefabReferencesInScenes = false; private bool noAssetDatabaseChanges = false; private bool showDetailedProgressBar = true; private BindingFlags fieldModifiers, propertyModifiers; private SearchRefactoring searchRefactoring = null; // Its value can be assigned via ShowAndSearch private readonly ObjectToSearchListDrawer objectsToSearchDrawer = new ObjectToSearchListDrawer(); private readonly ObjectListDrawer searchInAssetsSubsetDrawer = new ObjectListDrawer( "Search following asset(s) only:", false ); private readonly ObjectListDrawer excludedAssetsDrawer = new ObjectListDrawer( "Don't search following asset(s):", false ); private readonly ObjectListDrawer excludedScenesDrawer = new ObjectListDrawer( "Don't search in following scene(s):", false ); private bool drawObjectsToSearchSection = true; private Vector2 scrollPosition = Vector2.zero; private bool shouldRepositionSelf; private Rect windowTargetPosition; void IHasCustomMenu.AddItemsToMenu( GenericMenu contextMenu ) { contextMenu.AddItem( new GUIContent( "Lock" ), IsLocked, () => IsLocked = !IsLocked ); contextMenu.AddSeparator( "" ); #if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER contextMenu.AddItem( new GUIContent( "Settings" ), false, () => SettingsService.OpenProjectSettings( "Project/yasirkula/Asset Usage Detector" ) ); #else contextMenu.AddItem( new GUIContent( "Settings" ), false, () => { System.Type preferencesWindowType = typeof( EditorWindow ).Assembly.GetType( "UnityEditor.PreferencesWindow" ); preferencesWindowType.GetMethod( "ShowPreferencesWindow", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static ).Invoke( null, null ); EditorWindow preferencesWindow = GetWindow( preferencesWindowType ); if( (bool) preferencesWindowType.GetField( "m_RefreshCustomPreferences", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance ).GetValue( preferencesWindow ) ) { preferencesWindowType.GetMethod( "AddCustomSections", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance ).Invoke( preferencesWindow, null ); preferencesWindowType.GetField( "m_RefreshCustomPreferences", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance ).SetValue( preferencesWindow, false ); } int targetSectionIndex = -1; System.Collections.IList sections = (System.Collections.IList) preferencesWindowType.GetField( "m_Sections", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance ).GetValue( preferencesWindow ); for( int i = 0; i < sections.Count; i++ ) { if( ( (GUIContent) sections[i].GetType().GetField( "content", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance ).GetValue( sections[i] ) ).text == "Asset Usage Detector" ) { targetSectionIndex = i; break; } } if( targetSectionIndex >= 0 ) preferencesWindowType.GetProperty( "selectedSectionIndex", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance ).SetValue( preferencesWindow, targetSectionIndex, null ); } ); #endif if( currentPhase == Phase.Setup ) { contextMenu.AddSeparator( "" ); contextMenu.AddItem( new GUIContent( "Refresh Sub-Assets of Searched Objects" ), false, () => { for( int i = objectsToSearch.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) objectsToSearch[i].RefreshSubAssets(); } ); } else if( currentPhase == Phase.Complete ) { if( searchResult != null && searchResult.NumberOfGroups > 0 ) { contextMenu.AddSeparator( "" ); contextMenu.AddItem( new GUIContent( "Collapse All" ), false, searchResult.CollapseAllSearchResultGroups ); } } } // Shows lock button at the top-right corner // Credit: http://leahayes.co.uk/2013/04/30/adding-the-little-padlock-button-to-your-editorwindow.html private void ShowButton( Rect position ) { if( lockButtonStyle == null ) lockButtonStyle = "IN LockButton"; IsLocked = GUI.Toggle( position, IsLocked, GUIContent.none, lockButtonStyle ); } private static AssetUsageDetectorWindow GetWindow( WindowFilter filter ) { AssetUsageDetectorWindow[] windows = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(); AssetUsageDetectorWindow window = System.Array.Find( windows, ( w ) => w && !w.IsLocked ); if( !window ) window = System.Array.Find( windows, ( w ) => w ); if( window && ( filter == WindowFilter.AlwaysReturnActive || ( !window.IsLocked && filter == WindowFilter.ReturnActiveIfNotLocked ) ) ) { window.Show(); window.Focus(); return window; } Rect? windowTargetPosition = null; if( window ) { Rect position = window.position; position.position += new Vector2( 50f, 50f ); windowTargetPosition = position; } window = CreateInstance(); window.titleContent = windowTitle; window.minSize = windowMinSize; if( windowTargetPosition.HasValue ) { window.shouldRepositionSelf = true; window.windowTargetPosition = windowTargetPosition.Value; } window.Show( true ); window.Focus(); return window; } [MenuItem( "Window/Asset Usage Detector/Active Window" )] private static void OpenActiveWindow() { GetWindow( WindowFilter.AlwaysReturnActive ); } [MenuItem( "Window/Asset Usage Detector/New Window" )] private static void OpenNewWindow() { GetWindow( WindowFilter.AlwaysReturnNew ); } // Quickly initiate search for the selected assets [MenuItem( "GameObject/Search for References/This Object Only", priority = 49 )] [MenuItem( "Assets/Search for References", priority = 1000 )] private static void SearchSelectedAssetReferences( MenuCommand command ) { // This happens when this button is clicked via hierarchy's right click context menu // and is called once for each object in the selection. We don't want that, we want // the function to be called only once if( command.context ) { EditorApplication.update -= CallSearchSelectedAssetReferencesOnce; EditorApplication.update += CallSearchSelectedAssetReferencesOnce; } else ShowAndSearch( Selection.objects ); } [MenuItem( "GameObject/Search for References/Include Children", priority = 49 )] private static void SearchSelectedAssetReferencesWithChildren( MenuCommand command ) { if( command.context ) { EditorApplication.update -= CallSearchSelectedAssetReferencesWithChildrenOnce; EditorApplication.update += CallSearchSelectedAssetReferencesWithChildrenOnce; } else ShowAndSearch( Selection.objects, true ); } // Show the menu item only if there is a selection in the Editor [MenuItem( "GameObject/Search for References/This Object Only", validate = true )] [MenuItem( "GameObject/Search for References/Include Children", validate = true )] [MenuItem( "Assets/Search for References", validate = true )] private static bool SearchSelectedAssetReferencesValidate( MenuCommand command ) { return Selection.objects.Length > 0; } // Quickly show the AssetUsageDetector window and initiate a search public static void ShowAndSearch( IEnumerable searchObjects, bool? shouldSearchChildren = null ) { GetWindow( WindowFilter.ReturnActiveIfNotLocked ).ShowAndSearchInternal( searchObjects, null, shouldSearchChildren ); } // Quickly show the AssetUsageDetector window and initiate a search public static void ShowAndSearch( AssetUsageDetector.Parameters searchParameters, bool? shouldSearchChildren = null ) { if( searchParameters == null ) { Debug.LogError( "searchParameters can't be null!" ); return; } GetWindow( WindowFilter.ReturnActiveIfNotLocked ).ShowAndSearchInternal( searchParameters.objectsToSearch, searchParameters, shouldSearchChildren ); } private static void CallSearchSelectedAssetReferencesOnce() { EditorApplication.update -= CallSearchSelectedAssetReferencesOnce; SearchSelectedAssetReferences( new MenuCommand( null ) ); } private static void CallSearchSelectedAssetReferencesWithChildrenOnce() { EditorApplication.update -= CallSearchSelectedAssetReferencesWithChildrenOnce; SearchSelectedAssetReferencesWithChildren( new MenuCommand( null ) ); } private void ShowAndSearchInternal( IEnumerable searchObjects, AssetUsageDetector.Parameters searchParameters, bool? shouldSearchChildren ) { if( !ReturnToSetupPhase() ) { Debug.LogError( "Need to reset the previous search first!" ); return; } objectsToSearch.Clear(); if( searchObjects != null ) { foreach( Object obj in searchObjects ) objectsToSearch.Add( new ObjectToSearch( obj, shouldSearchChildren ) ); } if( searchParameters != null ) { ParseSceneSearchMode( searchParameters.searchInScenes ); searchInSceneLightingSettings = searchParameters.searchInSceneLightingSettings; searchInAssetsFolder = searchParameters.searchInAssetsFolder; dontSearchInSourceAssets = searchParameters.dontSearchInSourceAssets; searchInProjectSettings = searchParameters.searchInProjectSettings; searchDepthLimit = searchParameters.searchDepthLimit; fieldModifiers = searchParameters.fieldModifiers; propertyModifiers = searchParameters.propertyModifiers; searchNonSerializableVariables = searchParameters.searchNonSerializableVariables; searchUnusedMaterialProperties = searchParameters.searchUnusedMaterialProperties; searchRefactoring = searchParameters.searchRefactoring; lazySceneSearch = searchParameters.lazySceneSearch; #if ASSET_USAGE_ADDRESSABLES addressablesSupport = searchParameters.addressablesSupport; #endif calculateUnusedObjects = searchParameters.calculateUnusedObjects; hideDuplicateRows = searchParameters.hideDuplicateRows; hideRedundantPrefabReferencesInAssets = searchParameters.hideRedundantPrefabReferencesInAssets; hideRedundantPrefabReferencesInScenes = searchParameters.hideRedundantPrefabReferencesInScenes; noAssetDatabaseChanges = searchParameters.noAssetDatabaseChanges; showDetailedProgressBar = searchParameters.showDetailedProgressBar; searchInAssetsSubset.Clear(); if( searchParameters.searchInAssetsSubset != null ) { foreach( Object obj in searchParameters.searchInAssetsSubset ) searchInAssetsSubset.Add( obj ); } excludedAssets.Clear(); if( searchParameters.excludedAssetsFromSearch != null ) { foreach( Object obj in searchParameters.excludedAssetsFromSearch ) excludedAssets.Add( obj ); } excludedScenes.Clear(); if( searchParameters.excludedScenesFromSearch != null ) { foreach( Object obj in searchParameters.excludedScenesFromSearch ) excludedScenes.Add( obj ); } } InitiateSearch(); Repaint(); } private void Awake() { LoadPrefs(); } private void OnEnable() { if( currentPhase == Phase.Complete && AssetUsageDetectorSettings.ShowCustomTooltip ) wantsMouseMove = wantsMouseEnterLeaveWindow = true; // These values aren't preserved during domain reload on Unity 2020.3.0f1 #if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER PrefabStage.prefabStageClosing -= ReplacePrefabStageObjectsWithAssets; PrefabStage.prefabStageClosing += ReplacePrefabStageObjectsWithAssets; #endif } private void OnDisable() { #if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER PrefabStage.prefabStageClosing -= ReplacePrefabStageObjectsWithAssets; #endif SearchResultTooltip.Hide(); } private void OnDestroy() { if( core != null ) core.SaveCache(); SavePrefs(); if( searchResult != null && currentPhase == Phase.Complete ) searchResult.RestoreInitialSceneSetup(); } private void SavePrefs() { EditorPrefs.SetInt( PREFS_SEARCH_SCENES, (int) GetSceneSearchMode( false ) ); EditorPrefs.SetBool( PREFS_SEARCH_SCENE_LIGHTING_SETTINGS, searchInSceneLightingSettings ); EditorPrefs.SetBool( PREFS_SEARCH_ASSETS, searchInAssetsFolder ); EditorPrefs.SetBool( PREFS_DONT_SEARCH_SOURCE_ASSETS, dontSearchInSourceAssets ); EditorPrefs.SetBool( PREFS_SEARCH_PROJECT_SETTINGS, searchInProjectSettings ); EditorPrefs.SetInt( PREFS_SEARCH_DEPTH_LIMIT, searchDepthLimit ); EditorPrefs.SetInt( PREFS_SEARCH_FIELDS, (int) fieldModifiers ); EditorPrefs.SetInt( PREFS_SEARCH_PROPERTIES, (int) propertyModifiers ); EditorPrefs.SetBool( PREFS_SEARCH_NON_SERIALIZABLES, searchNonSerializableVariables ); EditorPrefs.SetBool( PREFS_SEARCH_UNUSED_MATERIAL_PROPERTIES, searchUnusedMaterialProperties ); EditorPrefs.SetBool( PREFS_LAZY_SCENE_SEARCH, lazySceneSearch ); #if ASSET_USAGE_ADDRESSABLES EditorPrefs.SetBool( PREFS_ADDRESSABLES_SUPPORT, addressablesSupport ); #endif EditorPrefs.SetBool( PREFS_CALCULATE_UNUSED_OBJECTS, calculateUnusedObjects ); EditorPrefs.SetBool( PREFS_HIDE_DUPLICATE_ROWS, hideDuplicateRows ); EditorPrefs.SetBool( PREFS_HIDE_REDUNDANT_PREFAB_REFERENCES_IN_ASSETS, hideRedundantPrefabReferencesInAssets ); EditorPrefs.SetBool( PREFS_HIDE_REDUNDANT_PREFAB_REFERENCES_IN_SCENES, hideRedundantPrefabReferencesInScenes ); EditorPrefs.SetBool( PREFS_SHOW_PROGRESS, showDetailedProgressBar ); } private void LoadPrefs() { ParseSceneSearchMode( (SceneSearchMode) EditorPrefs.GetInt( PREFS_SEARCH_SCENES, (int) ( SceneSearchMode.OpenScenes | SceneSearchMode.ScenesInBuildSettingsTickedOnly | SceneSearchMode.AllScenes ) ) ); searchInSceneLightingSettings = EditorPrefs.GetBool( PREFS_SEARCH_SCENE_LIGHTING_SETTINGS, true ); searchInAssetsFolder = EditorPrefs.GetBool( PREFS_SEARCH_ASSETS, true ); dontSearchInSourceAssets = EditorPrefs.GetBool( PREFS_DONT_SEARCH_SOURCE_ASSETS, true ); searchInProjectSettings = EditorPrefs.GetBool( PREFS_SEARCH_PROJECT_SETTINGS, true ); searchDepthLimit = EditorPrefs.GetInt( PREFS_SEARCH_DEPTH_LIMIT, 4 ); fieldModifiers = (BindingFlags) EditorPrefs.GetInt( PREFS_SEARCH_FIELDS, (int) ( BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic ) ); propertyModifiers = (BindingFlags) EditorPrefs.GetInt( PREFS_SEARCH_PROPERTIES, (int) ( BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic ) ); searchNonSerializableVariables = EditorPrefs.GetBool( PREFS_SEARCH_NON_SERIALIZABLES, true ); searchUnusedMaterialProperties = EditorPrefs.GetBool( PREFS_SEARCH_UNUSED_MATERIAL_PROPERTIES, true ); lazySceneSearch = EditorPrefs.GetBool( PREFS_LAZY_SCENE_SEARCH, true ); #if ASSET_USAGE_ADDRESSABLES addressablesSupport = EditorPrefs.GetBool( PREFS_ADDRESSABLES_SUPPORT, false ); #endif calculateUnusedObjects = EditorPrefs.GetBool( PREFS_CALCULATE_UNUSED_OBJECTS, false ); hideDuplicateRows = EditorPrefs.GetBool( PREFS_HIDE_DUPLICATE_ROWS, true ); hideRedundantPrefabReferencesInAssets = EditorPrefs.GetBool( PREFS_HIDE_REDUNDANT_PREFAB_REFERENCES_IN_ASSETS, hideRedundantPrefabReferencesInAssets ); hideRedundantPrefabReferencesInScenes = EditorPrefs.GetBool( PREFS_HIDE_REDUNDANT_PREFAB_REFERENCES_IN_SCENES, hideRedundantPrefabReferencesInScenes ); showDetailedProgressBar = EditorPrefs.GetBool( PREFS_SHOW_PROGRESS, true ); } private SceneSearchMode GetSceneSearchMode( bool hideOptionsInPlayMode ) { SceneSearchMode sceneSearchMode = SceneSearchMode.None; if( searchInOpenScenes ) sceneSearchMode |= SceneSearchMode.OpenScenes; if( !hideOptionsInPlayMode || !EditorApplication.isPlaying ) { if( searchInScenesInBuild ) sceneSearchMode |= searchInScenesInBuildTickedOnly ? SceneSearchMode.ScenesInBuildSettingsTickedOnly : SceneSearchMode.ScenesInBuildSettingsAll; if( searchInAllScenes ) sceneSearchMode |= SceneSearchMode.AllScenes; } return sceneSearchMode; } private void ParseSceneSearchMode( SceneSearchMode sceneSearchMode ) { searchInOpenScenes = ( sceneSearchMode & SceneSearchMode.OpenScenes ) == SceneSearchMode.OpenScenes; searchInScenesInBuild = ( sceneSearchMode & SceneSearchMode.ScenesInBuildSettingsAll ) == SceneSearchMode.ScenesInBuildSettingsAll || ( sceneSearchMode & SceneSearchMode.ScenesInBuildSettingsTickedOnly ) == SceneSearchMode.ScenesInBuildSettingsTickedOnly; searchInScenesInBuildTickedOnly = ( sceneSearchMode & SceneSearchMode.ScenesInBuildSettingsAll ) != SceneSearchMode.ScenesInBuildSettingsAll; searchInAllScenes = ( sceneSearchMode & SceneSearchMode.AllScenes ) == SceneSearchMode.AllScenes; } private void Update() { if( shouldRepositionSelf ) { shouldRepositionSelf = false; position = windowTargetPosition; } } private void OnGUI() { // Make the window scrollable scrollPosition = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView( scrollPosition, Utilities.GL_EXPAND_WIDTH, Utilities.GL_EXPAND_HEIGHT ); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); if( currentPhase == Phase.Processing ) { // If we are stuck at this phase, then we have encountered an exception GUILayout.Label( ". . . Search in progress or something went wrong (check console) . . ." ); if( GUILayout.Button( "RETURN", Utilities.GL_HEIGHT_30 ) ) { ReturnToSetupPhase(); GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } } else if( currentPhase == Phase.Setup ) { DrawObjectsToSearchSection(); GUILayout.Space( 10f ); Utilities.DrawHeader( "SEARCH IN" ); searchInAssetsFolder = WordWrappingToggleLeft( "Project window (Assets folder)", searchInAssetsFolder ); if( searchInAssetsFolder ) { BeginIndentedGUI(); searchInAssetsSubsetDrawer.Draw( searchInAssetsSubset ); excludedAssetsDrawer.Draw( excludedAssets ); EndIndentedGUI(); } GUILayout.Space( 5f ); dontSearchInSourceAssets = WordWrappingToggleLeft( "Don't search \"SEARCHED OBJECTS\" themselves for references", dontSearchInSourceAssets ); searchUnusedMaterialProperties = WordWrappingToggleLeft( "Search unused material properties (e.g. normal map of a material that no longer uses normal mapping)", searchUnusedMaterialProperties ); Utilities.DrawSeparatorLine(); if( searchInAllScenes && !EditorApplication.isPlaying ) GUI.enabled = false; searchInOpenScenes = WordWrappingToggleLeft( "Currently open (loaded) scene(s)", searchInOpenScenes ); if( !EditorApplication.isPlaying ) { searchInScenesInBuild = WordWrappingToggleLeft( "Scenes in Build Settings", searchInScenesInBuild ); if( searchInScenesInBuild ) { BeginIndentedGUI( false ); searchInScenesInBuildTickedOnly = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft( "Ticked only", searchInScenesInBuildTickedOnly, Utilities.GL_WIDTH_100 ); searchInScenesInBuildTickedOnly = !EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft( "All", !searchInScenesInBuildTickedOnly, Utilities.GL_WIDTH_100 ); EndIndentedGUI( false ); } GUI.enabled = true; searchInAllScenes = WordWrappingToggleLeft( "All scenes in the project", searchInAllScenes ); } BeginIndentedGUI(); excludedScenesDrawer.Draw( excludedScenes ); EndIndentedGUI(); EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup( !searchInOpenScenes && !searchInScenesInBuild && !searchInAllScenes ); searchInSceneLightingSettings = WordWrappingToggleLeft( "Scene Lighting Settings (WARNING: This may change the active scene during search)", searchInSceneLightingSettings ); EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); Utilities.DrawSeparatorLine(); searchInProjectSettings = WordWrappingToggleLeft( "Project Settings (Player Settings, Graphics Settings etc.)", searchInProjectSettings ); GUILayout.Space( 10f ); Utilities.DrawHeader( "SETTINGS" ); #if ASSET_USAGE_ADDRESSABLES EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup( addressablesSupport ); #endif lazySceneSearch = WordWrappingToggleLeft( "Lazy scene search: scenes are searched in detail only when they are manually refreshed (faster search)", lazySceneSearch ); #if ASSET_USAGE_ADDRESSABLES EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); addressablesSupport = WordWrappingToggleLeft( "Addressables support (Experimental) (WARNING: 'Lazy scene search' will be disabled) (slower search)", addressablesSupport ); #endif calculateUnusedObjects = WordWrappingToggleLeft( "Calculate unused objects", calculateUnusedObjects ); hideDuplicateRows = WordWrappingToggleLeft( "Hide duplicate rows in search results", hideDuplicateRows ); hideRedundantPrefabReferencesInAssets = WordWrappingToggleLeft( hideRedundantPrefabReferencesInAssetsLabel, hideRedundantPrefabReferencesInAssets ); hideRedundantPrefabReferencesInScenes = WordWrappingToggleLeft( hideRedundantPrefabReferencesInScenesLabel, hideRedundantPrefabReferencesInScenes ); noAssetDatabaseChanges = WordWrappingToggleLeft( "I haven't modified any assets/scenes since the last search (faster search)", noAssetDatabaseChanges ); showDetailedProgressBar = WordWrappingToggleLeft( "Update search progress bar more often (cancelable search) (slower search)", showDetailedProgressBar ); GUILayout.Space( 10f ); // Don't let the user press the GO button without any valid search location if( !searchInAllScenes && !searchInOpenScenes && !searchInScenesInBuild && !searchInAssetsFolder && !searchInProjectSettings ) GUI.enabled = false; if( GUILayout.Button( "GO!", Utilities.GL_HEIGHT_30 ) ) { InitiateSearch(); GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } GUILayout.Space( 5f ); } else if( currentPhase == Phase.Complete ) { // Draw the results of the search GUI.enabled = false; DrawObjectsToSearchSection(); if( drawObjectsToSearchSection ) GUILayout.Space( 10f ); GUI.enabled = true; if( GUILayout.Button( "Reset Search", Utilities.GL_HEIGHT_30 ) ) { ReturnToSetupPhase(); GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } if( searchResult == null ) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( "ERROR: searchResult is null", MessageType.Error ); return; } else if( !searchResult.SearchCompletedSuccessfully ) EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( "ERROR: search was interrupted, check the logs for more info", MessageType.Error ); if( searchResult.NumberOfGroups == 0 ) { GUILayout.Space( 10f ); GUILayout.Box( "No references found...", Utilities.BoxGUIStyle, Utilities.GL_EXPAND_WIDTH ); } else { noAssetDatabaseChanges = WordWrappingToggleLeft( "I haven't modified any assets/scenes since the last search (faster Refresh)", noAssetDatabaseChanges ); EditorGUILayout.Space(); scrollPosition.y = searchResult.DrawOnGUI( this, scrollPosition.y, noAssetDatabaseChanges ); } } if( Event.current.type == EventType.MouseLeaveWindow ) { SearchResultTooltip.Hide(); if( searchResult != null ) searchResult.CancelDelayedTreeViewTooltip(); } GUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); } private void DrawObjectsToSearchSection() { Utilities.DrawHeader( "SEARCHED OBJECTS" ); Rect searchedObjectsHeaderRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); searchedObjectsHeaderRect.x += 5f; searchedObjectsHeaderRect.yMin += ( searchedObjectsHeaderRect.height - EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight ) * 0.5f; searchedObjectsHeaderRect.height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; drawObjectsToSearchSection = EditorGUI.Foldout( searchedObjectsHeaderRect, drawObjectsToSearchSection, GUIContent.none, true ); if( drawObjectsToSearchSection ) objectsToSearchDrawer.Draw( objectsToSearch ); } private void BeginIndentedGUI( bool isVertical = true ) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space( 35f ); if( isVertical ) GUILayout.BeginVertical(); } private void EndIndentedGUI( bool isVertical = true ) { if( isVertical ) GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } public static bool WordWrappingToggleLeft( string label, bool value ) { sharedGUIContent.text = label; sharedGUIContent.tooltip = null; return WordWrappingToggleLeft( sharedGUIContent, value ); } public static bool WordWrappingToggleLeft( GUIContent label, bool value ) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); bool result = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft( GUIContent.none, value, GL_WIDTH_12 ); if( GUILayout.Button( label, EditorStyles.wordWrappedLabel ) ) { GUI.FocusControl( null ); result = !value; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); return result; } private void InitiateSearch() { currentPhase = Phase.Processing; SavePrefs(); #if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER ReplacePrefabStageObjectsWithAssets( PrefabStageUtility.GetCurrentPrefabStage() ); #endif // Start searching searchResult = core.Run( new AssetUsageDetector.Parameters() { objectsToSearch = !objectsToSearch.IsEmpty() ? new ObjectToSearchEnumerator( objectsToSearch ).ToArray() : null, searchInScenes = GetSceneSearchMode( true ), searchInSceneLightingSettings = searchInSceneLightingSettings, searchInAssetsFolder = searchInAssetsFolder, searchInAssetsSubset = !searchInAssetsSubset.IsEmpty() ? searchInAssetsSubset.ToArray() : null, excludedAssetsFromSearch = !excludedAssets.IsEmpty() ? excludedAssets.ToArray() : null, dontSearchInSourceAssets = dontSearchInSourceAssets, excludedScenesFromSearch = !excludedScenes.IsEmpty() ? excludedScenes.ToArray() : null, searchInProjectSettings = searchInProjectSettings, //fieldModifiers = fieldModifiers, //propertyModifiers = propertyModifiers, //searchDepthLimit = searchDepthLimit, //searchNonSerializableVariables = searchNonSerializableVariables, searchUnusedMaterialProperties = searchUnusedMaterialProperties, searchRefactoring = searchRefactoring, #if ASSET_USAGE_ADDRESSABLES lazySceneSearch = lazySceneSearch && !addressablesSupport, addressablesSupport = addressablesSupport, #else lazySceneSearch = lazySceneSearch, #endif calculateUnusedObjects = calculateUnusedObjects, hideDuplicateRows = hideDuplicateRows, hideRedundantPrefabReferencesInAssets = hideRedundantPrefabReferencesInAssets, hideRedundantPrefabReferencesInScenes = hideRedundantPrefabReferencesInScenes && searchInAssetsFolder, noAssetDatabaseChanges = noAssetDatabaseChanges, showDetailedProgressBar = showDetailedProgressBar } ); currentPhase = Phase.Complete; // We really don't want SearchRefactoring to affect next searches unless the search is initiated via ShowAndSearch again searchRefactoring = null; if( AssetUsageDetectorSettings.ShowCustomTooltip ) wantsMouseMove = wantsMouseEnterLeaveWindow = true; } #if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER // Try replacing searched objects who are part of currently open prefab stage with their corresponding prefab assets public void ReplacePrefabStageObjectsWithAssets( PrefabStage prefabStage ) { if( prefabStage == null || !prefabStage.stageHandle.IsValid() ) return; #if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER GameObject prefabAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath( prefabStage.assetPath ); #else GameObject prefabAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath( prefabStage.prefabAssetPath ); #endif if( prefabAsset == null || prefabAsset.Equals( null ) ) return; for( int i = 0; i < objectsToSearch.Count; i++ ) { Object obj = objectsToSearch[i].obj; if( obj != null && !obj.Equals( null ) && obj is GameObject && prefabStage.IsPartOfPrefabContents( (GameObject) obj ) ) { GameObject prefabStageObjectSource = ( (GameObject) obj ).FollowSymmetricHierarchy( prefabStage.prefabContentsRoot, prefabAsset ); if( prefabStageObjectSource != null ) objectsToSearch[i].obj = prefabStageObjectSource; List subAssets = objectsToSearch[i].subAssets; for( int j = 0; j < subAssets.Count; j++ ) { obj = subAssets[j].subAsset; if( obj != null && !obj.Equals( null ) && obj is GameObject && prefabStage.IsPartOfPrefabContents( (GameObject) obj ) ) { prefabStageObjectSource = ( (GameObject) obj ).FollowSymmetricHierarchy( prefabStage.prefabContentsRoot, prefabAsset ); if( prefabStageObjectSource != null ) subAssets[j].subAsset = prefabStageObjectSource; } } } } } #endif private bool ReturnToSetupPhase() { if( searchResult != null && !EditorApplication.isPlaying && !searchResult.RestoreInitialSceneSetup() ) return false; searchResult = null; currentPhase = Phase.Setup; wantsMouseMove = wantsMouseEnterLeaveWindow = false; SearchResultTooltip.Hide(); return true; } internal void OnSettingsChanged( bool highlightedSearchTextColorChanged = false, bool tooltipDescriptionsColorChanged = false ) { if( searchResult == null ) return; wantsMouseMove = wantsMouseEnterLeaveWindow = AssetUsageDetectorSettings.ShowCustomTooltip; for( int i = searchResult.NumberOfGroups - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if( searchResult[i].treeView != null ) { searchResult[i].treeView.rowHeight = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight + AssetUsageDetectorSettings.ExtraRowHeight; searchResult[i].treeView.OnSettingsChanged( highlightedSearchTextColorChanged, tooltipDescriptionsColorChanged ); } } } } }