/************************************************************************************ Depthkit Unity SDK License v1 Copyright 2016-2024 Simile Inc dba Scatter. All Rights reserved. Licensed under the the Simile Inc dba Scatter ("Scatter") Software Development Kit License Agreement (the "License"); you may not use this SDK except in compliance with the License, which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.depthkit.tv/license-agreement-v1 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the SDK distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ************************************************************************************/ #pragma kernel ExtractSurfaceFromVolume8x8x8 SDF_READ_ONLY GROUP_SIZE=8 DK_CORE_PACKED_TRIANGLE #pragma kernel ExtractSurfaceFromVolume4x4x4 SDF_READ_ONLY GROUP_SIZE=4 DK_CORE_PACKED_TRIANGLE #pragma kernel ExtractSurfaceFromVolumeWithUVs8x8x8 SDF_READ_ONLY GROUP_SIZE=8 DK_CORE_PACKED_TRIANGLE DK_TEXTURE_ATLAS #pragma kernel ExtractSurfaceFromVolumeWithUVs4x4x4 SDF_READ_ONLY GROUP_SIZE=4 DK_CORE_PACKED_TRIANGLE DK_TEXTURE_ATLAS static const uint GROUP_THREAD_COUNT = GROUP_SIZE * GROUP_SIZE * GROUP_SIZE; static const uint TILE_BORDER = 2; static const uint TILE_SIZE = GROUP_SIZE + TILE_BORDER * 2; static const uint TILE_VOXEL_COUNT = TILE_SIZE * TILE_SIZE * TILE_SIZE; //sdf samples with a border of 1 to compute normals for edges groupshared float g_sdfSamples[TILE_VOXEL_COUNT]; static const float epsilon = 1e-5; #include "Packages/nyc.scatter.depthkit.studio/Runtime/Resources/Shaders/DataSource/StudioMeshSourceCommon.cginc" #include "Packages/nyc.scatter.depthkit.core/Runtime/Resources/Shaders/Includes/Depthkit.cginc" #include "Packages/nyc.scatter.depthkit.studio/Runtime/Resources/Shaders/Includes/DepthkitStudioUniforms.cginc" #include "Packages/nyc.scatter.depthkit.core/Runtime/Resources/Shaders/Includes/CoreVertex.cginc" #include "Packages/nyc.scatter.depthkit.core/Runtime/Resources/Shaders/Includes/CoreTriangle.cginc" #ifdef DK_TEXTURE_ATLAS #include "Packages/nyc.scatter.depthkit.studio/Runtime/Resources/Shaders/Includes/DepthkitStudio.cginc" #endif static const uint triangleConnectionTableSize = 256 * 16; static const uint triangleOffsetsSize = 72; static const uint numberOfTrianglesSize = 256; static const uint triangleConnectionTableOffset = 0; static const uint triangleOffsetsOffset = triangleConnectionTableSize; static const uint numberOfTrianglesOffset = triangleConnectionTableSize + triangleOffsetsSize; AppendStructuredBuffer<Triangle> _TriangleBuffer; // position only output StructuredBuffer<int> _TriangleDataBuffer; // cube offsets represent a morton ordering of cube locations in a 8 voxel 3d grid // // front slice back slice // +---+---+ +---+---+ // | 2 | 3 | | 6 | 7 | // +---+---+ +---+---+ // | 0 | 1 | | 4 | 5 | // +---+---+ +---+---+ // static const int3 cubeOffsets[11] = { { 0, 0, 0 }, //0 { 1, 0, 0 }, //1 { 0, 0, 1 }, //2 { 1, 0, 1 }, //3 { 0, 1, 0 }, //4 { 1, 1, 0 }, //5 { 0, 1, 1 }, //6 { 1, 1, 1 }, //7 { -1, 0, 0 }, //8 { 0, -1, 0 }, //9 { 0, 0, -1 }, //10 }; static const uint possibleTriangleCounts[6] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; float _TriangleCullingThreshold; float _SdfThreshold; // encode the cube number of triangles index as a bitfield of the cells with a valid sdf value ( > 0 in our case) // non-morten ordered cube offsets uint classifyCube(uint3 id) { float currentVoxSdf = g_sdfSamples[toIndex3D((int3) id, (uint3) TILE_SIZE)]; if (currentVoxSdf > Invalid_Sdf_compare) return 0; float voxOffset1 = g_sdfSamples[toIndex3D((int3) id + cubeOffsets[1], (uint3) TILE_SIZE)]; if (voxOffset1 > Invalid_Sdf_compare) return 0; float voxOffset3 = g_sdfSamples[toIndex3D((int3) id + cubeOffsets[3], (uint3) TILE_SIZE)]; if (voxOffset3 > Invalid_Sdf_compare) return 0; float voxOffset2 = g_sdfSamples[toIndex3D((int3) id + cubeOffsets[2], (uint3) TILE_SIZE)]; if (voxOffset2 > Invalid_Sdf_compare) return 0; float voxOffset4 = g_sdfSamples[toIndex3D((int3) id + cubeOffsets[4], (uint3) TILE_SIZE)]; if (voxOffset4 > Invalid_Sdf_compare) return 0; float voxOffset5 = g_sdfSamples[toIndex3D((int3) id + cubeOffsets[5], (uint3) TILE_SIZE)]; if (voxOffset5 > Invalid_Sdf_compare) return 0; float voxOffset7 = g_sdfSamples[toIndex3D((int3) id + cubeOffsets[7], (uint3) TILE_SIZE)]; if (voxOffset7 > Invalid_Sdf_compare) return 0; float voxOffset6 = g_sdfSamples[toIndex3D((int3) id + cubeOffsets[6], (uint3) TILE_SIZE)]; if (voxOffset6 > Invalid_Sdf_compare) return 0; const uint cubeindexBitfield = ((currentVoxSdf > _SdfThreshold) << 0) | ((voxOffset1 > _SdfThreshold) << 1) | ((voxOffset3 > _SdfThreshold) << 2) | ((voxOffset2 > _SdfThreshold) << 3) | ((voxOffset4 > _SdfThreshold) << 4) | ((voxOffset5 > _SdfThreshold) << 5) | ((voxOffset7 > _SdfThreshold) << 6) | ((voxOffset6 > _SdfThreshold) << 7); return cubeindexBitfield; } float3 sdfNormal(uint3 id) { float centerSdf = g_sdfSamples[toIndex3D((int3) id, (uint3) TILE_SIZE)]; return normalize( (centerSdf - clamp(g_sdfSamples[toIndex3D((int3) id + cubeOffsets[1], (uint3) TILE_SIZE)], -_SdfSensitivity, _SdfSensitivity)) * (float3) cubeOffsets[1] + (centerSdf - clamp(g_sdfSamples[toIndex3D((int3) id + cubeOffsets[4], (uint3) TILE_SIZE)], -_SdfSensitivity, _SdfSensitivity)) * (float3) cubeOffsets[4] + (centerSdf - clamp(g_sdfSamples[toIndex3D((int3) id + cubeOffsets[2], (uint3) TILE_SIZE)], -_SdfSensitivity, _SdfSensitivity)) * (float3) cubeOffsets[2] + (centerSdf - clamp(g_sdfSamples[toIndex3D((int3) id + cubeOffsets[8], (uint3) TILE_SIZE)], -_SdfSensitivity, _SdfSensitivity)) * (float3) cubeOffsets[8] + (centerSdf - clamp(g_sdfSamples[toIndex3D((int3) id + cubeOffsets[9], (uint3) TILE_SIZE)], -_SdfSensitivity, _SdfSensitivity)) * (float3) cubeOffsets[9] + (centerSdf - clamp(g_sdfSamples[toIndex3D((int3) id + cubeOffsets[10], (uint3) TILE_SIZE)], -_SdfSensitivity, _SdfSensitivity)) * (float3) cubeOffsets[10]); } #ifdef DK_TEXTURE_ATLAS int GetHighestWeightedPerspectiveForVert(inout Vertex vert, out float weight) { float highestWeight = 0; int highestWeightPerspective = -1; for (uint perspectiveIndex = 0; perspectiveIndex < (uint) _PerspectivesCount; perspectiveIndex++) { #ifdef DK_UNTEXTURED_FRAGMENT_INFER float4 fallbackColor1 = float4(0, 0, 0, 0); float4 fallbackColor2 = float4(0, 0, 0, 0); #endif for (uint perspectiveIndex = 0; perspectiveIndex < (uint) _PerspectivesCount; perspectiveIndex++) { float3 surfaceToEyeDir = dkGetDepthCameraDirection(perspectiveIndex) * -1; float4 accumulatedColor = float4(0, 0, 0, 0); #ifdef DK_UNTEXTURED_FRAGMENT_INFER accumulatedColor += GetCamContribution(perspectiveIndex, surfaceToEyeDir, vert.position, vert.normal, fallbackColor1, fallbackColor2); #else accumulatedColor += GetCamContribution(perspectiveIndex, surfaceToEyeDir, vert.position, vert.normal); #endif if (accumulatedColor.w > highestWeight) { highestWeight = accumulatedColor.w; highestWeightPerspective = perspectiveIndex; } } } weight = highestWeight; vert.uv.z = (highestWeightPerspective + 1) / (_PerspectivesCount + 1.0f); return highestWeightPerspective; } uint GetHighestWeightedPerspectiveForTriangle(inout Vertex v1, inout Vertex v2, inout Vertex v3) { float w1 = 0, w2 = 0, w3 = 0; int id1 = GetHighestWeightedPerspectiveForVert(v1, w1); int id2 = GetHighestWeightedPerspectiveForVert(v2, w2); int id3 = GetHighestWeightedPerspectiveForVert(v3, w3); float z = min(v1.uv.z, min(v2.uv.z, v3.uv.z)); v1.uv.z = v2.uv.z = v3.uv.z = z; float maxW = max(w1, max(w2, w3)); if (maxW > 0) { if (maxW == w1) return id1; else if (maxW == w2) return id2; else return id3; } return 0; } void fillAtlasUVForVertex(uint perspectiveIndex, inout Vertex vert) { float2 perspectiveUV, depthUV, colorUV; float3 depthViewSpacePos; dkWorldToPerspectiveUV(perspectiveIndex, vert.position, perspectiveUV, depthUV, colorUV, depthViewSpacePos); int2 perspectiveResolution = dkGetPerspectiveResolution(); float scale = 1.0f / (float)_PerspectivesCount; if (perspectiveResolution.x > perspectiveResolution.y) { perspectiveUV.y = perspectiveUV.y * scale + scale * perspectiveIndex; perspectiveResolution.y *= _PerspectivesCount; } else { perspectiveUV.x = perspectiveUV.x * scale + scale * perspectiveIndex; perspectiveResolution.x *= _PerspectivesCount; } int borderPixels = min(perspectiveResolution.x, perspectiveResolution.y) * 0.1; float2 border = borderPixels / (float)perspectiveResolution; perspectiveUV = border + perspectiveUV * (1 - border*2); vert.uv = float4(perspectiveUV, vert.uv.z, 0); } void fillAtlasUVsForTriangle(inout Triangle t) { int perspectiveIndex = GetHighestWeightedPerspectiveForTriangle(t.vertex[0], t.vertex[1], t.vertex[2]); fillAtlasUVForVertex(perspectiveIndex, t.vertex[0]); fillAtlasUVForVertex(perspectiveIndex, t.vertex[1]); fillAtlasUVForVertex(perspectiveIndex, t.vertex[2]); } #endif // DK_TEXTURE_ATLAS bool MCPointCompare(float3 left, float3 right) { if (left.x < right.x) return true; else if (left.x > right.x) return false; if (left.y < right.y) return true; else if (left.y > right.y) return false; if (left.z < right.z) return true; else if (left.z > right.z) return false; return false; } // This interpolation function handles issues with normal linear interpolation that lead to cracks // see the note in http://paulbourke.net/geometry/polygonise/ // > It has been suggested that the interpolation should be handled as shown here, // > that this solves an issue of small cracks in the isosurface. // > http://paulbourke.net/geometry/polygonise/interp.c float3 MCLinearInterp(float3 p0, float3 p1, float value0, float value1, float isolevel) { if (MCPointCompare(p1, p0)) { float3 temp; temp = p0; p0 = p1; p1 = temp; temp.x = value0; value0 = value1; value1 = temp.x; } if (abs(value0 - value1) > epsilon) { return p0 + (p1 - p0) * (isolevel - value0) / (value1 - value0); } return p0; } void ExtractSurfaceFromVolume(uint3 id, uint3 groupId, uint3 groupThreadId, uint groupIndex) { const int3 tileOffset = int3(groupThreadId + TILE_BORDER); const int3 tileToVoxelOffset = int3((groupId * GROUP_SIZE) - TILE_BORDER); const int3 voxel = tileToVoxelOffset + tileOffset; uint ind; //sample sdf for my tile positions [unroll] for (ind = groupIndex; ind < TILE_VOXEL_COUNT; ind += GROUP_THREAD_COUNT) { int3 sample = tileToVoxelOffset + (int3) toCoord3D(ind, (uint3) TILE_SIZE); g_sdfSamples[ind] = _SdfBuffer[toIndex3DClamp(sample, _VoxelGrid)]; } GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); //make sure there's a voxel here if (voxel.x < 0 || voxel.y < 0 || voxel.z < 0 || voxel.x >= (int) _VoxelGrid.x || voxel.y >= (int)_VoxelGrid.y || voxel.z >= (int)_VoxelGrid.z) return; uint cubeClassification = classifyCube(tileOffset); uint numTris = possibleTriangleCounts[_TriangleDataBuffer[numberOfTrianglesOffset + cubeClassification]]; for (uint t = 0; t < numTris; t++) { Triangle tri = newTriangle(); [unroll] for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) // for each vertex in triangle { uint edge = clamp(_TriangleDataBuffer[triangleConnectionTableOffset + cubeClassification * 16 + t * 3 + i], 0, 11); // cubedata.y == 0..255 from bitfield of 8 octants int3 point0 = int3(tileOffset.x + _TriangleDataBuffer[triangleOffsetsOffset + edge * 6], tileOffset.y + _TriangleDataBuffer[triangleOffsetsOffset + edge * 6 + 1], tileOffset.z + _TriangleDataBuffer[triangleOffsetsOffset + edge * 6 + 2]); int3 point1 = int3(tileOffset.x + _TriangleDataBuffer[triangleOffsetsOffset + edge * 6 + 3], tileOffset.y + _TriangleDataBuffer[triangleOffsetsOffset + edge * 6 + 4], tileOffset.z + _TriangleDataBuffer[triangleOffsetsOffset + edge * 6 + 5]); float value0 = g_sdfSamples[toIndex3D(point0, (uint3) TILE_SIZE)]; float value1 = g_sdfSamples[toIndex3D(point1, (uint3) TILE_SIZE)]; if (value0 >= Invalid_Sdf_compare) value0 = _SdfThreshold; if (value1 >= Invalid_Sdf_compare) value1 = _SdfThreshold; float3 vertex = float3(tileToVoxelOffset) + MCLinearInterp(point0, point1, value0, value1, _SdfThreshold); float3 normal = MCLinearInterp(sdfNormal(point0), sdfNormal(point1), value0, value1, _SdfThreshold); tri.vertex[i].position = scaledPositionf(vertex); tri.vertex[i].normal = clamp3(normal, float3(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0), float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)); } float d1 = abs(distance(tri.vertex[1].position, tri.vertex[0].position)); float d2 = abs(distance(tri.vertex[2].position, tri.vertex[0].position)); float d3 = abs(distance(tri.vertex[1].position, tri.vertex[2].position)); if (d1 < _TriangleCullingThreshold && d2 < _TriangleCullingThreshold && d3 < _TriangleCullingThreshold) { #ifdef DK_TEXTURE_ATLAS fillAtlasUVsForTriangle(tri); #endif _TriangleBuffer.Append(tri); } } } [numthreads(GROUP_SIZE, GROUP_SIZE, GROUP_SIZE)] void ExtractSurfaceFromVolume8x8x8(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID, uint3 GroupId : SV_GroupID, uint3 GroupThreadId : SV_GroupThreadID, uint GroupIndex : SV_GroupIndex) { ExtractSurfaceFromVolume(id, GroupId, GroupThreadId, GroupIndex); } [numthreads(GROUP_SIZE, GROUP_SIZE, GROUP_SIZE)] void ExtractSurfaceFromVolume4x4x4(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID, uint3 GroupId : SV_GroupID, uint3 GroupThreadId : SV_GroupThreadID, uint GroupIndex : SV_GroupIndex) { ExtractSurfaceFromVolume(id, GroupId, GroupThreadId, GroupIndex); } [numthreads(GROUP_SIZE, GROUP_SIZE, GROUP_SIZE)] void ExtractSurfaceFromVolumeWithUVs8x8x8(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID, uint3 GroupId : SV_GroupID, uint3 GroupThreadId : SV_GroupThreadID, uint GroupIndex : SV_GroupIndex) { ExtractSurfaceFromVolume(id, GroupId, GroupThreadId, GroupIndex); } [numthreads(GROUP_SIZE, GROUP_SIZE, GROUP_SIZE)] void ExtractSurfaceFromVolumeWithUVs4x4x4(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID, uint3 GroupId : SV_GroupID, uint3 GroupThreadId : SV_GroupThreadID, uint GroupIndex : SV_GroupIndex) { ExtractSurfaceFromVolume(id, GroupId, GroupThreadId, GroupIndex); }