/* ======================================================================================== */ /* FMOD Core API - DSP header file. */ /* Copyright (c), Firelight Technologies Pty, Ltd. 2004-2024. */ /* */ /* Use this header if you are wanting to develop your own DSP plugin to use with FMODs */ /* dsp system. With this header you can make your own DSP plugin that FMOD can */ /* register and use. See the documentation and examples on how to make a working plugin. */ /* */ /* For more detail visit: */ /* https://fmod.com/docs/2.02/api/plugin-api-dsp.html */ /* =========================================================================================*/ using System; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace FMOD { [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct DSP_BUFFER_ARRAY { public int numbuffers; public int[] buffernumchannels; public CHANNELMASK[] bufferchannelmask; public IntPtr[] buffers; public SPEAKERMODE speakermode; } public enum DSP_PROCESS_OPERATION { PROCESS_PERFORM = 0, PROCESS_QUERY } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct COMPLEX { public float real; public float imag; } public enum DSP_PAN_SURROUND_FLAGS { DEFAULT = 0, ROTATION_NOT_BIASED = 1, } /* DSP callbacks */ public delegate RESULT DSP_CREATE_CALLBACK (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state); public delegate RESULT DSP_RELEASE_CALLBACK (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state); public delegate RESULT DSP_RESET_CALLBACK (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state); public delegate RESULT DSP_SETPOSITION_CALLBACK (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state, uint pos); public delegate RESULT DSP_READ_CALLBACK (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state, IntPtr inbuffer, IntPtr outbuffer, uint length, int inchannels, ref int outchannels); public delegate RESULT DSP_SHOULDIPROCESS_CALLBACK (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state, bool inputsidle, uint length, CHANNELMASK inmask, int inchannels, SPEAKERMODE speakermode); public delegate RESULT DSP_PROCESS_CALLBACK (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state, uint length, ref DSP_BUFFER_ARRAY inbufferarray, ref DSP_BUFFER_ARRAY outbufferarray, bool inputsidle, DSP_PROCESS_OPERATION op); public delegate RESULT DSP_SETPARAM_FLOAT_CALLBACK (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state, int index, float value); public delegate RESULT DSP_SETPARAM_INT_CALLBACK (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state, int index, int value); public delegate RESULT DSP_SETPARAM_BOOL_CALLBACK (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state, int index, bool value); public delegate RESULT DSP_SETPARAM_DATA_CALLBACK (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state, int index, IntPtr data, uint length); public delegate RESULT DSP_GETPARAM_FLOAT_CALLBACK (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state, int index, ref float value, IntPtr valuestr); public delegate RESULT DSP_GETPARAM_INT_CALLBACK (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state, int index, ref int value, IntPtr valuestr); public delegate RESULT DSP_GETPARAM_BOOL_CALLBACK (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state, int index, ref bool value, IntPtr valuestr); public delegate RESULT DSP_GETPARAM_DATA_CALLBACK (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state, int index, ref IntPtr data, ref uint length, IntPtr valuestr); public delegate RESULT DSP_SYSTEM_REGISTER_CALLBACK (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state); public delegate RESULT DSP_SYSTEM_DEREGISTER_CALLBACK (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state); public delegate RESULT DSP_SYSTEM_MIX_CALLBACK (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state, int stage); /* DSP functions */ public delegate IntPtr DSP_ALLOC_FUNC (uint size, MEMORY_TYPE type, IntPtr sourcestr); public delegate IntPtr DSP_REALLOC_FUNC (IntPtr ptr, uint size, MEMORY_TYPE type, IntPtr sourcestr); public delegate void DSP_FREE_FUNC (IntPtr ptr, MEMORY_TYPE type, IntPtr sourcestr); public delegate void DSP_LOG_FUNC (DEBUG_FLAGS level, IntPtr file, int line, IntPtr function, IntPtr str); public delegate RESULT DSP_GETSAMPLERATE_FUNC (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state, ref int rate); public delegate RESULT DSP_GETBLOCKSIZE_FUNC (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state, ref uint blocksize); public delegate RESULT DSP_GETSPEAKERMODE_FUNC (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state, ref int speakermode_mixer, ref int speakermode_output); public delegate RESULT DSP_GETCLOCK_FUNC (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state, out ulong clock, out uint offset, out uint length); public delegate RESULT DSP_GETLISTENERATTRIBUTES_FUNC (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state, ref int numlisteners, IntPtr attributes); public delegate RESULT DSP_GETUSERDATA_FUNC (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state, out IntPtr userdata); public delegate RESULT DSP_DFT_FFTREAL_FUNC (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state, int size, IntPtr signal, IntPtr dft, IntPtr window, int signalhop); public delegate RESULT DSP_DFT_IFFTREAL_FUNC (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state, int size, IntPtr dft, IntPtr signal, IntPtr window, int signalhop); public delegate RESULT DSP_PAN_SUMMONOMATRIX_FUNC (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state, int sourceSpeakerMode, float lowFrequencyGain, float overallGain, IntPtr matrix); public delegate RESULT DSP_PAN_SUMSTEREOMATRIX_FUNC (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state, int sourceSpeakerMode, float pan, float lowFrequencyGain, float overallGain, int matrixHop, IntPtr matrix); public delegate RESULT DSP_PAN_SUMSURROUNDMATRIX_FUNC (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state, int sourceSpeakerMode, int targetSpeakerMode, float direction, float extent, float rotation, float lowFrequencyGain, float overallGain, int matrixHop, IntPtr matrix, DSP_PAN_SURROUND_FLAGS flags); public delegate RESULT DSP_PAN_SUMMONOTOSURROUNDMATRIX_FUNC (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state, int targetSpeakerMode, float direction, float extent, float lowFrequencyGain, float overallGain, int matrixHop, IntPtr matrix); public delegate RESULT DSP_PAN_SUMSTEREOTOSURROUNDMATRIX_FUNC (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state, int targetSpeakerMode, float direction, float extent, float rotation, float lowFrequencyGain, float overallGain, int matrixHop, IntPtr matrix); public delegate RESULT DSP_PAN_GETROLLOFFGAIN_FUNC (ref DSP_STATE dsp_state, DSP_PAN_3D_ROLLOFF_TYPE rolloff, float distance, float mindistance, float maxdistance, out float gain); public enum DSP_TYPE : int { UNKNOWN, MIXER, OSCILLATOR, LOWPASS, ITLOWPASS, HIGHPASS, ECHO, FADER, FLANGE, DISTORTION, NORMALIZE, LIMITER, PARAMEQ, PITCHSHIFT, CHORUS, VSTPLUGIN, WINAMPPLUGIN, ITECHO, COMPRESSOR, SFXREVERB, LOWPASS_SIMPLE, DELAY, TREMOLO, LADSPAPLUGIN, SEND, RETURN, HIGHPASS_SIMPLE, PAN, THREE_EQ, FFT, LOUDNESS_METER, ENVELOPEFOLLOWER, CONVOLUTIONREVERB, CHANNELMIX, TRANSCEIVER, OBJECTPAN, MULTIBAND_EQ, MAX } public enum DSP_PARAMETER_TYPE { FLOAT = 0, INT, BOOL, DATA, MAX } public enum DSP_PARAMETER_FLOAT_MAPPING_TYPE { DSP_PARAMETER_FLOAT_MAPPING_TYPE_LINEAR = 0, DSP_PARAMETER_FLOAT_MAPPING_TYPE_AUTO, DSP_PARAMETER_FLOAT_MAPPING_TYPE_PIECEWISE_LINEAR, } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct DSP_PARAMETER_FLOAT_MAPPING_PIECEWISE_LINEAR { public int numpoints; public IntPtr pointparamvalues; public IntPtr pointpositions; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct DSP_PARAMETER_FLOAT_MAPPING { public DSP_PARAMETER_FLOAT_MAPPING_TYPE type; public DSP_PARAMETER_FLOAT_MAPPING_PIECEWISE_LINEAR piecewiselinearmapping; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct DSP_PARAMETER_DESC_FLOAT { public float min; public float max; public float defaultval; public DSP_PARAMETER_FLOAT_MAPPING mapping; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct DSP_PARAMETER_DESC_INT { public int min; public int max; public int defaultval; public bool goestoinf; public IntPtr valuenames; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct DSP_PARAMETER_DESC_BOOL { public bool defaultval; public IntPtr valuenames; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct DSP_PARAMETER_DESC_DATA { public int datatype; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] public struct DSP_PARAMETER_DESC_UNION { [FieldOffset(0)] public DSP_PARAMETER_DESC_FLOAT floatdesc; [FieldOffset(0)] public DSP_PARAMETER_DESC_INT intdesc; [FieldOffset(0)] public DSP_PARAMETER_DESC_BOOL booldesc; [FieldOffset(0)] public DSP_PARAMETER_DESC_DATA datadesc; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct DSP_PARAMETER_DESC { public DSP_PARAMETER_TYPE type; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 16)] public byte[] name; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 16)] public byte[] label; public string description; public DSP_PARAMETER_DESC_UNION desc; } public enum DSP_PARAMETER_DATA_TYPE { DSP_PARAMETER_DATA_TYPE_USER = 0, DSP_PARAMETER_DATA_TYPE_OVERALLGAIN = -1, DSP_PARAMETER_DATA_TYPE_3DATTRIBUTES = -2, DSP_PARAMETER_DATA_TYPE_SIDECHAIN = -3, DSP_PARAMETER_DATA_TYPE_FFT = -4, DSP_PARAMETER_DATA_TYPE_3DATTRIBUTES_MULTI = -5, DSP_PARAMETER_DATA_TYPE_ATTENUATION_RANGE = -6 } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct DSP_PARAMETER_OVERALLGAIN { public float linear_gain; public float linear_gain_additive; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct DSP_PARAMETER_3DATTRIBUTES { public ATTRIBUTES_3D relative; public ATTRIBUTES_3D absolute; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct DSP_PARAMETER_3DATTRIBUTES_MULTI { public int numlisteners; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)] public ATTRIBUTES_3D[] relative; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)] public float[] weight; public ATTRIBUTES_3D absolute; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct DSP_PARAMETER_SIDECHAIN { public int sidechainenable; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct DSP_PARAMETER_FFT { public int length; public int numchannels; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray,SizeConst=32)] private IntPtr[] spectrum_internal; public float[][] spectrum { get { var buffer = new float[numchannels][]; for (int i = 0; i < numchannels; ++i) { buffer[i] = new float[length]; Marshal.Copy(spectrum_internal[i], buffer[i], 0, length); } return buffer; } } public void getSpectrum(ref float[][] buffer) { int bufferLength = Math.Min(buffer.Length, numchannels); for (int i = 0; i < bufferLength; ++i) { getSpectrum(i, ref buffer[i]); } } public void getSpectrum(int channel, ref float[] buffer) { int bufferLength = Math.Min(buffer.Length, length); Marshal.Copy(spectrum_internal[channel], buffer, 0, bufferLength); } } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct DSP_LOUDNESS_METER_INFO_TYPE { public float momentaryloudness; public float shorttermloudness; public float integratedloudness; public float loudness10thpercentile; public float loudness95thpercentile; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 66)] public float[] loudnesshistogram; public float maxtruepeak; public float maxmomentaryloudness; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct DSP_LOUDNESS_METER_WEIGHTING_TYPE { [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 32)] public float[] channelweight; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct DSP_PARAMETER_ATTENUATION_RANGE { public float min; public float max; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct DSP_DESCRIPTION { public uint pluginsdkversion; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 32)] public byte[] name; public uint version; public int numinputbuffers; public int numoutputbuffers; public DSP_CREATE_CALLBACK create; public DSP_RELEASE_CALLBACK release; public DSP_RESET_CALLBACK reset; public DSP_READ_CALLBACK read; public DSP_PROCESS_CALLBACK process; public DSP_SETPOSITION_CALLBACK setposition; public int numparameters; public IntPtr paramdesc; public DSP_SETPARAM_FLOAT_CALLBACK setparameterfloat; public DSP_SETPARAM_INT_CALLBACK setparameterint; public DSP_SETPARAM_BOOL_CALLBACK setparameterbool; public DSP_SETPARAM_DATA_CALLBACK setparameterdata; public DSP_GETPARAM_FLOAT_CALLBACK getparameterfloat; public DSP_GETPARAM_INT_CALLBACK getparameterint; public DSP_GETPARAM_BOOL_CALLBACK getparameterbool; public DSP_GETPARAM_DATA_CALLBACK getparameterdata; public DSP_SHOULDIPROCESS_CALLBACK shouldiprocess; public IntPtr userdata; public DSP_SYSTEM_REGISTER_CALLBACK sys_register; public DSP_SYSTEM_DEREGISTER_CALLBACK sys_deregister; public DSP_SYSTEM_MIX_CALLBACK sys_mix; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct DSP_STATE_DFT_FUNCTIONS { public DSP_DFT_FFTREAL_FUNC fftreal; public DSP_DFT_IFFTREAL_FUNC inversefftreal; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct DSP_STATE_PAN_FUNCTIONS { public DSP_PAN_SUMMONOMATRIX_FUNC summonomatrix; public DSP_PAN_SUMSTEREOMATRIX_FUNC sumstereomatrix; public DSP_PAN_SUMSURROUNDMATRIX_FUNC sumsurroundmatrix; public DSP_PAN_SUMMONOTOSURROUNDMATRIX_FUNC summonotosurroundmatrix; public DSP_PAN_SUMSTEREOTOSURROUNDMATRIX_FUNC sumstereotosurroundmatrix; public DSP_PAN_GETROLLOFFGAIN_FUNC getrolloffgain; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct DSP_STATE_FUNCTIONS { public DSP_ALLOC_FUNC alloc; public DSP_REALLOC_FUNC realloc; public DSP_FREE_FUNC free; public DSP_GETSAMPLERATE_FUNC getsamplerate; public DSP_GETBLOCKSIZE_FUNC getblocksize; public IntPtr dft; public IntPtr pan; public DSP_GETSPEAKERMODE_FUNC getspeakermode; public DSP_GETCLOCK_FUNC getclock; public DSP_GETLISTENERATTRIBUTES_FUNC getlistenerattributes; public DSP_LOG_FUNC log; public DSP_GETUSERDATA_FUNC getuserdata; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct DSP_STATE { public IntPtr instance; public IntPtr plugindata; public uint channelmask; public int source_speakermode; public IntPtr sidechaindata; public int sidechainchannels; public IntPtr functions; public int systemobject; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct DSP_METERING_INFO { public int numsamples; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst=32)] public float[] peaklevel; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst=32)] public float[] rmslevel; public short numchannels; } /* ============================================================================================================== FMOD built in effect parameters. Use DSP::setParameter with these enums for the 'index' parameter. ============================================================================================================== */ public enum DSP_OSCILLATOR : int { TYPE, RATE } public enum DSP_LOWPASS : int { CUTOFF, RESONANCE } public enum DSP_ITLOWPASS : int { CUTOFF, RESONANCE } public enum DSP_HIGHPASS : int { CUTOFF, RESONANCE } public enum DSP_ECHO : int { DELAY, FEEDBACK, DRYLEVEL, WETLEVEL } public enum DSP_FADER : int { GAIN, OVERALL_GAIN, } public enum DSP_DELAY : int { CH0, CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, CH5, CH6, CH7, CH8, CH9, CH10, CH11, CH12, CH13, CH14, CH15, MAXDELAY, } public enum DSP_FLANGE : int { MIX, DEPTH, RATE } public enum DSP_TREMOLO : int { FREQUENCY, DEPTH, SHAPE, SKEW, DUTY, SQUARE, PHASE, SPREAD } public enum DSP_DISTORTION : int { LEVEL } public enum DSP_NORMALIZE : int { FADETIME, THRESHOLD, MAXAMP } public enum DSP_LIMITER : int { RELEASETIME, CEILING, MAXIMIZERGAIN, MODE, } public enum DSP_PARAMEQ : int { CENTER, BANDWIDTH, GAIN } public enum DSP_MULTIBAND_EQ : int { A_FILTER, A_FREQUENCY, A_Q, A_GAIN, B_FILTER, B_FREQUENCY, B_Q, B_GAIN, C_FILTER, C_FREQUENCY, C_Q, C_GAIN, D_FILTER, D_FREQUENCY, D_Q, D_GAIN, E_FILTER, E_FREQUENCY, E_Q, E_GAIN, } public enum DSP_MULTIBAND_EQ_FILTER_TYPE : int { DISABLED, LOWPASS_12DB, LOWPASS_24DB, LOWPASS_48DB, HIGHPASS_12DB, HIGHPASS_24DB, HIGHPASS_48DB, LOWSHELF, HIGHSHELF, PEAKING, BANDPASS, NOTCH, ALLPASS, } public enum DSP_PITCHSHIFT : int { PITCH, FFTSIZE, OVERLAP, MAXCHANNELS } public enum DSP_CHORUS : int { MIX, RATE, DEPTH, } public enum DSP_ITECHO : int { WETDRYMIX, FEEDBACK, LEFTDELAY, RIGHTDELAY, PANDELAY } public enum DSP_COMPRESSOR : int { THRESHOLD, RATIO, ATTACK, RELEASE, GAINMAKEUP, USESIDECHAIN, LINKED } public enum DSP_SFXREVERB : int { DECAYTIME, EARLYDELAY, LATEDELAY, HFREFERENCE, HFDECAYRATIO, DIFFUSION, DENSITY, LOWSHELFFREQUENCY, LOWSHELFGAIN, HIGHCUT, EARLYLATEMIX, WETLEVEL, DRYLEVEL } public enum DSP_LOWPASS_SIMPLE : int { CUTOFF } public enum DSP_SEND : int { RETURNID, LEVEL, } public enum DSP_RETURN : int { ID, INPUT_SPEAKER_MODE } public enum DSP_HIGHPASS_SIMPLE : int { CUTOFF } public enum DSP_PAN_2D_STEREO_MODE_TYPE : int { DISTRIBUTED, DISCRETE } public enum DSP_PAN_MODE_TYPE : int { MONO, STEREO, SURROUND } public enum DSP_PAN_3D_ROLLOFF_TYPE : int { LINEARSQUARED, LINEAR, INVERSE, INVERSETAPERED, CUSTOM } public enum DSP_PAN_3D_EXTENT_MODE_TYPE : int { AUTO, USER, OFF } public enum DSP_PAN : int { MODE, _2D_STEREO_POSITION, _2D_DIRECTION, _2D_EXTENT, _2D_ROTATION, _2D_LFE_LEVEL, _2D_STEREO_MODE, _2D_STEREO_SEPARATION, _2D_STEREO_AXIS, ENABLED_SPEAKERS, _3D_POSITION, _3D_ROLLOFF, _3D_MIN_DISTANCE, _3D_MAX_DISTANCE, _3D_EXTENT_MODE, _3D_SOUND_SIZE, _3D_MIN_EXTENT, _3D_PAN_BLEND, LFE_UPMIX_ENABLED, OVERALL_GAIN, SURROUND_SPEAKER_MODE, _2D_HEIGHT_BLEND, ATTENUATION_RANGE, OVERRIDE_RANGE } public enum DSP_THREE_EQ_CROSSOVERSLOPE_TYPE : int { _12DB, _24DB, _48DB } public enum DSP_THREE_EQ : int { LOWGAIN, MIDGAIN, HIGHGAIN, LOWCROSSOVER, HIGHCROSSOVER, CROSSOVERSLOPE } public enum DSP_FFT_WINDOW : int { RECT, TRIANGLE, HAMMING, HANNING, BLACKMAN, BLACKMANHARRIS } public enum DSP_FFT : int { WINDOWSIZE, WINDOWTYPE, SPECTRUMDATA, DOMINANT_FREQ } public enum DSP_LOUDNESS_METER : int { STATE, WEIGHTING, INFO } public enum DSP_LOUDNESS_METER_STATE_TYPE : int { RESET_INTEGRATED = -3, RESET_MAXPEAK = -2, RESET_ALL = -1, PAUSED = 0, ANALYZING = 1 } public enum DSP_ENVELOPEFOLLOWER : int { ATTACK, RELEASE, ENVELOPE, USESIDECHAIN } public enum DSP_CONVOLUTION_REVERB : int { IR, WET, DRY, LINKED } public enum DSP_CHANNELMIX_OUTPUT : int { DEFAULT, ALLMONO, ALLSTEREO, ALLQUAD, ALL5POINT1, ALL7POINT1, ALLLFE, ALL7POINT1POINT4 } public enum DSP_CHANNELMIX : int { OUTPUTGROUPING, GAIN_CH0, GAIN_CH1, GAIN_CH2, GAIN_CH3, GAIN_CH4, GAIN_CH5, GAIN_CH6, GAIN_CH7, GAIN_CH8, GAIN_CH9, GAIN_CH10, GAIN_CH11, GAIN_CH12, GAIN_CH13, GAIN_CH14, GAIN_CH15, GAIN_CH16, GAIN_CH17, GAIN_CH18, GAIN_CH19, GAIN_CH20, GAIN_CH21, GAIN_CH22, GAIN_CH23, GAIN_CH24, GAIN_CH25, GAIN_CH26, GAIN_CH27, GAIN_CH28, GAIN_CH29, GAIN_CH30, GAIN_CH31, OUTPUT_CH0, OUTPUT_CH1, OUTPUT_CH2, OUTPUT_CH3, OUTPUT_CH4, OUTPUT_CH5, OUTPUT_CH6, OUTPUT_CH7, OUTPUT_CH8, OUTPUT_CH9, OUTPUT_CH10, OUTPUT_CH11, OUTPUT_CH12, OUTPUT_CH13, OUTPUT_CH14, OUTPUT_CH15, OUTPUT_CH16, OUTPUT_CH17, OUTPUT_CH18, OUTPUT_CH19, OUTPUT_CH20, OUTPUT_CH21, OUTPUT_CH22, OUTPUT_CH23, OUTPUT_CH24, OUTPUT_CH25, OUTPUT_CH26, OUTPUT_CH27, OUTPUT_CH28, OUTPUT_CH29, OUTPUT_CH30, OUTPUT_CH31, } public enum DSP_TRANSCEIVER_SPEAKERMODE : int { AUTO = -1, MONO = 0, STEREO, SURROUND, } public enum DSP_TRANSCEIVER : int { TRANSMIT, GAIN, CHANNEL, TRANSMITSPEAKERMODE } public enum DSP_OBJECTPAN : int { _3D_POSITION, _3D_ROLLOFF, _3D_MIN_DISTANCE, _3D_MAX_DISTANCE, _3D_EXTENT_MODE, _3D_SOUND_SIZE, _3D_MIN_EXTENT, OVERALL_GAIN, OUTPUTGAIN, ATTENUATION_RANGE, OVERRIDE_RANGE } }