using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.XR.Hands;

namespace UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit.Samples.Hands
    /// <summary>
    /// Behavior that provides events for when an <see cref="XRHand"/> starts and ends a poke gesture. The gesture is
    /// detected if the index finger is extended and the middle, ring, and little fingers are curled in.
    /// </summary>
    public class PokeGestureDetector : MonoBehaviour
        [Tooltip("Which hand to check for the poke gesture.")]
        Handedness m_Handedness;
        int m_Handedness;

        [Tooltip("Called when the hand has started a poke gesture.")]
        UnityEvent m_PokeGestureStarted;

        [Tooltip("Called when the hand has ended a poke gesture.")]
        UnityEvent m_PokeGestureEnded;

        XRHandSubsystem m_Subsystem;
        bool m_IsPoking;

        static readonly List<XRHandSubsystem> s_Subsystems = new List<XRHandSubsystem>();

        /// <summary>
        /// See <see cref="MonoBehaviour"/>.
        /// </summary>
        protected void OnEnable()
            if (s_Subsystems.Count == 0)

            m_Subsystem = s_Subsystems[0];
            m_Subsystem.updatedHands += OnUpdatedHands;
            Debug.LogError("Script requires XR Hands (com.unity.xr.hands) package. Install using Window > Package Manager or click Fix on the related issue in Edit > Project Settings > XR Plug-in Management > Project Validation.", this);

        /// <summary>
        /// See <see cref="MonoBehaviour"/>.
        /// </summary>
        protected void OnDisable()
            if (m_Subsystem == null)

            m_Subsystem.updatedHands -= OnUpdatedHands;
            m_Subsystem = null;

        void OnUpdatedHands(XRHandSubsystem subsystem, XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags updateSuccessFlags, XRHandSubsystem.UpdateType updateType)
            var wasPoking = m_IsPoking;
            switch (m_Handedness)
                case Handedness.Left:
                    if (!HasUpdateSuccessFlag(updateSuccessFlags, XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags.LeftHandJoints))

                    var leftHand = subsystem.leftHand;
                    m_IsPoking = IsIndexExtended(leftHand) && IsMiddleGrabbing(leftHand) && IsRingGrabbing(leftHand) &&
                case Handedness.Right:
                    if (!HasUpdateSuccessFlag(updateSuccessFlags, XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags.RightHandJoints))

                    var rightHand = subsystem.rightHand;
                    m_IsPoking = IsIndexExtended(rightHand) && IsMiddleGrabbing(rightHand) && IsRingGrabbing(rightHand) &&

            if (m_IsPoking && !wasPoking)
            else if (!m_IsPoking && wasPoking)

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether one or more bit fields are set in the flags.
        /// Non-boxing version of <c>HasFlag</c> for <see cref="XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="successFlags">The flags enum instance.</param>
        /// <param name="successFlag">The flag to check if set.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns <see langword="true"/> if the bit field or bit fields are set, otherwise returns <see langword="false"/>.</returns>
        static bool HasUpdateSuccessFlag(XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags successFlags, XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags successFlag)
            return (successFlags & successFlag) == successFlag;

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the given hand's index finger tip is farther from the wrist than the index intermediate joint.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hand">Hand to check for the required pose.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the given hand's index finger tip is farther from the wrist than the index intermediate joint, false otherwise.</returns>
        static bool IsIndexExtended(XRHand hand)
            if (!(hand.GetJoint(XRHandJointID.Wrist).TryGetPose(out var wristPose) &&
                  hand.GetJoint(XRHandJointID.IndexTip).TryGetPose(out var tipPose) &&
                  hand.GetJoint(XRHandJointID.IndexIntermediate).TryGetPose(out var intermediatePose)))
                return false;

            var wristToTip = tipPose.position - wristPose.position;
            var wristToIntermediate = intermediatePose.position - wristPose.position;
            return wristToTip.sqrMagnitude > wristToIntermediate.sqrMagnitude;

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the given hand's middle finger tip is closer to the wrist than the middle proximal joint.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hand">Hand to check for the required pose.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the given hand's middle finger tip is closer to the wrist than the middle proximal joint, false otherwise.</returns>
        static bool IsMiddleGrabbing(XRHand hand)
            if (!(hand.GetJoint(XRHandJointID.Wrist).TryGetPose(out var wristPose) &&
                  hand.GetJoint(XRHandJointID.MiddleTip).TryGetPose(out var tipPose) &&
                  hand.GetJoint(XRHandJointID.MiddleProximal).TryGetPose(out var proximalPose)))
                return false;

            var wristToTip = tipPose.position - wristPose.position;
            var wristToProximal = proximalPose.position - wristPose.position;
            return wristToProximal.sqrMagnitude >= wristToTip.sqrMagnitude;

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the given hand's ring finger tip is closer to the wrist than the ring proximal joint.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hand">Hand to check for the required pose.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the given hand's ring finger tip is closer to the wrist than the ring proximal joint, false otherwise.</returns>
        static bool IsRingGrabbing(XRHand hand)
            if (!(hand.GetJoint(XRHandJointID.Wrist).TryGetPose(out var wristPose) &&
                  hand.GetJoint(XRHandJointID.RingTip).TryGetPose(out var tipPose) &&
                  hand.GetJoint(XRHandJointID.RingProximal).TryGetPose(out var proximalPose)))
                return false;

            var wristToTip = tipPose.position - wristPose.position;
            var wristToProximal = proximalPose.position - wristPose.position;
            return wristToProximal.sqrMagnitude >= wristToTip.sqrMagnitude;

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the given hand's little finger tip is closer to the wrist than the little proximal joint.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hand">Hand to check for the required pose.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the given hand's little finger tip is closer to the wrist than the little proximal joint, false otherwise.</returns>
        static bool IsLittleGrabbing(XRHand hand)
            if (!(hand.GetJoint(XRHandJointID.Wrist).TryGetPose(out var wristPose) &&
                  hand.GetJoint(XRHandJointID.LittleTip).TryGetPose(out var tipPose) &&
                  hand.GetJoint(XRHandJointID.LittleProximal).TryGetPose(out var proximalPose)))
                return false;

            var wristToTip = tipPose.position - wristPose.position;
            var wristToProximal = proximalPose.position - wristPose.position;
            return wristToProximal.sqrMagnitude >= wristToTip.sqrMagnitude;

        void StartPokeGesture()
            m_IsPoking = true;

        void EndPokeGesture()
            m_IsPoking = false;