using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; using System.Linq; using AssetUsageFinder.Styles; using UnityEditor.SceneManagement; namespace AssetUsageFinder { class DependencyWindow : EditorWindow { Vector2 _scrollPos; [SerializeField] DependencyAbstractFinder _data; [SerializeField] protected FindModeEnum _findMode; bool _expandFiles = true; bool _expandScenes = true; static GUIContent _sceneIcon; Rect _popupButtonRect; PrevClick _click; List<Action> _postponedActions; [Serializable] public class Style { public ContentStylePair LookupBtn = new ContentStylePair(); public GUIStyle TabBreadcrumb0 = new GUIStyle(); public GUIStyle TabBreadcrumb1 = new GUIStyle(); public GUIStyle RowMainAssetBtn = new GUIStyle(); public Vector2 Size = new Vector2(250f, 800f); public GUIStyle RowLabel = new GUIStyle(); public static Style FindSelf() { var res = AufUtils.FirstOfType<WindowStyleAsset>(); return EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? res.Pro : res.Personal; } } public static Style StyleInstance => Globals<Style>.GetOrCreate(Style.FindSelf); void OnEnable() { _postponedActions = new List<Action>(); } void BreadCrumbs() { var parents = _data.Parents(); parents.Reverse(); var w = 0f; { using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope()) { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); for (var i = 0; i < parents.Count; i++) { var parent = parents[i]; var style = i == 0 ? StyleInstance.TabBreadcrumb0 : StyleInstance.TabBreadcrumb1; var styleWidth = style.CalcSize(parent.TabContent).x; if (w > EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth - styleWidth) { w = 0f; EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); } w += styleWidth; if (i == parents.Count - 1) { var res = GUILayout.Toggle(true, parent.TabContent, style); if (!res) EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(parent.Target.Target); } else if (GUILayout.Button(parent.TabContent, style)) { EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(parent.Target.Target); _postponedActions.Add(() => { Init(parent); }); } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } } void Update() { if (!_postponedActions.Any()) return; foreach (var a in _postponedActions) a(); _postponedActions.Clear(); } void OnGUI() { if (_postponedActions == null || _data == null || (Event.current != null && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Escape)) { _postponedActions = new List<Action>(); _postponedActions.Add(() => Close()); return; } EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); { BreadCrumbs(); _scrollPos = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(_scrollPos); { EditorGUILayout.Space(); ShowDependencies(_data.Dependencies); } EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); Footer(); } void Footer() { if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint) return; _popupButtonRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); _popupButtonRect.position += position.position; } public void Init(DependencyAbstractFinder d) { _data = d; // _labelMaxWidth = CalculateContentMaxWidth(EditorStyles.label, _data.Dependencies.SelectMany(dd => dd.Properties.Select(p => p.Content))); // var t = new[] {_data.Target.Root}; // if (_data.Target.Nested.TryGet(out var nested)) titleContent = new GUIContent($"{FindMode.GetWindowTitleByFindMode(_findMode)}"); titleContent.tooltip = _data.Title; } void ShowDependencies(ResultRow[] dependencies) { var nDeps = dependencies.Count(); _expandFiles = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(_expandFiles, $"{FindMode.GetContentByFindMode(_findMode)}: [{nDeps}]"); if (_findMode == FindModeEnum.File) { if (_data.Target.Scene.IsValid() && !_data.Target.Scene.isLoaded) return; } if (_expandFiles) { if (nDeps > 0) { foreach (var dependency in dependencies) if (dependency != null && dependency.SerializedObject != null && dependency.SerializedObject.targetObject != null) DrawRow(dependency); else this.Close(); } else { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("No file dependencies found."); } } EditorGUILayout.Space(); var fileDep = _data as FileDependencyFinder; if (fileDep == null) return; if (fileDep.ScenePaths == null) { fileDep.ScenePaths = DependencyFinderEngine.GetScenesThatContain(_data.Target.Target) .Select(p => new FileDependencyFinder.Pair {Path = p, NicifiedPath = p.Replace("Assets/", string.Empty)}).ToArray(); } var nScenes = fileDep.ScenePaths.Count(); _expandScenes = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(_expandScenes, $"In Scenes: [{nScenes}]"); if (!_expandScenes) return; if (nScenes > 0) { foreach (var p in fileDep.ScenePaths) { using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { SceneIcon.text = p.NicifiedPath; if (GUILayout.Button(SceneIcon, EditorStyles.label, GUILayout.Height(16f), GUILayout.MaxWidth(20f + p.NicifiedPath.Length * 7f))) EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<SceneAsset>(p.Path)); if (!GUILayout.Button("Open scene & search")) continue; var sceneToOpen = SceneManager.GetSceneByPath(p.Path); if (sceneToOpen.isLoaded) { GuiManager.OpenSceneWindow(_data.Target.Target, p.Path); } else { var currentScene = EditorSceneManager.GetActiveScene(); if (currentScene.isDirty && EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( $"Unsaved changes", $"You are going to open and search in scene [{p.Path}]\n" + $"but you have unsaved changes at the scene [{}]", $"Stay at current scene and cancel search", $"Discard changes and search")) return; EditorSceneManager.OpenScene(p.Path); GuiManager.OpenSceneWindow(_data.Target.Target, p.Path); } } } } else { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("No scene dependencies found."); } } struct PrevClick { Object _target; float _timeClicked; public PrevClick(Object target) { _target = target; _timeClicked = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; } const float DoubleClickTime = 0.5f; public bool IsDoubleClick(Object o) { return _target == o && Time.realtimeSinceStartup - _timeClicked < DoubleClickTime; } } void DrawRow(ResultRow dependency) { var id = dependency.Main.GetInstanceID(); using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope(EditorStyles.helpBox)) { using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { if (GUILayout.Button(dependency.LabelContent, StyleInstance.RowMainAssetBtn)) { if (_click.IsDoubleClick(dependency.Main)) Selection.activeObject = dependency.Main; else { EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(dependency.Main); } _click = new PrevClick(dependency.Main); } if (GUILayout.Button(StyleInstance.LookupBtn.Content, StyleInstance.LookupBtn.Style)) { _postponedActions.Add(() => Init(_data.Nest(dependency.Main))); } } dependency.SerializedObject.Update(); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); if (dependency.Target) { foreach (var prop in dependency.Properties) { using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { var locked = prop.Property.objectReferenceValue is MonoScript; var f = GUI.enabled; if (locked) GUI.enabled = false; EditorGUILayout.LabelField(prop.Content, StyleInstance.RowLabel, GUILayout.MaxWidth(this.position.width *.8f)); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(prop.Property, GUIContent.none, true, GUILayout.MinWidth(this.position.width *.2f)); if (locked) GUI.enabled = f; } } } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) dependency.SerializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } } static GUIContent SceneIcon { get { return _sceneIcon ?? (_sceneIcon = new GUIContent(AssetPreview.GetMiniTypeThumbnail(typeof(SceneAsset)))); } } } }