using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; namespace AssetUsageDetectorNamespace { [Serializable] public class ObjectToSearch { [Serializable] public class SubAsset { public Object subAsset; public bool shouldSearch; public SubAsset( Object subAsset, bool shouldSearch ) { this.subAsset = subAsset; this.shouldSearch = shouldSearch; } } public Object obj; public List<SubAsset> subAssets; public bool showSubAssetsFoldout; private static HashSet<Object> currentSubAssets; public ObjectToSearch( Object obj, bool? shouldSearchChildren = null ) { this.obj = obj; RefreshSubAssets( shouldSearchChildren ); } public void RefreshSubAssets( bool? shouldSearchChildren = null ) { if( subAssets == null ) subAssets = new List<SubAsset>(); else subAssets.Clear(); if( currentSubAssets == null ) currentSubAssets = new HashSet<Object>(); else currentSubAssets.Clear(); AddSubAssets( obj, false, shouldSearchChildren ); currentSubAssets.Clear(); } private void AddSubAssets( Object target, bool includeTarget, bool? shouldSearchChildren ) { if( target == null || target.Equals( null ) ) return; if( !target.IsAsset() ) { GameObject go = target as GameObject; if( !go || !go.scene.IsValid() ) return; // If this is a scene object, add its child objects to the sub-assets list // but don't include them in the search by default Transform goTransform = go.transform; Transform[] children = go.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>( true ); for( int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++ ) { if( ReferenceEquals( children[i], goTransform ) ) continue; subAssets.Add( new SubAsset( children[i].gameObject, shouldSearchChildren ?? false ) ); } } else { if( !AssetDatabase.IsMainAsset( target ) || target is SceneAsset ) return; if( includeTarget ) { if( currentSubAssets.Add( target ) ) subAssets.Add( new SubAsset( target, shouldSearchChildren ?? true ) ); } else { // If asset is a directory, add all of its contents as sub-assets recursively if( target.IsFolder() ) { foreach( string filePath in Utilities.EnumerateFolderContents( target ) ) AddSubAssets( AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Object>( filePath ), true, shouldSearchChildren ); return; } } // Find sub-asset(s) of the asset (if any) Object[] assets = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath( AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( target ) ); for( int i = 0; i < assets.Length; i++ ) { Object asset = assets[i]; if( asset == null || asset.Equals( null ) || asset is Component || asset == target ) continue; #if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER // Nested prefabs in prefab assets add an additional native object of type 'UnityEngine.PrefabInstance' to the prefab. Managed type of that native type // is UnityEngine.Object (i.e. GetType() returns UnityEngine.Object, not UnityEngine.PrefabInstance). There are no possible references to these native // objects so skip them (we're checking for UnityEngine.Prefab because it includes other native types like UnityEngine.PrefabCreation, as well) if( target is GameObject && asset.GetType() == typeof( Object ) && asset.ToString().Contains( "(UnityEngine.Prefab" ) ) continue; #endif if( currentSubAssets.Add( asset ) ) subAssets.Add( new SubAsset( asset, shouldSearchChildren ?? true ) ); } } } } }