using System; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using UnityEngine.UIElements; using UnityEngine.Video; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright 2015-2024 RenderHeads Ltd. All rights reserved. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace RenderHeads.Media.AVProVideo { /// /// displays the video to the far camera plane /// // Note: // - This will not work if the camera ClearFlag is set to Skybox because of how it is rendered. // the skybox is rendered at position 2000.5 between the Opaque and Transparent objects // with a unique sphere scaled to the camera far plane, meaning that it will only render where // nothing has been written to the depth bufffer. <- that is where the issue arrises, we are // not writing to the depth buffer when rendering the video so the skybox will think nothing // is their and draw over the top. [AddComponentMenu("AVPro Video/Apply To Far Plane", 300)] [HelpURL("")] public sealed class ApplyToFarPlane : ApplyToBase { [Header("Shader Options")] [Tooltip("The color override to apply to the material")] [SerializeField] Color _mainColor; public Color MainColor { get { return _mainColor; } set { if (!_material) CreateMaterial(); _material.SetColor("_Color", value); _mainColor = value; } } [Tooltip("The Main Texture that is being written to by the Media Player")] [SerializeField] Texture _texture; public Texture Texture { get { return _texture; } set { if (!_material) CreateMaterial(); _material.SetTexture("_MainTex", value); _texture = value; } } [Tooltip("The Chroma Texture to apply to the material")] [SerializeField] Texture _chroma; public Texture Chroma { get { return _chroma; } set { if (!_material) CreateMaterial(); _material.SetTexture("_ChromaTex", value); _chroma = value; } } [Tooltip("Alpha of the far plane that is drawn")] [SerializeField] float _alpha = 1f; public float Alpha { get { return _alpha; } set { if (!_material) CreateMaterial(); _material.SetFloat("_Alpha", value); _alpha = value; } } [Tooltip("The Camera far plane to draw to, if left empty main cam will be selected")] [SerializeField] Camera _camera; public Camera Camera { get { return _camera; } set { _camera = value; if (!_material) CreateMaterial(); _material.SetFloat("_TargetCamID", value.GetInstanceID()); } } [Tooltip("The aspect ratio of the video shown, not used when a custom scaling is set")] [SerializeField] VideoAspectRatio _aspectRatio = VideoAspectRatio.Stretch; public VideoAspectRatio VideoAspectRatio { get { return _aspectRatio; } set { if (!_material) CreateMaterial(); _material.SetFloat("_Aspect", (int)value); _aspectRatio = value; } } [Tooltip("How much to offset the image by")] public Vector2 _drawOffset; public Vector2 DrawOffset { get { return _drawOffset; } set { if (!_material) CreateMaterial(); _material.SetVector("_DrawOffset", value); _drawOffset = value; } } [Tooltip("Will replace the Aspect Ratio with custom scaling for the video, when both values are non-zero")] public Vector2 _customScaling; public Vector2 CustomScaling { get { return _customScaling; } set { if (!_material) CreateMaterial(); _material.SetVector("_CustomScale", value); _customScaling = value; } } // the object that is active as the holder for the camera far plane private GameObject _renderedObject; private bool _changedSkybox; public void Awake() { // if the camera was then set the camera to the main camera in the scene if (!_camera) _camera = Camera.main; if (_material) _material.SetFloat("_TargetCamID", _camera.GetInstanceID()); } protected override void OnDisable() { // need to set background back to skybox if we disabled it if (_changedSkybox && _camera) _camera.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Skybox; base.OnDisable(); if (_renderedObject) _renderedObject.SetActive(false); } private void OnDestroy() { // ensure to destroy the created object Destroy(_renderedObject); } public void Update() { // move the rendered object to ensure that it will allways be rendered by the camera, // ensuring that the shader is allways running to display the output on the far plane of the camera _renderedObject.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, _camera.nearClipPlane) + _camera.transform.position + _camera.transform.forward; _renderedObject.transform.rotation = _camera.transform.rotation; } /// /// Creates a Quad mesh used for basic rendering /// /// Quad created public Mesh CreateQuadMesh() { var width = 1; var height = 1; Mesh mesh = new Mesh(); // verts Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[4] { new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(width, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, height, 0), new Vector3(width, height, 0) }; mesh.vertices = vertices; // tris int[] tris = new int[6] { 0, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1 }; mesh.triangles = tris; // normals Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[4] { -_camera.transform.forward, -_camera.transform.forward, -_camera.transform.forward, -_camera.transform.forward }; mesh.normals = normals; // uv's Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[4] { new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(1, 0), new Vector2(0, 1), new Vector2(1, 1) }; mesh.uv = uv; return mesh; } public void CreateMaterial() { _material = new Material(Shader.Find("AVProVideo/Background/AVProVideo-ApplyToFarPlane")); if (_renderedObject) { if (_renderedObject.TryGetComponent(out ApplyToFarPlane_CameraApplier applier)) applier.Material = _material; else { var applier2 = _renderedObject.AddComponent(); applier2.Material = _material; } } } /* Below this point is basically the same as ApplyToMaterial, with a few unecessary functions removed. This is because other than the quad with fancy shader, this is just taking the video to a material, then applying it. */ [Header("Display")] [Tooltip("Default texture to display when the video texture is preparing")] [SerializeField] Texture2D _defaultTexture = null; public Texture2D DefaultTexture { get { return _defaultTexture; } set { if (_defaultTexture != value) { _defaultTexture = value; _isDirty = true; } } } [Tooltip("The Material to use when rendering the video, if not set will use internal " + "\n Note: Material must use the AVProVideo/Background/AVProVideo-ApplyToFarPlane shader")] // this material must use the AVProVideo/Background/AVProVideo-ApplyToFarPlane shader // otherwise it will not render correctly [SerializeField] Material _material = null; [SerializeField] string _texturePropertyName = Helper.UnityBaseTextureName; public string TexturePropertyName { get { return _texturePropertyName; } set { if (_texturePropertyName != value) { _texturePropertyName = value; _propTexture = new LazyShaderProperty(_texturePropertyName); _propTexture_R = new LazyShaderProperty(_texturePropertyName + "_R"); _isDirty = true; } } } [SerializeField] Vector2 _offset =; public Vector2 Offset { get { return _offset; } set { if (_offset != value) { _offset = value; _isDirty = true; } } } [SerializeField] Vector2 _scale =; public Vector2 Scale { get { return _scale; } set { if (_scale != value) { _scale = value; _isDirty = true; } } } private Texture _lastTextureApplied; private LazyShaderProperty _propTexture; private LazyShaderProperty _propTexture_R; private Texture _originalTexture; private Vector2 _originalScale =; private Vector2 _originalOffset =; private Vector2 ImageSize { get { return new Vector2(_media.Info.GetVideoWidth(), _media.Info.GetVideoHeight()); } } protected override void OnEnable() { base.OnEnable(); if (!_material) { CreateMaterial(); } // if the rendered object already exists just enable it otherwise // create a new one and set it up to be used correctly if (_renderedObject) _renderedObject.SetActive(true); else { _renderedObject = new GameObject("Display Background Object"); //_renderedObject.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; var rend = _renderedObject.AddComponent(); var filt = _renderedObject.AddComponent(); Mesh mesh = CreateQuadMesh(); filt.sharedMesh = mesh; //rend.sharedMaterial = _material; var applier = _renderedObject.AddComponent(); if (_camera) _material.SetFloat("_TargetCamID", _camera.GetInstanceID()); applier.Material = _material; rend.sharedMaterial = _material; } // ApplyToFarPlane does not work if the background clear mode is set to skybox, so if it is then change it to color if (_camera.clearFlags == CameraClearFlags.Skybox) { Debug.LogWarning("[AVProVideo] Warning: ApplyToFarPlane does not work with the background clear mode set to skybox, automatically changed to color, this will be undone when the object is disabled"); _changedSkybox = true; _camera.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Color; } } // We do a LateUpdate() to allow for any changes in the texture that may have happened in Update() private void LateUpdate() { Apply(); } /// /// Called via the Editor compoenent, this will allow updating of the material /// properties when they are changed rather than updating them each frame /// /// Which material property was effected public void UpdateMaterialProperties(int target) { if (_material == null) CreateMaterial(); switch (target) { case 0: _material.SetColor("_Color", _mainColor); break; case 3: _material.SetTexture("_MainTex", _texture); break; case 4: _material.SetTexture("_ChromaTex", _chroma); break; case 5: _material.SetFloat("_Alpha", _alpha); break; case 7: _material.SetFloat("_Aspect", (int)_aspectRatio); break; case 8: _material.SetVector("_DrawOffset", _drawOffset); break; case 9: _material.SetVector("_CustomScale", _customScaling); break; default: break; } } public override void Apply() { bool applied = false; if (_media != null && _media.TextureProducer != null) { Texture resamplerTex = _media.FrameResampler == null || _media.FrameResampler.OutputTexture == null ? null : _media.FrameResampler.OutputTexture[0]; Texture texture = _media.UseResampler ? resamplerTex : _media.TextureProducer.GetTexture(0); if (texture != null) { // Check for changing texture if (texture != _lastTextureApplied) { _isDirty = true; } if (_isDirty) { bool requiresVerticalFlip = _media.TextureProducer.RequiresVerticalFlip(); StereoPacking stereoPacking = _media.TextureProducer.GetTextureStereoPacking(); int planeCount = 1; if (!_media.UseResampler) { // We're not using the resampler so the number of planes will be the texture count planeCount = _media.TextureProducer.GetTextureCount(); if (stereoPacking == StereoPacking.TwoTextures) { // Unless we're using two texture stereo in which case it'll be half the texture count planeCount /= 2; } } for (int plane = 0; plane < planeCount; ++plane) { Texture resamplerTexPlane = _media.FrameResampler == null || _media.FrameResampler.OutputTexture == null ? null : _media.FrameResampler.OutputTexture[plane]; texture = _media.UseResampler ? resamplerTexPlane : _media.TextureProducer.GetTexture(plane); if (texture != null) { ApplyMapping(texture, requiresVerticalFlip, plane); } } // Handle the right eye if we're using two texture stereo packing if (stereoPacking == StereoPacking.TwoTextures) { for (int plane = 0; plane < planeCount; ++plane) { texture = _media.TextureProducer.GetTexture(planeCount + plane); if (texture != null) { ApplyMapping(texture, requiresVerticalFlip, plane, Eye.Right); } } } } applied = true; } } // If the media didn't apply a texture, then try to apply the default texture if (!applied) { if (_defaultTexture != _lastTextureApplied) { _isDirty = true; } if (_isDirty) { #if UNITY_PLATFORM_SUPPORTS_YPCBCR if (_material != null && _material.HasProperty(VideoRender.PropUseYpCbCr.Id)) { _material.DisableKeyword(VideoRender.Keyword_UseYpCbCr); } #endif ApplyMapping(_defaultTexture, false); } } } enum Eye { Left, Right } /// /// /// /// /// /// /// Which eye we're mapping, defaults to the left eye private void ApplyMapping(Texture texture, bool requiresYFlip, int plane = 0, Eye eye = Eye.Left) { if (_material != null) { _isDirty = false; if (plane == 0) { int propTextureId = _propTexture.Id; if (eye == Eye.Left) { VideoRender.SetupMaterialForMedia(_material, _media, propTextureId, texture, texture == _defaultTexture); _lastTextureApplied = texture; #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_ANDROID if (texture == _defaultTexture) { _material.EnableKeyword("USING_DEFAULT_TEXTURE"); } else { _material.DisableKeyword("USING_DEFAULT_TEXTURE"); } #endif } else { propTextureId = _propTexture_R.Id; _material.SetTexture(propTextureId, texture); } if (texture != null) { if (requiresYFlip) { if (_material.HasProperty(propTextureId)) // editor error on not being initilised on first run { _material.SetTextureScale(propTextureId, new Vector2(_scale.x, -_scale.y)); _material.SetTextureOffset(propTextureId, Vector2.up + _offset); } } else { _material.SetTextureScale(propTextureId, _scale); _material.SetTextureOffset(propTextureId, _offset); } } } else if (plane == 1) { if (texture != null) { if (requiresYFlip) { _material.SetTextureScale(VideoRender.PropChromaTex.Id, new Vector2(_scale.x, -_scale.y)); _material.SetTextureOffset(VideoRender.PropChromaTex.Id, Vector2.up + _offset); } else { _material.SetTextureScale(VideoRender.PropChromaTex.Id, _scale); _material.SetTextureOffset(VideoRender.PropChromaTex.Id, _offset); } } } } else CreateMaterial(); } protected override void SaveProperties() { if (_material != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_texturePropertyName)) { _originalTexture = _material.mainTexture; _originalScale = _material.mainTextureScale; _originalOffset = _material.mainTextureOffset; } else { _originalTexture = _material.GetTexture(_texturePropertyName); _originalScale = _material.GetTextureScale(_texturePropertyName); _originalOffset = _material.GetTextureOffset(_texturePropertyName); } } else CreateMaterial(); _propTexture = new LazyShaderProperty(_texturePropertyName); _propTexture_R = new LazyShaderProperty(_texturePropertyName + "_R"); } protected override void RestoreProperties() { if (_material != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_texturePropertyName)) { _material.mainTexture = _originalTexture; _material.mainTextureScale = _originalScale; _material.mainTextureOffset = _originalOffset; } else { _material.SetTexture(_texturePropertyName, _originalTexture); _material.SetTextureScale(_texturePropertyName, _originalScale); _material.SetTextureOffset(_texturePropertyName, _originalOffset); } } else CreateMaterial(); } } }