/* ---------------------------------------
 * Author:          Martin Pane (martintayx@gmail.com) (@martinTayx)
 * Contributors:    https://github.com/Tayx94/graphy/graphs/contributors
 * Project:         Graphy - Ultimate Stats Monitor
 * Date:            15-Dec-17
 * Studio:          Tayx
 * Git repo:        https://github.com/Tayx94/graphy
 * This project is released under the MIT license.
 * Attribution is not required, but it is always welcomed!
 * -------------------------------------*/

using Tayx.Graphy.Graph;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

namespace Tayx.Graphy.Audio
    public class G_AudioGraph : G_Graph
        #region Variables -> Serialized Private

        [SerializeField] private Image m_imageGraph = null;
        [SerializeField] private Image m_imageGraphHighestValues = null;

        [SerializeField] private Shader ShaderFull = null;
        [SerializeField] private Shader ShaderLight = null;

        [SerializeField] private bool m_isInitialized = false;


        #region Variables -> Private

        private GraphyManager m_graphyManager = null;

        private G_AudioMonitor m_audioMonitor = null;

        private int m_resolution = 40;

        private G_GraphShader m_shaderGraph = null;
        private G_GraphShader m_shaderGraphHighestValues = null;

        private float[] m_graphArray;
        private float[] m_graphArrayHighestValue;


        #region Methods -> Unity Callbacks

        private void OnEnable()
            /* ----- NOTE: ----------------------------
             * We used to Init() here regardless of
             * whether this module was enabled.
             * The reason we don't Init() here
             * anymore is that some users are on 
             * platforms that do not support the arrays 
             * in the Shaders.
             * See: https://github.com/Tayx94/graphy/issues/17
             * Even though we don't Init() competely
             * here anymore, we still need 
             * m_audioMonitor for in Update()
             * --------------------------------------*/
            m_audioMonitor = GetComponent<G_AudioMonitor>();

        private void Update()
            if( m_audioMonitor.SpectrumDataAvailable )


        #region Methods -> Public

        public void UpdateParameters()
            if( m_shaderGraph == null )
                // While Graphy is disabled (e.g. by default via Ctrl+H) and while in Editor after a Hot-Swap,
                // the OnApplicationFocus calls this while m_shaderGraph == null, throwing a NullReferenceException

            switch( m_graphyManager.GraphyMode )
                case GraphyManager.Mode.FULL:
                    m_shaderGraph.ArrayMaxSize = G_GraphShader.ArrayMaxSizeFull;
                    m_shaderGraph.Image.material = new Material( ShaderFull );

                    m_shaderGraphHighestValues.ArrayMaxSize = G_GraphShader.ArrayMaxSizeFull;
                    m_shaderGraphHighestValues.Image.material = new Material( ShaderFull );

                case GraphyManager.Mode.LIGHT:
                    m_shaderGraph.ArrayMaxSize = G_GraphShader.ArrayMaxSizeLight;
                    m_shaderGraph.Image.material = new Material( ShaderLight );

                    m_shaderGraphHighestValues.ArrayMaxSize = G_GraphShader.ArrayMaxSizeLight;
                    m_shaderGraphHighestValues.Image.material = new Material( ShaderLight );


            m_resolution = m_graphyManager.AudioGraphResolution;



        #region Methods -> Protected Override

        protected override void UpdateGraph()
            // Since we no longer initialize by default OnEnable(), 
            // we need to check here, and Init() if needed
            if( !m_isInitialized )

            int incrementPerIteration = Mathf.FloorToInt( m_audioMonitor.Spectrum.Length / (float) m_resolution );

            // Current values -------------------------

            for( int i = 0; i <= m_resolution - 1; i++ )
                float currentValue = 0;

                for( int j = 0; j < incrementPerIteration; j++ )
                    currentValue += m_audioMonitor.Spectrum[ i * incrementPerIteration + j ];

                // Uses 3 values for each bar to accomplish that look

                if( (i + 1) % 3 == 0 && i > 1 )
                    float value =
                        m_audioMonitor.dBNormalized( m_audioMonitor.lin2dB( currentValue / incrementPerIteration ) )
                        + m_graphArray[ i - 1 ]
                        + m_graphArray[ i - 2 ]
                    ) / 3;

                    m_graphArray[ i ] = value;
                    m_graphArray[ i - 1 ] = value;
                    m_graphArray[ i - 2 ] =
                        -1; // Always set the third one to -1 to leave gaps in the graph and improve readability
                    m_graphArray[ i ] =
                        m_audioMonitor.dBNormalized( m_audioMonitor.lin2dB( currentValue / incrementPerIteration ) );

            for( int i = 0; i <= m_resolution - 1; i++ )
                m_shaderGraph.ShaderArrayValues[ i ] = m_graphArray[ i ];


            // Highest values -------------------------

            for( int i = 0; i <= m_resolution - 1; i++ )
                float currentValue = 0;

                for( int j = 0; j < incrementPerIteration; j++ )
                    currentValue += m_audioMonitor.SpectrumHighestValues[ i * incrementPerIteration + j ];

                // Uses 3 values for each bar to accomplish that look

                if( (i + 1) % 3 == 0 && i > 1 )
                    float value =
                        m_audioMonitor.dBNormalized( m_audioMonitor.lin2dB( currentValue / incrementPerIteration ) )
                        + m_graphArrayHighestValue[ i - 1 ]
                        + m_graphArrayHighestValue[ i - 2 ]
                    ) / 3;

                    m_graphArrayHighestValue[ i ] = value;
                    m_graphArrayHighestValue[ i - 1 ] = value;
                    m_graphArrayHighestValue[ i - 2 ] =
                        -1; // Always set the third one to -1 to leave gaps in the graph and improve readability
                    m_graphArrayHighestValue[ i ] =
                        m_audioMonitor.dBNormalized( m_audioMonitor.lin2dB( currentValue / incrementPerIteration ) );

            for( int i = 0; i <= m_resolution - 1; i++ )
                m_shaderGraphHighestValues.ShaderArrayValues[ i ] = m_graphArrayHighestValue[ i ];


        protected override void CreatePoints()
            // Init Arrays
            if( m_shaderGraph.ShaderArrayValues == null || m_shaderGraph.ShaderArrayValues.Length != m_resolution )
                m_graphArray = new float[m_resolution];
                m_graphArrayHighestValue = new float[m_resolution];
                m_shaderGraph.ShaderArrayValues = new float[m_resolution];
                m_shaderGraphHighestValues.ShaderArrayValues = new float[m_resolution];

            for( int i = 0; i < m_resolution; i++ )
                m_shaderGraph.ShaderArrayValues[ i ] = 0;
                m_shaderGraphHighestValues.ShaderArrayValues[ i ] = 0;

            // Color
            m_shaderGraph.GoodColor = m_graphyManager.AudioGraphColor;
            m_shaderGraph.CautionColor = m_graphyManager.AudioGraphColor;
            m_shaderGraph.CriticalColor = m_graphyManager.AudioGraphColor;

            m_shaderGraphHighestValues.GoodColor = m_graphyManager.AudioGraphColor;
            m_shaderGraphHighestValues.CautionColor = m_graphyManager.AudioGraphColor;
            m_shaderGraphHighestValues.CriticalColor = m_graphyManager.AudioGraphColor;

            // Threshold
            m_shaderGraph.GoodThreshold = 0;
            m_shaderGraph.CautionThreshold = 0;

            m_shaderGraphHighestValues.GoodThreshold = 0;
            m_shaderGraphHighestValues.CautionThreshold = 0;

            // Update Array

            // Average
            m_shaderGraph.Average = 0;

            m_shaderGraphHighestValues.Average = 0;


        #region Methods -> Private

        private void Init()
            m_graphyManager = transform.root.GetComponentInChildren<GraphyManager>();

            m_audioMonitor = GetComponent<G_AudioMonitor>();

            m_shaderGraph = new G_GraphShader
                Image = m_imageGraph

            m_shaderGraphHighestValues = new G_GraphShader
                Image = m_imageGraphHighestValues


            m_isInitialized = true;
