using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace UnityEngine.XR.Hands.Samples.VisualizerSample { /// /// This component visualizes the hand joints and mesh for the left and right hands. /// public class HandVisualizer : MonoBehaviour { /// /// The type of velocity to visualize. /// public enum VelocityType { /// /// Visualize the linear velocity of the joint. /// Linear, /// /// Visualize the angular velocity of the joint. /// Angular, /// /// Do not visualize velocity. /// None, } [SerializeField] [Tooltip("If this is enabled, this component will enable the Input System internal feature flag 'USE_OPTIMIZED_CONTROLS'. You must have at least version 1.5.0 of the Input System and have its backend enabled for this to take effect.")] bool m_UseOptimizedControls; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("References either a prefab or a GameObject in the scene that will be used to visualize the left hand.")] GameObject m_LeftHandMesh; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("References either a prefab or a GameObject in the scene that will be used to visualize the right hand.")] GameObject m_RightHandMesh; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("(Optional) If this is set, the hand meshes will be assigned this material.")] Material m_HandMeshMaterial; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("Tells the Hand Visualizer to draw the meshes for the hands.")] bool m_DrawMeshes; bool m_PreviousDrawMeshes; /// /// Tells the Hand Visualizer to draw the meshes for the hands. /// public bool drawMeshes { get => m_DrawMeshes; set => m_DrawMeshes = value; } [SerializeField] [Tooltip("The prefab that will be used to visualize the joints for debugging.")] GameObject m_DebugDrawPrefab; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("Tells the Hand Visualizer to draw the debug joints for the hands.")] bool m_DebugDrawJoints; bool m_PreviousDebugDrawJoints; /// /// Tells the Hand Visualizer to draw the debug joints for the hands. /// public bool debugDrawJoints { get => m_DebugDrawJoints; set => m_DebugDrawJoints = value; } [SerializeField] [Tooltip("Prefab to use for visualizing the velocity.")] GameObject m_VelocityPrefab; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("The type of velocity to visualize.")] VelocityType m_VelocityType; VelocityType m_PreviousVelocityType; /// /// The type of velocity to visualize. /// public VelocityType velocityType { get => m_VelocityType; set => m_VelocityType = value; } XRHandSubsystem m_Subsystem; HandGameObjects m_LeftHandGameObjects; HandGameObjects m_RightHandGameObjects; static readonly List s_SubsystemsReuse = new List(); /// /// See . /// protected void Awake() { #if ENABLE_INPUT_SYSTEM if (m_UseOptimizedControls) InputSystem.InputSystem.settings.SetInternalFeatureFlag("USE_OPTIMIZED_CONTROLS", true); #endif // ENABLE_INPUT_SYSTEM } /// /// See . /// protected void OnEnable() { if (m_Subsystem == null) return; UpdateRenderingVisibility(m_LeftHandGameObjects, m_Subsystem.leftHand.isTracked); UpdateRenderingVisibility(m_RightHandGameObjects, m_Subsystem.rightHand.isTracked); } /// /// See . /// protected void OnDisable() { if (m_Subsystem != null) { m_Subsystem.trackingAcquired -= OnTrackingAcquired; m_Subsystem.trackingLost -= OnTrackingLost; m_Subsystem.updatedHands -= OnUpdatedHands; m_Subsystem = null; } UpdateRenderingVisibility(m_LeftHandGameObjects, false); UpdateRenderingVisibility(m_RightHandGameObjects, false); } /// /// See . /// protected void OnDestroy() { if (m_LeftHandGameObjects != null) { m_LeftHandGameObjects.OnDestroy(); m_LeftHandGameObjects = null; } if (m_RightHandGameObjects != null) { m_RightHandGameObjects.OnDestroy(); m_RightHandGameObjects = null; } } /// /// See . /// protected void Update() { if (m_Subsystem != null && m_Subsystem.running) return; SubsystemManager.GetSubsystems(s_SubsystemsReuse); var foundRunningHandSubsystem = false; for (var i = 0; i < s_SubsystemsReuse.Count; ++i) { var handSubsystem = s_SubsystemsReuse[i]; if (handSubsystem.running) { UnsubscribeHandSubsystem(); m_Subsystem = handSubsystem; foundRunningHandSubsystem = true; break; } } if (!foundRunningHandSubsystem) return; if (m_LeftHandGameObjects == null) { m_LeftHandGameObjects = new HandGameObjects( Handedness.Left, transform, m_LeftHandMesh, m_HandMeshMaterial, m_DebugDrawPrefab, m_VelocityPrefab); } if (m_RightHandGameObjects == null) { m_RightHandGameObjects = new HandGameObjects( Handedness.Right, transform, m_RightHandMesh, m_HandMeshMaterial, m_DebugDrawPrefab, m_VelocityPrefab); } UpdateRenderingVisibility(m_LeftHandGameObjects, m_Subsystem.leftHand.isTracked); UpdateRenderingVisibility(m_RightHandGameObjects, m_Subsystem.rightHand.isTracked); m_PreviousDrawMeshes = m_DrawMeshes; m_PreviousDebugDrawJoints = m_DebugDrawJoints; m_PreviousVelocityType = m_VelocityType; SubscribeHandSubsystem(); } void SubscribeHandSubsystem() { if (m_Subsystem == null) return; m_Subsystem.trackingAcquired += OnTrackingAcquired; m_Subsystem.trackingLost += OnTrackingLost; m_Subsystem.updatedHands += OnUpdatedHands; } void UnsubscribeHandSubsystem() { if (m_Subsystem == null) return; m_Subsystem.trackingAcquired -= OnTrackingAcquired; m_Subsystem.trackingLost -= OnTrackingLost; m_Subsystem.updatedHands -= OnUpdatedHands; } void UpdateRenderingVisibility(HandGameObjects handGameObjects, bool isTracked) { if (handGameObjects == null) return; handGameObjects.ToggleDrawMesh(m_DrawMeshes); handGameObjects.ToggleDebugDrawJoints(m_DebugDrawJoints && isTracked); handGameObjects.SetVelocityType(isTracked ? m_VelocityType : VelocityType.None); } void OnTrackingAcquired(XRHand hand) { switch (hand.handedness) { case Handedness.Left: UpdateRenderingVisibility(m_LeftHandGameObjects, true); break; case Handedness.Right: UpdateRenderingVisibility(m_RightHandGameObjects, true); break; } } void OnTrackingLost(XRHand hand) { switch (hand.handedness) { case Handedness.Left: UpdateRenderingVisibility(m_LeftHandGameObjects, false); break; case Handedness.Right: UpdateRenderingVisibility(m_RightHandGameObjects, false); break; } } void OnUpdatedHands(XRHandSubsystem subsystem, XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags updateSuccessFlags, XRHandSubsystem.UpdateType updateType) { // We have no game logic depending on the Transforms, so early out here // (add game logic before this return here, directly querying from // subsystem.leftHand and subsystem.rightHand using GetJoint on each hand) if (updateType == XRHandSubsystem.UpdateType.Dynamic) return; bool leftHandTracked = subsystem.leftHand.isTracked; bool rightHandTracked = subsystem.rightHand.isTracked; if (m_PreviousDrawMeshes != m_DrawMeshes) { m_LeftHandGameObjects.ToggleDrawMesh(m_DrawMeshes); m_RightHandGameObjects.ToggleDrawMesh(m_DrawMeshes); m_PreviousDrawMeshes = m_DrawMeshes; } if (m_PreviousDebugDrawJoints != m_DebugDrawJoints) { m_LeftHandGameObjects.ToggleDebugDrawJoints(m_DebugDrawJoints && leftHandTracked); m_RightHandGameObjects.ToggleDebugDrawJoints(m_DebugDrawJoints && rightHandTracked); m_PreviousDebugDrawJoints = m_DebugDrawJoints; } if (m_PreviousVelocityType != m_VelocityType) { m_LeftHandGameObjects.SetVelocityType(leftHandTracked ? m_VelocityType : VelocityType.None); m_RightHandGameObjects.SetVelocityType(rightHandTracked ? m_VelocityType : VelocityType.None); m_PreviousVelocityType = m_VelocityType; } m_LeftHandGameObjects.UpdateJoints( subsystem.leftHand, (updateSuccessFlags & XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags.LeftHandJoints) != 0, m_DebugDrawJoints, m_VelocityType); m_RightHandGameObjects.UpdateJoints( subsystem.rightHand, (updateSuccessFlags & XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags.RightHandJoints) != 0, m_DebugDrawJoints, m_VelocityType); } class HandGameObjects { GameObject m_HandRoot; GameObject m_DrawJointsParent; GameObject[] m_DrawJoints = new GameObject[XRHandJointID.EndMarker.ToIndex()]; GameObject[] m_VelocityParents = new GameObject[XRHandJointID.EndMarker.ToIndex()]; LineRenderer[] m_Lines = new LineRenderer[XRHandJointID.EndMarker.ToIndex()]; static Vector3[] s_LinePointsReuse = new Vector3[2]; XRHandMeshController m_MeshController; const float k_LineWidth = 0.005f; public HandGameObjects( Handedness handedness, Transform parent, GameObject meshPrefab, Material meshMaterial, GameObject debugDrawPrefab, GameObject velocityPrefab) { void AssignJoint( XRHandJointID jointId, Transform jointDrivenTransform, Transform drawJointsParent) { var jointIndex = jointId.ToIndex(); m_DrawJoints[jointIndex] = Instantiate(debugDrawPrefab); m_DrawJoints[jointIndex].transform.parent = drawJointsParent; m_DrawJoints[jointIndex].name = jointId.ToString(); m_VelocityParents[jointIndex] = Instantiate(velocityPrefab); m_VelocityParents[jointIndex].transform.parent = jointDrivenTransform; m_Lines[jointIndex] = m_DrawJoints[jointIndex].GetComponent(); m_Lines[jointIndex].startWidth = m_Lines[jointIndex].endWidth = k_LineWidth; s_LinePointsReuse[0] = s_LinePointsReuse[1] = jointDrivenTransform.position; m_Lines[jointIndex].SetPositions(s_LinePointsReuse); } var isSceneObject = meshPrefab.scene.IsValid(); m_HandRoot = isSceneObject ? meshPrefab : Instantiate(meshPrefab, parent); m_HandRoot.SetActive(false); // Deactivate so that added components do not run OnEnable before they are finished being set up m_HandRoot.transform.localPosition =; m_HandRoot.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; var handEvents = m_HandRoot.GetComponent(); if (handEvents == null) { handEvents = m_HandRoot.AddComponent(); handEvents.updateType = XRHandTrackingEvents.UpdateTypes.Dynamic; handEvents.handedness = handedness; } m_MeshController = m_HandRoot.GetComponent(); if (m_MeshController == null) { m_MeshController = m_HandRoot.AddComponent(); for (var childIndex = 0; childIndex < m_HandRoot.transform.childCount; ++childIndex) { var childTransform = m_HandRoot.transform.GetChild(childIndex); if (childTransform.TryGetComponent(out var renderer)) m_MeshController.handMeshRenderer = renderer; } m_MeshController.handTrackingEvents = handEvents; } if (meshMaterial != null) { m_MeshController.handMeshRenderer.sharedMaterial = meshMaterial; } var skeletonDriver = m_HandRoot.GetComponent(); if (skeletonDriver == null) { skeletonDriver = m_HandRoot.AddComponent(); skeletonDriver.jointTransformReferences = new List(); Transform root = null; for (var childIndex = 0; childIndex < m_HandRoot.transform.childCount; ++childIndex) { var child = m_HandRoot.transform.GetChild(childIndex); if ( root = child; } skeletonDriver.rootTransform = root; XRHandSkeletonDriverUtility.FindJointsFromRoot(skeletonDriver); skeletonDriver.InitializeFromSerializedReferences(); skeletonDriver.handTrackingEvents = handEvents; } m_DrawJointsParent = new GameObject(); m_DrawJointsParent.transform.parent = parent; m_DrawJointsParent.transform.localPosition =; m_DrawJointsParent.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; = handedness + "HandDebugDrawJoints"; for (var i = 0; i < skeletonDriver.jointTransformReferences.Count; i++) { var jointTransformReference = skeletonDriver.jointTransformReferences[i]; var jointTransform = jointTransformReference.jointTransform; var jointID = jointTransformReference.xrHandJointID; AssignJoint(jointID, jointTransform, m_DrawJointsParent.transform); } m_HandRoot.SetActive(true); } public void OnDestroy() { Destroy(m_HandRoot); m_HandRoot = null; for (var jointIndex = 0; jointIndex < m_DrawJoints.Length; ++jointIndex) { Destroy(m_DrawJoints[jointIndex]); m_DrawJoints[jointIndex] = null; } for (var jointIndex = 0; jointIndex < m_VelocityParents.Length; ++jointIndex) { Destroy(m_VelocityParents[jointIndex]); m_VelocityParents[jointIndex] = null; } Destroy(m_DrawJointsParent); m_DrawJointsParent = null; } public void ToggleDrawMesh(bool drawMesh) { m_MeshController.enabled = drawMesh; if (!drawMesh) m_MeshController.handMeshRenderer.enabled = false; } public void ToggleDebugDrawJoints(bool debugDrawJoints) { for (int jointIndex = 0; jointIndex < m_DrawJoints.Length; ++jointIndex) { ToggleRenderers(debugDrawJoints, m_DrawJoints[jointIndex].transform); m_Lines[jointIndex].enabled = debugDrawJoints; } m_Lines[0].enabled = false; } public void SetVelocityType(VelocityType velocityType) { for (int jointIndex = 0; jointIndex < m_VelocityParents.Length; ++jointIndex) ToggleRenderers(velocityType != VelocityType.None, m_VelocityParents[jointIndex].transform); } public void UpdateJoints( XRHand hand, bool areJointsTracked, bool debugDrawJoints, VelocityType velocityType) { if (!areJointsTracked) return; var wristPose = Pose.identity; var parentIndex = XRHandJointID.Wrist.ToIndex(); UpdateJoint(debugDrawJoints, velocityType, hand.GetJoint(XRHandJointID.Wrist), ref wristPose, ref parentIndex); UpdateJoint(debugDrawJoints, velocityType, hand.GetJoint(XRHandJointID.Palm), ref wristPose, ref parentIndex, false); for (var fingerIndex = (int)XRHandFingerID.Thumb; fingerIndex <= (int)XRHandFingerID.Little; ++fingerIndex) { var parentPose = wristPose; var fingerId = (XRHandFingerID)fingerIndex; parentIndex = XRHandJointID.Wrist.ToIndex(); var jointIndexBack = fingerId.GetBackJointID().ToIndex(); for (var jointIndex = fingerId.GetFrontJointID().ToIndex(); jointIndex <= jointIndexBack; ++jointIndex) { UpdateJoint(debugDrawJoints, velocityType, hand.GetJoint(XRHandJointIDUtility.FromIndex(jointIndex)), ref parentPose, ref parentIndex); } } } void UpdateJoint( bool debugDrawJoints, VelocityType velocityType, XRHandJoint joint, ref Pose parentPose, ref int parentIndex, bool cacheParentPose = true) { if ( == XRHandJointID.Invalid) return; var jointIndex =; if (!joint.TryGetPose(out var pose)) return; m_DrawJoints[jointIndex].transform.localPosition = pose.position; m_DrawJoints[jointIndex].transform.localRotation = pose.rotation; if (debugDrawJoints && != XRHandJointID.Wrist) { s_LinePointsReuse[0] = m_DrawJoints[parentIndex].transform.position; s_LinePointsReuse[1] = m_DrawJoints[jointIndex].transform.position; m_Lines[jointIndex].SetPositions(s_LinePointsReuse); } if (cacheParentPose) { parentPose = pose; parentIndex = jointIndex; } if (velocityType != VelocityType.None && m_VelocityParents[jointIndex].TryGetComponent(out var renderer)) { m_VelocityParents[jointIndex].transform.localPosition =; m_VelocityParents[jointIndex].transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; s_LinePointsReuse[0] = s_LinePointsReuse[1] = m_VelocityParents[jointIndex].transform.position; if (velocityType == VelocityType.Linear) { if (joint.TryGetLinearVelocity(out var velocity)) s_LinePointsReuse[1] += velocity; } else if (velocityType == VelocityType.Angular) { if (joint.TryGetAngularVelocity(out var velocity)) s_LinePointsReuse[1] += 0.05f * velocity.normalized; } renderer.SetPositions(s_LinePointsReuse); } } static void ToggleRenderers(bool toggle, Transform rendererTransform) where TRenderer : Renderer { if (rendererTransform.TryGetComponent(out var renderer)) renderer.enabled = toggle; for (var childIndex = 0; childIndex < rendererTransform.childCount; ++childIndex) ToggleRenderers(toggle, rendererTransform.GetChild(childIndex)); } } } }