
1037 lines
38 KiB

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
using UnityEditor;
namespace FMOD
public partial class VERSION
public const string dllSuffix = "L";
public const string dllSuffix = "";
namespace FMOD.Studio
public partial class STUDIO_VERSION
public const string dllSuffix = "L";
public const string dllSuffix = "";
namespace FMODUnity
public class PlatformCallbackHandler : ScriptableObject
// A hook for custom initialization logic. RuntimeManager.Initialize calls this
// just before calling system.Initialize.
// Call reportResult() with the result of each FMOD call to use FMOD's error handling logic.
public virtual void PreInitialize(FMOD.Studio.System system, Action<FMOD.RESULT, string> reportResult)
// This class holds per-platform settings and provides hooks for platform-specific behaviour.
// Each platform has a parent platform, forming a hierarchy that is rooted at PlatformDefault.
// By default a platform inherits all of its properties from its parent platform; this behaviour
// can be overridden for each property.
// There is at least one concrete derived class for each supported platform; these classes use
// [InitializeOnLoad] and a static constructor to register themselves as supported platforms by
// calling Settings.AddPlatformTemplate. The user can also create instances of the PlatformGroup
// class and use them to group platforms that have settings in common.
public abstract class Platform : ScriptableObject
internal const float DefaultPriority = 0;
internal const int MaximumCoreCount = 16;
internal static readonly FileLayout[] OldFileLayouts = {
// These need to match the function called by LoadStaticPlugins
internal const string RegisterStaticPluginsClassName = "StaticPluginManager";
internal const string RegisterStaticPluginsFunctionName = "Register";
// This is a persistent identifier. It is used:
// * To link platforms together at load time
// * To avoid creating duplicate platforms from templates (in Settings.OnEnable)
// * As a key for SettingsEditor UI state
// It should be kept stable for concrete platforms (like PlatformWindows) to support
// settings migration in the future.
private string identifier;
private string parentIdentifier;
private bool active = false;
protected PropertyStorage Properties = new PropertyStorage();
internal string OutputTypeName;
private static List<ThreadAffinityGroup> StaticThreadAffinities = new List<ThreadAffinityGroup>();
private PropertyThreadAffinityList threadAffinities = new PropertyThreadAffinityList();
private float displaySortOrder;
private List<string> childIdentifiers = new List<string>();
// The parent platform from which this platform inherits its property values.
public Platform Parent;
internal string Identifier
return identifier;
identifier = value;
// The display name to show for this platform in the UI.
internal abstract string DisplayName { get; }
// Declares the Unity RuntimePlatforms this platform implements.
internal abstract void DeclareRuntimePlatforms(Settings settings);
// The Unity BuildTargets this platform implements.
// Returns BuildTarget.NoTarget if the correct value is not defined, as some BuildTarget
// values are only defined in specific circumstances (e.g. Stadia required Unity 2019.3).
internal abstract IEnumerable<BuildTarget> GetBuildTargets();
// The old FMOD platform identifier that this platform corresponds to, for settings migration.
internal abstract Legacy.Platform LegacyIdentifier { get; }
// The priority to use when finding a platform to support the current Unity runtime
// platform (higher priorities are tried first).
internal virtual float Priority { get { return DefaultPriority; } }
// Determines whether this platform matches the current environment. When more than one
// platform implements the current Unity runtime platform, FMOD for Unity will use the
// highest-priority platform that returns true from MatchesCurrentEnvironment.
internal virtual bool MatchesCurrentEnvironment { get { return true; } }
// Whether this platform is a fixed part of the FMOD for Unity settings, or can be
// added/removed by the user.
internal virtual bool IsIntrinsic { get { return false; } }
// A hook for platform-specific initialization logic. RuntimeManager.Initialize calls this
// before calling FMOD.Studio.System.create.
internal virtual void PreSystemCreate(Action<FMOD.RESULT, string> reportResult)
// A hook for platform-specific initialization logic. RuntimeManager.Initialize calls this
// just before calling studioSystem.Initialize.
internal virtual void PreInitialize(FMOD.Studio.System studioSystem)
// The folder in which FMOD .bank files are stored. Used when loading banks.
internal virtual string GetBankFolder()
return Application.streamingAssetsPath;
public enum BinaryType
Release = 1,
Logging = 2,
Optional = 4,
AllVariants = 8,
All = Release | Logging | Optional | AllVariants
protected virtual IEnumerable<string> GetBinaryPaths(BuildTarget buildTarget, BinaryType binaryType, string prefix)
foreach (BinaryFileInfo info in GetBinaryFileInfo(buildTarget, binaryType))
yield return info.LatestLocation();
internal abstract class FileInfo
public FileInfo(FileRecord fileRecord, BinaryType type)
this.fileRecord = fileRecord;
this.type = type;
public readonly BinaryType type;
private readonly FileRecord fileRecord;
public string LatestLocation()
return GetLocation(FileLayout.Latest);
public IEnumerable<string> OldLocations()
foreach (FileLayout layout in OldFileLayouts)
string location = GetLocation(layout);
if (location != null)
yield return location;
private string GetLocation(FileLayout layout)
string basePath = GetBasePath(layout);
if (basePath == null)
return null;
bool absolute;
string path;
fileRecord.GetPath(layout, out path, out absolute);
if (absolute)
return path;
return string.Format("{0}/{1}", basePath, path);
protected abstract string GetBasePath(FileLayout layout);
internal class BinaryFileInfo : FileInfo
public BinaryFileInfo(Platform platform, FileRecord fileRecord, BuildTarget buildTarget, BinaryType type)
: base(fileRecord, type)
this.platform = platform;
this.buildTarget = buildTarget;
private readonly Platform platform;
private readonly BuildTarget buildTarget;
protected override string GetBasePath(FileLayout layout)
BinaryAssetFolderInfo info = platform.GetBinaryAssetFolder(buildTarget);
if (layout < info.oldestLayout)
return null;
switch (layout)
case FileLayout.Release_1_10:
return info.path_1_10;
case FileLayout.Release_2_0:
return string.Format("Assets/Plugins/FMOD/lib/{0}", info.baseName);
case FileLayout.Release_2_1:
case FileLayout.Release_2_2:
return $"{RuntimeUtils.PluginBasePath}/platforms/{info.baseName}/lib";
throw new ArgumentException("Unrecognised file layout: " + layout);
public struct FileRecord
public FileRecord(string latestPath)
this.latestPath = latestPath;
pathVersions = null;
public FileRecord WithAbsoluteVersion(FileLayout layout, string path)
AddVersion(layout, path, true);
return this;
public FileRecord WithRelativeVersion(FileLayout layout, string path)
AddVersion(layout, path, false);
return this;
private void AddVersion(FileLayout layout, string path, bool absolute)
if (pathVersions == null)
pathVersions = new Dictionary<FileLayout, PathInfo>();
pathVersions.Add(layout, new PathInfo() { path = path, absolute = absolute });
public void GetPath(FileLayout layout, out string path, out bool absolute)
if (pathVersions != null)
PathInfo pathForLayout;
if (pathVersions.TryGetValue(layout, out pathForLayout))
absolute = pathForLayout.absolute;
path = pathForLayout.path;
absolute = false;
path = latestPath;
private struct PathInfo
public string path;
public bool absolute;
private readonly string latestPath;
private Dictionary<FileLayout, PathInfo> pathVersions;
internal IEnumerable<BinaryFileInfo> GetBinaryFileInfo(BuildTarget buildTarget, BinaryType binaryType)
bool allVariants = (binaryType & BinaryType.AllVariants) == BinaryType.AllVariants;
if ((binaryType & BinaryType.Release) == BinaryType.Release)
foreach (FileRecord record in GetBinaryFiles(buildTarget, allVariants, ""))
yield return CreateFileInfo(record, buildTarget, BinaryType.Release);
if ((binaryType & BinaryType.Logging) == BinaryType.Logging)
foreach (FileRecord record in GetBinaryFiles(buildTarget, allVariants, "L"))
yield return CreateFileInfo(record, buildTarget, BinaryType.Logging);
if ((binaryType & BinaryType.Optional) == BinaryType.Optional)
foreach (FileRecord record in GetOptionalBinaryFiles(buildTarget, allVariants))
yield return CreateFileInfo(record, buildTarget, BinaryType.Optional);
internal class SourceFileInfo : FileInfo
public SourceFileInfo(Platform platform, FileRecord fileRecord)
: base(fileRecord, BinaryType.Optional)
this.platform = platform;
private readonly Platform platform;
protected override string GetBasePath(FileLayout layout)
BinaryAssetFolderInfo info = platform.GetBinaryAssetFolder(platform.GetBuildTargets().First());
if (layout < info.oldestLayout)
return null;
switch (layout)
case FileLayout.Release_1_10:
return "Plugins/FMOD/Wrapper";
case FileLayout.Release_2_0:
return "Plugins/FMOD/src/Runtime/wrapper";
case FileLayout.Release_2_1:
case FileLayout.Release_2_2:
return $"{RuntimeUtils.PluginBasePath}/platforms/{info.baseName}/src";
throw new ArgumentException("Unrecognised file layout: " + layout);
internal IEnumerable<SourceFileInfo> GetSourceFileInfo()
foreach (FileRecord record in GetSourceFiles())
yield return new SourceFileInfo(this, record);
internal BinaryFileInfo CreateFileInfo(FileRecord record, BuildTarget buildTarget, BinaryType binaryType)
return new BinaryFileInfo(this, record, buildTarget, binaryType);
internal virtual IEnumerable<string> GetObsoleteAssetPaths()
foreach (string path in GetObsoleteFiles())
yield return $"{RuntimeUtils.PluginBasePath}/{path}";
yield return $"{RuntimeUtils.PluginBasePathDefault}/{path}";
// Called by Settings.CanBuildTarget to get the required binaries for the current
// build target and logging state.
internal virtual IEnumerable<string> GetBinaryFilePaths(BuildTarget buildTarget, BinaryType binaryType)
return GetBinaryPaths(buildTarget, binaryType, RuntimeUtils.PluginBasePath);
// Called by Settings.SelectBinaries to get:
// * The required and optional binaries for the current build target and logging state;
// these get enabled.
// * All binaries; any that weren't enabled in the previous step get disabled.
internal virtual IEnumerable<string> GetBinaryAssetPaths(BuildTarget buildTarget, BinaryType binaryType)
return GetBinaryPaths(buildTarget, binaryType, RuntimeUtils.PluginBasePath);
public enum FileLayout : uint
Latest = Release_2_2,
protected class BinaryAssetFolderInfo
public BinaryAssetFolderInfo(string baseName, string path_1_10)
this.baseName = baseName;
this.path_1_10 = path_1_10;
this.oldestLayout = FileLayout.Release_1_10;
public BinaryAssetFolderInfo(string baseName, FileLayout oldestLayout)
this.baseName = baseName;
this.path_1_10 = null;
this.oldestLayout = oldestLayout;
public string baseName { get; private set; }
public string path_1_10 { get; private set; }
public FileLayout oldestLayout { get; private set; }
protected abstract BinaryAssetFolderInfo GetBinaryAssetFolder(BuildTarget buildTarget);
protected abstract IEnumerable<FileRecord> GetBinaryFiles(BuildTarget buildTarget, bool allVariants, string suffix);
protected virtual IEnumerable<FileRecord> GetOptionalBinaryFiles(BuildTarget buildTarget, bool allVariants)
yield break;
protected virtual IEnumerable<FileRecord> GetSourceFiles()
yield break;
protected virtual IEnumerable<string> GetObsoleteFiles()
yield break;
internal virtual bool IsFMODStaticallyLinked { get { return false; } }
internal virtual bool SupportsAdditionalCPP(BuildTarget target)
return true;
// The base path for FMOD plugins when in a standalone player.
protected virtual string GetPluginBasePath()
return string.Format("{0}/Plugins", Application.dataPath);
// Returns the full path for an FMOD plugin.
internal virtual string GetPluginPath(string pluginName)
throw new NotImplementedException(string.Format("Plugins are not implemented on platform {0}", Identifier));
// Loads static and dynamic FMOD plugins for this platform.
internal virtual void LoadPlugins(FMOD.System coreSystem, Action<FMOD.RESULT, string> reportResult)
LoadDynamicPlugins(coreSystem, reportResult);
LoadStaticPlugins(coreSystem, reportResult);
// Loads dynamic FMOD plugins for this platform.
internal virtual void LoadDynamicPlugins(FMOD.System coreSystem, Action<FMOD.RESULT, string> reportResult)
List<string> pluginNames = Plugins;
if (pluginNames == null)
foreach (string pluginName in pluginNames)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pluginName))
string pluginPath = GetPluginPath(pluginName);
uint handle;
FMOD.RESULT result = coreSystem.loadPlugin(pluginPath, out handle);
// Add a "64" suffix and try again
string pluginPath64 = GetPluginPath(pluginName + "64");
result = coreSystem.loadPlugin(pluginPath64, out handle);
reportResult(result, string.Format("Loading plugin '{0}' from '{1}'", pluginName, pluginPath));
// Loads static FMOD plugins for this platform.
internal virtual void LoadStaticPlugins(FMOD.System coreSystem, Action<FMOD.RESULT, string> reportResult)
if (StaticPlugins.Count > 0)
// We use reflection here to avoid compile errors if the plugin registration code doesn't exist.
// It should be generated by Settings.PreprocessStaticPlugins(), which is called from
// IPreprocessBuildWithReport.OnPreprocessBuild(). However, some compilation scenarios
// (such as AddressableAssetSettings.BuildPlayerContent()) don't call OnPreprocessBuild(),
// so we can't generate the plugin registration code.
string className = string.Format("FMODUnity.{0}", RegisterStaticPluginsClassName);
Type type = Type.GetType(className);
if (type == null)
"FMOD: {0} static plugins specified, but the {1} class was not found.",
StaticPlugins.Count, className);
MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod(RegisterStaticPluginsFunctionName,
BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
if (method == null)
"FMOD: {0} static plugins specified, but the {1}.{2} method was not found.",
StaticPlugins.Count, className, RegisterStaticPluginsFunctionName);
method.Invoke(null, new object[] { coreSystem, reportResult });
"FMOD: {0} static plugins specified, but static plugins are only supported on the IL2CPP scripting backend",
// Ensures that this platform has properties.
internal void AffirmProperties()
if (!active)
Properties = new PropertyStorage();
active = true;
// Clears this platform's properties.
internal void ClearProperties()
if (active)
Properties = new PropertyStorage();
active = false;
DisplaySortOrder = 0;
// Initializes this platform's properties to their default values.
internal virtual void InitializeProperties()
if (!IsIntrinsic)
ParentIdentifier = PlatformDefault.ConstIdentifier;
// Ensures that this platform's properties are valid after loading from file.
internal virtual void EnsurePropertiesAreValid()
if (!IsIntrinsic && string.IsNullOrEmpty(ParentIdentifier))
ParentIdentifier = PlatformDefault.ConstIdentifier;
internal string ParentIdentifier
return parentIdentifier;
parentIdentifier = value;
internal float DisplaySortOrder
return displaySortOrder;
displaySortOrder = value;
internal bool IsLiveUpdateEnabled
return LiveUpdate != TriStateBool.Disabled;
return LiveUpdate == TriStateBool.Enabled;
internal bool IsOverlayEnabled
return Overlay != TriStateBool.Disabled;
return Overlay == TriStateBool.Enabled;
// A property value that can be inherited from the parent or overridden.
public class Property<T>
public T Value;
public bool HasValue;
// These stub classes are needed because Unity can't serialize generic classes
public class PropertyBool : Property<TriStateBool>
public class PropertyScreenPosition : Property<ScreenPosition>
public class PropertyInt : Property<int>
public class PropertySpeakerMode : Property<FMOD.SPEAKERMODE>
public class PropertyString : Property<string>
public class PropertyStringList : Property<List<string>>
public class PropertyCallbackHandler : Property<PlatformCallbackHandler>
internal interface PropertyOverrideControl
bool HasValue(Platform platform);
void Clear(Platform platform);
// This class provides access to a specific property on any Platform object; the property to
// operate on is determined by the Getter function. This allows client code to operate on
// platform properties in a generic manner.
internal struct PropertyAccessor<T> : PropertyOverrideControl
private readonly Func<PropertyStorage, Property<T>> Getter;
private readonly T DefaultValue;
public PropertyAccessor(Func<PropertyStorage, Property<T>> getter, T defaultValue)
Getter = getter;
DefaultValue = defaultValue;
// Determine whether the property has a value in the given platform, or is inherited
// from the parent.
public bool HasValue(Platform platform)
return platform.Active && Getter(platform.Properties).HasValue;
// Get the (possibly inherited) value of the property for the given platform.
public T Get(Platform platform)
for (Platform current = platform; current != null; current = current.Parent)
if (current.Active)
Property<T> property = Getter(current.Properties);
if (property.HasValue)
return property.Value;
if (platform is PlatformPlayInEditor)
return Get(Settings.EditorSettings.CurrentEditorPlatform);
return DefaultValue;
// Set the value of the property in the given platform, so it is not inherited from the
// platform's parent.
public void Set(Platform platform, T value)
Property<T> property = Getter(platform.Properties);
property.Value = value;
property.HasValue = true;
// Clear the value of the property in the given platform, so it is inherited from the
// platform's parent.
public void Clear(Platform platform)
Getter(platform.Properties).HasValue = false;
// This class stores all of the inheritable properties for a platform.
public class PropertyStorage
public PropertyBool LiveUpdate = new PropertyBool();
public PropertyInt LiveUpdatePort = new PropertyInt();
public PropertyBool Overlay = new PropertyBool();
public PropertyScreenPosition OverlayPosition = new PropertyScreenPosition();
public PropertyInt OverlayFontSize = new PropertyInt();
public PropertyBool Logging = new PropertyBool();
public PropertyInt SampleRate = new PropertyInt();
public PropertyString BuildDirectory = new PropertyString();
public PropertySpeakerMode SpeakerMode = new PropertySpeakerMode();
public PropertyInt VirtualChannelCount = new PropertyInt();
public PropertyInt RealChannelCount = new PropertyInt();
public PropertyInt DSPBufferLength = new PropertyInt();
public PropertyInt DSPBufferCount = new PropertyInt();
public PropertyStringList Plugins = new PropertyStringList();
public PropertyStringList StaticPlugins = new PropertyStringList();
public PropertyCallbackHandler CallbackHandler = new PropertyCallbackHandler();
// Whether this platform is active in the settings UI.
internal bool Active { get { return active; } }
// Whether this platform has any properties that are not inherited from the parent.
internal bool HasAnyOverriddenProperties
return active &&
|| Properties.LiveUpdatePort.HasValue
|| Properties.Overlay.HasValue
|| Properties.OverlayPosition.HasValue
|| Properties.OverlayFontSize.HasValue
|| Properties.Logging.HasValue
|| Properties.SampleRate.HasValue
|| Properties.BuildDirectory.HasValue
|| Properties.SpeakerMode.HasValue
|| Properties.VirtualChannelCount.HasValue
|| Properties.RealChannelCount.HasValue
|| Properties.DSPBufferLength.HasValue
|| Properties.DSPBufferCount.HasValue
|| Properties.Plugins.HasValue
|| Properties.StaticPlugins.HasValue
// These accessors provide (possibly inherited) property values.
public TriStateBool LiveUpdate { get { return PropertyAccessors.LiveUpdate.Get(this); } }
public int LiveUpdatePort { get { return PropertyAccessors.LiveUpdatePort.Get(this); } }
public TriStateBool Overlay { get { return PropertyAccessors.Overlay.Get(this); } }
public ScreenPosition OverlayRect { get { return PropertyAccessors.OverlayPosition.Get(this); } }
public int OverlayFontSize { get { return PropertyAccessors.OverlayFontSize.Get(this); } }
public void SetOverlayFontSize(int size) { PropertyAccessors.OverlayFontSize.Set(this, size); }
public TriStateBool Logging { get { return PropertyAccessors.Logging.Get(this); } }
public int SampleRate { get { return PropertyAccessors.SampleRate.Get(this); } }
public string BuildDirectory { get { return PropertyAccessors.BuildDirectory.Get(this); } }
public FMOD.SPEAKERMODE SpeakerMode { get { return PropertyAccessors.SpeakerMode.Get(this); } }
public int VirtualChannelCount { get { return PropertyAccessors.VirtualChannelCount.Get(this); } }
public int RealChannelCount { get { return PropertyAccessors.RealChannelCount.Get(this); } }
public int DSPBufferLength { get { return PropertyAccessors.DSPBufferLength.Get(this); } }
public int DSPBufferCount { get { return PropertyAccessors.DSPBufferCount.Get(this); } }
public List<string> Plugins { get { return PropertyAccessors.Plugins.Get(this); } }
public List<string> StaticPlugins { get { return PropertyAccessors.StaticPlugins.Get(this); } }
public PlatformCallbackHandler CallbackHandler { get { return PropertyAccessors.CallbackHandler.Get(this); } }
// These accessors provide full access to properties.
internal static class PropertyAccessors
public static readonly PropertyAccessor<TriStateBool> LiveUpdate
= new PropertyAccessor<TriStateBool>(properties => properties.LiveUpdate, TriStateBool.Disabled);
public static readonly PropertyAccessor<int> LiveUpdatePort
= new PropertyAccessor<int>(properties => properties.LiveUpdatePort, 9264);
public static readonly PropertyAccessor<TriStateBool> Overlay
= new PropertyAccessor<TriStateBool>(properties => properties.Overlay, TriStateBool.Disabled);
public static readonly PropertyAccessor<ScreenPosition> OverlayPosition = new PropertyAccessor<ScreenPosition>(properties => properties.OverlayPosition, ScreenPosition.TopLeft);
public static readonly PropertyAccessor<int> OverlayFontSize = new PropertyAccessor<int>(properties => properties.OverlayFontSize, 14);
public static readonly PropertyAccessor<TriStateBool> Logging
= new PropertyAccessor<TriStateBool>(properties => properties.Logging, TriStateBool.Disabled);
public static readonly PropertyAccessor<int> SampleRate
= new PropertyAccessor<int>(properties => properties.SampleRate, 0);
public static readonly PropertyAccessor<string> BuildDirectory
= new PropertyAccessor<string>(properties => properties.BuildDirectory, "Desktop");
public static readonly PropertyAccessor<FMOD.SPEAKERMODE> SpeakerMode
= new PropertyAccessor<FMOD.SPEAKERMODE>(properties => properties.SpeakerMode, FMOD.SPEAKERMODE.STEREO);
public static readonly PropertyAccessor<int> VirtualChannelCount
= new PropertyAccessor<int>(properties => properties.VirtualChannelCount, 128);
public static readonly PropertyAccessor<int> RealChannelCount
= new PropertyAccessor<int>(properties => properties.RealChannelCount, 32);
public static readonly PropertyAccessor<int> DSPBufferLength
= new PropertyAccessor<int>(properties => properties.DSPBufferLength, 0);
public static readonly PropertyAccessor<int> DSPBufferCount
= new PropertyAccessor<int>(properties => properties.DSPBufferCount, 0);
public static readonly PropertyAccessor<List<string>> Plugins
= new PropertyAccessor<List<string>>(properties => properties.Plugins, null);
public static readonly PropertyAccessor<List<string>> StaticPlugins
= new PropertyAccessor<List<string>>(properties => properties.StaticPlugins, null);
public static readonly PropertyAccessor<PlatformCallbackHandler> CallbackHandler
= new PropertyAccessor<PlatformCallbackHandler>(properties => properties.CallbackHandler, null);
// The parent platform from which this platform inherits its property values.
internal Platform Parent
return (ParentIdentifier != null) ? Settings.Instance.FindPlatform(ParentIdentifier) : null;
// The platforms which inherit their property values from this platform.
internal List<string> ChildIdentifiers { get { return childIdentifiers; } }
// Checks whether this platform inherits from the given platform, so we can avoid creating
// inheritance loops.
internal bool InheritsFrom(Platform platform)
if (platform == this)
return true;
else if (Parent != null)
return Parent.InheritsFrom(platform);
return false;
internal FMOD.OUTPUTTYPE GetOutputType()
if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(FMOD.OUTPUTTYPE), OutputTypeName))
return (FMOD.OUTPUTTYPE)Enum.Parse(typeof(FMOD.OUTPUTTYPE), OutputTypeName);
public struct OutputType
public string displayName;
public FMOD.OUTPUTTYPE outputType;
internal abstract OutputType[] ValidOutputTypes { get; }
internal virtual int CoreCount { get { return 0; } }
internal virtual List<ThreadAffinityGroup> DefaultThreadAffinities { get { return StaticThreadAffinities; } }
public class PropertyThreadAffinityList : Property<List<ThreadAffinityGroup>>
public IEnumerable<ThreadAffinityGroup> ThreadAffinities
if (threadAffinities.HasValue)
return threadAffinities.Value;
return DefaultThreadAffinities;
internal PropertyThreadAffinityList ThreadAffinitiesProperty { get { return threadAffinities; } }
internal virtual List<CodecChannelCount> DefaultCodecChannels { get { return staticCodecChannels; } }
private static List<CodecChannelCount> staticCodecChannels = new List<CodecChannelCount>()
new CodecChannelCount { format = CodecType.FADPCM, channels = 32 },
new CodecChannelCount { format = CodecType.Vorbis, channels = 0 },
internal class PropertyCodecChannels : Property<List<CodecChannelCount>>
private PropertyCodecChannels codecChannels = new PropertyCodecChannels();
internal List<CodecChannelCount> CodecChannels
if (codecChannels.HasValue)
return codecChannels.Value;
return DefaultCodecChannels;
internal PropertyCodecChannels CodecChannelsProperty { get { return codecChannels; } }