42 lines
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using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
namespace AssetUsageFinder {
public static class AufUtils {
public static Object[] LoadAllAssetsAtPath (string assetPath) {
// prevents error "Do not use readobjectthreaded on scene objects!"
return typeof (SceneAsset) == AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetTypeAtPath (assetPath)
? new[] { AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath (assetPath) }
: AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath (assetPath);
public static T FirstOfType<T> () where T : Object {
var typeName = typeof (T).Name;
var guids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets (string.Format ("t:{0}", typeName));
if (!guids.Any ()) {
AssetDatabase.Refresh (ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate);
if (guids.Length == 0) {
Asr.Fail ();
Report (typeName);
return null;
foreach (var guid in guids) {
var path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath (guid);
var asset = (T)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath (path, typeof (T));
return asset;
Report (typeName);
return null;
static void Report (string typeName) {
Debug.LogError (string.Format ("Cannot find '{0}' (AUF style resource). Please try to remove AUF and import again, or restart Unity", typeName));