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@section('body-class', 'property')
<strong>Mietobjekt: {{ $base['latlng'] }} ({{ $base['region_name'] }})</strong>
<li><a href="/">Start</a></li>
@foreach($regions as $r)
<li><a href="/region/{{ $r['id'] }}">{{ $r['name'] }}</a></li>
<button popovertarget="prop-details"></button>
<div popover id="prop-details">
<dd>{{ $base['region_name'] }}</dd>
<dt>Zum ersten mal gefunden</dt>
<dd>{{ $base['first_found'] }}</dd>
<dt>Zum letzten mal gefunden</dt>
<dd>{{ $base['last_found'] }}</dd>
<article style="grid-area: timeline;">
<div id="timeline"></div>
<article class="header" style="grid-area: chart2;">
<h2 id="belegung-title">
Kalenderansicht der Verfügbarkeit am <span class="date">{{ $startDate }}</span>
</h2><button popovertarget="popup-cal"></button>
<div popover id="popup-cal">
Das Kalenderdiagram zeigt die drei Verfügbarkeitskategorien des Mietobjekts.
<div id="chart-calendar"></div>
<article class="header map" style="grid-area: chart5;">
<h2 id="belegung-title">
Kurzzeitmietobjekte in der Nähe
<div id="chart-map"></div>
<article class="header" style="grid-area: chart3;">
Verfügbarkeit Mietobjekt Monate am <span class="date">{{ $startDate }}</span>
<div id="chart-capacity-monthly">
<article class="header" style="grid-area: chart1;">
Entwicklung der Verfügbarkeit
<button popovertarget="chart-capacity-popover"></button>
<div id="chart-capacity-popover" popover>
<h2>Erkläung zum Diagramm</h2>
<p>Das Liniendiagramm zeigt, wie sich die insgesamte Verfügbarkeit des Kurzzeitmietobjekts entwickelt hat.</p>
<div id="chart-capacity"></div>
<article class="header" style="grid-area: chart4;">
Verfügbarkeit Mietobjekt Tage am <span class="date">{{ $startDate }}</span>
<div id="chart-capacity-daily">
<script type="module">
const sharedOptions = {
extractiondates: {!! $diagramsOptions['shared']['extractiondates']!!},
basic: {
color: {!!$diagramsOptions['shared']['colors']!!},
grid: {
top: 20,
left: 60,
right: 0,
bottom: 50
tooltip: {
show: true,
trigger: 'axis',
valueFormatter: (value) => value.toFixed(2) + '%'
name: (opt) => {
return {
nameLocation: opt.location,
nameGap: 24,
nameTextStyle: {
fontWeight: 'bold',
const chartTimeline = document.getElementById('timeline');
const cTimeline = echarts.init(chartTimeline);
const cTimelineOptions = {
grid: {
show: false,
timeline: {
data: sharedOptions.extractiondates,
playInterval: 1000,
axisType: 'time',
left: 8,
right: 8,
bottom: 0,
label: {
show: false
const chartCapacityMonthly = document.getElementById('chart-capacity-monthly');
const cCapacityMonthly = echarts.init(chartCapacityMonthly);
const cCapacityMonthlyOptions = {
tooltip: sharedOptions.basic.tooltip,
timeline: {
show: false,
data: sharedOptions.extractiondates,
axisType: 'time',
grid: {
top: 5,
bottom: 40,
left: 70,
right: 10
xAxis: {
type: 'value',
max: 100,
name: 'Verfügbarkeit in %',
nameLocation: 'center',
nameGap: 25,
nameTextStyle: {
fontWeight: 'bold',
yAxis: {
type: 'category',
options: [
@foreach ($diagramsOptions['capacityMonthly']['options'] as $cM)
yAxis: {
data: {!! json_encode($cM['months']) !!}
series: [{
type: 'bar',
itemStyle: {
color: sharedOptions.basic.color[3]
data: {!! json_encode($cM['capacities']) !!}
const chartCapacityDaily = document.getElementById('chart-capacity-daily');
const cCapacityDaily = echarts.init(chartCapacityDaily);
const cCapacityDailyOptions = {
tooltip: sharedOptions.basic.tooltip,
timeline: {
show: false,
data: sharedOptions.extractiondates,
axisType: 'time',
grid: {
top: 5,
bottom: 40,
left: 70,
right: 10
xAxis: {
type: 'value',
max: 100,
name: 'Verfügbarkeit in %',
nameLocation: 'center',
nameGap: 25,
nameTextStyle: {
fontWeight: 'bold',
yAxis: {
type: 'category',
options: [
@foreach ($diagramsOptions['capacityDaily']['options'] as $cD)
yAxis: {
data: {!! json_encode($cD['weekdays']) !!}
series: [{
type: 'bar',
itemStyle: {
color: sharedOptions.basic.color[3]
data: {!! json_encode($cD['capacities']) !!}
const chartCapacity = document.getElementById('chart-capacity');
const cCapacity = echarts.init(chartCapacity);
const cCapacityOptions = {
color: sharedOptions.basic.color,
legend: {
show: true
tooltip: {
trigger: 'axis',
valueFormatter: (value) => value.toFixed(2)+'%'
grid: {
top: 40,
left: 25,
right: 10,
bottom: 20,
containLabel: true
xAxis: {
type: 'category',
boundaryGap: false,
data: {!! $diagramsOptions['capacities']['xAxis']['data'] !!},
name: 'Zeitpunkt Scraping',
nameLocation: 'center',
nameGap: 24,
nameTextStyle: {
fontWeight: 'bold',
yAxis: {
type: 'value',
min: 0,
max: 100,
name: 'Verfügbarkeit in %',
nameLocation: 'center',
nameGap: 38,
nameTextStyle: {
fontWeight: 'bold',
series: [
name: 'Verfügbarkeit Mietobjekt',
type: 'line',
symbolSize: 7,
data: {!! $diagramsOptions['capacities']["series"][0]["data"] !!}
name: 'Verfügbarkeit {{ $base['region_name'] }}',
type: 'line',
symbolSize: 7,
data: {!! $diagramsOptions['capacities']["series"][1]["data"] !!}
name: 'Verfügbarkeit alle Regionen',
type: 'line',
symbolSize: 7,
data: {!! $diagramsOptions['capacities']["series"][2]["data"] !!}
const chartCalendar = document.getElementById('chart-calendar');
const cCalendar = echarts.init(chartCalendar);
const h2Belegung = document.getElementById('belegung-title');
const cCalendarOptions = {
timeline: {
show: false,
data: sharedOptions.extractiondates,
axisType: 'time',
visualMap: {
categories: [0,1,2],
inRange: {
color: ['#ca0020', '#92c5de', '#0571b0']
formatter: (cat) => {
switch (cat) {
case 0:
return 'Ausgebucht';
case 1:
return 'Verfügbar (kein Anreisetag)';
case 2:
return 'Verfügbar';
type: 'piecewise',
orient: 'horizontal',
left: 'center',
top: 0
orient: 'horizontal',
range: '2024',
top: '15%',
right: 10,
bottom: '65%',
left: 50,
dayLabel: {
fontSize: 10
orient: 'horizontal',
range: '2025',
top: '47%',
right: 10,
bottom: '33%',
left: 50,
dayLabel: {
fontSize: 10
orient: 'horizontal',
range: '2026',
top: '79%',
right: 10,
bottom: '1%',
left: 50,
dayLabel: {
fontSize: 10
options: [
@foreach ($diagramsOptions['calendar']['series'] as $c)
series: [{
type: 'heatmap',
coordinateSystem: 'calendar',
calendarIndex: 0,
data: {!! json_encode($c) !!}
type: 'heatmap',
coordinateSystem: 'calendar',
calendarIndex: 1,
data: {!! json_encode($c) !!}
type: 'heatmap',
coordinateSystem: 'calendar',
calendarIndex: 2,
data: {!! json_encode($c) !!}
cTimeline.on('timelinechanged', (e) => {
let dateTitles = document.querySelectorAll('');
dateTitles.forEach(el => {
el.innerText =[e.currentIndex];
// Set markpoint on linechart
let x =[e.currentIndex];
let y = cCapacityOptions.series[0].data[e.currentIndex];
type: 'timelineChange',
currentIndex: e.currentIndex
type: 'timelineChange',
currentIndex: e.currentIndex
type: 'timelineChange',
currentIndex: e.currentIndex
series: {
markPoint: {
data: [{
coord: [x, y]
/* Map w/ neighbours*/
const map ='chart-map');
L.tileLayer('{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
maxZoom: 19,
attribution: '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>'
function icon(id = 0){
return L.divIcon({
className: "region"+id,
html: '<span></span>'
const markers = L.featureGroup([
L.marker([{{ $base['latlng'] }}], {icon: icon(1)}),
@foreach($neighbours as $n)
L.marker([{{ $n['lat'] }}, {{ $n['lon'] }}], {icon: icon()}).bindPopup('<a href="/property/{{ $n['id'] }}">{{ $n['lat'] }}, {{ $n['lon'] }}</a>'),
map.fitBounds(markers.getBounds(), {padding: [20,20]})
cCapacity.on('click', 'series', (e) => {
// Switch to correct calendar in the timeline
type: 'timelineChange',
currentIndex: e.dataIndex